Download mod alternative start for Skyrim torrent. Alternative start Skyrim

Download mod alternative start for Skyrim torrent. Alternative start Skyrim
Download mod alternative start for Skyrim torrent. Alternative start Skyrim

This mod adds the ability to choose an alternative start instead of the standard start game in Helgen. You have the opportunity to become both a gangster and the owner of some kind of house in one of Skyrim cities. Each role in the kit comes a unique location, a unique inventory.

We approach the statue of Mary and choose an alternative start, then go to bed and go to bed to confirm the choice.

You can start the main quest coming to Helgen, more precisely in the camp, which is located near the city. Ask residents of villages and cities, they will prompt where to go. After you see Aduin, you can go to Wetran to pass the main quest.

Remember! We need to start a new game.

Alternative starts:

Poto Standarra
- You are a formal member of the poster of Samparra, you have a personal room of the hallway, which is not far from Danstara, there you can store your belongings.

- You robbed the robbers, you need to survive, with you you only have ribbon things.

Danmer Refugeets
- You escaped from the mainland of Morrowind on the island of Salstheim to the location of the "Vorona Rock".

Danmer refugee 2.

- You escaped from the mainland of Morrowind in Skyrim, to the city of Windhelm.
- You have only a sleeping bag and a bag, you can store your things in the bag, it is safe.

Illegal crossing of Skyrima border
- Standard beginning, only misses the choice of race, execution, etc.

Hello, Skyrim
- You will have the opportunity to arrive on the ship to the port of Solituda, Windhelm or Danstara. You will have some things with you, to start a new life in a new province.

Agent Talmorsky Embassy
- You agent Talmorsk faction.
- You will start the game inside the Talmorsky Embassy on the top floor, near your bed, in your room.
- The main thing is not to go to Helgen, you will be excluded from the faction, Talmitsa will be hostile for you.

Owner of property
- You will start the game in one of the 4 houses of Skyrima. The house in Windhelm is missing due to the quest, which needs to be purchased at home.
- You will have money, armor, clothes.

- You can also become the owner of the farm house, which is located southeast of the dragon bridge. The farm brings a permanent profit, you can pick up money from one of the workers.

Resident in Tavern
- We choose the tavern in which you will be a guest.

- You will start the game in one of the random location with a gang of bandits, automatically for your head will be assigned a reward of 500 gold in the possession in which you will appear.

Novobine Guild
- You will become a recruit in one of the existing Skyrim guilds. The bard guild is missing.

- You will start the game as a recruit brothers Buri or Imperial Legion.

Camp in the forest
"You will begin the game as a hunter who lives a forest, not far from Helgen." This will allow you, directly, watch the dragon attack on the city.

"You are a passenger of a shopping ship, which floated to Solitude, but he was heard on Iceberg. You need to get out of a sinking ship as soon as possible, on the way, do not forget to capture valuable things.

A vampire
- You will appear in the location of the "Eye of Mary".
- You will appear immediately with 4 stages of vampirism, so be careful.

Warrior of the Tribe of Island
- You will start the game as a warrior of the Rogue tribe.

- You are a necromancer, which is located in the "Black Limit" location, in its secret laboratory.

Orching Fortress
- The game will begin in the village of Dresser-Yal, you will be in full set of Orc of armor and with two-handed secretions.

Guard of Kadhdi Caravan
"You were a guard of caravans for a very long time, now the owner hired a new guard, so you can start traveling through the game world.

Argonian who works in the docks
- You are an argonian, who has been working in the docks for a long time, it's time to change your life something, choose you.

Alik'ro Warrior
"After life in Hammerfelle, you joined the Alik'rts and went to Skyrim." This option is available only for Redcard.

There is also a random choice of start for your hero.


  1. Put the DATA folder from the archive to the Skyrim folder (located at the address: Your drive: \\ Steam \\ Steamapps \\ COMMON \\ SKYRIM) and confirm the file replacement (if required).
  2. In the launcher of the game, go to the "Data Files" item and activate the desired plugins.


  • Before removing the mod, you need to make sure that the main quest of the game was launched. Quest "Live with another life" should be marked as the completed, and in the list of your current tasks must be a quest "Before Storm", otherwise the removal of the plug-in will violate the work of the main quest and the chain of the Civil War
  • If you choose the beginning of the game in the farmhouse, then before removing the fashion you need to pick up all your things from there, otherwise you will lose them
  • After that you can remove the plugin in any convenient way. Files .Sp I.BSA must be completely removed.

Pet9948 Help with technical part)

If you are tired at the beginning of a new game, every time you pass Helgen, then this mod for you. It allows you to skip it. Having established this mod, you can play a role at the very beginning of the game: Assassin, Bandit, thief, hunter, vampire, necromancer, a companion, a soldier of the Empire or Brotherhood Brothers, a farmer, drunkard in the tavern, looking outbooks, etc. In addition, each role implies unique starting locations and a unique set of equipment, as well as unique characteristics. Moreover, unlike the original Skyrima, there is no definitely positive choice, each role has both its positive features and negative. The mod will provide you with the opportunity to experience alternative starts of the game, if you are tired of constantly passing "Escape from Helgen". You will be given the opportunity to choose a race and start a new life for your character. Perhaps you want to become a wealthy homeowner, the owner of the hotel or farm, and maybe on the contrary, you chooses the role of the guard of the Kadyti caravan or sentarer?

Update: 3.1.7
* Added Russian voice acting dialogs for the statue of the goddess Mary, especially for the site from the Creative Studio Blue Broccoli Rec. (Thanks to the guys who made the voicing of the statues of the statues).
- Fixed a problem with the launch of the quest "Agent Talmorsky Embassy", as a result of which the embassy triggers did not turn on properly for diplomatic immunity.
- The player's chest in the "Drudakh" was in the wrong arrangement. Fixed (error number 22353).

Update: 3.1.6A.
- The number of the new version of the Fashion when tracking is not correctly initialized in the new game, calling false update warnings, for saving in the prison chamber.

Update: 3.1.6
- The Guard, which reflects the attacks and attacks in Waitran on the city gate, is now a very important character, ultimately he cannot be accidentally killed if the main quest is delayed at a considerable period of time. If he is already dead and the control quest is still working, it will be resurrected, since its role is crucial.
- The guard at the gate will also move to his place at the time of the quest, because it leaves from his place at the right moment. (Error # 21815)

Change Log:
- Read the entire list of changes to all versions in Reedmi in the archive.

The beginning of the main quest:
- Mod will offer you different options for the start of the main quest, even if you go through the initial quest "Escape from Helgen." No one forces you to fulfill the main quest after Helgen. The mod will provide a system that allows you to perform the starting game quest and avoid a meeting with Aldyin
- When starting the game, you will be prompted to choose your way

Options for alternative starts

Danmer Refugee (Windhelm)
- Morrowind is still very hostile and you decided to return to Skyrim. Introduction It turned out that you were not in Windhelm
- It is time to discard your expectations of light life and become an adventure crawler
- Note - sleeping bag and bag will be near, these are your things. Software for safe storage

Danmer Refugee (Vorona Rock)
- Morrowind's mainland is still hostile. You are going to get to the island of Salstheim in the rope
- After your arrival, you were hoping for the best. All residents treat you as an alien. It will not be that light life will not be. Maybe it's time to do an adventure
- Please note that there are no safe storage chests in the crown rock, so do not expect that things will remain in the chests !!!

Agent Talmorsky Embassy
- You are appointed to be an agent of the Talmorsky Embassy. I have been instructed to adjust various questions in Skyrim. Although Elenwen does not trust you with the task
- You start the game inside the Talmorsky embassy on the top floor, standing next to the bed. You will be a member of the Talmorsk faction, so you can take what you want from the building, at any time and can sleep in any bed
- As soon as you come to Helgen, you will be excluded from the faction and embassy. Manymmers can become hostile to you due to the assumption that you have threw your post. It is necessary to remember that membership in the Talmorsk faction may also make brothers storm hostile towards to you!

Caught when trying to illegally cross the border
- Those who prefer the standard start of the game through Helgen, this option will speed up the process, having skipping the selection dialogue in front of the execution itself. Most training tips will also be removed.

Moved to Skyrim
- You will arrive on the ship to the port of Solitude, Dunstara or Windhelm. You will have some kind of supplies, middle-class clothes and a modest amount of money to start a new life.

Owner of property
- You will start the game in a fully furnished house of one of the 4 main cities. The house in Windhelm is not included in the list due to the quest, which is directly connected with it.
- You will be dressed, respectively, the status of your home, and you will have some remaining amount of money. And in the chest of bedrooms can find a set of weapons characteristic of this city.
- If you are not interested in home in the city, or you want to have access to all these quests, then instead, you can become the owner of the farm house. The house is located next to the main road southeast of the Dragon Bridge. There you will meet two NPCs that will be your employees. Your farm will bring a permanent profits that you can take from one of the workers. You will have to come back home from time to time to pick it up.

Novobine Guild
- You will become a recruit one of the guilds available in the game. Communirs, the college of Winterhold, the Dark Brotherhood or the thieves guild. Your initial equipment will correspond to the guild that you have chosen.
- By choosing the thieves guild, you will find yourself in the "brown flask", next to the yield from rat hole. Talk to Brinolf to join the guild.
- Choosing a dark fraternity, you will find yourself right inside the Falkrithic shelter. Talk to Astrid to join the guild.
- By choosing a team of magicians, you will appear next to the entrance to the Hall of Elements. The first stage of admission to the guild will have been passed.
- Selecting comrades, you will find yourself inside the yorrvasque and start at the stage of the training match with Vilkas.
The bard board will be added later if Bethesda finalize this guild. At the moment it is just a formal guild that does not deserve attention.

Resident in Tavern
- You can choose one of several taverns throughout Skyrim. Some of them are relatively safe, and others are not very. For example, the tavern "Night Gate" is isolated in the mountains, so it is more dangerous than most others. Be careful.

The criminal at freedom
- You will start the game as a member of the bandit group. For a variety, a group of bandits will be chosen randomly. You will start in the standard gangster equipment. Bandits in the starting location will be friendly to you until you annoy them. But be careful because the fee of 500 gold will be appointed for you, in possession that the game will choose. - The guards will not kindly stand and watch, as you carry in populated areas, if you are not ready to pay a fine.

Soldier in the army
- You will start the game as a recruit brothers Buri or Imperial Legion. Your starting outfit will depend on the choice of side. The test before joining the ranks of those or others, which is slightly more than the task from the category "go and kill", will already be completed.

His camp in the forest
- You are a lone hunter who got a camp in the forest. You have an appropriate low-level equipment, fire, bowler, sleeping bag and tent. The camp is located in the forest / on the hills next to Hellgen, which will allow you to witness the dragon attack, not being directly in the village itself. The camp will always be in the same place, so you can return and settle in it.

Warent shipwreck
- shipwreck! You were a passenger shopping ship that went to Solitude, but the ship flew to Iceberg and turned over. Try to escape from a sinking ship, without forgetting to grab some useful things along the way, and then get to the nearest ice floes. From there you can determine how far from the shore are you.
- Be careful if you use modes for survival, especially fashion for hypothermia. You can quickly climb to death!

Attacked and thrown to die
- Bandits robbed you and threw away to die into some kind of wilderness. They did not leave you anything except the old ripped lokhmotyev. Can you survive in this wilderness and get to a safe place?

Vampire in a secluded lair
- Pond "Eyes Mary" has always been your home, how much do you remember yourself. You have already forgotten how long it was a vampire, but you know exactly what is hungry and still cramming adventures.
- Keep in mind that you will start the game at 4 stages of vampirism. From the moment you leave your secure lair, every opposite will try to kill you. If you are going to remain unnoticed among the townspeople, then you first need to quench the thirst for blood.

Necromancer in the secret laboratory
- In the laboratory that you found in the black limit, the supplies begin to end. It seems that you will have to leave it and replenish food reserves, and at the same time look at what is happening in the world.
- Immediately I warn you that you will come up with the coupper in the door. You need to think about the action plan in advance before going out.

Poto Standarra
- You were accepted at the sentarer and allocated a room in the hall of the watch, which is located south of Dunstara.
- There is a chest in your room in which you can safely store your belongings.

Life in the orc
- You will start the game in the orc of the fortress Dressman-yal. Despite the fact that you live there for quite some time, local orcs still call you a stranger. And now you are happy with adventure.
- Some people may regard this feature, as a breaking balance, since you start right in the complete set of Orching armor and with excellent two-hand secretion. But you have another level 1, so even a weak opponent can easily kill you.

Guard Caravan Kajitov
- You accompanied the caravan for a long time and, finally, the leader hired a new guard. It's time for new adventures, but you will still be happy to Caravan camps near Waitran or Marcard. This feature is available only to kazhitam.

Warrior of the Tribe of Island
- Being the true owners of the limit, your tribesmen and relatives are forced to hold a pitiful existence in the midst of the Rocky Mountains, away from a comfortable life. It's time to leave the house and go to search for your own adventures. Only Bretonians are available.
- Remember, you will have your own chest in start location, which is safe for storing things.

Argonian worker
- You have worked in these docks for many months, and maybe even longer. Local Nordes did not become friendly, and therefore it is time to change something. Life, full adventure and glory, is what you need now.
- Remember, the first bedside table from the door side, with a stone for the shower stones from above, belongs to you and can be used as a storage. It is safe for storing things.

Refugee from Morrowinda
- Morrowind still remains a very hostile place, and therefore you decided to try happiness in Skyrim. However, upon arrival in place - you saw that Windhelm is not at all as you expected and hoped. It seems that it is time to part with dreams of carefree life and join the road of adventures.
You own a sleeping bag and a mess next to which you appear. You can safely store belongings in the bag.

Alik "Rsky Warrior
- Having experienced disappointment from life in Hammerfelle, you joined the Alik "the RCCs and went to the task in Skyrim. But you obviously do not share the beliefs of these spies, and it seems that time has come to look for your own way. In any case, no one is about it Find out. Available only by Redcards.

surprise me
- The game itself will randomly choose one of the above options, in addition to the standard start through Helgen. The beginning of the game is unique for each race will be available only if the player chooses its character to the appropriate race.

Game version and above (mod 3.1.6a by the main link)
- version of the game (mod 2.3.0 for an additional link above)
- DLC DawnGuard
- DLC Hearthfire
- Unofficial USLEEP patches (for new versions of fashion) or USKP (for the old version of Fashion 2.3.0) are highly recommended!
- - In order for non-voiced NPC moved mouth and lips

You must enable subtitles to see text when talking with a statue in start location.

Compatible with Open Cities Skyrim, tested by testing.
Incompatible with any mods that shoot "Essential" flags with characters in Helgen.

Famous problems:
You will not be offered to immediately become a tan in the city, if you, starting a new life, got a house in possession there.
Starting the game by the associate, you will need to watch the battle before the Vilkas starts to train you.
Choosing one of the parties in the Civil War, it is recommended to view the scene with a toothed crown, otherwise the quest may not start and the entire line associated with the Civil War can be ruined.
Perhaps there are some other not found dialogues mentioning Helgen. If these are accepted before activating the burnt corpse, please inform the author of the Fashion.

Installation:(manually manually or via nmm manager)
Place Alternate Start files - Live Another life.esp, Alternate Start - Live Another Life.bsa, Alternate Start - Live Another life.ini in the Data folder in the game and activate the mod in the launcher

- Before removing the mod, you need to make sure that the main quest game was launched. Quest "Live with another life" should be marked as the completed, and in the list of your current tasks should be the quest "Before Storm", otherwise the removal of the fashion will break the work of the main quest and the chain of the Civil War
- If you chose the beginning of the game in the farmhouse, then before removing the Fashion you need to pick up all your things from there, otherwise you will lose them
- After that you can delete modes in any convenient way. Files .Sp I.BSA must be completely removed

Download order:
The mod should be loaded as low as possible. Many other modes change the Helgen and the character generation menu. Loading this mode in the bottom of the launcher should help in case of problems. It is recommended to follow the order specified by BOSS (if installed)

Questions and decisions

Nothing changed. I started a new game, but again found myself in Helgen
Make sure the mod is really activated. Even if the mod is activated in your mods manager, check whether it is activated in Skyrim Launcher

I tried to use the bed, but nothing happened
This can happen if you still have not deleted the old version of the Fashion that uses free files, and not BSA archive

Quest "Live another life" did not end and remains in the list of current quests in my magazine
So it should be. The quest remains current until you find an adventure seeker and do not start the main quest.
The quest will be completed only when you save one of the guys in the cave, or immediately go to the Yarla Balgruf to report on the Helgen attack.

General Tully and Ulfric Petrel disappeared
I did not do anything like that. You must run the main quest before they become available. It is a pity, but this means that you will not be able to take part in the Civil War before the start of the main quest. Do not blame me. Bethesda confused everything so much that it is not possible to disassemble all this mess, without having a whole bunch of things.
If you want to have fun, you can always use the Player.moveto console command to move to them into location. You must admit it: P But do not do it if you play seriously, otherwise it can harm something.

I found your burned body and clicked on it, but nothing happened
Yeah! This is not my body at all. This is some other body. If you find mine, you will not be able to examine it in the usual way. You need to activate it, after which your inventory will automatically add a diary.
At this point, you should also see Aldune, flying over your head. If you did not see him, then something went wrong.
Read the diary to continue or go straight to the Yard Waitran. The main quest will start immediately after you do all this.

I did everything, I went to the cave, but there is nothing there
Quest marker does not have accuracy GPS. You need to find two poor unfortunate souls that lie on Earth, bent from pain. This is Hadvar and Ralof. Come and talk with one of them.
If these guys are not here, then you have another mod installed, which changed the priority of AI and made them move somewhere else. I can't do anything with it, except to increase the priority for my quest scripts. The order of downloading mods will not be able to solve the problem.

No you did not understand! In the cave Helgen disappeared a whole piece. What have you done?
It's not me!
No, really. It's not me. There is a bug that is becoming increasingly noticeable as different modes come out that make changes to the same location. It is not yet known what exactly is the cause of this bug. This problem was widely covered in a number of different mods. As a rule, it is impossible to determine where this bug manifests itself.
I believe that the fault of the fashion created by the help of informal editors used before the appearance of CK. Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to identify such a mod. If when using Wrye Bash you will see a message that one or more mods have bad versions headers, then such modes should be turned off first.
Usually such modes can be corrected by downloading them to CK, and then immediately save unchanged. But this method does not guarantee the result.

I went to the farm house and flew out of the game
Most likely, the problem is associated with Navmeshes. Make sure the version of your game is not lower than 1.5.24. Changed NAVMeshes in this version causes departures to the desktop. Only version and above is supported.

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About the game Skyrim everyone has long been known. The possibilities of this fabulous world are almost endless. But, like any game, Skyrim begins equally. Long execution, dragon, tasks, escape ... This process is very annoying, especially if a person passes the toy once again. Then the Skyrim "Alternative Start" mod comes to the rescue.

What it is

As we said, many simply "freezes" the long and monotonous start of the game "Skyrim". In order to diversify the toy already rejected along and across, it is customary to make add-ons. They change the game and add new raisins to it. For Skyrim fashion is very important. The "naked" game is quite short (if we talk about the main chain of quests), and side tasks sometimes meet such that the eyes on the forehead climb, not to mention what the nerves are in.

Today it will be about the new beginning of the game. Everyone is clear that in the fabulous world you can create a character of different races. Nevertheless, the toy will start absolutely the same. Mod "Alternative Start" for Skyrim will allow you to choose a new beginning for your character, which will affect the development of the game as a whole. Be careful in choosing! About what options are possible, we will talk a little later.

A little about modah

As we have already said, fashion for Skyrim is quite important components. So, for example, with their help you can not only diversify the game and expand the card, but also get something new. For example, in Skyrim spells and magic effects are significantly replenished after installing some mods.

You can also find new things, armor, weapons and characters. For example, although it is useless for the game, but still interesting is the mod for obtaining a specific companion. Near you will run an ally of a certain race and with a certain name. Usually, such modes are made of suit for the sake.

There are useful modifications. Thus, it is possible to induce the mod, changing the view of many taverns. He will make the game more atmospheric. But the most useful modification is still the rapid movement between points on the map. Who at least once playing Skyrim knows how difficult and unpleasantly crawling on one side of the card to another. But, back to our topic: "Skyrim." Alternative start. "

How to start

After you have installed a modification of an alternative start for the game Skyrim, you can try it in practice. To do this, create a new character. At the very beginning, no changes will not be markedly. After PERS is created, the most interesting will begin.

The game provides you with the opportunity to choose the start for the race. Depending on what kind of path is chosen, your game will develop. Thus, you can learn Skyrim better and feel not only the defender of the fabulous world, but also a simple resident of one of the cities. Now you can see yourself as an ordinary person looking for adventures along with your friend, the prisoner of the magicians, the Talmorsky agent, the recruit among the associates or, say, the most real farmer. We will not disclose all the cards - let the mod show himself, to which he is capable.

surprise me

We think, by name, and so it is clear that the player is awaiting a surprise if he chooses the beginning "Surprise me." Of course, where without pleasant (or not very) surprises. This mode will help those who could not decide which story they want to start. If a player chooses "Surprise me," the game will independently select the beginning. Of course, the "old version" is not taken into account.

For each race will be found a unique start. It is this that will serve as an excellent gift for those who are tired of passing the execution in Hellgen and look like Aduin begins his attacks. Try to find your place in the world of Skyrima!

What about quests?

Naturally, the question of how Quests in Skyrim will now begin. An alternative start will not allow you to immediately begin the main chain of quests in which you have to find an evil alillion and fight him. Instead, new tasks will be presented to your attention, which correspond to a particular picture of the start of the game Skyrim. Spells and things in this case are not added, individual additions are made for them.

And what about the main chain? It's not worth worrying for it. After you choose an alternative start, the game will wait patiently until you independently decide to start the main quests. Therefore, if you are not particularly lit by the desire to fight Aldyin again, just do not start the chain.

If you are tired of playing an alternative scenario, you can try yourself again as a great warrior. To do this, talk to the inhabitants of any cities about hostilities, which were held near Helgen. After some time, your character will see Aduin. After that, you can warn about the dangers of riverwood inhabitants or go to search for Hadwara or Ralofa. They are both in the cave from which you came out, starting the game according to the standard scenario. Since the player wanted to meet with both, the game was drawn up so both men lie wounded in the cave. In addition, you will be able to choose which of them from being given the medicinal potion. If you want, you can leave them to die both. In this case, in Riverwood you will have to stack one. So it is better to save someone.

Russian or English

It seems that everything is very good - there are modes, alternative starters, too, but the versions of the game are several. Not so long ago, the "alternative start" worked only in English versions. But with the advent of Steam mod became available for Skyrim in Russian. She, like all developing computer toys, is updated regularly.

Unfortunately, the Russian version of the fashion has a number of problems and bugs. They work on them, but it is impossible to eliminate everything and once. So, for example, if you start the game in which you initially already have a house, you will not be offered to immediately become a tan in the city. Or you will still come to look at the first attack of Aduin, before you begin your workouts as a fighter of rows of comrades.

The scene with a toothed crown, which is available when choosing one of the parties in the Civil War, must be viewed. This is a famous bug that makes the failure of the entire chain of the civil war, that is, if you miss this video, then, most likely, about the line "Civil War" can be forgotten.

Thus, we met with the model Skyrim "Alternative Start." Play, develop and try yourself in the new role in the world "Skyrima"! Find your way to glory!

Advanced and despair follow you throughout life. And when it would seem, nothing could be worse, you were arrested and threw in the dungeon. The court had to take a few weeks ago, but no one came. This chamber does not penetrate the sunlight, and therefore you have no idea what a month is now. In the dungeon is cold and damp, and worse than the fact that the food began to end. Well, even the water is still seeping through the crack in the wall. It seems that this is the end. Eight left you! Or not?
Modification "Live another life" allows you to start the game with an alternative way. It is designed for those who do not want to pass through the long-term joining and execution in Helgen. You will be given the opportunity to choose a race, and then a new life for your character. Many options will be available. The choice will affect the further game, so choose carefully, otherwise the gods can leave you again!

Installation requirements:
- Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, DragonBorn

Skyrim Special Edition and above

You must enable subtitles to see text when talking with a statue in start location.
- You can also download and install in order to see subtitles of dialogs only in unrelated NPC. SKSE required.


Incompatible mods:
- Any mod that makes changes to the Quest MQ101 - "to freedom!". Also other mods allowing you to start the game with an alternative way. Conflicts are possible with modes that change Helgen.
- Any mod that makes changes to the Quest MQ102 - "Before Storm".
Demisted in:
- MQ101DRAGONATTACK - the original dragon attack on Helgen
- CW00WINDHELMMAPTABLESCENE - Cogmer for Ulfric and Gamar (USKP Fix was turned on)
- WEROAD01 - Refugees after the dragon attack.
- Possible incompatibility with any modes that disable the "Essential" parameter from any NPC in Helgen.
- Song of Ice and Skyrim (http: //steamcommunit...tails/? ID \u003d 20793) - causes the hanging of the game when loading the prison chamber, regardless of the order loading order.
- Descent Into Madness ( - hangs the game when using mods.
- The Oblivion Racial Bonuses Module from Occupy Skyrim ( is incompatible due to the change of MQ101.
- SELLSWORDS ( - incompatible because changes MQ101.

Also fashion, crushing the following scripts:

Removal Live another life:
- First, before removing the mod, you need to make sure that the main quest game was launched. Quest "Live another life" should be marked as the completed, and in the list of your current tasks should be the quest "Before Storm". Otherwise, the removal of the fashion will break the work of the main quest and the chain about the Civil War.
- It should also be noted that if you have chosen the beginning of the game in the farmhouse, before removing the fashion you need to pick up all your things from there, otherwise you just lose them.
- After you have done everything, you can delete the mod any convenient way to you. Files .Sp I.BSA must be completely removed.
- Steam Workshop users must refuse to subscribe to mod before deleting files, otherwise the installer will download them again.

Download order:
Due to the complex specificity of the plug-in, it should be as low as possible in the list of downloaded mods. The remaining mods can make changes to the quests Helgen and the creation of a character. Move the plug-in down the download list can help eliminate some conflicts. I strongly recommend using the BOSS utility to sort your mods. This utility is now fully compatible with a new system for downloading Skyrim modes.

Famous problems:
- You will not be able to immediately become a tan in any city, if you started as the owner of the house. The interaction between quests does not allow to realize this possibility without losing a significant part of the content.
- If you started the game with a recruit from the colleagues, then first you need to go to the fight between Nyada and Atis, after which Vilkas will come out and starts your test.
- Starting the game for the recruitment of the legion or the storm brothers, it is necessary to allow the scene to completely end the scene on the toothed crown. If this is not done, the quest may hang and the further chain of Quests of the Civil War will be unavailable.
- You can meet any lost dialogues related to Helgen. If you have found similar, but not read the diary of an adventure seeker, then please inform this and how it can more.

The beginning of the main quest:
In Skyrime, there are several options for the development of the main plot, even if you start the game according to the standard scenario through Helgen. The appearance of Aduin does not force the player, leaving Helgen, immediately be taken for the fulfillment of the main quest. Thus, this mod provides an opportunity to Mille Helgen, and also not to meet with Aduyin. The game will wait patiently until you decide to resume the main story. Therefore, you do not need to make any particular efforts to avoid the resumption of the main quest. Just do not start it.

Thus, starting with version 1.4.3, the mod will not allow you to activate the main quest until you leave for Helgen and will not find the burned outflow of an adventure crawler among the unfortunate victims of the attack on the village. Follow the road to the south from Riverwood, past the keeper stones, turn the corner, and then ride the mountain. On the way you will meet a road pointer. The body lies a little ahead on the path, next to the pile of stones.

The exceptions are: the beginning of the game in the camp, located next to Helgen himself, and the beginning as a recruit one of the parties to the Civil War, the quests of which will work properly only after the flight of Aduin.

After reading the diary, you need to go to the cave from which you usually go out, starting the game with a standard way. As people wanted to meet with their buddy (Hadwar or Ralof), the game was redone so that they were both wounded in the cave. You choose who exactly who exactly help, giving one of them the healing potion, and you can throw them both suffer. If you decide to help one of them, you can go to Riverwood together.

If you do not choose anyone or decide not to follow the whom they saved, then you can resume the main quest to the usual way - to go to Wetran and report the crown about what happened. After that, the main quest will continue as usual.

Standard start through Helgen, together with this mod, will be exactly the same as in the original game.

Nothing changed. I started a new game, but again found myself in Helgen.
Make sure the mod is really activated. Even if the mod is activated in your modogue manager, check if it is activated in Skyrim Launcher.

Help! I'm stuck in the main menu after the start of a new game!
* For this fashion requires Skyrim version Make sure you have this version of the game. Update the game through Steam, if necessary. Old versions of the game are not supported.
* Fashion that make global changes affecting the parameters "Essential" or "Quest Item" may prevent further continuation of the game.
* Check the Data \\ scripts folder and make sure that it does not have copies of the following files:
Qf_mq101_0003372b.pex, qf_mq102_0004e50d.pex and mq101questscript.pex
If these files are present, they can disrupt the job of the quest "Live another life." You need to find out what kind of mod installed them. Only third-party modes could install them, because your own game files are packaged in BSA archives.
* Check the modogue load order. This mod must be downloaded at the end of the list, and not at the beginning. Use the BOSS 2.0 utility to change the load order.

Help! I tried to use the bed, but nothing happened!
This can occur if you have not yet deleted the old version of the mod, which uses free files, and not BSA archive. Follow the instructions in the "Update, starting from version 1.1 or older."

Quest "Live another life" did not end and remains in the list of current quests in my journal.
So it should be. The quest remains current until you find an adventure seeker and do not start the main quest.
The quest will be completed only when you save one of the guys in the cave, or immediately go to the Yarla Balgruf to report on the Helgen attack.

General Tully and Ulfrick Petrel disappeared. You broke me a game!
I did not do anything like that. You must run the main quest before they become available. It is a pity, but this means that you will not be able to take part in the Civil War before the start of the main quest. Do not blame me. Bethesda confused everything so much that it is not possible to disassemble all this mess, without having a whole bunch of things.
If you want to have fun, you can always use the Player.moveto console command to move to them into location. You must admit it: P But do not do it if you play seriously, otherwise it can harm something.

I found your burnt body and pressed it on it, but nothing happened.
Yeah! This is not my body at all. This is some other body. If you find mine, you will not be able to examine it in the usual way. You need to activate it, after which your inventory will automatically add a diary.
At this point, you should also see Aldune, flying over your head. If you did not see him, then something went wrong.
Read the diary to continue or go straight to the Yard Waitran. The main quest will start immediately after you do all this.

Great, I did everything, I went to the cave, but there is nothing there.
Quest marker does not have accuracy GPS. You need to find two poor unfortunate souls that lie on Earth, bent from pain. This is Hadvar and Ralof. Come and talk with one of them.
If these guys are not here, then you have another mod installed, which changed the priority of AI and made them move somewhere else. I can't do anything with it, except to increase the priority for my quest scripts. The order of downloading mods will not be able to solve the problem.

No you did not understand! In the cave Helgen disappeared a whole piece. What have you done?
It's not me!
No, really. It's not me. There is a bug that is becoming increasingly noticeable as different modes come out that make changes to the same location. It is not yet known what exactly is the cause of this bug. This problem was widely covered in a number of different mods. As a rule, it is impossible to determine where this bug manifests itself.
I believe that the fault of the fashion created by the help of informal editors used before the appearance of CK. Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to identify such a mod. If when using Wrye Bash you will see a message that one or more mods have bad versions headers, then such modes should be turned off first.
Usually such modes can be corrected by downloading them to CK, and then immediately save unchanged. But this method does not guarantee the result.

I went to the farmhouse and flew out of the game.
Most likely, the problem is associated with Navmeshes. Make sure the version of your game is not Changed NAVMeshes in this version causes departures to the desktop. Only version is supported.

Affordable features:
Choose one of the options offered for your character. This list will be complemented as new ideas are implemented.

Caught when trying to illegally cross the border
Those who prefer the standard beginning of the game through Helgen, this option will speed up the process by skipping the race selection dialog before the execution itself. Most training tips will also be removed.

Moved to Skyrim
You will arrive on the ship to the port of Solituda, Dunstara or Windhelm. You will have some kind of supplies, middle-class clothes and a modest amount of money to start a new life.

Owner of property
You will start the game in a fully furnished house of one of the 4 main cities. The house in Windhelm is not included in the list due to the quest, which is directly connected with it.
You will be dressed, respectively, the status of your home, and you will have some remaining amount of money. And in the chest of bedrooms can find a set of weapons characteristic of this city.
If home in the city is not interesting, or you want to have access to all these quests, then instead, you can become the owner of the farmhouse. The house is located next to the main road southeast of the Dragon Bridge. There you will meet two NPCs that will be your employees. Your farm will bring a permanent profits that you can take from one of the workers. You will have to come back home from time to time to pick it up.

Novobine Guild
You will become a recruit one of the guilds available in the game. Communirs, the college of Winterhold, the Dark Brotherhood or the thieves guild. Your initial equipment will correspond to the guild that you have chosen.
By choosing the thieves guild, you will find yourself in the "brown flask", next to the yield from the rat hole. Talk to Brinolf to join the guild.
Choosing a dark fraternity, you will find yourself right inside the Falkrithic shelter. Talk to Astrid to join the guild.
By choosing a team of magicians, you will appear next to the entrance to the elemental hall. The first stage of admission to the guild will have been passed.
Selecting associates, you will find yourself inside the yorrvasque and start at the stage of the training match with Vilkas.
The bard board will be added later if Bethesda finalize this guild. At the moment it is just a formal guild that does not deserve attention.

Resident in Tavern
You can choose one of several taverns throughout Skyrim. Some of them are relatively safe, and others are not very. For example, the tavern "Night Gate" is isolated in the mountains, so it is more dangerous than most others. Be careful.

The criminal at freedom
You will start the game as a member of the bandit group. For a variety, a group of bandits will be chosen randomly. You will start in the standard gangster equipment. Bandits in the starting location will be friendly to you until you annoy them. But be careful because the fee of 500 gold will be appointed for you, in possession that the game will choose. Guards will not be kindly to stand and watch, as you carry in populated areas, if you won't be ready to pay a fine.

Soldier in the army
You will start the game as a recruit brothers Buri or Imperial Legion. Your starting outfit will depend on the choice of side. The test before joining the ranks of those or others, which is slightly more than the task from the category "go and kill", will already be completed.

His camp in the forest
You are a lone hunter who got a camp in the forest. You have an appropriate low-level equipment, fire, bowler, sleeping bag and tent. The camp is located in the forest / on the hills next to Hellgen, which will allow you to witness the dragon attack, not being directly in the village itself. The camp will always be in the same place, so you can return and settle in it.

Warent shipwreck
Shipwreck! You were a passenger shopping ship that went to Solitude, but the ship flew to Iceberg and turned over. Try to escape from a sinking ship, without forgetting to grab some useful things along the way, and then get to the nearest ice floes. From there you can determine how far from the shore are you.
Be careful if you use the survival modes, especially fashion on hypothermia. You can quickly climb to death!

Attacked and thrown to die
Bandits robbed you and threw away to die into some kind of wilderness. They did not leave you anything except the old ripped lokhmotyev. Can you survive in this wilderness and get to a safe place?

Vampire in a secluded lair
Pond "Eyes Mary" has always been your home, how much you remember yourself. You have already forgotten how long it was a vampire, but you know exactly what is hungry and still cramming adventures.
Keep in mind that you will start the game at 4 stages of vampirism. From the moment you leave your secure lair, every opposite will try to kill you. If you are going to remain unnoticed among the townspeople, then you first need to quench the thirst for blood.

Necromancer in the secret laboratory
In the laboratory, which you discovered in the black limit, the supplies begin to end. It seems that you will have to leave it and replenish food reserves, and at the same time look at what is happening in the world.
Immediately I warn you that you will come up with the door of the door. You need to think about the action plan in advance before going out.

Poto Standarra
You were accepted into the sentiders and allocated the room in the hall of the watch, which is located south of Dunstara.
In your room there is a chest in which you can safely store your belongings.

Life in the orc
You will start the game in the orc of the fortress Dressman-yal. Despite the fact that you live there for quite some time, local orcs still call you a stranger. And now you are happy with adventure.
Some people may regard this feature, as a breaking balance, since you start right in the complete set of Orching armor and with excellent two-handed secretion. But you have another level 1, so even a weak opponent can easily kill you.

Guard Caravan Kajitov
You accompanied the caravan for a long time and, finally, the leader hired a new security guard. It's time for new adventures, but you will still be happy to Caravan camps near Waitran or Marcard. This feature is available only to kazhitam.

Warrior of the Tribe of Island
Being true owners of the limit, your tribesmen and relatives are forced to hold a miserable existence in the midst of the Rocky Mountains, far from a comfortable life. It's time to leave the house and go to search for your own adventures. Only Bretonians are available.
Remember, you will have your own chest in start location, which is safe for storing things.

Argonian worker
You have worked in these docks for many months, and maybe even longer. Local Nordes did not become friendly, and therefore it is time to change something. Life, full adventure and glory, is what you need now.
Remember, the first bedside table from the door, with a stone stand for the shower top, belongs to you and can be used as a repository. It is safe for storing things.

Merrowind Refugee (Windhelm)
Morrosind still remains a very hostile place, and therefore you decided to try happiness in Skyrim. However, upon arrival in place - you saw that Windhelm is not at all as you expected and hoped. It seems that it is time to part with dreams of carefree life and join the road of adventures.
Note: You own a sleeping bag and a mesh next to which you appear. You can safely store belongings in the bag.

Merrowind refugee (salts)
Morrosind still remains a very hostile place, and therefore you decided to try happiness in Solstima. However, upon arrival at the place - you saw that the salt was not at all as expected and hoped. It seems that it is time to part with dreams of carefree life and join the road of adventures.
This beginning for the refugee will be if you have dragonborn. You will begin in an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city, and then you are granted yourself.
When you start in the crow, you do not have a safe storage, so do not leave things in containers.

Talmora Agent
You were transferred to the Talmorsk Embassy next to Solitude. As a task, you instructed to investigate various small incidents in Skyrim. Since Elenven not trusts you enough to charge something more worthwhile. But you and this provision of cases are pleased, since this will finally leave the embassy.

You will start the game inside the Talmorsky Embassy. All containers there must be safe. You are a member of the Talmore, so you can sleep in any bed and take everything you want.

As soon as you arrive in Helgen, you will be excluded from the Talmor faction, and the embassy doors will close until you perform the corresponding quests of the main plot. By that time, Talmore would be hostile to you as you left your post. Be careful, membership in Talmore can also customize brothers storm against you, including cities under their rule. Unlike the beginning of the gangster skue, you will save the membership of the Talmor, until you visit Helgen.

Alik "Rsky Warrior
After having experienced disappointment in Hammerfelle, you joined the Alik "the RCCs and went to the task in Skyrim. But you obviously do not share the beliefs of these spies, and it seems that it's time to look for your own way. In any case, no one knows about it. . Available only by Redcards.

Escape from the chamber:
You were thrown to die in the raw, dark chamber. All you needed is the second chance to escape! For your happiness, Mara squeezed over you gave you what you wanted.

Selecting this start - you can find in the chamber 3 lays. Open the camera door and get free. Everything is simple. You will start the game as soon as you raise the stairs. As long as you did not do this, you can go back and ask for a different fate.

Prisoner Charger:
In the process of giving off the fish, you found an unusual ring. You're even definitely not sure why you put it, but it happened. Then it became clear that you became a prisoner of a couple of sorcerers who are fond of necromanceria. Fortunately, they are unknown that you have overcome their power over yourself, now you have a chance to escape!

You start the game in a stonepad cave, the refuge of two sorcerers. In addition to the simplest clothes and boots, you also have a powerful cancellation ring and a cheap iron dagger. You should hurry and leave the cave until the sorcerers understand that you are no longer under their control. Run if you want to live!

Note: There are no containers for safe storage in this location, so do not leave anything there.

Friend of Childhood Eric Grozny Killer:
Only for Nordov

With Eric, all my life lived in Rorixted and were the best friends from the same way as the gallows were sheltered. Farmer's life is far from the worst, but as soon as you heard Lokira's stories about the life of adventurers, you only spoke about this for all months. Finally, Erica's father gave his blessing, so now you can join the road of adventures!

You start in the "ice cream fruit" tavern, which is in Rorixted. The mini-quest Erica is fulfilled and you can take it as a companion. You have the same initial gear.

surprise me
The game itself will randomly choose one of the above options, in addition to the standard start through Helgen. The beginning of the game is unique for each race will be available only if the player chooses its character to the appropriate race.

If, at the start of the new game, you are tired of getting through the smoking Helgen every time to the Skyrim linedly, mod on an alternative start - exactly what you need. The plugin "Live another life" is created for lovers of new and unexpected. No longer you need to view a roller with the execution of the rebels over again, listen to the sprayed imperses and on a familiar to the pain route to run away from Aldune's breathless fire.

Modification presents a choice of mass options for an entrance quest.

Danmer Refugee, option number 1 - Windhelm

You did not find a quiet life in Morrowind and decided to go to Skyrim. The destination was Windhelm, but fate ordered otherwise. It seems that the fascinating peaceful life of Danmera Will-Neils will have to become an adventure crawler.

Important: Next to the protagonist will be the bag and sleeping bag. You can seek how to sleep and there is a safe place to store extraction.

Moved to Skyrim

You crossed the ocean and led an anchor in one of Skyrim's large ports. Time to go ashore! A handful of septimov, a little supplies and modest clothing - everything that is behind the soul of the future hero of the Northern Kingdom.

Alik "Rsky Warrior

Life in Hammerfelle disappointed you. After replenishing the rows of Alik "Rube, you are heading for a new task in Skyrim. The future hero clearly does not share the interests of black mercenaries.

The decision to leave your people and look for another way in life comes by itself.

Live another life "- a proven, popular and perhaps the best mod on alternative start Skyrim.

Attention: Some entrance quests suggest the possibility of playing only for a particular race.