Semyon Alt: biography. Semyon Altov: "With his wife, he got acquainted three times Semen Alto Son Pavel Sez

Semyon Alt: biography. Semyon Altov:
Semyon Alt: biography. Semyon Altov: "With his wife, he got acquainted three times Semen Alto Son Pavel Sez

Semen Teodorovich Alto (real name Semen Teodorovich Altshulller; Rod. January 17, Sverdlovsk) - Soviet and Russian Satir writer, screenwriter. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.


Born in the family of the teacher of Theodore Semenovich Altshuller (originally from the Uzhina) and the architect of love Naumovna Zalesski (Rod from Kremenchug). Graduated.

The works of Altov were performed by Gennady Khazanov, Clara Novikova, Efim Siphrin, Vladimir Vinokur, moreover, the author performs its works. Semyon Altov stands out among other speakers of humorist writers a kind of performing manner. Alto reads its monologues with impenetrable and even a gloomy expression of a person, a very low voice with a peculiar accent. Altov's pronunciation manner is paroded by many pop artists (Ponomarenko brothers, Igor Khristenko, etc.).

Semyon Altov - the author of the last play Arkady Isaakovich Raikina "The World of Your House".

Altov participated in the creation of the comedy series "Nearby".

Writing seeds of Altov began in 26 years.

A family

  • Wife Larisa
    • son Paul.
      • Grandchildren: Varya, Katya, Vasya

Participation in television shows

Also Alto participated in the TV shows "Room of laughter", "Curve Mirror", "without intermission", "Izmailovsky Park", "Gentleman-show", "Jurmala", "Evening Quarter", etc.



  • "Chance",
  • "Dog joy",
  • "Dial height",
  • "224 Selected Pages"


  • - Pericola (author of dialogues)
  • - BDT thirty years later (film play; participation)
  • - World of Home Your (TVVESPTACH; author reprise and intermedia)
  • - Good luck to you, gentlemen
  • - Who's there? (short; participation)
  • - Chance (Ukraine, short; screenwriter)
  • - Altshows (director and screenwriter)
  • - Nedock (short; screenwriter)
  • - Do not Valya Fool - member of the Expedition

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  • - Official site of Altov seed
  • - Official Canal Semen Altov
  • on YouTube
  • - ether October 5, 2008 (video)
  • On
  • . (May 6, 2014).

An excerpt characterizing alto, seed

The regimental commander turned to the prince of Bagration, causing him back, because it was too dangerous. "Mill, your shyness, for God's sake!" He said, at the confirmation, looking at the Sweet officer, who rejected him. "Here, learn to see!" He gave to notice the bullets who were constantly squeezed, sang and whistled near them. He told such a tone of the request and reproach, with what a carpenter says Barina with a tagged for the ax: "Our business is usual, and you are copyright." He said as if he could not kill these bullets, and his half-closed eyes gave him the words even more convincing expression. Headquarters officer joined the guarantees of the regimental commander; But the prince of Bagration did not answer them and only ordered to stop shooting and built in such a way as to give a place to meet two batalian. While he said, as if an invisible hand was reached on the right left, from the raised wind, a canopy of smoke hiding the hollow, and the opposite Mountain with the French moving around it opened before them. All the eyes were involuntarily asked for this French column, which walked to us and twisted on the leaving of the area. Already visible were the shaggy caps of soldiers; It was already possible to distinguish officers from ordinary; It was seen how they trembled their banner.
- They go nice, "said someone in Sweet Bagration.
The head of the column went down already in the hollow. The collision was to happen on this side of the descent ...
The remains of our regiment, the former in the case, hastily under construction, went away to the right; Because of them, overclocking the retired, fit the two battalions of the 6th Hengers. They have not yet missed Bagration, and already heard was a heavy, cargo step, to keep up with all the masses of people. From the left flank there was a closer than everyone to Bagration Rotten commander, a rounded, a statute man with a stupid, happy facial expression, the one that ran out of the Balagan. He, apparently, did not think about this minute, except that he was well done by the bosses.
With Fruntovo complacency, he walked easily on muscular legs, he exactly sailed, without the slightest effort stretching and distinguishing this ease of the heavy step of the soldiers who were walking around his step. He carried at his feet with a thin, narrow sword (bent a sapest, not like a weapon) and, looking back to the bosses, then back, without losing step, he was flexible to all his strong mill. It seemed that all the strength of the soul was aimed at the best pass by the bosses, and, feeling that he was performing this thing well, he was happy. "Left ... left ... left ..." He seemed inwardly sentenced it through every step, and on this TACT with a different patterns, the wall of soldier shapes aggravated by the finished and guns was moving, as if each of these hundreds of soldiers mentally sentenced: " Left ... left ... left ... ". Fat major, puffy and crossing a step, went around a bush on the road; Starting soldier, fattening, with a frightened face for his malfunction, a tricky rone; The kernel, pressing the air, flew over the prince of Bagration and Sweets and in the clock: "Left-left!" Hit in the column. "COMMUNIC!" I heard a rooting voice of a regular commander. Soldiers Arc went around in the place where the kernel fell; Old cavalier, flanking Unter Officer, retarded near the dead, caught up with his row, bouncing, changed his leg, got into a step and angrily looked around. "Left ... left ... left ...", it seemed, it was heard because of the threatening silence and monotonous sound at the same time hitting the legs of the legs.
- Well done guys! Said Prince Bagration.
"For the sake of the ..." Go! ... "ran out in the ranks. The sullen soldier who went on the left, shouting, looked back by his eyes on Bagration with such an expression, as if he said: "We know"; Another, without looking around and as if afraid to have fun, drowned his mouth, shouted and passed.
It was ordered to stop and remove the recorders.
Bagration broke through the past rows and tears from the horse. He gave the Cossack reins, took off and gave the burku, straightened his legs and corrected the Kartus on his head. The head of the French column, with officers ahead, seemed from under the mountain.
"With God blessing!" Speak Bagration with a solid, heard voice, for a moment turned to the front and, slightly waving his hands, an awkward step of a cavalryist, as if working, went ahead along the uneven field. Prince Andrei felt that some kind of irresistible force entails his forward, and experienced great happiness. [Here the attack took place, about which Tiere says: "Les Russes Se Conduisirent Vaillamment, Et Chose Rare A La Guerre, On Vit Deux Masses D" Infanterie Mariecher Resolment L "Une Contre L" Autre Sans Qu "Aucune des Deux Ceda Avant D "Etre Abordee"; and Napoleon on the island of St. Helena said: "Quelques Bataillons Russes Montrerent De L" Intrepidite ". [Russians behaved, and the thing is rare in war, two masses of infantry went strongly alone against the other, and none of the two gave way to the collision. " Napoleon's words: [Several Russian battalions showed fearless.]

Semen Teodorovich Altov (1945), (real surname Altshuller) - Russian and Soviet Satirik writer, Writer, Honored Worker of Arts of the Russian Federation.

Semen Altov was born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk, where his parents were evacuated during the Great Patriotic War. His father, Theodore Semenovich Altshuller, was a teacher of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, and Mother, Lyubov Naumovna Zalesskaya - Architect. After the end of the war, they returned to the native city - Leningrad.

When Semenu turned 8 years old, her parents gave him a set of "Young Chemist", which was so interested in young Semen, that in the future he chose a profession of a chemist. After graduating from the Chemical Technical Academy, he enters the Leningrad Institute of Technology. Lensovet in a specialty chemist-lacker. In 1968, after the end of the institute, it is arranged to work in its specialty in the State Institute of Mineral Pigments and at the factory. Shaumyan.

Writing activity Seed Altov.

The biography of Satirik's writer Semen Altov begins in the 1970s, when he was 26 years old, from the first satirical and humorous works. Although, in several interviews, Semyon Teodorovich confessed that he originally tried to write poems.

The first publication of Altov was under the heading "phrases" of the literary newspaper, in the section "Club 12 Chairs". For the composition of Aphorisms Satir and received its first fee - in the amount of 38 rubles.

In 1973, two years after the first publication, Semyon Alto was invited to Lenconcert. According to the expression of the very seeds of Theodorovich, "sprawled on the stage, where and the sticking" still.

Currently, the seeds of Altov is the author of 4 books: "dial height", "Doggy joy", "224 selected pages", "chance". It is also written in many monologues, which were performed on the stage such famous humorists as Gennady Khazanov, Vladimir Vinokur, Clara Novikova, Efim Sifrin, and of course, the author himself.

In addition, the seven altah is written in many scenarios for television and pop programs, performances and films.

In 1987, the premiere of the last stage work of Arkady Raykin was held on the stage of the Moskovsky Theater of the Estrada - the play "The World of Your House", the author of the intermedi in which was alto seeds.

Participation in telecasts.

On December 1, 1995, Altov took part in the Capital show "Field of Miracles", dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Gennady Khazanov.

Also was a frequent guest in such humorous TV shows as "around laughter", "gentleman-show", "without intermission", "Room of laughter", "Curve of the Mirror", "Izmailovsky Park", "Jurmala", "Evening Quarter". Repeatedly participated in the filming of telecasts, shows and films as a screenwriter, artist and invited guest.

In 1997, the NTV channel (24 release), the author and the initiator of the creation of which came Semyon Altov, was released on the NTV channel, and his son Son Semenovich Altov was the director of this series.

In the 1980s, Semyon Altov in collaboration with Leonid Yakubovich, Mikhail Gorodinsky, Jan Arlazorov, Vyacheslav Polunin, Valery Nikolenko, Viktor Bilevich and the Lyedie Theater, creates a new pop-humor program "Show-01". The program has actively and successfully concert throughout the Soviet Union and included the draws of the involvement of viewers to participate in the presentation.

Peru Seeds Altov also belongs to the dialogues to the music film based on the opera-buff Officon Offenbach - "Pericola".

A peculiar executive manner of Altov seeds noticeably allocates it among other artists of the humorous genre. He reads his monologues is not smiling, monotonously, with a constant frozen expression of a person, monotonous with a vsavinka, voice. Thanks to such a style, he became a hero of parodies more than once.

His spouse - Larisa Vasilyevna Altova - in the specialty choir conductor. They are married more than thirty years.

Son - Pavel Semenovich Altov - director, businessman and producer of his father (director of the series "Nicepeople" on NTV). The daughter-in-law - Anna Altova.

Grandchildren - Varvara Pavlovna Altova, Ekaterina Pavlovna Altova, Vasily Pavlovich Altov.

In 1994, Semyon Alto became the laureate of the International Festival of Satira and the humor "Golden Ostap". He was awarded a gilded figurine after Sergey Dovlatov and Mikhail Zhvanetsky.
In 2001, he received the Arkady Rykin Cup at the Riga International Festival "Sea laughter".
2003 receives the title of Honored Arts Worker of the Russian Federation.
2008 - Laureate of the Tsarsko Selo Art Prize.


1984 - Pericola (author of dialogues)
1986 - BDT thirty years later (film play; participation)
1987 - World of Home Your (TVVESPTACH; author reprise and intermedia)
1992 - Good luck to you, gentlemen
1992 - Who is there? (short; participation)
1993 - Chance (Ukraine, short; screenwriter)
1994 - Altshowa (director and screenwriter)
1996 - Noteply (short; screenwriter)
1997 - Do not Valya Fool - Member of the Expedition

His smart humor impresses many, and the peculiar voice of the voice fascinates from the first spoken words. It has been happy for more than 40 years in marriage and, embarrassed, confesses that bad memory became the key to his family happiness. He may be surprised every day what a beautiful woman with him is near, and admits that she got acquainted with his own wife three times.

Triple acquaintance

Semen Alto. / Photo:

Semyon Alto is not ashamed of the fact that he has a bad memory. Even at concerts, he sometimes reads his own works and it becomes funny, because it may not remember his jokes.

With a girl named Larisa, he got acquainted three times. For the first time, he came to DC, where he conducted after the Institute "Oral Journal," and saw a very pretty girl in the lobby, reading a book. I decided to meet you, invited a date on my "oral magazine." Larisa came to the date, but he did not find it. However, that day, she herself did not plan to continue acquaintance, because Semen did not produce a special impression on her that day.

Larisa Altova. / Photo:

For the second time they met about a year later, in some common company. The girl was amazingly played on the guitar, and even externally was very good. And he met her again.
When, after some time, he saw a surprisingly beautiful girl who was sitting at the piano and an inspired gaming migrant in the trade union committee of his own technological institute. When Semyon went to get acquainted, she was simply indignant: how much can it be? But the date with him still went. At the same time, her cavalier, so as not to forget about the date, the days of the meetings celebrated the cross in a special calendar, which spouses are still stored.

And the fateful decision to marry Semyon Altov accepted, for the first time visiting Larisa at home. He saw a lone tomik bunin on her bookshelf. It was the fifth volume of the fivetomnik. The future satirika had the first four, the fifth to get it at that time and failed. Both seemed to them that this sign and property should be reunited. In fact, it was their first recognition to each other in feelings.

Beginning of a long journey

Semyon and Larisa Altova. / Photo:

The wedding celebrated noisy and fun. Most of all, Altov's seed liked a toast that the beauty of the groom and the amazing beauty of the bride were reunited in this maritime pair.
Semen Teodorovich still never ceases to admire the beauty of his spouse. And does not understand that she could find in him, the engineer with a small salary at that time. Larisa Vasilyevna refuses to answer this question.

Satiri himself believes that without love they could not live together for so long. And at the same time, it does not forget to joke on his bad memory even in such a serious matter as family relationships. He suggests that every morning looks in surprise on a beautiful woman near and only then recalls that it is his wife.

House where all heat and cozy

Semyon and Larisa Altova. / Photo:

When a son appeared in the family, the spouses turned out to be very unanimous in the fact that a small person is already a person. Therefore, they brought up him with great respect, trying not to break and not sculpt at their own discretion, but simply supporting the desire for what he liked.

Semen Alto with Son. / Photo:

When Semyon Teodorovich decided to develop in the Son the writer talent, he proposed to write on the day only half of the printed page on their typewriter. As a result, the boy brought the Father the text, more similar to the accounting report. The writer Paul did not, but at the same time he was the producer of his father, I tried myself in the director, and then successfully began to do business.

Semen Alto with his wife, son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren. Photo:

Semen Teodorovich and Larisa Vasilyevna are very different people and in character, and on temperament. But they live together easily and joyfully, in 40 years and did not have time to bother each other. They both do not imagine how you can go to rest apologize, if you can spend time together. New Year and other family holidays, they invariably try to celebrate at home, collecting under one roof of the closest and expensive heart of people.

Semen Alto with his wife and son. / Photo:

It is seriously possible to quarrel seriously. Even when the hot and hot-tempered Larisa Vasilyevna satisfies the scene due to the shirt of the wrong color, the husband, Semyon Teodorovich believes that you need to calm down first. But sometimes it does not stand the glow of a quarrel and says that something is calmness, because of what the scandal turns around immediately into a comedy performance.

Seed Altov collects plates from hotels. / Photo:

Even the hobby at saticar is quite unusual: he collects signs from hotels with inscriptions, which usually hang on the doors of the room with requests "do not disturb!". He naturally stole his first copy from the hotel in Turkey, and then friends and acquaintances began to bring them to him from all over the world.

Semyon Altov believes that for happiness you need not so much: "Rejoice in what is, and not to suffer because of what is not."

Born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk, after six months the family returned from evacuation to Leningrad. Father - Theodore Semenovich, taught in the shipbuilding Institute for electrical engineering. Mother - love Naumovna, architect.
As a child, he was interested in chemistry, in his youth engaged in boxing.
He graduated from the Chemical Technical Academy, and then the Leningrad Institute of Lenset Institute. He received a degree of chemist-paint-friendly and worked for three years in the specialty. I managed to work the head of the Creative Department of the House of the actor, a night guard and a bouncer in the restaurant.
Began to write at the age of 26, the first publication took place in the "literary newspaper" in the section "Club 12 Chairs". Two years later, he became an artist of Lenoncert.
His works performed Gennady Khazanov, Efim Siphrin, Clara Novikov and other famous pop artists. The author of the last play Arkady Raikina "The World of Your House".
Often performs its own works. It differs from other humorists a very specific performing manner: an impenetrable facial expression, a deliberate lack of emotions, a single pull voice - all this uses constant success in the audience and is even the object of imitation and paroding from other artists.
As a scenario, participated in the creation of the comedy series "Nedusen" on the NTV channel, participated in the creation of several films and performing film players ("The World of Your House", "BDT thirty years later").

Born on January 17, 1945 in Sverdlovsk, after six months the family returned from evacuation to Leningrad. Father - Theodore Semenovich, taught in the shipbuilding Institute for electrical engineering. Mother - love Naumovna, architect.
As a child, he was interested in chemistry, in his youth engaged in boxing.
He graduated from the Chemical Technical Academy, and then the Leningrad Institute of Lenset Institute. He received a degree of chemist-paint-friendly and worked for three years in the specialty. I managed to work the head of the Creative Department of the House of the actor, a night guard and a bouncer in the restaurant.
Began to write at the age of 26, the first publication took place in the "literary newspaper" in the section "Club 12 Chairs". Two years later, he became an artist of Lenoncert.
His works performed Gennady Khazanov, Efim Siphrin, Clara Novikov and other famous pop artists. The author of the last play Arkady Raikina "The World of Your House".
Often performs its own works. It differs from other humorists a very specific performing manner: an impenetrable facial expression, a deliberate lack of emotions, a single pull voice - all this uses constant success in the audience and is even the object of imitation and paroding from other artists.
As a scenario, participated in the creation of the comedy series "Nedusen" on the NTV channel, participated in the creation of several films and performing film players ("The World of Your House", "BDT thirty years later").
I published several collections of the stories: "Chance", "dog joy", "how to ruin America" \u200b\u200band others.
Member of the St. Petersburg branch of the Union of Concert Workers of the Russian Federation.
He participated in the TV shows "Room of laughter", "Curve of the mirror", "without intermission", "Izmailovsky Park", "Gentleman-Show", "Jurmala", "Evening Quarter" and others.


▪ Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2003)


▪ Prize of the international festival satire and humor "Golden Ostap" (1994)

A family

Spouse - Larisa Vasilyevna, in the specialty Conduger-Khorovik
Son - Paul, Father's producer (director of the series "Nepadepey" on NTV)
Rigeon - Anna
Granddaughters - Catherine and Varvara
Grandson - Vasily