Most popular names in Bulgaria. Bulgarian surnames

Most popular names in Bulgaria. Bulgarian surnames
Most popular names in Bulgaria. Bulgarian surnames

Properly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the nature and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to find the perfect name?

Despite the fact that in culture there are interpretations, which means male names, in reality the influence of the name for each boy is individually.

Sometimes parents are trying to choose a name before birth, preventing the child to form. Astrology and numerology of choosing the name of the name of all serious knowledge of the influence of the name on fate in the centuries.

Calendars of the Sky, Holy People, without a consultation of a seerful, inspired specialist do not have any real assistance in assessing the influence of names for the fate of the child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodic male names are completely closed with eyes to individuality, energy, child soul and turn the selection procedure into the irresponsible game of parents in fashion, egoism and ignorance.

Diverse statistics - Positive features of the name, negative features of the name, the choice of profession by name, the influence of the name on the business, the influence of the name on health, the name psychology can only be considered in the context of the deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), the energy construction, the task of life and Skinny child.

The topic of compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurd that internal mechanisms of influence on the state of their carrier turns out of the interaction of different people. And annuls the whole psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Moves to one false characteristic all the multidimensionality of the interaction of people.

The meaning of the name does not have literal impact. For example, Gabriel (the power of God), this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and the carriers of other names are weak. The name can overlap him the heart center and he will not be able to give and take love. Another boy on the contrary will help solve the tasks of love or power, will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all that there is a name that is not. Etc. And all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Bulgarian names for boys of 2015 is also a delusion. While 95% of boys are called names that do not facilitate fate. You can navigate only on a specific child, deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The mystery of the male name, as a program of an unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed by a special bouquet primarily in man, and not in the meaning value and characteristic name. And if this name destroys the child, then some kind of beautiful, minor with patronymic, an astrological accurate, benevolent it was not, it would still be harm, the destruction of character, complication of life and the weighting of fate.

Below is a hundred Bulgarian names. Try to choose a few you most suitable to your child. Then if you are interested in the effectiveness of the influence of the name on fate, .

List of male Bulgarian names alphabetically:


Aordan - Current Down
Alexander - Defender of mankind
Andon - invaluable
Andrey - man, warrior
Apostle - Apostle, Messenger
Asen - Healthy, Safe
Atanas - Immortal


Bogdan - a gift of God
Bogomil - the mercy of God
Bodzhidar - Divine Gift
Bohdar - Divine Gift
Borislav - Slava Battle
Branimir - Protection and Peace


Vasil - King


Gavril, Gabriel - a strong man of God, my power is God
Gavreil - a strong man of God


Damyan - taming, subordinating
Danale - God - my judge
Dezislav - Slava
Georgie - farmer
Dimitar - Loving Earth


Live - alive


Zahari - God remembers


Ivan - God's God
Ivuel - Wolf
Elijah - God - My Mr.
Ilya - God - My Mr.
Joan - God's God
Iosif - adding, negative
Jordan - Current Down


Kalian - Handsome
Karliman - man
Kiril - Lord.
Krastio - Cross


Lazar - my god helped
Luben - Love
Lyubnoy - Love
Lubomir - World of Love
Lyudmil - cute people


Momchil - boy, youth


Nikifor - bringing victory
Nikola - victory of people


Fire - fire
Fiengyan - Fire


Penco - Rock, Stone
Petar - Rock, Stone
Playmne - Flame Flame


Radko - happy


Sava - old man
Samuel - heard by God
Savior - saved
Stanimir - Peace Ruler
Stoying - standing, resistant


Tymoty - honing God
Todor - a gift of God
Tom - twin
Tsvetan - Flower


Philip - a lover of horses


Hristo - carrier cross


Chavdar - leader


Yang is the mercy of God, (Persian) soul, (China.) Sun, man, (Tibet.) Men's energy, power, (tour.) Support, (Slavs) River
Yankko - God's God

History of Bulgarian surnames.

In Bulgarian culture, the concept of a surname as a hereditary family name appeared quite recently. The person, besides his personal name, was named after his father, his nickname or grandfather, for example, Ivan Petrov, son of Peter Koleva, grandson Kirilov Kirilov. History Formation bulgarian surnames It begins at the end of the XIX century and completely ends only in the middle of the last century.

Forms of formation of Bulgarian surnames.

Bulgarian surnames are similar to writing with Russians, only possess unstable stress and can change it. IN the dictionary of the Bulgarian surnames The overwhelming majority of them will end on -s, -Ev (Iskra, Tashev, VAZ, Bothev). Family surnames were formed at all with the help of suffixes -ska, -s, -shi. The origin of such bulgarian surnames more older and their interpretation It is associated with the names of villages and cities or nicknames of the first owners - Clement Ohridski (from Ohrid), Dimcho Forest (from the village of Lesicarsk), Noncho Dacha (Noncho Sage), Mara Papazulu (Mara Popady). However, surnames with such endings are not typical of the Bulgarian language. List of Bulgarian surnames by alphabet Proves the absolute advantage of the endings -On, -Ev.

Values \u200b\u200bof Bulgarian surnames.

As a rule, Bulgarian hereditary naming formed from Christian and Bulgarian names - Ivanov, Pavlov, Davidov, Bogomylov, Isaev, warriors. Value Some bulgarian surnames It has, at first glance, a completely non-Christian meaning - Hadzhigorgiev, Hadjipop. It seems that their roots must be sought in Muslim, where "Hajj" means pilgrimage to Mecca. In Bulgaria, for a long time under the yoke of Turkish yoke, this prefix was added to the surname of a person who visited Jerusalem or other Christian shrines. The small part of Bulgarian surnames retains the features of the nickname or indicates a human classes - Sakadzhiev (waterpath), Skov, Kovachev (Kuznets).

Now in Bulgaria, the child is a surname from several options - father or mother, new on behalf of one of the grandfathers, the family names are connected. In the last century, women when marriage became marriage almost always moved to the surname of her husband. Now they prefer to add the surname of the spouse to their girlish surname through Defis. Declination of Bulgarian surnames In Russian, should not cause difficulties. Male and female (with endings -OV, -Eva) variants vary on cases according to the laws of Russian grammar.

Thanks top of Bulgarian surnames You can make sure which of them are currently the most common and popular in Bulgaria.

You will soon have a son or daughter, you are waiting for a child and do not know how to call him?

Is life and community for you?

Have you decided to give a child a special or real Bulgarian name?

Or maybe you yourself want to change the name and surname to a more original, beautiful and consonant with the famous personalities of Bulgarian history?

We really hope that our top 50 most popular in Bulgaria names and surnames will help you solve your urgent sample.

For the selection of the most popular names and surnames in Bulgaria, telephone book data was used to understand the main point was used - statistics. The data themselves is quite suitable for this kind of statistics, because they have a large number of names and surnames and from different regions of Bulgaria. The book has more than 1 million people from all municipalities and districts of Bulgaria.

The top has results and full statistics separately female and male surnames and names, which is reflected in the 50 best (or most popular) Bulgarian names and surnames.

Number of analyzed records from telephone reference books: 1089948

Number of unique names: 15791

Number of unique surnames: 55055

Here are all the statistics compiled from several tops.

Top 50 most popular Bulgarian names and surnames

In this top 50, all names and surnames are collected from the most popular regardless of the floor.

1. Ivanov Ivan.
2. Georgiev Georgi
3. Dimitrov Dimitar (Dimiters Dimitar)
4. Petrov Petr (Petrov Peter)
5. Christ Christ
6. Todor Todor
7. Stoyanov Stoyan
8. Yordan Yordan
9. Nikolov Nikola
10. Atanasov Atanas
11. Vasilev Vasyl
12. Nikolov Nikolai
13. Petkov Petko
14. Imev Elia
15. Stefanov Stefan
16. Angel Angel
17. Ivanov Georgi
18. Marinov Marin
19. Georgiev Ivan.
20. Dimitrov Georgi
21. Ivanov Dimitar (Ivanov Dimitar)
22. Dimitrov Ivan.
23. Georgiev Dimitar (Georgiev Dimitar)
24. Ivanova Maria
25. Petrov Ivan.
26. Mikhailov Mikhail
27. Alexandrov Alexandr (Alexandrov Alexandyr)
28. Kohl Koles
29. Nikolov Georgi
30. Ivanov Petro (Ivanov Petar)
31. Nikolov Ivan.
32. Kostadinov Kostadin
33. Petrov Georgi
34. Dimov Dimo
35. Ivanova Ivananka
36. Simeon Simeonov
37. Stoyanov Ivan.
38. Christ Ivan.
39. Todorov Ivan.
40. Christ Georgi
41. Georgiev Maria
42. Stoyanov Georgi
43. Dimitrov Maria
44. Georgiev Petr (Georgiev Petar)
45. Kants Nikolay
46. \u200b\u200bNikolov Dimitar (Nikolov Dimitar)
47. Ivanov Khristo
48. Pavlov Pavel
49. Petrov Dimitar (Petrov Dimitar)
50. Todorov Georgi

Top 50 most popular Bulgarian names

The most popular Bulgarian names regardless of the floor.

1. Ivan.
2. Georgi
3. Dimitar (Dimitar)
4. Petr (Petar)
5. Maria
6. Hrist
7. Todor
8. Nicholas
9. Vasyl
10. Stefan
11. Jordan
12. Stoyman
13. Nikola
14. Ivanka
15. Atanas
16. Elena
17. Kiril
18. Angel
19. Alexandr (Alexandyr)
20. Elia
21. Yordanka
22. Boris.
23. Krasimir
24. Penka.
25. Margarita
26. Petko.
27. Plamen
28. Valentine
30. Rumen
31. Emil
32. Lubomir.
33. Vladimir
34. Lilyana
35. Coloring
36. Mikhail
37. Marin
38. Radi
39. Kostadin
40. Coltian
41. Nadezhda
42. Veselin
43. Marika.
44. Rushane
45. Todori
46. \u200b\u200bStefka
47. Parking
48. Asen.
49. Vasilka
50. Simeon

Top 50 most popular Bulgarian surnames

Presented Bulgarian surnames regardless of the floor. With a slight separation from each other in our top, women with the same names are leading.
1. Ivanov
2. Georgiev
3. Dimitrov
4. Ivanova
5. Petrov
6. Georgiev
7. Nikolov
8. Dimitrov
9. Christ
10. Stoyan
11. Todorov
12. Petrov
13. Nikolov
14. Stoyanov
15. Imev
16. Christ
17. Vasilev
18. Atanasov
19. Todorov
20. Petkov
21. Angels
22. King
23. Yordan
24. Marinov
25. Ilva
26. Vasileva
27. Atanasov
28. Petkov
29. Stefanov
30. Popov
31. Angelova
32. Koleva
34. Mikhailov
35. Crutes (Roats)
36. Kostov
37. Marinov
38. Dimov
39. Stefanova
40. Kostadinov
41. Popova
42. Mikhailova
43. Pavlov
45. Simeonov
46. \u200b\u200bFlowers
47. Cruesteva (Rozter)
48. Alexandrov
49. Markov
50. Kostov

Top 50 Most Popular Bulgarian Male Names

1. Ivan.
2. Georgi
3. Dimitar (Dimitar)
4. Petr (Petar)
5. Hrist
6. Todor
7. Nicholas
8. Vasyl
9. Stefan
10. Yordan
11. Stoyman
12. Nikola
13. Atanas
14. Kiril
15. Angel
16. Alexandr (Alexandyr)
17. Elia
18. Boris.
19. Krasimir
20. Petko
21. Plamen
22. Valentine
23. Rumen
24. Emil
25. Lubomir
26. Vladimir
27. Mikhail
28. Marin
29. Kostadin
30. Tsvetin
31. Veselin
32. Asen.
33. Simeon
34. Lubene
35. Borislav.
36. Mitko
37. Paul
38. Anton
39. Slavcho
40. Ventisislav.
41. Valerie
42. Methods
43. Bohdar
44. Head
45. Kolo.
46. \u200b\u200bDimo
47. Konstantin
48. Boyana
49. Fireman
50. Live

Top 50 Most Popular Bulgarian Men's Families

1. Ivanov
2. Georgiev
3. Dimitrov
4. Petrov
5. Nikolov
6. Christ
7. Stoyan
8. Todorov
9. Imev
10. Vasilev
11. Atanasov
12. Petkov
13. Angels
14. King
15. Jordan
16. Marinov
17. Stefanov
18. Popov
19. Mikhailov
20. Crutes
21. Kostov
22. Dimov
23. Kostadinov
24. Pavlov
26. Simeonov
27. Flowers
28. Alexandrov
29. Markov
31. Lazarov
32. Dobrev
33. Andreev
34. Infants
35. Rushev
36. Vylchev
37. Radaev
39. Foundated
40. Pennel
42. Stachev
43. Stophev
44. Slavov
45. Grigorov
46. \u200b\u200bKirov
47. Aleksiev
48. Stamv.
49. Stands
50. Borisov.

Top 50 most popularbulgarian women's names

1. Maria
2. Ivanka
3. Elena
4. Yordanka
5. Penka.
6. Margarita
8. Lilyana
9. Coloring
10. Radi
11. Nadezhda
12. Marika.
13. Rushane
14. Todorch
15. Stefka.
16. Parking
17. Vasilka
18. Rosica
19. Machine
20. Emilia
21. Donka
22. Milk
23. Great
24. Rina
25. ANCA
26. Krasimir
27. Snezhana
28. Mariana
29. Valentina
30. Yanka
31. Christine
32. Katya
33. Nikolina
34. Daniel
35. Tathan
36. Svela
37. Galina
38. Zlatka
39. Lilia
40. Ekaterina
41. Tsvetna
42. Non-slip
43. Diana
44. AntoAneta
45. Pavlin
46. \u200b\u200bAnna
47. Veselina
48. Slavka
49. Mariyana
50. Julia

Top 50 Most Pop round Bulgarian Women's Families

1. Ivanova
2. Georgiev
3. Dimitrov
4. Petrov
5. Nikolov
6. Stoyanov
7. Christ
8. Todorov
9. Ilva
10. Vasileva
11. Atanasov
12. Petkov
13. Angelova
14. Koleva
16. Marinov
17. Stefanova
18. Popova
19. Mikhailova
20. Cruestev
21. Kostov
22. Dimova
23. Pavlova
24. Kostadinova
26. Simeonova
27. Flower
28. Alexandrov
29. Markova
30. Spassova
31. Lazarova
32. Dogrev
33. Infant
34. Andreeva
35. Yanev
36. Radheva
37. Rusheva
38. Yankov
39. Pennel
40. Vylchev
41. Grigorova
42. Kirov
43. Founded
44. Stancheva
45. Aleksieva
46. \u200b\u200bStopheva
47. Borisov
48. Slavov
49. Storeeva
50. Panayotova

Ancient slogan "Know yourself" can be attributed to a personal name. Our ancestors considered the name an important energy factor in the fate of a person who is able to manage the fate of its owner. The choice of name in ancient times was to relate to a ritual act capable of putting a person an additional source of force. After all, almost every name has its own history, value and properties.

For example, in Bulgaria and now very seriously belong to personal and family names. So, in Sofia under the State Academy of Sciences there is a division studies Bulgarian names. In this institution, each wishing has the ability to receive a certificate in which historical data will be indicated about his name and surname.

A bit of history

Bulgar has many unique names reflecting the rich cultural heritage of various nations. Thracians, Greeks, Romans, Slavs, Smolyan, Bulgars, Timochha and Streams left their mark in the history of the country. They formed her the most ancient traditions and influence the ethnic features of the state. Today, the concept of "invalid Bulgarian names" implies the mixture of traditional Bulgarian and Slavic names for people.

Protobolgar names

Unfortunately, most of the Bulgarian names have sunk in the summer, since they were hardly excursions. In addition, wearing them were right in the main monarchs, princes, boyars and their descendants. Their bright examples can serve before our time Bulgarian names: Kotrag, Batbayan, Asen, Asparuh, Alzek, Villa, Lokil and Sandok. Some of the popular and now names, such as Jordan, Piyo and Shawl, are probably initially hiding Bulgarian, Kumman or Pecan root. During the long Greek and Turkish Protectorate, almost all ancient names disappeared from the traditional tradition of this state. And only recently some of them have been restored literally. Another part of protobolgar names was mixed with Slavic, and now it is already quite difficult to determine their most likely origin.

Names of Slavic origin

The system forming various names from one and more foundations is characteristic of all Slavic tribes. For example, in the names of Darin, Darco, Darinka, Daria uses the total root word - "gift", which actually is the value for these names. And such Bulgarian men's names of Slavic origin, like Miroslav, Dobromir, Spasmir, Berislav, Berimir, Zhoslav, Risyslav, have two bases. Their value is devoted to protecting and achieving the desired goal. In general, the number of names in the Bulgarian language containing the words "good", "glory", "peace", quite large.

The meaning of Bulgarian names with the general Slavic forming - Vladimir, Vladislav, Dragomir or their shortened forms of Drago, Miro, Slavs - also shows the desire to achieve peace and glory. No less common names having a defensive nature. It is believed that the names of Guardir, Tikhomir and Stanimir will be removed from the evil forces of their carriers.

Christian names

The adoption of Christianity on the Bulgarian lands was reflected in the traditions and culture of the population. Orthodox faith also brought new Bulgarian names. A vivid example of this is Prince Boris, who, by adopting Christianity, became Mikhail when baptism. The names that we call Christian, generally correspond to the three language systems - Jewish, Greek and Latin.

The Jewish system is represented mainly by biblical heroes from the Old Testament. These are such names like Maria, Joseph, Simeon, Abraham, David, Daniel and so on. The Greek system is represented by the names shown in the saints. For example: Anastasia, Catherine, Zoya, Mina, Peter, George, Nikolay, Alexander, Hristo, Anastas, Gerasim. Thanks to the spread of Greek culture in Bulgaria, the names of such mythological characters like Galatia, Cassandra, Hercules, Dionysius began to appear. Latin names in this country are not less popular. Quite often you can find options Victor, Victoria, Valentin, Valentina, Vera, Ignat.

Turkish influence

Despite the centuries-old slavery, Turkish personal names did not particularly fit among the Bulgarians, probably due to differences in religion. They are found mainly in the population of the loss. From these names, however, a small number of Turkish root containing is found. But they are formed in the Bulgarian Earth from well-known Turkish words. These are: Demir, Demir, Demirk, Kurtie, Sevdu, Sultan, Sirma, Fatme, Aishe.

Policy influence

In the days of national rebirth, more and more names reflecting political, literary and other influences appear in Bulgaria. For example, in the end of Turkish slavery appeared the personal name of Venal, which is actually the name of the Russian writer, the historian Yuri Veline. A little later, after liberation, the names Alexander and Vladimir became more popular due to the Russian Emperor Alexander II and his son Vladimir. And after the October Revolution, such personal names appeared as Lenin, Budone, later - Stalin and Stalinka.

According to semantics, old names that are becoming popular with young parents can be divided into two groups. They do not always have clear boundaries, but are divided into protective and those that include the best wishes of the parents to their child.

Male names

  • Life and health: Live, Healthy.
  • Well-being in the family: bro, Baino, Weshenko, Tatun, Novko, Bar.
  • Success in life: Parwan, view, Velcho, Great, Sreten.
  • Strength and courage: Warrior, Boyko, Strehable, Silan, piles.
  • Positive characteristics: Veselin, for the sake of Drago, Dobry, Sold.
  • Physical beauty: Male, Kuda, Loupe.

Women's names

Popular Bulgarian women's names, except for the wishes of physical beauty, themselves mean good and pleasant things:

  • Beauty: View, Mila, Lepa.
  • Flowers: needle, believed, roaring, techenuyk, rose, color, Albena.
  • Herbs and trees: Bill, Detin, Rosica.
  • Trees and fruits: Elice, Kalina.
  • Birds: Powered, Slavia.
  • Heavenly Lights: Star, Denitz, Desislava, Zornitsa, Zorka, Zorina, Zoran, Zorice.

Despite the growing interest in the ancient names, according to sociological research, in Bulgaria still remain the most popular: Ivan, Ivanka, Georgi, Georgana, Aiordan, Aiordan, Bogdan, Bogdan, Anastas, Anastasia, Maria, Marin, Margarita, Alexander, Elena , Darius, Todor, Dimitar, Vasyl, Kalian, Xvelev, Stefan.

In Bulgaria, the situation is almost impossible when five words are in one class, three Lena and two Andrei. And all because Bulgarian names are incredibly diverse.

Call me quietly named ...

Gergan - Non-name, Gergana - this title themselves Bulgarians are sometimes surprised why all Russian-speaking is called the same. Indeed, in the Russian Federation, for example, the names are much more than names. In Bulgaria, everything is exactly the opposite. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why it is customary to call the name first, and then surname both at the presentation and official papers or, let's say, in the lists of students in school.
If the names suddenly coincide, then the names are used. For example, the son in the class had two graceals. They are also called - Graziela G. and Graziela S.
It would seem a trifle, but you get used to not immediately. At first, it is still pulling in official instances at least first to name the name, but no, it is not accepted at all. Appeals by name-patronymic - also a huge rarity. Such a form, according to rumors, tried to instill in socialist Bulgaria, but nothing came out of this. Now such an appeal is considered archaeism and is not used.
Another surprise: here all names are neutral. It is unlikely that someone's name will cause surprise, and even more so - hot discussions "What did parents think about when they called the child?!", Quite traditional for a Russian-speaking society.

How to call a child?

The most popular Bulgarian names in 2017, this issue at all times disturbed young parents all over the world. And in Bulgaria, of course, too. On special sites (for example, lists the set of names. But absolutely optionally limited only by them. The main thing is to choose such a name that will be not too frequent, individual, and at the same time - causing associations with the name of the kind, family. So numerous Ivanov Ivanov, Vladimir Vladimirov and Todor Todorov appear. And not only. Because the creative approach is only encouraged, and you can invent the names yourself, making them at your own discretion. And the priest on the christening will not object to the strange name, which is absent in the sacraticles, and when the documents are issued, no one will look. And with the celebration of the name, if that, there will be no problems.
This is due, for example, with the tradition of calling children in honor of grandparents. Grandmothers are two, and the granddaughter is one - what to do? And very simple, combine the two name in one. And of each name, it is enough to take in one letter, one syllable. And the tradition is observed, and the name happened good.
But for those who are lazy to come up with names, expanse. Thousands of ready-made names exist - you just need to choose. There are also borrowed foreign options (Arseny, Petro), and their translations to the Bulgarian (brave, Kamen), and purely Slavic, with a completely understandable meaning (joy, Boxard), and "Floral" (Iva, Temmega). Beautiful foreign names are used (Nicoletta, Ines). Add to this numerous diminutive, which are quite suitable for the role of complete. And borrowed foreign names. And composite (Dragomil, Miroslav). And do not forget that almost every male name has a female analogue: Ivan - Ivanka, Krasimir - Krasimir.

Principles of choice

Eat George, save the sheep. In order for the meaning of the call to become more clear, we recommend reading our article about Gergovden, of course, some traditions are already outdated, but others are still relevant.
Initially, the name was chosen:

  • By name of the godfather;
  • Named relatives;
  • By the name of the saint.

Also, children were also called in honor of some bright personalities, who were remembered by good deeds (well, or the heroes of the series, what time are those and heroes). Born on holidays and still called in accordance with this holiday. For example, Born in, so he was given such a name.
If the twins were born, they were recommended to give similar names (at least starting on one letter - quite unconventional for Russia, where the confusion would have begun due to the habit of reducing the name). If children often died in the family or only boys (or only girls) were born, then the name was chosen especially carefully. For example, another daughter, a joyful father called the female variation of his name, to continually he was born a long-awaited son. More interestingly in families, where children were constantly dying, and special rituals needed to hold the baby in this world. The baby was left on the road, and the first one who detects it became the godfather, i.e. Gave the child a name. Or its own, or the corresponding situation (found, Goran - from the mountain, i.e. forest), or with understandable and explicit wishes (healthy, lodge).
But the names of the dead call children are not accepted - it is believed that, along with the name, the child will receive the fate of the one who left this light too early.
(When writing the article, materials were used from the tutorial of the Bulgarian language with linguocultural comments by I.Sedakova. By the way, you will definitely write about this book - it is very interesting and useful).