Hatter or Cheshire Cat? Who are you from "Alice in Wonderland" on the horoscope.

 Hatter or Cheshire Cat? Who are you from
Hatter or Cheshire Cat? Who are you from "Alice in Wonderland" on the horoscope.

Our world seeks to be rational and very correct. Such correct thing is that it is hard to survive.

Quotes of Cheshire Cat are wise crazy recipes in order not to go crazy in this right world.

I collected for you quotes. Total 34 quotes from a variety of works in which Alice lives and the Cheshire cat is wise.

Quotes of Cheshire Cota

How do you understand?
- Understand me optional. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Only madness can measure success by suffering.

Any road begins with the first step. Banally, but right.

He who is looking for, will definitely find ... But exceptions are also found.

Those who learn from their mistakes are called a bad word.

No matter why much has become insignificant. It became, and that's it.

When miracles become delirium, the mind turns into madness.

And what is the sounds, won there? Asked Alice.
"And this is miracles," the Cheshire cat explained indifferently.
- And what are they doing there? - The girl asked.
"As it should be," the cat yawned. - happen.

Forest words often encourage the goal to action, learn these importance.

Joy and slavery do not get along with one roof

Who is looking for, he will always find ... if it is looking for correctly.

You have two choices: one will lead you to happiness, the other - to madness. My advice to you is not wrong.

I heard that you hope this wisely ... Now you have been assisted.

Guess the riddle: when a hammer for a crocket looks like a stanchoker? The answer is obvious: when you please.

I'm not crazy, just my reality is different from yours.

She behaves so that I sometimes regret that I was taken torturing the water of this quiet pool ...

Some do not see the output, even if they find. Others just do not seek ...

Serious attitude to whatever in this world is a fatal mistake.
- And life is serious?
- Oh yes, life is serious! But not very ...

They say, look for, and you will find, but no one says that you will find.

Everything is possible in our world.
- Amendment: in your. In my - everything is in my rules.

Collect everything you find useful. In addition to indifference and ignorance. And then you may survive.

Sometimes the reflection in the mirror is more realistic than the object itself ...

If you don't know something - find out ... or die!

Threats, promises and good intentions, nothing of this is an action.

At times in her madness I see glimpses of this talent.

When someone's head hovers in the clouds, whose heartocks the heart.

Destroy what can destroy you.

Who says that there is nothing better to calm the nerves than a cup of tea, they really did not try real tea. It is like an injection of adrenaline directly in the heart.

Protective walls can interfere with you, but the most impassable walls in the world are those that surround our hearts.

Sometimes before you ask for help from a person, you should think well than this help you can turn to you.

Stupid does not mean unwise.

Ways that lead to trouble, end in the same way, just how do they behave?

Who would not say that too much good is bad, he lies.

If Cheshire Cat smiles, then it's necessary to someone

The fairy tale "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland" like not only for children, but also adults. The work belongs to the English writer and mathematics to Lewis Carolla, whose real name Charles Lutvijd Dodgeson.

Unlike most authors, Carolle did not build any schemes and plot lines, the story about the journey began herself. Once the author traveled along the river in the company of his friend Henry Lodella and his three daughters, among whom Alice Lodelle was. The ten-year-old girl asked the writer to tell some interesting story. Then then the image of the main character of the tales of Alice travelers was born. The story so impressed the listeners that the girls asked to write it down. The next day, Lewis Carolle began writing a literary work.

Thanks to the original plot and non-standard form of presentation, the journey of the main character of Alice is of interest among linguists, logic, mathematicians and philosophers. The first critical reviews were negative, and only a decade later, the reader audience acknowledged that it was in the "madness" of the book and her real value lies. The famous fairy tale about Alisa Pespit philosophical sayings, knowing which you can always give a companion a valuable advice.

Everything is as always - what is the disgrace!

Well, at least as always, not worse!)

I have already seen hat masters. Martov hare, in my opinion, more interesting. In addition, now May - perhaps he has already come to himself.

At least I sincerely hope so ...

Do not be sad. Sooner or later, everything will become clear, everything will be in place and put out in a single beautiful scheme as lace. It will become clear why everything was needed, because everything will be right.

You just need to wait a little.

I do not understand how he can ever end, since he is not going to start.

And it is unlikely that it will once come true.

I am now, for example, two hours despite ... with jam and sweet buns.

Everything would be so despite)

It is impossible to do what is impossible.

And if you submit for a minute, what can?

Who needs a head without a shoulder?

Yes, and shoulders without a head somehow not very.

Do not grune. Expose your thoughts somehow differently!

Hummer, if possible.

Everything is storsful and stors! All wonder and wonder! All curious and curious! Everything is strange and strange everything wonder and wonder!

Quotes of Cheshire Cota

Any adventure must begin with something ... trite, but even here it is true ...

True true.

I'm not crazy, just my reality is different from yours.

As not like everyone else, so immediately crazy. Maybe they are all crazy, and not me.

No matter how you watched, you should look in the right direction.

And where is the right direction?

The fact is that while you are small, you can see what is invisible for you big.

Do not rush to grow up.

I adore psychos: only they understand the world around us, only with them I can find a common language.

No, then I'm not crazy, just adore them.

Fools call those who choose a difficult path.

In life, a lot of things on the contrary happens.

Confidence and recklessness - two sides of one medal.

If you believe even in the most insane thoughts, they can become a reality.

Look, learn, act.

First go, and only then act.

Sometimes reflection in the mirror is more realistic than the object itself.

There will be no mirror.

At times in her madness I see glimpses of this talent.

This talent is most often manifested.

Stupid does not mean unwise.

Consider this.
Understand me optional. Be sure to love and feed on time.

Sometimes you can still stroke.

Threats, promises and good intentions - nothing of this is an action.

But faith is sometimes stronger than any action, although in its essence is completely inaction.

You have two choices: one will lead you to happiness, the other - to madness. My advice to you is not wrong.

Do you want to become happy?

Quotes hatper

To the one who in his mind, I would hardly dream.

Make the conclusion yourself ...

Today, everyone goes on the railway, but hat transportation is much reliable and more pleasant.

And cheaper.

The less you know, the easier to manage to you.

Many knowledge will not allow others to manipulate you.

That is on top of it admiring you, then vice versa.

Beautiful, like not cool.

Why do you help me?
- Do you need a reason to help a very cute girl in a very wet dress?

Smart and will understand what to help, without any request.

Rabbit quotes

Anything, but here is the duchess, Duchess! She will come into rage if I'm late! She will come there!

Oh, Esley would be late, not me.

And this duchess! My head was disappeared, and the skin was disappeared, and the mustache too! Write gone! Tell me to execute me, there is no disappearance on it!

Skirt is most sorry.

You are the interfering element. Unnecessary creature. If you do what you want, then you bring a lot of problems.

But this does not mean that you should not do what you want.

Other quotes of heroes

How do you think you need a child who does not think? Even in a joke there should be some kind of thought, and the child, agree herself, is not a joke at all!

Everyone must think even, even the smallest.

The best way to explain is to do it yourself!

So much will be faster.

Who you are?
- I am a blue caterpillar.
- What are you doing here?
- I sit. I smoke. Waiting for change.

Have a drink something else, maybe it will come so faster?!

Date: 11.04.2016

If we are asked if we know English mathematics, logic, philosopher, the Diaclone of the Anglican Church, the photographer Charles Lutvija Dodgison (1832-1898), we will make it difficult to answer immediately. The name of Lewis Carroll (Dodjon's literary pseudonym), a bright, talented writer, familiar to many. The most famous works - "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice in the Watercald" and the poem "Hunting for Snarka". All the catchebam, readers of our magazine, Lewis Carroll still very expensive because he came up with the image of a wonderful cat.

Cheshire Cat
Last year, an amazing disarming cat celebrated his 150th anniversary. It was in 1865 that Lewis Carroll's book "Alice in Wonderland" published in 1865.
In the first editor, the work of Cheshire cat was not yet. Mysterious cat, which appeared later on the pages of "Alice ...", very decorated, revived the narrative. This cat loved both children and adults around the world.
I really want to remember the first meeting of Alice with this extraordinary beast and "overhear" their dialogue:
"Alice raised his head. A few steps from her on a branch sat Cheshire cat. Alice freezing, the cat just smiled. The view of him was good-natured, but the claws are long, and the teeth are so much that Alice immediately realized that there were bad jokes with him.
- Cat! Cheshik! - timidly started Alice. She did not know if it would like this name, but he only smiled wider in response.
"Nothing," Alice thought, "it seems satisfied."
Aloud she asked:
- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?
- And where do you want to get? - replied the cat.
"I don't care ..." said Alice.
"Then still, where and go," the cat noticed.
"... just to get somewhere," Alice explained.
- You will definitely come somewhere, - said the cat ...
- What do people live here? She asked.
"Won," said the cat and waved the right paw, "the Daller lives. And there, - and he waved his left, - Martov hare. Anyway, to whom you will go. Both are not in your mind.
- What am the madness me? - Alisa said.
"You can not do anything," the cat objected. "We are all here not in your mind - and you and me."
- How do you know that I am not in my mind? Asked Alice.
"Of course, not in my own," the cat replied. - Otherwise, how would you come here?
... - Can you disappear and appear not so suddenly? And then my head goes around.
"Good," said the cat and disappeared - this time very slowly. The first disappeared the tip of his tail, and the last is a smile; She batted in the air for a long time, when everything else was already gone.
- D-yes! - thought Alice. - I saw cats without a smile, but smiles without a cat! I have not met this in life. "
Lewis Carroll. "Alice in Wonderland". Translation of Nina Demirova.

Of course, this is a very original cat. He is a smart, wise, independent, friendly, bold, unpredictable. With a huge sympathy and humor, describes the writer of his literary hero. We remember his appearance, character, famous cat smile.
Cheshire Cat can talk, conduct a dialogue, may be postponed from one place to another, instantly disappear and unexpectedly appear again or, on the contrary, gradually dissolve in the air, leaving only his smile for some time.
Smiles that we meet on faces of your favorite, friends or enemies, are different. It may be a smile of joy or embarrassment, humility, desire to cheer up, show out friendliness. Perhaps the opposite is a smile expressing sarcasm, gloating, contempt, celebration ...
I think, the smile of Cheshire Cat says that this cat ... knows the mystery. There is another explanation, because this cat is Cheshire's cat.
Carroll could not but love cats, of course, he communicated with cats, watched them, understood these animals. Perhaps he was familiar with the prototype of his Cheshire cat and wrote him from nature. This cat could be taken from the real life of the writer, like the other heroes of Carroll, primarily the main heroine of Alice's fairy tales, one of the little daughters of the Dean College, where he taught the writer. But, most likely, this cat Carrolla is a collective character.
There are many cat breeds in the world. Many nations of the world meet national cat breeds: Siberian, Turkish Wang, Turkish Angora, Canadian Sphinx, Ragdoll, Scottish Fold, British Blue ...
We think about what kind of cat Cheshirsky breed, what does he look like? Of course, we have beautiful illustrations made by the author's contemporary "Alice ...".
Perhaps this cat, the image of which we consider the "business card" of English literature, - the British breed's cat, since we will soon make it say that the cat is "National", in which the features of the English cat-gentleman are guessed. (Cat and leaves often in English, not saying goodbye ...)
It is believed that the British Blue Cat today's popular breed of British blue cats - animals of dense physique, with a round head, with bright orange eyes, small ears, velvet wool, strong short paws - was known in the English County Cornwall from time immemorial. These cats appeared in the Cheshire County, which was famous for their dairy farms, where more than nine centuries produced the oldest English cheese. Next to the pier of the port city of Chester, the capital of the county, there was a cheese warehouse. With the arrival of the ship for the next party of cheese on the pier rushed by the hordes of mice and rats in order to deal with a piece of delicious delicacy. But here they launched numerous port cats, which also loved dairy products, but were eagerly engaged in musculsy, wonderful cheese from encroachment unwanted competitors. Hunting, full, satisfied cats rested, purr, and ... smile.
Recall the famous busy fact: in the old chisir cheese heads were formed in the form of smiling feline heads.
Another curious testimony, which is also not forgotten, is numerous smiling feline images in Cheshire. Mention of a wonderful sculpture of a smiling cat on a stone panel in the Church of St. Peter on Croofte. The father of Carrolla served the priest of this parish temple. This image is interesting to what may disappear when you are considering at a certain angle, only a characteristic smile remains.
The famous and earlier saying - "smiles, like Cheshire Cat," it became very popular precisely thanks to the book "Alice in Wonderland." Other writers lead it already in Carroll.
There are various versions of the origin of this saying. Here is one more. Jorge Louis Borheses in 1954 publishes the "book of fictional creatures." In the section "Cheshire Cat and Cats from Kilkennia", he writes that, in addition to the cheese already mentioned by us in the form of a feline head, even the cats laughed above the high title of Cheshire ".
And another one's ability to disappear - the Cheshire Cat could be adopted from the Ghost of the White Cat from the city of Conglon, located near Cheshire. With this cat, this cat was a pet of the abbey of abbey, but one day he did not return home after another walk. A little later, the ghost of the White Cat began to appear in the city, he saw hundreds of people over the years. Naturally, the writer could hear about this mystical cat. Or maybe he himself met his ghost?
Recall one intriguing detail. The way, as some eyewitnesses tell, this cat disappeared, resembles the disappearance of the Cheshire Cat in the book "Alice in Wonderland." The ghost of the Conglon Cat disappeared very slowly, starting from the tip of the tail and ending with a smile that remained for some time, although the cat itself was no longer. In the existence of a ghost cat we will believe easily. The last thing is the approval of the remaining cat smile - we will take it to the cheerful speculation of the writer. Although who knows him, wonders happen ...
The writer spent around the fifters in Oxford. He lived in Krasis-Church College. The windows of his office went out into the garden, where a huge chestnut (survived to the present day) grew among numerous trees, which, according to England magazine, is very suitable for the appearance of Cheshire Cat. This tree was clearly seen from the Cairrolla Cabinet window.

Cat Dina
In the book of Lewis Carroll, from time to time, we are found another cat character - the cat Alice Dina.
This cat is a very earthly creature, moreover, having a real prototype, like the main heroine of the work of the writer, Alice Liddell. The actually existing cat Dina was a special favorite of the real girl Alice. Two more feline creatures - cats cats Dina, Snowflake and Kitty, are mentioned in this fabulous story. In real life, the snowflake was the name of Kitten Mary McDonald, one of the young familiar Carroll.

An incredible story told by Carroll is dedicated to the little girl Alice Liddell.
Lewis Carroll recalls:
"... What did I see you, Alice, in my imagination? What are you? Loving is first of all: loving and tender; tender, like a lan, and loving like a dog (forgive me a prose comparison, but I do not know the love of love and perfect); And yet - taking into account: polite and welcoming with everyone, with great and small, with mighty and funny, with kings and worms, as if you are myself - the royal daughter in a seizious gold dress. And yet - trusting, ready to believe in the very impossible is not enough and take it with the limitless confidence of the dreamer; And finally, - curious, desperately curious and cheerful and cheerfulness, which is only given in childhood, when the whole world is new and beautiful ... ".
Spelling of this amazing wonderland we can be found in Moscow today.

Exhibition in the estate of Saltykov-Chertkov
In 1867, Lewis Carroll visited Russia. There is reason to believe that during his visit to Moscow, he visited the largest private Russian library of that time in the magnificent old estate of Saltykov-Chetkov (Meatsnitskaya Street, House 7), where today visitors can admire the interiors of this amazing mansion: the works of the architect Shechor and artist Vrubel.
In this extraordinary estate, an exhibition-illusion dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll's fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" was opened.
Here visitors face a number of original finds of the organizers: they see the magic mirror, through which Alice penetrated the linen, everywhere notice the smile of the Cheshire cat, which is reflected in an incomprehensible way in this mirror.
In the gothic windows of the Gothic Living Room, the mansion of Saltykov-Chetkov, visitors to the exhibition can admire the bright stained glass windows of Jeffrey Webba from Chapel Darsbury County Cheshire, where Lewis Carroll was born. Here on a huge screen throughout the day, visitors browse the illustrations to Alice ..., made by order of Lewis Carroll professional artist John Tena. Note that the author's cooperation and the artist was not cloudless: everyone gave his own vision of fabulous characters.
In the "Throne Hall", in addition to two royal troops, a skeleton of the Barmaglot, in which we recognize the dinosaur! Under the sounds of the harp on weekends in this room guests are celebrated by the August Officers ...
At the exhibition we will find so much entertaining: the house of the White Rabbit, the ear, which turned Alice, a giant tea cup with a saucer, a Giant Kaleidoscope, royal thrones. And then there, here is the presence of Cheshire Cat, the most famous literary English cat character.
We can remember a lot of wonderful national literary cats: Cat in Charles Persian boots, Pushkin Cat Scientist, Bulgakovsky Behemoth Cat, Hopmann Cat Murr, Cat Thomasina Paul Helico ... And now honor the mysterious literary National English Cat.
Happy Birthday, Cheshire Cat!


    Irina Koroleva - the breeder and the owner of the nursery of the Otqs of Amagitsune, lives with her husband in Rostov-on-Don. Irina is a very creative person: and by virtue of his profession - on education, she is an interior decorator artist, and due to hobbies - is engaged in dancing, namely Belldadans. In his youth, participated in the competition, ranked first at the championships of Russia, later taught oriental dances. Another purely female hobby - extending hand-made suits for Beadan and stones, loves small painstaking work, believes that she calms and leads thoughts in order. But for five years, the kennel has become its main occupation - he is for her and hobby, and work.

Probably the most interesting and curious character in world literature is Cheshire Cat. This hero strikes his ability to appear and disappear into the most unpredictable moment, leaving only a smile after himself. No less curious quotes of Cheshire Cat, which are striking by their unusual logic and make them think about many questions. But this character appeared much earlier than the author fited him into the book. And it is interesting enough, from where the author took an idea about him.

Why is the cat smiles?

Cat Cheshirsky invented by Lewis Carroll for the book "Alice in Wonderland." It is noteworthy that in the first version of the story this character was absent and appeared only in 1865. Most likely, his appearance is due to the expression "Smile of Cheshire Cat" in those days. And this saying has two communion versions of its origin. The author himself was born and grew in County Cheshire, and here it was fashionable to draw lions over the entrance to the tavern. But since no one has seen these predators, they attached to the kind of toothy and smiling cats.

The second version is as follows: Cheese heads in the form of smiling cats were made in Cheshire County and were popular for all England. But what does the Smile of Cheshire Cat mean? On this issue, disputes still do not subscribe. Some philologists believe that it is still connected with cheese. Others challenged, saying that at that time over the "high" title, which attributed to the Cheshire county, the former province with small sizes, even cats laughed.

Disappearing cat (Cheshire)

In addition to the smile, there is another no less interesting skill of this character - it is dissolved and materialized in the air at will, but from where the author took this idea? At one time, there was a legend of the Conglon Cat: one day the lover of abbey of abbey disappeared, but in a few days the nun heard a familiar scratch.

Opening the door, she saw her beloved cat, who was dissolved into the same minute in the air. Since then, the ghost has seen many visitors to abbey. Lewis Carroll himself was known for his tendency to mysticism and was probably impressed with this story, which was embodied in his character.

Country of Cheshire Cota

Surely will not be a lie to call the country wonderland by the kingdom of Cheshire cat. After all, from the first meeting in the kitchen Duchess, this character accompanied Alice. Moreover, she was a mentor and helped to get out of difficult and ridiculous situations, despite the fact that his dialogues with Alice did not always bring her pleasure, and sometimes quite annoyed. The philosophical questions that loved to ask Cat Cheshirsky, put Alice in a dead end, but, a little reflection, she found a way out of situations thanks to them. His expressions have long been disassembled by quotes that are used to emphasize the absurdity of situations.

Character character

If you read the book, most readers have the impression that this character is quite friendly and mil. And indeed it is. Cheshire's cat has some inexplicable charm, despite the fact that she prefers loners. He is optimistic, and willing and always comes to help in a difficult moment.

But at the same time, the cat is selfish and never recognizes his guilt due to stubbornness. It is extremely irritable and impulsive, thanks to which the unacceptable deeds can make, which will regret in the soul, but does not admit it. Vainlylavn and a bit of a loaf, although he himself does not tolerate a lie. It is especially interesting to his attitude towards himself, because the cat considers himself crazy only because he is surrounded by madman. In general, this is the most contrast and inimitable character in world literature.

Culture and Cheshire Cat

This hero has long acquired a reputation as a cult, and its image is used by many authors in their works, for example, such as Jeff Nuna, Angey Sapkovsky, Jasper Ffiffe, Frank Pobdra. Huge popularity Cheshire cat acquired in this form of art as anime. There is also a large number of comics with his participation. Recently, the popularity of tattoo with the image of the Cheshire Cat has been acquired.

But still the most interesting images of the character were embodied in Alice's adventures. The popular Disney cartoon released in 1951 presents us this cat as an intellectual with a harmful character, which is sometimes classified as one of the Disney villains. In a computer game about Alice's adventures in spoiled nightmares, wonders called Alice Madness Returns This hero appeared in front of us in the image of a thin cat with tattoos, but continuing to act as a guide on the journey and his quotes forcing the main heroine to think about events.

We saw another remarkable Cheshire cat in the adventures of Alice from Tim Berton. Although it was a computer character, he still remembered his smile on the floor screen and the tireless zeal to give useful tips. This hero had elegance, calm and impulvory, as well as the ability to hide the foolishness under a seductive smile. His ability to go out of ridiculous situations was manifested at that moment when the hat accused the cat in escape when capturing the throne of the Red Queen. But thanks to his talents and skills, Cheshire has rehabilitated among friends and picked up the guilt.

Please tell me why your cat smiles so much? Alice asked, slightly Robust.
"This is Cheshire Cat," said Duchess, "That's why."

Since in 1865, "Alice in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll was published, a lot of people thought about the origin of the Cheshire Cat, who put forward a number of assumptions. But the riddle has not yet been solved - perhaps Carroll inspired a real cat, possibly the coat of arms with the image of a cat, and for one of the versions, the prototype served as a family by the name Katt (CATT).

It seems only one thing does not cause doubt - this is what the expression "broke into a smile, like Cheshire cat" does not belong to Carroll himself. Smile Cheshire Cota For the first time, it is found in the work of Peter Pyndara "Lyrical Messages" (Lyric Epistles), which contains the phrase "Our court will smile like Cheshire Cat." Under the pseudonym Peter Pindar hid a poet Satir John Walcot (Wolcot or Wolcott), who died in 1819.

What was the original source for the appearance of Cheshire cat?

Here are just a few more or less likely versions:

Cheshire cat appeared, thanks to cats from Chester.

In Chester, a city located in Cheshire County, in the former times of the port on the banks of the di river, there were warehouses in which cheese and other dairy products were stored. The port cats were going to the pier, waiting for rats and mice leaving the ships, loaded with Cheshire cheese. The abundance of food made their happiest kingdom cats, it seemed that they were pretty smiling!

Some sources claim that on the site of a cheese warehouse, earlier there was even a monument to Cheshire cat. However, no official documents were preserved about this, and the existence of the monument remains a mystery as the origin of the Cheshire Cat.

Correct feeding of cats begins with the competent feed of the feed https://www.acana.ru/katalog-kormov.

Cheshire cat is a generalized image of British blue cats.

The opinion is very common that the breed of British blue cats, known for the "smiling" expression of the face, originated from cats, has long been lived in Cornwell, gradually ran into Cheshire county along with people. This fascinating idea was nominated by David Hayden, who suggested that Lewis Carroll at one time was undoubtedly familiar with these cats and their "smiles."

Cheshire cat is an image inspired by Cheshire cheeses.

Lewis Carroll (real name - Charles Lutvijd Dodjon) was born and grew up to 11 years in a small village of Dersbury in Cheshire County. Undoubtedly, he often saw local cheeses, which were produced in the form of various animals, one of which was a grinning cat.

Cheshire cat is a heraldic symbol.

Cheshire cat could be derived from early Cheshire Heraldry. For example, a lion was engraved on the coat of arms of the first Chester. The lion is an ordinary heraldic symbol, from medieval artists, its image often required. Naturally, in the drawings, the animal, whom artists never seen in the eyes, turned into cats. The image of an imaginary lion, while, often it turned out noticeably smiling.

Cheshire cat came from signs.

For reasons similar to the stirred in the heraldic version, the Cheshire Cat could come with signs depicting lions. On the signs of the British pubs, a lion was very often depicted, to meet, in reality, few of the artists were made. Signs over pubs appeared centuries ago, and Lviv and Leopards shown on them were often called cats.

Cheshire cat and church carved figures.

Perhaps the image of the Cheshire Cat was formed at Carroll under the influence of the figure of a smiling cat, adorned by the Church of St. Wilfrid (Twelfth Century), located in the Cheshire Village of Grapanhall. Father Carroll, Vicar, often preached there, and the boy probably noticed the cat during his visits to the church.

In the east of County Cheshire, there is a small village of Pott Shrigley, where in the Church of St. Christopher (the thirteenth century) on one of the inner walls, next to the department, also carved the head of the cat, very reminiscent illustration in the book. Perhaps the young Lewis Carroll could also notice her too?

At the age of 11, Carroll moved from Cheshire to Croft-Onu-Tis in the northeast of England. His father was then a priest in the Croft Church and the Richmond archigitalon (from 1843 to 1868). In the place allotted in the church for the clergy, on the one hand the stone face of the lion was carved. When looking at him with one of the bench, it seems that the lion is smiling widely; But if you look at him standing, the smile disappears, exactly, like the Cheshire Cat.

Okay, I often saw the cats without a smile, thought Alice, but a smile without a cat? This is the most curious thing I have seen in my life!

When the hinges of the priest's house were opened, in about 1950, some artifacts of the Victorian era were found, which could well belonged to the Dodjon family. Among them was a white glove, and after all she could belong to the White Rabbit!

Later, Carroll lived in Guildford for several years, Surrey's county, and often visited the nearby village of Cranleigh, where in the church of St. Nicholas there was a figure of Gargoyle, resembling a cat. Who knows, maybe Cheshire Cat was born in the imagination of Carroll thanks to her?

Cheshire Cat - Crested Jester.

There is a suggestion that at one time the court was a jester named Cat Kaitlin, who arrived from Cheshire. Since people would like to be just as happy as the images showed by him, expression broke into a smile like Cheshire Cat Could be born as a tribute to his art. The author of this version recognizes however, that all efforts spent on proving the existence of this jester did not give results. Therefore, perhaps, this explanation is the least likely.