Savoric death of Dmitry Kogan. The memory of the magnificent violinist, the successor of the musical dynasty

Savoric death of Dmitry Kogan. The memory of the magnificent violinist, the successor of the musical dynasty
Savoric death of Dmitry Kogan. The memory of the magnificent violinist, the successor of the musical dynasty

On Tuesday, August 29, the famous Russian violinist Dmitry Kogan died. This was reported by his personal assistant Zhanna Prokofiev, reports TASS.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation died of cancer. He was only 38 years old.

The words of condolences in connection with the death of Kogan expressed Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, Pianist Alexander Gindin and others.

Farewell to violinist Dmitry Kogan will be held on Saturday, September 2, in the column hall of the House of Unions.

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Dmitry Kogan was born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow in a famous musical family. His father is a conductor Paul Kogan, mother - Pianist Love Casinsky. Grandfather musician is the legendary Soviet violinist Leonid Kogan, and the grandmother is a violinist and teacher Elizabeth Gileels.

At 10, he began to speak with a symphony orchestra, and at the age of 15 gave a concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. In 1997, a musician in the UK and the United States took place. He constantly performed in the most prestigious concert halls of Europe, Asia, America, Australia, in the Middle East, in the CIS and Baltic countries.

Dmitry Kogan became widely known thanks to his charitable action "Time of High Music". In 2013, he recorded the album in the column of the House of Allbies in the column of the house, which came out in a circulation of 30 thousand copies and was all transferred to the musicians as a gift to children's schools.

The musician was the first of the people of his profession a concert for polar explorers in the North Pole (2009), spoke with charitable concerts in Beslan and after the earthquake in the city of Nevelsk.

Since 2002, he began to organize various festivals and events that promoted classical music.

On May 26, 2011, the Kogan gave a concert in the column hall of the House of Union, in which he played on five violins of the greatest masters of the past - Amati, Stradivari, Guardari, Guadanini, Willoma.

In 2010, he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation."

The Great Musician, whose name is known far beyond his homeland, has not been on the 39th year of life. The terrible news of the death of Dmitry saddled a large number of admirers of classical music.

Dmitry's assistant also told about the causes of death. The virtuoso performer died due to the oncological disease.

The future famous musician and Virtuos Dmitry Pavlovich Kogan was born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow. Leonid Kogan - an unsurpassed violinist, was a grandfather Dmitry, and the grandmother was a famous violinist and a teacher - Elizabeth Gileels. Father and Mother Dmitry also stood out a considerable contribution to music: Father - Conductor Paul Kogan, Mother - Pianist Love Kazinskaya, who studied at the Academy of Music. Gnesinic.

At a six-year-old age, another little Dmitry, he studied at the Central Music School at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. At the end of the school, he continued his studies at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki (Finland).

In the ten-year-old age, the young, but the capable Dmitry performed on the same stage with the Symphony Orchestra, when Dmitry turned 15, he played on the same stage with the orchestra in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.

The debut performance of the young Dmitry in the UK and the United States fell for 1997. In the future, he applauded the halls of the countless list of foreign countries.

In 2010, the brilliant violinist became a well-deserved artist of Russia. After some time, Dmitry, together with the patron, Valery Savelyev, founded the Foundation for the support of exceptional cultural projects.

About the privacy of a talented performer is known to be extremely small. In 2009, he married Ksenia Chiligarova, but for unknown reasons Already in 2012, the couple broke up. It is not important that the father of Ksenia was a deputy of the State Duma and the Polar Researcher.

Elena said that the family of Dmitry and the first woman who flew into space, familiar since 1963.

When Dmitry and Helena were not, their parents and grandparents were already friendly. Despite the fact that Valentina Tereshkova was from a simple family, she really liked to enjoy the game Leonid Kogan. She was delighted with his talent.

I did not surprise anyone and the fact that when children were grown, they became each other like close relatives. Sometimes Dmitry called Valentina's daughter to Tereshkova sister Lena. So Elena believes the mother of Dmitry Great Woman, because she managed to raise such a talented son.

Between the son and mother there were very warm and tender relationships. She enveloped him with care and tenderness, in turn, the boy reproached with exceptional sons of love.

Dmitry Pavlovich persistently continued treatment. He was sick melanoma - skin cancer. The last course of treatment he passed in Israel. On August 18, he came to Moscow from Israel and continued treatment already in a private clinic. But after a week it was no longer.

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Dmitry Kogan violinist

In Moscow, in the 39th year of life, the famous violinist Dmitry Kogan died. The cause of death became cancer.

In Moscow, a well-known Russian violinist, Honored Artist of Russia Dmitry Kogan died from the oncological disease.

"A young very talented musician and a wonderful man left," said Boutman. - We had several joint projects with him, we performed together. For some time we have not met. I knew that he was sick, but did not know what was so. This is a very bitter news, and my deepest condolences close and relatives, - said in an interview with RIA Novosti about the death of Kogan musician Igor Butman.

Dmitry Kogan violinist

Dmitry Pavlovich Kogan. Born on October 27, 1978 in Moscow in a famous musical dynasty.

His grandfather was an outstanding violinist Leonid Kogan, grandmother - famous violinist and teacher Elizabeth Gileels, Father - conductor Pavel Kogan, mother - Pianist Love Casinsky, who graduated from the Academy of Music. Gnesinic.

From six years began to study on a violin in the CSMC at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky.

In 1996-1999 Kogan - a student of the Moscow Conservatory (class I. S. Rograznaya) and, almost at the same time (1996-2000), a student of the Academy named after Ya. Sibelius in Helsinki, Finland, where he was engaged in I. S. Roggy and Thomas Haapenne.

For ten years, Dmitry first made a symphony orchestra, fifteen - with the orchestra in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory.

In 1997, a musician in the UK and the United States took place. Dmitry Kogan constantly performs in the most prestigious concert halls of Europe, Asia, America, Australia, in the Middle East, in the CIS and Baltic countries.

Dmitry Kogan was a participant in the prestigious world-class festivals: "Carinthy Summer" (Austria), Music Festival in Menton (France), Jazz Festival in Montreux (Switzerland), Music Festival in Perth (Scotland), as well as in festivals in Athens, Vilnius, Shanghai, Ogdon, Helsinki. In festivals - "Cherry Forest", "Russian Winter", "Kremlin Musical", "Sakharov Festival" and many others.

A special place in the repertoire of the violinist occupied a cycle of 24 Caprisov N. Paganini, for a long time considered unknown. In the world, just a few violinders play the whole cycle of capricis. In total, the violinist recorded 10 CDs with recording companies Delos, Conforza, DV Classics and others. In his repertoire, almost all major concerts for violin with orchestra.

The musician paid great attention to the restoration of the status of classical music in the value system of modern society, conducts master classes in different countries, a lot of time devotes to charitable activities and support shares in favor of children and young people.

On April 19, 2009, on the day of Easter celebration, Dmitry Kogan was the first of the people of their profession a concert for polar explorers in the North Pole.

On January 15, 2010, Kogan was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

In April 2011, the efforts of the Cogan and Head of the Holding "AVS groups", Valery Savelyeva's patronage of the support of unique cultural projects to them. Kogan. The first project of the Foundation was the concert of Kogan in the column hall of the Union House on May 26, 2011. On the Russian scene, five great violins, Stradivari, Guardari, Amati, Guadanini and Ville, revealed the wealth and depths of their sound in the hands of Dmitry. The legendary violin "Robrecht", created in 1728 by Cremonian master Bartolomeo Giuseppe Antonio Gwarnetri (Del Jesu), was acquired by the Foundation for Supporting Unique Cultural Projects and September 1, 2011 was transferred to Kogan in Milan.

The cultural project "Five Great Violins In One Concert" is successfully presented with violinist on the best concert venues in Russia and abroad.

In January 2013, the concert "five great violins" was submitted by the Kogan at the World Economic Forum in Davos in the presence of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, representatives of the world political and business elite.

In 2015, Kogan presented a new unique project, which includes the execution of the "Seasons" of Vivaldi and Astor Piazzollas with modern multimedia video projects.

In 2009-2012, Dmitry was married to Ksenia Chiligarova, the daughter of the Polar Researcher and the State Duma deputy Arthur Chingurgarov.

2002 - Brahms. Three Sonatas for Violin and Piano
2005 - Shostakovich. Two concerts for violin with orchestra
2006 - Works for two violins
2007 - Violie Sonatas Brahms and Frank. Pieces for violin and piano
2008 - Virtuoso Pieces for Violin and Piano
2009 - Disc dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory
2010 - works for violin with chamber orchestra
2013 - "Five Great Violins" (Russian edition)
2013 - "Five Great Violins" (Foreign Edition)
2013 - "Time of High Music." Charitable Disk

Born on October 27, 1978 in the legendary Russian musical family, Dmitry Kogan, was one of the leading Russian classical musicians of our time. His grandfather - Leonid Kogan is one of the greatest violinists of the 20th century, Grandmother Elizabeth Gileels - a famous violinist and sister of Pianist Emil Gileels, from childhood he gave Dmitry love for classical music. Dmitry began learning the game on a violin at 4 years old, from six years of study continued in the CMH at the Moscow Conservatory, the first public debut - a concert with a symphony orchestra - took place at the age of 10, his first concert in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, Dmitry played at a fifteenthly aged . Education continued at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Kogan performed with leading Russian orchestras, such as the Philharmonic Orchestra of St. Petersburg, Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, Chaikovsky Symphony Orchestra, Russian National Orchestra, Big Symphony Orchestra, Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and the State Orchestra of Russia. In 1997, in the Symphonic Hall of Birmingham, the musician performed his debut Tchaikovsky concert for violin in the UK. The debut in the United States was marked by a concert with an Utah's symphony orchestra at the age of 20. Dmitry Kogan constantly performed concerts as a soloist with leading symphony orchestras and conduirs in the most prestigious halls of Europe, Asia, the near and Far East, the former republics of the USSR and the Baltic countries, namely, in the Vienna Hall "Musikverein", Berlin "Konzerthaus" and Hall of Philharmonic, in the hall "Barbican" in London, "Herkuleval" in Munich, "Rudolfinum" in Prague, the Kremlin Palace in Moscow, the Big Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Big Hall of Philharmonic in St. Petersburg.

Dmitry Kogan participated in many prestigious world festivals, such as Corinthian Summer Festival (Austria), Menton Music Festival (France), Montreux Jazz Festival (Switzerland), Perth Festival (Scotland), musical festivals in Athens, Vilnius, Shanghai, Ogden and Helsinki, as well as Festivals "Russian Winter", "Cherry Forest", "Kremlin Musical", "Sakharov Festival" and many others.

Great speaking as a leading soloist, a chamber musician, recording artist and conductor, the Kogan program also included a cycle of 24 Caprises Nikolo Paganini, for a long time considered impossible for execution, which, in turn, includes Kogan to a limited number of world violinists who performed The whole cycle. Dmitry recorded a number of CDs with leading world sound recording companies in the world.

The musician dedicated a lot of time and efforts to restore and strengthen the status of classical music in the value system of modern society. Dmitry not only conducted master classes in different countries of the world, but also participated in the activities of charitable societies, providing support for shares in favor of children and young people.

In April 2009, Kogan became the first violinist, gave a concert for polar explorers in the North Pole. In 2011, Dmitry created a fund for support of unique cultural projects. The opening of the Foundation was marked by the concert of Dmitry, during which five great violins of Stradivari, Guardari, Amati, Guadanini and Ville, revealed the wealth and depths of their sound in Dmitry's talented hands.

Dmitry Kogan - the author and artistic director of the International Festival named after Leonid Kogan, as well as the annual festival "High-Music Days", which received widespread recognition throughout Russia. In 2012, the Kogan was the initiator of the creation of the Volga Festival of Spiritual Music, which became a significant event for the whole edge.

The Kogan was an honorary professor at the Athenian Conservatory, the artistic director of the Moscow Camera Orchestra and the Volga Symphony Orchestra. In April 2013, Dmitry was appointed artistic director of the Kremlin Musical Festival.

In 2013, the Kogan was invited to perform at the International Economic Forum in Davos for the audience of the world's leading leaders. Realizing the value of music, as well as its diplomatic and educational importance, Dmitry gave concerts for the President of Russia, the Prime Minister of the country, as well as for the leaders of the world powers.

In 2015, Dmitry implemented a grandiose project "Time of High Music", during which the audience of 85 regions of Russia had the opportunity to get acquainted with classical music performed by a unique soloist, who performed on the legendary Violin "Robrecht", created in 1728 by the great master Bartolomeo Giuseppe Antonio Gwarnery (Del Jesu).

Dmitry created a number of musical multimedia projects, the last of which was the project "Legend of Valentine", the premiere of which was held in the UK, in the London Museum of Science.