Alcohol horoscope for signs: to whom in the zodiac to drink well. Favorite alcoholic drink of each sign of the zodiac

Alcohol horoscope for signs: to whom in the zodiac to drink well. Favorite alcoholic drink of each sign of the zodiac
Alcohol horoscope for signs: to whom in the zodiac to drink well. Favorite alcoholic drink of each sign of the zodiac

About radio and television love a lot to talk about those or other features of the signs of the zodiac - mental, mental, sexy. We want to highlight the dark side of the human person, which is not accepted. We will talk about the alcoholism of the signs of the zodiac - a detrimental traction of each of them to the green zmia! In Russia, unfortunately, this topic is very relevant. What signs of the zodiac are prone to alcoholism, and what is this disease not terrible?! Now find out!


Capricorns drink consciously: disassembled in years, in bouquets. They are able to distinguish the Scottish whiskey from Irish by smell and color, and brut from semi-dry wine on cotton corks. Capricorns are alcoholic gourmets ever, and therefore never get drunk at all.


My fish drink something, but just do not know how. The fact is that even with a meager dose of alcohol, they take them into such the abyss that in the morning I was ashamed to look into the eyes of colleagues, mom and even myself through the mirror. But the most interesting thing is that in practice the fish from these abysses will never float, but just under the influence of the Svoyed vapors, Revelation visits them: "Idea! And de I am?! " © Realizing where exactly the fish begin to clap the fins, throwing the caviar and with the cry "Dolbani about the rocks, the sea!" Rush on the last path. There they catch someone who loving and seriously advises the no longer getting drunk. And fish to the council even listens. It is a sorry for a while.

Cancers are very loved to drink. Well, sooo. And so fun, tasty, under a snack of 50 dishes, so so that in a circle of close friends and family. But a little bit! Those cancers that at least once in life drank more than a little bit, remember this until the end of their days. Therefore, cancers fall into one of the two extremes: or cut to the end, because there is nothing to lose; Or after yesterday no longer drink. At all. Never. And the second, oddly enough, much more.

The lion is very afraid to change, then by chance to talk about something important and spoil all the way everything is hurt. Including a reputation that, as is well known, is almost completely based on the myths and legends that the lion composed about himself. And so, as the alcohol has a serum effect of truth, then the whole truth can get out. Therefore, the lion is not drinking a lot. But about his alcoholic exploits is inspired!


Aquarius of alcohol is afraid more than karas of heaven, spiders and terrorists combined, but does not show any type. He can without fear and reproach to fill up before traffic jams and zadorly smelting around it. Because alcohol is an enemy, and fear of enemies is not in the character of the Aquarius. Therefore, aquarity with a stupid courage dive on the bottom of the bottle, and the surrounding it seems that the green sniped is about to destroy this crazy. But it was not there! First, Aquarius almost never gets drunk, and secondly - do not drink! Never! Aquarius and dependence - the essence of the incomplete things.


In general, so the scorpion should be given the honorable first place. And for long service, and for record litters. But in fact, it does not make any sense: Scorpio-alcohol - the phenomenon is extremely rare. All the trick is that drunk in Zuzyu, Scorpio turns into a paw and a friend of all children. The influence of alcohol degrees on the strange Scorpio body is to complete the disabling of the function of misentropy, which is the fundamental basis of the scorpion personality! And to prepay the full loss of personality is a specific bust. The pride will not allow!


Main in the "Alcoholism Zodiac Alcoholism" rating is occupied by Virgin. These are the same quiet Alkashi, about which "would never have thought!". And, in fact, because they did not think that the Virgin until the latter retain control of themselves, while very successfully pretending to do anything like that, just a bit of good wine. But in fact, they drink only with one goal: at least briefly lose, finally, this self-control!


The calves do not soar at all: they begin the tender relationship with Green Snime, and they are still in early youth and instantly fall in love for life. At the same time, they live with him in love and harmony, until the abstitent syndrome can tell them. And here, alas, forever. Because it is worth the Taurus a couple of times to survive the epic hangover - with basins by the bed, challenge ambulance and thoughts in the spirit "I would be better dead yesterday!" - as everybody! There will be no more taurus to drink at all. Because it is limited to a pair of beer - this is the same thing that sex with a rubber woman. Movement is - no progress!


In our horoscope, Sagittarius are the happiest alkashi! They love alcohol sincere, devoted to love. And he meets them the same. The reason to drink the shooters is not needed! Another thing is that mighty physical health simply does not allow the arrangers to sleep qualitatively. And therefore, they can stop it at any time. "But my grandfather quit to drink in ninety eight, and nothing!" - Grandfather Sagittarius was, I give to the tooth!


The most interesting attitude towards alcohol at the scales. They drink no pleasure for the sake of the sake, but benefits for. Use for their fragile sincere health, because it suffers daily from the imperfection of this world. For many weights, the annoying purchase of a seductive bubble ticket into the inner unicorn has become a mandatory ritual. And if you deprive them of this opportunity - everything will be very bad. Highly! But not long! Scales will always find a way out of the situation. It is rumored that one lucky one even has learned the water in wine - and we have some doubts about his sign of the zodiac.


Silver medal gets a random. They are offacarious alcoholics in the star generation. If a person got drunk to the green traits in honor of the end of the 8th grade, and the second stage of alcoholism earned a second stage of alcoholism - this is exactly Aries. And this stage he will suffer (or rather enjoy) until the end of his days!


For twins, as you know, a bunch of sublipses. And they constantly replace each other. But they walk together. Collectively. And drink twins immediately for two. But the wisdom "can not drink alone - eating!" - This is not about them. Gemini drinks so they always have a capatile with them! Yes, the same as he himself is smart and wise! Nice to drink with clever people, you know! And in such a company, sin does not sleep!

Consider astrological signs that are not indifferent to alcohol. It turns out due to astrology, you can find out what kind of pointer signs of the zodiac.

    1. Aries. Astrologers categorically do not recommend Red Wine Aries, they have a headache from him, but that she is ridiculed with pleasure. Whiskey, brandy and vodka. Aries are quite quickly drunk, so you bring them to the state of "Alkash" only loneliness and unrequited love.

Astrologa Council: Looking at the constellation over our head, there is an opportunity to gain answers to difficult questions, although without having additional knowledge. Use this opportunity in difficult situations.

  1. Tales. But the calves are the complete opposite of the Aries, adore to drink a glass of red wine, not to the detriment of health. Taurians like the drinking process itself, and not the speed of intoxication. In general, the tales do not belong to drinking signs of the zodiac.
    1. Twins. Gemini on the soul of novelty, love everything new, but most often they are absolutely indifferent to drinking. Although when a fender, of course, do not give up the boilers of dry wine or corporate henescy. Gemini to sleep quite hard, as they are very careful about themselves, they will not fall their health to themselves.

Astrologa Council: Dreams reach much more than you have to have, characteristic of many. But not everyone can combine dreams and opportunities. You are able to overcome it, order, and achieve the scheduled!

  1. Crayfish Cancers drink very rarely and carefully, choose alcohol in their type, lungs and soft. The company's feelings are deprived, so they drink little and rare in companies. Astrologers consider cancers not drinking zodiac sign
  1. A lion. Lions are not enough that they prefer to drink a lot, so also also expensive alcohol. Mostly lions prefer champagne, so it is difficult to sleep. Lions are definitely not threatened with alcoholism, they are more important to buy a brand of more expensive than the cutting ceremony.
  1. Virgo. Virgo got used to take care of their health, so they are not fond of drinking, except for holidays, but more often come up with a thousand exclusive, whatever taking alcohol.
  1. Libra. Sighs are inherent, to eat with something not standard than be sweet. Love grape wine, for health purposes. Alcohol abuse can lead scales to serious problems with the liver.
    1. Scorpions will head our list drinking signs of the zodiac. Scorpions do not know how to abandon alcohol, so drink how much they climb, and this is a serious step towards alcoholism.

Astrologa Council: We advise you to read the horoscopes for a month, year for any signs of the zodiac. Astrological forecast will help you to take the most effective solution on various issues. Qualitatively and useful. Go to the section.

  1. Sagittarius. Sagittarius love vodka and that stronger, and the female half of the Archers, on the contrary, prefer riff and light wine.
  1. Capricorn. Capricorn's health allows you to drink Capricorn many and anything, they have a strong health. I prefer the classics, on the holidays champagne, beer in the evenings, vodka in noisy companies.
  1. Aquarius. Aquarius love sweet drinks, such as red wines, jin tonnik, champagne, if the Aquarius goes out, behaves very tactfully and restrained, although it constrains himself as soon as it can, in fact, inside the Aquarius just boils, as I want to bring the interlocutor to conflict . Middle risk become an alcoholic.

12. Fish. No matter how symbolicly sounded, the fish love beer, and in general the fish love to drink very much, it concerns not alcohol, but a simple liquid. Fish know that it is impossible to drink a lot. Not only for health, but also because of a strong pull to alcohol. Telling alcoholism.

In our rehabilitation center there are treatment and rehabilitation of men (young and in solid age) and girls. , including women's alcoholism, the serious problem of our society. Despite the fact that many are confident that they will cope with the problem of alcoholism themselves, overcoming alcohol dependence of the process of difficult. And the older man, the less he motivated for treatment, the less chance to return it to a normal sober life. By the time he gather to treat his addiction, he has already lost everything that could: family, work, car, apartment, health.

All is well during. Treatment of alcoholism - especially.

Alcoholism by zodiac signs

12th place - Capricorn

Capricors drink consciously: disassembled in years and bouquets, distinguish the Irish from Scottish over the smell and color, and Brut from semi-dry - on cotton corks. In general, in vain translate the product. Because these alcoholic gourmets never, never get drunk. At all.

11th place - Fish

They want to drink fish, but do not know how, even with a meager dose of alcohol, they take them into such the abyss that in the morning ashamed to look into the eyes of his colleagues, mom and universe. The most interesting thing is that at the very time of fish from these camps have never been flooded, just under the influence of the degrees visited by Revelation: "Idea! And de I am?! " © Realizing where exactly the fish begin to clap the fins, throwing the caviar and with the cry "Dolbani about the rocks, the sea!" Rush on the last path. On which they catches someone who loving and recommends not to drink anymore. And fish, which is interesting, listens. Well, for a while.

10th place - Cancer

Cancers love to drink. Highly. Fun and tasty, under the snack of 45 dishes, in a circle of loved ones and families. But a little bit! Those cancers that at least once in life drank not a little bit, remember this before the end of their days. Therefore, cancers fall into one of the two extremes: or drinks to hell, because there is already nothing to lose, the polymers of that-it; Or after yesterday no longer drink. At all. Never. And the second, oddly enough, more.

9th place - lion

The lion is very afraid to change, accidentally talk and spoil everything that it does not have any inspirple work: reputation. Which is known is almost completely based on myths and legends that the lion composed about himself. And, since the alcohol acts on it as serum truth, the lion does not drink much. But about his alcoholic feats, it is also inspired as about everything else.

8th place - Aquarius

Aquarius of alcohol is afraid of more than beech, spiders and terrorists taken together, but it does not show: without fear and reproach pours an aquavit and zadorly knocks others to keep up. Because alcohol is an enemy, and fear of enemies is not in the character of the Aquarius. Because Aquarius with a cry "Geronimo!" They dive on the bottom of the bottle, and the surrounding it seems that the green sniped is about to destroy this brave. But no. Aquarius, firstly, almost never get drunk, and secondly - never drink for sure: Aquarius and addiction - the essence of the things are incomplete.

7th place - Scorpio

Theoretically, Scorpio would have given the first place to give the first place - for long service and record litters. But practically it does not make any point, because the scorpion-alcoholic is extremely rare phenomenon. The fact is that the scorpion, drunk in the arc, turns into a dull, a paw and friend of all children: the influence of alcohol solutions on the incomprehensible scorpion body is to complete the disabling of the function of the misentropy. What, as we understand, is the fundamental basis for the scorpion personality. And to prepay the complete loss of this very person - still bust. Protead does not allow.

6th place - Virgo

The central place in the horoscope is occupied by the Virgin - those quieter alkashi, about which "would never have thought!". Well, in fact, because they did not think that the Virgin until the latter retain control over themselves and successfully pretend that nothing like that is just a bit of good wine. Although they drink, in fact, only with one goal: at least briefly lose, finally, this damn self-control!

5th place - Taurus

The calves do not soar at all: they begin tender relationships with green serpent in early adolescence, instantly fall in love with all their life, and then live with him in love and harmony, while the abstinence syndrome can tell them, alas, already forever. Because it is worth it to survive the epic hangover a couple of times - with basins by bed, challenge ambulance and thoughts in the spirit "I would be better dead yesterday!" - as everybody. Everything! There will be no more calorie. At all. Because limited to a pair of beer - this is the same thing that the date is finished in two steps to the bed. Unbearable!

4th place - Sagittarius

A little bit did not reach the top three leaders of Sagittarius - the happiest alkashi in the horoscope: alcohol they love sincere, devoted to love, and he meets them the same. Do not need a reason to drink the shooters, because what is the reason here, if it's just fun and tasty? Another thing is that the mighty physical health simply does not allow the Archers to sleep qualitatively, and they can stop it at any time. "But my grandfather quit to drink in ninety eight, and nothing!" - Grandfather Sagittarius was, do not go to the fortuneteller.

3 place - scales

The bronze medal gets weights that drink not pleasure for the sake of the sake of the sake of. Use for their fragile sincere health, which daily suffers from the imperfection of this world. So the annoying purchase of a seductive bubble ticket to the inner uninief - a mandatory ritual for weights, and if you deprive them of this opportunity - everything will be very bad. But not long, because the scales will find a way out of the situation. It is rumored that one dude even to turn water into wine - and we had some doubts about his zodiac sign.

2nd place - Aries

Silver medal gets Aries - offacarious alcoholics in the star generation: Aries, who did not get drunk to green traits in honor of the end of the 8th grade, and the second stage of alcoholism did not earn a second stage of alcoholism (which, however, will suffer, in the sense of enjoying The end of the days of their own) is not at all Aries. His certainly in the hospital was replaced by some pious Capricorn.

1st place - twins

Twins, as you know, a bunch of sublipses that constantly replace each other. But they walk together. Collectively. From here and the legs are growing at the main horror of our childhood: "You can not drink alone - eating!" This, of course, is not true, and the vile walk - drink alone can be completely unpunished. Twins drink at all so: just they always have with them. Not only a flask of scuba, but also a company of excellent drinking companions. Nice to drink with clever people, you know! And, how to say, sin is not to sleep in such a good company!

12th place - Capricorn
Capricors drink consciously: disassembled in years and bouquets, distinguish the Irish from Scottish over the smell and color, and Brut from semi-dry - on cotton corks. In general, in vain translate the product. Because these alcoholic gourmets never, never get drunk. At all.

11th place - Fish

They want to drink fish, but do not know how, even with a meager dose of alcohol, they take them into such the abyss that in the morning ashamed to look into the eyes of his colleagues, mom and universe. The most interesting thing is that at the very time of fish from these camps have never been flooded, just under the influence of the degrees visited by Revelation: "Idea! And de I am?! " © Realizing where exactly the fish begin to clap the fins, throwing the caviar and with the cry "Dolbani about the rocks, the sea!" Rush on the last path. On which they catches someone who loving and recommends not to drink anymore. And fish, which is interesting, listens. Well, for a while.

10th place - Cancer

Cancers love to drink. Highly. Fun and tasty, under the snack of 45 dishes, in a circle of loved ones and families. But a little bit! Those cancers that at least once in life drank not a little bit, remember this before the end of their days. Therefore, cancers fall into one of the two extremes: or drinks to hell, because there is already nothing to lose, the polymers of that-it; Or after yesterday no longer drink. At all. Never. And the second, oddly enough, more.

9th place - lion

The lion is very afraid to change, accidentally talk and spoil everything that it does not have any inspirple work: reputation. Which is known is almost completely based on myths and legends that the lion composed about himself. And, since the alcohol acts on it as serum truth, the lion does not drink much. But about his alcoholic feats, it is also inspired as about everything else.

8th place - Aquarius

Aquarius of alcohol is afraid of more than beech, spiders and terrorists taken together, but it does not show: without fear and reproach pours an aquavit and zadorly knocks others to keep up. Because alcohol is an enemy, and fear of enemies is not in the character of the Aquarius. Because Aquarius with a cry "Geronimo!" They dive on the bottom of the bottle, and the surrounding it seems that the green sniped is about to destroy this brave. But no. Aquarius, firstly, almost never get drunk, and secondly - never drink for sure: Aquarius and addiction - the essence of the things are incomplete.

7th place - Scorpio

Theoretically, Scorpio would have given the first place to give the first place - for long service and record litters. But practically it does not make any point, because the scorpion-alcoholic is extremely rare phenomenon. The fact is that the scorpion, drunk in the arc, turns into a dull, a paw and friend of all children: the influence of alcohol solutions on the incomprehensible scorpion body is to complete the disabling of the function of the misentropy. What, as we understand, is the fundamental basis for the scorpion personality. And to prepay the complete loss of this very person - still bust. Protead does not allow.

6th place - Virgo

The central place in the horoscope is occupied by the Virgin - those quieter alkashi, about which "would never have thought!". Well, in fact, because they did not think that the Virgin until the latter retain control over themselves and successfully pretend that nothing like that is just a bit of good wine. Although they drink, in fact, only with one goal: at least briefly lose, finally, this damn self-control!

5th place - Taurus

The calves do not soar at all: they begin tender relationships with green serpent in early adolescence, instantly fall in love with all their life, and then live with him in love and harmony, while the abstinence syndrome can tell them, alas, already forever. Because it is worth it to survive the epic hangover a couple of times - with basins by bed, challenge ambulance and thoughts in the spirit "I would be better dead yesterday!" - as everybody. Everything! There will be no more calorie. At all. Because limited to a pair of beer - this is the same thing that the date is finished in two steps to the bed. Unbearable!

4th place - Sagittarius

A little bit did not reach the top three leaders of Sagittarius - the happiest alkashi in the horoscope: alcohol they love sincere, devoted to love, and he meets them the same. Do not need a reason to drink the shooters, because what is the reason here, if it's just fun and tasty? Another thing is that the mighty physical health simply does not allow the Archers to sleep qualitatively, and they can stop it at any time. "But my grandfather quit to drink in ninety eight, and nothing!" - Grandfather Sagittarius was, do not go to the fortuneteller.

3 place - scales

The bronze medal gets weights that drink not pleasure for the sake of the sake of the sake of. Use for their fragile sincere health, which daily suffers from the imperfection of this world. So the annoying purchase of a seductive bubble ticket to the inner uninief - a mandatory ritual for weights, and if you deprive them of this opportunity - everything will be very bad. But not long, because the scales will find a way out of the situation. It is rumored that one dude even to turn water into wine - and we had some doubts about his zodiac sign.

2nd place - Aries

Silver medal gets Aries - offacarious alcoholics in the star generation: Aries, who did not get drunk to green traits in honor of the end of the 8th grade, and the second stage of alcoholism did not earn a second stage of alcoholism (which, however, will suffer, in the sense of enjoying The end of the days of their own) is not at all Aries. His certainly in the hospital was replaced by some pious Capricorn.

1st place - twins

Twins, as you know, a bunch of sublipses that constantly replace each other. But they walk together. Collectively. From here and the legs are growing at the main horror of our childhood: "You can not drink alone - eating!" This, of course, is not true, and the vile walk - drink alone can be completely unpunished. Twins drink at all so: just they always have with them. Not only a flask of scuba, but also a company of excellent drinking companions. Nice to drink with clever people, you know! And, how to say, sin is not to sleep in such a good company!

12th place - Capricorn

Capricors drink consciously: disassembled in years and bouquets, distinguish the Irish from Scottish over the smell and color, and Brut from semi-dry - on cotton corks. In general, in vain translate the product. Because these alcoholic gourmets never, never get drunk. At all.

11th place - Fish

They want to drink fish, but do not know how, even with a meager dose of alcohol, they take them into such the abyss that in the morning ashamed to look into the eyes of his colleagues, mom and universe. The most interesting thing is that at the very time of fish from these camps have never been flooded, just under the influence of the degrees visited by Revelation: "Idea! And de I am?! " © Realizing where exactly the fish begin to clap the fins, throwing the caviar and with the cry "Dolbani about the rocks, the sea!" Rush on the last path. On which they catches someone who loving and recommends not to drink anymore. And fish, which is interesting, listens. Well, for a while.

10th place - Cancer

Cancers love to drink. Highly. Fun and tasty, under the snack of 45 dishes, in a circle of loved ones and families. But a little bit! Those cancers that at least once in life drank not a little bit, remember this before the end of their days. Therefore, cancers fall into one of the two extremes: or drinks to hell, because there is already nothing to lose, the polymers of that-it; Or after yesterday no longer drink. At all. Never. And the second, oddly enough, more.

9th place - lion

The lion is very afraid to change, accidentally talk and spoil everything that it does not have any inspirple work: reputation. Which is known is almost completely based on myths and legends that the lion composed about himself. And, since the alcohol acts on it as serum truth, the lion does not drink much. But about his alcoholic feats, it is also inspired as about everything else.

8th place - Aquarius

Aquarius of alcohol is afraid of more than beech, spiders and terrorists taken together, but it does not show: without fear and reproach pours an aquavit and zadorly knocks others to keep up. Because alcohol is an enemy, and fear of enemies is not in the character of the Aquarius. Because Aquarius with a cry "Geronimo!" They dive on the bottom of the bottle, and the surrounding it seems that the green sniped is about to destroy this brave. But no. Aquarius, firstly, almost never get drunk, and secondly - never drink for sure: Aquarius and addiction - the essence of the things are incomplete.

7th place - Scorpio

Theoretically, Scorpio would have given the first place to give the first place - for long service and record litters. But practically it does not make any point, because the scorpion-alcoholic is extremely rare phenomenon. The fact is that the scorpion, drunk in the arc, turns into a dull, a paw and friend of all children: the influence of alcohol solutions on the incomprehensible scorpion body is to complete the disabling of the function of the misentropy. What, as we understand, is the fundamental basis for the scorpion personality. And to prepay the complete loss of this very person - still bust. Protead does not allow.

6th place - Virgo

The central place in the horoscope is occupied by the Virgin - those quieter alkashi, about which "would never have thought!". Well, in fact, because they did not think that the Virgin until the latter retain control over themselves and successfully pretend that nothing like that is just a bit of good wine. Although they drink, in fact, only with one goal: at least briefly lose, finally, this damn self-control!

5th place - Taurus

The calves do not soar at all: they begin tender relationships with green serpent in early adolescence, instantly fall in love with all their life, and then live with him in love and harmony, while the abstinence syndrome can tell them, alas, already forever. Because it is worth it to survive the epic hangover a couple of times - with basins by bed, challenge ambulance and thoughts in the spirit "I would be better dead yesterday!" - as everybody. Everything! There will be no more calorie. At all. Because limited to a pair of beer - this is the same thing that the date is finished in two steps to the bed. Unbearable!

4th place - Sagittarius

A little bit did not reach the top three leaders of Sagittarius - the happiest alkashi in the horoscope: alcohol they love sincere, devoted to love, and he meets them the same. Do not need a reason to drink the shooters, because what is the reason here, if it's just fun and tasty? Another thing is that the mighty physical health simply does not allow the Archers to sleep qualitatively, and they can stop it at any time. "But my grandfather quit to drink in ninety eight, and nothing!" - Grandfather Sagittarius was, do not go to the fortuneteller.

3 place - scales

The bronze medal gets weights that drink not pleasure for the sake of the sake of the sake of. Use for their fragile sincere health, which daily suffers from the imperfection of this world. So the annoying purchase of a seductive bubble ticket to the inner uninief - a mandatory ritual for weights, and if you deprive them of this opportunity - everything will be very bad. But not long, because the scales will find a way out of the situation. It is rumored that one dude even to turn water into wine - and we have no doubt about his zodiac sign.

2nd place - Aries

Silver medal gets Aries - offacarious alcoholics in the star generation: Aries, who did not get drunk to green traits in honor of the end of the 8th grade, and the second stage of alcoholism did not earn a second stage of alcoholism (which, however, will suffer, in the sense of enjoying The end of the days of their own) is not at all Aries. His certainly in the hospital was replaced by some pious Capricorn.

1st place - twins

Twins, as you know, a bunch of sublipses that constantly replace each other. But they walk together. Collectively. From here and the legs are growing at the main horror of our childhood: "You can not drink alone - eating!" This, of course, is not true, and the vile walk - drink alone can be completely unpunished. Twins drink at all so: just they always have with them. Not only a flask of scuba, but also a company of excellent drinking companions. Nice to drink with clever people, you know! And, how to say, sin is not to sleep in such a good company!