Sydney Opera House is a masterpiece of architecture. Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia)

Sydney Opera House is a masterpiece of architecture. Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia)
Sydney Opera House is a masterpiece of architecture. Sydney Opera House (Sydney, Australia)

Sydney Opera House, and even if you did not hear, then you really easily recognize the photo of this unusual sailing structure.

Our story will introduce you to this unique building closer, you will learn why it has gained such popularity among tourists, and you can decide whether it deserves your attention or not.

The history of the creation of the opera theater in Sydney

The history of the construction of world famous attractions began in the distant 1954 year when British conductor sir Y. Hussens, on work, arrived in, discovered that in no not only the opera theater, but also any other enough spacious premises, where people could listen to music.
He caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bconstruction and soon found a suitable place - Cape Bennelong Point, where the tram depot was located at that time.
Y. Gussens did a lot of work, and here, on May 17, 1955, the Australian government announced a competition for the development of the project of the new opera theater. Architects from around the world sent their projects, but eventually defeated the Dane J. Watson.
A large-scale construction began, which was delayed for 14 years and instead of calculated initially 7 million Australian dollars demanded 102 million.
In 1973, the official discovery of the Sydney Opera House was held, shortly after which the building was the main architectural symbol not only, but also Australia as a whole.

Main attractions - What to see in the Sydney Opera Theater?

Undoubtedly, people's attention from all over the world to the Opera Theater in Sydney Most attracts it easy to recognizable roofwhich someone resembles sails, someone's sinks, and others say it is a symbol of frozen music.

Did you know? Many people think that the roof has a white surface, in fact, some of its white tiles, others - cream, due to which, depending on the solar illumination, it can "change" color.

But in addition to the roof there are many other points that make the structure really outstanding. From three sides, it is surrounded by water and stands on huge concrete piles. The theater area reaches incredible digits - 22 thousand square meters. m.!

The theater accommodates 4 large halls at once:

  • Concert hallwhich can simultaneously take 2679 visitors;
  • Opera theatre, designed for 1507 spectators, here not only opera, but also ballet;
  • Theatre of Dramacapable of accommodating 544 people;
  • Small dramatic theater. - The most cozy hall for 398 spectators.

In addition to the main halls in the theater there are still many other premises - rehearsal, costume rooms, corridors, bars and restaurants.


Undoubtedly, the main entertainment of the opera theater in Sydney is view its outstanding plays, performances, operas and ballet. The world-famous theatrical and ballet troupes come here with their ideas, as well as orchestras, singers and other art leaders.

Did you know? At the same time, 4 different views can be held in the theater!

With the bill of the upcoming events you can get to know the official website of the Sydney Opera Theater.
If you are not an agile lover of art or have a small amount of time, but you want to get acquainted with the world-famous structure, it is easily feasible.

Having visited one of them, you can not only learn more interesting facts about the famous structure, but also to visit the scenes of theatrical life, to get acquainted with the actors of the troupe and even try theatrical food. By the way, about food.
On the territory of the Sydney Opera House there are several good bars and restaurants. The most popular of them:

  • Opera Bar. - Bar and restaurant, at the same time being one of the "pets" among the Sydaleans;
  • Bennelong. - One of the best restaurants in Australia, the chef of which is P. Gilmore, which prepares original dishes from the Australian ingredients;
  • Portside Sydney. - The most suitable for easy snack, cup of coffee or dessert friendly family restaurant.

Also in theatrical building you will find many souvenir shopsoffering tourists a very wide selection of pleasant and memorable little things.

Where is the Sydney Opera House?

The famous structure is located in the picturesque Sydney Harbor at Cape Bennelong Point.
You can easily get here from anywhere in the Australian capital, since there is an intersection of marine and land transport paths.
GPS coordinates: 33.856873 ° S, 151.21497 ° E.

The mode of operation of the Sydney Opera House

  • The theater is open to visitors daily from 9 am (on Sunday from 10:00) and until late evening.
  • The price of visiting the theater depends on the purpose of such a visit - either it will be an excursion, or you want to see this or that idea, or you just want to relax and delicious to eat in one of the theater restaurants - in each case the price can vary significantly.
  • For any arising issues, you can contact the "info service" of the theater from Monday to Friday by phone. +61 2 9250 7111, or writing to ate. address [Email Protected]
    Official site of the Opera House in Sydney -

Sydney Opera House - Interesting Facts

  • The author of the Sydney Theater Y. Hussens, despite the volume of work done by him, was "expelled" from Australia, since he, allegedly, discovered the prohibited items of the Black Mass.
  • The initial 7 million Australian dollars for the construction of the theater were collected due to charity lottery.
  • The famous sail-shaped roof has significantly worsened the acoustics of theatrical premises, in connection with which the additional recovering ceilings. The roof, by the way, was also too heavy, and the builders were forced to reassure the whole foundation of the theater.
  • In connection with the prolonged construction of the architect of the Sydney Opera House, Y. Watson had difficulty with the Australian government, and he was forced to leave Australia. Completed the theater other architect.
  • To open the opera theater in Sydney came herself queen of Britain Elizabeth ІІ.
  • Sydney Theater has the longest theatrical curtains in the world, and in his big concert hall there is the largest organ on the planet.
  • Sydney Opera Theater - the world's first building that was counted UNESCO World Heritage Site In the life of his architect.
  • The building of the Opera House is still not completed until the end. To prepare for the 2000 Olympics, the Australian government invited Y. Watson to complete the building, but he refused. The famous architect never returned to Australia after the forced termination of construction.
  • Y. Watson in 2003 received a prestigious Pulitzer Prize For the project of the world famous theater.
  • Sydney Opera House was a challenger on the title of one of 7 wonders of the world.
  • Still still repair of the famous structure.

Sydney Opera House - Video

In this video, you will learn even more information about the Sydney Opera House. Happy viewing!

These and many other secrets hide behind their walls the world-famous theater - hurry to see him, touch His secrets and touch the great musical and theatrical art, which daily unfolds behind his scenes.

Basic Facts:

  • Date 1957-1973 years
  • Style Expressionist Modern
  • Materials Granite, Concrete and Glass
  • Architect Yorn Uston
  • The architect has never been to the Finished Theater

Sails yachts, wings of birds, sea shells - all this can come to mind when you look at the Sydney Opera House. He became a symbol of the city.

Sparkling white sails rise into the sky, and the massive granite base would be anchored to the straight strip of the Earth, from three sides it was washed by the Water of the Sydney Gulf.

The amazing opera house appeared in the city after in the early 1950s it was decided that the city needs the corresponding center of performing arts. In 1957, the Danish architect of Iorn Wyscon (born in 1918) won the international competition of projects.

But the decision was ambiguous, because construction assumed unprecedented technical complexity - engineers who worked on the project called it "the design that can hardly build."

Disputes and crisis

The UPC project was unique. He violated many rules. Therefore, new technologies were required for construction, they were still necessary to develop. In 1959, construction began, and it is not surprising that there were disputes and difficulties with him.

When the new government tried to use growing costs and permanent lining in political games, Uson was forced to leave Australia, it was in early 1966. For several months, people thought that empty shells on the concrete podium would remain a giant unfinished sculpture.

But in 1973, construction was still completed, the interiors demanded not so much time. The Opera House opened in the same year, public support turned out to be strong, although there was no upkent at the opening.

The building is done so that it can be viewed at any angle, even from above. In it, as in sculpture, you always see something elusive and new.

Three groups of the connected seashells hang over a massive base from granite slabs, where there are office space - rehearsal and dressing rooms, recording studios, workshops and administrative offices. There is also a dramatic theater and a small platform for performances.

Two main halls are located in two main shells - a large concert hall, which hangs the ceiling from round segments, and the Opera House hall, where the opera and ballet are shown.

In the third group of shells there is a restaurant. The height of seashells is up to 60 meters, they are supported by ribbed concrete beams, similar to Veter, and the thickness of their concrete walls - 5 centimeters.

The sinks are covered with matte and glossy ceramic tiles. On the other hand, all seashells are closed with glass walls, which are similar to glass waterfalls - from there are awesome views of the entire district. Of all the halls of the theater, you can go into the overall room below. In both of the main concert halls, you can also get outside, in wide stairs.

The jury of the competition did not lose, choosing the draft Sydney Opera House, although there is a complex acoustics, and a simple setting inside erases the impressions of the masterpiece. Today, the Sydney Opera House is called one of the greatest buildings of the 20th century, the eighth miracle of the world, and it is almost impossible to imagine Sydney without it.

Yorn Uston

Yorn Wyscon was born in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, in 1918. He studied at the architect in Copenhagen from 1937 to 1942, and then left to study in Sweden and the United States, and work with.

Uston developed an architectural style, known as AdDitive Architecture ("Extension Architecture" - English). Waston worked a lot at home, engaged in the theory, but his name is forever connected with the Sydney Opera House (although difficulties with this project damaged the career and almost broke the life of the architect).

He also built the National Assembly of Kuwait and became famous for the whole world as the creator of impressive modern buildings in which modernism is supplemented by natural forms. For his works, Uson received many awards.

Jury members appreciated the initial drawings of the UPC, but from practical considerations, he replaced the original design in the form of an elliptic shell with a design with uniform spherical fragments resembling orange peel. Due to the numerous problems, Razon left the project, and the architect Peter Hall ended the work on glazing and interior. But Uston received world famous and in 2003 he was awarded the Pritzter Prize. In 2007, Sydney Opera House is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The highest concrete panel of the sink at its equivalent height of 22 storey building. Outside, the shell is covered with a chevron pattern from more than a million cream fragments of tiles alternating with pink granite panels. Inside the building finished plywood from the Australian Birch.

Everyone knows that Sydney Opera House is a real architectural symbol of the city, ascended by the architect Yorna Lodon (1918-2008) to the top of the glory outside his native Denmark. After the end of World War II, Uson traveled in Europe, the United States and Mexico and Mexico got acquainted with the creations of Alvara Aalto and Frank Lloyd Wright, examined the ancient Maya pyramids. In 1957, he won the competition for the best design of the Sydney Opera House, after which he moved to Australia. Construction work began in 1959, but soon he encountered problems related to the roof design and with attempts to the new government to incline it to the use of certain construction materials suppliers. In 1966 he left the project and returned to his homeland. He was not invited to the solemn discovery in 1973, however, despite this, he was offered to reconstruct the reception hall, called the Hall of Upon (2004). Later he participated in the restoration of other fragments of the structure.

The departure of the Upon caused many curvators and hostile reviews, and the appearance of the Hall to complete the project was perceived in the bayonets. Hall is the author of other administrative structures, such as Goldstin College at the University of New South Wales (1964).

In 1960, during the construction of the Sydney Opera House, the American singer and the actor Paul Robson performed during the lunch break for the builders of the song Ol Man River on the top of the construction facilities.

The green continent is famous for the whole world not only thanks to Kangaroo, Koalas, Warm Ocean and Bronze Goggles of Surfing. There are also unique structures. At the Cape Bennelong, like a fantastic sailboat, rushes a bulk from concrete and glass. This is known for all in Sydney every day you can see many tourists. And be sure that one half of them had already seen a unique building, and the other will certainly visit it in the near future.

New miracle

If Moscow, foreigners easily find out in Red Square, Mausoleum, the fancy opera house is undoubtedly resurrecting in our imagination Sydney. Photos This attractions can be seen on any souvenir products from Australia. The snow-selling grinding raised over the harbor has become one of the masterpieces of world architecture. The building has not only a catchy exterior, but also a curious story.

in numbers

The height of the construction is 67 meters. The length of the building is 185 meters, and the distance in the widest place is 120 m. Weight, according to the calculations of engineers, is 161,000 tons, and the area is 2.2 hectares. On the rods of the roofs about 1 million tiles. In addition to the two largest halls, there are more than 900 premises here. At the same time, about 10,000 spectators can accommodate in the theater. In the year, the Opera House in Sydney is attended by 4 million people.

A bit of history

Australia has never been the center of musical culture. By the beginning of the twentieth century, the continent functioned his symphony orchestra, but he did not have his own premises. Only when the position of chief director received Eugene Guusens, they spoke aloud. However, the military and post-war time did not have to start large-scale projects. Only by the middle of the twentieth century, in 1955, the government issued permission to build. But the funds from the budget did not allocate. The search for investors began in 1954 and did not stop throughout the construction. In the competition for the best draft work presented 233 architects. Already at this stage it became clear where a new musical theater will be erected. In Sydney, of course.

Most of the applications of the jury rejected, but one of the members of the Commission - Eero Saranin - actively made a certain unfortunate applicant. They turned out to be a native of Denmark - Yorn Razon. For the implementation of the project was allocated for 4 years, the budget was $ 7 million. Despite the plans, by the end of the 60s, the Opera House in Sydney was still in the process of construction. The architect was accused of not fitting in the estimate and is not able to embody the conceived reality. With sin in half, construction was still over. And in 1973, Queen Elizabeth II participated in the opening of the theater. Instead of necessary for the construction of four years, the project demanded 14, and instead of 7 million budget - 102. Be that as it may, the building built on conscience. Even 40 years later, the repair was still not required.

Theater architectural style

In the post-war time in the architecture reigned the so-called international style, the favorite forms of which are gray concrete boxes of purely utilitarian purposes. Under this fashion and Australia. In Sydney, became a happy exception. It was in the 50s that the world was tired of monotony and began to acquire the popularity of a new style - structural expressionism. His large adherent and was the Eerro Saarinen, thanks to which a little-known Dane conquered Sydney. Photos of this theater can now be found in any architecture textbook. The building is a classic example of expressionism. The design for that time was innovative, but in the era of the search for fresh forms, it was impossible for the way.

According to the demand of the government, the premises had to have two halls. One was intended for the opera, ballet and symphony concerts, the second - for chamber music and dramatic performances. The Opera House in Sydney architect designed actually from two buildings, and not from the same number of halls. It is noteworthy that actually he is deprived of the walls. On a single base there is a design from a variety of roofs having a sail shape. They are covered with white self-cleaning tiles. During festivals and holidays, the operas arranged ambitious light shows.

What is inside?

Under the two largest vaults there are concert and opera zones. They are very large, have their own names. "Concert Hall" - the biggest. Almost 2,700 spectators can accommodate here. The second on the area is "Opera Hall". It is designed for 1547 people. He is decorated with "sun curtain" - the largest in the world. There is a pair to it "Curtain Moon", located in the "dramatic hall". As follows from the name, it is intended for dramatic performances. Filmococations are held in the Pleihaus Hall. Sometimes it serves as a lecture. "Studio Hall" is the newest of all. Here you can join modern theatrical art.

In the decoration of the premises, a tree, plywood and pink turin granite were used. Some interior fragments cause associations with a ship deck, continuing the topic of a gigantic vessel.

Some say that the Opera House in Sydney is a fantastic sailboat, others see the grotto system, third - pearl sinks. According to one of the versions, the Uton in an interview admitted that it was inspired to create a project neatly removed from the orange crust. The bike walks that Eero Saranin chose the project, being drank. Charter from an endless series of applications, the chairman of the commission simply pulled at random several sheets from the total pile. It seems that the legend did not appear without the participation of the envious of the ITON.

Beautiful vaulted overlap broke out acoustics in the building. Of course, it was unacceptable for the Opera House. To solve the problem, the inner ceilings were designed, which reflect sound in all the rules of theatrical construction.

Sadly, but the calm was not destined to see her brainchild. After removing the construction, he left Australia to never come back here. Even after the presentation in 2003, the prestigious architectural, he did not come to Sydney to look at the built theater. A year after UNESCO's organization focused on the Opera building, the architect's architect died.

Sydney Opera House can be called one of the most recognizable buildings in the world - which of us did not see these shinking into the sky either sail, whether orange slices growing right from the waters of the Sydney harbor? Opened in 1973 by the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II, today this musical theater is a real symbol of Australia. Interestingly, at once, at this place on Bennelong Point first, the fort was located, and then the tram depot, while in 1958 it was decided to build the theater.

Construction history

The Creator of this outstanding building of modern architecture was the Danesan Yorn Uton, who received the highest award in the world of architecture in the world - Pricker Prize. It was originally assumed that the construction of the theater will take about 4 years and will cost the Government of Australia in 7 million Australian dollars. However, due to the interior decoration of the premises, it was delayed at 14 years old! Accordingly, construction has increased and estimated - up to 102 million Australian dollars.

General information about the building of the Sydney Opera

The building of the Sydney Opera House covers an area of \u200b\u200b2.2 hectares. Its maximum height is 185 meters, width - 120 meters. The famous the theater roof consists of 2194 sections and weighs more than 27 tons! All this seemingly air construction hold steel cables with a total length of 350 km. On top of the "shells" of the roof covered with a million tiles of white and matte cream colors, which, with different lights, create different color gamuts.

Inside the building are 4 scenes. The main concert hall accommodates 2500 people at the same time, and the opera room is designed for 1500 people. Two other halls are used for theater dramatic performances. In addition, a cinema and two restaurants are operating in the building.

For nearly 40 years of work, the Sydney Opera House has been visited by more than 40 million people, which is several times the population of all Australia. In 2007, he was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

On a note

  • Location: Bennelong Point, Sydney
  • Official website:
  • Opening hours: Monday-Saturday from 9: 00-19.30, Sunday from 10: 00-18: 00.
  • Tickets: Go to the theater you can go for free at work hours.

  • Tourism

    Geographical position

    | Latitude and longitude (decimal): -33.856808 , 151.215264

    The landscape of the largest Australian city - Sydney - uniquely learned among thousands of other cities in the world due to two elements: arched bridge Harbor Bridge and an unusual building of a multidisciplinary theater, better known under the name " Opera House» ( Opera House.), one of the most famous buildings in world architecture.

    Sydney Opera House recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, but his story begins much earlier. Back in 1954, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and the Conservatory of the New South Welx put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the Sydney Opera House. The state government chose a place for the future building and announced an open international competition for the best project for the Opera House.

    In the Sydney harbor on Bennelong Point Fort was once located, later there was a tram depot. It was decided at this place to build a spectacular building, which will become the face of the city.

    By December 1956, 233 applications from 28 countries were obtained. According to the legend, the jury has already significantly narrowed the circle circle, rejecting most of the projects, when the most famous American architect of Finnish origin joined the judges Eero Saranin. I saw something among the rejected options of the "explicit favorite" - Danchanin project Yorna Lodon (Jørn Utzon), in fact, insisted on his victory. On January 29, 1957, the winner was named - an expressive system or shells, or sails, drawn by Utton.

    In the 1950s. There was a change in world architectural preferences: something completely different, expressed in spectacular clean lines of curvilinear forms of obviously natural, organic lines, came to replace the boring conservative-industrial "international style" with characteristic reinforced concrete "boxes". New style will be called "structural expressionism" or "structuralism". One of his adherents was the same member of the jury of Ero Saarinen, who insisted on the victory of the project, now considered the "icon" of structuralism.

    The roofs of the Sydney Opera House The architect decided to perform from the segments of a spherical form, constant curvature. A little later, Yorn Razon will tell that the source of inspiration served as a crust of orange, filmed by triangular segments. The difference with the building is only on the scale. Olese worm would have a diameter of 150 m, and his crust would be a concrete coated with tiled azulu. The building covers an area of \u200b\u200b2.2 hectares. Its length is 185, and the maximum width is 120 m.

    In the implementation of the project, numerous difficulties arose, which led to tightening the deadlines, the essential processing of initial design and large financial costs. Instead of the planned four years and seven million Australian dollars, the opera was built for fourteen years and cost 102 million dollars (that is, overlapped the initial budget of more than 14.5 (!) Times).

    Sydney Opera House was opened on October 20, 1973. Queen Elizabeth II..

    The perfectly smooth roofs of the Sydney opera cover more than a million tiles. With different lighting, the tiles create different color gamuts, and they are beautifully played by sun glare, reflected from the water.

    The two largest vessels form the ceiling of the concert hall ( CONCERT HALL.) and the opera theater ( Opera Theater.). In other halls, the ceilings form groups of smaller arches. In the smallest "sink", aside from the main entrance and the front staircase, there is a restaurant "Bennelong".

    Opera House always attracted increased attention of professionals. In 2003, the architect Yorn Uton was awarded the Pritzherovskiy Prize (an unlawful analogue of the Nobel Prize in Architecture).