The presidential administration has a social media advisor. Maksut Shadayev headed RT Labs, the main IT subsidiary of Rostelecom Shadayev Maksut Igorevich leaves

The presidential administration has a social media advisor.  Maksut Shadayev headed RT Labs, the main IT subsidiary of Rostelecom Shadayev Maksut Igorevich leaves
The presidential administration has a social media advisor. Maksut Shadayev headed RT Labs, the main IT subsidiary of Rostelecom Shadayev Maksut Igorevich leaves

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region - Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region



2004 — Moscow State Social University of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development


Maksut Shadayev appointed Minister for IT of the Moscow Region

Instead of Maria Yurgelas, Maksut Shadayev, who was previously involved in the informatization of the State Duma, became the Minister of IT and Communications of the Moscow Region. He will also continue to work in the Duma, but on a voluntary basis.

Advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma Maksut Shadayev has been appointed as the new Minister of Public Administration, Information Technology (IT) and Communications of the Moscow Region. He has already been introduced to the staff of the ministry, Shadayev told CNews, and from next Monday he will start work.

Questions for interrogation of Reiman, Shadayev and Milovantsev handed over to investigators

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Alexander Kulikov appealed to Deputy Minister - Head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Valery Kozhokar (who is a classmate and is considered a close friend of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev) with a request to investigate the activities of a number of former heads of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation : ex-Minister Leonid Reiman, former Deputy Minister Dmitry Milovantsev and ex-Director of the Department of State Programs and Infrastructure Development of the Ministry Maksut Shadayev. A copy of the request is here.

Reyman's clan retains influence and plans a comeback

The third significant figure from Reiman's inner circle, who retains influence on the industry, is Maksut Shadayev. Shadayev today works as an assistant to Sergei Naryshkin, head of the presidential administration. Maksut Igorevich lobbies a wide range of interests of companies close to the former Minister of Communications. Among them, the already mentioned participation of Voskhod in the project of creating new generation passports and active participation in the project on social cards.

The examples given show that members of the Reiman clan continue to squeeze out the resources they gained access to during the leadership of the Ministry of Communications. Their strategy today is to maintain control over key assets and put pressure on Shchegolev's team using administrative intrigues and PR.

Maksut Shadayev became the new Minister of State Administration of the Moscow Region

Maksut Shadayev replaced Maria Yurgelas as Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region.

KRASNOGORSK (Moscow region), February 4 - RIA Novosti. The Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region Maria Yurgelas left her post, Maksut Shadayev was appointed to this position, Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov said at a meeting of the regional Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday.

Maksut Shadayev: The age of budget money in IT is ending

Maksut Shadayev: Our main priority was set from above by the May decree of the President on the share of residents who have the opportunity to receive electronic public services. If we decompose it, then at the regional level the main issues lie in the social plane: education, healthcare, housing and communal services, security, transport.

If we talk about e-services, we have adopted a very tough roadmap and are now moving all municipalities and regional departments to a single solution. During the year, everyone must work in the same system for the provision of electronic services.

“A lot of commercial services can be created around the diary,” said Maksut Shadayev, Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, in an interview with CNews. - It is clear that we will require free access through a personal account and email notifications. But many parents will be willing to sign up for paid SMS notifications. In addition, through electronic diaries, you can offer tutor services, additional electronic educational content, system testing of the quality of knowledge, etc.”

Officials and businessmen discussed public-private partnership in IT

The Moscow Region has decided to develop IT through public-private partnerships.

At the CNews conference "ICT in the public sector in new conditions", CIOs of regions, representatives of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and commercial companies discussed projects in the format of public-private partnership (PPP).

Multifunctional center Reutov opened after moving

You can now get documents in Reutov quickly and comfortably: today Mayor Sergei Yurov opened a Multifunctional Center in a new building on Pobedy Street, 7. Maksut Shadayev, Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, took part in the ceremony

The Moscow region decided to develop IT with the help of public-private partnership

Rosreestr and the Government of the Moscow Region have entered into an agreement on information exchange.

Within the framework of CNews FORUM 2014, Minister of IT and Communications of the Moscow Region Maksut Shadayev made a presentation on the development of public-private partnership (PPP) in the field of information technology.

Maksut Shadayev appointed Minister of IT and Communications of the Moscow Region

MOSCOW, Feb 4 - Maksut Shadayev has been appointed Minister of Public Administration, Information Technology and Communications of the Moscow Region, Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov said at a meeting of the regional Cabinet of Ministers on Tuesday.

Izvestia: Sberbank will invest 6.5 billion rubles in the fare payment system

Starting April 1, 2015, Muscovites will be able to pay for land transport using bank cards and devices equipped with contactless payment technology. Maksut Shadayev, Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, told the Izvestia newspaper about this.

Paid parking has reached the suburbs

Recently, Moscow has significantly expanded the list of streets where you have to pay money for parking a car. But, as it turns out now, another misfortune awaits domestic motorists. Soon you will have to give your hard-earned rubles for parking in some cities of the Moscow region. The first parking meters in the region may appear before the end of this spring.

It will be possible to find out about debts for housing and communal services via SMS

“Anyone will be able to access via the Internet not only access to information about the accruals on their personal account, see outstanding debts, but also, most importantly, see and figure out how certain numbers were formed in the receipt. The main goal of creating the system is to provide our residents with the opportunity to control their utility bills,” said Maksut Shadayev, Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region.

The authorities of the Moscow region will develop a system of SMS-mailing about debts for housing and communal services

Moscow region authorities will develop a system that allows residents to send SMS about debts for housing and communal services. In addition, officials will launch a portal where consumers can find out how their bills are generated. It will be possible to pay receipts and debts through the regional website of public services, Maksut Shadayev, Minister of State Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, told The system will be launched in pilot mode by January 1, 2016, and it will be fully operational by the middle of next year. To create a portal and SMS services, the authorities plan to attract 300 million rubles of investments.

Shadayev Maksut Igorevich, Advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation


In 2004 he graduated from the Moscow State Social University with a degree in Sociology.

Professional activity

From November 2000 to December 2001, he held the position of Aidweisers project manager at Arrava Internet Management CJSC.
Since 2002, he has worked at IBS LLC, IBS Holding Management Company LLC.
In January 2003, he became Head of the Business Development Department of the Internet Solutions Division.
In July 2003 - Director of Business Development.
In July 2004 - Advisor to the Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute "Voskhod".
From December 2004 to February 2006, he was Advisor to the Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation.
From February 2006 to June 2008, he headed the Department of State Programs, Infrastructure Development and the Use of a Limited Resource of the Russian Ministry of Information and Communications.
Headed the department of state policy in the field of informatization and information technology.
From 2008 to July 2012 - Assistant to the Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

And the development of information technology in the Moscow region. With the advent of this man to power, progress in the capital moved forward and moved forward. For example, soon all Muscovites will be able to enjoy his new project "Universal Electronic Card". But first things first.

So let's get to know this man better. We will find out what path Maksut Shadayev went through in order to become a minister. What has he already put into practice?


The future minister was born on November 11, 1979 in Moscow. Here he spent all his childhood, as well as his youthful years. After graduating from school in 1999, Maksut Shadayev entered the Moscow University of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

It should be noted that he always combined his studies with work. Since 1999, he has been tirelessly building his career. In a short time, he established himself as a very valuable employee, thanks to which in 2000 he was appointed head of the Adweisers project, which was developed by Arrava Internet Management.

In 2002, Maksut Shadayev got a job at IBS. In January 2003, he was promoted to head of the business development department. And six months later he becomes the director of this department.

First steps towards politics

For Maksut Shadayev, 2004 was decisive. Indeed, in July of this year, he became an adviser to the Minister of Information Technologies and Communications in the region. It was from this event that he began to reach the heights of political glory.

It should be noted that he began his career in the department under the leadership. However, the ministry was not Shadayev's only place of work, so, starting from July 2004, he served as adviser to the director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute Voskhod.

And now, four years later (in 2008), he becomes an assistant to the head of the presidential administration, Sergei Naryshkin. After such a take-off, no one doubted the success of Maksut Shadayev's political career.

Maksut Shadayev - Minister of Information Technologies and Communications

The work of the young politician under the presidential administration has borne fruit. His freshness of mind and new innovative projects were noticed by the governor of the city, which prompted the highest authorities to appoint Shadayev to the post of IT Minister.

Such a decision did not cause obstacles on the part of officials, and therefore, in 2014, Maksut Shadayev assumed a new position. And as practice shows, during his reign, he has already managed to achieve very good results.

For his services to the residents of Moscow, he received And in 2015, the well-known publication TAdviser included him in the list of the most successful Russian specialists in the field of information technology.

What innovative projects are being developed by Maksut Shadayev?

In general, all the work of Maksut Shadayev is aimed at making life easier for Muscovites with the help of new technologies. Among the variety of his projects, it is worth highlighting the three most promising and useful for the region.

  • e-government system. For those who do not know, it is a set of portals and programs designed to create closer communication between city residents and officials.
  • Educational program "Online diary". The main objective of this project is to monitor the progress of children in schools. Parents will be able to immediately find out about the received deuce, the list of homework, as well as whether their child missed lessons.
  • "Universal Electronic Card" is one of the latest innovative projects of Maskut Shadayev. Soon, thanks to him, Muscovites will be able to pay for travel in all types of urban transport in a non-cash way, regardless of who the carrier is.

Maksut Shadayev has been appointed Vice President of PJSC Rostelecom for Digital Platforms. He moved to the position of vice president from the post of minister of public administration, information technology and communications of the Moscow region, while remaining an adviser to the governor of the region.

The appointment of Maksut Shadayev (pictured) as Rostelecom's vice president for digital platforms was announced yesterday by the operator's press service, whose representative told a ComNews correspondent that this was a new position in the company.

As vice president, Maksut Shadayev will be responsible for the implementation of the company's strategic tasks and projects in the areas of e-government, education, medicine and geodata.

Mikhail Oseevsky, President of PJSC Rostelecom, noted that the new position provides Maksut Shadayev with the opportunity to most effectively use his unique experience in public administration and the implementation of information technologies to implement the company's strategy.

"Rostelecom's strategy until 2022 lists education, medicine, public services and geodata as the most important areas for business development and growth of the group's performance indicators," Mikhail Oseevsky said.

Maksut Shadayev moved to Rostelecom from the post of Minister of State Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region. Recall that the other day the governor of the Moscow region Andrey Vorobyov presented an updated cabinet of ministers.

According to the official website of the government of the Moscow region, Andrey Vorobyov, among other things, said that Maksut Shadayev had left his post, but would remain an adviser to the governor. Maksut Shadayev was replaced by Maxim Rymar, who previously worked in the department as a deputy minister, instead of Maksut Shadayev.


Maksut Igorevich Shadayev was born in 1979. In 1999-2004. worked in senior positions in companies in the field of information and communication technologies. In particular, in the IBS group of companies, where he held the positions of the head of the business development department of the Internet solutions department, and then the director of business development.

In 2004, he joined the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation as an adviser to the minister and then director of the Department of State Programs, Infrastructure Development and the Use of a Limited Resource.

In 2008, he became an assistant to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation and is responsible for organizing the work of the Council under the President of Russia for the development of the information society. In February 2009, he was included in the "first hundred" of the managerial personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2012, he was appointed to the position of Advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Since 2014 - Minister of Public Administration, Information Technologies and Communications of the Moscow Region, since 2016 - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region.

In September 2018, Maksut Shadayev was appointed Vice President of PJSC Rostelecom for Digital Platforms.

05/31/2017, Wed, 16:51, Moscow time , Text: Valeria Shmyrova

IT Minister of the Moscow Region Maksut Shadayev became a consultant to the Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia on working with social networks. The new adviser is interested in publics and the mechanisms for spreading news and negativity in them. In his opinion, information should be established in public groups and public services should be connected to them.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region and Minister of State Administration, IT and Communications in the Regional Government Maksut Shadayev will become a public adviser to the First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Russia Sergei Kiriyenko

Representatives of Maksut Shadayev explained to CNews that the official has been advising Kiriyenko on working with social networks for “some time”, and thus, in fact, Shadayev is already a public consultant for Sergei Kiriyenko, who is in charge of the domestic political bloc in the Presidential Administration.

According to Kommersant, after his appointment as an adviser on a voluntary basis, Shadayev will coordinate the information policy of regional authorities in social networks. Appointment to the post of public adviser is expected to be signed by the head of the Administration in the coming days Anton Vaino.

Shadayev's social media policy

Shadayev has extensive experience working with social networks. Shadayev's speech at the CNews Forum gives an idea of ​​what kind of work he intends to do with social networks. According to the official, residents of the Moscow region on the Internet live mainly in social networks. There they attend public groups, in which they unite, for example, on a regional basis. Groups like "Typical Khimki" or "Balashikha rules!" have up to 40 thousand participants, among which news and negative stuff spread very quickly.

Maksut Shadayev became an adviser to the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Russia Sergey Kiriyenko

Therefore, Shadayev proposes to establish a public response to complaints that are heard there, as well as to ensure proper disclosure of information. Also, service applications for obtaining public services should be presented in groups and the necessary knowledge base should be formed.

In addition, at CNews Forum 2015 Shadayev spoke about the identified areas and developed approaches of the capital region to import substitution, and at CNews Forum 2014 with a report on the development of public-private partnerships in the IT sector.

Shadayev's career path

Maksut Shadayev was born in 1979. He graduated from the Moscow State Social University of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.

In 2000-2001 managed the Advisers project of the Arrava Internet Management company. In 2002-2004 worked at IBS, where he was promoted to the position of Head of Business Development in the Internet Solutions Division, and later became Director of Business Development.

A frame from Maksut Shadayev's presentation on work in social networks of regional authorities

In July 2004, Shadayev became an adviser to the director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Research Institute Voskhod. In 2004-2008 was an adviser to the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and director of the department of state programs, infrastructure development and the use of a limited resource of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in the team Leonid Reiman.