How many years old Olga Molchanova is wider than a circle. Olga Molchanova: "To revive" wider range "? Beautiful idea!"

How many years old Olga Molchanova is wider than a circle. Olga Molchanova:
How many years old Olga Molchanova is wider than a circle. Olga Molchanova: "To revive" wider range "? Beautiful idea!"

The legendary personality is a music editor, the creator and inspirer of the transmission "Shiry Circle" - tells "TN" on the television of the past, popular program and unpopular once kirkorov and steep.

About Leong Agutin, I first heard from his father - Nicholas. Kohl is one time was the director of Maluge's Glory, the leading program "Wyry Circle". And with glory, accordingly, I was friends. Nikolay once told me: "Olya, I will grow up such a cool boy - I think you will like it. In a few years I will show you. " He dreamed of bringing his son to the stage. But Löney led me to me, but Oleg Nekrasov, who became the Lenin director many years later. It happened in the early 1990s.

With Vyacheslav Malezhek (1980s)

Oleg walked on the music and everywhere he offered a young artist, but as I understand it, unsuccessfully. Once he brought him to us in the program "Wyry Circle". To admit, no special impression of Leonid then did not produce me. "This is Rumba" - so, in my opinion, a song was called, which Leon first performed in the program "Shiry Circle". Then he began to appear in other transmissions. Well, then sang the "Barefoot Boy" and the VMIG became popular.

After a couple of years, Igor Krutoy asked me: "How are you Agutin?" I think Igor helped Løn in his promotion. I answer: "in no way." - "Do you argue, will he be a star?" I argued and, as you understand, lost. (Laughs.) This is perhaps the only case when I did not guess. But now Agutin is one of my favorite artists.

Igor Krutoy, too, did not immediately become known to the general public and made his way to the musical Olympus with difficulties.

Igor must all Alexander Serov, his voice, Charizme. He became popular before. The first song that Sasha sang in the program "Wyry Circle" and in general on central television, was not written cool, and Zhen Martynov. This is the "Echo of the First Love" on the words of Christmas.

With this song, Martynov and Serov appeared in our edition on Shabolovka. Zhenya me with Sasha and introduced me. I liked the song, we immediately recorded her. And I liked Sasha with all of us, editors, - still, in his youth he was an incredible handsome man! And voice! And the manner! At that time, on our stage, there were no similar "western" artists. Serov more than once sang in my program and often spoke about the songs of his friend - Igor Cool. And I already knew that Igor was not very complaining about television. There was such a rustle: and some kind of suspicious surname, and most importantly, not a member of the Union of Composers. Preferred to only "members" ...

And yet, when Sasha brought the song Igor cool to the poems of Rimma Cossack "Madonna", and then "you love me", the televisers could not resist. They gave them to the air, and the steep woke up famous.

With Philip Kirkorov (early 1990s)

- Tell about the "king of pop" Philip Kirkorov. After all, he also became known thanks to the participation in the transmission "Shiry Circle".

Philip is the only artist who does not get tired in any interview to say the program. Thank you - optional Olga Borisovna Molchanova. (Laughs.) He is very grateful man. I will not say that we promoted it, no. But he littered in the "wider circle".

For Philip, his appearance is the main trump card. I saw his seventeen-year-old and literally blinded from beauty. He then studied at the Gnesian School, where my close friend worked, Pianist Lydia Lyakhin. She accompanied the students of the Margarita class Josephovna Landa. And one day, Lida called me: "Olya, what guy appeared, go crazy! Beautiful like God. " By the way, she, and Serezhu Zakharov "looked" (also the pupil of the Landa) and introduced me to me. Philip and Sergey in youth - one person.

When Lida told Filippe, he knows me, he began to ask her to introduce us, because in the transfer of "wider circle" dreamed of getting every performer. I allowed to give my room, and he began to rub the phone. And I thought everything - it is necessary, it is not necessary. Lida said she sings not very ... and when the phone call was heard, I whispered my mother that I was not at home. But Philip turned out to be persistent and eventually found an approach to mom - the key to the heart picked up: he said that she had a young handsome voice.

Mom began to persuade: "Listen, Olya, it becomes indecent - come to the phone. Such a good boy, polite, delicate. " Finally I appointed him a meeting in the editorial office. He came in a white padded suit. I shook my already huge glazes on me. And while we talked, standing all the time.

With Lvom Leshchenko (1974)

- Is it really because of the women present next?

He later admitted that she put his only concert suit and was afraid to remember the pants. Lit, only when accompanied onto the piano - sang Bulgarian songs of Tonne Rusheva, his beloved composer. He set a music notebook on the Püpitra, and since she was tuned to this to the tube, while Philip played, swore and fell. He was terribly embarrassed. And I had to repeat again and again. At that meeting in the professional sense of Kirkorov did not promise anything bright. But it immediately fell in love with all women "Ostankino" and "Shabolovka"! And asked me: "When a lovely boy appears in your program?"

It was impossible not to give ether to such a handsome - just like not to help find a songwriter, which would have made Russian-speaking panels on the melodies of the Bulgarian composers. I sat on the phone, I began to call the "Great": Derbanev was sick, Tanich said that he had repair, Shafran refused. I remembered the poetess Natalia Shemetenkova, the wife of a big official from the Central Committee of the Party. She agreed to the meeting. We went with Philip in her luxurious apartment at Shuseva, a neighbor on the site was Galina Brezhnev. It all happened. Natasha immediately fell in love with him, tried very hard, and it turned out cute songs. Filipp lit in several programs, began to gain momentum, grow and fix in a professional sense.

- It seems like Natasha Queen you gave the start? Who led her to you?

I was friends with Left Leshchenko, and he - with Natasha Mom. With the Levina's filing, the Queen and turned out to be in the program "Wyry Circle" - then it was only 13 years old. Leva told me that there is a girl in Kiev, sings well. Leshchenko for me authority, so we immediately called Natasha to Moscow, she sang a nice song about school love. Speakers, of course, under his real last name - go into the way. Alla Perfilova from Atkarsk, too, for the first time in the transfer of "Shiry Circle", sang, still a student. Now you know her under the name Valery.

With Yuri Antonov (2006)

At that time, many artists who went to tour across the country, brought to us the editorial office of the cassette, said: here the guy or girl sings well. There was no video then. We listened to all that we were carried, and, if you believed that the young performer is really worthwhile, invited to shoot. Sometimes caused simply on the recommendations of the correspondents. Let me read the letter from some long-range corner of the country that there is a talented person, and a helmet telegram - let him goes. Some inner flair and the style of the letters themselves prompted the solution. There were practically no errors.

- And came for state money?

No, at your own expense. Democratic was the transfer, proud of! I traveled around the country myself and, if interesting singers came across, dragged into Moscow. Somehow was in Tallinn on the holiday of the song. In the evening, went to the famous night varnish, and there I saw Anna Western. Free, in Western Oll, smiling ... I liked her very much, and I invited Anya to the transmission "Wyry Circle".

Yuri Antonov appeared for the first time on the screen in our program. He had already had mad popularity by that time, and he looks like, no one knew. Songs spread through underground cassettes. And no one decided to show it on TV - the inspiring indication was released from above: once a member of the composer union - not to let. But the transfer of "wider circle" was attributed to the editorial office of folk art, so everything is logical: an unknown young performer, as it were from the people, makes the first professional steps - it is necessary to help. In 1980, we even removed his little solo concert, which was a great success.

With Vyacheslav Dobrynin (1989)

I introduced us to all the same Lev Leshchenko. A lot about Yura told, and on some day he came to Shabolovka. I was surprised: I didn't imagine it at all. Tight, diluted ... and directly said: you have wonderful songs, just need to lose weight. I did not know the yurin character, his supracity. He got angry, flared and left. But, apparently, forgave my tactlessness. Then we made friends with Yura, all his best songs were first sounded in the program "Wyry Circle".

- What about his character? Yuri Mikhailovich is famous for the abuse.

With me, he was gentle and affectionate, white and fluffy. But with others ... Once we decided to put it the leading program. He went on stage with the singer Tatyana Kovaleva. The text of Yura, of course, did not learn. On the comments of the partner snaps. Irritation expressed not quite censored. By the middle of the transfer, we realized from the leading frame to remove and just shoot the concert numbers - everything. And then they dismissed the audience and described the text separately. But it is worth noting that the spectators of Antonov are idle and filled the studio to failure. Despite the fact that at that time it was difficult to collect the audience. We did not pay for participation, as is done today. And the shooting is long, tedious, not everyone withstood. But the crowds of his fans were raised on Antonov, having fun, watching the presenter quarrels. (Laughs.)

Until now, you are friends with Yura, but it is explosive, and the excesses sometimes happen.

- Olga Borisovna, on Soviet television could be breaking without a Blat, but for money?

I stand somehow in the smoker on our thirteenth floor. And I hear the conversation in the floor below: "Listen, you need to somehow stuff in the New Year program. Where will try? In the "light" you will need money, no, do not pull ... let's go to the "wider circle" - there is free. " For participation in the same "blue light" or in the "Morning Mail" it was necessary to pay. Then I learned that these were the guys from the "Secret" group, which, too, first appeared on All-Union TV in the program "Shiry Circle".

About money still funny story. Composer Ilya Vodnik brought me his song on the audio cassette. He was capable, he wrote good music, and many artists sang his songs, but he wanted to fulfill them. And now it comes, transmits a box, explains that there is a recording and text of a new song. I say that I will listen then, now there is no time. And now he begins to call: "Olga Borisovna, what, who listened? Not? Did you see the text? " I answer: I have the float, what will happen to the text? In short, I once opens a box, and there money. I do not remember what the amount was, about the monthly salary of the ordinary engineer. I put back, and I listened to the song. He called once again, I say: "Ilyusha, come to a song with the" Text ".

I always took talented people hardly and necessarily helped, although it was possible and from work to fly for some things. More than once went on the flag.

Oleg Mityaev - performer without regalia, not a member of the Union of Composers, while the student of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Physical Education - sang with us a wonderful song of his own essay. And I, fearing that again will ask, seeing unfamiliar surname, a member or not a member of the Union, wrote in the program that brought the bosses before the ether: "Music Pakhmutova, Verkhnovova sings Oleg Mityaev." Looked: A, Pakhmutova? It's good. And they missed on the air. Since the program went to the record, we later wrote in the credits that the author and executor of the new song - Mityaev. I liked the song.

- How did you find television?

I came to work in 1972, 45 years ago. There was very little entertainment programs. Big concerts are only on holidays. I now think: maybe it's good! But there was a wonderful KVN. And later - unforgettable lesteyev programs, favorite transfer "around laughter." And the joy of intellectuals is "obvious - incredible", "Kinopanoram", "in the world of animals". In general, a lot of interesting things.

With Alexander Serov (1992)

Then Gosteraradio headed, by rumors, odious personality - Sergey Georgievich Lapin. About his hard temper went legends. But not everyone knew that he had a person educated, perfectly knew poetry, the memory quoted many outstanding poets - not only Pushkin, but also forbidden Brodsky and Pasternak. Another thing is that Lapin was the head of a huge ideological structure. And this bore a lot. A thorough check for "ideological purity" has been subjected and pop programs. For example, he constantly fucked up to lyrics. Somehow from the "Song of the Year" demanded to remove the famous "snowfall" Alexey Ekiyan performed by Nani Bregvadze. I was closed to the line "If a woman asks." Listen, says what she asks? There should not be a woman so all the time to ask!

It introduced a system of prohibitions on individual artists and composers. Not to honor were Antonov, Dobrynin, Tukhmanov ... said: "Let them sing in restaurants." Even such a seemingly patriotic song Dobrynin, as "Native Earth", caused negative emotions. Say, the motive is not Russian, more on the Middle Eastern look like, and the words are strange: "Native, native ..." Who are we so insistently convinced that our Soviet Earth is our own? They tried to stand up, they said that the song is so popular that her even drink her. Here, says, let drunken and execute, and do not need on television. For a long time, Glava Dobrynin could not break through. Anna Herman helped, who performed his "white cherry".

With this famous song, such a story came out. Lapin looked through all the festive programs, and necessarily - "wider circle". He helped him a musical consultant - Nikita Theological, who disliked Dobrynin. He said that a certain Molchanova was not with someone, and with Anna Herman writes the song Dobrynin "White Cherry". Lapin in rage! His favorite singer, adored herman with a hateful Dobrynign and Molchanova, who all the time something must be creating chaos. I called me for a difference, and I declare from the threshold: "Sergey Georgievich, there is such a story. We recorded a completely different song with anne for the song Far and Close Song program. And suddenly Anna told me that Glory Dobrynin brought her a wonderful "cherryhu." Already the phonogram is ready. And asked to give it to sing her. Sergey Georgievich, you understand, I could not tell our overseas artist to say that the composer Dobrynin does not use the leaders of television that it is actually forbidden composer. How would she understand me? Therefore, I agreed. And we recorded - still a little studio time remained. "

In fact, I asked the open text: "Come on, Anya, write down the" cheremukhu "- by this you will help the young talented composer."

Glory was persistent enough and even unceremonen when he wanted to like. Beautiful, charming, immediately conquered. And Any, and me. The point is the past - we even had a novel with him.

- It turns out, he did not have the "lyrics" text separately?

I laughed, because Lapin told me then: "I heard, Dobrynn runs on the editors with a portfolio stuffed with money, and the money distributes to all editors. Does he pay you too? " I say: "Sergey Georgievich, I did not receive money from Dobrynin. Yes, and not such a generous thing to distribute money. He even misses. I think that it is gossip about the portfolio. "

I remembered this episode from Malakhov in the program "Let them say." Glory to me was very offended. And midnight rang - asked why I said it. I brought me to hysterics. (Laughs.) But, objectively speaking, he was one of the brightest, as they say, hitheekers. Now he does not write anything, and then he had hits with horses. Only with their execution on TV and on the radio were, as I said, big problems.

- What else did you fly from Lapin?

I remember such a case. On the screensaver of the program, we took the new song of Raymond Pauls on the poems of Ilya Reznika performed by the group "Ariel", there were such words in it: "Shirny heart, wider our circle." Call from Lapin: "Olga Borisovna, go!" Well, that day I turned out to be unwrapped and appropriately dressed. The chairman of Goseradio was a conservative - no cosmetics, no trouser.

And what he asked me about: "Do you know what happens when" wider the heart "? Infarction! Remove the song! " He was adamant - I had to look for another author. And then Yura Antonov wrote for us another song "Shirious Circle", on the poems of Leonid Fadeev, and her first performed.

- By the way, who came up with the name of the program, under which it existed a quarter of a century?

I came up with. The main idea is a polygamy! Folklore, Estrada, Circus, original genres, dance numbers. And at first, the name "We sing and dance" was invented. But Lapin said: "It is clear ... So we sing and dance. And who will work? " I say: "And let's" wider circle "?" Lapin accepted it. It reflected also the multinational composition of the participants. Who and from where we just did not come! And for some time the program lived with this name. And suddenly one day Lapin said that he did not like the name. It sounds, they say like "hut-reading". Rustic, rustic.

After some time, the "wider circle" was renamed a volitional solution to "Welcome". Six months, the program went under this non-zeal name. And in those years, letters played a big role. Let's protests: return the old name. And then, our chief editor of Kira Veniaminovna Annenkov went to Lapin and said without the Obuchikov: "If you were afraid by Sergey Georgievich yesterday, and this morning Ivan Petrovich woke up, how would you feel?" He appreciated wit. And the transfer - at the request of the workers - again began to be called "wider circle".

- Olga Borisovna, watch TV now? And how do you happen on the screen?

Rarely look and see a lot of vulgarity. Irritate scandalous talk shows designed for incubating taste. I would not want to return to television, although I miss him. The level of many people who work there leaves much to be desired. It seems that these "creators" - I mean editors - there is not only musical, but in general, any education. I'm not talking about intellect, but at least there was a horizon! I confess that I carry the idea to reanimate the people's favorite "wider circle". The program was popular twenty years! And even when the transfer continued his life on TVC, she enjoyed ten more years. I still ask me about it, when they find out that I am a television person.

When I turned fifty, on the central television on the occasion of the anniversary I was discharged to me, awarded all sorts of grades - and freed from work. In connection with the reorganization of the CT, our editors of folk art simply eliminated.

Everything changes: perhaps and our historical program will begin a new, extraordinary life. Dreaming is not harmful!

Olga Molchanova

Education: He graduated from the Ural Conservatory. Mussorgsky

A family: Son - Oleg, lawyer; Grandchildren - Constantine (25 years old), Antonina (19 years); Virtual - Artem (4 years)

Career:the author of the idea and music editor popular in the 1980-90s of the program "Shiry Circle". In total, the transfer existed from 1976 to 1996, since 2001 he continued on the TVC channel until 2006. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Laureate Prize "Ovation"

Alla Zanimonian

As Russian stars celebrated the 40th anniversary of the "Wyry Circle" program, the site correspondent was observed.

In the concert hall, under the administration of the president, the 40th anniversary of the program "Wyry Circle" and the anniversary of its founder Olga Molchanova. Stars wishing to congratulate Molchanov, there was so much that the celebration was dragged until midnight.

The fact that the program is alive and loved in the hearts of the audience, it became clear right away. In the hall, as well as the scenes, there was a full all-wheelhag. He led the process, as in the good old days, Olga Molchanova.

"Recently, I often go abroad: in Cyprus, and in Israel," Olga Borisovna told. "Wherever I entered, everyone ask me:" Why is there no programs on the air? " Where is our favorite "wider circle"? " I always joy that the program is still so interesting. Probably due to the fact that I lived for work.

Evenings producer and the author of Hits Zheni Belousov Poenessess Love Voropaeva over the scenes listed the stars whom opened the "wider circle". The fingers did not have enough fingers. By the way, Molchanov, many celebrities consider their children. For example, Philip Kirkorov, who came to her listening to thirty years ago.

"I didn't expect anything from him," Olga Borisovna did not hide. - In the mid-80s he came to me and sang. From the point of view, the votes were the guys ranks. But from the point of view of musicality there was no equal. He performed the Bulgarian songs and did not sing a single fake note: everything is clean, soulful and very heartily. I immediately understood that this person could have a lot. And when he became the one who is now, I was very glad. We are friends with Philip yet! Sasha Serov came to me too, but he was already a good singer. I was brought to Zhenya Martynov. I listened to Sasha and understood: he is a ready-made singer. He needs only a repertoire. And soon he has songs of igno cool.

Olga Molchanova, Singer Igor Nadzhiyev, poetess Lyubov Voropaeva / Lilia Sharlovskaya

Most of the stars open in the "wider circle" came and this evening. The performer of the Hits "Alisa" and "Planting-grass" Alisa Mes recalled that it was thanks to the "wider circle" she was able to cope with the life of the vitality, which happened in her life.

"Olga Borisovna Molchanova supported me at that moment when I didn't even expect," admitted Mont. - I then only broke up with my husband and thought that no one was needed. And Olga Borisovna made me the lead and made it possible to sing songs that I could not sing on any channel.

This time, Ilona Bronjep and Alexander Oleshko are leading in the evening. The latter followed the order of the stars of the stars, which this evening categorically did not want to leave the scene.

- Olga Borisovna, how many songs do you need to sing? - He asked in Molchanova.

- Sasha, I let me sing two! - Laughing, ta answered.

- Male has already sings the third! - shook the televisors head. "Maybe you somehow call him that it's time to finish!" We still have so many numbers ahead!

Vyacheslav Malezhik / Lilia Sharlovskaya

Vyacheslav himself told the scenes: recently began writing books for children. But the modern stage he does not like.

"I'm not sure that I will watch Eurovision," said the singer. - Still, this is a song contest, and there is anything, just not a song! Competition costumes, jumping out of the piano, skating! This competition is a framework, not paintings. As for Lazareva, he does not give up emotions in me ...

TV program saved Alisa Mons from depression after the divorce / Lilia Charles

Alena Apina behind the sir of fun robbed with Igor Sarukhanov, recalling his participation in the "wider circle". This year, changes in Alena happened in the life of Alena: she became a director. The other day, the star presented the play "Night before the exam", which put in school, where her daughter learns. Before that, the singer taught in the educational institution of music lessons. Judging by the blooming appearance, the new activity gives her true pleasure. However, the Apina is not going to leave the scene.

Legendary Sergey Zakharov for the first time in many years appeared at the national concert. In an interview with "Only the Stars", the singer admitted: he is not interested in the parties. This evening Zakharov was very in a hurry and asked to rearrange his performance for several numbers forward. It turned out that the legendary singer is a train.

- Everyone talks about the crisis, and I have enough concerts! - boasting Zakharov. - In January, there were 17 performances, in February - more than twenty, in March - eighteen. I work all winter, and in the summer rest. Most of the time I spend in Bulgaria, where I built a big house.

Alena Apina and Igor Sarukhanov remembered how they participated in the program / Lilia Charles

Immediately after the celebrity concert, moved to the restaurant. I could not miss the feast and Natasha Korolev. Thanks to the legendary program, she first lit up on central television.

On this day, Natasha complained about allergies. Not without incidents. During the toast, Mikhail Muromov noticed that the surroundings did not listen to him. The singer urged to pay attention to him, but in vain. As a result, Mikhail swolled several times into the microphone than terribly scared the "mermaid". That already shuddered from surprise.

"How many years have passed since the beginning of the program, and we, artists, regret that the atmosphere of love and today we are missing so much," Lelva sat down.

Olga Molchanova was born in Yekaterinburg 03/27/1949. In 1976, a musical performance "Wyry Circle" came out on the central television channel. The program has become an unprecedented breakthrough for that period - ratings were unrealistic to sleep. Olga Molchanova - the editor of the "wide range" was simultaneously an inspirer, soul, creator and a representative face of this project.

Awards and merits

Thanks to her participation, the domestic scene received stars whose names became known in every home. It was on the set of this program for the first time such personality, as M. Zadornov, A. Malinin, Malugean Vyacheslav, Natalia Queen, F. Kirkorov and many others. For most artists, Olga Molchanova became the second, creative, mother.

The presenter is a deserved artist of the Russian Federation. In addition, Olga Borisovna - the laureate of the national scale of "Ovation" in the nomination "Making a special contribution to the development of music on television." In 2001, the "wider circle" is broadcast on the TVC channel. With a drop in popularity rating, Molchanova is actively working in other countries, it often visited Israel.

Excerpts from interviews

Olga Molchanova - editor "Shiry Circle", stated in one of his interviews that the anniversary release of the program was shot on February 11 in the Concert Hall "Russia". He was the leading five famous actresses, who at one time performed already in this role. Among them, Ekaterina Semenova, Alena Apina, Tatiana Ovsienko, I. Armoredia and Jasmine. Delivered a purely female team of the only representative of the male floor in the person of actor Gennady Vetrov.

Leading "Anshlag" R. Dubovitskaya said that it was she who gave the push of the male talent. By and large, the winds first appeared on TV screens in the 80s with a personal unique number - simultaneous game for one and a half dozen tools in the project "Wyry Circle". At that time, the actor was a member of the theater group "Buff" from Leningrad. The first weighty steps on the scene in this program did a young Ukrainian Oleg Zhigalkin in the parody genre. Now awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

According to Olga Molchanova, Oleg passed the service in the army, when his comrades wrote a letter to the editor that their colleague would perfectly imitate popular artists and even imitates the Tembre of Zykina. The editorial board decided to invite him to the set, and Zhigalkin, being a young soldier, climbed the staircase of popularity. For the first time, another star person, known and very honored in the post-Soviet space Nina Shestakov, who worked in the team of Sofia Rotaru is known for the first time. After the years of oblivion, the audience was able to see Nina in the anniversary program again.

Olga Borisovna Molchanova, whose biography is saturated with numerous dating (including on a personal front) with different stars, it is not shy to say that feelings played a decisive role in choosing a soloist to participate in the transfer. However, all such prerogatives justified themselves at all time, since people were really talented, which is confirmed by the love of fans and time.

Difficulties and their overcoming

Igor Matvienkoodnazda brought a cassette with the sketches of the Ivanushki International group with a request to listen to it and give a chance to the guys in the most popular program "Wyry Circle". After studying the material of Molchanov, he simply loved this group, especially Solist I. Sarina, who, in her opinion, had an incredible charm and talent.

The guys performed in several transmissions "wider circle". According to Olga Molchanova herself, whose biography is saturated with various events, she is glad that the team with its help was at the peak of popularity. By the way, a unique creative "discovery" was performed on the site - a megatlabailant girl of the eight years Evgenia Aldukhovazaz Bryansk, whom a great future was propheted. She performs with solo concerts and recorded more than twenty songs live.

Conflict moments with wards

On the question of conflict situations with the celebrities Olga Borisovna replied that it happened. For example, an episode with Tatiana Markova, who happened on shooting in Pyatigorsk. Participants settled in a beautiful and fashionable sanatorium, Tana and his spouse provided a semi-suite room. In the same apartments, Kornelyuk, Ya. Evdokimov and many others lived in the same apartment. Lux was allocated only two. In one, Mikhail was mournful with musicians, and the second took directly Molchanova, since the number simultaneously was a television program office.

But Markova was closed and uncomfortable to a couple with her husband in his junior suite, and she, positioning himself with an unsurpassed star, put an ultimatum, saying that if she did not move into a suite, she would leave. From her absence, the program would hardly have suffered, but Olga Molchanova, the editor "Shiry Circle", whose biography contains a minimum of conflict disputes, decided to give the artist his number.

Favorites "Creative Mom"

Often the so-called "own" artists in editors are becoming those who pay. In Soviet times, there was practically no such comprehensive practice, but not quite clean organizers in hand and then demanded financial spill-off performers, knowing about their tele-ester interest. Olga Molchanova argues that such relations with artists were unacceptable for her, she put on those whom "opened" and loved.

She appreciated and developed talent and promising future. This is Dmitry Malikov, who at the age of 16 performed the song "Sunny City". Unambiguously - Philip Kirkorov, who sees for the first time, the editor of "Shiry Circle" doubted his brilliant career. Despite the spectacular external data combined with internal culture and musicality, the vocal part left much to be desired. "Creative Mom" \u200b\u200bdid not even assume that a person would make such a gigantic jump and become a megapopular pop singer. Among the pets Olga Borisovna:

  • Serov Alexander;
  • Yaroslav Evdokimov;
  • guru Accordion Valery Kovtun;
  • Dobrynin Vyacheslav.

By the way, the last artist fell into opal to government agencies that approved the participants of the program. Despite this, Olga Molchanova, the photo of which is presented below, advanced it to a large scene.

Personal addiction

At one time, one of Olga's favorites was Mikhail Muromov. They had a contact after the recommendation of the girlfriend of Rimma Cossack, when Misha worked as a metallone. They had a novel with expensive gifts. After cooling in the relationship of Muromov and Olga Borisovna Molchanova, whose biography is surrounded by completely and near the stars, remained good friends. Many artists have repeated their "godfall" morally and financially.

There are two long-lived programs born in time immemorial in the depths of the main editorial board of folk art, "Shiry Circle!" And "Play, Harmony!", I have gained active development in our day. One of them, practically unchanged, and even with the same name - "Play, Harmony!", Other - somewhat modified, as the concept of "wider circle!" Lies now at the base of the whole cycle of the program of the first channel. I think it would be unfair in relation to those who came up with and did, to remain only with the information given on the site of the program "Play, Harmony!": "Garm's cycle" play, harmony! " exists on the first channel TV since February 1986. The program travels and shows different, unique corners of Russia, a striking variety of talents, costumes, unique features of regional folklore. Her characters are harmonists, dancers, chastochics - personalities are bright, colorful, with a "pepper" and almost always outstanding fate. For 15 years, the author, leading, head and director, was the People's Artist of Russia, the winner of Gennady Dmitrievich State Prizes Zavolokin. Nowada, the children continue to be the case - Anastasia and Zakhar. Program "Play, Harmony!" - Financial Prize "Teffi 2002".

I want to tell the history of these programs, but it is impossible to do this without a brief story about the editorial office.

From this story and let's start.

Part one.

The main editorial office of folk creativity TsT

"There is a cute country, there is an angle on earth,

Where, where b neither were, the medium of a laundry mill, ...

Always we carry out the yield of your ... "

E. Bratansky

Folk creativity - video shops of the editorial editorial board of the national creativity of the USSR Central Committee, who was trying at the very beginning of the harsh era of the mass media to preserve an oasis of authentic culture to help millions of lovers find a spiritual support on the path elected by them.

I remember day on May 27, 1967, when George Alexandrovich Ivanov, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting, I was represented by the editorial team. Prior to that, I worked as the director of the Moscow City Homes of the Metal Homemade MAGSPS, who was located on the big armor, without the participation of which no major cultural event of the capital was held. Departed to the past harsh war years. In the houses of culture and clubs, circles of amateur activities were becoming increasingly developed. Among them are the theaters dramatic, operas and ballet, orchestras of brass, pop and symphonic music, amateur film studios, studios of decorative and applied art.

G.A. Ivanov, then the first secretary of the Sverdlovsk district office of the CPSU, invited me to himself and asked, would not want to participate in the creation of a television editorial board of folk art. He must think, took into account my experience and the corresponding circle of dating. Indeed, it was then to work then with the teams and their leaders who later invited to a speech on the CT. Here, perhaps it is appropriate to remember some (unfortunately, not all!) Teams and names:

A.V. Proinoshin is the artistic director of the Choir of the Russian People's Song of the House of Culture famous in the country of the Moscow State House of the White Dacha, in which his employees participated.

S.L. Stein - director of the theater. Leninsky Komsomol and the artistic director of the People's Theater of the Palace of the Culture of the ZIL plant, the artists of which were the workers of the famous plant.

B.G. TEVLIN - Professor of the Moscow State Conservatory, and in the past, student of the conductor-choir faculty, organizing the Moscow Choir of Youth and Students.

N.N.Kalinin ~ Artistic director and chief conductor of the State Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Tools. N. Osipova. I knew him with1959 . When then an still student of the music school, the head of the Musicians organized by him organized by him in the choreographic ensemble of "School Years" at home culture of motorists.

It is difficult to list the names of all major cultural and art figures that participated in the conduct of the workmen organized by the house for leaders of the teams of amateur amateur.

Among them, in addition to the already named, were: so. Ustinov,

B. C. . Levashov, K.B. Bird, V.G. Sokolov, A.I. Luther, A.S. Ilyukhin, N.K. Mescheko, O.V. Lepheshinskaya, I.P. Yaunzeze, A.V. Shchurov, B.O. Dunaevsky and many others.

Of the many early events of my work in the house, the most stronger for me was: participation in the second city competition of orchestras of Russian folk instruments. V.V. Andreeva, on which the Orchestra of the "School Years" ensemble received its first award of the title of laureate and Grand Prix (1964), and the solemn opening of the first Moscow city holiday song at the monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky. Then a consolidated thousand choir, collected from professional and amateur choirs, conducted by A.V. Sweethearts.

Until his appointment, the editor-in-chief of the main editorial office of folk art, I passed the school of television as deputy editor-in-chief of the main editorial office of literary and dramatic programs. She was headed by N.P. Kartov, an intelligent person, sensitive, polite, highly educated, enjoyable authority and television, and in literary and artistic circles. So I received the first knowledge and experience in the training of TV shows in Lytrame. I remember how a clear sunny day of the beginning of the autumn, I came to the teleteer, where lytramredaction was placed. In widely opened windows of the Cabinet N.P. Kartzova came the aroma of colors and the greenery of a small cozy garden, on the sandy paths of which, on benches around the big flower beds, chatting, were the staff of the editorial board.

I was particularly touched attentive to my first steps editor N.N. Assumption, working with I.L. Andronikov, whoseunsurpassed Master

i triggered the story, looking at television, an even stronger impression of his artistry, a sense of humor, creating a relaxed atmosphere of conversation, received in a personal acquaintance.

I was attended with great interest at meetings with famous television leaders S.V. S.Ditsov, S.Smirnov. In their reflections when working on scenarios, I found a lot of useful for myself.

The main care was mastered by the processes of transfers to the ether. MP MP helped me to master this complex process. Makarenkov engaged in financial issues, and B. Politkovsky, leading production, as well as employees of the television coordination department E.G.Popova, T.V. Chirikova and Yu.B., subsequently included in the created production department of the revision of folk art.

All of them worked not only clearly, rhythmically, but with great responsibility - they were patriots of television, which loved.

The first period of creative activity of the revision of folk art began in the two classes of the leased television of the school in the chavko-Shabolovsky lane, near the studio cases of the Shabolovka. On the first floor we were located on the second floor, the corridor of which was fucked by paintings - artists. Here, the school was preparing young frames of directors, assistants for editing. It is these personnel - Zina Volkova, Lena Zimina and Tamara Goryachev, in a short time our edition.

In one class, editors were located, in another -revents with assistants and assistants. In this and the other, the authors of the program, heads of art teams. The noise from the excited votes of all those present was incredible.

The so-called Cabinet of the Chief Editor was located in the corner of the editors' feepned by two cabinets. The setting was quite Spartan: the table, chairs, the phone is nothing superfluous.

The television broadcast was conducted from two large studios, two small and television theater on the square them. Zhuravleva.

The team of the editorial office of folk art was formed from workers of musical and literary and dramatic editions. These were people who were passionate about amateur art.

I invited the post of chief director of the editorial office by D.G. Koznova, a familiar to theatrical school. M.S. Schepkin, where we studied together. Having finished him, he continued her education at the Directory Faculty of the State Institute of Theater Art. A.V. Lunacharsky, working simultaneously in the studio of color television on Shabolovka. I was pleased with his consent, because Art design, their director demanded a big attention.

The main artist of the editorial office was appointed now famous V.N. Balabanov.

And my deputy was N.A. Zotov, experienced, clever, sensitive, intelligent person. We met when we, in the House of Artistic Amateurities, had workers of television and we advised them for the choice of interesting, talented performers.

Departments were formed: Musical, the former singer V.M. Afanasyev and thematic programs, which included nonemubal genres, they were headed by a journalist R.D. Bogoyavlensky.

In a short time, rooms were highlighted in the main editorial building and two more departments were formed: artists - the head of the already mentioned V.N. Balabanov and replaced him by K.P. Kuleshov and the manufacturing-head of Yu.Bzov.

The walls of the Hall of Studios "A" and "B" of Shabolovka are likely to remember the muffled voices of the editors sitting behind the magazine tables, directors, their assistants and assistants, authors and speakers, together with operators and sound engineers, which are playing the entire transfer of transmission before ether.

In those for the first years, the video was not yet, and "alive" went on the air. Special attention, at the same time appealed to accurate adherence to the text invested in the essential folder of the approved script. This was carefully followed by censors, and all the retreat was strictly punishable.

Part two

Preoperation Programs "Wyry Circle!"

and "Play, Harmonime!"

It seems to me that the foundations of "play, harmony!" We laid three programs that we were then prepared, "the voices of folk instruments," gems "and" Spring ". Program "Spring"i got acquainted viewers with original singers from the depths of Russia. "Voice of folk instruments" - The cycle of the program is popular about the history of the existence of musical instruments of the peoples of different republics of the country: from the first balalaika "In three strings", yes "Harmoshki-Three-tricks" to the chromatic harmonica-button accordion and the accordion, which became possible to perform the most difficult repertoire, domra, hussley, wind and other tools; And, of course, about musical competitions, distinctive and talented performers. The transfer was prepared and the artistic director of the National Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments N.N. Kalinin and soloist orchestra laureate of international contests A.A. Gypsy, Professor I.S. Ilyukhin, A.I. Luther, E.I. Maximov and others.

But, of course, with special pleasure about harmonic and harmonists, today the founder of the Museum of Russian Harmonics, Doctor of Art History, Honored Art WorkerA. M. . Mirere, I would call it the founder of this cycle (editors E.A. Kogan, V.M. Svilih, E.P. Funny).

A. M. . Mirek, who knows the history of harmonics, in his author's program, told about the unique craftsmen-craftsmen of the creators of this tool and masters play on it. Concerts of outstanding balala retreats PI organically included in this heading. Nepeporto, M.F. Rozhkova, B.S. Feoktistova, E.G. AVXENTEVA, Bayanist A.V. Tikhonov, Huslarov V. Godovskaya and M. Chekanova, Gitarist Alexander Ivanova-Kramsky, as well as concerts of orchestras and the ensembles of the Allied and Autonomous Regions and the Republics.

In these gears, Marek talked about his collection of harmonics. A few years later, the Zavolokins brothers, famous in Siberia, harmonists arrived in Siberia, and told about their activities, offering the concept for wider popularization in the country of this tool. We accepted their offer. Since then, the program "Play, Harmonime!" Has started a victorious procession. The concept of zipolokins on popularization and massiness, apparently coincided with the general trend of the development of TV, in contrast to the concept of Mirohem oriented on professional performers.

That is how the program was born "Play, harmony!"created by Brothers Gennady and Alexander Zavolokinami in1985 . In addition to the regular screen, it meant thousands of concerts throughout the country, hundreds of songs in large and small cities that continue to this day. She is preparing the Novosibirsk Center "Play, Harmonic", now headed by the Valokina's daughter, Anastasia Gennadevnaya.

Before the departure G.D. Zavolokina to another television channel worked with him: editors L.V. Kravts, E.P. Zimina, directories: N.S. Tikhonov, M.P. Vasilyev, G. Romorguev, M.K. Russians, V.N. Melnikova. Gennady Dmitrievich was a difficult author, did not like the criticism aimed at making it a more slender program, often did not agree with the editors - therefore editors and directors of his program had to change.

As part of the mass and popularization, another program began to develop - received the name "wider circle!". The program "Wyry Circle!" was formed in early 1983. The editor was O.B. Molchanova, directors - GD Bichurin and M.M. Christmas. The program, of course, was preceded by the search for the transfer form - firstly, for a mass, mainly youth audience, secondly, it was a search for talented, but so far unknown performers and leading. As they say, "woken up famous" ...

In the first program, the composer and singer Yu.antonov participated. He performed his song "Under the roof of my house", which turned out to be a hit of the pore. A television house, the owner of which was O.B. Molchanova, collected a wider range of performers and television viewers. The program team trusted, the performers went with pleasure. At first, mostly it was, so to speak, authentic performers, but gradually (and, you need to notice, pretty quickly) young pop singers began to be invited. The transmissions helped everyone to become more popular.

The program began their career Philip Kirkorov, Alexander Glyzin, Olga Zarubina, Alexander Serov, Yuri La View, Leonid Agutin, Dmitry Malikov, Valeria, Vyacheslav Malozhik, Ekaterina Semenova, Yaroslav Evdokimov, Alexander Malinin, Nikolay Korolev, Taisiya Litvinenko, Ekaterina Surzhikova, and others .

Famous composers Vladimir Shainsky, Vladimir Dobronravov, Raymond Pauls and others participated. Their songs were in a number of the most common and beloved. However, each generation has their own songs. It is a pity that less and less good music and good, truly poetic poems.

The predecessors of the program "Wyry Circle!" There were "the screen collects friends", "Music tournament of cities", "Teleteater accepts guests", "Carousel". With the growth of technical capabilities of television, the editors began to prepare more complex programs. In the studio "A" we, using direct inclusions of local television studios, began to conduct "Music tournament of cities."

The jury was invited to participate, which was headed by V.G. Sokolov, members of the jury were I.P. Yaunzeze, O.V. LEPEYSHINSKAYA, V.I. Fedosheev, KB Ptitsa, M.Goldina, A. Lieuhin, T. U. Khizhov, T. Kalinko, A. Schizhova, N.Kalinin, A.Luter, N.Meschko, A.Chrov, B. Dunaevsky.

Two young TTC engineers were sitting for the consoles installed for them and counted the voices of the viewers after the end of entering the broadcast of one of the cities, the data was transferred to the chairman of the jury to publish on the air.

Another program of similar subjects - "Teleteater takes guests"(On the eve of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the USSR is renamed "Our address is the Soviet Union"). Guests were not only an ensembles and teams of artammunition,imi there were state ensembles of dance of all allied and autonomous republics, edges and regions.

There was such a case. An ensemble of Bandistok was invited from Lviv. Permanent audience of the teleteader Workers of the Moscow Electricular Plant, as always filled out the auditorium. But the plane with the landing was delayed. And we, and the audience were very worried. To calm the gathered persuaded the leading program by Volodya Uhina, an excellent storyteller about the adventures of speakers during the air, entertain them with television jokes. For a whole hour, his improvised concert continued, sitting in the hall graself for the tummy from the revelations of Volodya. Meanwhile, we managed to persuade the head of the arriving ensemble, despite the fatigue of artists, not to go to the hotel, but to us. Workers of the plant arranged a stormy ovation to be tired, noting their courage and loyalty to debt.

Program "Carousel"popular, dynamic, transmission, representing the folk art of our country in the form of a traditional festive festive walk, was born in the studio "A", in which her Creators-editors A. Igarskaya and L.Yashina, director A.gomon, his assistant V. Zarubin in the Commonwealth An original design, imitating genuine antique carousel, was invented with the artist Y.Lubimova. Then the program was transferred to the teleteattrace scene, where there was a rotating circle. They came here collectives and soloists from different cities and villages of the country. The program cycle has been completed by a solemn concert of the winners of the TV review "Carousel" on the day of the Communist Saturday April 151972 . In the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

A more than a thousand people from Moscow and Leningrad, Kolomna, Pskov, Kuibyshev, Voronezh, Gorky and Prokopyevsk, Lithuania and Estonia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan, Belarus and Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, Yakutia, and Tuva took part in the concert.

The concert was led by S. Morgunov, editors A.Nikolaevsky, A. Angarskaya, L. Yashina, director D. Koznes, Balletmaster Gorokhovnikov, Artists V. Balbanov, V.Pogodin, Assistants Director Z. Vischnevskaya, I.Pothemkin, Assistants Directed by Zikodkina, E.Podgornenskaya, L. Semenova, K. Hristovsky.

I remember the joy that covered the participants of the concert after his successful ending, when it was late in the evening with jokes and booms, circus attributes and musical instruments through a deserted Kremlin, and only standing upstanding silent watch watches watched at noisy Vataga.

This was how popular programs were in the depths of the editorial office, which seems to be actively used by modern television. But does it want to know about this story?

After all, with the defeat of television and, accordingly, the editorial office of folk creativity disappeared the center that allowed thousands of lovers not only to participate, but to learn and join the authentic tradition, create relevant archives, etc. I will give a quotation from the articles of my colleague V.N. Kozlovsky, "on the pages of the newspaper" Pravda "of October 2, 1977, the secretary of the VSSPS L.A. Groundonnikova, Chairman of the festival organizing committee, noted:" The festival has become a significant event in social and cultural life countries. Only his laureates were three thousand choirs, musical, choreographic ensembles, folk theaters, studios, agitbrigad, 80 thousand workers, collective farmers, students, student proftychilis, military personnel. "

Think about the scale, I am sure that the numbers are not lying. After all, all these lovers, one way or another became traditional translators. And now we are networking, I bite elbows, we are looking for anyone somewhere. Maybe you should turn to your own story?


folk Creativity CT 60-70s


It was in the transmission "Shirre Circle" in different years, Agutin and Apina, Queen and Kirkorov, Malikov and Malinin, debuted ...

About how it was, tells the permanent artistic director and music editor of the program Olga Molchanova.

- Olga Borisovna, each editor radio and TV have the so-called their artists, pets. Who was among your?

- I honestly say that I fell in love (of course, in the creative sense) first of all in those who opened. This is both Dima Malikov, and of course Philip Kirkorov, the love of which I kept until today.

It's right to say, I didn't believe too much that something would work out of it. Yes, external data are brilliant plus inner culture, musicality. But the vocals are quite medium. And I did not even assume that a person, working on himself, would grow up in this sense, simply make a giant jerk and become a very good pop singer.

Among my favorites and Sasha Serov, and our Solovushka Yaroslav Evdokimov, with whom we have been friends for a very long time. Slava Dobrynin, whom I pierced the ether with incredible efforts, up to the exit on the then chairman of Gosperary Lapina. After all, Dobrynina was forbidden, they considered almost a homeless thing and did not agree to show on TV ...

Philip Kirkorov:

- On television, I was then invited for the first time. I was terribly worried and did not even remember how sang. I learned the day of Ether, called the on the eve of all friends and acquaintances, warned to watched. It was very nice to see yourself on the screen, and even know what it is shown to the whole country.

Of course, in the depths of the soul I expected that the next morning, as it happens, I wake up famous: Well, there is coffee in bed, Mercedes to the entrance! And it was unpleasant to surprised that nothing had happened.

I went out on the street, looked around people in my face: they say, here I am, I sang yesterday on TV! - But no one really recognized me, of course. I then understood that it was not enough to flash once, even with a wonderful song.

- Why? And how did they manage to overcome the obstacles?

- Anna Herman recorded some song for one TV program. As the highest professional, she did it very quickly, all the work was performed earlier than the paid studio time ended. Then Anya decided also to record the song Dobrynin "White Cherry Dochery".

The next day I was going to fly away to another city. Suddenly the call is heard, and my boss says: "What did you write with Dobrynin? Lapin causes us! " That is, the "well-wishers" have already been informed that the song of the composer was written, which was under the unlawful ban.

When we came to Lapina, he collapsed on us with anger: "Yes, you know who this Dobrynin is? They say he runs on the editors with a portfolio, stuffed with money, and all this money distributes that his ugly creativity is shown on TV! "

And only when I explained that the Dobrynin intelligent man, art historian, graduated from Moscow State University, wrote the song "Komsomol - My fate!", Lapin softened. For him, it was a discovery, and for Dobrynina - the green light on television.

"Olga Borisovna, they say that you can define the creative future of the artist, without even seeing it, but simply listening to the disk or cassette. It's true?

"Composer Igor Matvienko somehow brought me a cassette with the words:" Here is a new young group. " I listened and stupid! These were "Ivanushki." Then I saw them on some concert and said Igor: "Believe me, there will be a bomb!"

I just fell in love with these guys, and most of all in Igor Sorina, who seemed to me awesome in talent, depth and generally in its charm. They spent several programs "wider circle", and I am glad that I predicted such a takeoff, which took place ...

And somehow I came to me a young barnaul composer Oleg Ivanov with verses "lives in the Belarusian Polesie Kudesnitsa Forest Alesya," he really wanted these lines to fulfill the popular "Pesnyary" ensemble. But it was at this time that I had young guys from Gomel under the name "Syabra", and I told Oleg: "Songs already have a song about this name, they are unlikely to be needed by two Aleks. Let's try to give it to these guys! " As a result, the "Ales" became the corporate song of the "Syabra" ensemble, and even her daughter of their leader Anatoly Yarmolenko called Alesa!

Irina Barysheva.