Sisters Danila Baghrov. Danila Bagrov: Character Biography

Sisters Danila Baghrov. Danila Bagrov: Character Biography
Sisters Danila Baghrov. Danila Bagrov: Character Biography

Although Danil and reminds a hungry student, he knows how to fight well and perfectly shoots. True, negros beaten him in the United States, but in the situation in the CPP, he puts two tailed men to the place. The main power of Danilles in Cold Owls. In any situations, he loses his head and, in general, it seems that he has no nerves and imagination. When he, together with his brother, accidentally catches the director confused by an apartment, he kills two bandits, and then asks him to give listening to Budusov.

He easily kills a bunch of people, be it gangsters, hired killers or just workers of the underground production Pornovideo. Basically, he kills everyone in the case, but it hurts easily as a robot.

Danil is uneducated and, apparently because of the service in the army, unfamiliar with many well-known things. He does not know who the Saltykov, who is Al Capone, do not know that "nigger" word offensive to blacks. He does not like Pops, but he is interested in Russian rock music, especially the songs of Nautilius Pompilius.

Danila does not like Jews, Caucasians, Americans and does not see the difference between them and the French at all. He is pretty primitive and, apparently, feels well only in the situation of fighting.

Although Danil has many flaws and kill a person for him as a fly to press, for many he has become almost a national hero. He dare, responsive to good people - in particular, helps a compatriate in the USA, although before that it substitutes it before a pimp, and also helps the conductor, who did not want to pay for travel.

Perfectly oriented in critical situations, ready to go to everything for each other. At the same time, it is absolutely not like flat images like Rambo or heroes Bruce Willis. He is our Russian guy. He is directly and fair, and in his actions is guided by the blow and heart than mind. He loves their homeland, often emphasizes that he is Russian, and believes that the force is not in the money, but in the truth. Danil is inherent in modesty and he does not like to spread about his service, although he performs on the transfer of Demidov.

Danil loves women. This is the tram driver, and Irina Saltykov, and the famous American TV presenter. Moreover, Danila treats them very simple and conquering them.

Danila is completely free and deprived of all responsibility. This is his huge advantage.


You promised
- I hold my word my word, and you say yours. Who brother will roll!

- Your music is all the American g *
- Music A La`Musica
- Well, what are you arguing to tell you g * what is your music and you argue ... Yes, and you yourself ... soon all your America Kirdyk! Do you even even face the faces here ... I understand? ...
- What are you cherished a Frenchman in general ...
- Who cares?

Do not brother you, Gida Chat * Pia.

So you spoke, the city is power, and here weak all ...

And how is it translated "How Are You"?
- "How are you, how are you?"
- And what, everything is interesting, how are I doing?
- Not.
- What then ask?
- Just. Here, everything is just like that, except for money.

And in my opinion, he just goat!
- He's my brother!

Tell me, American, what power? Did money? That brother says in the money. You have a lot of money, and what? I here, I think that the power in the truth, who is the truth - that and stronger. So you deceived whom I got enough money. What, have you become stronger? No, did not. Because the truth is not for you. And the one who you deceived, for him the truth, then he is stronger.

What should I do there?
- What are you doing here?

Did you beat the detainees?
- For business. Player Verney.

I found out that I have
There is a flame family -
And Topopinka, and fishing fishing,
In the field, each spikelet!
River, blue sky -
It's all mine, first!
This is my homeland!
I love everyone in the world I!

Today I saw a giant graffiti on the street with the image of the hero Sergei Bodrov - Danili Bagrova from the cult films "Brother" and "Brother-2". Honestly, I never understood the torture public passion for this character. Well, yes, the film is interestingly removed, but the hero is really trough. It is too unnecessary to say that the cheerful actor himself (so he is not an emphasis), and played, respectively, in the notorious genre "Stephen Sigal-Style" (this is when the actor in the same person shows all existing in the world Emotions: from love to hatred, from joy to fear), for it is not about him, but directly about his hero. And now we will try to figure out what exactly this fictional character has been so cult. Understand the psychology of the ordinary consumer.

Russian cinema gave rise to a lot of clear guys from Sasha White, to the heroes of the film Boer. But none of them could be so hard to put roots in the Russian pot of patriotism and take the place of one of the icons of the Russian media culture. And the secret is very simple ...

The absolute majority of people are born, live and die by anyone, and all their lives can be characterized by no other than the "bitterness of unfulfilled hopes." Yes, life is shit, but it is somehow necessary to live, and therefore that the burden of being did not give much to the psyche (otherwise, our whole life would resemble an infinite depressive wedding), the evolution awarded a person with a mass of unconscious mental processes in which one of the main roles It was extremely prepared by subtle mechanisms of psychological protection, such as sublimation or introjection ... as well as the identification of the person, which is obliged to all his success of the film "Brother".

Personal identification is a subconscious process that shapes self-adhesion to the objects of the external and internal environment contributing incl. and self-identification process. Moreover, the identification may not be with any person, but with a whole movement or even a specific phenomenon (an example - mass psychosis on the "Victory Day" is nothing more than identifying a person with something significant, heroic. Typical mental protective reaction to awareness Exchange of your being). At the same time, the person does not notice at all how identifying himself with another object or any value.

Now you are briefly running along the media culture as a whole, to get a visual demonstration of the action of this process, after which we turn directly to our cult hero.

The identification of the personality, for example, explains the fantastic popularity of Stas Mikhailov and the tearful TV series in women for 40. Most women could not find themselves of the most noble prince on a white horse - their dream was not realized. Husband to this age ceases to give his wife any attention to this age, having rolled around the whole day on the sofa for watching football ... In 95% of women for 40 there are no love, no fabulous wealth, nor affection and attention from her husbands. And they live together rather the habit, as well as from hopelessness (another is no longer possible). Those. The inner world of a typical woman for 40 is a feast of unrealized fantasies and collapse of fading hopes. But Stas Mikhailov suddenly appears, personifying the very female dream of an ideal man: beautifully dressed, well-groomed, tasty italian spirits, rich, helpful, gentle, gentle ... With all this set of gallarium, he literally breaks into the inner world of housewife desperate "for you, For you! "... And she finds himself in the thoughts that there is still another life! "So he, real, alive, stands in front of me on stage - Stas Mikhailov!" - Says for a woman all her subsidiary, unwittingly by putting her in place of Mrs., greedy in the predatory embraces of this gallant and loving conqueror of women's hearts!

A woman who does not have anything good in his personal life unconsciously identifies himself with a fatal beauty or a cinderingland, from the dirt becoming a princess in the TV screen or a shot in the song Mikhailov. These are practically Jung archetypes. The process is described quite well. This is precisely the fantastic popularity of both Mikhailov and TV shows.

Girls are remembered by a few more - a beautiful hooligan, who, when a bold moral manages to be also a romantic. Yes, just where to find such? That is what ensures the fantastic popularity of the group Affectionate May, which fully corresponded to the ideas of teenagers about what a guy should be.

Teenagers dream of seemingly an adult, and the chief attribute of adulthood in this socio-age group - mat, smoking, fuck, motorcycle, bow. Almost all of this list (except for smoking and mat), the teenager is difficult to realize in real life at least due to the lack of finance: a girl, without having a penny, it is difficult to seduce, the motorcycle will not give to buy parents, they will choke, and in general, hormones are already sailing And no one gives. Very difficult period in life. And here the person appears on the stage, a person who gives teenagers to his work all what they dream about. Yura Hoi and the Gaza Sector appears, who sang about the most pressing for a typical teenager problems: Fucking, Mat, Burvo, Drugs, Motorcycle ... He challenged everything, from which the teenager was limited to parents (making it all these restrictions even more desirable For transitional age, and adults to feel the passion as it should) ... Every teenager could realize his unrealized dreams in the songs of Hoy, subconsciously putting his heroes into place, which could not not do in the early 90s. Gaza Strip - the second most popular after gr. Affectionate May ... First listened to almost all boys, the second listened to almost all girls. Everyone received his.

A person who can very sensibly add these subtle psychological strings will become the king of the world, he will command, clamping the most sophisticated chords on them. Therefore, Stas Mikhailov, gentle May, Gaza Strip, Bachelor Party, etc., and the like. - Ingenious, albeit not in terms of creativity, so in terms of marketing projects.

The same applies to film products. The fantastic popularity of comics is not at the same place appeared. No wonder in the most sought-after of them, the main character in everyday life - no remarkable office piece of shit, and only when the world begins to threaten the universal evil, he breaks off his splashing jacket, puts on a raincoat, Iiii ... The beautiful lady is conquered, evil is defeated, put on The knees and seek now under volcanic pressure of the heroic ejaculate in the field of the lower tip of the posterior channel.

Comic authors in this way very accurately hit the target and in the future, of course, began to actively exploit the image of the daytime nerd-zaprota, with the arrival of the night turned into horror flying on the wings of the gloom! And how to give up the golden veins, which is the dead grip of Pit Bull clung to the throat of all the shkolota and the entire office plankton? This is not an actor with a cardboard sword, this is our superclerk and an ultra-slipcorn with a miracle-weapon punish evil and pierces heads to scalp and infurders. This teenager saves beauties and gets huge money.

Have you ever thought about why, if the target audience of porn movies are men, the actor must have a huge dick, as if films are filmed for women? And for porn actors, the selection is much more hard than porn actresses: actresses are different, from very thin to quite complete, from high to small, with a huge breast and with small; Much mature and very young. And if you remember the pseudo-items of the 90s, then there, literally through one woman, insuranceures were. Baba in such films differ greatly, and only the requirement for a man remains unchanged - he should have a big dick! You can find any porn, even the most sophisticated taste and color, but porn, where men have little pussies, you will not find (and if you find, then there will be one film for a thousand). Why? Because the target audience in the face of the men first of all looks at porn because of the huge huvs and will never buy a product in which the actors are starred below the average. Because looking to the screen, the man associates itself (often unconsciously, and it is often very consciously) with a ebairem-seener on the screen ... But to associate itself much more pleasant to the owner of the Great MPC ... At the owner of a small viewer, it will turn off and will turn off the possessor. Yes, take in the porn film short-stems, and this product will not buy any man in the world.

There is another mechanism - when our clerk / driver feels higher than the screen hero. For example, if an explicit fool is on the screen "stupid and even dumber", then the viewer refers. After all, he sees that smarter and such nonsense would not allow. So it appears laughter, which in this case demonstrates the ancase of the elevation, an act of self-expulsion over the untaping. This genre is called a comedy. Yes, laughter over comedies in which people fall into various ridiculous and stupid situations, primarily due to the feast of their own celebration over the inadequate. That is why the most demanded by the comic characters of the past years were the heroes Charlie Chaplin, Mr. Bina in the UK, Louis de Funes in France, Nikulina, Morgunova, Vicin, etc. In Russia, that is why Jim Kerry was the most popular comic comic.

Those., As we see, the popularity of the media product is most dependent on how much the spectator / listener can in his fantasies using this product to realize its essence, its thoughts, hopes, unrealized dreams ... The broader the spectrum will be The manufacturer of torments than the main character will be more realistic, the more successful the product will be.

Now imagine in the light of the historically stretched relationship between the North Caucasus with the rest of Russia, how many Russians have dreamed at least once come out on the street to some Caucasian yes to tell him: "Not a brother you, I am a chipper!" Many dreamed of, but more often it turned out "Do not be sure, I will not so much." And then he appears on the screen! A simple shirt-guy from a simple work quarter, which is in it incredibly believed - he ventured this to say right in the face of the south guest from the mountains! And okay dug away - even no disclaimer received for it! People looked and, presenting themselves in the place of the hero, understood: "Yes, this given is - he is the same simple guy like me! And he was able! " How? Did you get the director of the picture at that very treasure point?

Almost everyone in his youth dreamed of standing up for his girlfriend, protect her, for example, from the father of Alkash; Almost everyone dreamed of fucked some sexy popular singer from television screens, as well as any kind of overseas - exotic is always interesting. Hero Bodrov completely satisfies all these fantasies, showing that a simple guy from a simple family can suddenly wake up in the same bed with superpopular (at that time) Irina Saltykova! Not just to fuck her, and also direct text to say that her songs are shit! Well, who did not dream about it? Voila! And the magic movement of the handle of the chamber of the Balabanov Dreams is implemented!

In the film could not be found and so adorable by the cattle of the courtyard pseudophilosophy!

So in second place in popularity (after the chiska of the cart) successfully settled the winged phrase "What is the power, brother?" Danila says the power in truth. Such nonsense loves to discuss, sitting on bears, local alkashi, who have no money, and they have to console themselves in such an uncomfortable way. What is interesting - they have neither money, nor the truth they are sick. Won, go to any investigative insulator - there are scored by the domes and the stars of the wrinkles sit, and everyone will gladly tell you: "For the truth" ... What is the truth, for the damn mother? So Victor's right: in the money strength, they rule the world.

You can compare it with war in Ukraine: volunteers on both sides of the conflict have the truth (as they consider), but there is no money. But the money is in Poroshenko, Kolomoisky, Putin and Obama. Uh ... someone really believes that volunteers with their truth stronger than Kolomoisky or Putin? Why then do the volunteers die, not the oligarchs, if the power is in truth? Those. The ridiculous phrase, but it is on such an ideological nonsense that loves to regain all the marginal.

Danila Baghrov is actually a superhero from the comics, a spiderman on Russian manner: if he embodies romantic fantasies of sad office clerks, then our Danil embodies the fantasy of romantics from streets, which makes a great comparative analysis of Russian society with American society: Brother-2 is built on hatred and dirt, a spiderman is built on heroism.

But this is clearly not enough so that in Russia this hero has become cult. Wide reservoir Russianians need something more! And then the director has a very fear of another one characteristic of Russia inherent an impartial feature: imperial chauvinism and envious hate to the whole world, to everything else and distinguished! By the mouth of Bagrova, the director gives a way out to the dream of each VATNION: To say Hachu "Gydea Chipopaya!", Water to dust with a scream "Banda Bandera" and present it "You will answer me more for Sevastopol." Only scares that, among other things, the protagonist of the picture has not only the ebach of the underdeveloped imbecila (the complete absence of emotions, monotonous speech, etc., etc.), but also himself is a highly ignorant and non-smooth person ... Scares because the majority of Russians have imbued with these character, which will only tell us that they were wrong when we were saying that there was no time we had better education in the world ... The mental development of Bagrova in a disadvantage demonstrates in general his every action on the screen, each phrase , every dialogue with his participation, for example:

Soon all your America Kirdyk.
- So he is a Frenchman!
- Who cares?

As we see, the jewelry of the chauvinism Danil simply does not know the obstacles. He does not know anything and does not want to know. All those nations that he knew, he was already Okhayl and hated, and those that did not know, a crude to what he knew. Simply put, Danila Baghrov is the first charter. I would even say the provennik!

Is the dialog published above something original, or ingenious? No, it is notable that it was possible to come up. But if you consider that thanks to these najor dialogues, the film has become fantastically quoted and popular, quite disappointing reflections on the mental development of the nation, as well as the nobleness of the intentions of the average Vatan.

Baghrov from televisers implemented life and main principles for which we would like to live very many Russians, and moreover, the principles that are actively promoted and postulated in society, even at the highest state level. The main character hates all nations other than the Russians? "Patriot!" He, being a bandit, kills himself like? "Hero!" Stand, so he also served in the army? "A REAL MAN!" Does the face of a very closer spacecraft? "Close to the people!" Does not know English at least at school level? "There is nothing to chat in the bourgeois!" It only kills because he was asked about it? "Caucasians and Suk Bandera can!" Modest? "There is nothing to stand out! Be how everything! Pralna! "

Rashen-Terminashn Bagrov is a legitarious vasper through a sick society with a flawed self-consciousness and lack of both social and personal development. "Amerikosy" is responsible for money, "Khokhli" - for Sevastopol, and "Chocks" - for peaks. The German in the first part receives an indulgence, since a coward and general homeless - such a hero is ready to patronize: homeless and still whores. Britogol disgustingly lowered Russian whore, selling his flesh and soul in the United States - this is the only creature that caused sympathy from our hero Danil. The creature with whom Danila is clogged by the aircraft flight "Chigako - Moscow" and sides a bottle of vodka directly in the cabin, despite the perturbation of the flight attendant. Even with this, at first glance, a minor nuance director managed to shoot at the apple - Hello Bukhovo in the plane has long been a movietone, because of which sometimes airplanes plant. All this is nothing more than a curve reflection of the trembling dreams of a resident of the pit, the same curves, as he himself. And he likes it, that's where the Pichal drank.

Like when Baghrov lives like a mindless cattle in Klelev: here he drank, there was not disagreeing with whom and not to disperse where, here it was shot at the one who picked the finger - without thinking, shot.
Zero intelligence, zero empathy (when they rape his mistress, he does not try to portray sympathy, but only defines new objects for revenge), zero plans for the future.

The only thing that in life is engaged in Danil Baghrov is fucking everything, which is capable of reaching the battle, as if Lenin in October, a pipovka. And constantly drinks vodka. Bagrov drinks vodka no less than the heroes of the film Leviathan, but for some reason the addiction of the heroes to vodka criticized only in the latter ... I even guess why: there it was the character of the condemnation of drunkenness, Bagrova was the character of the enthusiastic drunkenness.

The popularity of a particular media product is very clear about whether the authors were able to hit the basic needs of the viewer ... Judging by the cult of the character - were able! Even more precisely, than the authors of the porn films described by me above. Indeed, without a shadow of doubt the film "Brother" is a real movie masterpiece, a super-brilliant project - I write without any irony! Super-genius, because the author in his product managed to implement everything at all! All that, unfortunately, it turned out to be close to the people! All what he (the people) was secretly dreamed and was finally able to realize in the adventures of Danili! The director challenged to fool each thin soul string! Starting with trifles, ending with global problems! He created a finished asshole! Gomunculus without honor and conscience, which, nevertheless, managed to become a brother of all Russian Federation, one of the most beloved and quoted characters. Population is very miles such images, and it, filled with delight, loses all the possibility of self-development. Such films only catch the instincts, and do not develop and enlighten. And while the society in honor there will be such "brothers", he has no relatives is needed.

Sergey Bodrov

The nineties in a sense became a period of timeless, when they broke and rethought the values \u200b\u200bof the past, but it was difficult to find a worthy substitution. At a certain point, Hollywood supermans took a heroic niche. It does not mean that this product is very bad - in American militants, as a rule, very clear logic with a very specific division on good and evil.

Maybe the plots there are uncomplicated, but value orientations follow exactly. But these stories are, firstly, it is very difficult to apply to Russian reality, and secondly, each culture has its own nuances and subtleties, not always obvious to another. And Danil Baghrov in opposition to Americans very precisely asking the objective question: "And what, they all so interesting to know how I'm doing?" Well, of course not interesting. It is just part of their culture. And on the American meaningless question "How are you?" Should be deep, but mysterious, Russian - "What is the power?".

Sergey Bodrov Jr.

Sergey Bodrov was born in a creative intelligent family. Father - Sergey Bodrov-Sr. - film director, mother - Valentina Bodrova - art historian and teacher of Moscow State University. He studied at a Moscow school with an in-depth study of French, after which in 1989 he entered the department of history and theory of art of the historical faculty of Moscow State University, which graduated with honors. While still a student, Sergey Bodrov came to Italy for three years in a row to learn art in this country. To do this, he had to work as a rescuer on the beach to be able to travel around the country. And then Sergey decides to continue their education and remains on East of MSU in graduate school. In 1998, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of art history on the topic "Architecture in the Venetian painting of the Renaissance".

At that time, he was already a famous actor and the leading "Look" program on ORT. The more valuable is that he did not throw an education, spent years in libraries and received a degree.
The first episodic roles in the movie Sergey played a teenager in his father's films. In particular, he lit up in such paintings as "I hate you" and "Sir (freedom is paradise)." He thought about acting in Vgik, but his father warned him that if there was no passion for the movie, it is better to wait for it until she comes, or not to go to this profession at all.

Then Sergey Bodrov decides to become art historian, but the dreams of movies do not leave to the end. In 1995, he persuaded his father to take him to Dagestan on the shooting of the film "Caucasian Captive". I did not expect anything, Bodrov received one of the main roles - ordinary Ivan Zhilina, and Oleg Menshikov himself became his shooting partner. The film, who received many awards, became the first major role of Sergey.

Bodrov "Brother"

In 1996, Bodrov's acquaintance with the director Alexei Balabanov was acquainted at Sochi Film Festival, then he had grown into close friendship. He brought Sergey to the studio of the STTV, where the filming of the film "Brother" was launched, in which the actor got the main role of Danil Bagrova. The film has become a real discovery and new word of our movie. Possessing the budget of only 20 thousand dollars, the film "Brother" managed to simply and accurately transfer the modern Russian hero, lift the outwardness almost all Russian problems and fears (irreversible province, killer bandits, Jews - "not very", Caucasians- "CHINDES ").

And it seems you can not say that the "brother" is the creation of the whole life of Balabanova. The director started with quite aesthetic adaptions of Beckett and Kafki. But maybe this experience helped him make his gangsters with such voluminous and expressive. Many young people of the generation of Danilles and Vyslam finally received in the 1990s of their hero.

The film "Brother" received and reproaches for intolerance, the idealization of violence and almost for fascism. Danila bugres for some critics, became the carrier of all these qualities, because of its rusticity and some infantality, which is not able to understand the atrocities committed by him. But, as we noted before, the role of the moral educator remained for Hollywood. There everything always ends well. But the situation in Russia at that time was such that to shoot movies about the friendship of peoples and universal love would be a top of hypocrisy.

Bodrov - Date of death

Sergey Bodrov remained in the cinema until the end of his life in the literal sense of the word. On September 20, 2002, he ended up filming the film "Svyaznoy" (Sergey was his director) in the mountains of North Ossetia. Before the end of the filming, it remained quite a bit, and the film crew was already anticipating the return home. Suddenly, the glooper of the ring began in the evening. The Bodryna group was on the path of the elements and was buried into the gorge under the 60-meter layer of ice and stones. No one has time to escape. Later 17 tel was found. Bodrov was not among them. So, it turns out, he became the "Caucasian prisoner" already forever. Fate…

At first, the rescuers did not stop the search for those who became missing people. There was also hope that they would find them alive. But everything was in vain. After a month of searches, it was clear if Sergey Bodrov and his group will find, then the dead. However, the searches lasted almost two years, but everything was in vain. Many fans, like Bodrov's relatives, believed that the return of their idol was possible, the body was not found, which means he could escape. But then it became clear that this did not happen. The bodies of Sergey Bodrov and people remaining with him were not yet found.