How many years Tomasa Anders from Modern Toking. Thomas Anders: "Beso, when they talked about our sexual orientation

How many years Tomasa Anders from Modern Toking. Thomas Anders:
How many years Tomasa Anders from Modern Toking. Thomas Anders: "Beso, when they talked about our sexual orientation

The soloist of the popular group of the 80s Modern Talking Thomas Anders buys an apartment in the center of the Russian capital. The singer asked the realizors to find a choir with a beautiful view from the window. They say he is ready to lay out at least $ 5 million for his favorite housing. Claudia will shut it up, the second singer's spouse. However, about the first, hole, he still did not forget and carefully keeps her gifts.

Our call took Thomas in Germany, in the family of the family - the wife of Claudia and the son of Alexander. In the tube, it was also a cheerful laughter of a child.

- Thomas, have you already found an apartment in Moscow? - I asked.

In response, the singer sighed tiredly.

- Searches still continue. I want to choose myself housing in which I will be comfortable, my wife and son. I dream to live on the patriarching ponds, where the heroes of the novel of my favorite writer Bulgakov had once walked. I want a spacious and light apartment and that of my windows was a beautiful view of Moscow. And I also hope that no one else will deceive me.

Last year, an unpleasant story happened to Thomas. The gulling singer handed out money for housing adventurers who immediately disappeared with an impressive amount, leaving him without a penny. Anders had to raise all his connections to return blood savings. Now Thomas has become much more careful and entrusted to present his interests to a solid real estate agency.

- Claudia is not against moving?

- My wife and I have not talked about it. Most of the time I, of course, will spend in Germany along with his family, and in the Moscow apartment I want to dwell only at the time of tour or concerts. I hope that Claudia will be engaged in the design of our new housing in Russia, she has a wonderful taste.

- Do not be afraid that separate accommodation will affect your family?

- I was already married. And allowed many mistakes in the past. More this will not happen again, "Anders answered concisely.

Nora Balling - the first wife of Thomas - the fans of the MODERN TALKING group called not otherwise as "Meghera". In their opinion, she not only ruined the legendary team, but also forced the mild andrsa to dance under her dull. Norached songs for the group and was engaged in the image of her husband. It was she who insisted that Thomas in the clips tapping her lips and curling his hair. When the fans saw Anders in the new image, they immediately suspected him in a non-traditional orientation. It hurts Tomno Singer danced and suspiciously built eyes with his colleague to the sick. And no matter how much after that, Thomas with the hole publicly passionately did not kiss, "Blue" the loop stretched behind the singer for many years.

Today, 49-year-old Thomas still worries the maiden hearts. But the image was changed dramatically, and there was no trace from the "sweet" boy. There are no more visited hair and lipstick on lips, tosing jeans and frank t-shirts.

- I was always embarrassed by the enthusiasm of the fans about my appearance, "the singer confessed me when I asked if he missed the girls under the windows. - I never considered himself a handsome. Believe me, I have a younger sister, which is much cute. And I do not wake up with the words: "God, what I am beautiful!" If this suddenly happens, Claudia's wife quickly will put me in place!
For the new wife of Thomas, his fans do not fool. Claudia's clever keeps in the shadow of his star spouse, never climbs into his case and is not trying to manipulate them, unlike its predecessor of the hole.

Anders fans fished at Megere after she gave her husband to her birthday chain with his name. Thomas's fans immediately dubbed this decoration "Collar". But I liked the singer's gift, and he wore him, without removing, for many years. After the collapse of Modern Talking, everyone won, which became with a chain. At first, Anders said that she keeps her in a safe, then suddenly grunted in one of the interviews that he melted into the bracelet. "Only stars" found out what actually happened to the "collar" of Thomas.
- Chain chain. I did not overpay her, as I wanted once. I still storing a gift from the hole, - a singer admitted a silent voice. - It's hard for me to forget her.

Unlike sentimental Thomas, Nora quickly thrown a husband out of his head, it was worth a more promoted man on the horizon than Anders. After the collapse of the group, she organized a tour in America. Soon, Nora declared a confused spouse that she had another worker and she demanded a divorce. They say that Thomas's former wife still lives in America, owns several hotels and shops. After the scandalous divorce with the singer, she was engaged in design decorations and jeans. But Nora's personal happiness never gained.

But once they dreamed that they would be together forever. Such different are shy Thomas and Big Nora got acquainted at a party from friends. For a long time, they just talked, walked in the parks, sat with a cafe, hanging about everything in the world. Initiative to his hands took Nora, and soon the couple began to live together. Already in marriage Thomas learned about the extremely unusual hobbies of his wife. For example, Nora believed in mysticism, read books about spiritual sessions, often invited them to the house of psychics and magicians, who were allegedly able to communicate with the souls of the deceased. Practical Thomas did not believe in any of them, but never reworked Nore. Gradually, the singer himself did not notice how he was carried away by mysticism. It happened after the collapse of the group. Anders was at the crossroads, he did not know what to do. Nora, catching his mood, offered her husband to go to the session to psychic. After a long persuade, the singer agreed. And did not regret. The enchantine returned to the lost Thomas self-confidence, saying that in the future he was waiting for a brilliant solo career.

"All this in the past," the singer answered irritably, when I asked him about the old hobbies. - I no longer accept participation in dubious sessions. - But then changed anger to mercy. - Although I believe that there is life after death. Life experience tells me: there is something after the last hour breaks. Maybe when I won't, my soul moves into a new body. Or turns how the Indians believe in the butterfly or flower.

Thomas Anders is a German singer, composer, actor, producer, dancer. It is known mainly as a participant in the "Modern Talking" duet. Born in 1963, in 1983 he became a member of the "Modern Talking" duet. Actively records solo albums, tours, including in Russia.

Thomas Anders was born in March 1963. His parents are intelligent, educated people who recognized the boy's musical craving. His father contributed to the Son began to do this professionally.

For almost 10 years, the Future Star of the stage took professional lessons not only singing, but also games on musical instruments. From the earliest years in the asset of the boy, the experience of singing in the church choir appeared. Yes, Germany in the 80s was quite conservative in the 80s, so children with good clear voices often sang in the choir, delighting the parishioners.

Favorable start

Thomas's father was engaged in finance, and the mother was a businesswoman, skillfully driving a cafe and shop. Parents could seek their goals, being disciplined, and these qualities set children. Boy besides the piano began mastering the game on the guitar, which was also quite succeeded.

As a child, he participated in many contests, festivals, acquiring a good experience. At the age of 16, he became a laureate of the prestigious contest of young performers, which was conducted by Radio Luxembourg, and this date can be called the beginning of a professional career.

The representatives of show business were interested in young giving, they appreciated the attractive bright appearance of the artist. The flair did not let down musical bosses, they realized that it was beneficial to bet on the promotion of this dating.

I must say that Thomas Anderson is an unreal name of the artist, because on documents he is Bernd Vaidung. But managers considered that if we talk about serious promotion in show business, then you need to start with the search for a sonorous name.

So, a completely successful single called "Judy" was recorded. The producers were not mistaken, having considered that Thomas would be able to embody a romantic image on stage, which would make the girl's hearts tremble.

After the release of the song, almost two-week tour of Germany was followed by the cities of Germany, which was further rooted the interest of the public.

The appearance of the "Modern Talking" duet

The artist began to invite to television, including in rating shows dedicated to the musical and near-public topics. It was decided that in the repertoire of the singer will appear not only songs in German, but also in English to make his image international and promote in the international arena.

In 1983, I got acquainted with, and then a year later, their famous duet was finally formed, the first song of which literally broke the charts. Yes, yes, we are talking about the most famous composition "You're My Heart, You're My Soul", which is still considered a duet business card and is played in every way dozens of other musical groups. Almost half a year the song was on the tops of the European charts, setting a kind of record. It can be said that it was she who brought the fame to Olympus to this little to the familiar musicians.

There are many gold and platinum plates on their account, prestigious awards, but, having existed for 3 years, a creative tandem collapsed. Formally, the cause was the expiration of the contract, but the participants considered that they could be able to achieve no less success.

Further steps

As an active person, purposeful, who knows what he wants to achieve, Thomas actively took up the construction of a solo career. His first album became "different", where a rich creative experience acquired earlier was fully manifested. It is not surprising that the album was a great success, and the performer went to the world tour. In 1990, the singer created his musical publishing house, which collaborated with other performers, helped beginner singers to succeed.

Yes, it is impossible to say that he unequivocally managed to repeat the same mad success, which he had in the "Modern Talking" duet, but he stubbornly continued to work.

At the time of the disintegration of Duet, the artist was married, and his spouse supported him in everything, paid great attention to his work and even engaged in creating a husband's image, because there was professional imaging skills.

After the collapse of the duet of the singer began to invite in the United States, and together with his wife they decided to go beyond the ocean. Thomas lived there about 10 years old, it was very fruitful years, the result of which six solo albums became the result. Master also announced himself and as an actor, starring in several films.

Reunion Duet "Modern Talking"

In 1998, the duet reunited that it was a lot of interest to the artists, but Thomas was still in parallel engaged in solo execution, producing, often appeared on television screens in music show, distributed interviews.

The personal life of the singer has changed. The first marriage was collapsed, but after a while the artist met Claudia Hess, which became his second spouse.

The combined duo existed for 5 years, the singers performed new compositions and the famous hits of the 80s, which traditionally enjoy success. Actually, and now it is believed that the cover version of the hits of the past years win-win options. As you know, the world's discos of the eighties is popular everywhere, which consist mainly of light dance music in modern performance.


The duo collapsed for the second time in 2003, this time finally. Although you can never say for sure. Knowing the ability of the artist to intrigue to the public and present absolutely unexpected surprises, it is impossible to exclude that the musicians will again unite for joint creativity.

In 2003, the musician made a big tour, he performed in the American city of Atlantic City, and also pleased the Russian audience, performing on Red Square along with the legendary group "Scorpions".

In parallel with this, he recorded a new solo album, in 2004 he left the next, the seventh on the score, which quickly found himself on the tops of the charts. It must be said that this album was the most rating in the artist's music career. He not only performed as a singer, but he himself fruitfully wrote songs that were popular.

In 2005, he was again invited with performances in the United States, he gave concerts in Chicago, New York, the concert halls of other cities, where it was invariably met with ovations. The musician has always tried himself in new genres and directions, loved experimenting. In 2006, it was released his next album, but not quite usual, because acoustic music was recorded in it, orchestral support was actively used, arrangement.

In 2010, the album came out, which was aimed solely on the Russian musical market. Previously, experts conducted a survey among domestic fans and found out that in the overwhelming majority, people perceive Thomas as an artist of melodic romantic songs, and it is this role most of all in the public. It is not surprising that the producers took into account the wishes and the album "Strong" turned out to be romantic, with a good dance accent. As a result of hits from it reached the second place in the domestic hit parade.

The Contractor made a large tour of the cities of Russia by visiting the total two dozen cities.

Personal life

In 2011, Thomas Anders released an autobiography, the book also enjoyed success. True, it did not cost without a scandal, because the musician in his sincere autobiographical history could not not mention other people who somehow influenced his work, life. As a result, his ex-wife Eleanor Balling filed, considering some statements offensive in their address.

Photo: Thomas Anders with his wife and baby

The singer had to pass even through litigation, as a result, the court accepted the side of his former spouse and offered the author two options to choose from: the immediate processing of autobiography with the removal of controversial statements or the material compensation for a former wife in the amount of 100,000 euros. Interestingly, he chose both options at the same time: deleted moments and voluntarily paid compensation. Someone considers such an act and as a peculiar sense of humor, which has always been inherent in the artist.

Judging by the biography and geography of speeches, he loves Russia and often comes to the country. For example, he performed in August 2015 at the bottom of the city in Yoshkar-Ola, bringing the public to a stormy delight, performing the hits of past years and new compositions. And in 2014 he performed in Sochi.

Yes, the musician sincerely demonstrates the love of our country, coming here with enviable constancy.

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His first visit to Moscow was for the police a real natural disaster. People spent the night at the Stairs of the Olympic, and in the afternoon each other crossed each other in a monstrous pressure from the Cass. The walls of the sports complex were literally dotted with confessions in Love to Thomas. They were laundered, but the next day the fans again painted with coal with a gray building ...

Since then, almost 30 years have passed. Thomas passions have long been subsided, and the next visits of the former idol remain almost unnoticed. And yet, the concerts of the stars disco are still collecting the full halls. Especially when Headliner is declared, Thomas Anders.

"Everyone's personal life was its"

- Thomas, you come to Moscow almost every year. What does this consistency mean?

Just love to come to you. I am very glad that fans in Russia and to this day remain right to me. And for the first time I visited Russia back in October 1987. Since then, of course, in your country a lot has changed. And for the better.

You remember the first visit to Moscow. And why did it all start? When did the musical abilities at the boy, whose name was not yet Thomas Anders, and Bernd Vaidung?

Yes of course. I was five years old when my mother gave me the first guitar for Christmas. I did not let her go for a minute, even at night laid near his bed. And in the morning he sat in sight of everyone, hit the fingers along the strings and threw on the whole house. Mom did not know where to give himself, stuck her ears - probably, I regretted that I made me such a gift. But my uncle, Burgomistra's neighboring area, such a spectacle only lost. And he decided to annoy me. At the solemn opening of the Silver-Gala hall, I sang ... four hours in a row! This is how my first performance took place.

Then I began to take part in the contests of young talents. At one of these - the competition "Radio Luxembourg" - met his first producer. We recorded three singles, I made a TV show. Then there was a big tour of Germany. My God, how was I worried when I first went to a professional stage in front of thousands of spectators in Tomi-type-rock show! Probably, it would not be able to overcome timidity if someone did not give me one stupid advice: "And you imagine that the whole public ... in the pants." You know, oddly enough, helped. Well, and then the era of Modern Toking began, and other people's advice had already become anything.

"Modern Toking" broke up in 1987, after 11 years, unexpectedly resurrected, and in 2003 it was suddenly suddenly stopped existence. Why?

Oh, we and Dieter is sick so different people! In the work really achieved success, but everyone's personal life had their own. We will work together a concert - and run into different directions. When I was engaged in a solo career, I immediately felt much better than myself.

You know, many have been confident that you are with a diter ... as if softer it is to say ... unconventional sexual orientation. How did those rumors react?

Yes, many about me thought so. Because I'm not very high, not too strong, extravagantly dressed, and I also loved to wear decorations. I unpleasant when they say so, but it does not touch the feelings of my dignity. Let them talk! Gossip and rumors are the inevitable costs of our profession.

- But then you triggered, they became uneasy to dress, removed the decorations ...

Just one beautiful morning I realized that this image is no longer for me. I changed not only outwardly, but also internally.

"With the girls I have always been shy"

- Thomas, did you have what is called a star disease?

In my opinion, narcissism - the disease is unenviable. I am the same person as everything. Star fabrics are not for me! Over the years I brought the principles of the "theory of positive thinking", which is now guided by. They are simple.

Trust God - he is wiser and knows what he does. Do not think that you forgot about you and there is no place for you in this life, "God helps and weak, and strong, he cares about the unfortunate, but he loves those who know how to enjoy life. Clever hear and recognize the signs of fate. If there are no failures today, if you hit the black strip, you should understand that this is a test, warning, testing for strength. And if you learned a lesson, then a white stripe will follow.

So you create around yourself a bright aura, which protects you from evil people, falnial thoughts, misfortunes. Sometimes events in life occur at all as we want. It seems unfair to us. But from each, it would seem, we can make something positive for ourselves.

- Thomas, is it true that the first is your love was unhappy?

Not quite ... You know, my favorite toy in childhood was a Barbie doll with long golden hair. I dreamed of falling in love with the same girl. And when I was 18 years old, my dream materialized.

Her name was Stephanie, she was 21 years old. I was invited to a party in my hometown of Koblenz as a singer and a pianist. At first, Stefi saw me in the big car of my father. And then heard me. A few weeks later we met on a disco in Bonn. I invited her to ride around the capital, then we went out in the city park. I liked the hand in hand with her so much. Stefi seemed uncomfortable - she was much higher than me with growth. But I took her hand so tightly that she had to conquer.

Although actually with the girls I was always shy. Never said: "I love you!" But always wrote about it in letters and on the plates. Well, my "doll" Stepi then met a more adult and an experienced man, and we broke up.

"Nora forbade me to cut"

- However, you did not suffer for a long time. After all, in your life, Nora appeared, more precisely, Eleanor, and even more accurately - Isabelle Balling. And you all began so beautifully ...

Nora became my wife when I was 21, and she is 20. The wedding was magnificent. When we left the church, we met a whole crowd of people with dozens of little dogs of our favorite breed Yorkshire Terrier, each of which were tied with white bows on the fur.

While we went to the restaurant, the song You Re My Heart sounded across the neighborhood. And we had a marriage night in the hotel "Solar Alley" that on pork grief. All night we called on vasam flowers and disassembled gifts: a device that makes a kilogram of ice cream in 20 minutes, robust with the seal of the family Balling, a gold treble key, silver glasses for champagne ...

When we went to the wedding trip to the Canary Islands, Nora took 18 pairs of shoes and a reasonable amount of clothing to wear a new one every day. We drag with nine suitcases and two dogs: Miki and Daisy. Early in the morning they wandered around the deserted beach, and in the evening they drank cocktails in the bar. At night, I had to wrap a phone tube in a towel, since the device soberly sober every minute. So entertained my fans. In the afternoon, they had to flee.

- Nora is a very beautiful woman. Did you probably have a lot of rivals too?

My main "rival" was the subject that dismantled his right ... sleep in our bed. On the satin bedspread always dreamed the cat Nero. We even called him in a joke "hotly beloved and desired by bed."

On your relationship with the hole are about different. After your divorce has passed many years. What can you say about your first spouse?

Well, what to say ... I was impressed by her business qualities, the skill at the right moment to knock on the fist on the table. It seemed to me that we perfectly complement each other, which together we are power. Now I prefer several other qualities in a woman - such as calm, restraint, diplomacy.

Nora is really beautiful, but very wayward. For example, she always said that I had stunningly beautiful hair, and in no case could you cut them. Somehow we lived at the hotel in Munich. Nora forgot the shampoo at home and ordered him on the phone.

A few minutes later the door knocked. The wife stayed in the bathroom, and I quickly threw a robe and opened the door to a concierge. The guy I apologized for a long time that they had no shampoo that we ordered. At the same time, for some reason he called me all the time ... "Frau Anders"! In the end, I'm tired of it, and I ... opened a robe. Under which, naturally, nothing was. Concierge, poor fellow, it was only able to extract: "Oh God!"

"With Claudia I'm calm and reliable"

- Why did you still part with the hole?

She was very chain and jealous. I'm just tired of me. We got married at the end of 1984, and after a month, Modern Toking was published in the first places in all hit parades. In the imagination of the hole show-business looked like this: everyone fun with the "light" girls and bathe in champagne.

Nora decided that women would become safe for her only if she herself would drive them away from me. When at one TV show, our speech was supposed to announce a charming girl, the wife even tried to ban me to go out onto the scene ...

After parting with the hole, I often fell in love. True, most often women reacted like this: "With him? Never! He could have any! "

Your personal life has developed very original. You had millions of fans in all countries of the world, and you met our current spouse in the native town of Koblenz. How did this happen?

We met by chance. Although the truth is said that all accidents are logical. Somehow came up with friends in a cafe and saw a pretty girl there. She had such a sad glance that I wanted to cheer her. I approached her and asked: "Hi, where are you from?" It turned out that Claudia lives in my hometown.

We talked. Then she even did not give a look that he knew me. Just liked it to me. A modest girl, in the specialty Linguist, worked in a computer company. I was glad that Claudia had nothing to do with the artistic environment. Soon we got married (the wedding arranged in an old castle), Claudia threw his job and began to engage in my affairs. We traveled together on tour until the son was born ...

Of course, I am happy when I am on stage. But the most joyful moments in life are exactly those that I spend in the circle of my family. After all, by your nature I am a man's home. In the evenings, we sit in the living room by the fireplace, we analyze the letters of fans, read them. It was about such idyll that I dreamed. With Claudia I calmly and reliably.

- Thomas, can you call yourself a lucky one?

Judge for yourself. I survived a lot of catastrophe and one heavy accident in 1983, when the parents of my first wife died. In all alterations, I remained intangible and unharmed. Everyone knows the history of "Titanic": one person could not buy a ticket, as they were already sold out. I would come in such a situation and said: "Not fate!" And he did otherwise - he twisted the ticket from one passenger for huge money. And with this "happy" ticket drowned.

- Prefer a quiet harbor? Not boring?

On the stage, I myself do not exceed yourself. I understand it perfectly. Maybe I'm still waiting for "storm", but only in some other area ...

Pets of the European public and the disco star of the second half of the 1980s, the German singer and composer Thomas Anders was a member of the Pop Duet "Moden Toking", an unusually popular in the Soviet Union, which decayed twice during its existence. After final parting with his partner Dieter Boulin, Anders successfully spent solo concerts in the United States and around the world, not once been in Russia. It was here that in 2010 he released his most successful solo album, separated by a circulation of 650 thousand copies and became twice platinum. The singer continues to actively concert activities and the wife of Thomas Anders - Claudia is a reliable support of his work, providing a durable family rear.

During the peak of the popularity of the group "Moden Toking", a variety of rumors went about the personal life of the duet. They even spoke about the intimate relationship of Dieter and Thomas, although nothing except for any assumptions knows. And Anders at that time was the wife of Nora Balling, who worked with a duet of one of the four girls on the singing. Their marriage was registered in 1984 and any homosexual relationships in such a situation, naturally, could not be speech. After the breakdown of the famous duet, Nora continued to work in a pair with her husband, although such popular as he had never used, many fans of Moden Toking were even disliked. Nora was rather secured materially and for 15 years of joint residence increased its state significantly. The gap between the spouses occurred during their tour in the United States, where Nora had a lover. In 1999, there was an official news about their divorce. During this procedure, the former wife ruined Anders for another one million in their favor.

In 2000, the marriage of Thomas was held with Claudia Hess, which embodied all the dreams of Anders about a normal and cozy and peaceful family life. Despite the fact that some find some external similarity in this woman, Claudia is a completely different person. It has a calmly balanced character, desire for compromise and peaceful solution to all conflicts. In addition, Anders emphasizes the extraordinary positivity of his second wife: instead of whims and desire to insist on their own, it can simply rejoice at what is happening around and find a bright start in the most ordinary things. Family life of the Four Andersov, according to the singer, passes quite usually: without a noisy fuss, pedestrous parties and, if possible, lush secular events. He, after marriage to Claudia, for the first time in many years there was a real opportunity to fully relax in the family atmosphere.

In June 2002, a child was born in the family of Andersov: the Son, who received the name Alexander Mick Waidung and Claudia devoted his upbringing a lot of effort and strength. Alexander grows by a developed and mobile boy, manifests a good ability to music, but there is no plans for the future. I am pleased to listen to the record of all the concerts of the Father, trying to spend more time with him. The family loves to rest secluded and be together at home in full, if such an opportunity is issued. Thomas has a favorite hobby - a kitchen, where he feels an actively resting and completely detached from business concerns. Wife and son with special care encourage this hobby. The place of their residence is currently the old town of Koblenz at the site of the merger of two great German rivers - Rhine and Moselle.

Talking to journalists about their family life, the singer diligently emphasizes her everyday life, which is especially the road to the wife of Thomas Anders and him himself. They get up early and disagree on their affairs: father in his office, 14-year-old Alexander to school, Claudia - in his female hassle; Then everyone returns home and spend time in an ordinary family setting: communicate, they are engaged in sports, meet with the friends of the Son, sometimes take visit friends, be sure to dine together. Rare respite between work and concerts, Thomas prefers, just like a vacation, spend at home with her family: during the tour, he managed to withdraw the whole world and managed to get tired of impressions. By nature, he is a household and a calm discreet man.

Real Name: Bernd Vaidung.

Hairstyle: Thomas's hair from nature is wound. Before Modern Talking, he wore a short, but lush haircut. While working ... Read everything

Real Name: Bernd Vaidung.

Pseudonym: Thomas Anders. Chose him named coach of his favorite sports team. According to other data, this name suggested him a sick.

Place of birth: Münstermifelfuld (near Koblenz), former Germany.

Hairstyle: Thomas's hair from nature is wound. Before Modern Talking, he wore a short, but lush haircut. While working in a duet, on the advice of his wife, the long hair was reflected. In the post-inging times took them to the tail. In 1995, he had tonsured "Hedgehog". Since 1998, wears a short haircut, the hair did not grow below the shoulders.

First song: For the first time, sang at the request of the Father on the Christmas holiday. Then sang in the Mother's shop, for which he received favorite sweets. In 1979, at the competition of new names of Radio Luxembourg Bernd, Bernd met his manager Peter Kreb and concluded his first long-awaited contract with a recording studio CBS. Peter Kreb presented Bund to producer from Frankfurt Daniel David. Together with him in 1980, Bernd recorded his first single "Judy", and then three more. And then ... And then in his life, Modern Talking appeared ...

Education: The University of Mainz studied musicology and Germany. It has 13-year-old classic music education in the piano.

Harmful habits: for some time argued that he smokes, although no one had ever seen him with a cigarette. Drugs never consumed. Wines prefers from alcoholic beverages (he is a real connoisseur!), Champagne and beer.

Dancing: In the youth, visited the circle of dances, where his partner was an eloctal aunt, from which the smell of Luka came. Tom hated to do before reverents. Now he is not averse to spend time in some club, but there is no discourse about professional dances. :))

Pets: Madly loves dogs. Now he lives the Maltese Bolonka Krikshi.

First Girl: For the first time, Thomas fell in love with Stephanie Key, which was fascinated by his voice. Thomas imperceptibly slipped the shtifani small glass duck as a sign of his love. But despite these signs of attention, Bernd was very shy. He never said Stephanie "I love you!" - He wrote about it in letters, fired her about it in the car or signed on the plates. But Stephanie met an experienced guy and broke up with Thomas. Although then Thomas argued that for the first time he slept with a woman at 18 years old (according to him, this woman was an unsuitable Nora Balling), many tend to assume that his first sexual experience was with Stephanie.

Favorite childhood toy: Barbie doll. He could have a clock to mess with her and derive her hair. Apparently since the time he had his female ideal - a high slim blonde with long hair (at least life shows that it is so).

Favorite flowers: White roses.

Weakness: candy and chocolate.

Kumir: his own father.

Favorite writer: Stefan Collegu.

Favorite perfumery: so no, it changes depending on the season.

Favorite music: Classic jazz. From modern artists, he was interested in Duet Savage Garden, Backstreet Boys and Sophie Elise Baxter.

Favorite color: black.

Favorite dish: Italian and Asian cuisine, as well as pizza.

Solo Career: What to say, but Thomas's solo career was not very successful. At first, a one-year-old break was made - Thomas lived in the United States, gained experience, communicated with new people, tried to move away from an unpleasant sediment, which he left him after the collapse of MT. In the end, he writes the first solo album in his life (1989) and names it "Different". Among other thanks for help in creating a disc, Thomas wrote: "Thank you, of course, Nore. You are my life that I can still say." But this disc, unfortunately, "did not go," despite the fact that Thomas collaborated with Mark Cassandra, known in his work with the German pop singer Sandra Laurr (in marriage Kretu). Listeners did not want to take Americanized Thomas with a two-day bristle, tail and in dranny jeans. "Where is our affectionate brother Louis? Divine Kisa Thomas? Milyaha?", They said. To create a second album Mr. Anders attracted the creator of the Duet Roxette Fee Hessle. The disk was called Whispers (came out in 1991) and was more subtly filed to the market, and he did not reject him as debut. Thomas was successful in Spain, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the USSR. In 1992, Thomas, heated by the success of the second album, collaborated with Glen Medeurios and released the album DOWN on Sunset, who could also grab a certain proportion of popularity.