The brightest winners in the history of Eurovision. Eurovision winners by year who won Eurovision

The brightest winners in the history of Eurovision. Eurovision winners by year who won Eurovision
The brightest winners in the history of Eurovision. Eurovision winners by year who won Eurovision


the right thing is considered the main musical event of the year in Europe. This competition is very emotional and Azarten not only for participants, but also for viewers from different countries that are going near the screens and sick with the whole soul for their artist. In addition, Eurovision is a spectacular show, the preparation for which it begins almost the day after the next winner was named and the country organizer of the next competition was determined.

But no matter how much millions of people hoped that for the next year, Eurovision will come home to them, most of them have to experience a slight disappointment. The winner can be only one. And it is for him that even losers are rejoiced. After all, it means that another talent was revealed and received a ticket to the musical Olympus.

History of Eurovision

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a competition appeared in the middle of the last century. It is then representatives European Broadcasting Unionthought to take the first step towards the cultural association of different countries belonging to its composition. The idea of \u200b\u200borganizing the international song competition was first made by Marcel Besanon. At that time he stood at the head of the Swiss television. This happened in the fiftieth year. But only five years later the offer was approved. On the General Assembly Evs.which took place in Rome, it was decided not only to start the embodiment of the idea about a song contest, in which representatives from all European countries will be able to participate, but it was agreed to use the festival as a sample, which was held in Italian San Remo.. Officially stated that the purpose Eurovision is the search for talents and their promotion on the international scene. However, in fact, the competition was designed to increase the popularity of TV, which in those years has not yet reached modern scale.

First Eurovision Passed fifty sixth in May. Then the participants accepted Switzerland. The concert took place in Lugano. Representatives from all of the seven countries arrived at him. Each musician made two numbers. It was an unprecedented event for Eurovision. Subsequently, the number of participants has increased, and each of them had only one chance to show itself. The first winner of the most popular song contest was Swiss Liz Assia.

Since the number of people who want to show themselves in a popular musical competition is steadily growing, in the fourth year of the new millennium it was decided to divide the competition into two parts. From that moment on, the semi-final is initially carried out, within which everyone can speak, and only then the final starts, to which not all gets. And after another four years the semifinal was two. And this is despite the fact that sometimes countries refuse to reveal their candidate, and in some cases, states that are usually sent by Eurovision performers, for one reason or another refrain from participation.

For many years of Eurovision, the winners most often became representatives of Ireland. As many times, the musicians from this country were on the pedestal. Five times won the Competition France, United Kingdom, Sweden and Lukovębug. It is worth remembering that the famous group of avva and world famous artist Celine Dion They started their career from victory at this competition.

Eurovision Winners in the New Millennium

Today, no one can remember all the participants who tried to drop their glory on the Eurovision scene. The list of winners is also too large to make it reproduce it. Yes, and today it does not make a lot of sense to return to the middle of the last century and try to restore the names of everyone who ever tasted the sweet feeling of triumph. But the winners who entered the history of the competition in the twenty-first century, remember not so difficult. At the moment there were only fourteen. In anticipation
It's time to summarize the previous years.


In 2000. Palm Championship got a duet from Denmark - Olsen Brothers.. Niels and Jürgen Olsen performed a song that was a fifty-year-old anniversary of the competition, he recognized one of his best in his entire history and took the honorary sixth place.


In 2001 The Estonian duet came to the Eurovision scene, consisting of Padar Taper and Dave Benton. The back-vocal was hip-hopp 2xl team. With his performance, talented musicians brought the first in the history of Estonia victory on this prestigious competition. And Tannel Padar managed to penetrate the hearts of the audience and very soon became the most famous rocker at home.


In 2002eurovision victory went to Latvia. She won singer Marie N.. Maria Naumova has Russian roots. However, despite the joy of victory, no bonuses from her did not receive a performer. Moreover, at the moment it is the only participant in the contest, the song of which was published exclusively in Latvia. In 2003, when Eurovision was held in Riga, Maria became one of his leading.


In 2003. Turkhanka rose on the podium Serrtab Erene. At the moment, it is one of the most successful performers in the style of Pop in his country. Her name in Turkey knows absolutely everything. And at the competition in honor of the fifty-year-old Jubilee of Eurovision, the song, who once brought the victory of Serrtab, took the tenth among the best.


In 2004. The winner was the representative of Ukraine - the singer Ruslana. Her speech was a real furyor. For him, Ruslana received the honorary title of People's Artist of Ukraine.


In 2005 Good luck smiled Grechanka Elena Papariswhich came to the stage of this competition for the second time. Four years before the triumphal victory, it was part of the group called "Antique", which could not rise above the third position.


In 2006 Eurovision concussioned heavy chords of hard rock, and on the stage there were hot Finnish guys in the costumes of mythical mandes with a good fraction of irony sang about all the bundes worthy of decent horror. Creation lordi Groups Literally blew up the public and deprived Russians a chance to take the first place, for which in that year many seriously hoped.


In 2007. Pop singer from Serbia Maria Sheriffovich Performed a song in his native language. Her " Prayer"It was heard, despite the fact that she was not at the traditional English for the competition, and Maria became the winner.


In 2008 The first in the history of Eurovision is the victory of Russia. Dmitry Bilan.Who failed to move back in the direction of Hard Rockers, brought the competition to Moscow. His beautiful song made a big impression on the audience. And the spectacular number in which Evgeny Plushenko took part was remembered for a long time.


In 2009 In Eurovision, a kind of record was installed. The young artist who represented Norway managed to gain the largest number of points in the history of the competition. The triumphant was a native of Belarus Alexander Rybak With its incendiary, fabulous song.


In 2010 year Representative Germany Lena Mayer Landrut She became an undisputed favorite of the competition. A year later, she again went to the Eurovision scene, as a participant. But twice luck did not smile at her.


In 2011 Victory went to Duet from Azerbaijan Ell & Nikki.. From Nigyar Jamal and Eldar Gasimova turned out to be very beautiful and harmonious tandem, which simply could not be without attention.


In 2012 Swedish of marocan-Berber origin Lorin I managed to break away from the performers from Russia and took the honorable first place at the competition. Today it is very popular.


In 2013 No surprises did not happen. Singer from Denmark Emmili de Forest It was propheted before the competence. The performer from early childhood was engaged in music and possesses very good vocal data and bright appearance.


In 2014 Many fans of Eurovision were waiting for a real shock. The first place in the competition was taken by a bearded woman Copter Wurst. The real name of the singer who hides under this pseudonym, Thomas Neurvit. He represented Austria. Despite the fact that not everyone was satisfied with this choice, it's hard to deny that the song was beautiful, the performer's voice is strong, and the image is just very memorable.

Very soon the next Eurovision is started - 2015. Singers from many countries will gather together to compete with each other in the skill and please numerous spectators. The show will surely be bright and colorful. Well, the name of the next winner will soon be known to the entire continent.


In 2015. The winner of Eurovision was the representative of Switzerland Mons Zelmerlev. Even before the final vote, many nicknamed the singer "King of the scene."


In 2016.the winner of Eurovision was the representative of Ukraine - Jamala. She performed a song 1944. It is possible to see her speech below:


In 2017. The winner of the Eurovision Contest, which was held in Kiev (Ukraine), became the representative of Portugal Salvador Collected. At the competition, he spoke with the song Amar Pelos Dois ("Love for Two"). According to the results of the vote, the jury and the audience, the representative of Portugal scored 758 votes. You can see his speech below:


In 2018, the winner was Netta Barzilai (Israel) with the song "Toy" ("Toy")

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Eurovision can be considered the main European song event of the year. This is a spectacular and gambling event for both its members and to the public from many countries of the world. Fans, watching from the TV screens, can not only worry and worry from the heart, but also vote for the performers you like.

Eurovision contest

The World Eurovision Contest is the competition between singers of various states in the European Broadcasting Union. To this event they are preparing almost a year before the start of the competition.

The essence of the competition is that fans cannot vote for the performer of their country. Points can be given for a loved singer of any other state. The winner gets the winnings and the right to hold the Eurovision contest for the next year in his homeland.

History of appearance

Eurovision appeared in the middle of the 20th century. Marcel Besancon is a representative of Switzerland television, which for the first time spoke to the unification of cultures of different countries, which are part of the European Broadcasting Union. A few years later, this idea approved. Since then, this European competition has begun annually.

An example was the Italian Festival held in San Remo. It was originally said that at the competition of songs from all over Europe will take the best performers and help them develop further in the international arena. In fact, Eurovision was to raise the public television rating, which at that time was not so popular.

First Competition

The first competition was held in May 1956. Spectators and members of Eurovision took Switzerland. The music battle was held in Lugano. Seven participating countries fought for victory. The performers sang two songs in a row, it was for the first time. The debut winner was Liz Asia from Switzerland.

With each year of pop songs, who want to speak at the competition, became more and more. Each country wanted to show himself on the world scene. Therefore, later began to hold the semi-final of the competition, in which everyone could sing. And in the final, which was two weeks later, selected applicants were shown his musical skills.

Illustrated ABBA.

It is already quite difficult to remember many participants of the competition who died their songs for the whole world. The list of Eurovision winners of all years is too large. But the laureates of this premium, which entered the story, still remember. You can not forget the glorified ABBA group. Their performance made such a splash of the emotions of the public in the hall that it was remembered for a long time.

At Eurovision Contest-1974 ABBA ranked first. The famous ensemble represented Sweden and executed the music composition of Waterlolo.

Winners of Eurovision XXI century

  • In 2000, the Winner was the group Olsen Brothers. This is a duet from Denmark, which consists of the relatives of the Olssen brothers. Among the winners of Eurovision of all years, only Jürgen and Nils performed a song, subsequently become megapopular.
  • In 2001, the Estonian duet Dave Benton and Tannel Padar ranked first. For the first time the award got Estonia.
  • In 2002, Marie N. Latvian artist was standing at the honorary pedestal with the Russian roots of Maria Naumov represented her country. In Eurovision, among the winners of all the years, she was the first who later became the leading grand show that passed in Riga.

  • In 2003, the winner's laurels got Serrtab Erene. Turkish pop-diva has become a famous singer thanks to this contest.
  • In 2004, Eurovision Ruslana ranked first. The debut output of this Ukrainian representative led to the public to the public of the Competition. Thanks eurovision contest Ruslana received the title of folk artist in his homeland.
  • In 2005, Europe shocked Elena Papariza - singer from Greece. For the first time, hitting the competition, she participated in the group of Antique. Unfortunately, they did not occupy the first place. For the second time, the girl was lucky more - she sang sololy and received a long-awaited victory.
  • In 2006, the first were Lordi. The rock band from Finland revealed to the horror of the audience with its creative external outfit. Hard-fatal team Lordi executes ironic songs about all bumps.
  • In 2007, Palma Championship gets Mary Sheriffovich. She comes from Serbia. Among the winners of Eurovision, all the years, her musical composition was first the first in his native language, and not in English, like the rest. Despite this, she took a leading place.
  • In 2008, he comes to the Eurovision scene Dima Bilan, who in 2006 it got silver. This time he was able to conquer the hearts of millions of television viewers and the audience in the hall with his incredible performance. This is the first in the history of the contest of Russia's victory.

  • In 2009, Alexander Rybak became the winner. The representative of Norway collected the largest number of votes for the history of the European Competition.
  • In 2010, the Hermann representative of Lena Mayer-Landrut became the triumph. But luck smiled at her only once.
  • In 2011, Azerbaijan ranked first. Ell & Nikki duet filled the visual harmony and love hall.
  • In 2012, the Swedish singer Lorin brought victory to his country. Alas, Russian performers gave her first place.
  • In 2013, the championship won Emmili de Forest. This victory was propheted at the very beginning of the competition.
  • In 2014, the winner of Eurovision became a woman with a beard - Copter Wurst. In fact, it is a pseudonym, and the name of the singer Thomas Neurvit. Many remained in shocking condition from the appearance of the artist, but a deep voice to the representative of Austria brought the first place.
  • In 2015, Mons Zelmerlev conquered Europeans with his voice voice. Singer from Switzerland became the scene king before the victorious performance.

  • Last year, the winner of Eurovision-2016 was the singer from Ukraine - Jamala. She since childhood dreamed of the scene and stubbornly went to it. But to win such a competition was the highest award. Jamal deserved Lavra Eurovision 2016.
  • The winner of Eurovision-2017 was the Portuguese singer Salvador gathered. He went to the scene of the European Competition for the first time. The singer received the greatest number of votes and took the first place. Eurovision Winner-2017 brought the success of his country from Kiev.

2018 year

Who will win in 2018? This is just worth guessing. But the intrigue will not last long, and in the spring of next year, Europe will hear the voice of a new winner in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon. It will be the 63rd Competition. The semi-finals of the European competition will be held on May 8 and 10, and the final speech can be seen on May 12, 2018.

What does it take part in the competition?

For many young singers and vocal-instrumental ensembles, a victorious performance on Eurovision is the beginning of a musical path on the creative staircase. In order to participate in the competition, it is necessary that the country of the artist's artist entered the ESU members and could broadcast a performance on the Eurovision System.

Eurovision is a contest known worldwide. He is the brightest event in the spring. Member States are beginning to prepare for him in advance: some are arranged contests among performers within their country, others are guided by the popularity of artists.

The choice of some participants is sometimes scared, and sometimes makes fall into depression, in anticipation, according to many, the collapse of morality on Earth. For example, in 2014, the list of Eurovision winners was replenished with the name of the cumshots of Wurst ...

Eurovision yesterday, today, tomorrow. Transformation of the competition

In the first year of its existence, Eurovision was a unifying and entertaining nature. Tired of wartime, people wanted to break a little from the funery of everyday life.

Now Eurovision is a fairly cluster competition, which is often accused of bias, politicia, and sometimes in immorality. However, despite the change in the direction, "Eurovision" from year to year becomes brighter and better. It is important to note that the contest is a previously designated framework - singing competitions among the representatives of an adult contingent. This is evidenced by the list of Eurovision winners in the entire history.

Since 2003, a children's Eurovision Song Competition is held. It is an analogue of an adult with the only difference: age limit up to 15 years. The list of the winners of the children's "Eurovision" is already inscribed by 12 names. Its main difference from an adult counterpart is the presence of annually changing slogan (the only year in which he was absent, - 2010).

Winners of Eurovision of all years. List of the first 10 years of existence

In 2016, the Eurovision Music Competition turns 60 years, so it will not be superfluous at least briefly trace his story. First of all, the winners of "Eurovision" of all years should be inscribed in his chronicle. The list will include nominees that have taken the Grand Prix:

  • 1956-J.. The country in which the competition was held: Switzerland, the city of Lugano. Winner: Lis Asia. Composition: Refrain. Winner country: Switzerland.
  • 1957-J.. The country in which the contest was held: Germany, the city of Frankfurt am Main. Winner: Burn Broccen. Composition: Net Als Toen. Country: Netherlands.
  • 1958-J.. Venue: Hilversum. Winner: Andre Clave. Composition: Dors Mon Amour. France.
  • 1959-J.. France, Cannes. Winner: Teddy Solten. Composition: Een Beetje. Country: Netherlands.
  • 1960-y.. Venue: United Kingdom. Winner: Jacqueline Boyer. Composition: Tom Pillibi. France.
  • 1961-J.. France, Cannes. Winner: Jean-Claude Pascal. Composition: Nous Les Amoureux. Country: Luxembourg.
  • 1962-J.. Venue: Luxembourg. Winner: Isabelle Obra. Composition: Un PREMIER AMOR. France.
  • 1963-J.. Great Britain. Winner: Greta and Jürgen Ingmanns. Composition: Dansevise. Country: Denmark.
  • 1964-J.. Venue: Denmark, Copenhagen City. Winner: Gilola Chincotti. Composition: Non Ho L'ETA. Italy.
  • 1965-J.. Italy, the city of Naples. Winner: France Gall with Poupée de Cire, Poupée de Son. Country: Luxembourg.

The second decade of Eurovision existence. Winners

  • 1966-J.. Venue: Luxembourg. Winner: Udo Yurgens. Composition: Merci Cheri. Country: Austria.
  • 1967-J.. Austria, city of Vienna. Winner: Sandy Show. Composition: Puppet on a String. Country: United Kingdom.
  • 1968-J.. Venue: United Kingdom, London City. Winner: Massiel. Composition: La La La. Spain.
  • 1969-J.. Venue: Spain, Madrid city. For the first time in the history of Eurovision, the Grand Prix was awarded to four nominees at once:
    - Artist: Lenny Cur. Composition: De Trobadour. Country: Netherlands.
    - Artist: Frida Bokcara. Composition: UN JOUR, UN ENFANT. Country: France.
    - Artist: Lulu. Composition: Boom Bang A Bang. Country: United Kingdom.
    - Artist: Salome (Maria Rosa Marco). Composition: Vivo Cantando. Country: Spain.
  • 1970-J.. The Netherlands, the city of Amsterdam (determined by drawing). Winner: Dana. Composition: ALL KINDS OF EVERYTHING. Country: Ireland.
  • 1971-J.. Venue: Ireland, city of Dublin. Winner: Severin. Composition: Un Banc, Un Arbre, Une Rue. Monaco.
  • 1972-J.. Scotland, the city of Edinburgh. Winner: Wiki Leandros. Composition: APRES TOI. Country: Luxembourg.
  • 1973-J.. Venue: Luxembourg. Winner: Anna-Maria David. Composition: TU TE RECONNAITRAS. Luxembourg.
  • 1974-J.. United Kingdom, Brighton city. Winner: Abba Group. Composition: Waterloo. Country: Sweden.
  • 1975-J.. Venue: Sweden, city Stockholm. Winner: Teach-Ying Group. Composition: Ding-a-dong. Netherlands.

The third decade of the existence of Eurovision

  • 1976-J.. Venue: Netherlands, Hague city. Winner: Brotherhood of Men with Save Your Kisses for Me Song. Country: United Kingdom.
  • 1977-J.. Great Britain, London. Winner: Marie Miriam. Composition: L'Oiseau et l'Enfant. Country: France.
  • 1978-J.. Venue: France, Paris. Winner: Isractions Cohen and the Alphabet Group. Composition: A-Ba-Ni-Bi. Israel.
  • 1979-J.. Israel, city of Jerusalem. Winner: Gali Atari and Milk & Hani. Composition: Hallelujah. Country: Israel.
  • 1980-J.. Venue: Netherlands, Hague city. Winner: Johnnie Logan. Composition: What's Another YEAR. Ireland.
  • 1981. Ireland, city of Dublin. Winner: BUCKS FIZZ Group. Song: Making Your Mind Up. Country: United Kingdom.
  • 1982-J.. Venue: United Kingdom, Harrogit city. Winner: Nicole and her melodic Ein Bißchen Frieden. FRG
  • 1983. Germany, Munich city. Winner: Corinne Ermom. Composition: Si La Vie Est Cadeau. Country: Luxembourg.
  • 1984-J.. Venue: Luxembourg. Winner: Herrey's. Composition: Diggi-Loo, Diggi-Lee. Sweden.
  • 1985-J.. Sweden, Gotheng city. Winner: BobbySocks Group, performed by La Det Swinge. Country: Norway. The broadcast of the ether occurs solely due to satellites.

Fourth decade of Eurovision existence

  • 1986-J.. Venue: Norway, Bergen City. Win Sandra Kim, who performed J'aime La Vie. Country: Belgium.
  • 1987. Belgium, the city of Brussels. For the second time, the list of Eurovision winners has replenished Johnny Logan, who fulfilled Hold Me Now. Country: Ireland.

  • 1988th. Venue: Ireland, city of Dublin. Won with Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi. Switzerland.
  • 1989. Switzerland, city of Lausanne. Winner: Riva. Composition: Rock Me. Country: Yugoslavia.
  • 1990-J.. Venue: Yugoslavia, Zagreb. Winner: Toto Kutuno. Composition: Insieme: 1992. Country: Italy.
  • 1991. Venue: Italy, Rome city. Winner: Carola. Composition: Fangad AV En Stormvind. Country: Sweden.
  • 1992th. Venue: Sweden, Malmo City. Winner: Linda Martin. Johnny Logan Song: Why Me? (Ireland).
  • 1993-J.. Ireland, the city of Milstrite. Winner: Nim Kavan. Composition: In Your Eyes. Country: Ireland.
  • 1994-y.. Venue: Ireland, Dublin. Winner: Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan. Composition: Rock'n Roll Kids. Ireland.
  • 1995-J.. Ireland, Dublin. Grand Prix: Garden. Song: Nocturne.

Fifth decade of Eurovision existence

  • 1996th. Venue: Norway, Oslo city. Grand Prix: Imer Quinn. Song: The Voice. Country: Ireland.
  • 1997th. Ireland, Dublin. Grand Prix: Katrina and The Waves. Song: Love Shine A Light. Country: United Kingdom.
  • 1998. Venue: United Kingdom, Birmingham. Grand Prix: Dana International. Song: Diva. Israel.
  • 1999th. Israel, Jerusalem. Grand Prix: Charlotte Nilson. Song: Take Me to Your Heaven. Country: Sweden.
  • 2000th. Venue: Sweden, Stockholm. Grand Prix: Olsen brothers. Song: Fly On The Wings Of Love. Denmark.

  • 2001-J.. Denmark, Copenhagen. Grand Prix: Tanel Padar, Dave Benton & 2XL. Composition: Everybody. Country: Estonia.
  • 2002th. Venue: Estonia, Tallinn. Grand Prix: Marie N. Song: I Wanna. Latvia.
  • 2003-J.. Latvia, Riga. Grand Prix: Serrtab Erner. Composition: Every Way That I Can. Country: Turkey.
  • 2004th. Venue: Country Turkey, Istanbul city. Grand Prix: Ruslan. Composition: Wild Dances. Ukraine
  • 2005th. Ukraine, Kiev. Winner: Helena Paparizou. Composition: My Number One. Country: Greece.

Sixth decade of Eurovision existence

  • 2006th. Venue: Greece, Athens. Grand Prix: Rock band Lordi. Hard Rock Hallelujah. Country: Finland.

  • 2007-y.. Finland, Helsinki. Winner: Maria Sherifimovich. Song: "Prayer". Country: Serbia.
  • 2008-y.. Venue: Serbia, Belgrade. Winner: Composition: Believe. Russia.

  • 2009th. Russia Capital Moscow. Winner: Alexander Rybak. Composition: FairyTale. Country: Norway.
  • 2010-y.. Venue: Norway. Winner of the 55th Music Kunkurs: Song: Satellite. Germany.
  • 2011th. Venue: Dusseldorf, Germany. Winner: Ell & Nikki. Composition: Running Scared. Azerbaijan.
  • 2012-y.. WHERE PASSED: WINNER: Lorin. Composition: Euphoria. Country: Sweden.
    The list of winners of the first semifinal "Eurovision" was headed by an interesting group from Russia "Buranovsky grandmothers" with the song Party for Everybody.
  • 2013th. Venue: Sweden, Malmo. The list of Eurovision winners has replenished Emmili de Forest. Song: Only Teardrops. Denmark.
  • 2014-J.. Where passed: Denmark. Winner: Copter Wurst. Composition: Rise Like A Phoenix. Austria.

  • 2015-J.. The country in which the 60th anniversary International Competition is held: Austria. Winner: Mons Zelmerlev. Composition: Heroes. Country: Sweden.

Ireland - a record holder in the number of victories

The competition researchers note that Ireland is more often in the list of the winning countries "Eurovision". The country has already taken on its territory participants 7 times.

  • 1970-J.. Victory went to the Irish executive officer Dane, who performed the song All Kinds of Everything. It was the first, but not the last conquered Grand Prix of Irish singers at the Eurovision Contest.
  • 1980-J.. The victory won Johnny Logan with the song What's Another Year.
  • 1987. The victory went to Johnny Logan, who performed the song Hold Me Now. Johnny became the first one who twice replenished the list of Eurovision winners. In the history of this honor, few have been honored.
  • 1992-y.. The victory went to the performer Linde Martin, who performed with the composition of Johnny Logan "Why Me?". In addition to the victory of Linda, Ireland became the first country in which there is an artist, the winning Grand Prix of Eurovision.
  • 1993-J.. NIAM KEVAN won the Grand Prix with the song in Your Eyes.
  • 1994 year became a significant for Ireland. Thanks to Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan with the song Rock'n Roll Kids Ireland took three years in a row "Eurovision" contestants.
  • 1996th - Seventh and until the last time Ireland and her nominees took the Grand Prix at Eurovision. The record set the names of Quinn, who performed The Voice.

In the midst of one of the most popular music events - Eurovision - We decided to recall the most striking winners of this competition for the whole story. And who remembered you most?


FROM Eurovision The triumphant climb of the Swedish group began ABBA.. A year before, they did not have the name, and there were only a few songs in their repertoire. Song Waterlooo. In 1974, he won the hearts not only the British, but also Europe, rising in a matter of days on the tops of international charts.

Celine Dion

After Eurovision Glory came to one of the best-selling singers in the world - Celine Dion (47). In 1988, a young singer appeared in front of the teleadia on 600 million people with a song JE DANSE DANS MA TETE. At the competition she represented Switzerland.

Toto Kutuno.

In 1990 in Zagreb The winner became famous Toto Kutuno. (71). He won the competition with the song providing Italy the right to hold Eurovision In 1991, where Kutuno became leading.


Group SECRET GARDEN.which represented Norway, won on Eurovision-1995 And after that, she became world famous, releasing several successful albums. Victory on "Eurovision" provided, in particular, the success of their first album Songs from a Secret Garden. About a million copies around the world were sold!

Dana International

Were on "Eurovision" and unique cases. So, in 1998 she became the winner Dana InternationalWhich still remains the only representative of the transsexuals participating in the competition. The girl used to be a man whose name was Cohen.


In May 2004 Ruslana (41) reached the international scene - the Ukrainian singer struck the musical competition "Eurovision" in Istanbul. Single "Dick Dance"who brought her victory, and the album of the same name conquered the public in more than 25 countries. Ninety-seven weeks of Ruslan leaded in 14 different European charts.


The rich for surprises was 2006. Record Number of Points - 292 - Received Finnish Rock Group Lordi.. Even before the competition, the musicians aroused a big noise in the media with their masks of monsters and a song performed in the traditions of heavy rock. After their victory "Eurovision" Joko called "MONSTRUNITY".

In 2008, she finally came to rejoice in Russia. On the Eurovision 2008 in Belgrade with a song Believe. and the big "support group" came Dima Bilan. (33). For the singer, it was a second chance to win, because for the first time, in 2006, she went to the Finns Lordi.. The singer acted in the company of the Hungarian vocabulary-virtuoso Edwina Marton (41) and the famous skateman Evgenia Plushenko (32). According to the results of the audience SMS voting Russia Scored 272 points. Thanks to this victory Moscowfor the first time became the capital of the 54th Competition "Eurovision".

Alexander Rybak

Predictable and expected on "Eurovision 2009" in Russia The winner was the candidate from Norway Belarusian origin Alexander Rybak (29) with the song FairyTale. Simple, but the soulful performance of the boy with a violin took the soul all Europe: He scored 387 points, which is an absolute record in the history of the competition. The highest score to the winner was awarded 15 countries.

Lena Mayer Landrut

Predicted Bookmakers Victory went to the German singer Lena Mayer Landrut (23). Already literally a week after the victory in the national selection of the video on the song Satellite scored more than 2.5 million views Internet (And by the time of the first semi-final - more than 9.7 million). As a result, Lena scored 246 points.

Ell and Nikki

In 2011, the winners of the competition were the romantic couple Ell and Nikki from Azerbaijan. They performed a song Running Scared.


One of the most recognizable songs has become Euphoria. Swedish singer Loreen (31). In 2012, it was she who ranked first and headed all the charts. Today Loreen It is one of the most popular singers in Europe.

Emily de Forest

Then the world preferred to give the Victory Lavra singer from Denmark Emily de Forest (22). She struck everyone with his immediacy.

Copter Wurst

But, perhaps, the loud event of the competition became victory Copy Wurst (26) In 2014, which attracted attention not only to vegetation on his face, but also in a strong voice and energy.

Well, now we sincerely hope that the next bright winner Eurovision Will be beautiful (28)!

That ended the grand final Eurovision 2017. The 26 best participants of this year have made every effort with dreams to become those who won Eurovision. But, according to the rules of the competition, the winner of Eurovision-2017 is only one. About the winner of the competition read in our material.

A whole year lasted preparations for Eurovision 2017 in Kiev after. And, judging by the reviews on the network, at many competitions in Ukraine made impressions. What is just standing by star speeches: people cannot come to themselves after, and the brightest Performance Ruslana. Now the one who won Eurovision 2017, namely the winner country, will again think about to conquer the audience of the competition, but next year. In the meantime, all commemorate the winner of Eurovision 2017 in Kiev.

Immediately, we note that all participants in the final made very worthy, but Eurovision winners are usually those who have enlisted the greatest support and love of the audience. Watch online at And from this evening, May 13 in Kiev, for the one who won Eurovision 2017, a new life and an era in creativity will begin.

Undoubtedly, now Eurovision - is hardly the topic number 1 for discussion, therefore the victory for Eurovision 2017 on a number of political events in the world and the scandals on the type of relationship from President France with his wife. Recall, bookmakers predicted. Therefore, we anticipate that the Eurovision Final, in which Salvador won the viewers' votes table, will be in the top of the discussions and parsing the flights of how everything was organized and conducted.

I am pleased to report that Portugal won on Eurovision 2017. Salvador gathered became the winner of Eurovision 2017 in Ukraine, congratulations!

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Watch online Speech Eurovision Winner 2017: Salvador Collected - Amar Pelos Dois

So the intense struggle for the victory in Eurovision 2017 came to the end. After the Grand Final Europe decided on the best number and vocalist of the competition. Read on about the winner of Eurovision 2017.315 560 27: 35 + 02: 00 https: //Site/images/Articles/75777_0.png.T5H0M0S.

We also publish, places and tables of Eurovision winners 2017, where you can see who and how voted from countries.

Table of voting results for Eurovision 2017

Now the song winner of Eurovision - Portugal will definitely sound in the radio and on TV. We congratulate the winner of Eurovision 2017 Salvador collected with this achievement. Watch out for our updates for the competition in the special purpose ".