Training ability. Multi-level English learning system

Training ability. Multi-level English learning system
Training ability. Multi-level English learning system

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The book of a popular author Sergei Matveyeva includes the following sections: "On English Pronunciation" (the basic rules of English pronunciation are given here, and numerous exceptions are presented from the rules), "Grammar" (given information necessary in order to understand the main grammatical difficulties and seize Skills of oral and written speech), "Dictionaries" (small English-Russian and Russian-English - a good help for reading and independent lessons). The study guide provides numerous examples from original American and English literature, as well as from the live speech. Finally, in the "application", the reader will find the article "Linguistic Astrology: Horoscope of Good luck", in which it is described about how the stars affect the study of a foreign language, and the tips of the astrologer are given.
For a wide range of readers of any age and a different level of training - and for those who are just starting to learn English, and for those who once taught him, but forgot.

Lasts past.
If present for a long time (Present Continuous) is used to designate events that occur here and now, then the last time (Past Continuous) is used if you need to talk about what happened once and lasted for a while. For example, from 5 to 6 hours yesterday. Or the day before yesterday. Or last week. But it was not that (as in the case of a simple passing time, Past Simple), and was happening. As they say, it happened, and did not happen.

For its formation, simply replacing the forms of the verb to Be, which were used for Present Continuous, on the appropriate forms of past time. That is, the "I am reading" type offer (I am Reading) goes to "I was reading" (I Was Reading). And that's all! No hidden payments and commissions for cashing!

From publishing
About English pronunciation.
How to say that you understand correctly
Letter of the law
English Alphabet
Publicity of consonants
Exceptions confirm the rules
Pronunciation of 500 of the most important words of the English language
Grammar. Easy and fast
Cat - He and Africa Cat!
Substantiable - Supplement - the circumstance
I you he she; Together - a whole country
You - I, I - You
Force of gravity
Something there is something
One, two, three, four, five
Simply paired repil
From afar long
Path to perfection
There is no limit to perfection
The order is order
Verbs with settlers and idioms
Uncle Gera.
Verbs requiring inspine
Verbs requiring after themselves
Modus Vivendi
Revolution - mother of teaching
Mal small small
That's how the question is
Talkers in the rank
Pick up the most necessary words to say about the main thing
Virtual love
Wrong verbs - the most complete table
Application. Linguistic Astrology: Good luck horoscope.

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  • English Aphorisms, Matveev S.A., 2012 - In this book, collected the most successful and interesting from a linguistic point of view English aphorisms, including experience, knowledge, wit and amazing ... English books
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The following textbooks and books:

  • Fast English, for those who have no time, but urgently need, Matveev S.A., 2014 - English allowance is intended for those who, in the cost of a minimum of effort, you need to get a real result. Unique author's technique and ... English books
  • Fast English, for those who need to not know, and simply explain, Matveev S.A., 2015 - the new book of the popular series S. A. Matveyeva Fast English is a practical guide for those who want to say the necessary words in ... English books
  • Fast English, all grammar in tables and schemes, Matveev S.A., 2014 - The benefits are collected by the most necessary rules of English grammar rules in the schemes and tables. This is a kind of crib for those who ... English books
  • English language in 30 days, Matveev S.A., 2015 - English in 30 days is a unique tutorial, designed for those who do not know English, but wants to master them. ... English books

Previous articles:

  • Speaking in English is simple, Kaul M.R., Hidekel S.S., 2015 - Speak in English just! This is a fascinating allowance, thanks to which you will learn to easily communicate in English in any situations. The book contains more than 100 ... English books
  • Grammar English, theory, practice, Zvekhovskaya E.V., Kosichenko E.F., 2014 - The book is a reference book and at the same time a tutorial containing 84 thematic lessons. The grammatical rules are accompanied by examples and exercises on their ... English books
  • English, an intense simplified course, Brel N., Postlo N., 2015 - This tutorial was created by experienced English teachers in a simplified technique and aimed at effective mastering the live speech. You can … English books
  • Fast English without a teacher, Bgashev V.N., 2015 - allowance is intended for intensive learning English speech, reading, understanding and communicating. Encompasses vocabulary on 12 major household topics. ... English books

"I heard about spoken clubs for a long time, but it seemed to me that enough. I did not understand what could be chatted with unfamiliar people, and even on broken English. Nevertheless, the first session was involved from the first minutes. In such conversations, you need a forming center, bright and progress. Sean, a native speaker, just like that. In a matter of seconds, all participants are involved in a single game. Thank you very much Sean, for the pleasure of communication Thanks Irina, for the next push from the comfort zone in a pleasant flying in an unfamiliar environment, I am engaged individually with the Australian teacher, but group experience is important and needed on a par with other practices. I will be happy to continue. Thanks to the organizers. "

Catherine from Moscow, 33 years

Milan Bogdanova

Mikhail Chukhanov

Onlinecourse: "Learning to read English with pleasure": « Thanks to all course creators for this opportunity !!! What happened is a very significant event for me - I really began to read (and I continue it with pleasure) in English ke! This is amazing, because I was afraid to come closely not what to books in English, I even browse a small information, English-speaking sites caused significant difficulties. "

Natasha Kalinina

Milan Bogdanova

"I have always had a belief that reading books on someone's language for me is the overall task for me, but thanks to experienced teachers and my wonderful support group (participants in learning with whom I was in the group), I discovered unique the ability to read and even getting great reading pleasure.»

Ely Alieva

Online course "English through self-development": "I began to use English more for practical tasks. For example, I recently chose a proposal for the sale of a guitar on the London website on the London announcement, he himself conducted correspondence with sellers and bought a legendary guitar from one English musical family in London. We even sat, talked with them "for life." For me, this is a little victory! "

Mikhail Chukhanov

Online course "Learn to read English with pleasure": "Seriously, tell me who a couple more months ago that I will devote every evening to read in English, I would be very surprised. Previously, it was rather torture for me, the pleasure, rather the necessity than the choice. "

Olga Pashkevich

We decided to master English "from scratch" in adulthood? Great idea! Doubt your own? In vain. We will tell, on what features of learning to pay attention and save you from psychological restrictions. Believe in yourself, English on your shoulder!

Believe in yourself, otherwise others do not have a reason to believe in you. English increasingly penetrates our lives. If earlier they used only travelers and translators, now the situation has changed. Without knowing the language, it is difficult not only to get a highly paid position, but also learn to work on a computer, read the instructions for household appliances, etc.

Schoolchildren and students are usually forced to engage English in courses or in an educational institution. But those who have reached the age of 25 and did not master english, it is difficult to convince to take care of study. We find a million excuses, remembering how I have to have spent 10 years at school for learning English! Hurry to record yourself in non -umanitaries? Of course, lower your hands easier. But we offer an effective approach to solving this problem.

First you need to destroy myths and get rid of imaginary obstacles that interfere with us to start learning English. Some of them can be read in the article ". Change destructive thoughts on constructive! Let's find out which installations prevent us from learn English in adulthood.

Negative installations that interfere with learning English adult man

1. Languages \u200b\u200bare easier to study in childhood

A common misconception, which from an early age is driven into our head. Some English teachers intimidate schoolchildren: "You will not learn the language at school, never will not learn. Try until it is possible to understand something. You do not want to be a janitor? " Agree, without inspiring motivation. But, nevertheless, it is postponed in the head: it is necessary to learn, while young, nothing will happen in adulthood.

Actually: Everything will work out! And at 20, and at 30, and in 80. Forget about what you heard at school. Around the world, people prove: it's never late to learn. We want to give an example from our practice: about 80% of students are adults aged 25 to 50 years. And the older student is 86 (!) Years, he wanted to improve his English to communicate with grandchildren living in the United States. Children did not know Russian, so the grandfather had to hastily learn English. And he reached his goal! Of course, our student did not pass the exams, did not master the tongue perfectly, but learned to talk to common topics without any special difficulties.

Adults are remarkably coped with the study of English, freely communicate with native speakers and rent international exams perfectly. What is their secret? They are ordinary people just an adult person is easier to concentrate in class, understand complex rules. Modern learning techniques take into account all the features of our memory and allow you to master the English language at any age. While there is a desire, there is an opportunity.

2. What will they say about the surrounding?

People who consider something impossible should not interfere with people who make it possible. (Chinese proverb) Unfortunately, friends and loved ones do not always support our desire for knowledge. Some begin to talk about the lost time, others - about an empty waste of money, the most harmful - that we will not work. Sometimes someone else plays a crucial role for us, we refuse our desires to eat whose whirlpools.

Actually: For that you are an adult to make a decision on your own. It is not always worth listening to loved ones and go for the flow. Explain their native that knowledge of English will allow you to earn more, will give you to feel another person. Everything is possible until you want it!

3. I will be the most eldest / old courses

It sounds ridiculous, but so reflect on people aged 25-30 years. Such thoughts often arise from those who have to start mastering English from the first stage. They think that they will come to occupation, and their coarticles will be 8-9-year-old schoolchildren, young and active.

Actually: Pupils in groups are gaining according to age and level of knowledge. Believe among beginners are full of your peers. If you are experiencing some embarrassment of comparison with other students, we recommend learning English with a personal teacher. Do alone with the teacher comfortably and efficiently.

4. I have no tendency to tongues

We do not get tired of reminding: There are no people who are unable to learn English, there are those who do not want to do this for some reasons. For some reason, some believe that a person needs to have a special mindset, have linguistic abilities, to be a philologist by education to know the language well.

Actually: Both "Techinari" and humanities are perfectly coped with the study of English. Moreover, among the polyglot many people with a mathematical warehouse of the mind, they know how to analyze information, are able to absorb large volumes of material. You need to choose the right approach, use interesting learning methods.

5. I work, I have no time to study

This is one of the most popular installations. We are accustomed to living in a hurry, go somewhere, scold a quickly current time. Yes, work takes away from us a lot of strength, but there are also days off. You can highlight a little time for training on Saturday and Sunday. Of course, we want to rest at the weekend, but we do not think that, reaching the necessary level of knowledge, we will get the opportunity to take a more promising position, to change the scope of activities, improve working conditions.

Actually: Each person can pay English 3-4 hours a week. We advise you to make time management, you can find many articles on the Internet on this topic. For a start, read an interesting article on our blog "Time Management, or Trying to Find Time for ... Time", it will briefly tell you about the basics of time management. You can try a simple method: recording all things in a diary during the week. After seven days, look where the precious moments are drunk. Perhaps you unproductive use free time, and your schedule needs to be improved? We think everyone will have their own "time absorbers", from which you can get rid of. Replace useless things to learn English.

6. Learn boring

With the word "learning", many remember how they fell asleep at lectures at the university. We cannot even allow the idea that studying may not only be useful and necessary, but also fascinating. Our stereotypes are often not justified at all, you can make sure about it yourself.

Actually: Indeed, tooling the dictionary and sit over the grammar is very boring. Uninteresting textbooks, dry wording, learning cut off from the realities of dialogs and texts - all this remained in the distant past. A modern approach in training involves the use of a variety of materials. In English, students are talking to the interesting topics, watching the video, listen to songs, study fascinating texts. The motto of the modern English teacher: studies in joy, and not in a burden.

7. I do not know where to start, suddenly nothing will happen

Release your prejudices to the will and be open with new knowledge. Waiting for you! Neophobia (fear of all new) lives in every person. We are afraid to learn the language, go on the journey, change the job. Think, do you lose much if you try? And if you do not realize your thoughts, risk losing the ability to dream and believe in a dream.

Actually: There is nothing complicated in learning English. Millions of people around the world are taught and will teach it. Do not know what to take first? For you, we have compiled a detailed step-by-step instruction "" and wrote an article "". And if you want a competent teacher to help you quickly achieve the goal, we offer in our school. Do not be afraid to embody dreams to reality.

Undeniable advantages of learning English adults

1. Good motivation

Adult man understands what and why he wants. You do not need to persuade to do homework (about why it is so important, read in the articles "" and ""), explain why you will learn English, how he will help you in life, you know everything. It is hardly a bad mood or rain outside the window will make you not appear on the lesson. You do not leave the classes "just like that", because you understand perfectly, for which they went along this road and why it is worth going to the end.

Motivated students always achieve success in learning English.

2. Self-discipline

In his youth, it is difficult to sit down for the desk and make listening, because of this, there are gaps in knowledge. Nobody distracts adult, you are engaged in English, and not outreach. You can easily concentrate on school, you know how to plan your time, understand the need for independent work.

3. Education ability

The view that language is easily given under the age of 13-15 years, erroneously. Scientists found out that neurons that are responsible for the linguistic high-level linguistic abilities begin with age. That is, it is easier for you to summarize information, establish semantic connections, understand grammar. In addition, adults in the learning process works long-term memory, and in children short-term. Your knowledge is well absorbed and consolidated for a long time.

4. Work on errors

Children do not particularly upsee a strong accent or grammatical errors, they rarely work on their correction. Adults relate to this responsibly, with enviable zeal strive to write and speak competently. But do not fall into extreme: mistakes do everything, there is nothing terrible in this, the main thing is to correct all the shortcomings.

5. Good analytical abilities, life experience

You can analyze information know your weak and strengths. Life experience allows you to clearly formulate the requirements for the teacher and the learning process.

6. Learn right from the very beginning

Fortunately, over the past 20 years, the technique of teaching English has undergone significant changes for the better. Therefore, today you can deal with experienced teachers (including with native speakers) as it is convenient for you. You yourself choose the time of lessons, the teacher selects interesting materials, a good tutorial. You are improving at the same time spelling, listening, reading and writing.

7. Financial opportunities

You can engage in the best language courses or with a personal English teacher. You are not limited to the school program, old textbooks or financial capabilities of parents. Every year, English is becoming more accessible both by the teaching method and price.

You can afford to immerse into the language environment. Take a trip abroad, pleasant impressions and the use of English in practice will inspire you. You can go learn English abroad According to a special program, it is quite expensive, but effectively.

8. Understanding your own forces and opportunities

In the mature age you already know everything about yourself, you know what load is suitable for you, you can explain exactly the teacher that you want to get as a result of learning. You no fear of teacher's personality. You are not afraid that he will call you unable, will tear your notebook, will report for mistakes (as it happens at school), so you can do calmly and fruitfully.

Useful recommendations for those who teach English "from scratch" in adulthood age

  • Try to manage your time, then you will have free hours not only for language, but also for recreation, sports, self-improvement.
  • An independent study of English "from scratch" is undesirable. Find a mentor, it will help to draw up a learning program according to your inclinations, preferences and rhythm of life.
  • Use different methods in learning: do with the teacher, listen to music, read the authentic literature, watch movies and videos with subtitles in English.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Even the indigenous people of America and the UK do not always say and write competently. Let you not be embarrassed by small mistakes, they can be easily corrected, and you acquire valuable experience.
  • The main secret of success is to love what you are doing. Learn how to enjoy English.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that learning English in adulthood effectively. It is a chance to re-feel like an energetic student, take the memory and get bright impressions. English will open you the door to a new world, where you are waiting for interesting acquaintances and travels, work on yourself and self-realization. Make the first step!

Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bopens up many unique opportunities to live life interesting and fascinating, as well as get a good high-paying job and reveal its potential. English is a universal language on which you can express in any country in the world. Target offers a practical English course for people of any age. The level of knowledge does not matter, the supply of the material is carried out on the basis of an individual approach to each listener. The training program is designed for 20 hours of working with highly qualified teacher. A flexible schedule of classes makes it possible to learn English in your free time. At the end of the course, you can agree on the continuation of classes in the following level.

Features of the course

In the learning process, several topics are offered, information on which will help to easily express themselves in most simple cases. The supply of material goes through the simulation of situations according to the subject of the lesson. The course consists of such topics:

  • About myself.
  • Your family.
  • Work and rest.
  • People in your life.
  • Dating.
  • Your time.
  • Far from home.
  • What would you like.
  • Health.
  • Your personal space.
  • Life experiments.
  • Changes in life.
  • Travels.
  • Plans, hopes and decisions.
  • Entertainment.

The company reserves the right to change the set of topics. The training material is not included in the rate price and is purchased separately.

How is the learning process

Classes are held in the familiar form for perception. The course is designed to increase the level of knowledge of the English language applicable in the household sphere. Therefore, providing an integrated approach, classes are divided into blocks:

  • speaking practice;
  • perception of foreign speech on rumor (audience);
  • reading;
  • letter.

What do you learn at the end of the courses

The goal of the course is the work of the necessary skills to communicate the listener in various situations. To extract the maximum benefit from classes, the student must approach the learning process responsibly. To do this, it is necessary to fix the listened material, practicing independently, eliminate the skipping of classes, actively participate in modeling situations during the lesson. Each time the teacher will leave recommendations, the execution of which will help improve the quality of learning.

To make it easier to evaluate the development of language competencies, the final tests are carried out. They show what moments need to pay close attention. At the end of the course, the teacher will present a detailed report on the work of the listener, will give recommendations on learning at the next level.

If you want to get more information, fill out the feedback form on the site or call us on the contact phone. According to the results of the first conversation, our specialists will be recorded on the course and make a preliminary algorithm of actions.

Or on courses, you will definitely come across the concept of "English levels" or "English-owned levels", as well as with such incomprehensible notation as A1, B2, and more understandable Beginner, Intermediate and so on. From this article, you will learn that these wording mean and what levels of knowledge of language stand out, as well as how to define your English level.

English levels are invented in order to study the language to be divided into groups with approximately similar knowledge and skills in reading, writing, oral and written speech, as well as to simplify testing procedures, exams for different purposes related to emigration, study abroad and employment. Such a classification helps with a set of students in a group and training textbooks, techniques, language teaching programs.

Of course, there is no clear boundary between the levels, this separation is quite conditional, necessary not so many students as teachers. In total, there are 6 levels of language proficiency, there are two types of division:

  • Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2,

In fact, it's just two different names for the same. These 6 levels are divided into three groups.

Table: English language levels

The classification was developed at the end of the eighties - the beginning of the nineties of the last century, it is completely called Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (Cerf).

English levels: Detailed description

Beginner Level (A1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand and use familiar daily expressions and the simplest phrases aimed at solving specific tasks.
  • To introduce yourself to submit other persons, ask simple personal questions, such as "where do you live?", "Where are you?", To be able to answer such questions.
  • Support the simplest conversation if the interlocutor speaks slowly, clearly and helps you.

Many studied English in school, speak language at about the Beginner level. From the vocabulary of only elementary mother, Father, Help Me, My Name IS, London Is The Capital. Well familiar words and expressions can understand the rumor if they say very clearly and without an accent, as in the audioogs to the textbook. You see the texts like the sign "EXIT", and in a conversation with the help of gestures, using individual words, you can express the simplest thoughts.

Elementary level (A2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the use of expressions on common topics, such as: family, shopping, work, etc.
  • Talk to simple everyday topics, expressing simple phrases.
  • Tell up simple expressions about yourself, describe simple situations.

If you have 4 or 5 at school in English, but after English some time did not use, then most likely you own the language at the Elementary level. TV shows in english will be understood, except for individual words, but the interlocutor, if he speaks clearly, simple phrases in 2-3 words in general will understand. You can also be incoherently and with large pauses to think about talking about yourself the simplest information, say that the sky is blue, and the weather is clear, to express just a wish, make an order in McDonalds.

BEGINNER levels - Elementary can be called "level for survival", Survival ENGLISH. It is enough to "survive" during a trip to the country where the main language is English.

Intermediate level (B1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of a distinct speech on common, familiar topics related to everyday life (work, study, etc.)
  • Conduct with the most typical situations on the trip, travel (at the airport, in the hotel, etc.)
  • Make a simple connected text on common or familiar to you personally.
  • Retelling events, describe hopes, dreams, ambitions, be able to briefly tell about the plans and explain their point of view.

The vocabulary stock and knowledge of grammar is enough to write simple essays about themselves, describe cases from life, write a letter to a friend. But in most cases, oral speech lags behind the written, you confuse times, think about the phrase, do a pause to pick up an excuse (to or for?), But more or less you can communicate, especially if there is no shysteriness or fear.

It is much more difficult to understand the interlocutor, and if it is a native speaker, and even with a quick speech and a bizarre accent, it is almost impossible. However, the simple, clear speech is clear well, provided that the words and expressions are familiar. In general, you understand, if the text is not very complex, and with some difficulties you know the general meaning without subtitles.

Upper Intermediate Level (B2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of complex text to specific and abstract topics, including technical (specialized) themes according to your profile.
  • It is fast enough to talk in order to communicate with the native speaker without long pauses.
  • It is clear, detailed text on different topics, explain the point of view, lead arguments for and against different points of view on the topic.

Upper Intermediate is already good, good, confident language proficiency. If you speak a well-known topic with a person whose pronunciation is good, then the conversation will go quickly, easily, ease. Third-party observer will say that you are fluent in English. However, you can put on a dead end of the words and expressions relating to the topics that are poorly understandable to you, all sorts of jokes, sarcasm, hints, slang.

You are invited to answer 36 questions to check the audience, letters, speech and knowledge of grammar.

It is noteworthy that to test the understanding of the hearing are used not recorded by the speaker of the type "London Is The Capital", but short passages from films (Puzzle English specializes in learning English on films and serials). In English-speaking films, the speech of the heroes is close to how people say in real life, so the test may seem harsh.

Chandler from "Friends" is not the most understandable pronunciation.

To verify the letter, you need to translate several phrases from English into Russian and from Russian to English. The program provides several transfers options for each phrase. To check the grammar knowledge, a completely ordinary test is used, where you need to select one option from several proposed.

But you probably wonder how the program can check the skill of spoken speech? Of course, the online test for English knowledge will not check your speech as a person, but the test developers came up with an original solution. In the task, you need to listen to the phrase from the film and select a replica suitable for continuing the dialogue.

Speak - little, you need to understand the interlocutor!

The ability to speak in English is made up of two skills: to understand the talk of the interlocutor on the rumor and express your thoughts. This task, even if you are simplified, checks how you cope with both tasks.

At the end of the test you will be shown a complete list of questions with the right answers, you will learn where mistakes allowed. And of course, you will see a chart with an estimate of your level on a BEGINNER scale to Upper Intermediate.

2. Test for the definition of the English level with the teacher

To get a professional, "live" (and not automated, as in tests) estimate the level of English, is needed english teacherwhich will be tested using tasks and interviews in English.

Such a consultation can be passed free. First, in your city, you may have a language school in which you are offered to undergo free testing for language knowledge and even a trial occupation. Now this is a common practice.

If briefly, I wrote down on a trial lesson-test, I was in touch with Skype at the appointed time and I with the teacher Alexandra conducted an occupation, during which she was "tortured" with different tasks in every way. All communication went in English.

My trial-verification lesson on Skyeng. Check the knowledge of grammar.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher explained in detail in detail me, in which direction should I develop my English, what problems I have, but a little later sent a letter with a detailed description of the level of language skills (with estimates on a 5-point scale) and methodical recommendations.

This method has taken some time: three days have passed from submission to the lesson, and the occupation itself lasted about 40 minutes. But this is much more interesting any online test.