The fastest jet plane. The fastest fighter in the world

The fastest jet plane. The fastest fighter in the world
The fastest jet plane. The fastest fighter in the world

From the point of view of world history, a person has just learned to fly, but the progress in this direction has been achieved significant: the most secure type of transport was the aviation, the cost of flights is becoming more accessible to the population, and the fastest aircraft in the world can fly to the Planet by Equator in 5 hours! The newest achievements of science and technology are incarnation in civil and military aviation, the development of aircraft does not stop for a second. The speed has always worried a person, blinked blood. In the sky, nothing bothers to get involved as follows and human genius managed to create a lot of high-speed aircraft.

The fastest passenger aircraft in the world

The most high-speed aircraft in civil aviation is the Soviet Tu-144, the maximum speed of which is 2430 km / h. Its development fell in the 60s, and the first flight was carried out on the april of the New Year - on December 31, 1968. Wikipedia reports that in this way, Soviet designers from the Tupolev bureau for 2 months ahead of the world's premiere of the famous French Concord. After five months, in early June 1969, Tu-144 conquered a new vertex - at an altitude of 11 kilometers, the speed was developed, exceeding the speed of sound. In total, 16 supersonic "carcasses" were built, together fulfilled more than two and a half thousand departures.

In the biography of supersonic Tu-144 there were tragic moments. In June 1973, the aviation exhibition was held in France, which was attended by the brainchild of KB Tupolev. Performing a demonstration flight, the Russian plane performed too sharp maneuver, which was the cause of its fall and the subsequent death of 6 people crew, as well as 8 people on Earth. The exact cause of the tragedy was not established, according to one of the versions, the pilots from the USSR confused the appearance of French Miragia, whose purpose was to take several photos. According to another version, during the recording of a documentary video in the cockpit of the aircraft ship commander Major General V.N. Benders dropped the camera and she jinned the screw column, which led to a fall.

Transportation of passengers with Tu-144 was unprofitable due to large maintenance costs and refueling the aircraft. The leadership of the country had to draw conclusions about the need to suspend the carriage of citizens on supersonic. The fastest passenger aircraft in the world for many years was the French Concord, who transported more than 2 million people.

Hypersonic aircraft now prevail in military aviation, Russia as the succession of the USSR is also represented in the ranking of high-speed aircraft.

Top 10 fastest aircraft in the world

10th place: Su-27.

Soviet, and later the Russian universal fighter, the development of the OKB dry. Wikipedia leads its adapted name used in NATO countries - Russian Flanker-B, which can be approximately translated as a "Russian strike from the flank". The supersonic aircraft may exceed the speed of Mach 2.5 times, reaching incredible 2876 km / h.

For the first time in the history of Russia's aircraft enterprise, a remote control system was introduced, and two engines create reactive traction. Up to ten air-air missiles can be suspended at special points of the fuselage, a stationary 30-mm gun has combat support. At the moment, several modern modifications of the dry aircraft have been created, it consists in the service of Russian Air Force for more than 35 years.

9th place: F-111 General Dynamics.

Tactical bomber consisting of the US Air Force service until 1998. Can accelerate in the sky up to 3060 km / h. When the first photos and the video of this aircraft saw the military, someone had joked at the Muravical Plane for the elongated Cabin Form and its characteristic tilt. This joking nickname has taken root. Despite the cute name, F-111 was a formidable carrier of deadly weapons:

  • up to 14.3 tons of portable bombs;
  • up to 9 air-air missiles, quickly mounted on the launch;
  • multical guns with high shooting speed.

The main advantage of the game was the first to be implemented the ability to change the sword sweatshirt.

8th place: F-15 Eagle McDonnell Douglas.

The real hit of the American Air Force, so far faithfully serves the US military. It can develop speed up to 3065 kilometers per hour and at the moment has more than a hundred officially confirmed victories in air battles. He began his biography in 1976, when the first departure was performed. According to the United States military management plan will be on active weapons of the country until 2025. Initially thought to intercept enemy aircraft and creating advantages in airspace. But the modification of Strike has turned the F-15 Eagle as well in the bomber. Armed with 11 rockets for air combat, high-speed 20 mm caliber cannon.

7th place: MiG-31.

Another representative of Soviet supersonic aircraft. It is capable of developing up to 3463 km / h, and two of its powerful engines allow you to fly on hypersonic speed and small, and at high altitudes above the ground. A total of about 500 such cars were released, production was discontinued in 1994. Rocket equipment was quite serious:

  • four R-33 rockets (heavy) for the defeat of the targets in the air;
  • either 6 lighter r-37 rockets.

Combat support provided them with an automatic gun with a caliber in 23 mm and high shooting speed.

6th place: Valkyrie XB-70.

According to mythology, Valkyrie delivered the souls in the battle of warriors in Valgall, and sometimes God alone allowed her to solve the outcome of the battle. It is these features that are endowed with this aircraft - he could solve the outcome of the cold war, go to the hot phase. His wild hypersonic speed of 3672 km / h would allow to break away from Soviet fighters, and the stock of fuel allowed to fly to the territory of the Soviet Union to 7 thousand km away. And come back without refueling. The strategic task of this car of death was the delivery of nuclear bombs and the defeat of terrestrial purposes. As a matter of constructors, the speed of XB-70 should have been greater than the speed of propagation of the shock and light wave from the nuclear explosion. This monster of the Cold War's time was released in the amount of 2 copies.

5th place: Starbuster Bell X-2.

The maximum acceleration of this car amounted to 3912 km / h. It was built under the Experimental American program after World War II. At the time of its first flight in 1954 it was the fastest aircraft in the world. The test passed unsuccessfully. High speed has been achieved, but the pilot performed too sharp maneuver, and the car lost control. After this unsuccessful test, the program was frozen.

4th place: MiG-25.

The second representative of the OKB Mikoyan-Gurevich in the ranking of the fastest jet aircraft. The main task, which was put in front of the Military designers, was the possibility of intercepting American SR-71 BlackBird and any other manned and unmanned vehicles that flew relatively slowly. In real terms, no "black thrush" was never shot down by the "twenty-fifth", but the car has greatly proven itself in several local conflicts - such as the eight-year-old Iran-Iraq war, etc.

MiG-25 is equipped with four air-air missiles and is able to hit targets at a distance of up to 25 km! A total of about 1000 aircraft of this type were built, many samples still stand in service of various world armies.

Three fastest aircraft on the planet

3rd place: YF-12 Lockheed.

The greatest speed of the aircraft was 4100.4 km / h, so he successfully coped with the task conceived for him - to reach 3.35 Mach speeds. It was YF-12 that became the prototype of the famous "black drosk". Develop and YF-12 and SR-71 were charged with Clarence Johnson. Externally, these machines are very similar, the difference is only that Lockhid is armed with three air-air rockets. To date, YF-12 Lockheed remains the largest piloted aircraft designed to intercept the goals in the air.

2nd place: SR-71 BlackBird.

This aircraft was used for research purposes by NASA scientists and to conduct an intelligence of the US military military. The air intelligence officer first made flight in 1964. The innovative highlight of the car was the use of STELS technology, which made it possible to make it inaccessible for numerous interceptors. It is the fastest military aircraft in the world, reaching an incredible 4102.8 km / h. "Black Drozd" collected intelligence over Cuba, the Soviet Union and other countries using its excellent speed. Through history, 32 "Drozda" was constructed and released.

1st place: X-15 North American.

He heads the "Top 10" the fastest supersonic aircraft, which can score fantastic speed - 8201 km / h! This machine does not take off with airfields - its launch is carried out from the bomber in the air. X-15 is a practically cosmic manned aircraft, since it has already reached a height of 107 km and made a subborital flight. It was designed as part of the program for the study of supersonic flights. Landing this aircraft can independently, the landing strip is the smooth bottom of the dried salted lake.

Having answered the question of what the fastest aircraft in the world, we are obliged to mention another experimental model developed by the specialists of the US National Space Agency. In fact, the fastest aircraft is X-43A, which can fly at a speed of up to 11850 km / h! The test of this aircraft was first conducted in 2001 and ended in failure - the plane collapsed in the air. The second time this aircraft was tested 3 years later, in 2004 - this time the flight was successful. The speed of this fastest aircraft in the world rightly guaranteed him the first place in the ranking, but the entire catch is that X-43a is a high-speed drone, and our top 10 included only manned cars.

1. MiG-25 3.2m

Soviet single supersonic high-rise interceptor designed by the Design Bureau of Mikoyan - Gurevich.
The legendary aircraft on which several world records are installed, including a speed record, however, as it was found in the USSR, a lot was silent. According to the general designer of R.A. Belakov, exceeding the mig speed M \u003d 3 reduced the resource of the glider, but did not lead to damage to the aircraft or engine. From the words of familiar pilots, the aircraft repeatedly overcame the threshold of 3.5m, but it was not officially recorded such a record.
Airplane MiG-25 September 6, 1976 was hijacked by the pilot of the USSR Air Force Viktor Belenko in Japan. The plane was returned, but before that it was disassembled to the screw. New aircraft were finalized and received the MiG-25PD index, all the ongoing in service, modernized and awarded the MiG-25PDS index.
Belenko at the airport of Hakodate shot from a gun without giving approaching the "Japs" to the Miga, demanded to overtake the plane, but the commission investigating the incident concluded that the flight was intentionally, although without explicitly changeable goals.

2. Lockhid SR-71 3.2m

strategic supersonic US Air Force Scout. Unofficially called "BlackBird". The plane was famous for his unreliability, for 34 years lost 12 aircraft from 32 existing ones.
The main maneuver of the aircraft when caring from missiles was a set of height and acceleration. In 1976, SR-71 "BlackBird" installed an absolute speed record among manned aircraft with direct-flow engines - 3529.56 km / h

3. MiG-31 2.82m

double supersonic all-weather fighter-interceptor distill. The first Soviet battle aircraft of the fourth generation. MiG 31 is intended for intercepting and destroying air targets on small, extremely small, medium and large altitudes, day and night, in simple and complex meteors, when using an opponent of active and passive radar interference, as well as heat traps. A group of four aircraft MIG-31 is able to control the airspace with a length of the front 800-900 km.
Maximum permissible speed at height: 3000 km / h (2.82 m)

4. McDonnel Douglas F-15 "Needle" 2.5m

american all-weather tactical fighter fourth generation. Designed to conquer superiority in the air. Adopted in 1976.

Maximum speed at high height: 2650 km / h (2.5+ Mach)

5. General Daineamix F-111 2.5m

double tactical bomber of the far radius of action, a tactical support aircraft with a changing wing geometry.
Maximum speed: at the height: 2655 km / h (2.5 Mach)

6. Su-24 2.4m

soviet front-line bomber with a wing of a variable sweatshirt, designed to apply rocket-bomb shocks in simple and complex meteors, day and night, including at low heights with a targeted lesion of terrestrial and surface targets. From the words of familiar pilots, the aircraft is equipped with an autopilot system capable of driving an airplane on ultra-low altitudes, while holding, for example, 120 meters above the ground, but not many pilots could withstand the moral operation of the autopilot, the aircraft at high speed approached the rise of the earth's surface, rock, etc. d. And exactly at a distance of 120 meters made a maneuver of a height set.

7. Grumman F-14 "Tomcat" 2,37m

Reactive interceptor, fighter-bombarder of the fourth generation, with a changing geometry of the wing. Designed in the 1970s to replace "phantoms".

8. Su-27 2.35m

Soviet multipurpose highly gentle-free fighter designed in the OKB dry and designed to conquer domination in the air.
Thanks to the control of the traction vector, the aircraft is able to work wonders, "Cobru" and "Chakru Frolova". Such top pilot figures show the ability to keep the aircraft from falling on the corners of attacks exceeding the critical.

9. MiG-23 2.35m

Soviet multipurpose fighter with a wing of a variable sweatshirt. MiG-23 fighters participated in many armed conflicts of the 1980s
Maximum permissible speed, km / h 2,35m

10. Grumman F-14D "Tomcat" 2.34m

The F-14D modification was different from the previous more powerful radar Hughes AN / APG-71, the system allows you to accompany 24 targets and capture and launch missiles in 6 of them at the same time, at various heights and distances, improved by avionics and a re-equipped cabin. In total, 37 aircraft of this type were built, 104 more converted from previously released F-14A they had the designation F-14D

More than a century passed from the first flight of Rait brothers, and now aviation stepped far ahead. Airplanes are used for military purposes, and for the transport of civil passengers. The speed of aircraft is determined not only by the ratio of overcome kilometers per hour, but also by the number of maha. This is the speed in the stream (i.e. the speed with which the air is streamlined), divided by the speed of sound in a particular environment. The speed corresponding to 1 Mah is 340 m per second, or 1224 km / h.

There are aircraft in the world that overcame the line of speed in 2 maha (2448 km / h). Some of them are research devices, but most of them are combat or reconnaissance machines.

Top 10 fastest aircraft in the world

10th place - "MiG-31"

Double fighter designed to conduct fighting. MiG-31 is the first high-tech combat Soviet aircraft, which refers to the fourth generation.

The fighter is not inferior to Western aircraft. "MiG-31" without difficulty copes with an aerial purpose on large, medium and small heights. We can produce a fighter in the flight under different weather conditions and even with the enemy radar interference. This combat machine develops speed up to 3000 km / h.

9th place - "General Dynamics F-111"

Tactical bomber who is capable of reaching 2.5 Mach speed, i.e. 3060 km / h. This plane was written off in 1998.

He had nine points of external suspension (for weapons) and two bomb compartments inside the fuselage, which allowed him to lift into the air and deliver 14300 kg bombs to the target, carry air-air missiles.

8th place - "MiG-25"

"MiG-25" (or, as it is also called, the "bat") is a jet fighter. There are two modifications - scout and interceptor. Develops speed 3395 km / h. MiG-25 was created to intercept American intelligence aircraft, such as SR-71, flying at large altitudes with relatively low speed.

To perform similar tasks, "MiG-25" had the following characteristics: the aircraft speed was 3.2 speed speeds, it hit the target at an altitude of up to 25 kilometers. These cars showed themselves perfectly in several conflicts, for example, in the Iran-Iraq war. "MiG-25" was armed with four air-air missiles. This aircraft is still exploited in several countries. A total of 1,100 cars were built.

7th place - "XB-70" Valkyrie "

"XB-70" Valkyrie "- the brainchild of the" Cold War ". Six engines accelerated the plane weighing 240 tons to a speed of 3 maha. As a result of this speed, the construction of the aircraft in some places was heated to 330 ° C. Such a speed of the aircraft was needed to leave the Soviet interceptors and avoid the consequences of the nuclear explosion. This is a strategic bomber created to deliver nuclear weapons.

The huge sizes of the aircraft allowed him to lift so much fuel to fly inside the USSR territory for a distance of 6900 kilometers and return back without refueling in the air. The plane could take on board 14 nuclear bombs. The first flight "XB-70" performed in 1964. Total built two aircraft. The speed of the flying machine is 3672 km / h.

6th place - "SR-71" BlackBird "

Supersonic Strategic Scout Fighter belongs to the United States Air Force. This is not just one of the fighter fighter aircraft in the world, but also one of the highest tops.

With its compact sizes and mass, the fighter in battle is not inferior to competitors. Speed \u200b\u200bin the sky "Iron Bird" can develop up to 3715 km / h.

5th place - "Bell X-2" Starbuster "

"Bell X-2" is an experimental American aircraft, which was created to study the conditions of flight at high speeds. The first flight of the car took place in 1954, and in two years later the program was discontinued.

This plane studied how techniques behave at speeds above 2 movings. The aircraft was achieved incredible at that time the speed of 3.196 MAH (i.e. 3911 km / h), but after reaching this speed, the pilot made a sharp maneuver, and the plane was out of control. After this incident, the program was discontinued.

4th place - "Lockheed YF-12"

"YF-12" was developed as a prototype of an airplane, which develops the speed of 3.35 speed of sound. It does not differ from the appearance from "SR-71" BlackBird ", except that the" YF-12 "is armed with three air-air missiles.

It was this plane that served as a prototype to create "SR-71" BlackBird ". Both aircraft developed one constructor - the famous Clarence Johnson. Shortly after the launch, the program was discontinued, but the aircraft remained forever in the history of aviation. Maximum speed "Lockheed YF-12" - 4100 km / h.

3 place - "X-15" North American "

This American aircraft refers to the class of experimental, has rocket engines. For 40 years of the existence of North American remains the first and only hypersonic piloted aircraft, which was created in order to commit subborital space flights.

To this day, before this model of the aircraft, the goal is to study the flight conditions during hypersonic speeds. Operation is under this day, starting in 1954. "The X-15 North American is able to fly at a speed of 7274 km / h.

2nd place - "X-34"

Another velocity leader designed for subborital flights. To only experience the plane in the case, $ 250 million was spent. Such a large amount went to test the "Hyper-X" rocket engine.

The first test took place in 2001. But the only test that ended with a positive result was occurred in 2004 over the Pacific Ocean, when the X-34 aircraft managed to dispersed to 11,000 km / h. Unfortunately, due to weight exceeding 1,29 kilograms, the plane managed to rise only 75 kilometers in height.

1st place - "Boeing X-43"

The fastest aircraft in the world is "Boeing X-43". Hyper-drone drone during testing showed breathtaking results. He managed to develop the speed of 11230 km / h, which is about 10 times the speed of sound.

NASA specialists in collaboration with ORBITAL SCIENCES Corporation and Microcraft Corporation worked on the creation of the drone. The work was carried out for 10 years. $ 250 million was spent on the project.

The "Boeing X-43" is installed forward-line expires engine called "Scramjet". Fuel for the aircraft is a mixture of oxygen with hydrogen. Moreover, the creators did not complicate the design design of oxygen tanks - the aircraft draws oxygen from the atmosphere.

civil Aviation

This is aviation used for air transportation of the population and cargo. Of course, aircraft used for peaceful purposes do not develop ultra-speed, the safety and comfort of transportation is most appreciated. Nevertheless, among the familiar passenger aircraft, there are also recordsmen.

10th place - "Tu-154" (maximum speed - 920 km / h)

"Tu-154" began to be operated in 1972 and continues to work in the sky to this day. The Soviet three-line jet passenger airliner for medium-sized flights, designed for transportation of 152-180 passengers, was developed by KB Tupolev in the 1960s in the USSR.

This is the most massive Soviet jet passenger aircraft, which by the end of the 2000s remained the main aircraft on medium-range routes.

9th place - "Bombardier Global 6000" (934 km / h)

An elegant and elegant aircraft was developed by the Canadian company Bombardier Aerospace. On Bombardier Global 6000, you can overcome the distance from New York to Tokyo without refueling. The plane was specifically designed as a board for the transport of important persons.

Thanks to the design features, it takes off and sits on small airfields with short run-up strips. Passengers of this aircraft are both the first persons of states and the richest people in the world.

8th place - "Dassault Falcon 7X" (951 km / h)

Dassault Falcon 7X is the world's first civilian aircraft developed and designed in a virtual environment. The task that was delivered to the designers is to create comfort 12 passengers with the calculation on a 13-hour non-stop flight.

With the task of "Dassault Aviation" managed, which eventually affected the popularity of these aircraft for air transportation of high-ranking government and individuals.

7th place - "Boeing 787" Dreamliner "(954 km / h)

"Boeing 787" Dreamliner "is a modern airliner that transports millions of passengers. Exploited this air liner began recently, since the end of 2011.

For today, about 500 aircraft of this model work daily, passengers between countries and continents.

6th place - "Airbus A380" (1020 km / h)

"Airbus A380" - record holder among civil aviation aircraft. This two-layer airliner accommodates 853 passengers on board. Makes constant flights to 15,400 kilometers away.

Airbus A380 is considered the most affordable air transport in the world for ultra-lifting flights, as well as the largest passenger aircraft.

5th place - "Boeing 777" (1036 km per hour)

Wireless passenger aircraft for airlines of great lengths. The aircraft was designed in the early 1990s, made the first flight in 1994.

Accommodates from 305 to 550 passengers, depending on the interior configuration, and has a range of 91 00 to 17 500 kilometers. The "Boeing 777" has a range of range for passenger aircraft: 21,601 kilometers.

4th place - "Cessna Citation X" (1127 km / h)

His share accounts for the main part of charter flights. Created was American aircraft designers in the mid-90s and operated to this day.

A huge number of business people love "Cessna Citation X" for comfort, reliability and, of course, high flight speed.

3 place - "Cessna Citation X +" (1153 km / h)

Today Cessna Citation X + is a popular business plane. The Model "Citation X" was improved in the early 2000s against the background of increased demand for individual flights.

The updated model of the liner was called "Cessna Citation X +".

2nd place - "Concorde" (2179 km / h)

"Concorde" for the first time climbed into the sky in March 1969 and was operated until the end of 2003.

On board these British-French aircraft managed to visit 4 million passengers, which in a matter of hours crossed the ocean and received an unforgettable impression from the ultra-speed flight between continents. In the 70-80s of the last century it was fantastic.

1st place - "Tu-144" (2430 km / h)

Soviet supersonic passenger aircraft developed by CB Tupolev in the 1960s.

The first and one of the two in the world (along with the Briton-French "Concord") supersonic airliners, which were used in civil aviation for commercial transportation. "Tu-144" was called the main miracle of the Soviet aircraft.

  • In 1910, during the International Aviation Exhibition in Los Angeles, William Boeing asked him to ride him on the aircraft, but received a refusal. Frustrated, he returned home to Seattle and founded Boeing Company.
  • The world's largest passenger aircraft - "Airbus A380". This two-storey jet liner with four engines made the first flight on April 27, 2005.
  • The world's smallest jet plane - "BD-5 Micro". The scope of the wings is 4-6.5 meters, and the aircraft weighs 160 kg.
  • English - International Flight Language. Dispatchers and pilots on international flights should speak English.

  • According to statistics, 80% of the plane crash occurs in the first 3 minutes after the take-off and in the final 8 minutes before landing.
  • Some aircraft have secret clubs for the crew. On long-range flights the crew works for 16 hours a day. So that the staff rested, in the aircraft "Boeing 777" and "Boeing 787" Dreamliner "there are tiny bedrooms - small rooms with beds and a bathroom.
  • Turn off the light when landing in case the accident occurs at night. The eyes of the passengers will already have time to get used to the dark, and people will be easier to navigate in the space during evacuation. Also, passengers are asked to open the winds of the portholes so that in the event of an emergency, the stewardles see what is happening by side, and could choose the side for evacuation.

  • One engine is enough to fly. For example, "Boeing 787" Dreamliner "will last on one engine for 300 minutes.
  • Instructing security passengers, flight attendants show how the oxygen mask works, but they do not say that its term is 15 minutes. So much time will need to restore normal pressure on the plane. In an emergency, the pilot lowers the vessel for 3 km above the ground level, where the passengers can breathe normally. This descent takes less than 15 minutes. Oxygen masks fall out when the plane dramatically loses height.
  • White lines from an airplane in the sky - condensation traces. The engine of the aircraft releases steam formed when combustion of fuel. When this pair comes out of the exhaust pipes and comes into contact with the cold air in the upper layers of the atmosphere, it leaves footprints.

Aviation One of the areas of human activity, which develops the fastest pace. Since the appearance of the first aircraft, it is the speed of one of the most important characteristics in aviation. Consider in the article different types of aircraft, and find out what the fastest aircraft in the world, and what is its main characteristics. Leading countries of the world do not regret funds on the development of aviation, allocating large funds for the development of new high-speed models of aircraft, both in military and civil aviation.

Let's start with fighters for which the speed is the main criterion of efficiency, providing them with maneuverability and such a specific indicator as combat vitality.

Grumman F-14 Tomcat

Let's start the list, which entered the fastest fighters of the planet, from the American F-14 Tomcat. Perhaps the most powerful fighter in the world from those who are able to develop a greater speed. Enrolling in the US Army in 1974, Grumman F-14 Tomcat develops speed 2,485 km / h.

Actively used by Americans during military operations in the Middle East. Today, the American fighter has already been removed from production, but continues to be used in the army of some countries of the world, including Iran's Air Force.

The All-weather fighter of the US Air Force develops a speed of 2,665 km / h, and was developed as part of the NACA joint project and the US Air Force.

Despite the complex design, and the use of heavy alloys of various metals, the fighter has good maneuverability. The model is constantly being upgraded, and its operation is extended every year for a longer period.


The Soviet fighter, actively used by the VKS Russia, is able to develop a sufficiently high speed. The maximum speed of the fighter is 3,494 km / h, which puts it in second place in the list of high-speed combat vehicles of this type.

Started military aviation has long been not produced, but consists in arms of the armies of the two countries. 11 combat vehicles are located in Algeria, and the same number of MiG-25 commits combat departures in Syria.

MiG 31.

This combat supersonic fighter was developed in the early 70s, and became the first Soviet fighter fourth generation.

MiG-31 made his first departure in September 1975, and was adopted in 1981. Today, the upgraded MiG-31 can reach speeds of up to 3,500 km / h, and this is the fighter fighter in the world.


For this type of combat vehicles, speed is not so important, but among them there are high-speed recordsmen who can overcome long distances for the shortest possible time.


In the whole world, the Russian bomber is known under the poetic name "White Swan", and on the classification of NATO, it is called "Blackjack".

Its main advantages are maneuverability, flight range and radius, but also the maximum speed of 2,230 km / h, introduces the Russian supersonic strategic bomber in the top high-speed aircraft of the world. Tu-160 takes off, despite the larger mass, very quickly and pushing is 60-70 m / s.

The American supersonic bomber was developed in the 80s of the last century, and the United States was actively used in hostilities. The maximum speed of the combat vehicle is 2,300 km / h, and the flight range is almost 10 thousand kilometers.

Originally was created in order to place nuclear weapons on it, but during the work was reoriented with ordinary weapons. There are several modifications of this model, which are in service with the US Air Force.


It's no secret to anyone that civil aviation is the fastest type of transport on Earth. Today there are airliners that can mostly deliver passengers to anywhere in the world.

This supersonic airliner can still be seen on the runways of passenger airports, as the project is still under development.

The first model created in 2016 is able to develop speed 2,335 km / h. Unlike expensive Concords, XB-1 Baby Boom will be a budget, inexpensive project. A complex delta is used in the design, and the model will be controlled, as in conventional civil liners, two pilots.

One of the first business class aircraft created by the American company has long held a record for high-speed indicators of this class of liners.

Cessna Citation X is able to accelerate to 1,126 km / h, and the flight range is 6 thousand kilometers. This twin-engine turbocker apparatus is actively used not only by airlines, but also by individuals. By the number of charter flights "Cessna Citation X", perhaps the leader among the world's world park.

To date, Cessna Citation X +, at maximum speed 1 153 km / h, the fastest passenger aircraft in the world. Such indicators were achieved by establishing powerful engines on the liner, as well as changes in the design of the wing.

In addition, the designers took care of the comfort of passengers, making a comfortable salon. In the cabin there are only 12 seats, because the most modern plane has become the flagship of world business aviation.

Created by European designers A380 for today the fastest serial aircraft in the world, developing speed 1,020 km / h. But the speed of the airliner is not the only advantage of this model. This is one of the largest serial airliners of world civil aviation.

He appeared in air airlines in 2005, and immediately gained popularity among leading airlines. Specialists note the ease of management, and passengers comfort and convenience during prolonged flights.

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Among the rapid airliners should be mentioned and "Boeing 747", which develops speed 988 km / h. These aircraft became the first long-haul aircraft with two decks and a wide fuselage.

High flight speed is provided with powerful engines and features of the aerodynamic design of the liner housing. Airlines are actively purchased by Boeing, despite the fairly high price, and today it is the most common airliner on world highways.

Weeded in history

In conclusion, we consider the aircraft of various modifications that are no longer used, but entered the history as one of the fastest aircraft in the world.

The Soviet supersonic passenger aircraft made his first flight on the last day of 1968, and since 1977 began to carry out passenger transportation. The appearance of a supersonic aircraft has become a challenge of time, and for many years determined the vector of development of civil aviation.

But the history of the first Soviet supersonic Soviet liner was short. After a few catastrophes, it was removed from operation in 1978. The plane that develops speed 2430 km / h was used for space experiments until 1999. Today, 5 copies are preserved in the world, which are in aviation museums, as well as on storage on training airfields.


Translated from the French language, the name of this handsome is translated as "consent." As well as on the Soviet Tu-144, he has a steep, pointed fairing, and the wings have a multi-barrack design.

The first departure passenger liner, capable of developing the speed of 2,179 km / h, performed in 1969. Multiple catastrophes that happened to the liner caused its removal from operation in 2003. Now an unusual beautiful car can be seen only on museum sites.

The strategic supersonic US Air Force Scouts received an informal name "Black Drozd", and the maximum speed he could develop, reached 3,540 km / h.

Operated from the mid-60s until 1998, and then was removed from weapons. The reasons for the refusal of the project was the heating of the body of the apparatus during flight, as well as the high cost of fuel. In addition, he could only refuel in flight, as it could not take off with full pots of Lockheed SR-71.

The unusual model was designed specifically for hypersonic research. The aircraft, developed the speed of 8,312 km / h (6.72 Mach), and was controlled by one pilot.

Experimental aircraft-rocket plane was equipped with reactive engines, and its first test flight "North American X-15" was carried out in 1958. By fulfilling his mission, the aircraft, which included in history as the fastest manned aircraft in the world, was removed from operation in 1970.


In this nomination, only one model, Boeing X-43, which today is the fastest aircraft. This drone is able to accelerate up to 11,230 km / h. Who has not forgotten physics lessons, it will easily calculate that it is 9.6 times the speed of sound.

The project was developed for 10 years, and its goal is experimental developments in the field of hypersonic aviation. Scientists and designers predict that the future of aviation is behind hypersonic aircraft. After all, they are able to deliver a person to any point of the Earth for 3-4 hours.

So we met with high-speed accurates of aviation, but designers competing in the field of creating the highest possible aircraft, still do not need to forget about security. Recall that our site has already written about the largest.

Of course, aircraft have yet reached their high-speed limit, and every year the world recognizes about the new design developments of supersonic aircraft.

Su-27 - 2500 km / h

SU-27 - Soviet / Russian Multi-Purpose High-chaired all-weather heavy fighter fighter generation developed by the "Sukhoi company". Interested as a direct competitor to large fighters of the fourth generation, designed in the United States, such as Grumman F-14 Tomcat and F-15 Eagle. The first flight of the experimental sample SU-27 took place on May 20, 1977, and in 1985 he entered the Soviet Air Force. To date, one of the main fighters of Russia, its modifications are in service with India, China and many other countries.

GENERAL DYNAMICS F-111 - 2655 km / h

General Dynamics F-111 - a supersonic American tactical bomber, aircraft of airborne intelligence and radio electronic struggle, developed in the 1960s by General Dynamics. He made his first flight on December 21, 1964, and on July 18, 1967 was commissioned. He took a wide participation in hostilities in Vietnam. In total, 562 copies were released for the production of US Air Force and Air Force Australian Air Force.

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle - 2665 km / h

McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle is an all-weather tactical fighter designed in the early 70s by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing), on the orders of the United States Air Force to conquer superiority in the air. The first flight took place in July 1972. In 1974, it was commissioned. Exported to Israel, Japan, Singapore and Saudi Arabia.

MiG-31 - 3000 km / h

MiG-31 is a double supersonic heavy fighter-interceptor. Work on its creation began in PCC MiG PJSC "in 1968. The first flight took place on September 16, 1975. The aircraft was built on the basis of a single MiG-25, first of all, to cover the territory of the USSR from the blow of the crucible rockets from the Arctic, where there was no solid radar field. It is the first Soviet fighter of the fourth generation.

North American XB-70 Valkyrie - 3309 km / h

North American XB-70 Valkyrie is a prototype of an American strategic bomber, who had to fly at an altitude of 21 thousand m at a speed three times higher than the sound speed. A total of two copies were built. The first experimental aircraft XB-70 Valkyrie for the first time went up to the air on September 21, 1964, the second - July 17, 1965. One of the aircraft is now in the National Museum of the US Air Force near the city of Dayton, Ohio. Second June 19, 1966, during the flight to the formation of several aircraft, faced in the air with the Lockheed F-104 Starfighter fighter, fell to the ground and completely collapsed.

Bell X-2 - 3370 km / h

Bell X-2 is an American experimental aircraft intended for studies of aerodynamic and thermodynamic characteristics during flight at speeds from 2 to 3 m (Mach number). Its development began in 1945 by Bell Aircraft Corporation in conjunction with NACA and US Air Force. The creation of the X-2 aircraft was completed in 1952, and in 1953 his tests began. A total of two copies were built. Both were crashed, after which the studies were discontinued.

MiG-25 - 3470 km / h

MiG-25 - supersonic Soviet / Russian fighter and intelligence aircraft, the world's first serial fighter, which has reached speeds of more than 3 thousand km / h. The company JSC RSK MIG "was developed in the early 1960s. It is the last aircraft designed by Mikhail Gurevich before his retirement. The first flight of the prototype was held in 1965, and in 1970 he was commissioned. A total of 1190 copies.

Lockheed YF-12 - 3661 km / h

The third place in the list of the fastest manned aircraft of the world is occupied by Lockheed YF-12 - the American prototype of the interceptor, developed by the famous aircraft designer Clarence Johnson on the basis of the Lockheed A-12 climbing aircraft. This aircraft is the world's largest piloted interceptor. For the first time he rose in the air on August 7, 1963. In total, three YF-12 were produced, each of which is estimated at about $ 18 million. After a series of flight tests, the project was closed.

Lockheed SR-71 BlackBird - 3818 km / h

Lockheed SR-71 BlackBird - American Strategic Scout, developed in the late 50s by Lockheed on the basis of the Lockheed A-12 aircraft. It is the first aircraft created using stealth technologies. The first flight took place on December 22, 1964. He was in service with the United States from 1964 to 1998 and was actively used for espionage. In total, 32 aircraft were produced, 12 of which were crashed as a result of accidents (none was shot down).

North American X-15 - 7274 km / h

North American X-15 is a hypersonic experimental plane-rocket beam, which set a number of world speed and height records (107.96 km). Work on its creation began in 1955 and were charged with North American Aviation. In total, three prototypes were produced. On March 10, 1959, the car first rose into the air. For nine years - from 1959 to 1968, from the planned 200 test flights X-15 carried out 199. A record of Joe Walker pilot was flight on August 22, 1963.

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