Sodom and Homorra's sins of residents. What killed the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorra

Sodom and Homorra's sins of residents. What killed the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorra
Sodom and Homorra's sins of residents. What killed the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorra

Archaeologists have broken their heads for a long time where the citys for whom the Bible tells about which the Bible narrows. It was decided to trust the only source of Bible information.

In the Bible it is written that the lot was saved in the mountains, but the mountains surrounded the Dead Sea on both sides. But, the mention of Smolyan Pits in (Gen. 14:10) it came across the minds to look for cities to the southeast of the Dead Sea, there was a lot of resin as a natural oil product, and finally the search was crowned with success.

Sodom and Homorra were found under the thick layer of ash.

Photo of excavations.

Interesting fact 1.

We had enough evidence, but we also knew that this was not enough to convince others. We returned home and began to pray. Ron was sure that if these ruins were indeed the remains of the damned cities, God must have had to keep some irrefutable confirmation of it. A few months later, in October 1990, we returned here again. This time he took Richard Rivis from Murphy in North Carolina with him.

They left at the same place and found that there was just a rain, which is very rare in the area. Then Richard saw a large debris, obviously recently fallen from above, perhaps because of the rain.

Having considered this fallen stone, they realized that this was the proof of which we prayed. On it everywhere in ashes, like berries in the grass, the reddish rings appeared around the yellow balls of sulfur. Looking around, they saw that such rings were everywhere. We have no doubt that God responded to our prayersBecause these rings have become visible only after the rain, flushed ashes, which covered earlier everything.

Interesting fact 2.

Sulfur rain shocked scientists

More than all the discovery, opened everyone. The balls of various sizes were found, some sizes in the nail of the thumb, other magnitudes with an egg. In fact, thousands of sulfur balls were discovered at these places. Similar to these sulfur balls have not been found except at the location of these ruins.I guess this proof is based on the biblical Scripture, which was miraculously saved by God directly at the site of the catastrophe.

We do not know exactly how it happened, but we know that these burning sulfur balls fell rain on the city. We know this, because sulfur passed a test analysis and showed that she was burning. Since sulfur rain went, all objects in the city began to burn, and after some time, a high temperature rose from a set of burning sulfur. It was estimated that the temperature reached about 4000 degrees. It created a look like smoke from the furnace, which Abraham saw on the plain.

This proof corresponds not only to the place of the biblical description of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, but also other places of Holy Scripture. I believe that we really found evidence that it is the remains of Sodom and Gomorra.

We discover here that God sent this burning sulfur to the cities in the form of rain. The word "rain" is fully suitable for describing this phenomenon. The sulfur fell on the ground just like raining sheds. Their millions Such balls are found in the surrounding ashes. Some we opened and so you can see sulfur inside, while others left intact. But I repeat, such balls here are millions. This clearly indicates that God poured sulfur and the flame on these cities.

Interesting fact 3.

It is shown that the news of Sodom and Gomorre, and their unusual death is contained not only in the Bible, but also in the writings of historians Ancient times: Tacita, Sanhunaton, Joseph Flavia, Strabo, etc. Exploring the work of the historians of the ancient world, and, and this is very noteworthy, they are all, with the exception of Joseph Flavia, were pagans and extremely negatively treated as Jews and Christians,

It is noteworthy that the location of the cities of the Sididim Valley, mentioned by the ancient authors, was then fully confirmed during the archaeological excavations.

● Corneli Tacitis, Roman historian I-II centuries H.E., writes the following: "... the plains are spread, which ... there were once fertile and covered by crowded cities, and after heavenly fire ... Remains of cities are visible and today, the land has been visible since As if ... charred and can not be fruit. Any plant planted by a person's hand, or punch itself ... swept, black and scattering in dust. That to the death of the once glorious and great cities, then I am ready to believe that heavenly fire burned. "

● Sanhunyaton, Phoenician historian in his "primitive history", writes: "Sididim Dolina failed and became lake" [Cyt. 7, p. 83].

● Joseph Flavius, the Roman historian I century X.E., in his writings, writes: "... the area of \u200b\u200bSodomskaya, once-rich in his fertility and well-being of cities, now all the scorched ... due to the sinfulness of its inhabitants was destroyed by lightning." "Burnt by your wealth and abundance of property, Sodomytan at that time began to relate to people happily ... stopped being hospitable and began to unceremoniously to do with all people. Owned, ... The Lord God shaved to punish them for such a keenness, destroying their city and so empty their country so that neither the plant would no longer grow, nor the fetus ... The Lord struck the city with fiery lightning, burned him together with the inhabitants and equally emptied All area. "

● Strabo, the famous ancient Greek geographic of the I century, H.E., Father of modern geography, writes in his work: "... There were no 13 inhabited towns here, of which the main city - sodomes had about 60 stages in the circle. From earthquakes, eruptions of fire and hot asphalt and sulfur waters, the lake suddenly came out of the shores, and the fire covered the rocks; As for the cities, they were absorbed by the earth. "

Izvestia about the sodom was also in the works of the ancient Greek historian Poseidonia, who claimed that the city of Valley Sididim was located not far from the Masada Fortress; Kirensky's Size, which one of the settlements of Esseev was located near the ancient Sodom; Stephen Byzantine, that the source of the En-Geda was located once ancient soda.

Interesting fact 4.

In 1964, the Italian archaeological expedition under the direction of Professor Paolo Mattie began excavations in the town of Tal Mardih in Syria, which lasted until 1982. As a result of almost twenty-year-old research, an ancient city of Ebla was opened.

Among the unique finds found in Ebl, in the first place, of course, it is worth finding a state archive in her royal palace, which found 17.050 clinical tablets.

Among the dozens of cities mentioned in them, scientists met reference: Sodom, Gomorra and Sigor. In these documents, the city of Valley appear as Ebl's trading partners who buy silver and fabric. For many years, a number of scientists, mainly from the countries of the socialist camp, on ideological reasons, as well as the enemies and enviousings of Mattie and Pettatatatat tried to refute it, but they could not do this.

Interesting fact 5.

Wife Lota

One of the biblical reports of the death of Sodom, most of all caused the distrust of skeptics, namely the mention of That Lot's wife became a salt post. However, after excavations in the ancient city of Pompeii (Italy), even people who do not believe in God could no longer deny the possibilities of such a phenomenon.

The fact is that in 79g. X.E. The era, when Pompeii died as a result of the Vesuvius eruption, volcanic ash covered not only the city itself, but also the people who were in it. "The subtle ashes created with its prey to the present miracle of safety. He enveloped the body, capturing the slightest details, and when she subsequently hardened this cover, and the corpses themselves were thinned, their forms were still preserved ... it does not leave the spectacle to leave indifferent.

When the archaeologists from the expedition of Claude Poncelel detected the ruins of two oldest cities dating from 2-3 centuries to our era, they could not assume that they were literally three miles from historical sensation.

These three miles they "passed" in two weeks. Moreover, as it often happens, the sensation was born, in general, accidentally. The swathing sandstorm markedly changed the usual landscape, and at the place of a huge dune, someone from the guys noticed some kind of white subject, several inches speaking over the remaining ridge.

We decided to see what it is. Caution, trying not to harm, purified from age-old dust what remained. And with each silence, a scraper is dug out some kind of post. Rather, it was a white column having a woman's outlines.

Even greater amazement from scientists caused a carbon analysis of the find. First, he made it possible to determine that this is not a sculpture, but a real man with a heart, light, liver and other bodies. Secondly, the approximate age of the find is about four thousand years, which is its biblical age.

Interesting fact 6.

At the bottom of the Dead Sea, the ancient ruins of Sodomes and Gomorra were found. A group of researchers, headed by the English archaeologist Mike Sanders, studied the bottom of the Dead Sea and came across the remains of the ancient settlement covered with salt. Scientists concluded that this is the ruins of the legendary cities of Sodom and Homor.

The Bible directly pointed out their location - the Valley of Siddd, which is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dead Sea. At the same time, an ancient cities found in one of the peninsulas in the Dead Sea, and next to them - cemeteries. Specialists immediately puzzled what the cemeteries were the oldest cities themselves. Near the burials found many sulfur, and that bodies belong to sodomites, they spoke almost seriously. The idea of \u200b\u200bimmersed at the bottom of the Dead Sea came to Sunders when he found an ancient map. The desired cities were in the north of the modern Dead Sea. Then, in the pictures made from the satellite, the archaeologist noticed strange education on the seabed. Then the scientist hired underwater immersion specialists and a small submarine.

Thus, biblical reports of Sodom and other cities of the Sididim Valley received their full confirmation in the field of history, archeology, ethnography and geology.


It is shown that the news of Sodom and Gomorre, and their unusual death are contained not only in the Bible, but also in the writings of historians of antiquity: Tacita, Sanhunaton, Joseph Flavia, Strabo, etc.;

It was established that in the archives of the ancient city of Ebla there is a mention of the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, who spoke about 2100 to X.E., as Ebli trading partners;

As a result of archaeological excavations, the occurrence of about 2000 was shown to X.E. A catastrophe accompanied by an earthquake, mass fires, led to the death of several cities, in particular, in the places of Bab-El Dahre and Number, in the waters of the Dead Sea;

As a result of underwater archaeological studies, the presence of traces of buildings at the bottom of the Dead Sea;

Geological studies have been established in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Dead Sea of \u200b\u200bCatastrophe around 2000 to X.E., which led to the change in the terrain landscape and accompanied by an earthquake, emissions of natural combustible gases and bitumens, and the formation of thick black smoke containing a large amount of sulfur and hydrogen sulfide;

Thus, biblical reports on the existence of the cities of the Sididim Valley and their death as a result of a terrible catastrophe today are completely proven by complex historical and archaeological and geological research.

Marseille opened the secret de Charland, becoming an involuntary witness to the love pantomime. At the sight of Zhupyen, the aristocrat suddenly survived the back and began to build eyes, and the leaning jigged out and reached out to the baron, as if the orchid to unexpectedly having fun. Both instantly recognized each other, although they never met before. Pelona slept from Marseille's eyes: all the oddities of De Charlem immediately received an explanation. It was not by chance that Baron loved to compare herself with a calif of Arab fairy tales, who walked around Baghdad in street merchant clothing: The inhabitant of Sodom lives in the world, where the most fantastic relationships become a reality - a homosexual is able to throw the duchess for the sake of the scam.

The Princess Herman-Bavarian Marseil met Professor E. Finding on the death of her grandmother, he was delighted - his diagnosis was true. Marseille walked with interest the maneuvers of Barona de Charrah, who roaredly cared for women, but accompanied the penetrating-moving look at all beautiful young men. We have been discussed by the news of the day: the prince, known for his anti-Semitism, immediately, in an obvious intention to refuse home. Marseille struck the cowardice of the Great Ladies; Duchess Hermann sorry "Cute Charles," but was afraid even to say hello to him. And the duke reliced \u200b\u200bthe svahan for ungrateful: his friend should not have become drifusar. Rumors were exaggerated; Prince preferred to protect Dreyfus alone with a bath, for it was not bold to do it openly. When the Svan appeared again. Marseille guess a close death on his face, an isolated disease.

Relations with Albertina moved to the new stage - Marseille began to suspect that she was doing some other, hidden from him life. He decided to resort to the already tested acceptance and for a while parting the girl. Mrs. Verduren was so strengthened her position in society, which could afford to remove the castle of Marquise de Bajor for the summer (La Rassell), located next to Balbeck. Marseille came here in pursuit of memories, and the memory of His climb him: when he leaned to tie the shoelaces, he became bad from the attack of suffocation, and he suddenly had a grandmother, which he almost forgot. Grandma has always been his savior and support, and he dreamed of reading her morals in Donsen! The ill-fated card explode to him the soul, and he understood that he would give everything in the world, just to return his favorite creature. But he saw real grief when aged mother came to him: she was very much like a grandmother and read only her favorite books.

Albertina appeared in Balbeca, but Marcel first avoided it. He began to be on the "environments" of the verdurers to listen to the music of Ventile. The old pianist died, and he was replaced by a handsome violinist Charles Morel. Baron de Charle, Love in Morel, descended to the salon of verdurers, who initially treated him down, because they did not suspect his high position in society. When the Baron noticed that the best of their guests would not be allowed on the hallway of his brother of the Duke, Dr. Kotar said "faithful" that Mrs. Verduren - a woman was secured, and compared to her Princess Hermann - just rolling. Mrs. Verduren took a malice on Baron, but before the time he suffered his antics.

Marseille began to meet again with Albertina, and the jealousy broke out with the former force - it seemed to him that the girl was killer and with Morel, and from Saint-Lou. However, the thought of Gomorra did not come to his mind until he saw Albertin and Andre dance, clinging to each other with a breast. True, Albertina with indignation rejected the possibility of such a connection to the very possibility, but Marseille felt that he had lived in the atmosphere of a spreading blobe - so, the Blok's cousin lived with actress, shocking all Balbeck's cousin.

Gradually, Marseille came to the conviction that he should break with his beloved. Mom did not approve of this connection, and Franção, who despised Albertina for poverty, said that with this girl the young owner would not be wrapped. Marseille was waiting for only a reason, but unexpected happened; When he mentioned his desire to listen to the last waters of Venatel, Albertina said that she knew the daughter of the composer and her girlfriend - she considers these girls with her "senior sisters", for they had learned a lot. Shocked Marseille as if he saw the long forgotten scene in Montgun: the memory was dreamed in him as a formidable avenger - it was a retribution for the fact that he failed to save his grandmother. From now on, the image of Albertia will be connected to it not with the sea waves, but with a spit to the photo of Ventile. Representing the beloved in the arms of the lesbian, he flooded with tears of powerless rage and declared a frightened mother that he needed to marry Albertin. When the girl agreed to settle with him, he kissed her as chawfully as I kissed my mother in Kreber.

Due to the fact that mankind has already lived in the information biblical "matrix" for many centuries, today it is difficult to find a person who would not hear anything about the city of Sodom and Gomorra and about the tragic death of all their inhabitants.

It so happened that all sorts of spokeers of religious propaganda were able to inspire all of us that this Lord himself decided to erase two ancient Canaan cities and all their inhabitants from the face of the earth, when I saw a terrible debauchery ... Remember, these cities were Canaan - says the Bible! The so-called Hanaan lived in them ...

Thanks to religious propaganda, the name of one of these killed cities described in the Bible even became a scientific term, which, according to this, it is considered to call all sexy vices.

"Sodomy (from Fr. Sodomie), Sodomsky sin - a historical term, hyperonym for the designation of various forms of sexual behavior, evaluated as deviant, and having a theologian and legal color ... The term dates back to the biblical narration about the death of Sodom and Gomorra and introduced in the XI century the theologian Peter Damiani. .

I recently managed to find out that the dirty story of Sodom and Gomorra is the perjury of Jews on the history of the ancient Slavic cities who died from the natural cataclysm! It turns out that Jews in their religious literature the term "Hanaan" or "Hananei" call the descendants of the current Slavs! Here is such a historical "focus". It turns out that this is about our ancestors of Jews composed a fairy tale that they, they say, mired in debauchery and pederasty, for that, the Lord shook them ...

So, so that you understand what I understood, I will tell you everything in order ...

Biblical legend

For the first time about Sodom and Gomorra, it is mentioned as a southeastern tip Canaanlocated east of Gaza, while the ground here is referred to as the eastern shore river Jordan Here (by legend) came the lot, nephew of Abraham. In the Bible, even there are words that Jerusalem borders with Sodom from South and Southeast Parties. Residents of Sodom called Philistines (or cananemia On the Jewish manner), and the king of the city was a monarch named Ber. .

"Christian theology considers Homosexual relations The main sin of Sodom and Gomorra. The events that occurred in Sodom and Gomorra are considered as an attempt to commit sin of sexual nature, including due to twofold use in the text of the Bible of the Hebrew verb yada (cognitive) used to describe a sexual action.
Commenting on the history of Sodom and Gomorra, Christian authors can mention other sins or aggravating circumstances. In particular, Robert Gagnon (Robert Aj Gagnon) writes that the severity of Sodom and Gomorra has consisted, among other things, in an attempt of sexual abuse of guests, the priest Lion Shikhlyarov - that the behavior of Sodomlyan testifies not only about sexual, but mainly about spiritual pervertibility , hate and cruelty. Thus, Soda and Homorra became nominal in Christian theology to designate the extreme degree of sexual immorality (soda) or extreme viciousness and dazziness sinfulness. In the culture of Soda and Homorra, they became a symbol of viciousness, immorality and divine retaliation, and Sodom himself is associated with sodomy. "

All attempts of archaeologists find the dead cities of Sodom and Gomorrh were unsuccessful

Since Sodom and Homorra are widely known even to non-religious people, attempted to learn more about their location and find, finally, evidence that they existed. So, not far from the dead sea, on his southwest shore, are mountains, which consist mainly of stone salt and are called Sodomite. It would seem that it should be somehow connected with the biblical city, but in reality there are no reliable data on why this name was chosen.

Interest in biblical legend is so wide that in the period from 1965 to 1979. Five attempts were made to find the city who died due to the sins of their inhabitants, but they were ineffective. The history of Sodom and Gomorra did not leave indifferent and Russian scientists who, together with Jordanian, tried to discover what was left of the ancient city.

Expedition Michael Sanders

In 2000, the British scientist Michael Sunders became the head of the archaeological expedition aimed at finding destroyed cities. Their work was based on the images that were obtained from the American Space Ship "Shuttle". According to these pictures, the city could be north-east of the Dead Sea, contrary to all data from the Bible. Scientists have believed that they managed to find the most accurate location of Sodom, the ruins of which, in their opinion, are at the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Jordanian Valley

Some scientists also believe that the ancient ruins located in Tell-El Hammam in Jordan, and there may be the very biblical city of sinners. Therefore, it was decided to take research in this area to confirm or refute the hypothesis. Excavations under the leadership of Stephen Collins, American scientist, who relied on the data of Genesis, strengthen the assumption that Sodom was in the southern region of the Jordanian valley, which is surrounded by depadies from all sides.

Sin of Sodom and Gomorra

According to the text of the Bible, the inhabitants of the cities were punished not only for sexual debauchery, but also for other sins, among which egoism, idleness, pride and others, but the main thing is homosexuality. Why this sin is recognized as the most terrible, it is unknown, but in the Bible, he is called "abomination" in front of the Lord, and the tale calls people "do not go to a man as a woman." Oddly enough, in such an ancient people as philistines Homosexuality was a generally accepted phenomenon, and no one condemned him. Probably, it happened because their ancestors were pagan tribes and peoples, those who lived in Canaan, far from monotheistic religion

According to legend, Lord-God, fearing that the Jewish people can also move to such a sinful lifestyle, sent them to the land promised and therefore commanded them to destroy the cities so that the inhabitants of them do not apply to the globe. In Genesis, there are even lines that say that debauchery spread so much in the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, that it passed all the boundaries, so they should have been destroyed.

True or fiction?

Now, after many centuries after the events described, it is impossible to say whether these cities really existed, and whether they were burned with "rain from sulfur and fire" for misdeeding their inhabitants. A huge number of attempts were made to find the remains of these settlements, but in reality, none of them was crowned with success.

We see that there is still no real evidence found that cities with the names of Sodom and Gomorra, allegedly those who died from the fire from heaven, actually existed sometime.

At the same time, we know that in ancient times, a number of cities with a significant number of their inhabitants really died from a volcanic ashes falling from the sky and a split sulfur.

The most famous cities that such fate suffered is the cities: Pompeii, Herculane, Staby.

K. Bryullov. "Last Day Pompeii" (1833).

The above view of the artist K. Brullova on the death of the city of Pompeii, below the real view of the extinct volcano Vesuvius and the remains of the city of Pompeii.

The remains of the ancient city of Pompeii and the extinct volcano Vesuvius away, the eruption of which in 79 N.E would destroy this city.

"The precursor of the eruption was a strong earthquake, which took place on February 5, 62 years old. E. And described, in particular, in the" Annals "of Tacitus. Disaster caused a big damage to the city, almost all the buildings were damaged to one degree or another. Most of the buildings were renovated However, some have retained damage to the death of the city in 79.

Vesuvius eruption began during the day on August 24, 79 years and lasted about a day, which is evidenced by some of the preserved manuscripts "Letters" Plinia Jr.. It led to the death of three cities - Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabies and several small villages and villas. In the process of excavations, it turned out that in the cities everything was preserved as it was before the eruption. Under the multi-meter thickness of the ash, streets were found, at home with a complete setting, the remains of people and animals that did not have time to be saved. The strength of the eruption was such that the ashes did even reach Egypt and Syria from him.

Of the 20,000 inhabitants of Pompey in buildings and on the streets, about 2,000 people died. Most of the inhabitants left the city before the catastrophe, but the remains of the dead are found outside the city. Therefore, the exact number of dead is impossible to appreciate ... " .

No evidence that residents of these cities were mired to sins and debauchery, no historians also have. But there are some other evidence ...

These are discovered murals on the walls in the city of Pompeii, with which without a small 2000 years!

Pay attention to the faces of the so-called "Romans living in the Pompes", which, according to the logic of things and from our knowledge of geography should be italians. Rome is located on the territory of Italy, and the Italians live there. Here is the same photo of the frescoes, only increased:

And the faces of these women from the city of Pompei Purely Slavic, and hairstyles too!

Okay, Pompeii city, Herculaneum, Staby, populated by the Slavs and those killed from the natural cataclysm, were far from Jordan. Let's look for something similar in Soda or Homorra closer to the place specified in the Bible.

Let me remind you that "For the first time, Sodom and Gomorra are referred to as the southeastern tip of Canaan, located east of Gaza, while the land here is referred to as the eastern coast of the Jordan River."

We look at the map to understand where the eastern bank of the Jordan River is located.

A red point on this map, on the territory of Jordan, near the Jordan River, the ancient city of Jerash is marked at its right bank (the Greek name Γέρασα), who died many centuries ago from the natural cataclysm. He was buried the powerful village stream. The ancient city of Jerash was in the "canned" state up to our time, until 1920. It was in 1920 that archaeological excavations began on that place.

What was found during the excavations of Gerash, archaeologists, and why no one did the entire world on their discoveries?

I already know the answer to this "Why?"

Because during archaeological excavations it turned out:

1. On the territory of modern Jordan in the ancient city of Gerash (Gerasa), Slavs lived as they lived in many cities of Greece and the Roman Empire!
2. The Ancient Slavs living in Geraasa wore National Clothes, indistinguishable from the modern national clothes of Russian Slavs!
3. For the Slavs living in Gerasa, the image "Aryan Swastika" was traditional !!!
4. On the territory of modern Jordan in the ancient city of Gerash (Gerasa), people enjoyed the Version Slavic Letter !!!

This photo of a fragment of an outdoor mosaic was made in the same 1920 in the process of excavations by American photographer G. Eric. The original of this black and white photography can be seen.

Before you, reader, image of a man in a traditional Russian shirt!

This archaeological find was due to the logic of things to become a great world sensation. But she did not become. Did not become for a number of reasons. The strong world of this was simply not profitable to advertise it!

"Russians lived to the Jews on the Holy Land! Jerusalem was Russian! Found indisputable archaeological proof !!!" - All world newspapers had to shout? Yeah, right now! Will not wait!

However, let's return to the history of the city of Gerash (Geras). This old antique city for over 1000 years has been hidden from humanity and world history under Earth. He opened it in 1806 the German scientist Ulrich Zeetzen.

At first, the city of Gerash (Geras) was destroyed by an earthquake of the terrible force, which occurred in 749 by the new era, then he was flooded and mothballed on the century, the village streams that came down from the elevations.

In historical documents of the III century, the city of Geras was called "Colonia Aurelia Antoniniana" - the city, which is part of the Roman Empire. And in the IV-V centuries was an important center for the development of Christianity already as part of Byzantium.

After the Russian-Caucasian war, since 1878, the refugee-Circassians began to settle over the buried city, who did not assume that they were building their homes on the ancient ancient city.

Large-scale archaeological excavations and restoration work began on the territory of modern Gerash only in 1925, and only in the part where there were no new buildings.

Streets of Jerash.

Preserved foundations of buildings in the city of Gerash (Geras).

The next photo found in the city of Gerash (Geras) ruins of the early Christian temple "Holy Cosmas and St. Damian" ("Church of SS. Kosmas and Damian"). It was here that the image of a man in the Russian shirt was found in 1920.

This is what opened later, after the American photographer G. Eric made his sensational photograph in 1920:

For comparison. Man's clothing in the ancient Gerash and the National Russian Rubach with Swastiki.

After removing the layer of land before the gaze of archaeologists, a huge mosaic image opened, in addition to the figure of a person in the Russian shirt and inscriptions "Christ" there were also multiple images of various animals and birds, as well as "Aryan Swastik", as if flying in all directions, as if this is a symbolic image of the omnipresent "Spain Holy Spirit."

The most striking thing is that the word "Christ" and all other words on the outdoor mosaic were made on ancientslavic language!!!

The alphabet of the Old Slavic language is very similar to the alphabet of an ancient Greek language, and it was possible to think that the inscriptions on the floor mosaic were made in ancient Greek, however, in the Greek alphabet there is no letter "C", which is in the Word "Khrtest"And in the Old Slavic alphabet it is!

Here are the letters of ancient Greek, and here it looks like in greek alphabet Analogue of Slavic letters FROM- Sigma:

It turns out that writing in the Slavs was long before the making "Slavic ABC" Kirill and Methodius!

When they were born (Kirill - in 827, Methodius - in 815), the city of Geras was already almost a century buried under the landslide, descended from the hill in 749 due to the earthquake!

Here is also evidence from the excavations of the city of Derash (Geras), which they say that the Old Slavic writing was used there.

See that Americans are issued in the section: "Ruins of Jerash (Geras). Jerash Mosaic. Section with Greek inscription." That is, it is supposedly "Greek inscription":


Look at the letters circled on the photos of red circles. And then look here. Here is lower vneslavnaya lettering With letter "PJ"not in Greek, but it is (red mugs) on the above allegedly "Greek" mosaic.

Here is the same by writing the letter in old Slavonic ABCwhich is already read differently "YUS-Small":

So the Greek writings were found during the excavations of the city of Gerash (Geras), or is it the same Vine Slavic Writes?

The answer is obvious - this is the Old Slavic letters and writing!

Well, now go to the most interesting.

Conclusion 2:

Once again we read the text that is given at the beginning of this article:

Sin of Sodom and Gomorra

"According to the text of the Bible, the residents of the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were punished not only for sexual debauchery, but for other sins, among which egoism, idleness, pride and others, but the main thing is still recognized homosexuality. Why this sin is recognized as the most terrible, it is unknown, but in the Bible, he is called "abomination" in front of the Lord, and the tale calls people "do not go to a man as a woman." Oddly enough, in such an ancient people as the Philistine, homosexuality was generally acceptedAnd no one condemned him. Probably it happened because their ancestors were pagan tribes and peoples who lived in Canaan, far from monotheistic religion. "

These accusations are not supported today absolutely nothing! There is no evidence of the existence of the Canaan cities with the names of Sodom and Gomorra!

The authors of the Bible attributed the so-called "Pagan tribes and peoples living in Canaan"All those abuses that are to this day are experiencing exclusively to Jews! They are them, Jews, and are spreads of debauchery among all other peoples! Today we see everywhere, and this is obvious, because the whole modern porn industry is a purely Jewish business, because the entire propaganda LGBT and Gay Parada is a purely Jewish international movement!

We read the continuation of this text:

"According to legend, Lord-God, fearing that the Jewish people can also go to such a sinful lifestyle, sent them in the ground promotedAnd therefore I commanded them to destroy the city so that the inhabitants did not apply to the globe. In Being, there are even lines, which say that debauchery spread so much in the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, that this has passed all the borders, so they had to be destroyed. "

In other words, if some ancient cities in which Khanaan lived, were destroyed by natural cataclysms and "fire from heaven" in the form of a volcanic eruption, which could simply be perceived without any religious husk and tinsel as an unexpected Element strike, then the authors of the Jewish The concepts and compilers of the Bible went on.

From the century to the century, the Jewish priests, the descendants of Aaron Levtyanin, inspired the Jews (and still inspire!) That this strike of the elements, firstly, the Lord punished sinners-Khananev, and secondly, Jews, like a "God-in-family people" , We must now finish, exterminate Khananeyev where only you can inherit, as registered in the Jewish Torah, "All Ghanaan Earth".

Below decoding the Jewish expression "Promised Earth". The authors of this Jewish fairy tales operate virtual The Lord, who allegedly appeared to anyone Abraham, and said that he was "God almighty," but without Jews he could not do something, and therefore it wants to conclude a lifelong agreement on the principle: "I - you, you are."

1 Abram was ninety-nine years old, and the Lord appeared to Abram and told him: I am almighty God; go before me and be impossible;
2 And I will put the covenant of my between me and you, and quite, very prompting you.
3 and fell Abram on his face. God continued to talk to him and said:
4 I am my covenant with you: You will be the father of many nations,
5 And you will not be called Avram more, but you will be a name: Abraham, for I will make you the father of many nations;
6 and very much, I will sit very much, and we will make peoples from you, and the kings will happen from you;
7 And I will put the covenant of my between me and to you and between your descendants after you in the childbirth, the covenant is the eternal in the fact that I will be your God and your descendants after you;
8 And I will give you and your descendants after you land, on which you wander, the whole land of Canaan, insecting eternal; And I will be God.
9 And God said to Abraham: You follow my covenant, you and your descendants after you in their childbirth.
10 This has the covenant of mine who you [must] keep between me and between you and between your descendants after you: yes you will be cut off all the hussy floor;
11 Circuit extreme flesh your: and this will be the sign of the covenant between me and you.
12 eight days from birth, you will be cut into your childbirth of your every [baby] of the Magnifier, born in the house and bought for silver at some innocent, who is not from your seed.
13 will certainly be cut born in your house and bought for silver yours, and there will be a covenant of mine on the body of your Testament eternal.
14 The uncirclated masculine floor, which will not do the extreme flesh of his own, the soul is settled from the people of his own, [for] he broke the covenant of my ...
(Bible, Genesis, Chapter 17).

As part of this lifelong agreement concluded by some Abraham with a kind of virtual gentleman, whom no one saw, because God cannot be seen, the Jews are now obliged not only to trim their male babies with extreme flesh on their penis on the eighth day from birth, but also to achieve acquiring The ownership of the so-called "promised land" owned by Khanaanta on the right of birth.

"Promised Earth" means "promised". In this new land, the Jewish people should gain a calm, happy and peaceful existence. The covenant itself is obliged to fulfill forever. The people of Israel, it is prescribed to follow the commandments of His God and fulfill his recommendations, and the Lord promises to keep and defend the Jews. Read more on FB.Ru: http: // ...

And now, when we have already found out that the Canaan citys died not from the natural cataclysm, but allegedly they shook them the Jewish Lord, and now, according to the agreement with him, the Jews should finish, to exterminate the Canaantsev, where it is only possible to get, as written in the Jewish Torah, "All the land of Canaan in possession of the eternal"Let us understand the same Jews, the following letters and spirit of their religious law, are called these Canaans or Canaans, and whose land they should inherit?!

"It is obliged to know every Slavman!"

No matter what your profession is: Teacher You, a working or military, no matter what your education is: the initial, secondary or the highest, no matter what worldview you have: you can be an atheist or believing, the other is important: if You will not own this knowledge, you will also be represented by ourselves together with other "brothers in mind" not more than flock sheepThe so-called "Goev" managed by the "shepherds" and their faithful "dogs" -stests.

Yes Yes! You will be so submitted together with other "brothers in mind" not more than flock sheep, literally like on this satirical picture (which is left), which rises those who claim that "all the theories of the conspiracy are paranoia." By the way, the native cross of the Pope Francis (right) depicting the same sheep's herd instead of people - a bright evidence that someone thinks about all of you exactly!

Below I will give you three facts that do not just prove that the "theory of conspiracy" should not be treated as some nonsense or "schizophrenic nonsense", these three facts prove and at the same time explain that Russia and inhabiting her peoples are purposefully destroyed from the outside And from the inside (from two sides at once!) At least 400 years in a row!

We see this striving with our own eyes! But the overwhelming majority of people do not understand due to the absence in their consciousness of an important formation of information, why in the mouth of Western politicians Russia is always and in everything is to blame and sinful, as residents of biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorra.

Why do we want to destroy?!

So below three factsthat today is obliged to know and always remember them every Slavman! They are connected with each other with hard causal relationships and they explain why Russia and inhabiting her peoples for someone like bone in the throat, which you want to eat in half.

Fact 1.

You knew that Slavs once again inhabited Palestine?

Once and I did not know that, however, the fact is a fact: Below is a fragment of the book "On the language of Jews who lived in ancient times in Russia and about the Slavic words encountered from Jewish writers" (St. Petersburg, 1866). This book was published in the Russian Empire more than 150 years ago by Abraham Yakovlevich Garkavi, Russian Eastor and Gebraist, a valid Stat adviser to the Russian Empire, the author of articles in the Jewish encyclopedia and the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron.

From this literary monument, which was fulfilled this year exactly 150 years old, we should be taken into consciousness, literally cutting themselves on the nose that the Jews since ancient call us, Slavs, Khanaanta, and our Slavic language - the Canaan language!

it key To understanding our history over the past 400 years !!!

Confirms the truth of this information the text of another old book "ITINERARY OF BENJAMIN OF TUDELA"published in London in 1841. It also says that slavs for Jews - khanaantsey or khananei .

Fact 2.

A simple question of the Jew and the answer to him Rabbi: "How to justify extermination, women, children, old people when conquering a Canaan?"

This correspondence is not from the depths of the centuries. These are modern questions and answers to them. Below in the form on-screen copy I will imagine literally murderous information distributed in recent years with rabbis among the Jews. Apparently this very important information for the day of the current!


Indeed, if we consider the Jewish Tora from this point of view, everything is not only becoming "in place", but you come to understand, why, for example, the famous Austrian musician Ferrenz Leaf, had Slavic roots, made one day such a conclusion:

What made the greatest musician and the composer of the XIX century come once to this conclusion?!

Only one! Attentive, thoughtful and conscious reading of the Christian Bible, which is 2/3 of the Jewish Torah, and also helped him the knowledge available to everyone in the XIX century, that in the Jewish Scriptures "Under the words" Hanan "and" Khananan language ", of course, the Slavs and their language" .

As the Jews "the prevailing tribe" was destroyed on the so-called "Canaan Earth", the Bible eloquently says.

"And I took David the crown of the king of them from his head," and there was a gold talent and a gem in it, "David laid him on his head, and there was a lot of mining from the city.

And the people, formerly in it, he brought and put them under the saws, under the iron throat, under the iron axes, and threw them into the kiln. So he entered all cities ammonite. And he returned after David and all the people in Jerusalem ... " (2 Tsar. 12: 30-31).

Check out the question "Saws and iron threshers" - What is the monstrous way of the execution of a peaceful, captured city population?

BUT "Ingressive furnaces" ?

Not because the Jews do not see Holocaust that they themselves burned people live many thousandsAnd since then the fear of getting retribution for the deed does not give them peace?

And how much, not even the cities, and the nations (!) They were sighing from the face of the Earth, performing the covenants of their "divine" Torah with the Devil's God at the chapter !!!

Here are just some "Divine Commandments", which were given to Jews, as Rabbi Him Akkerman says, "To fix the world" .

If someone still stays in naive confidence that Adolf Hitler was "anti-Semit", I recommend reading my separate work: "Devil's Lair: True on Switzerland, Zionism and Jews" . Everything will immediately be in place and delusions will dispel!

Fact 3.

Well, finally another fact that actually influenced the fact that i began with time known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its limits .

I hope that everyone heard about such a pro-Jewish sect "Witnesses of Jehovah", whose headquarters is located in the USA, in Brooklyn?!

This sect, now, by the way, forbidden in Russia, in the era of the Gorbachev Perestroika had hundreds of thousands of their adepts in Russia, which went on all Russian cities, on houses and apartments of Russians and distributed propaganda literature in the form of magazines "Watchtower" and " Wake up! "

These "Jehovah's Witnesses" and I happened more than once, and even passed my magazines to me. One of the rooms "Watchtower" so shocked me by its content that I myself became a writer, Writer-warrior, a fighter of the information front.

In the magazine "Watchtower" for April 1997, published over 20 million copies, directly from the cover to me and all Russians questioned the question: "Is it true that these are the last days?"

There, on the cover, the answer was given: "Truth! Alive will be alive only those who are selflessly devoted to God Jehovah! "

Such a question and such an answer to it, naturally, outraged me to the depths of the soul. I opened this magazine to see a comment on such a shocking statement. I wanted to know why these people who do not believe in Jehovah's Jewish god should be destroyed?

And that's what I read there: "Jehovah told Abraham that his descendants would inherit the land Canaanbut not earlier than through four centuries, "For a measure of lawlessness amorreyev The accommodation has not yet been filled. " Here, under the word "amoria", which is translated as "The prevailing tribe"Meaning Khanananic people in general. So Jehovah was going to give his people the opportunity conquer khanan Only four centuries. This period Jehovah let go to Canani to develop civilization. What did Chananani come to? "

You just imagine the situation! In Russia, at that time, a whole army of sectarians missed, who did not explain anyone who was such "Canaani" or "Khanaanta", and did not prove the word about which Khanaan is talking about, but they told everyone that Jews or Jews, who worship Jehovah (Yahweh), should be very soon, in the near future (!) "Conquer Hanan" and win "The prevailing tribe" !

By the way, about the hint ( rememe) "Jehovah's Witnesses" that the Jews "The opportunity to conquer the Canaan only after 4 centuries"... Very similar to the fact that the countdown of time is not from some "prehistoric times", and not from the moment of the "baptism of Russia", and from 1613, when the Romanov (Roman) dynasty (Roman) came to power in Russia. I shared my thoughts on this score in my article "Confession of" clairvoyant ", which was and what will happen ..."

Make binding by 1613 "The four hundred years of the winner's conquest" I pushed me a picture of Peter Lastman "Abraham on the way to the Canaan Earth", Written in 1614. Well, the artist Lastman's artist has an idea to write this picture from the Bay of Parachites. Most likely, this idea was then discussed in the Jewish community!

Also in this chronology, like a ball in a billiard glass, the prophecies "about the Zhid Revolution" of the Russian writer Fedor Dostoevsky, who he published in the "Writer's" diary "for 1877:

"... The Zhidovskaya revolution should begin with atheism, since the Jews should be lowered that faith, that religion, from which the moral foundations that have made Russia and the Holy and Great!" "Godless anarchism is close to: our children will see him ... the international manner ordered that the Jewish Revolution began in Russia ... she begins, because we have no reliable resistance against it - or in management or in society. The rebellion will begin with atheism and the robbery of all wealth, will begin to decompose religion, destroy the temples and turn them into the barracks, in the stall, will fill the world with blood and then they themselves are scared. Jews will be swaying Russia and will be at the head of the anarchy. Just and his kagal is a conspiracy against the Russians. There is a terrible, colossal, spontaneous revolution that shakes all the kingdoms of the world with a change in the world of this world. But this will require one hundred million heads. The whole world will be filled with blood rivers ". . (Dostoevsky F. M. Writer's diary. / Sost., Comments A. V. Belov / Avd. Ed. O. A. Platonov. - M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2010. - 880 p.)

All that Dostoevsky described 138 years ago was fulfilled several decades exactly. Dostoevsky was not mistaken even in the figure - for the transformation period by Zhidami "Lika World of this" Russian people lost according to historians calculations "100 million heads" .

Today there is no reason to doubt that the so-called "the Great October Socialist Revolution", the course of which was governed by Trotsky and Lenin, was conceived and carried out solely to ensure that the Jews were at the head of Russian and other peoples living in Russia!

Lenin, Trotsky and Zhid-revolutionary ("proletarians" of all nations and countries).

In confirmation of these thoughts and this historical vision, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said that "The first Soviet government for 80-85% consisted of Jews" . By the way, this is also a historical fact!

Well, who after this chain of facts can say that the revolution of 1917 was not an attempt by the final conquest of Canaan Jews-Jews?

The dream of Jews did not give Joseph Stalin then. But this is a separate story.

Brothers and sisters! If we are still not completely rams or sheep, we all have to link the facts given here together, including the revelations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and conclude that the Zhid tribe with God Jehovah wishes to finally conquer not to win then there is an abstract Canaan, and Russia, Russia! And us, Slavs, the Russian people, which are the state-forming people of Russia, this Zhid tribe calls the "prevailing tribe" because we are really in relation to them "the prevailing tribe".

And they are not going to spare any of us in the upcoming final battle of "Chanan"!

Remember the words of Haim Akkerman, who answered the question of the Jew from Russia, asked: "How to justify extermination, women, children, old people when conquering a Canaan?"

Rabbi Rabbi Answer: "Only the Most High knows who every particular child becomes, when it grows up. Therefore, if you act on his command - you will not be mistaken. And if the Creator of the world said that You need to destroy all, including even infants - it means that he saw that they will continue in the footsteps of their fathers" . (C) Haim Akkerman

Here you have a goal to which this "God-in-lawy tribe" rushes today, in relation to which the legendary Christ said: "Your father is devil, and you want to make a fuck your father ..." (John 8: 44)!

This goal is determined by the entire policy of the current leaders of the European Union, the USA, England and a number of countries that everything naturally belong to the number of "Godisbracted".

Add more to this information that Jews do not consider us, Goev, people. Only they, "Godisbram" - people, and the rest - like animals!

On this I consider it possible to put a point in my narration.

Who read all this and who will continue to continue to believe the Jews that in khanansky (Read B. slavyansky) The cities with the names of Sodom and Gomorra reigned debauchery and homosexuality, he will be just a fool. Well, the Christian priests who will continue to tell this Jewish lie to the people, you can now boldly equate to Jews.

In continuation of this topic, I propose to read another one article of two years ago:https: // ...

According to the Old Testament, the city of Sodom and Gomorra were in the Union with the cities of the Admy, Shevoim and Bela (Sigor). These five cities, also known as "cities on the plain," were located on the Jordanian plain in the southern region of the Khananskaya land. Some researchers believe that this place was located north of the modern Dead Sea, others believe that to the south.

The divine court was destroyed by Soda and Gomorra, as well as the neighboring Adm and Shevoim. Sygor (Bela) was the only city who avoided the wrath of God, as the lot hid in it. In abrahamic religions, expression Sodom and Gomorra - Synonym for unrevious sins, falls and divine retaliation for sins.

The etymology of the names of Sodom and Gomorra is unclear. Probably name Sodom came from the early Semitic languages, and is associated with the root sadama. With the value "accelerate", "Strengthen", "Strengthen". The name of the gomorra, possibly based on the root ghmr.What does "deeply" mean.

Bible story about Sodom and Gomorre

The biblical description of the fall of Sodom and Gomorra is recorded in 18 and 19 chapters. The Lord and two angel came to talk with. The Lord told Abraham that

... the cry of Sodomsky and Gomorrian, he is great, and the sin of them, he is hard.

Abraham begged the Lord to spare Sodom and Gomorra, because the nephew of Abraham, and his family lived in Sodom. The Lord promised to spare Sodom and Gomorra if there would be at least ten righteous. However, as it turned out, a lot was the only righteous man in Sodom and Gomorra.

CHAPTER 19 Books of Genesis tells about two angels, disguised under people visiting Sodom and Gomorra. The nephew Abraham Lot sat at the gate of Sodom. He bowed to the travelers to the ground and invited them to the house. Soon the residents of Sodom surrounded the Lot House and demanded to give them the travelers. Lot asked them to not do evil and was ready to give the crowd to the confusion of her daughters. Angels struck the crowd with blindness and ordered lot to take a family and leave the city. Angels brought the lot from the city and ordered to flee on the mountain.

And shed the Lord in Soda and Gomorra Rain sulfur and fire from the Lord from the sky,

and the city of Sia, and the whole neighborhood of this, and all the inhabitants of the city, and [all] the growth of the Earth.

What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorra?

The Lord punished Sodom and Gomorra, but for what sins? There are several versions.

Homosexuality. Today, the term "sodomy" is often used to designate sexual relations between two men, whether voluntary or forced. Obviously, homosexuality was one of the sins, for which God destroyed the city. In the message of Judah it is said:

As Sodom and Gomorra and the surrounding cities, like their nervous foaming and who went for another flesh, expose fire execution of eternal ...

Men of Sodom and Gomorra wanted to make homosexual violence over the two angels (which were disguised with men). At the same time, in the Bible, it is not directly indicated that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorra for the sin of homosexuality.

In finding:

That was the lawlessness of the soda, the sisters of your and her daughters: in pride, feeling and idleness, and she did not support poor and beggars.

And they have been burned, and they made abrasions before the face, and seeing it, I reject them.

According to these lines of the Bible, homosexuality was not the only sin, because of which the cities of Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed, but probably one of the reasons among others is indicated greed and non-Simpleness.

Sodom and Gomorra - scientific reading.

The greatest rift on land is called the Great Rift or the Great African Rift. This is the gap of the earth's crust, which comes from Syria in Asia to the cape on the tip of Africa, extending on which 5,000 kilometers. Tourists go to the Great Rift Valley to enjoy amazing landscapes - vertical cliffs among huge valleys. Scientists believe that ordinary earthquakes could not provoke the appearance of such a huge split in the earth's crust. Probably the cause was the fall of the meteorite.

The formation of a great rift - the likely cause of the death of Sodom and Gomorra

Perhaps this event was reflected in biblical history about Sodom and Gomorra, when I shed the Lord with rain sulfur and fire from heaven. The next morning Abraham looked towards the city on the plain and saw smoke rising from the place where there were cities like smoke from the furnace. However, it was this smoke that brought researchers to another point of view, to explain which we need to clarify the location of Sodom and Gomorra.

Where were Sodom and Gomorra?

The only indication of Sodom and Homorra's location is given in the Bible:

they went to the war against Beri, King Sodomsky, against Bishche, Tsar Gomorrian, Shinava, Tsar Adam, Shemevera, King Sevoimsky, and against the Tsar Bella, which is Siegor.

All these connected in the Sidim Valley, where the sea is now salty. (Book of Genesis, Chapter 14)

Early studies regarding the location of these two cities remained without a result. The scientist F. Albright made the conclusion, the city of Sodom and Gomorra swallowed the Dead Sea, which rose a lot above its natural level. This theory was supported by Ralph E. Barney, who explored the fossils in the southern pool of the Dead Sea.

However, soon the researchers discovered near the Dead Sea the ruins of the Great Babe DH-DHRA fortress built of stone and towering over Wadi Karak ravines. Another seven buildings were soon found in the east of the first fortress. For the remnants of the buildings it was clear that the place was destroyed as a result of a fire. Researchers argue that the Babe DH-DHRA fortress was located in Sodom. The annual holidays were held here, which were attended by the inhabitants of the five cities of Plain Sidim.

Place nearby called Numera It is considered to be a gomorrea. Both seats were simultaneously destroyed as a result of a fire, and, as researchers testify, the fire began on top - with roofs of buildings. The only possible explanation of this unique discovery in biblical archeology is the assumption that burning debris fell on the buildings from above. But how could this happen? There is enough evidence of underground fields of natural bitumen, similar to asphalt, in the region south of the Dead Sea. Such material usually contains a high percentage of sulfur. Geologist Frederick Clapps argues that the earthquake could cause bituminous deposits from the ground through the fault lines. Bitume could fall on the ground as the burning flaming mass. The foundations found to the south of the Dead Sea are just on the fault line. The thick smoke, who saw Abraham, confirms this version, because the thick smoke is characteristic of combustion of oil products to which the bitumen belongs.