Russian Bear - Linguistics for all.

 Russian Bear - Linguistics for all.
Russian Bear - Linguistics for all.

This year we again participate in the Russian Bear Olympiad 2016-2017. My kids (they study in 3 and 6th grade) The competition has already passed, the children wrote tests.

This time, the Olympiad tasks turned out to be better. Questions of the contest "Russian Bear - Linguistics for All" were interesting and not so stupid, as last year. There are questions very lungs, but there are also complex. But at least correspond to the topic of the Russian language. There is no frank trash this time.

After the competition, we disassembled questions, pleases that the children gave mostly the right answers. At least, I hope so. True, we will learn the right answers and the results on the official website of the competition will not soon.

Here are the questions of the competition "Russian Bear" for 2-3 grade and our answers to these Olympics tests, I hope the right.

Tasks measured in 3 points

1. On the glance, five different animal friends were talking. The first asked: "Custom-Tah-Tah?". He answered the second: "Kva-kva-kva". For this, the third objected: "Chick-Chirik!". Fourth agreed with him: "Mu-U-y!". And only the fifth silent. Who was that?


A) Duck
B) chicken
C) cow
D) Sparrow
E) frog

Answer: a) duck

2. What of these signs most often end suggestions?


BUT) !
B) !!!
IN) .
E) ???

Answer: c).

3. The lesson passed the rules of transfer. Sasha became boring, he crushed the prefix in the word transfer and received the word nose. Then he began to paint the prefix and in other cases, trying to get meaningful words. And with what word it did not come out?


(A) transition
(B) Pass
(C) Diffad
(D) bust
(E) advantage

Answer: (c) Delta

4. I decided to compose a fairy tale. Invented the first three sentences:
1) And her houses did not turn out.
2) once the snakes of Gorynych flew to the hut on the couch legs.
3) he wanted to visit the Baba Yaga.


(A) 1,2,3;
(B) 2,3,1;
(C) 3,1,2;
(D) 2,1,3;
(E) 1.3.2;

Answer: (b) 2,3,1

5. Here are the first parts of the double words: UT-, MET-, vet-, but the second: -On, -Yo. How many words can be obtained by connecting the first parts with the second?


(A) two
(B) three
(At four
(D) five
(E) six

Answer: (D) Five: Morning, Duck, Metro, Tag, Branch

6. What word does not give a chick?


(A) crane;
(B) dot;
(C) fees;
(D) chicken;
(D) Orlock.

Answer: (c) Oven - this is a mushroom

7. Dog, horse, bear, stork. Where does none of them live?


(A) in the voupel;
(B) in the nest;
(C) in Berlog;
(D) in the cone;
(D) in the stable.

Answer: (a) in Dupel. A stork lives in the nest, in Berorga - a bear, in a cone - a dog, in the stable - horse.

8. The fabulous prince lives behind a gear wall with towers in the corners and braces. The wall is surrounded by a moat with a lifting bridge. What is best to call the place where the prince lives?


(A) Palace;
(B) castle;
(C) manor;
(D) Terem;
(E) Tavern.

Answer: (b) Castle

9. Large luck fell out. He is always ...


(A) falls;
(B) goes;
(C) flies;
(D) taxis;
(D) lucky.

Answer: (d) lucky

10. What happens at home, but does not happen at the apartment?


(A) door;
(B) the ceiling;
(C) roof;
(D) window;
(E) wall.

Answer: (c) roof

Tasks measured in 4 points

11. How can not fill in the skip?
Kitten ____ leaned out from under the closet.


(A) carefully;
(B) afraid;
(C) fearfully;
(D) in danger;
(E) with caution.

Answer: (b) is afraid

12. The name of which month begins with the same letter as its number?


(A) January;
(B) Prel;
(C) September;
(D) october;
(D) December.

Answer: (d) December - twelfth month

13. The name of which of these toys sounds like a call to some action?


(A) Matryoshka;
(B) rattle;
(C) pyramid;
(D) Rocking horse;
(E) Vanka-stand.

Answer: (e) Vanka-stand

14. On the old bubble Alice saw a semidial inscription: "4 tablets". Probably, she thought, "before 4, another figure had to stand, and this is a figure ...."


(A) 9;
(B) 5;
(IN 3;
(D) 2;
(E) 1.

Answer: (e) 1. 14 tablets

15. Lion, lamb, dotnok, and a calf. They were recorded under the names: Lviv, Baranov, Seleznev and ....


(A) Korovin;
(B) bulls;
(C) calfs;
(D) Tölushkin;
(E) veal.

Answer: (b) bulls. Surnames are formed from animal names - dads

16. In Boris Zhitkov's book about the boy Aleshka read: "Grandma looked at me." Very very much looked at me. I remembered and said:
- ..., Grandpa.
And grandfather says:
- on health. "

What have we missed?


(A) Hello;
(B) Be healthy;
(C) Good afternoon;
(D) thank you;
(E) please.

Answer: (d) thanks

17. What kind of food does not mean how they are preparing?


(A) dumplings;
(B) casserole;
(C) ice cream;
(D) liver;
(D) stew.

Answer: (d) liver. Dumplings are boiled, casserole baked, frozen ice cream, stew stewed.

18. Find among these words the longest one that cannot be tolerated.


(A) the poem;
(B) the idea;
(C) horse;
(D) fire;
(E) Error.

Answer: (d) fire

19. Dv Aurok in a row Max was indulgent, and on the third finally ....


(A) reconciled;
(B) calmed down;
(C) resigned;
(D) raved himself;
(D) grumbled;

Answer: (b) calmed

20. The tripling of signs in a Chinese letter was initially transmitted words with a new meaning, for example:

Find translations of hieroglyphs, if you know that


(A) house, family, sail;
(B) bush, baby, moulder;
(C) alley, children, dust;
(D) oak, fat man, draft;
(D) Bowl, Crowd, Hurricane;

Answer: (D) Bowl, Crowd, Hurricane

Tasks measured in 5 points

21. Ten people are sitting in the room: Vova, Ilya, Zhenya, Sasha, Sima, Seryozha, Valya, Igor, Lev and Tanya. What approval is exactly wrong?


(A) in the room more than four boys;
(B) there are three girls in the room;
(C) in the boys room more than girls;
(D) in the room of boys more than girls;
(E) in the room more than five girls.

Answer: (D) in the room more than five girls

22. What example can you insert the letter so that the word happens?


(A) zh_zh;
(B) s_sh;
(C) shither;
(D) ts_tsy;
(D) whose_.

Answer: (b) sew

23. Petya read in the Belarusian Book:
- Viiktar, Yaki Bouquet! Svanchoki! I like IX, I quickly accelerated Palin.
And what flowers presented Victor Polina?


(A) bells;
(B) dandelions;
(C) cornflowers;
(D) chamomile;
(D) Snowdrops.

Answer: (a) Bells

What word is encrypted here?


(A) key;
(B) bridge;
(C) table;
(D) plus;
(E) rhombus.

Answer: (b) bridge;

25. In what pair the words are associated in meaning not as in all other pairs?


(A) draw - drawing;
(B) draw-drawing;
(C) paint paint;
(D) embroider-embroidery;
(E) in all pairs;
(A) - (d) words in meaning are equally connected

Answer: (c) paint paint;

26. Renata Fly has poems - "Non-Self-acting". Which of the name "Non-5" is suitable less than the rest?


(A) one camel, boiling from malice,
Yesterday went to the desert to

(B) somehow since the king
Did not have enough money for

(C) somehow once in one country
Everyone decided no longer

(D) goes perch on horseback.
Horse satisfied, perch not

(D) To all these poems the name "Non-17" is suitable equally.

Answer: (d) goes perch on horseback.
Horse satisfied, perch not

27. On the Internet, a few dozen times the word Torvish is found. And what word is most often found next to him?


(A) incomprehensible;
(B) barrier;
(C) Torny;
(D) tormented;
(E) Totorovish.

28. In the book of Alexander Shibayev, we read about Russian:
"There are magical words: say the word - you hear two"
For example:
Very raw raw raw
From dew-dew dew.

And here are another four magical words from this book and one infidel. What is the ability?


(A) canopy
(B) reed
(C) bank
(D) bought
(D) nod

Answer: (a) Canopy. Since it turns out not spring, but spring.

The results of the contest "Russian Bear - Linguistics for All" will be published on the official website of the competition, not soon, as well as in January 2017. I hope for excellent places!

Over the past few years, "Russian Bear" has acquired both scope, and popularity. In the form of holding, it is close to the EGE standards. Questions to call simple should not, they all require not only eruditions, but also reflecting the ability. Interest in the competition "Russian Bear" 2018-2019, the guys are explained by the fact that he not only shows the beauty of the "great and mighty", but also changes the idea of \u200b\u200bhim as a boring subject. It is no coincidence that, moving from one class to another, children are again decorated to go through this testing and replenish their knowledge of knowledge with new facts from the linguistics area.

Organizers and participants

Linguistics seems to many students with a vault of dry and boring rules. To overcome this delusion, to open the beauty of science on language, annually organizers of the schoolchildren's Olympics: the center of the additional education of gifted schoolchildren, LLC "Word", Game LLC under the leadership of the RGGU Linguistics Institute, which is held in the city of Kirov, is held by the International Game "Russian Bear - Linguistics for all. " Every year she attracts participants from Russia and dozens of foreign countries.

Competition is held in five different age groups:

  • 2 and 3 class;
  • 4 and 5 class;
  • 6 and 7;
  • 8 and 9 class;
  • as well as 10 and grade 11.

Students of professional average institutions can participate.

Competition is international. Schoolchildren from Russia, CIS, Baltic, India, Japan, Greece, Israel, Cuba, Poland, United Arab Emirates, Mongolia, Great Britain, USA and other countries take part in it.

Contest structure

Number of tasks Three dozen non-standard, interesting and entertaining issues (2nd and 3 classes are given 28 tasks) of varying complexity.
Duration of the Olympiad 75 minutes (1 hour 15 minutes) on meditation
Features of answers to questions Participants in the game form are offered in each of the tasks to choose one of the five suggested response options. Do not need to write solutions

Winners and prize-winning after summing up and hanging the results of the competition are given valuable prizes.

Features of the tasks

This is not quite ordinary tasks, although they can solve the usual schoolboy. In order to master the Olympics tasks, it is necessary not only to know the Russian language well, but also have a certain smelter, the ability to logically think.

The tasks are built on the principle of the exam, that is, here children learn to work with a blank, correctly fill it, learn to work with the materials of tasks.

Competitive tasks were built interesting, and participants can track their own result, because they receive certificates annually, where the number of points is indicated (the maximum number is 100 points), and the place in the all-Russian list of its age group.

Regularly participating in the game, the guys do not feel awkward "bearings." They train mind, develop memory, acquire the necessary luggage knowledge.

Council: To prepare well for the competition, it is necessary to solve the tasks of the Russian Bear of the past years, which is on the official website of the competition. Here you can find the tasks and answers of the Olympics of the past years.

How to find out your results?

Before the start of the competition, the teacher must warn:

  • in accordance with the new laws, the organizers are prohibited to publish the results on the Internet with the full name of the participant;
  • in this regard, it is necessary before passing the test option, write all the answers to the leaflet.

Not knowing your own answers to the tasks, on the Internet to learn your results is difficult.

In order to learn its results, you need:

  • on the official website, go to the section "The results of the Russian Bear Competition;
  • choose a year of holding;
  • fill out the fields "region", "City", "School";
  • and then, using the search function built into the browser, which is called when the Ctrl + F buttons are simultaneously pressing, finding your answer in the first letters.

Or wait a couple of weeks until official results together with prizes reach the school - the names of the participants will already be indicated there.

Why is the Russian Bear Popular?

The reasons for the popularity of "Russian bear" are the same as his "older brother" - the International Competition "Kangaroo - Mathematics for All":

  1. The game is held right in schools.
  2. Does not require special efforts from the teacher.
  3. The tasks of the merry, entertaining and mostly available not only gifted, but also the most common children (which does not interfere with their meaningality).

Even those participants who are not too fond of linguistics, correctly solve at least a few tasks, and few people are offended.

Date in 2018 and the cost of participation

Traditionally, the competition game is held in the fall, more often - in November. Until February 5th, the results of the language competition are communicated.

In 2018-2019 academic year, the holding of a linguistic competition is scheduled for about the same time. Although currently accurate dates are not yet defined.

Participate in it is paid, but the fee is small - 70 rubles (with the exception of Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - 72 rubles, Norilsk - 75 rubles, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 73 rubles, Moscow - 80 rubles, and overseas countries, where the fee is set by national organizing committees).

The All-Russian Competition "Russian Bear" collects the experts of the native language, which helps the guys learn to work in groups. Video about how this is a wonderful competition, you can see here:

For the first time in their lives, kids from the 2nd Class, for the first time in this week, decide the tasks of the Russian Bear Competition. We wish them good luck, high seats on this and other Olympiads! And 3-graders are already more expensive, I think, for them, the questions of 2017 were no longer difficult. We have soaked with children, that's what we did. After a couple of weeks, the official answers will appear on the official website, check if we decided right!

Tasks measured in 3 points

1. Two beasts met in the forest.
- Hi, Kosolapy! Said one.
- Great, oblique! - answered the second.

What kind of animals met?

(A) Wolf and Bear; (B) wolf and hare; (C) Bear and Wolf; (D) hedgehog and hare; (E) hare and bear;

Answer: D - hare and bear

2. Here is the beginning of the famous poem of Kornea Chukovsky:

My phone rang.
- Who speaks?
- Elephant.
- From where?
- from camel.
- What do you want?
- Chocolate.
- For whom?
- For my son.

And for whom you need chocolate?
(A) for an elephant; (B) for walker; (C) for camel; (D) for camel; (E) for Chukovsky;

Answer: B - for walker

3. What can grow on a tree and forehead?
(A) branch; (B) mushroom; (C) flower; (D) bump; (E) berry;

Answer: G - Shishka

4. Which of the names can not be transferred to the next line?
(A) Marya; (B) Julia; (C) Anna; (D) Sofya; (E) all these names can be transferred;

Answer: (B) Julia

5. In the poem Alexander Shibayev about the letters there are such lines:

So that "..." did not pay
Tightly to the Stage Priba.
Oh, watch what happened:
It turned out the letter "..."

What letters do you need to put instead of skipping?
(A) b and s; (B) g and n; (C) o and yu; (D) s and in; (E) w and sh;

Answer:(C) o and yu;

6. Misha writes an essay of "Morning in the village": at dawn, we always wake up ....
(A) car-car; (B) ku-ku; (C) class-rus; (D) Kukarek; (E) kva-kva-kva;

Answer:(D) Kukarek;

7. Mom left his son a note: "Petya go to the store and buy a loaf ..". Unfortunately, the edge of the note with the last word Petya accidentally tear off. But he still realized that Mom asked him to buy ....
(A) oil; (B) cheese; (C) bread; (D) candy; (E) kvass;

Answer:(C) bread;

8. When the girls went to kindergarten, they called Dasha, Tanya, Valya, Olya, Nina, and when they went to be recorded in the first class, they were asked to name full names. Which of the names left unchanged?

(A) Dasha; (B) Tanya; (C) Valya; (D) Olya; (E) Nina;
Answer:(E) Nina;

9. Dasha we have real ... How is unlikely to finish the phrase?
(A) Runcher; (B) hand; (C) Lyunya; (D) glazing; (E) witch;

Answer:(D) glazing

10. Fresh bread is soft, and non-letters are usually called ...
(A) solid; (B) tough; (C) durable; (D) dense; (E) chagrin;

Answer:(E) chagrin;

Tasks measured in 4 points

11. On the beach of Seryozha drew a picture in the sand and signed her name. The reclining wave washed away the first letters, and it turned out "Lenky Flower"
- Scarlet? Mom asked.
"No," Serezha replied. - other color.
What about?

(A) greens; (B) blue; (C) yellow; (D) white; (E) red;

Answer: (D) white

12. In which of the proposals, the word takes at all exactly the value that in the rest?

(A) Uncle Caesar called on the hunt of PSA FIP and took his collar with a leash.
(B) Uncle Caesar took a gun with him.
(C) PIF asked Uncle Caesar to take a backpack with food.
(D) In \u200b\u200bthe forest, Uncle Caesar ordered the pee to take the trail of the hare.
(E) the hare took a twig and tickped the pee nose.

Answer: (D) take a trace

13. A number of books is devoted to the Fondus, the whole series of books is devoted to a large fiction and mischief. One of the books is called "DIY FINDUS." The artist on the cover of this book inserted the word crafts another letter and stressed it. What is this letter?

(A) d; (B) o; (C) p; (G) l; (E) b;

Answer: (C) p - trick

14. In all words, the letters A or O. In four words, there should be the same letters on the scene, and in one - different. In which?

(A) k_rm_n; (B) m_r_z ;; (C) _g_n; (D) r_r_zh; (E) F_N_.

Answer: (E) lantern

15. There is no sharp ....
(A) nose; (B) pepper; (C) pencil; (D) knife; (E) Yozh;

Answer: (E) Yozh - he spiny, but not sharp

16. What word is not related to another in meaning?
(A) mix; (B) mixed; (C) mixture; (D) interfered; (E) mixed;

Answer: (B) mixed

17. There are a lot of words of the Russian language ends on ....
(A) -etnie; (B) -zimnia; (C) -sens; (D) - stock; (E) among the answers (a) - (d) - there is no correct;

Answer: (A) -English. Annual, long-year, eight-year-old ...

18. We read the fun for kids:

On kiraches, on a shed
Two crows are sitting, both apart look.
Due to the dead beetle, overstramed!

Where do crows look?

(A) down; (B) up; (C) in different directions; (D) in one direction; (D) on each other.

Answer: (C) in different directions

19. In the Russian retelling of the fabulous story of the Swedish writer Ingemar Fihel, the action takes place in the town of Elzo. And what trees are growing in it most?

(A) birch and poplars;
(B) clans and ash;
(C) pines and firs;
(D) Oaks and Lip;
(E) Chestnuts and Ryabin.

Answer: (C) pines and firings. Elso - spruce and pines.

20. What word is less frequently used before a combination of head?
(A) jump out; (B) run out; (C) fly off; (D) throw out; (D) throw away.

Answer: (B) run out.

Tasks measured in 5 points

21. In four cases, talking about a fabulous character, we can remove one word in his name. In one case, usually do not. In which?

A) red hat;
B) gray wolf;
C) golden goose;
D) snow queen;
E) iron woodcutter.

Answer: (A) Red hat.

22. The poem Mikhail Mosnova "I teach the kitten" ends like this:
... my kitten is so trying:
___ teaches
And meachit.

What word we missed?
(A) letters; (B) sounds; (C) numbers; (D) name; (D) Word.

Answer: (D) name.

23. Insert the missed word into the riddle.

Walks around the yard ___,
Hears the paw of litter
Sprawles with noise wings
And sits on the fence.

(A) rooster; (B) crane; (C) Drachun; (D) alarm clock; (E) lamp.

Answer: (D) alarm clock. It turns out and folded, and it is a riddle.

24. There is a word Wieko in Polish, which is pronounced as [VEO]. What does it mean?

A) man
B) window
C) Benik
D) Branch
D) Cover.

Answer: D) Cover. Google-translator to help :) And the logic in the task is apparently as follows: the eyelid - it closes the eye - the lid.

25. Yasha scored the Word of Lotto, Pot, Labor, Tir, Tara, and Sasha's jokester replaced all the letters to the same letter. No matter how surprisingly, after that, the spell check program emphasized as probably only one word. What Yashino word turned into probably?
(A) Lotto (b) Pot (c) Labor (d) TIR (D) Tara

Answer: (A) Lotto. Letter "P": pop, pond, feast, couple.

26. I say the word too. If we add to it the sound "d" at the beginning, then I will hear the word of the soul. In what other pair the second word can be obtained from the first, adding one sound at the beginning or in the end of the word and without changing the rest?

(A) blood - blood; (B) tooth - bison; (C) Horn - lesson; (D) Sen - Autumn; (D) Drain - plum.

Answer: (C) Horn is a lesson.

27. In the puzzle book of Anton Tilipman "Zubaka" in many words, letters were confused. For example, there was an alphabet - she became a tobacket. If you put the letters in the "Words" of Arthmyka, Bulog, a walk, dicocrole, ogronos, will be five names of living beings. How many birds are among them?

(A) none; (B) one; (C) two; (D) three; (E) four.

Answer: (B) one: Bully - Dove

28. Here are some Bulgarian words and their translations into Russian:
Elk-Wolf, Konche-foam, douse-duck, loop rooster, prash pig, saw chickens.
How will the Bulgarian be "Russian Bear"?

(A) Rushing a bear, (b) Rusko Sword, (c) Rusks of the Sword, (d) Ruska Bear, (e) Rush Bear.

Answer: (B) Rusko Sword.

Students of all age categories can take fate in the International Olympiad "Russian Bear - Linguistics for All". Participation, and even more so victory in this competition will replenish the portfolio of achievements by diploma or a member certificate. Winners get valuable prizes.

The history of the "Russian Bear" begins with 2000. Every year the popularity of the competition is growing. And this indicates the motivation of schoolchildren to the study of the Russian language, which is the goal of the intellectual competition. The schoolchildren's Olympiad acquired fame not only in our country. Children of other countries (USA, Japan, Israel, Cuba, India), studying Russian, also participate in competitions. In 2000, 64 thousand schoolchildren were participants in the Olympiad, and in 2016 more than 2 million.

Participation in the linguistic competition is available to everyone, regardless of the evaluation in the Russian language. The schoolchildren's Olympiad takes place in schools, do not go anywhere. Tasks will be sent directly to education institutions. This is another advantage of the competition.

Intelligent competition is carried out in five age groups, starting from the second class. But even students of grades can take part in it.

Age group Classes Number of tasks
I. 2-3 28
II. 4-5 30
III 6-7 30
IV. 8-9 30
V. 10-11 30

To participate in the Olympiad, schoolchildren are not necessary to prepare specifically. The results of previous years show that even without special training, children can answer a few questions. But for victory and receipt of the prize will have to work:

  1. In conscientiously learn Russian in school.
  2. Read fiction not only on the program.
  3. Study tasks and responses of the Olympiad for previous years. The official website of the "Russian Bear" provides such materials.
  4. Love and respect the Russian language.

The International Olympiad is a kind of training to the All-Russian School Olympiad. The tasks are lined up on the principle of the exam. An uniqueness of tasks make it fascinating, and the test form - facilitates the choice of the correct answer. In tasks, five options for answers, it is enough to choose one. Response results are recorded in the forms. Regular participation in the competition gives positive results:

  • children learn to independently make decisions;
  • the logic of thinking is developing;
  • the intricate tasks of the competition are developing creativity;
  • there is an accumulation of knowledge on the subject;
  • there is interest in a deeper study of the Russian language.

The competition reveals the multi-faceted, the prowiness and wealth of the Russian language. Shows children how exciting and interesting can be the knowledge of his native speech.
Teachers in schools successfully use the material of the Olympics in the lessons.

The schoolchildren's Olympiad passes in one day throughout Russia, as a rule, in November. In 2017, the date was determined - November 15. The decision time is 1 hour and 15 minutes. Forms with answers are sent to the Regional Committee, and from there to Moscow, where the results are processed. Competition results are sent to schools in January. Children receive certificates of participants in the All-Russian sample, diplomas, diplomas and prizes.

The lesson of the Russian language is the rule that needs to be understood and remember. Such a form of material supply is although effective, but not always interesting. But the "Russian bear" 2017-2018 is an opportunity to look at the linguistics under a different angle. Think, to reason logically and not to sharpen the material - with such a set of tools it is worth the study of the Russian language. So believe the organizers of the Olympiad: the center of the additional education of gifted schoolchildren, LLC "Word", LLC "Game". Scientific guidance is carried out by the Institute of Linguistics of the RSUGU. The Central Organizing Committee is located in the city of Kirov.

What is the popularity of "Russian bear"?

The most famous international schoolchildren in the Russian language Olympiad in the Russian language "Russian Bear - Linguistics for All" is held since 2000 and deservedly became one of the most popular competitions in Russia and the Middle Head. Throughout sixteen years in all schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, this is a wonderful intellectual contest. What is the associated so popularity?

  1. This is a very interesting game, there are many unusual tasks that are related to the Russian language, sometimes these tasks associated with logic.
  2. But you do not need to leave anywhere. "Russian Bear" himself comes to educational institutions to the guys.
  3. Participation or victory in the competition make it possible to replenish the student's portfolio to a significant achievement: a new diploma or diploma.

Who can try your strength?

Competition "Russian Bear" is a way to check yourself at any age, starting with the initial and ending with the older school. To participate in the game can absolutely everyone without any preliminary selection, even if in the diary in the Russian language not only "five" and "four". Five age groups of students are formed to participate in the competition:

  • 2-3 classes;
  • 4-5 classes;
  • 6-7 classes;
  • 8-9 classes;
  • 10-11 classes.

Students of professional secondary institutions, who master the program in the Russian language as part of their training courses can take part.

Competition is international. Schoolchildren from Russia, CIS, Baltic, India, Japan, Greece, Israel, Cuba, Poland, United Arab Emirates, Mongolia, Great Britain, USA and other countries take part in it.

Contest structure

"Russian Bear" is three dozen non-standard, interesting and entertaining issues (2nd and 3rd classes are given 28 tasks) of varying complexity and 75 minutes (1 hour 15 minutes) on meditation. Do not write solutions. It is enough to choose from five suggested answers to the correct and note its number on a special form. All tasks are performed in a game form.

How is the Olympiad?

The Russian Bear Olympics passes for all participants across Russia and beyond its limits in one day, as a rule, in the middle of November of the current school year. In 2017-2018 academic year, he will be held on Wednesday, November 15. After the tasks are fulfilled, they are transferred to the Regional Organizing Committee, and from there send to Moscow, where the results of the competition summarize.

In January, after processing the forms, educational institutions receive statements with the results of their participants and the place of each of them in the all-Russian list of their parallels. The best students will celebrate prizes. Everyone without exception, the participants of the competition will be presented with a certificate of the participant in the All-Russian sample.

Features of the tasks

Most tasks forces by the usual schoolboy, and yet it is not quite ordinary tasks. To master the challenges given by the Russian Bear, are needed not only the deep knowledge of the Russian language, but also a logical thinking, an inxcanker, the ability to compare the facts. These are the tasks built on the principle of the exam, that is, here children learn to work with a blank, correctly fill it, learn to work with the materials of the tasks.

The tasks of the Olympiad are built interesting, and participants can track their own result, because they receive certificates annually, where the number of points is indicated (the maximum number is 100 points), and the place in the all-Russian list of its age group.

Regularly participating in the game, the guys do not feel awkward "bearings." They train mind, develop memory, acquire the necessary luggage knowledge.

Tip: To prepare well for the competition, it is necessary to solve the tasks of the Russian Bear of the past years, which is on the official website of the competition. Here you can find the tasks and answers of the Olympics of the past years.

Russian - not boring!

Linguistics seems like many schoolchildren with a vault of dry and boring rules. To overcome this delusion, to open the beauty of the science of language, the International Game-Competition "Russian Bear - Linguistics for All" is held every year. Every year she attracts participants from Russia and dozens of foreign countries.

Statistics of participation in the competition

Over the past few years, the competition has also acquired a scope, and popularity. In the form of holding, it is close to the EGE standards. Questions to call simple should not, they all require not only eruditions, but also reflecting the ability. Interest in the contest for the guys, teachers explain that he not only shows the beauty of the "great and mighty", but also changes the idea of \u200b\u200bhim as a boring subject. It is no coincidence that, moving from one class to another, children are again decorated to go through this testing and replenish their knowledge of knowledge with new facts from the linguistics area.

President of the Russian Federation on the importance of the Russian language

Love the Russian language, study and scream from it in life-giving power. No wonder the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin at the meeting of the Council on Ethnic Relations in Yoshkar-Ola called the Russian language with the spiritual community of our nation: "Russian for us is a state language, the language of interethnic communication. It is impossible to replace it. He is a natural spiritual frame of our entire multinational country. "

You can plunge into the atmosphere of intelligent competition, looking at the video: