Lanit took part in the development of a mobile application for a unified information system in the field of procurement. Rostec will develop a unified information system for public procurement. Comments from the Accounts Chamber on the implementation of the project.

Lanit took part in the development of a mobile application for a unified information system in the field of procurement. Rostec will develop a unified information system for public procurement. Comments from the Accounts Chamber on the implementation of the project.

The decision to create a unified information system in the field of public procurement (UIS) was made as part of the implementation of 44 Federal Law “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs,” which came into force on January 1, 2014. One of the goals of creating the Unified Information System is to increase procurement transparency.

Purpose of the system

The EIS replaced the official government procurement portal, on the basis of which it was created. A significant difference between the UIS and the government procurement portal is that it contains all information about the procurement, starting with procurement plans and schedules and ending with a detailed description of the stages of implementation of the concluded government contract.

In addition to information directly about procurement, the system should also contain a register of contracts, a list of unscrupulous suppliers, a library of standard contracts, registers of complaints and bank guarantees.

In addition, the results of an audit in the field of procurement and information on prices on the market for goods, works and services purchased to meet state and municipal needs should be added to the Unified Information System. One of the capabilities of the system is to organize with its help a public discussion of procurement.

Project progress

2019: Development of the UIS application for procurement participants


Launch of EAT pilot and call center

On July 1, 2018, the specialized organization “RT-Project Technologies” of the Rostec state corporation launched a pilot project for the Unified Trade Aggregator “Berezka” (EAT). At the same time, the EAT call center began operating.

The launch of the project will allow for small-scale government procurement (100-400 thousand rubles) for state and municipal needs in a simplified online form. It is expected that its use will save government funds and time for processing standard procurement procedures for serial goods, for example, paper and office equipment.

The implementation of the pilot project in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation involves the use of EAT on a voluntary basis from July 1, 2018. The system will become mandatory from November 1, 2018 when ensuring government procurement for federal executive authorities. An exception will be purchases, information about which contains state secrets.

According to the recommendations of experts, we tried to refine the EAT functionality to create a comfortable environment not only for customers, but also for suppliers, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, in order to provide them with unhindered access to government procurement. Of course, during the formation period, various questions will arise, to which call center specialists will promptly answer, involving, if necessary, a team of system developers. The work of the call center is also important for us, since we will receive additional information that will allow us to quickly make management decisions to improve the functionality of the aggregator,” commented Alexander Nazarov, Deputy General Director of the Rostec State Corporation.

By calling the multi-channel phone number 8-800-700-48-08 from 6.00 to 20.00 Moscow time, hotline operators will advise on all questions that may arise. If necessary, the issue of transitioning the call center to a 24-hour operating mode will be resolved.

Update of the EAT Regulations “Beryozka”

EAT launch date announced

Unified trade aggregator "Beryozka" (EAT)


Contract for 0.5 billion rubles for the development of the system with RT-Project Technologies

Rostec notes that the team of specialists of the state corporation, which has accumulated significant experience as part of the creation of an information and analytical system for monitoring and controlling the procurement of medicines (IAS), will focus on key work inherent to the general contractor and necessary to continue the reform, increase transparency and efficiency of government procurement. In particular, this is the development of a catalog of goods, works and services as the main tool for structuring procurement information for the purpose of analyzing actual purchase prices and characteristics of purchased products, rationing, forecasting demand, determining initial maximum prices, and monitoring purchases at inflated prices.

In addition, the RT-Project Technologies team will carry out work in agreement with the customer on private technical specifications for the system, including detailed requirements for all its future functionality, descriptions of automated business processes, technologies used, work on the development of working documentation for the system, control performing work on software development, commissioning and trial operation of the system. In terms of software development based on the private technical specifications and working documentation prepared by RT-Project Technologies, external contractors will be involved.

In general, the contract for the development of the EIS is divided into three logical stages.

First stage

The first stage is devoted to the most important improvements related to the regulations coming into force, technological work to ensure system redundancy, technological modernization and documentation of the system from the point of view of ensuring compliance with the requirements of the regulator in the field of information security.

The functional development of the system is also expected, in particular, work on the formation of a structured universal transfer document confirming the execution of the contract, the implementation of the provisions of Government Resolution No. 615 (procedures for the procurement of services for major repairs in apartment buildings) in terms of maintaining a register of contracts for major repairs, the formation and placing information in the register of unscrupulous contractors.

The implementation of the first stage (until the end of 2017) was entrusted to the Lanit Technologies company, which has many years of competence in this type of work. The contract amount with her is about 115 million rubles. At subsequent stages, EIS software developers will be determined through competitions.

Second phase

The tasks of the second stage include work on:

  • development of the functionality of the catalog of goods, works and services and its use in procurement, * introduction in test mode of the procedure for signing and inclusion in the register of contracts of an electronic act of completed work,
  • development of the analytical system, taking into account the expansion of the composition of information generated in the UIS in a structured form,
  • creation of a mobile application for searching procurements placed in the UIS,
  • ensuring the possibility of electronic exchange with the Federal Tax Service for obtaining information from the Unified Register of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

Third stage

The third stage is planned for the largest amount of work requiring business process design. In particular, it is planned to work to transfer all procedures into electronic form: if as of October 2017 only an electronic auction was implemented, then in 2018 the bill provides for the transfer of all (more than 14 types) procurements into electronic form and ensuring integration with electronic platforms.

The list of works of the third stage also includes:

  • development of an electronic contract designer,
  • generation of customer reports on the volume of purchases from small businesses and socially oriented non-profit organizations,
  • creation of a unified register of subcontracts.

Within the framework of the contract, the groundwork will be made for the full-scale transfer of the EIS to free software (OS). Since the UIS is a highly loaded system, processes large volumes of data and contains a large number of automated business processes, the replacement will be carried out carefully, with mandatory testing of technologies on less critical components of the UIS and subsequent replication throughout the entire system. Therefore, the complete transition of the UIS to open source software is considered a task that exceeds the deadlines of 2018, Rostec reported.

The public procurement system turned out to be too tough for Rostec. Lanit was called to help again

Lanit developed and launched the system. At the beginning of 2015, the Federal Treasury

Technical support for the EIS in 2016 was provided by Onlanta. She also won the competition to operate the system in the first half of 2017.

Previously, serious complaints arose regarding the functioning of the EIS regarding failures and incorrect operation of the system. At the beginning of 2017, the situation turned out to be especially critical: due to failures in the system, trading for billions of rubles was frozen (more about this in the blocks below). Against this background, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin proposed allowing federal cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol - as well as constituent entities of the Russian Federation with a government procurement volume of more than 100 billion rubles per year to use their own Internet portals in this area.

Earlier, when First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov convinced President Vladimir Putin of the advisability of transferring the procurement system to Rostec, he noted that in order to transfer all procurements into electronic form, a “significant improvement in the functionality” of the EIS was needed, and RT-project technologies had the technical resources and highly qualified specialists."

Rostec told TAdviser that subcontractors Onlanta and Lanit Technologies have been working with the system since 2009 in terms of design and creation, and since 2011 they have also been responsible for its operation and development. Thanks to long-term work on the project, Onlanta and Lanit Technologies have professional expertise in terms of, for example, regulatory support, many years of experience in automating procurement activities, creating and operating high-load government information systems.

The task of “RT-project technologies” is a little broader: in addition to maintenance, it is also the modernization of the existing system, the state corporation added. The company explained to TAdviser that for this purpose, RT-Project Technologies specialists will undertake the creation and development of a unified catalog of goods, works and services as the main tool for structuring procurement information. Users of the new system will have the opportunity to compare prices, perform this procedure quickly without entering and analyzing a huge amount of data, and also automatically receive warnings at all stages about possible deviations in price or quality.

This is important for analyzing actual purchase prices and characteristics of purchased products, rationing, forecasting demand, determining initial maximum prices, and monitoring purchases at inflated prices. All procurement participants, including regulatory authorities, will be able to automatically analyze arrays of information in real time and receive price recommendations. The regulatory authorities will have an additional preventive control tool in the field of public procurement, Rostec explains.

Rostec notes that the state corporation represented by RT-Project Technologies does not set itself the goal of making a profit from the development of the EIS. At the moment, only 6% of the total contract will go towards paying off the operating costs of the company. This is a long-term project and the key profit from it is planned to be received in the long term from the sale of additional services (for example, obtaining certificates) as part of the catalog after its launch.

The Ministry of Finance became responsible for government procurement

By the signed resolution, the Ministry of Finance of Russia was determined to be a federal executive body authorized to perform the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, as well as maintaining a register of investment contracts in accordance with the Federal Law dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities,” the text of the document says.

The government appointed Rostec as the sole contractor for the development and operation of the public procurement system

The government’s decision was made in accordance with the instructions of President Vladimir Putin and is aimed at improving the Unified Information System in order to actually reduce prices and ensure fair competition in procurement, Rostec said in a statement.

The UIS development project is based on a number of key elements: the creation of directories (classifiers), product catalogs, databases of weighted average prices, and an analytical system. The implementation of the project should ensure an end-to-end process from systematic procurement planning to the conclusion of contracts, Rostec notes.

At the procurement planning stage, automatic generation of classifier directories and catalogs for all product groups will be carried out, the formation of transparent competitive pricing and evaluation of the results of work and services. At all stages of the UIS operation, an automatic warning function will be provided about possible deviations in price and quality indicators.

The advantage of this approach compared to the existing one at Rostec is the ability to automatically analyze large amounts of information in real time with the formation of preliminary price recommendations for all procurement participants, including regulatory authorities.

At the time of the government decision, Rostec, within the framework of working groups with the Treasury, began developing a system project to develop the functionality of the UIS. Work with the EIS will be carried out by domestic developers based on Russian open source software, Rostec said.

Due to failures in the public procurement system, bidding for billions of rubles was frozen

In January 2017, with the entry into force of changes to 44-FZ on the contract system, customers throughout Russia covered by this law were faced with problems posting procurement information in the federal Unified Information System for procurement. Due to failures in the system, for example, problems arose with the placement of procurement plans and schedules in the Unified Information System, and without their publication, tenders cannot be held. For violating the rules for placing data in the EIS, customers face fines.

Sobyanin notes in his letter that there are regular technical failures in the work of the EIS. This, in his opinion, prevents the publication of information about government procurement and contracts, thereby leading to their failure. In this regard, the mayor proposed to give the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the opportunity to use independent regional information systems for these purposes.

Shuvalov's representative confirmed to the publication that the First Deputy Prime Minister has already instructed the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury to submit to the government an act appointing RT-project technologies as the sole executor.

Initially, the White House expected to use the Unified Information System to transfer all government procurement into electronic form in the fall of 2016, but then the transition to electronic procedures was postponed to January 1, 2018 due to the unavailability of the catalog of goods, works and services and the system itself. Shuvalov noted that in order to transfer all purchases into electronic form, a significant improvement in the functionality of the EIS is needed, and RT-Project Technologies “has technical resources and highly qualified specialists.”

Lanit is responsible for the development of a unified information system, launched in 2016, and its subsidiary Onlanta is responsible for technical support. At the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Economic Development spoke about the need to replace foreign equipment and programs on which the public procurement system is based with Russian ones, since foreign decisions may affect its performance.

At the beginning of May 2016, it became known about the plans of the Ministry of Economic Development to transfer the public procurement system to private hands. To do this, they can make a platform for trading and introduce paid services, Vedomosti writes.

In April 2016, the Ministry of Economic Development sent a letter to the government in which it proposed to develop a unified information system (UIS) that collects data on all purchases by the state and state-owned companies, as a concession object. A ministry representative confirmed to the publication that this issue is being studied.

The EIS accumulates data on all government procurement and procurement of state-owned companies in the public domain. Starting from 2017, the system will also include a catalog of goods, in which the Ministry of Economic Development proposes to include suppliers’ goods for a fee at a regulated tariff. Thus, the procedure will become more competitive and profitable for private investors, the ministry notes.

In addition, as they say in the Ministry of Economic Development, the Unified Information System could function as a trading platform, and concessionaires could earn money on the application security contributed by suppliers. According to a ministry official, with the complete transition of government procurement and procurement of state-owned companies to an electronic format, the expected annual income of all electronic platforms where auctions will take place will be 32–48 billion rubles.

Another profitable area is the creation of a concessionaire payment system for online payments between customers and suppliers, according to a presentation by the Ministry of Economic Development.

The Ministry of Economic Development is thinking about import substitution in the EIS

In mid-February 2016, the Vedomosti newspaper published a material in which it reported on the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development to replace foreign software with Russian software in the Unified Information System of Government Procurement (EIS). Market participants believe that such import substitution is possible, but it will not be easy.

The UIS largely depends on foreign equipment and software, which can negatively affect the functioning of the system, for example, due to the introduction of international sanctions, the publication writes, citing a letter from the Ministry of Economic Development to the Federal Treasury. The latter agrees with the need to replace imported programs with Russian ones and intends to look for suitable solutions, said Deputy Head of the Treasury Sergei Guralnikov.

At the same time, he admitted that there are still no alternatives to Western products that would be as productive as they are. They need to be looked for, tested and made sure that what is already working will not be affected, and perhaps in 2016 a decision will be made on which software to switch to, Guralnikov said.

The system will need to be rebuilt almost from scratch, warns the president of IT integrator IBS Sergei Matsotsky. We will have to switch to new databases, this may lead to disruptions, notes the Chairman of the Board of IT Group Tagir Yapparov.

As a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development told the newspaper, the cost of the technology import substitution project in the Unified Information System should be determined by the Treasury. Georgy Gens believes that the transition will cost much more than supporting foreign solutions, since the public procurement system is complex and very loaded, and it must work continuously.

The unified procurement system was launched with multiple shortcomings

In January 2016, the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF) organization monitored the work of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement, which, according to the instructions of Dmitry Medvedev, was supposed to be fully operational from the beginning of the year, and reported on the discovery of multiple deficiencies in the system.

From January 1 to January 6, the government procurement portal was closed for routine maintenance. On January 6, users were able to see the new system for the first time. From January 9 to January 10, the UIS was again turned off for routine maintenance. On Sunday the 10th the system went live with minor design changes on a number of pages.

Among the problems that users encounter when working with the system is that the search and filtering system does not work; in the register of contracts on the updated website there is no search by performer (contractor), which makes it difficult to monitor contracts concluded with a specific supplier. Many sections do not function, some contain only test records, no data is displayed, and in a number of sections the server generates an error.

The development and launch of the system was carried out by Lanit. At the beginning of 2015, the Federal Treasury entered into a government contract with the company in the amount of 525 million rubles. to carry out work on the creation, development and operation of the application software of the system. Later, in September, another contract was signed with the company to carry out work on the development of the system in the amount of 143 million rubles.

The Federal Treasury and Lanit did not comment on the problems in the work of the Unified Information System at the time of publication of the material. The Ministry of Economic Development told TAdviser that all submitted comments are being reviewed with technical specialists, and the necessary measures will be taken as soon as possible.

Acceptance of the work was carried out by an interdepartmental commission with the participation of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Dmitry Medvedev signed a resolution on the procedure and timing for commissioning a unified information system in the field of procurement. In accordance with the document, the Federal Treasury must ensure that the system is put into operation no later than January 1, 2016, and before May 1, 2015, approve the composition of the interdepartmental commission to create a procurement system and the regulations on this commission.

The document also determines that the list of subsystems (components, modules) of the UIS in the field of procurement is determined in the technical documentation based on the functional requirements for this system, which are established by the Ministry of Economic Development.

Earlier, the Ministry of Economic Development told TAdviser that, in the opinion of the department, “from a systematic understanding of the law,” the system should have been put into operation in such a way that it could be used to plan purchases for 2016. That is, the final commissioning of the system was expected in the 4th quarter of 2015.

The terms of reference for the creation of the Unified Information System under the state contract, which the Ministry of Economic Development concluded with the HSE research center, was developed in 2013, and during 2014 it went through an additional 2 stages of refinement, the department told TAdviser.

The improvements were related to amendments to the law 44FZ, which were adopted in December 2013 and June 2014, as well as in connection with the adopted by-laws that specify issues of planning, regulation, and justification of procurement. In July 2014, the final version of the technical specifications appeared. In parallel with the finalization of the technical specifications, a financial and economic justification for the cost of this project was being developed, and as of November 2014, the Treasury was working on preparing documentation for concluding a contract for the creation of an unified information system.

A unified information system will eliminate “abnormally” stable connections in the procurement process

The ability to track “abnormally” stable connections between supplier and customer, as well as price deviations, will be enabled by the Unified Procurement Information System, which will replace the official website This was announced by the head of the contract system development department of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Chemerisov in December 2015.

The agency proposes to convert all competitive procedures into electronic form. “This will be a breakthrough step,” M. Chemerisov is sure, noting that in this case all bidding processes will become as public as possible.

Among the additional functions of the Unified Information System, a unified catalog of goods and services will appear, which will ensure the creation of a uniform pricing system in the field of procurement.

There should also be a limitation on the terms of mutual settlements under contracts, M. Chemerisov believes. “Delays in payments to suppliers are a serious obstacle to effective business. We must remove this barrier,” said M. Chemerisov.

Disclosure of information about subcontractors will help eliminate abuses on the part of both customers and suppliers. In addition, additional requirements for the acceptance of services performed and goods delivered must be established.

“In addition, it is necessary to strengthen control over the procurement procedure in emergency situations - in this sector there is a risk of abuse in terms of authorities exceeding their powers,” noted M. Chemerisov.


Transfer of the project from the Ministry of Economic Development to the Treasury

At the end of September 2014, in accordance with a government decree, powers to create and develop the EIS were transferred from the Ministry of Economic Development to the Federal Treasury. The responsibility for establishing the procedure for registering in the UIS and using the system also passed to the Treasury.

“The scheme for the distribution of powers between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Treasury, fixed by the resolution, allows us to make the most effective use of the expertise we have in creating state information systems at the federal level, as well as the information technology infrastructure that our department has,” Sergei said on this occasion on November 12, 2014 Guralnikov, Deputy Head of the Treasury.

The Ministry of Economic Development regarding the transfer of functions for the creation of the UIS from their department to the Treasury told TAdviser that this is due, firstly, to the fact that the decision was made to create the UIS on the basis of the already existing official website, which is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Treasury, and, secondly, with the fact that now the Federal Treasury together with the Ministry of Finance are developing a state information system “Electronic Budget”, which should be integrated into unified information systems. Therefore, it is advisable for these two state information resources to be under the control of one department, the Ministry of Economic Development concluded.

Federal Treasury about the system

According to Sergei Guralnikov, the use of the hardware and software complex of the official website of the Russian Federation when creating a UIS will reduce the time and cost of project implementation.

“This approach, as I see it, will ensure the implementation of the main priority of creation and the phased launch of the functionality of the new system without unnecessary shocks for both customers and suppliers,” Guralnikov said.

In his opinion, this will also ensure maximum continuity of the functionality that was already created earlier, and the possibility of using new technological tools to improve it.

Guralnikov also explained that currently the budget procurement process at the technological level is fragmented. Customers are forced to work in several information systems, transferring data from one to another, as well as duplicating them. The absence of uniform reference books and classifiers in budget and procurement systems, according to the official, requires additional labor costs to ensure the consistency of this data in different systems.

Speaking about the scale of the system, Guralnikov said that the EIS will be an information platform for the work of about 1.5 million participants - customer organizations and suppliers.

“We plan that about 5 million notices will be published in the Unified Information System during the year,” says the official. “In this regard, additional work remains to be done jointly with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications on backing up UIS data when using the e-government infrastructure.”

The Treasury is confident that the innovations implemented in the Unified Information System will make it possible to obtain a unified cycle of electronic procurement, reducing the time and financial costs of all participants in electronic interaction: “This will undoubtedly increase the transparency and accessibility of information on public procurement, expand the capabilities of analytics and search, and lead to reducing the cost of government contracts will expand the number of participants.”

Report on the Contract System by Sergei Guralnikov at CNews FORUM 2014

Comments of the Accounting Chamber on the implementation of the project

In November 2014, following the results of an audit of the effectiveness of the use of funds within the framework of the formation of the contract system for 9 months, the Accounts Chamber reported that the results of the work previously completed by the Higher School of Economics were not used, and the launch date of the unified information system in the field of procurement has now not been determined at all.

“Given that a certain period of time is required for the formation of the UIS hardware and software complex and its trial operation, and a competition for the development of the system has not yet been announced, the declared task of increasing procurement transparency through the implementation of the UIS in 2014–2015 will not be achieved,” - noted in the Accounts Chamber.

2013: HSE creates a concept for 6.9 million rubles

Work on creating the system began back in 2013. Then in September the government vested the Ministry of Economic Development with the functions of developing requirements for the creation, development, maintenance and maintenance of the Unified Information System, as well as establishing the registration procedure and the procedure for using it.

The RT-Project Technologies (RT-PT) company signed a government contract for the informatization of the public procurement system - now it will be responsible for technical support of the unified information system (UIS) in this area. At the same time, RT-PT performs the functions of a project office for updating the UIS; to maintain the functionality of the old version, the company will hire the previous government contractor for six months, and new subcontractors will be involved in the implementation of innovations, including the catalog of government procurement and calculation of reference prices.

According to Kommersant, Rostec’s subsidiary, RT-Project Technologies, signed a contract with the Treasury to support the unified information system for public procurement (UIS). The change of general contractor for informatization of government procurement - previously this was done by the Lanit group of companies selected at a competition in 2015 - was initiated at the beginning of the year by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov at the suggestion of the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury, explaining the transfer of an order worth 350 million rubles. per year to Rostec at the risk of data loss during a new competition.

According to Kommersant, it took RT-PT several months to dive into the issues of the Unified Information System. As the general director of RT-PT Sergei Yarosh told Kommersant, the order will be transferred to the new contractor softly: Lanit will remain a subcontractor of RT-PT for six months to ensure the functionality of the old version of the system, and the new functionality will be implemented by another subcontractor - Onlanta.

The Rostec subsidiary itself is the de facto project office for the launch of the updated UIS. RT-PT is part of the Rostec system as an “anti-crisis manager” of non-core and problematic assets of the state corporation, and, according to its head, the company has accumulated “experience in analyzing their procurement and sales activities in conditions of incomplete and insufficient data - this will be the key competence necessary for the analysis and implementation of the main directions of informatization of public procurement.” Sergei Yarosh himself comes from the banking industry; according to him, in RT-PT he had to perform the functions of “financial special forces” in order to return control over the assets and income of the state corporation to Rostec.

The very transfer of an order for EIS servicing from one contractor to a de facto chain of subcontractors will bring RT-PT only 6% of the price of the government contract. But control over the technical implementation of the UIS will allow RT-PT to offer information systems and services associated with it to government customers and government contractors on a commercial basis, as well as to optimize the procurement activities of Rostec itself. The prototype of the new system should be the information and analytical system (IAS) for drug procurement, also developed by Rostec. In particular, RT-PT contractors will have to introduce into the Unified Information System a mechanism for calculating reference prices to form the initial (maximum) bidding price, which has already been implemented in the Information System for drug procurement. According to the Federal Treasury, the current capacity of its data processing centers is sufficient to expand the required functionality of the UIS.

Let us remind you that the Unified Information System, which has been operating on since January 1, 2016, is a key tool for increasing the efficiency of public procurement. The White House hoped to use it to transfer all government purchases into electronic form back in the fall of 2016, but it turned out that this was impossible: to standardize purchases and control prices for purchased goods, a catalog of goods, works and services is needed. Its development was supervised by the Ministry of Economy, where they complained about the volume of the task - the catalog should include descriptions of all items purchased by the state (3.9 trillion rubles per year). Due to the unavailability of the catalog and system, the transition to electronic procedures first had to be postponed to January 1, 2018, and then to the beginning of 2019: as the head of the federal treasury, Roman Artyukhin, explained, a year will be needed to finalize the system and train customers to work with it.

Although the basic rules for creating a public procurement catalog have been agreed upon between departments, discussions on the details continue. Thus, Rostec sent its proposals to the White House to improve the methodology for creating a catalog, which, in particular, involves taking into account logistics services separately from the cost of goods, works and services, at least for small and medium-sized Russian suppliers, regardless of their territorial location , in order to involve them in supplies as much as possible and provide them with data on the demand and prices for their products.

The company RT - Design Technologies (a subsidiary of Rostec), which the government appointed without a competition as the sole developer of the Unified Information System (UIS), has found a subcontractor. The development and technical support of the government procurement website in 2017 will be carried out by “ Lanit” and its “daughter” “Onlanta”, respectively, follows from the information posted on this portal.

They provided the same services to the state before, but directly, until last fall Rostec became interested in the project and offered to give it the contract without a competition. The Ministry of Finance (this spring it took over procurement regulation) supported the state corporation: changing the developer of an important and technologically complex system during a competition increases the risk of losing information, said a letter from First Deputy Minister of Finance Tatyana Nesterenko to the government. And in February, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev appointed RT - Project Technologies as the sole contractor. The Treasury entered into two government contracts with the company for the operation and development of the EIS this year - for 175 million and 200 million rubles. respectively.

"Plato" experience

It looks like the fate of the system for collecting tolls for trucks on federal highways is shaping up. The concession for Platon was received without a competition by another Rostec structure, the RT-invest company (25% from Rostec, 75% from Andrey Shipelov). The operator of Platon, RT-invest transport systems, is now owned 50% by RT-invest, 50% by Igor Rotenberg. This company also stated that it was considering the possibility of making money by providing additional services.

Rostec also did not choose subcontractors at the competition, hiring “ Lanit" and "Onlantu". For website maintenance from July 1 to August 31, the state corporation will pay Onlanta 58.3 million rubles, for its development - 199.7 million to Lanit until the end of the year. These companies have been working with the system since 2009, and their involvement will eliminate the risk of the system failing during its large-scale modernization, notes a Rostec representative. The task of RT - Design Technologies is a little broader, he explains: the company will create and develop a unified catalog of goods, works and services, which will allow you to quickly compare prices and automatically receive information about possible deviations in prices or quality. The state corporation is not currently trying to make money from the EIS, he continues: “RT – Design Technologies” will retain only 6% of the contract to pay off operating costs, and plans to receive the main profit in the long term from the sale of additional services (for example, certificates, see inset) . Rostec will seek to create a new regulatory framework so that new functions of the system appear, says a person close to one of the parties to the contract. When asked about possible changes to the functionality of the site, a representative of the Ministry of Finance promised to answer within the time limit established by the law on mass media (seven days. - Vedomosti). His colleague at Lanit did not respond to Vedomosti’s request.

“The development of the Unified Information System is a tasty morsel, and while the allocated budget resources are being redistributed, the question is what part of them is beneficial,” says Alexander Stroganov, head of the government procurement center: now this is not a useful information disclosure system, but a transactional portal. A change of ideologists can be useful to the system, and the market has a lot of wishes, says Yakov Geller, general director of the State Procurement Agency of Tatarstan - for example, for the EIS to analyze how in demand certain goods are.-

The Russian government has chosen the Rostec State Corporation as the sole executor of government contracts with the Federal Treasury for the development and operation of the Unified Procurement Information System (UIS) in 2017-2018. Within Rostec, RT-Project Technologies JSC will provide comprehensive services to the EIS.

The government decision, taken in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin (No. Pr-103 dated January 19, 2017), is aimed at a real reduction in prices and ensuring fair competition in procurement.

The UIS development project is based on such key elements as the creation of directories (classifiers), product catalogs, databases of weighted average (reference) prices, and an analytical system.

In the near future, the end-to-end process of implementing the UIS development project will be ensured, from systematic procurement planning to the conclusion of contracts. At the same time, at the planning stage, automatic generation of directories, classifiers and catalogs for all product groups will be carried out, as well as a transparent mechanism for competitive pricing and evaluation of the results of work and provision of services. The operation of the UIS will be supported by an automatic warning function about possible deviations in both price and quality indicators.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to automatically analyze large volumes of information online with the formation of preliminary price recommendations for all procurement participants, including regulatory authorities.

This will allow government customers not only to compare starting prices, reduce the number of routine operations involving manual entry and analysis of large volumes of data, and make timely and informed decisions, but also reduce the corruption component and ensure a real reduction in prices. Supervisory authorities, in turn, will receive an additional preventive tool to prevent violations in the field of procurement activities.

Currently, Rostec, within the framework of joint working groups with the Federal Treasury, has begun to develop a system project to develop the functionality of the UIS. This work will be carried out by domestic developers based on Russian open source software.

Previously, in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin (No. Pr-1567 dated August 10, 2016), Rostec was also designated as the contractor for the creation of an information and analytical system (IAS) for monitoring and control in the field of procurement of medicines to meet state and municipal needs.

Within Rostec, all work on IAS is performed by RT-Project Technologies JSC. The project is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Treasury of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Currently, the IAS has been developed. Measures are being taken to deploy the system in the data processing center of the customer - the Russian Ministry of Health. Preparations are underway for the start of trial operation of the system on March 1, 2017.

The work of the EIS is aimed at reducing prices and ensuring fair competition

The Russian government has chosen the Rostec State Corporation as the sole executor of government contracts with the Federal Treasury for the development and operation of the Unified Procurement Information System (UIS) in 2017–2018. Within Rostec, RT-Project Technologies JSC will provide comprehensive services to the EIS.

The government decision, taken in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin (No. Pr-103 dated January 19, 2017), is aimed at a real reduction in prices and ensuring fair competition in procurement.

The UIS development project is based on such key elements as the creation of directories (classifiers), product catalogs, databases of weighted average (reference) prices, and an analytical system.

In the near future, the end-to-end process of implementing the UIS development project will be ensured, from systematic procurement planning to the conclusion of contracts. At the same time, at the planning stage, automatic generation of directories, classifiers and catalogs for all product groups will be carried out, as well as a transparent mechanism for competitive pricing and evaluation of the results of work and provision of services. The operation of the UIS will be supported by an automatic warning function about possible deviations in both price and quality indicators.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to automatically analyze large volumes of information online with the formation of preliminary price recommendations for all procurement participants, including regulatory authorities.

This will allow government customers not only to compare starting prices, reduce the number of routine operations involving manual entry and analysis of large volumes of data, and make timely and informed decisions, but also reduce the corruption component and ensure a real reduction in prices. Supervisory authorities, in turn, will receive an additional preventive tool to prevent violations in the field of procurement activities.

Currently, Rostec, within the framework of joint working groups with the Federal Treasury, has begun to develop a system project to develop the functionality of the UIS. This work will be carried out by domestic developers based on Russian open source software.

Previously, in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin (No. Pr-1567 dated August 10, 2016), Rostec was also designated as the contractor for the creation of an information and analytical system (IAS) for monitoring and control in the field of procurement of medicines to meet state and municipal needs.

Within Rostec, all work on IAS is performed by RT-Project Technologies JSC. The project is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Treasury of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Currently, the IAS has been developed. Measures are being taken to deploy the system in the data processing center of the customer - the Russian Ministry of Health. Preparations are underway for the start of trial operation of the system on March 1, 2017.