Message Mark Twain Summary. Mark Twain, brief biography

Message Mark Twain Summary. Mark Twain, brief biography
Message Mark Twain Summary. Mark Twain, brief biography

The famous American writer Mark Twain (Samuel Lenghorn Clemens), who lived later Whitman, had the opportunity with even greater clarity to see how far his homeland was found from the ideal of genuine democracy. Despite this, tween in most of its works remained a writer in a cheerful, wonderful humorist.

Most of the works of Twain are associated with the traditions of the people's humor of America, which gives him numerous stories a special charm, a bright national color. In the most minor phenomena, Twain notes the funny and the most common things tells inventively and witty. It shows the trading spirit of the bourgeoisie, the thirst for profit and the unprincipledness of politicians. In the story, "how I was chosen to the governors" he rines the election campaign, which turned into a competition of slanders. The story "Journalism in Tennessee" depicts gross morals of American press, chase a sensation, a unprincipled struggle of competing newspapers. In such world-famous stories as "conversation with an interviewer", "My Watch", "As I edited a agricultural newspaper", etc., attracts the author's ingenuity, which creates extraordinarily funny in their surprise and absolutely the situation.

Twain is a very observational writer, an excellent connoisseur of psychology and life of ordinary people of America, bourgeois and mesh. On his life path, he met with people of a wide variety of professions. The son of a provincial judge, he started working as 12 years old: a student in the printing house, a wicker, pilot on a steamer and, finally, a journalist. From the memories of a steamer on which he walked on Mississippi, there was a pseudonym writer: "Mark Twain" - a term used in measuring the depth of the river.

Memories of the orphanage served tween material for two world-famous favorite children's books - "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" (1876) and the "Adventures of Geclberry Finn" (1884). Tom and his friends are looking for romantic adventures and freedoms away from the Meshchansky provincial town, from boredom of religious Sunday schools, from tedious instructions of school teachers. With its peculiar observation and subtle humor, the morals of the American province of the first half of the XIX century were outlined. And the children's experiences are disclosed by a writer with touching love and penetration into the psychology of a teenager.

Tom Sawyer is one of the most charming images of children's literature. Let him in their inventions and pumping he sometimes knows the measures, but in serious, and sometimes dangerous alterations, Tom remains faithful and brave friend. Speaking at the trial of a witness, Tom was not afraid to take the defense of the accused of killing the old man and tell the truth about the genuine killer - the terrible and avenue Indian Joe. He is not always truthful, but we are much more believe in his attachment to the aunt of Polly, replacing him with his mother than in the love of her "approximate", but selfish, sometimes insidious and calculating brother Toma - Side.

When Mark Twain wrote books about Tome and Hek, slavery in America has already been canceled. But the oppression of blacks and racial inequality remained, as it continues to exist now. Twain could not relate indifferent to this shameful phenomenon of American life.

In the story of a small tramp, freedom-loving Huck Finn, constantly next to him his friend is a black slab, a quick black jim. They wake up on the raft along the Mississippi River: Gek escaped from a rich widow, who sheltered him, but tortured his annoying instructions, and Jim seeks to get into the free states where there is no slavery.

Twain is not only a cheerful humorist, but also brilliant satir. His book "Yankees at the court of King Arthur" (1889) exposes feudal monarchy removal, which are still preserved in some bourgeois countries of Europe. The writer, as well as his hero, comes to the idea that only the revolution can give freedom to the oppressed person. And when the Russian revolution of 1905 occurred, she met a hot sympathy from Twine.

Almost all children of our country know the most interesting story written by M. Twin, "Prince and Beggar" (1882). It tells about the fate of the little Obserny Tom Kent and the English Prince Edward. The action takes place in the XVI century. According to a pure chance, Tom becomes the heir to the throne, and Prince Edward instead of Tom finds among the beggars. Then the little prince will find out the truth about the bitter fate of his people, about the cruel arbitrariness of kings, their ministers and officials. Gradually change the views and attitudes to the life of the previously spoiled and who did not know the human grief. And, returning again to his palace, Edward is done by the kind, careful about the welfare of his people king. And Tom Kenti, at least another time and got into funny provisions, not knowing the court life, admires the reader: a beggar boy from the people, he himself, without understanding, often had a wise of all important and experienced ministers.

Many works of Twain did not printed in his homeland until recently. Too cutting his statements about American "democracy" and colonial policy.

Only recently saw the light of the letters and the Diaries of Twain, his unfinished autobiography, pamphlets, etc. They say that an honest artist who loved his people hotly, experienced painful disappointments, seeing democratic ideals in his country.

The article is devoted to a brief biography of Mark Twain - a writer from the United States, which has become famous primarily by works on Tome Sawier.

TV Biography: Foreign Writer

Mark Twain (S. Clemens) was born in 1835 in a small village in Florida. Soon the family moved to the city of Hannibal, with whom children's memories of Twain were connected, reflected in the image of the native city T. Soyra. Since childhood, the future writer was a frequent library visitor. In 1859, after training, she worked as a pilot on Mississippi for some time.
In 1861, Twain moved to Nevada. Some time worked on silver fores. Placing several articles in one of the newspapers, the future writer was invited to the post of permanent employee. Twine publications were originally similar to artistic works. In them, he described the usual life of the American province with humor.
Since 1864, the Writer lived in San Francisco, where he also worked as a correspondent. In 1872, Twain published the autobiography of "hardened", and after a while - a collection of stories. In 1875, a book was published, glorifying the writer around the world - "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Wildling the popularity of the work pushed tween to the publication "Adventures Geclberry Finn". The writer at the wave of success I tried to write a continuation of the story about two main characters, but these works were no longer a great success.
The adventures of two boys are not only an exciting reading for children, complete humorous incidents and dangers. In the adventures of the city of Finn, the life of the ordinary American province with its measured life, with his joys and disappointments, was outlined. An extremely important image of a runaway jim is extremely important, personifying the entire vanity of the slavement system. The author is not expressed directly against slavery, but does it through feelings and worries a boy. Hope's journey with Jim equalize them in a public situation. The reader sees that a runaway slave is the same person contacting the hectation even better than "normal" white people. Twain introduced into American literature the use of black dialect words and expressions, proving that they are an inhabitual part of the US culture.
At the turn of the 80s. Twain becomes one of America's most famous realist writers, his work is considered to personify all American life.
Twain was interested in medieval history. In this area they were written a fantastic novel "Yanki at the court of King Arthur."

Biography Twain: Mature years

In 1884 he was able to establish his own publishing house. In the 90s. The writer begins to work in the genre of acute social satire, his works and satirical pamphlets are directed against almost all American public institutions. Mark Twain thoroughly knew and loved the patriarchal life of the American depths. The life and activities of a simple American man, he considered the only right and faithful. Stormy events of the stroke of ages showed that a new social system comes with their laws and orders.
Early humorous Tweed stories argued human power - the conqueror of America. The characters of the stories were the carriers of the "American Dream", according to which anyone with equal starting opportunities is able to achieve everything in life what wishes. Gradually, the writer faces the harsh reality of the new bourgeois century. Along with the same humor in his works, bitterness of unfulfilled hopes sounds. The expression of these sentiments of the writer became the story of the "Opefil Wilson", in which he depicted the inconsistency of traditional American life. Twain was disappointed with the development of American democracy, he admitted that his previous beliefs and ideals were just dreams.
In the early 90s. Publishing company Mark Twain suffered financial collapse. In order to improve his material situation, the writer made a world journey accompanied by reading public lectures.
The writer died in 1910 in the state of Connecticut. Many famous writers argued that modern American literature was created by tween. Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn became the favorite children's heroes of a large number of readers.

Mark Twain (real name Samuel Langhorn Clemens) - American writer, journalist and public figure - Born November 30, 1835 In Florida (Missouri, United States).

He was the third of the four surviving children (there were only seven of them) John Marshall Clemens (August 11, 1798 - 24 March 1847) and Jane Lampton (1803-1890). The family had Cornian, British and Scottish Irish roots. Father, being a native Virginia, was named after the chairman of the US Supreme Court John Marshall. Parents met when John moved to Missouri, and got married on May 6, 1823 in Colombia in Kentucky.

In total, John and Jane had seven children, of whom only four were survived: Samuel himself, His Brothers Orayon (July 17, 1825 - December 11, 1897) and Henry (1838-1858), and sister Pamela (1827-1904). When Samuel was 4 years old, the family in search of a better life moved to the city of Hannibal (in the same place, in Missouri). It was this city that was later described by Mark Twain in his famous works, especially in the "adventures of Sawyer Tom" ( 1876 ).

Clemens's father died in 1847 from pneumonia, leaving a lot of debts. The eldest son, Orayon, soon began to publish a newspaper, and Sam began to make his own contribution to his own deposit as a typewriter and sometimes as the author of articles. Some of the most lively and most controversial articles of the newspaper came out just from under the pennation of the younger brother - usually when Orayon was left. Sam himself also sometimes traveled to St. Louis and New York.

Clemens began to work with pilot on a steamer. It was a profession, which, according to Clemens himself, would have been engaged in a lifetime if the civil war did not put an end to the private shipping company in 1861.. So Clemens was forced to look for another job.

After a short acquaintance with the folk militia (this experience he described colorfully in 1885.), Clemens in July 1861. Run from the war to the West. Then his brother Orayon was offered the position of secretary of the governor of the territory of Nevada. Sam and Orayon two weeks drove on Prairies in Diligence to the Shakhtar city of Virginia, where silver was mined in Nevada.

The experience of staying in the West US formed Twain as a writer and laying the basis of his second book. In Nevada, hoping to get rich, Sam Clemens became a miner and began to extract silver. He had to live for a long time in the camp along with other prospectors - he described this lifestyle later in the literature. But Clemens could not become a lucky prospector, he had to leave the prey of silver and get a job in the TERRITORIAL ENTERPRISE newspaper, in Virginia. In this newspaper, he first used the alias "Mark Twain".

In 1864. He moved to San Francisco, where he began writing for several newspapers at the same time. In 1865. The first literary success came to Twain, his humorous story "The famous galloping frog from Kalaveras" was reprinted throughout the country and was named "the best work of humorous literature created in America by this moment."

In the spring 1866. Twain was sent by the newspaper "Sacramento Union" in Hawaii. In the course of the trip, he had to write letters about his adventures. Upon returning to San Francisco, these letters waited for a deafening success. Colonel John Mac Comb, publisher of the newspaper "Alta California", offered tween to go to the state tour, reading fascinating lectures. Lectures immediately became frantic popular, and Twaindes the whole state entertaining the public and collecting on the dollar from each listener.

The first success as a writer tween achieved in another journey. In 1867. He threatened Colonel Mak Comba to sponsor his trip to Europe and the Middle East. In JuneAs the correspondent "Alta California" and "New-York Tribune", Twain went to Europe on a steamer "Quaker City." In August He also visited Odessa, Yalta and Sevastopol (in the "Odessa Bulletin" of August 24, 1867, the "address" of American tourists written by tween) was placed. As part of the ship's delegation, Mark Twain visited the residence of the Russian emperor in Livadia.

Letters written by tween during a trip in Europe and Asia were sent to them to the editor and published in the newspaper, and later they were based on the book "Space Abroad". The book was released in 1869., distributed by subscription and had a huge success. Until the very end of his life, many knew tween as the author of "spaces abroad". For his writer's career, tween happened to traveling Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

In 1870.At the peak of success from "spaces abroad", Twain married Olivia Langdon and moved to the city of Buffalo (New York). From there, he moved to the city of Hartford (Connecticut). During this period, he often lectured in the United States and England. He then began writing acute satire, sharply criticizing American society and politicians, it is especially noticeable in the collection "Life on Mississippi", written in 1883..

One of the inspirational brand of TV shows was the style of notes of John Ross Brown.

The Roman "Adventures of Heclubber Finn" is considered the greatest contribution of tween to American and world literature. The "Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Prince and Beggar", "Yankees from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur" and a collection of autobiographical stories "Life on Mississippi" are also very popular. Mark Twain began his career with unassuming humorous versions, and ended with a complete thin irony with essays of human morals, witty pamphletes for socio-political topics and philosophically deep and at the same time very pessimistic reflections on the fate of civilization.

Many public speeches and lectures were lost or not recorded, individual works and letters were prohibited by pressing the author himself during his life and for decades after death.

Twain was a wonderful speaker. Having received recognition and fame, Mark Twain paid a lot of time a search for young literary talents and helped them break through, using their influence and publishing company acquired by them.

Twain was fond of science and scientific problems. He was very friendly with Nikola Tesla, they spent a lot of time together in the Tesla laboratory. In his work, "Yankees from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur" tween introduced a time trip, as a result of which many modern technologies were represented in England, the times of King Arthur. The technical details given in the novel indicate a good acquaintance of Twains with the achievements of the modern science.

Two other most famous hobbies Mark Twain were playing billiards and smoking. Visitors at home sometimes said that in the writer's office there was such a thick tobacco smoke that the owner himself was almost impossible to see.

Twain was a prominent figure of the American anti-imperial league, which protested against the American Annexation of the Philippines. In response to these events in which about 600 people died, Twain wrote a pamphlet "Incident in the Philippines", but the work was published only in 1924 , 14 years after his death.

From time to time, some works of tween forbade American censorship for various reasons. It was mostly explained by the active civil and social position of the writer. Some works that could offend the religious feelings of people have not been typing at the request of their family. So, for example, the "mysterious stranger" remained unpublished until 1916.. One of the most controversial works of tween was a humorous lecture at the Paris club, published under the name "Reflections on the science of onanism." Essay was published only in 1943. Limited edition of 50 copies. A few more antirefall works remained unpublished until the 1940s.

Twain himself treated censorship with irony. When in 1885. The Public Library in Massachusetts decided to remove from the "Adventures of Geclberry Finn" from the Foundation, Twain wrote to his publisher:

"They excluded hek from the library as" garbage, suitable only for slums, because of this, we will undoubtedly sell another 25 thousand copies. "

In the 2000s In the US, attempts were again made to ban the novel "Adventures of Geclberry Finn" due to naturalistic descriptions and verbal expressions offensive for blacks. Although Twain was an opponent of racism and imperialism and in his rejection of racism went much further than his contemporaries, many words that were in general use in the time of Mark Twain and used by him in the novel, now they really sound like racial insults. In February 2011. in the US the first edition of the books of Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" and "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", in which similar words and expressions are replaced by the politically correct (for example, the word "nigger" (Negro) is replaced by the text on "the slave" (slave)) .

Before his death, the writer survived the loss of three of the four children, his wife Olivia also died. In his late years, Twain was in deep depression, but could still joke. In response to an erroneous necrologist in the "New York Journal", he said his famous phrase: "Rumors about my death are somewhat exaggerated." The material position of Twain also staggered: his publishing company was ruined; He has invested a lot of money in a new model of a printing machine, which never has been launched into production; Plagiators stole the right to several of his books.

In 1893. Twain was represented by oil magnate Henry Rogers, one of the directors of Standard Oil. Rogers helped tween to reorganize financial affairs, and they became close friends. Twain often stayed at Rogers, they drank and played poker. We can say that tween even became a member of the family for Rogers. Sudden death of Rogers in 1909 Deeply shocked tween.

Samuel Clemens, famous to the world as Mark Twain, died April 21, 1910, at the 75th year of life, from chest toads (angina). A year before the death, he said: "I came in 1835 with Gallei's comet, after a year she arrives again, and I expect to leave with her." So it happened.

The writer was buried at Woodlon Cemetery in Elmayra (New York State).

"The famous galloping frog from Calaveras", a collection of stories ( 1867 )
"The story of Maymi Grant, a Missionary Girls" ( 1868 )
"Space abroad, or the path of new pilgrims" ( 1869 )
"Ordered" ( 1871 )
"Gold plated age" ( 1873 ), Roman written together with Ch.D. Warner
"Old and new essays" ( 1875 ), storybook
"Old times on Mississippi" ( 1875 )
"Adventures of Tom Sawyer" ( 1876 )
"Prince and the Pauper" ( 1881 )
"Life on Mississippi" ( 1883 )
"The Adventures of Geclberry Finn" ( 1884 )
"" Knights of Labor "- a new dynasty" ( 1886 )
"Letter of the Guardian Angel" ( 1887 ), published in 1946
"Yankees from Connecticut at the court of King Arthur" ( 1889 )
"Adam's Diary" ( 1893 )
"Outfil Wilson" ( 1894 )
"Personal memories of Joan D'Ark Sier Louis de Conpt, her group and secretary" ( 1896 )
"School Gorka" remained unfinished ( 1898 )
"The man who seduced hedlyberg" ( 1900 )
"Transaction with Satan" ( 1904 )
"Eve Diary" ( 1905 )
"Three thousand years among microbes (the biography of a microbe with notes made by the same hand seven thousand years later). Translation from microbial brand TV. 1905 " ( 1905 )
"Letters from the Earth" ( 1909 )
"No. 44, a mysterious stranger. An old manuscript found in the jug. Free translation from the jug, "remained unfinished ( 1902-1908 )

Mark Twain - American Writer, journalist and public figure. His creativity is saturated with acute humor and satire, but they have been written a lot of works in the genre of journalism and philosophical fiction.

Dozens of artistic and cartoon films have been removed on novels and tallants, and his "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" know all over the world.

So, in front of you brief biography Mark Twain.

Biography Twain

Mark Twain (real name Samuel Langhorn Clemens) was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida (Missouri,).

On his birthday, Comet Gallei flew over the ground. Interesting the fact that on the day of the death of the writer, the same comet will sweep over the ground.

Father Mark Twain, John Marshall, worked as a judge, and Mother, Jane Lampton, was a housewife. However, despite the likely a good position of the Father, the family experienced serious material difficulties.

In this regard, the family of Clemens decided to move to the shipping city of Hannibal. It was this small town with its attractions left in mind the future writer many pleasant and warm memories, playing in the biography of Twin an important role.

Childhood and youth

When tween was 12 years old, his father died from pneumonia, leaving behind many debts. For this reason, children had to leave their studies and go to work.

Mark Twain in 15 years

Soon the elder brother of Twain began to publish a newspaper. As a result, Mark began working in it a typeset. It was then that the young man sometimes began to write his own articles.

At the 18th age, Twain goes on a trip to the cities of America.

In this period of the biography, he awakens a special interest in. He spends in libraries for a long time, reading different genres.

Over time, Mark Twain becomes Lotsman on the ship. According to his own words, he really liked this profession, requiring the care and knowledge of Farviter.

However, when in 1861 the Civil War began, private shipping was declining. As a result, the guy had to look for another job.

Creative biography tween

Over time, Mark Twain goes to the Wild West for the extraction of precious metals. Despite the fact that the initials did not make it rich, during this period of biography, he managed to compose several witty stories.

In 1863, the writer for the first time signs his books with the pseudonym Mark Twain, taken from shipping practice. In the future, he will publish all his works only under this name and it is with him that he will enter the history of world literature.

The debut work in the biography of Twain was the "famous galloping frog from Caalacese". This humorous story was gaining great popularity in all of America.

Mark Twain in youth

After that, Twain began to actively engage in writing activities. He was offered to cooperate many authoritative publications who wanted to ensure that they were published by the work of the ascending literary star.

Soon, Mark discovers the gift of the speaker, in connection with which he begins to perform in different halls in front of a large audience. During this period, the biography, he meets the future wife of Olivia, who was his friend's sister.

Works tween

At the peak of its popularity, Mark Twain writes several books in the genre of realism, which received many positive feedback from critics.

In 1876, a famous story "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" was released from his feather, which brought him even more popularity. Interestingly, it was a lot of autobiographical episodes from the author's life.

After that, a new historical novel Mark Twain "Prince and Beggar" is published. In America, the book had storm success. Later this work will translate, thanks to which Soviet citizens will be able to appreciate this beautiful novel.

In the mid-1880s, Mark Twain opens his own publishing house, in which he publishes the novel "The Adventures of Geclberry Finn". Later he publishes the bestseller "Memories", which devotes to the American president Ulysses S. Grant.

The TWOV Typography existed for about 10 years until it was completely bankrupt because of the economic crisis that began in the United States.

It is worth noting that the latest works of tween though were quite popular, but no longer had such success as the first.

At this time, the peak of glory and recognition was observed in the writer's biography: he was assigned to doctors in different American universities and he had honored him.

Friends brand tween

Mark Twain was very interested. He had friendly relations with a famous inventor. Together with him, he could spend a long time in the laboratory, observing the research of the Lord of Lint.

Another close friend of Twain was the oil magnate Henry Rogers. Interestingly, in their nature, Henry was a very stupid man. However, after a long communication with the writer, he has changed dramatically.

The magnate helped the brand tweet to get rid of financial difficulties, and also began sacrificing solid amounts of money for charity. And about many of his donations, it became known only after the death of Rogers.


In the last decade of life, Mark Twain had to experience a lot of tragedies related to his family. He survived the death of three children and spouses of Olivia, which he loved.

Perhaps that is why in this period of biography, he finally lost faith in God and began to promote atheism. This was especially noticeable in the works "Mysterious Stranger" and "Letter from Earth", published after the death of the classics.

Samuel Clemens, known to the whole world as Mark Twain, died on April 21, 1910 aged 74 years.

The official cause of his death became angina region. The writer was buried in the state of New York on Woodlon Cemetery in Emmair.

Photo tween

Below you can see those few photos Mark Twains that exist at all.

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Ernest Hemingway once noted that all American literature appeared from one book - the works of Mark Twain about Geclberry Finn. According to Hemingway, this is the best literary work of America. For the first time published in 1884, the book about the adventures of Geklberry Finn is a great American novel and masterpiece. But there are other amazing interesting facts from his biography, worthy of attention of anyone who wants to consider themselves an expert on history and literature.

Parents did not think that their son would survive

Samuel Langhorn Clemens, that is exactly the name of the writer, was born two months ahead of the term, thirtieth of November, in the tiny town of Florida in Missouri. He was painful and fragile all his childhood while he was not seven years old. Clemens was the sixth of seven children, of which only three lived to maturity. In 1839 Father Clemens John Marshall, self-taught lawyer, who also owned the store, decided to move with his family to Hannibal (Missouri) to improve his financial situation. Years later, his son will describe in his books about Tome Sauer and Geklberry Finn, it was Hannibal, although there are no direct directions to the city in the texts. By the way, the financial position of the family did not work. When Samuel was eleven years old, his father died of pneumonia.

The writer did not receive brilliant education

In 1848, a year after the death of his father, Mark Twain began to work at a complete rate as an assistant typographic in the local Gannibal newspaper. In 1851, he moved to a job in a newspaper who belonged to his older brother Orion, and began to make short satirical notes for her. In 1853, seventeen year old Clemens left his hometown and worked for several years in the printing houses of New York, Philadelphia and Iowa.

His Career River Captain was associated with the tragedy

In 1857, Clemens became a student of the captain on a steamer that he walked along the Mississippi River. Next year, when he was appointed to the ship called "Pennsylvania", Clemens found on board the work and younger brother Henry. Clemens himself worked on the ship until June, and in the middle of the month there was a catastrophe - the steamer exploded near Memphis. Among the dead was nineteen-year-old Henry. Clemens was killed by the death of his brother, but continued the work of the captain. He worked on a vapor to the very beginning of the Civil War in 1861, when commercial transport stopped Mississippi traffic. The pseudonym of the writer is associated with the term determining the safe depth for a steamhouse - the phrase, which turned into a name, was denoted by twelve feet of water.

Twain served in the confederation troops

Soon after the start of the civil war, the twenty-five-year-old Clemens joined the police supporting confederates. His family had one slave when Clemens was a child, but he did not adhere to the ideological views of the South. He was recorded in the army because of the desire to support his southern roots. His service turned out to be short. After two weeks, the division was broken. A month later, Clemens left Missouri and left military actions behind. He went to the West together with his brother Orion, who received an important position in Nevada. Once there, Clemens tried himself in Shakhtarii, but, no chance to succeed, settled a reporter in the city of Virginia in Nevada. Already in 1863, he began to use the pseudonym Mark Twain. Before that, he used others, including such as Epaminondas Adrastus Blab and Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass. Clemens was a friend of Uliva Grant and in 1885 published Memoirs of the former president. They became a bestseller and saved the widow grant from poverty threatened after her husband's death, who invested his money into failed investment.

He became famous in California

In May, 1864, Twain caused a rival from the local newspaper to the duel, but before the fight could have happened, decided to leave to another state, apparently, fearing arrest for violation of the laws prohibiting the duel. He went to San Francisco, where he found the work of the reporter. She faded him quickly, so that Twain went to wander on, in California. In those years, the state was covered by the Golden Fever. There, tween has seen competitions of jumping frogs. When in 1865 he returned to San Francisco, his friend is a writer from New York - offered him to write a story for the book, the compiler of which he was. While Twain wrote his story, the book was already published, but the publisher became interested in a story - he was dedicated to the very frogs - and sent him to New York, in the newspaper. The story became a real hit, it was published throughout the country.

The image of Geklberry Finn is inspired by a real person

The adventures of Geclberry Finn unfold in the south, where the character travels along the Mississippi River along with Jim, who escaped from the owner of the slave. Geclberry Finn for the first time appears in the novel on Tome Sawier, published in 1876. Tom Blankenship, a boy who was four years old, who lived in Hannibal, became inspiration for the image. The Blankenship family was poor, and his father was considered a city drunkard. In his autobiography, the writer tells that he described his hero exactly what was because I was ignorant, untidy, forever hungry, but at the same time with a very kind heart. It is not known what happened to Blankenship when he grew up. There are rumors that he was a judge in Montana, but in other versions, he died from cholera, but he was in prison for theft. The book about him became very controversial. Some states prohibited its publication and placement in libraries for a non-farm language, not too intelligent plot and frank racism. Modern critics note that in fact the plot of racism is obvious in the plot.

Writer was a bad entrepreneur

Becoming a successful writer, tween, and then put money into unsuccessful enterprises and broke. What is wondering when he turned up the opportunity to invest in the development of the phone, he refused. The developer, Alexander Grem Bell, was subsequently famous for the whole world. Mark Twain and himself was a good inventor, for example, he invented the adhesive sheets for notebooks. In 1891 he decided to move to Europe to reduce life costs and help his wife, who had health problems. Cases went bad and there, so it was necessary to go on a tour with speeches to pay back with tweak. It helped him to cope with bankruptcy and return all his debts for several years. However, there was never a major state to accumulate so much - he never knew how to invest his writer's festive fees.

Twain does not have descendants

In 1870, Mark Twain married Olivia Lengdon, which was from the family of abolionists from the city of Elmira (New York). A couple introduced the younger brother of Olivia, with whom Twain met on journey in Europe and the Holy Land. The couple had four children. Son died in infancy, and two daughters could not live to thirty years. Olivia Lengdon itself died in 1904 aged fifty eight years. Her husband, whose health was noticeably worsened every year after the death of his wife, lived until 1910 and died aged seventy-four years in the city of Redding, in Connecticut. Only Clara remained, which died in 1962 at the age of eighty and eight years. She had the only daughter named Nina Gablovich. Nina did not have their children, and she herself died in 1966. Thus, it turns out that the direct descendants of Samuel Clemens remained in the world.