Sergey Netyevsky death. Strange death of the director of the Ural Pelmeni

Sergey Netyevsky death. Strange death of the director of the Ural Pelmeni
Sergey Netyevsky death. Strange death of the director of the Ural Pelmeni

The team of "Ural Pelmeni" appointed himself director Andrei Rozhkov

As it became known, the new head of the creative association " Ural dumplings"One of the oldest members of the team was elected. This was announced by the general director of another company Ural Pelmeni Prodmeni Evgeny Orlov.

Apparently, the conflict between the participants of the show and Sergey Netyevsky far from completion.

He also commented in detail, which came out the day before.

About the director of the creative association "Ural Pelmeni"

The team, on the initiative of the two participants of the Company, held another meeting of shareholders on December 9. It is curious that Sergey Netyevsky, being a legally restored and existing Director-General, officially refused to hold a meeting. He also defeated the notifications of the convening as a member of LLP. You can even write miniatures about how several courier services delivered him notifications in Yekaterinburg and Moscow. Nevertheless, the meeting took place, and on the basis of the new general director was elected Andrei Rozhkov. Everything is legal.

Last year, "Pelmeni" chose Sergei Isaev, but the court was returned to Sergey Netyevsky. Now the team chose Andrei Rozhkov.

Next, the events developed even more amazing. On December 16, Netyyevsky filed a lawsuit on blocking the entry of the entry to the register of information about Rozhkov (information about the Director-General of the enterprise is obligated into the register), on December 19, the court refused him. That is, no about what voluntary leaving of LLP, about which Sergey with such readiness speaks in an interview until the speech is going. He is actively suing and now loses.

I will express the opinion of the team: while in TOO " Ural dumplings"Will be in any quality - a general director or participant, this company will not lead any activities.

On the World Agreement

The situation is still unfortunately far from completion. At the moment, three attempts of reconciliation were undertaken, the last of which ended with failure. Despite the fact that all controversial points were agreed, Sergey Netyevsky did not fulfill any of them. We did not communicate with lawyers, nor with the Northyem itself, by the fault of the latter, more than 1.5 months. Thus, it can be stated that the negotiation process between the parties is at the moment almost terminated.

An attempt was made to reconcile and with the help of third-party negotiators, but she also did not lead to the real execution of agreements.

At the same time, our position is unchanged throughout this story: we are waiting for the return of assigned assets. However, the actions of the side of Nethevsky, rather, speak of the reverse process.

About trademark

No " technical Association"There are no signs, it is nonsense and myth. There is a basic trademark, everyone else flows out of it. He was assigned, now a year later an attempt was made to return it to Netyevsky "for a symbolic fee."

It would seem that I still need - a sign returns. Only the court is not about that. Court of primary illegal acquisition of a trademark and disposal of profit for 1 year. What did the Nethevsky trademark made during this time, which profits removed from the sole ownership of them - we are unknown.

There is no doubt that Netievsky returned to the director's chair that Ural Pelmeni is only to transfer assigned trademarks and sign documents. Thus, he is trying to avoid responsibility for the illegal assignment of the trademark.

Other actions

It has already been mentioned that we are talking about the return of assets, among them not only a trademark. For example, Sergey Netyevsky issued a domain, and the team was forced to go to another site This domain team refused to return.

We recently found that in Rospatent, Netyevsky issued several names of programs for himself, although they always came up with collectively. All these actions are very characterized by the ratio of Netievsky to partners in the "Ural Pelmeni" show. Of course, we will initiate the proceedings with respect to any illegally acquired assets. Our task to protect the interests of all shareholders and team members from such actions.

I can also add that, in addition to endless court proceedings, Netyevsky has pressure on business Ural Pelmeni Prodmeni LLC. The police regularly wrote a statement about contrived disorders.

About creativity

At the moment, the show is experiencing an unprecedented rise. Shares on the CTC channel all first 4 Premier Season 2016-2017 are recorded.

In addition, we have developed and presented on the TV channel three more interesting offers. And, I am sure, soon we will delight the audience not only by the new issues of the main show, but also with new fun tele-projects from the Ural Pelmeni School LLC.

"Ural Pelmeni" released four premiere releases of the new season

Recall that the conflict between Sergey Netievsky and the Ural Pelmeni team lasts more than a year. In the fall of last year, the director was changed in the "Ural dumplings" - instead of Sergey Nethevsky became Sergey Isaev. It seemed that everything went peacefully, but no.

In the spring of this year, the Ural Pelmeni demanded that Netyevsky returned to them a trademark. He, in turn, began to recover himself as director. On June 29, the court satisfied Sergei Netievsky's claim to the Ural Delmeni.

At the same time, the "Ural dumplings" created another Jurlso - "Ural Delmeni Production". The leader was Alexey Lutikov, but August 10. Now the director is the former companion of Sergei Netyevsky Evgeny Orlov. In an interview, he told about the position of the team and the creative plans of the "Pelmeni".

Now in Moscow there is a consideration of the claim on the Sales of the Ural Pelmeni. There the court gave the parties time until January to sign the settlement agreement.

Alexey Lutikov went away from life in the midst of judicial disassembly of humorists

Alexey Lutikov went away from life in the midst of judicial disassembly of humorists

On August 10, the tragic news had shielded the participants of the humorous show "Ural Pelmeni": the 42-year-old director of Alexei Lutikov team found dead in the hotel room of Yekaterinburg. And although on the damaged body did not find traces of violent death, many fans "... by dumplings" immediately suspected something wrong. After all, in recent years, Lutikov was in the epicenter of a suddenly blurred scandal between the participants of the popular TV show.

The news of the death of the director of the Ural Pelmeni with a cheerful surname Lutikov Many made thinking. After all, since 2009 this position occupied Sergey Netyevskywhich is on a par with other participants of the show for more than twenty years left to the scene to mix people. And suddenly, in the fall of 2015, he unexpectedly changed Alexei Lutikov in the leading post. In the past, he, too, was a famous Cavencenchic and headed the "Service Login" command as a captain.

Last October in the once friendly and cohesive team of humorists, a grandiose conflict was called. The reason for the disagreement was first of all the money, because recently, the participants of the Ural Pelmeni, even on the level of income, even on the top lines of the "Forbes" list. And, apparently, they relax, because of what their TV show's ratings began to fall - according to the results of the last television season, "... dumplings" the positions have sharply passed.

In all the problems, the team accused Nehtensky. Say, he stopped cope with the duties of the director: engaged in producing other projects, did not sign the financial documents on time, missed the deadlines for submitting declarations to the tax inspectorate. "Ural Pelmeni" held a secret ballot, as a result of which Sergey lost his liberty office. But the degraded boss did not agree with such verdict and filed on the former comrades to court.

Nethevsky today is a big Moscow producer, engaged in a bunch of projects. He became closely in our team. And for God's sake. We have I. Svetlakov At one time went to the capital. But since Netyevsky is not, we need a person who knows all this kitchen. So we hired Lutikov, - explained "Pellen" Sergey Ershov.

Sergey Netyevsky (with a guitar on the neck) to cheer the public, was ready for any tricks. Photo: RIA "News"

Aggravated the corners

They say, the new boss began to pour oil into the fire, forcing the conflict inside the team flashed with a new force.

Lutikov Rod from Kursk, but for many years he lived in Moscow, held the post of director and was a personal adviser to the general producer "Comedy Club Production," - told us one of the members of the team, asked not to call him name. "It was he who drew the attention of the guys to the fact that the fee from their speeches is distributed allegedly unjust. In fact, "... dumplings" get money, based on their share - everyone owned ten percent in the company. More earned only Glory to measnikovBecause he, to all of the time, is the author of the songs for the show. Well, still Netievsky. Previously, this fact did not confuse anyone, but when the popularity of "... dumplings" began to fall, and therefore income decreased, the people rebelled. In addition, Lutikikov found some other documents, where it was written that the "Ural dumplings" brand belongs to Netyevsky's company. In general, Alexey so aggravated the situation that in the end all finally rushed.

Meanwhile, a month ago, the fans of "... Pelmeni" discussed the new director of the team at one of the forums on the Internet. Many seriously excited rumors about financial scandals, in which the butter was allegedly mixed.

At his historic homeland (in Kursk), Alexey threw a lot of people for money, he wrote someone under the nickname Safron.(The spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - A. B.. ). - There, even in Moscow, they wanted to go to look for it. And now he is Great and ... continues to throw. I know that the debts were given to him, who wrote that the butter was crystal, an honest person.

They are in the face of all fans of high-quality humor. Photo:

Whatever it was, a couple of weeks ago, the court of Yekaterinburg acknowledged the voting of the team of humorists and returned Nehtyyevsky to the position of director. "Pelmeni", led by Lutikov, did not agree with such a decision and decided to appeal it. The next hearing is scheduled for October. And here suddenly the butterfly dies ...

Alexey's body found the maid of the hotel in which he settled on August 2. In Yekaterinburg, he arrived together with the team after the tour in Sochi. And, sobering with current affairs, instead of going to Moscow to his wife and two daughters, bought alcohol and locked in the room.

The police arrived at the scene of the incident found a dozen empty bottles from alcohol, as well as medical drugs from increased pressure. The cause of the death of Lutikov, the Jewexperts called "dilatation cardiomyopathy". Simply put, he could not stand the heart. It turned out that Alexei's "Motor" interruptions have been observed for a long time. Some time ago he suffered a heart attack and became a frequent guest in the Cardiologist's office. Surely, legal disassembly added health problems. Surprisingly, none of the current members of the humorous show wanted to talk about the untimely caring of his comrade. Only Netievsky was able to squeeze a few words:

I am very hard now, "said Sergey. - Despite all these disadvantages, Alexey was all the other. This is a huge tragedy - I have a heart breaking. It is difficult to comment on such a moment, sorry.

Andrei Rozhkov became the new director of the Ural Pelmeni.

As the site, the new head of the creative association "Ural Pelmeni" was elected one of the oldest participants of the team Andrei Rozhkov. This was reported by the general director of another company of the Ural Pelmeni Prodmeni, Evgeny Orlov.

He also commented in detail by Interview with Sergei Netievsky, which in essence, our portal became the platform where the parties discusses their conflict. We hope that it will be completed soon.

About the director of the creative association "Ural Pelmeni"class \u003d "_"\u003e

The team, on the initiative of the two participants of the Company, held another meeting of shareholders on December 9. It is curious that Sergey Netyevsky, being a legally restored and existing Director-General, officially refused to hold a meeting. He also defeated the notifications of the convening as a member of LLP. You can even write miniatures about how several courier services delivered him notifications in Yekaterinburg and Moscow. Nevertheless, the meeting took place, and on the basis of the new general director was elected Andrei Rozhkov. Everything is legal.

Last year, "Pelmeni" chose Sergei Isaev, but the court was returned to Sergey Netyevsky. Now the team chose Andrei Rozhkov.

Next, the events developed even more amazing. On December 16, Netyyevsky filed a lawsuit on blocking the entry of the entry to the register of information about Rozhkov (information about the Director-General of the enterprise is obligated into the register), on December 19, the court refused him. That is, no about what voluntary leaving of LLP, about which Sergey with such readiness speaks in an interview until the speech is going. He is actively suing and now loses.

I will express the opinion of the team: while Sergey Netyevsky will be in the Ural Pelmeni LLP in any capacity - the general director or the participant, no activity will not lead any activity.

On the World Agreementclass \u003d "_"\u003e

The situation is still unfortunately far from completion. At the moment, three attempts of reconciliation were undertaken, the last of which ended with failure. Despite the fact that all controversial points were agreed, Sergey Netyevsky did not fulfill any of them. We did not communicate with lawyers, nor with the Northyem itself, by the fault of the latter, more than 1.5 months. Thus, it can be stated that the negotiation process between the parties is at the moment almost terminated.

The conflict "Ural Pelmeni" and Sergey Netievsky is far from completion.

An attempt was made to reconcile and with the help of third-party negotiators, but she also did not lead to the real execution of agreements.

At the same time, our position is unchanged throughout this story: we are waiting for the return of assigned assets. However, the actions of the side of Nethevsky, rather, speak of the reverse process.

About trademarkclass \u003d "_"\u003e

No "technical association" no signs, it is nonsense and myth. There is a basic trademark, everyone else flows out of it. He was assigned, now a year later an attempt was made to return it to Netyevsky "for a symbolic fee."

It would seem that I still need - a sign returns. Only the court is not about that. Court of primary illegal acquisition of a trademark and disposal of profit for 1 year. What did the Nethevsky trademark made during this time, which profits removed from the sole ownership of them - we are unknown.

There is no doubt that Netievsky returned to the chairman of the director then the "Ural dumplings" only in order to transfer assigned trademarks and sign documents. Thus, he is trying to avoid responsibility for the illegal assignment of the trademark.

Other actionsclass \u003d "_"\u003e

It has already been mentioned that we are talking about the return of assets, among them not only a trademark. For example, Sergey Netyevsky issued a domain, and the team was forced to go to another site This domain team refused to return.

We recently found that in Rospatent, Netyevsky issued several names of programs for himself, although they always came up with collectively. All these actions are very characterized by the ratio of Netievsky to partners in the "Ural dumplings" show. Of course, we will initiate the proceedings with respect to any illegally acquired assets. Our task to protect the interests of all shareholders and team members from such actions.

I can also add that, in addition to endless court proceedings, Netyevsky has pressure on the business of Ural Pelmeni Prodmeni LLC. The police regularly wrote a statement about contrived disorders.

Ural Pelmeni released four premiere releases of the new season.

About creativityclass \u003d "_"\u003e

At the moment, the show is experiencing an unprecedented rise. Shares on the CTC channel of all the first 4 Prime Minister 2016-2017 are recorded.

In addition, we have developed and presented on the TV channel three more interesting offers. And, I am sure, soon we will delight the audience not only by new issues of the main show, but also with new fun tele-projects from the Ural Pelmeni Prodmeni LLC.

Recall that the conflict between Sergey Netievsky and the team of "Ural Pelmeni" lasts more than a year. In the autumn of last year, the director was changed in the "Ural dumplings" - instead of Sergey Netheyevsky, Sergey Isaev became them. It seemed that everything went peacefully, but no.

In the spring of this year, the Ural Pelmeni demanded that Netyevsky returned to them a trademark. He, in turn, began to recover himself as director. On June 29, the court satisfied Sergei Netievsky's claim to "Ural Pelmeni".

Now in Moscow there is a consideration of the claim on the Sales of the "Ural Pelmeni". There the court gave the parties time until January to sign the settlement agreement.

According to preliminary data, Lutikov lived at the Angelo Hotel from August 2, 2016. His body discovered the maid on August 10. Doctors, who quickly left the scene, recorded "biological death by an unidentified reason," reports with reference to its sources.


Lutikov's colleagues from the Ural Pelmeni did not know about his stay in the city. "He was in Yekaterinburg, but a long time left," the source stated in bewilderment in bewilderment.

It also turned out that on July 20, 2016, Kavénceniki returned with tour in Sochi. After that, Lutikov said that it flies to Moscow, the site "Komsomolskaya Pravda" reports with reference to an informed source.

The head of the press service of the Sverdlovsk police Valery Borenekh informed the publication that on the day of body detection at the entrance to the Number of Lutikov hung plate with a request not to disturb. Next to the corpse found many bottles of alcohol.

These data confirmed the staff of the Angelo Hotel. One of them on the conditions of anonymity told the regional portal details about the stay of Lutikov in Yekaterinburg.

"He drove on August 2, paid until today. On the first day it looked fine, did not stand out anything. For the weekend, I began to call a mini-bar every day to the reception with a request to replenish the mini-bar - alcohol was brought to him," said the interlocutor of the publication. He added that Angelo personnel under the threat of dismissal was forbidden to communicate with the media about the death of Cavanechik.

In addition, Valery Gorelov told TASS that the room was found to reduce pressure. They are withdrawn as broadcasts. According to the head of the press service, law enforcement agencies have no reason to believe that there were drugs at the scene.

Recall that on August 10 in the Yekaterinburg Hotel Angelo, the director of Ural Pelmeni, Alexey Lutikov. In the regional administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed information about his death. Furnishing of violent death is not found.

Alexey Lutikov, whose biography is presented in the article, was one of the most vivid participants in the game in KVN. After leaving in 1997, the "Service Login" command, it disappeared from the screens. His fate was a little known to the average man, until in August 2016, the media did not report his death at the Yekaterinburg Hotel.

Path in KVN.

The native of a small town Fate (Kursk region), Alexei Lutikov appeared on 2.06.1974. He was born with a holy lip and subjected to ridicule and the bullying of peers. Already then there were problems with the heart, for the boy could not help but worry because of children's cruelty. School KVN became salvation, on the stage of which he caused a deafening laughter of the auditorium. But it was a different laughter - the reaction to witty jokes without reloading over its appearance. A fascinating game has become his fate.

The young man suffered five of the most complicated operations on the face, but the consequences of the innate anomaly remained noticeable until the end of days. Having developed for myself the principle that it is possible to rely in life only by yourself, Alexey Lutikov, KVN for whom he became a vocation, entered the Pedic Institute of the city of Kursk. Having received the profession of a social psychologist, in 1993, the young man became a member of the Kuryan team "Service Login".

Frontman team KVN.

The young men will not be successful to their success. Already in 1997, they got to the semi-finals with brilliance, beating the popular team of Ural Pelmeni in full-time meeting in the 1/8 finals. Among them, the captain was distinguished by Alexei Lutikov, pronounced jokes with an absolutely serious expression of the face. He watched with interest, was quoted:

  • "This is a country for Jews, and for us - half-wings."
  • "We work apart sponsorship bread."
  • "KVN treats corn!".

After the team did not pass the semifinal stage, the frontman left the team due to disagreements with the guys. They were considered the leaders of the 1998 season, but without their captain flew out at an early stage, failed to go further into a professional level.

Subsequent activities, personal life

Lutikov managed to cling to Moscow, but he no longer went out on stage. He early created a family, so he needed to put on his feet. Since 2006, Alexey Lutikov began to cooperate with Comedy Club, leading the direction of regional development. Its responsibilities included the creation of the branches of the stand-club in the field. From 2013, he began cooperation with the "new channel", and in 2014 it turned out to be an executive producer of FIRST Hand Media, who led Sergei Netyevsky. He headed the humorous show "Ural Pelmeni" created in the 2009th.

By this time, Lutikova had two children: the son, born when Alexei was only 20, and a daughter successfully engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. A little later, she will enter the youth team. Never miss her responsible starts, in August 2016 this tradition for some reason broke Alexei Lutikov.

"Ural dumplings" - the last project of Showman

"Ural dumplings" needed a professional who would not know the Moscow Show Business. In the summer of 2015, the team had a conflict with the head of Nethevsky, whose firm belonged to the trademark of the creative team. Despite the fact that he brought the guys at the CTC and did a lot for the team, disagreements arose about the further development of the project. The leadership took over and affairs in Moscow was a certain. So in the "Ural dumplings" Aleksey Lutikov appeared.

He is credited with guilt for inflaming the conflict and litigation, as a result of which Sergey Netyevsky returned his position to the show. There was a process to return trademark founders. By studying financial affairs, Lutikov presented the guys documents, of whom it followed that the income of the head was significantly different from the fees of artists. Be that as it may, he himself went to work with his head, concluding an unprecedented contract for the team - 12 performances in Sochi in the summer of 2016. Upon returning from the tour 2.08.2016, he had to fly to the family to Moscow, but for some reason from the airport returned to Angelo Hotel.

Causes of death

His corpse on August 10 discovered the maid of the hotel. All week he spent in the room alone, empty a minibar, and then orders brandy from the restaurant. Suffering from heart failure, the body could not cope with the abundance of alcohol. Presumably, the showman died from thromboembolism, falling with the loss of consciousness head on the table. As a result, the face turned out to be flooded by fragments of glass from a glass, so the version of the violent death was originally advanced. The family of the artist refused to initiate a criminal case, recognizing the fact of death from natural reasons.

It remains a mystery, why Showman did not fly to Moscow. These days, his daughter participated in demonstrations, and for the first time the Father was not in the hall. What did Alexey Lutikov think about the last clock? "Ural Pelmeni" in the official appeal recognized its contribution to the development of the creative team and expressed condolences to the family and relatives. And in the press they crawled rumors about the possible debts of Lutikov and the proposed termination of the contract with him.

The real fans of KVN really sorry that once a talented captain Kurayan decided to leave the scene.