Sleep soldiers good night. "Sleep, soldier, good night, Demob became shorter for the day

Sleep soldiers good night.
Sleep soldiers good night. "Sleep, soldier, good night, Demob became shorter for the day

Where and how the famous Samartsy served

Amend text size: A A.

Composer Mark Levyankat marched in sandals

In the youth, a novice musician Mark Leviant forgot Maks Bulgakov not talking to strangers. The credibility turned into a call to the army and the charms of military life.

Already in student years I wrote music and was known enough in the city, "says Levian. - Once in the park, a man sat down on a shop. We talked about the army, I said that after studying I would like to immediately go to the conservatory and, if you're lucky, not serve. The man suggested helping "otmay" from the army, asked all my data. I, I do not suspect anything, agreed, left the coordinates.

A few days after the meeting with a stranger, a chance came from the military office. The "well-wisher" turned out to be the head of the "Builder" ensemble in Stroybat. He decided to adjust everything so that the musician got to him into a detachment. But Levyanka still studied at the Institute and could not call him army. The boss has already forgotten about the guy, and in the military commissocarter remembered. On June 28, Mark fell down the graduation at the institute, and the next day went to serve in Syzran.

In the army it was not without incident. The musician had no idea what are ports and how to use them.

I have the 46th size of the foot, and there were no such big boots in the part, "recalls Mark Leviant. - Two weeks I marched in sandals. In order not to disagree the system, I was put at the very end. When the boots finally gave out, I had them for a barefoot, without spoons. As a result, one day erased the feet into the blood. I had to go for a few more days in the sandals, until corn loss.

Ironically, six months later, a gifted guy was translated from Syzran to Samara to the same ensemble "Builder", where it was so actively filled with his "well-wisher".

In the army, I served only a year, "says Mark Grigorievich. - During this time I wrote music to the spectral "Przhevalsky horse". Of course, they have not seen money for their work, they were transferred to the part. But the performance at that time was very popular and glorified me.

In the afternoon, the future composer worked in the theater, in the evening with other soldiers, the foundation was erected and placed at home. Their weapon was not an automatic, but Kirk and shovel.

Soldiers recalls Levian, even raised a wild cry when they finally brought real weapons into their part. And what kind of soldier without a love story? Mark in the army constantly visited the future wife.

We were just friendly, - the Honored Artist of Russia is recognized. "Olya conquered me that he constantly fed with delicious dishes and secretly brought civilian clothes so that I could change and escape to the city in cases.

Boris Fradkov "Substratus" the foreman

Boris Fradkov, a well-known showman, the general director of the Samara radio station Maximum, served in the Primorsky Territory. Already then, Fradkov was famous for a rich fantasy and ingenuity. God forbid someone on his way. And here the convenient case was introduced. Soldier from the very beginning did not mess in the foreman.

He is the word I, I am two. Many people do not like it, "Boris Yakovlevich argues. "So he forced me that the toilet was washed, then you could try, then all night stand near the nightstand. And then there was a chance to take revenge. On the eve of the rise, they called, reported that the Commission will soon arrive and the German must wake up for 15 minutes and warn. I found a more interesting lesson.

Private Fradkov began to change the boots standing near the beds. In the company 100 people. The size of the shoes is from 39 to the 46th. The soldier managed to replace the shoes to everyone! That's just for the warning of the senior time did not have enough. When the Commission arrived at 7.00, all the soldiers, including the boss, slept peacefully.

- "Soldiers get up!" Everyone is trying to shove asking. From the 39th in the 41st you can still get out, but the opposite is difficult, - laughs, remembering Fradkov. - What happened here! Ten minutes later, Starin ordered to build barefoot. Instead of the morning jogging, the soldiers headed for their search for their boots. I could only regret me. But I bravely denied my involvement shrug.

After some time, Boris introduced another case to teach the offender. Near the part there was a local "Pentagon" - a female hostel. In dismissal, many servants ran there to girls. And once the friend of Fradkov complained that she picked up, sorry, lobby.

Vitaly Vulusin was a thunderstorm of demobels

Teleacademic and founder of the Rio Channel Vitaly Dobrusin service began in tank troops. The school of life began very peculiar. To the army, the intelligent guy did not know how to drive the car at all. And here it was seized in the tank with a mechanic driver. From above on the tower, a gunner was sitting - "grandfather" - and, a little bit like that, methodically hit the novice on the head.

I so uncertainly felt myself, and then the right blow, to the left, - Vitaly Arkadyevich recalls with a smile. - At first it was not hurt. Helmet got out. Suddenly, the sergeant hit stronger. It became so hurt that I lost control. Along with the tank turned over. I was lucky, got off my fright, but Demobel broke his hand.

After this, the case of ordinaryobusin was transferred to Rembate, from tracked vehicles away. As soon as young fighters began to acquaint with military equipment, Vitaly learned his tank.

This machine recovery is no longer subject! - the officer sighed, and the young fighter understood that he was not designated.

In Rembate, Vitaly turned out to be the youngest of the soldiers.

They will try to "smell" in the literal sense, thought then. "And then I was sent to paint a pipe at the gas station," recalls Vitaly Arkadyevich. - Previously, I never painted anything and honestly told demobel about it. He wondered for a long time, but there were no other options. To climb a pipe with a tassel in his hands I had to him. I was instructed to keep the stairs.

At this time, the battalion commander passed by. Seeing what was happening, he was very surprised and asked purely in Army:

What is this miracle yudo, your mother?

Private Dobrusin, - I replied expressively and expressively, caring the staircase. Summer, remaining unattended, separated from the wall and flew. Fallen "Grandfather", as in slow motion. Vitaly did not even immediately understand why the commander intently looks at his back.

Landing, a valid soldier expressed everything that he thought about the smaller generation, about me, about the whole Soviet army and personally about Kombat! For that time it was strong, - continues Vitaly Arkadyevich. - The most interesting thing is that after this story, I began to treat me with a little fearful respect. Say, on the first day of the "grandfather" crashed! What is further waiting for him?!

Peter Filaretov installed records still in the army

Samara Silacha, four times the record holder of the Russian Book of Records Peter Filaretov served in Leningrad in communication troops. Our bogatyr was already famous for the achievements.

I had an outfit in the dining room, "recalls phylarettes. - We had to clean the potatoes for 1.5 thousand people. But in front of the duty of three of us got sick. And we put a record - for three hours he cleaned the two baths of potatoes, and stupid army knives.

Our countryman admitted that there were cases when he went to the sick.

Once I decided to escape to the city on my birthday, he remembers phylarettes. - bought a cake, 21 candles and went to the girl to celebrate. Then the patrols walked around the city, which followed cadets. They checked the documents, form and so on.

I was not allowed in my arms, only old, but if you read it carefully, it became clear that she was no longer valid. In the subway, when I waited for the train, the patrol approached me. I filed a dismissal, realizing that if they were not knocked out them now, I will be put on Humupwacht on three or five days. In general, while they read, I slowly shifted the cake from the right to the left hand, pushed that there are the forces of one sergeant to another. They fell, and I ran and managed to the last carriage of the train.

Vladimir Mahalai on duty on a submarine near Cuba

The President of Togliattiazot Corporation Vladimir Makhlai on the military distribution fell to the Far East.

The road to the place of service was not the lungs, he recalls. - From Perm to Vladivostok drove 18 days in covered freight cars. The medical commission determined me in the underwater fleet. During the year I fasted the profession of the driver. From staying in "Logging" forever I remember the extinguishing daily Morning Cross 10 km, and once a week, they were trapped in a gas mask. Double I had to take part in parades in the Golden Horn Bay. For two or three months, night workouts began to each parade. The cold, the wind, the legs were shot down - in the beauty of the chased step, there was really tremendous work.

Further service, Vladimir Nikolayevich took place in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, in the village of Fisherman, where the base of submarines was located.

We traveled to the Kamchatka 8 days, all this time was racing the storm. Avoiding the seaside disease failed to anyone, even an experienced sea wolf - Kok - cleaned potatoes lying. The shafts of the screws were broken, there was very strong noise and vibration. People simply turned inside out. When we finally stepped onto the hardest land, we still kicked for a long time.

The future president of Togliattiazot served on a submarine of the middle class of the project 613, the mechanic in the BCH 5, was responsible for the operation of equipment involved in dives and floods. During the service he had to take part in long-term marine campaigns.

In 1958, we carried the combat duty near Cuba. In the next campaign, we went to the group of accompaniment of hydrographic courts, which led the observation of the seismicity of various areas, studied the marine relief, depth, - he recalls. - After returning the boat got up on scheduled repair, and although I was already time to demobilize, the commander delayed me as a high-class specialist until the end of the repair. But it was also a solemn vendor to me: built the entire crew, thanked for the service and on the car "Volga" under the sound of the siren sent to the station, and even the crew was made in the road 2 storms with provisions. The fleet service has become an important stage of learning in school life, helped to determine the choice of further path. I never thought that I would have so much time away from Russia. And perhaps this is the most gravity test that fell into my life.

The original is taken by W. sKIF_TAG In the demobilian fairy tale.

But I wonder now in the Russian army they consider the day for edible oil?
Do you give your neighbor after the order of spirits?
Also transmit leather belt - the symbol of non-@ honor, a new call per hour x?
How does the "Dembel Tale" sounds?

Today, in the era of the Internet and mobile communications, the dissemination of any information does not represent any difficulty. What I am writing, a minute can read anyone from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. And distances, and the size of the country do not have a resolutely no matter.

But it is clear that it was not always. In the old years, any official information was divided by the country by means of oral retool. At the same time, naturally, undergoing the phenomenon of the "spoiled phone", sometimes very distorting.

There were in the country and closed communities with their subculture. If we talk about places of detention, then all laws and concepts were transferred from generation to generation, and at the same time there were some priests, the keepers of traditions. They were sitting on 20-30, and sometimes 50 years, and were a source of knowledge for new and new generations of arrestants.

But, there was another subculture, army. And everything is more complicated here. A permanent officer staff could not serve as the keeper of non-statutory soldier traditions, and the service life of soldiers was limited to a relatively small period, while the service, for the most part, soldiers were held in one or two (text + part) units.

That is, the transfer of some knowledge within the same part is a completely understandable and logical option.
But, I still can not understand how in the territory of a huge country, almost without distortion was transmitted from generation to generation, from calling to call the same rituals.
Here, for example, the Dembel tale ...

Chick - Chirik, Pi @ Duc - Ku
Soon Demob Starika,
Butter ate - the day passed,
The foreman went home,
All grandmother's grandmiths
Demob began in short,
Let him dream of a native home
Baba with magnificent P ** Doy,
Beer barrel, vodka pelvis,
And Ustinov order.

Here in such a constant form, she told in barracks throughout the Soviet Union! Only the last name Ustinova changed to Sokolova, Jazz ...
That's how it is possible?

Does anyone have options?))

How she sounds today, ... and Shoigu an order "? However, now it seems that the call is announced by the order of the commander-in-chief.

But it is interesting if this fairy tale has existed for at least 20-25 years, then the Chtio could prevent her live on?

Diversify heavy weekdays of a soldier can only ridiculous poems about the army. Poetry always inspires, and even more verses written in comic shape. A soldier, for example, can read a few ridiculous rhymes about the army overnight (unless of course remain for reading) and wake up with a good mood. The effect will be no worse than from.

Also, ridiculous rods are quite well raised by the morale of the army. And many, after reading the poems about the army, probably recall their service: demobels, sergeants, officers, ensigns. Well, for those who have long been demobilized and acquired a family, we offer. It turns out that the citizen can also live fun.

Who was not in service, the boot did not wear
Who is a doctor on health kosil
He did not call him, he was glad it.
He knows where heaven, but does not know where hell.

Forget for 2 years cognac and wine,
Forget for 2 years about dancing and movies,
Remember the girl who is waiting
And the service, believe me, will pass faster.

Who was not in the text, not to understand
As you want to eat, as I want to sleep,
How do you want to fill sergeant face
And after the bubble bubble crushing ...

Mom with dad spoke:
"Grow it - you will go to the landing."
In the military commissar, I was told:
"You are the road only to Stroybat."

I wanted to live normally,
But you have to serve.
Be afraid of the enemy
Because I am a fool.
In the army, the fool going
Because it's not about
Because I'm a stupid:
No money to boot!

What are we drinking and where do we drink?
Not at the girlfriend at the apartment
Not in mandir
And there, in stone pillars ...
For march-throw, deaf walls,
For the years that pass there.
And for war tremies,
What falls on the shoulders to us.
For those who are in the sea on the border
For those who frustrate at posts,
And, as the people say:
"For those who go to boots!"

Take, country, my two years.
I give them because
That somewhere, someone and sometime
I somehow invented the war.

I lived calm for many years,
But suddenly the agenda.
Goodbye love, goodbye friends
I'm going to long-range edges
Where vodka drink only demobel.

Our foreman is good
The foreman we have one ..
Here we will go to the demob -
Dad to see him!

Who was not in the army harsh
Did not spend this young year
Did not let the girl's beloved
He will never understand the soldier ...

We guys from Stroybat,
Honestly, serve, Dembel is waiting.
We are a weapon - shovel,
We are a trench - a landfill.

I saw myself a fighter since childhood
Dreamed in paratroopers to get.
The Lord did not hurt the health -
I was sent to intelligence.

And here is the task. With parachute
Squeeze the machine in hand.
Pink under the ass. "Farewell, Annie,
I'm leaving in a cool peak. "

The soul trembles, the heart rushes
Eyes will shoot out orbits.
He got into a ditch at a swamp.
Well, what the smell, in the nose, followed!

Circle enemies, dark and scary,
Our platoon goes, and ahead
Standing like Eiffel Tower -
Rocket, do not come to her.

Well, we are bypass, and there swamp
And snakes, overgrow their thunder!
Sound into de ... to someone hunting?
Nobody climbs in Burl.

Disappeared without a trace of bravada
In dust and dirt bayonet knives.
"Stop, do not breathe! In the shroud bushes!
I, too, scary, do not tremble! "

In the night there is no no, yes whistled bullet,
I pull out, I want to go home.
"Native, sweet mom!
In intelligence more, no foot! "

About the army, wonderful time!
Grandparents, Combat, Shores, Order
The rise as soon as the rooster
But we are accustomed - every brother and friend ...

In hands, legs - everywhere pain,
In the mouth of the sand, on the neck salt.
In the eyes of a tear, in the shower of longing -
Here are the Russian troops.

I will remember for many years
Soldier's soup and black bread.

Seven in the morning. February twenty-third.
Without opening more eyelashes
Gord from thought that now in response
I am for the integrity of our borders.

Seven fifteen - proud of the toilet,
At eight - in the kitchen, revealed ten eggs,
The thought of the one that I personally answer
For Russia within the boundaries.

At eight twenty - meet in nete
A couple of people close to me.
Like me, these guys are responsible
For the Russian Federation irrevomination of borders.

I agree, according to Ace, be the third ...
In ten - the first, blitz,
To the hour - six of us, everything is responsible,
For the fate of our common borders.

Somewhere…? However, what are these numbers?
Gordy Mytarem Sup, Fais Niz,
Gasna thought in salad: "In the world
No more reliable than ours, faces ... "

We did not see two years
Young, beautiful eyes,
We kissed two years
Instead of the lips gas masks ...

Mostly dinner and hugging,
Extremely demob and home.

Parachute dome revealed
Jump in a dream, not on Java.
But the next is real for some reason,
Left fright on his pants ...

I thought about the service, dreamed,
When we were a defense.
But when to serve,
I want home all the time.

"Immortal I!" He said
And in vain, he said so
Breeding sachet soldiers
And here - the "oak gave".

Place in a dream I dream
I whisper in delusion
In the army, I am in this
Never go.

We will come, guys
And they will shine to us then
Not stars on the chains of Kombat
And stars on bottles brandy

The day passed - all the oil was ate,
On the walk the song was sang
Sleep soldiers, good night,
Dembel became shorter on the day.

Who was not a soldier who dust did not swallow
Who in the rain and in the heat did not stand
Is he a man? He did not see life
Calmly under my mother slept
Notepads he should not read
Soldier songs he does not understand.

I will not go to the army
I will not become a general!
There are such unique
Without me in bulk.

If you are without sleep,
So you are, of course, the Spirit.
If you sleep something like,
So you're already scoop,
If you slept lunch,
So you, of course, grandfather.

Short haircut that I found in her?
A good boy in the infantry gone,
Whispered on a farewell his beloved:
After all, this is not a lot - 730 days.

God created peace and silence,
Damn created lifting and senior.

I give doctors I bribe
Dollars right now in fashion
And they will tell me
Everything, man, not suitable!

Brother, believe she will go
Star of captivating happiness
When of part parts
Our names will disappear

Goodbye slander
Goodbye freedom
I went to serve for 2 years
Remember Brother serving with the mind.
But remember that I got into the fool. house.

Silence again in the barracks
Mounted "old men"
Only a small "soul"
Dies from longing
He looks gently for his grandfather, and shakes his head
"I want to be with you to Demob,
Take me with you. "

Without you, friends will go here years
Without you, I will hide dirt
But remember that these years
You can sleep well

Soldiers do not know how
They are sad stored in themselves.
And tears only perform
Cold later on the back.

There are no people here
Here are cadets
There are no animals here
There are sergeants here

When there were no races on Earth
And the mind did not know about the universe,
One primitive to the other put in the eye,
And so the military appeared.

My native military enlistment office
I was opened by the road to hell

I do not forget all these days
And time spent with friends
And that concrete, which has not been stolen
I'm on a divorce boots.

Two soldiers from Stroybat
Replace the excavator.
Two soldiers of the Air Force
Replacing the SS platoon.

Who did not serve in the army, forgetting about drinking,
He will not understand the price of citizen.

I remember a wonderful moment
When I removed the gas mask
I hit fresh air to the nose
And the tears splashed out of the eyes.

The military registration and enlistment office is a country of miracles,
I went there - and there disappeared.

I believe, brother, demob will come,
There will be no skirts and longing,
And we will be with you together
On the hut eat pies!

It was a turbulent day, and maybe boring.
So good that you are with me.
Wish good night better
Favorite, verse is simple.

I wish I good night
And I repeat again, I love.
Happy live is much easier.
Happy to be a vela.

Good night, my favorite,
I am tightly hugging you tight!
You i'm heart like rubies
In the wrapper glorious I hand it!

I always dreamed about you
And let the dreams are not explained ...
I told you a fairy tale
Now sleep sweet, my favorite.

Good night, my baby,
I know you're still awake,
And in this dark evening,
Probably waiting for you my call.

You close your eyes,
Let wonders dream.
With love in the heart, fall asleep,
After all, I love you, you know!

I stroke your hair furtively,
Breathing calm warming ...
You fall asleep, my relatives, sweet,
After all, the night on the street is completely thick!

Alarms forget, take freedom
With you there, where all the dreams.
You fall asleep as fast as divorces
Wash off rain from chalk all the flowers!

Looking, a star like flickers,
Looking like the moon is burning
Looking like a nose caresses
The wind is in a hurry!

It's all just for us with you
Why still do not sleep?
After all, I'll close eyes now ...
Good night, my sweet kid!

I said about the day at once
And came out in the windows in the star light.
I want to tell about it
While you sleep at midnight.

Let you dream of the sky
In which month
Playing gold for eyes,
What open with the dawn.

Let me go gardens
Where the nightinga
Where we will stay alone
Spring moving away to the kingdom.

From the sweetest dreams
I give you night calm.
At midnight, you sleep hard,
And I do not sleep because of doubt,

What to wake up as always
Where is the moment so will not happen again,
When the moon is knocking the window,
Losing in clouds sometimes.

Night - cruel very apparent,
Shares lovers she,
Shares the body, no doubt
But will not serve the hearts!

I am with you in thoughts today,
I will not leave you no per hour!
I imagine like eyes closing
And as a sponge touches now!

Anya, my soul Spring,
Finished endless day.
Flowing over the city of Moon
And the shadow falls on the field.

Our house is enveloped by the Gula,
Sings invisible cricket,
Over the world rested peace
And the stars were swept the ceiling.

Sight sleep, do not think about the bad.
Listen to dreams about fabulous edges.
I'm not a grief in our house,
So far, you will be in the clouds.

I whisper to your ear: "Sleep sweet-sweet!
Let me dream of amazing sleep,
Where is the magic horses on the bullshit
Scatter crystal horseshoe chime.

Whispering fairy tales in darkness there is tirelessly
Sails are unexpectedly Alets East. "
Well, I'm watching your rest quietly
And reading your dreams between the lines.

The evening burst into a snow area.
Wind. There is no zgi.
You fall asleep, my tenderness,
I'm near - and there is no longing.

I'll tell you a song
And Slowly Sleep,
About how you adore you
About how I love you.

Soldier notebook



From time to time, I collected the sayings and saying your comrades for the service. There is an opinion that the soldier does not develop creatively, I want to break this stereotype. This is not so. For two years I collected the oral soldier creativity, it is the soldier: what he lives what he thinks about what he dreams about his hopes, aspirations, of course, about soldier's love.

Do not be very strict, my reader, be, please, indulgence to creativity then still eighteen years of youth.

So, the soldier folklore.

Periprase of the song Popular in the early 90s Singer Sergei Minaeva:

Yes, unexpectedly had a blow when I got to serve in Otar.

Here mountains, hill and sands, here people die from longing,

There are no fields, forests and rivers, why the person lives here.

There is a heat under forty five, and we run on cross again.

Here someone from behind the whole in the sweat shouts: "I can no longer."

Teams: "To battle! "," Rota, get up! "There is no power to raise the head.

And here we are an hour, the other, the sergeant is always over his head.

When six months will pass when everything in the past leaves.

It will take place in the homeland of longing, and we will go to the troops.

Who was not - he will be

Who was - will not forget

730 and 1 day in boots.










The oil ate and the day passed,

Zampolite went home.

Demob began in short,

Sleep, soldier, good night!

Fall, soldiers, deceived us,

Wake up, soldiers, robbed us -

Two years of youth stolen.

The army is a big family,

but it would be better if I was an orphan.

Who passed through these two years

He will understand the meaning of the word freedom.

Wires - everything remains to people

Cadets - Shaka Brithogolov,

Outfit - and dawns here are quiet,

Capproke - Treasure Island,

Outfit on company - D, Artanyan and three Musketeer,

Anxiety - What? Where? When?

Cross - no one wanted to die

Wailing - Sleeping Beauty,

Patrol - Timur and his team,

Soldier in work - man invisible

Issue - how beautiful this world is beautiful

Harboring - Baghdad Thief,

Breakfast - I'm still alive,

Lunch - the struggle for life,

Dinner - People and Beasts,

Vacation - Ten days, shook the world,

Outfit on the dining room - Ali-Baba and forty robbers,

Meeting with a patrol - they knew only in the face,

15 gr. oils - a slice of life,

Agenda - life gave a crack,

Outfit - Crime and Punishment,

Bath - a man changes the skin,

Oath - swan loyalty,

Evening check - remember your name.

The dog is a friend of man, but do not give, God, friend will be a dog

If the Earth is a body, then Otar is a pop.

The oil ate and the day passed,

Ate an egg - a week passed,

to eat such a thing,

so that two years flew.

Love for a girl like a belt

The closer to the demob, the weaker.

God created peace and silence,

Chest created the rise and foreman.

You remember, friend, as we walked.

Wine, girls, Kabaki.

And instead, we were given

HB, spit, boots.

You have January - we have January

Some and the same dates.

You have a glass of wine in your hands,

We also have machines.

Mom waiting for eternity,

friend - two years old

girlfriend - one year,

stornish - 45 seconds.

Two years without sorry

Turn to me kizzy boot.

Comrade, Believe, she will go up

star of captivating happiness,

when from lists of this part

our names will disappear

barracks collapse and freedom

we will meet joyfully at the entrance

and on kpp fragments

there will be the letters of DMB.

It is better to see his girlfriend in the intersection of the sight,

than on the knees of another guy.

I will remember many years

Soldier soup and black bread.

Tell me what the soldiers are to blame when the girl changes him,

when he holds a machine, such as you ... Sorry, guarded.

Believe, bro, will come that hour

when you go out for the gate

and you will drink for those guys

who serves two more years.

For mom I am son,

for my sister I brother,

for a beloved girl

i'm just a soldier.

Love mom,

Love as a shrine,

Love more than yourself

Love Mother

You have one!

No one can love and wait

how long is the native mother.

Joy at a soldier alone.

Remember a good past.

Girl is a star,

and the star is beautiful only at night.

Life is a book,

The army is two sheets,

evilized in the most interesting place ...

We fly clocks, take days.

It remains less and less.

A little more sink

And happiness will soon smile.

To help demob

you need to sleep and day, and night.

How far we are from each other

and at the same time so close,

love you, my girlfriend,

and you love me and wait.

A man is such a bastard,

worse which can only be a woman.

I love you - it's a mystery

In my soul - this is a secret,

i want to ask you eyes

do you love me or not?

As quiet in the sea wave,

like a light poet song

let it be a sweet and gentle

you have a photo of this.

Suppose that a dozen years will pass,

under the ringing of glasses in the restaurant

i will never forget

two years of service in Kazakhstan.

Vodka for a soldier enemy,

and the soldier enemy is not afraid.

The girl becomes a woman in one night,

and the young man is a man in two years.

Self-roll, self-car,

what good in you

five minutes you're free

ten day on the lip.

Do not believe the devotion tears,

after all, crocodiles also cry.

I am writing a letter and very sad,

i write and see your image.

I am so lonely without you

i want to see you.

Who is to blame that you are tired

And did not come, and did not twist,

Piatka wound badly,

Came from the outfit and fell.

And whose wine is that day by day

Shouts daylight to us: "Lift! "

And dream of us the birthplace

And that order with whom we leave.

The army is a good school of life,

but it is better to pass it in absentia.

Eh, Army! Deaf side.

Two years go here in the "Afghan"

and yet we need the army,

To evaluate all charming citizen.

Be damn the day

when the enemy poked me in the chest

and said: "Gone! "

Who was not in the army,

he lost much

who was - he lost everything.

It's not rock, it is not jazz,

this cadets are scraping the toilet.

It will be difficult - Firm,

It will hurt - do not cry,

There will be wind - do not come

Remember, life is life.

Czdik, Chirik, Cook,

soon Demob Starik!

Keep the nose with carrots, and the tail - a gun!

Before turning love,

Learn to wind the ports.

Soldier must have one girl,

but in each settlement.

Soldier, remember you guard your girl's dream,

which sweetly sleeps with another guy.

Serve, soldiers, and be ditched,

Your demob is also inevitable.

Remember himself and give another

The more sleep, the closer to the house.

The more in the army of the oaks,

the strongest is our defense!

People - the world

Soldier - Demob!

Why do not play the army in KVN?

Because all fun on the lip,

And resourceful - on vacation.

Live, love, but carefully,

Love not everyone is not always.

Do not forget what is in the world

Treason, lies and slander.

Winter will pass

walk and summer

Best years will be held.

Everything in life will be forgetting,

But years of service - never.

Two years is not all life

but all my life you will remember these two years.

We are waiting like cheese from crows

Order of the Minister of Defense

Do not be sad, my dear,

when the son is far from you.

You often tears rhoney

i remember now about me.

Smiling when meeting me

We possess your sorrows.

For your expensive care

I worship you to the ground.

Mom, sweet dear,

you are more expensive to me all on Earth.

I love you, sweet mom,

Your son is served

and serves you.

Dear beloved mom

The closest, native man.

Happy birthday you congratulate you

And from Otar, I send my hello.

In your thoughts I hug you

but I can not see you.

On this day, I guard you,

Happiness our shore with you.

Happy birthday you congratulate you.

On the postcard hello you send you.

Now wishing health,

Happiness in life, success in labor,

Be beautiful, cheerful and gentle,

That life smiles to you.

Dear Favorite Mom!

Otar is a settlement, station in the Dzhambul region of the early 1990s.

Afghana - shaped clothes of a new khaki color sample with pockets in the early 90s, another name "Experiment"

Guba - Gauptahta

Self-car - unauthorized stay of the service in order to walk through the civilian settlement

Capproke - room for storing clean linen and special uniforms

Demob - (Sostor. M. R.) Soldier who served two years.

The text is large therefore it is broken on the pages.