Russian Old Believers in America are called. Russian Old Believers in the USA

Russian Old Believers in America are called. Russian Old Believers in the USA
Russian Old Believers in America are called. Russian Old Believers in the USA

It must be said that the Old Believers are very suspicious and zealously belong to the purity of church teachings and legends, and not all branches of once a single movement recognize each other. But after a thorough test of the faith of each other, community leaders made a decision: both "Turchan" (the Old Believers who came to America from Turkey are called this), and the "Harbin residents" "Vera is correct, Donikonovskaya, without curvature and inappropriate."

So on American Earth, two branches of Russian older branches were reunited - after a century after parting, on someone else's ground, having encouraged the globe on two sides.

The state authorities of Oregon rated the diligence and religiousness of new citizens, highlighted them large land plots (5 - 8 hectares per family) and interest-free loans, released for 10 years from taxes. Soon the region, populated by Russian annelter - "Oregonians" began to flourish. Having tried a variety of agricultural crops and economic practices, the Old Believers felt their niche in this market: now they grow a strawberry and blackberry in America. In addition, a significant part of the Christmas trees, adorning the festive houses of Americans, is also grown on old-belt Cossack plantations.

Now the united community has about 5 thousand people and inhabit a small town called Woodborn. Residents talk there with each other in the old Russian language, live in comfortable wooden houses (most often one-story, although sometimes two, and even three-story choirs), which are called "hassiness". The interiors of the house are not very different from the dwellings of ordinary American farmers, in one exception: here they do not use televisions and tape recorders, which are called "Satanists" (it is interesting that the prohibition does not apply to cameras, camcorders and computers).

Here are the words of one of the senior members of the community born in 1938 by Makara Afanasyevich Zayuhukhina: "When a man sings himself, he develops his thoughts and voice, and the tape recorder and the TV mind beat off." So, because the inhabitants of Woodborn have no habit of spending evenings in front of the TV, the customs of joint events with conversations and songs are preserved (light-stretchable and spiritual poems - psalms) under the needlework work: women sew traditional clothes, decorating it with embroidery and woven belts. Such clothes are used both on holidays and in everyday life. Residents are traditional Russian hairstyles and hats, men will not shave beard and mustache. All residents go to church, where the banned sowing sounds. Traditions and rites are preserved - including very complex and surprisingly beautiful wedding.

Oregon Old Believers are satisfied with their lives, but they cannot but not hear along the distant homeland.

This amazing community with its treasures of genuine Russian culture has opened a scientist for the rest of the Russian world, Folkloride Elena Nikolaevna Razumovskaya from St. Petersburg. For the first time, Elena Nikolaevna visited Woodambore a half dozen years ago.

Dorry our reader!

We have published sketches of our travels in America, which is not. If for some reason you do not trust the only faithful media that claims the guilt of Americans in our financial crisis and in the presence of garbage in entrances and animals in people, then you to us.
America is very diverse. We have been subjected to cultural analysis two opposites: American-Negro-Latin Los Angeles and Russian-American Alaska. Decide myself where you go first.

  • October 6th, 2016, 04:31 pm

Today, a diverse reader, we will go to the Old Believers of the South Kenai Peninsula - in the vicinity of the town Homer.. We will try to get acquainted with the lifestyle of those most shopovtsev which in the 1980s escaped from their former fellows in faith from Nikolaevsk. In addition, as they say, new immigrants were cheerful to climb even further, even deeper - there, the document has not yet delivered the Nikolaev license and raptiness. Can these non-radicals create their own, more correct image of Russia's holy than the Nikolayevets "who missed" in association?
City Homer.(glimpse):

Homer city - in the south of Alaska. This place is beloved by American downshifters from among the famous artists and writers who are moving here in search of peace of mind and inspiration. Peculiar cultural capital of Alaska. And judging by the scale of the names, adorning this town, - and all of America.
But we will not spread about Homer, fearing to be wounded by the "Razor of Okkam." We arrived at the Starbers. Just like to get to them, because they do not live in Homer itself, but in his suburbs? (Given the quality of American roads, 20 km is another suburbs.) We are "silent." Someone advised the box of the Old Believers in supermarkets. We embarrassed from such a proposal, knowing the categorical dislike of real old-handers to products produced by "Pogan". But only going to the Fred Meyer near our hotel, we immediately found the old workers - both buying and selling (with beards, but in uniform supermarkets). So we subsequently tried the victorious Christians' sodes in supermarkets and parking lots. First met guy Kiril Voznesenka. Kiril confirmed our main idea of \u200b\u200bold-supplied distance to which only the older generation is exposed. The youth is generally difficult to represent the essence of all these revits, they are sociable and friendly - as normal Americans.

But we will not spread about Homer, fearing to be wounded by the "Razor of Okkam." We arrived at the Starbers. Just like to get to them, because they do not live in Homer itself, but in his suburbs? (Given the quality of American roads, 20 km is another suburbs.) We are "silent." Someone advised the box of the Old Believers in supermarkets. We embarrassed from such a proposal, knowing the categorical dislike of real old-handers to products produced by "Pogan". But only going to the Fred Meyer near our hotel, we immediately found the old workers - both buying and selling (with beards, but in uniform supermarkets). So we subsequently tried the victorious Christians' sodes in supermarkets and parking lots.

First met guy Kiril - With one "l", it is fundamentally! - Was in the preoccupied space and laid paint jeans. In Russian, he spoke very badly. But they showed the guilty and participation to us and even agreed to distract from their schedule (he ran into the store for some kind of thing on work) and even decided to take us into the main Old Believer Enclave - the village Voznesenka. Kiril confirmed our main idea of \u200b\u200bold-supplied distance to which only the older generation is exposed. The youth is generally difficult to represent the essence of all these revits, they are sociable and friendly - as normal Americans.

Path to the Old Believer Universe:

Characterizing photo Cyril with a young wife:

Cyril and Semichevsky on the shore of Kahcheak Bay:

The first shock we experienced, seeing panoramas cacheak bay. It became clear that I was looking for loan romance, ranging from the Dead Nikolaevsk. I rarely met such beauty in my life:

Girls in sundresses and bolon parks cheerfully scores down the street:

The study of the Ascension was complicated by the fact that this was not a village in our understanding. This is precisely a remote urban suburb. The houses are located at a great distance from each other and from the road - this space may be the desired for free immigrants. And although we were here for the first time in Alaska met neat fences from the Ramary Wires, they came across infrequently. This is not a village, as we used to represent it. Basically, it was possible to see the road from the road only the top of the trees and bushes at home, to which there was a fairly long entrance. Dear jeeps and magnificent roads allow the Voznesensky antiquities to turn their home into an autonomous unit, distant by the rest of the village. In the house, they rest from work and communicate with loved ones, and to work and shops fly on their wonderful cars to Homer.
We have not met a single garden or other hint for the household economy.
Surprised a large number of construction equipment (as in PPP), there and Syas parked in the middle of the working day.

Average Old Believer House:

The poorest house:

For the first time celebrated livestock:

Pure American Detail:

Printing of old-belt places - Cemetery of vehicles:

Fews decided to communicate with us, as Nikolayevets were thrust, arrogantly condemned the free "solutions" and "non-blur". Photographed refused. About his pedigree, family and kind did not tell anything, or extremely reluctant. There was an idea that this ill-advantage was included, as soon as the Ascens heard Russian speakers - apparently, the mental imprint of three hundred-year persecutions. One brutal young bearded in a spiderman t-shirt warned us: "There are no reader here. Here everything is in front of each other.
Actively talked with us an elderly teacher Aksinya Whitewhich is married to an ethnic American who accepted old-handedness (and even his children know His American name). Axigna said that the Ascension almost all week was deserted: the Old Believers work on fishing or construction. Sunday - after compulsory prayer in the free chapel - everything is carried out in a family circle. Such "benefits of civilization" as the Internet, TV, DVD player here have everyone. The old people condemn all this "worldly", but do not strongly press the youth, in order not to lose it. Even the most orthodox jeques have computers and televisions - hidden in the cabinet from prying eyes. And the significant remoteness of the house from the house allows you to be in comparative security from these most strange eyes.

There are also jealous - to the number of the most famous belongs Cornili, Supernaturally we met:

According to Cornelius, patriarchal morality reigns in his family, there is no TV and leisure is devoted exclusively to prayer and such evil activity. And his children speak Russian. True, it does not interfere with the rootilica almost constantly working in removal from the family - on the island of Kodiak.

Mailboxes all the scope are located on the highway - whether not to bother the postponus, or to be less born in the village:

We are missing back to Homer Zinon - Son Aksigni White:

He is a student of the Mathematical Department of the Homeric College, intends to make a career of an engineer. According to him, this alignment is quite acceptable and is even characteristic of the ascension of youth. External features - beards, shirts and sundresses - old-supplied young people are perceived as granted, and Americans respect any external manifestation of individuality, incl. and ethnic. So no depression or marginalness is the usual young people living with their lives. Parents intervene only in the question of choosing a marriage partner, and then inertially - almost always blessing the choice of the young people.

Later at the University of Alaska Anchorage met a young Student Expert Marwe White Reutov:

Zenon is her Shurin. She is married from 18 years old. Right from Kacheak, studied in the Ascension. Learn to biochemistry, at the university is dressed, as it should be made any married old supplies. With us came to contact easily, allowed me to take a picture. Her husband ("Music My") is also learning here - on the engineer. No children (are protected?). Her houses they speak only in English - the husband teaches her so much. No television, but there is a computer, the Internet. "Although it is impossible, but everyone has." Also listen to music - on this expense of the elder "Decided not to fight"Because and so too far younger moved away from the canons.
An interesting pattern of a young older. Modern girl, student with books in hands. Open and friendly. From old-handed beams - only clothing. Speaks Russian in Russian, does not know the translation of some elementary words. Does not perceive the appeal "You".

Old Believers are older: they already divided into "single-samples" and "twinks" in the Ascension. Sorry you reader, we will not devote you in the subtleties of this traumatic dogmatics and neurotic ecclesiology. Let's just say that both the two, and single-samples have different poles and try not to contact everyday life. And since the life in these places is extremely individual - even individualistic, can be preserved for years in self-satisfaction, looking for all new arguments against the unsucked ideological enemy-heretics in the Suede Books.
So, the atmosphere in Ascension is a little more religious than in Nikolaevsk. This was intentionally retired. And some who did not like the liberalism of even moderate ascens, gone away from them, founding the village Razdolna . More consecutive opponents of Americanization and communities, who gave rise to lost Russianness, created far-far on the shore of the village Kaachek .
Further on the shore was previously located the village Africa - habitat of the "most real" oldarovers. But from the excessive sequence, the village has long detected, we do not take it into account.
Voznesenka- This is a world of moderate conservatism. This is a real post-industrial suburb, painted Toffler in "Third Wave". Due to the high level of income, excellent roads and highly efficient communication channels, the process now occurs ruraylization - moving the severity of life from cities in the village, from the centers to the suburbs. But it is relevant only for eight countries who entered the technotronic era ahead of the rest of the planet. And American anthewers managed to fit into the process.

To get to Kacchak, you need to go through the entire Ascension and go on the bank of the kahasen bay, undergo a two-hour descent and paralyzing exposure to local beauties:


Neighborhood Kacheaka:

In the village of "Substrators" we went down the steep mountain road for almost two hours. And were rewarded! Even in the literal sense: at the end of the descent, Semichevsky immediately found on the road of 20 bucks (we also dined):

But not so everything was simple. We walked to death! Because we immediately gave us to understand that the village of Sela - Private property, when encroaching in the US, it is known to be:

Nothing Human Starbers (Music) is not alien:

But we, disagreeing fears, penetrated the village of Sla:

Printing this place - the abundance of barbed wire (still a cultural code!):

Here is more Russian:

House Strengths:

Older himself Davyd Kalugin with expedition participants:

Local School:

This autocalaptite is leading on the dimensions of the thrown transport:

In Kachek, we were rewarded as scientists: only there we met the similarity of the real Russian village. Streets, fences, traditionally decorated houses, chickens and horses, Wathago running guys, speaking in Russian. We talked with an old-age, and from his deputies. All here are relatives, everyone knows nikolayevets well and unisons despise them. Here are proud of the preservation of the obstacles - especially the power of the children. On our question, how the kachaksham managed to force children to speak Russian, older Davyd Kalugin, Pretty smiling, зрos: "Starama!". As it turned out, the efforts are expressed in the fact that in Kacheaka there is a school with great attention to the Russian language. And teachers here daily drive at a lot from Homer - forty kilometers. Thus, it was purely in one hundred times more transmitted here to freeze the culture and way. The village looks victory, but it feels life, unlike the Nikolaev killia. Guys in broad daylight ride trailers to the quad bike squeezing from the joy of kids. Someone visited gardens and lazy chickens. In the house we did not want to let us be allowed, but to drink a test request (this is a marker for old-handed identity) of the elder of Davyd, we were already poured 2 liters of delicious water.
"The benefits of civilization" in Kacheak by default under the ban. There are no TVs. The Internet is only in the old age - "I need to work". Phone and electricity - everywhere. However, there was no feeling that Kacheak belongs to the number of foreign Old Believers' Islands of "Parallel Russia", bright colors depicted by different enografs, journalists and writers. Still, the polisher's penetration of American reality is felt. All in the morning they drive around to work in Homer - even women ("man" and "Baba" are legal American-old supplies of our matriarchal "man" and "woman"). Although the power of local children is preserved over Russian childhood, the strategy of their future is not defined by anyone - will be determined by themselves. The wonderful road allows not only to work, but also to heal in Homer. At home - only a place of leisure. This is not sifting self-sufficient models of the universe - huts, whose chimney of which passes the earth's axis. In general, the expert sociality is destroyed, can not oppose anything total American culture of consumption, traders, moral miniaturization and micro-group individualism.

The journey into the third enclave - it was quite difficult to be physically and morally. Nobody let us down, although the proletavia on the Pickups of Borodachi welpreogramed the one finger from the steering wheel in response to our crazy. So we went half a day. And half a day - back.

Immediately surprised place of beer cans. The most popular Older Alaska Beer:

In general, we will negate: not counting the Negro district, the only insane places seen by us in America are Russians. Mountains of beer cans decreased and radar as we approach the approximation. Apparently, the local ban on brewing, weakened, as they removed from non-satizer good-order elders who controlled the behavior of young people were removed.

More stringent people live here:

Strict people love exercise in rigor:

The first house is at Razdolna:

One girl refused to be photographed and immediately stood as a photo session. For such beauties it is worth going to such places. I continue to argue that a real family can be created only with real women, and not with domestic semi-terrain female. For true spiritual beauty is shifted on the face and for all foreseeable. So, the reader, Meet: Szznoba Semichevsky Anfisa:

There is no rusticity in the Ascension and in risen, but at home is much closer to each other, you can observe from the windows behind the neighbors, there is a certain similarity of the rustic space (unlike the Ascension). Houses are good, but not so chic as in Nikolaevsk, and much American kacheki. Almost everywhere there were only children who refused to unsubscribe the doors to us - perhaps it was a kind of maneuver of their parents, as they say most intolerable to strangers.

Cellular communication is set: in the most jungle, we were able to send email from the tablet.

Local School:

Complete to school, talked to an American-teacher who posted on the solubility and the osoyosity of Russian parents who intervene in the educational process and not allowing to study some things - for example, the theory of evolution. Although it is normal for the USA - such retrograds live in the southern states according to SU: Darwin for them is something mean between Satan and Siggy Stardast. But the mention of parental control for their departments has pleased. In Nikolaevsk, parents did not even have the ideas about what their children are engaged in school.

On the street, children were driving on quad bikes and worried about us - only one kid with a stone face several times rejected by:

There was a Saturday evening, the Old Believers on the cars came to the evening worship in their chapels. One boys-cholesterol in long black kaftane (In our opinion, the contrast) over jeans and with Kadilil in his hands a long fighting with temptation to answer questions about parents, but did not succumb.

On the reverse dark path from the Reniece kicking around after the evening prayer jeeps, only one stopped us. His driver was a cheerful Brazilian Anastasiy, just in search of the bride who visited these places - this is explained by unusual sociable in relation to strangers. Anastasiya complained about the decline of morals in the youth environment, opened the secret to us, where the surprise old workers moved to large cities - it turns out, they simply fall out of the communication environment and almost never subsequently visit birth. A typical consequence of patriarchal and traditionalistic family politics in our time - those who survived it, and then broke into the light of the lights of a large city, subsequently like the fire are beware of the entire ancient and traditional. Perhaps this and fear ascension elders, not strongly "fastening" young people.

At the weekend, working in our McDonalds Studio, we saw several old-supplied families, "disappeared" in this, ordering potatoes and ice cream, and their children played a local gaming console. One old supplies was in a seedly tight sundress - but long, as it should be, and in the nickname. Surprisingly, as their funness and sociability in such places are opposite to xenophobia in native villages. Perhaps in the village they are afraid of their old people, and in the city feel free. This is confirmed by the place of the beer cans, gradually thinning as they approached the village.

This one - with the face of Nechaeva - even the hood was covered in order for passing jealous to the jealousness, he did not see it through the glass windows:

======================================== ======================================== ================

So, what did we remove from the cap dating with the free South Kenny environment? First of all, the feeling that the entire initial methodology was incorrect to the existence of special adaptation mechanisms in American old-handed projects, allowing to defend their uniqueness. Starbers have no special survival ability in American society, because this very "American society" is not. There are many subcultures, combined consumption and inclusion in the system of local capitalism. Old Believers are ideally suited for these conditions with their stray society, not involving self-configuration and self-criticism, content with the preservation of a small number of external forms of their peculiarity. From a semiotic point of view, something noteworthy: beards, shirts, sundresses and sponsors - more than anything Russian. The rest: jeans, expensive cars, gorgeous houses (like from Hollywood films), purchases of food in supermarkets. All "go to work" and teach children in kindergartens and schools. Only a little more control over the tongue and behavior of children, regular prayers in a specially reserved time, situational health care. Is it an archaic or tribute to multiculturalism?
America does not allow and does not forgive categorically withdrawal. Many compare the old workers with Amisha, known to us on the film Wiir "Witness" with Harrison Ford. But Amishi live in principle in their Mirka, they do not use electricity and vehicles. They initially managed to argue the "this world" as a set of products of the scientific and technical revolution and opposed themselves "progress". In contrast to them, Russian Old Believers - as well as all Orthodox - were in dogmatic dope, Manya, that the world as we perceive him through the prism is the only right faith. Therefore, they did not work immunity to no vehicle, nor to supermarkets, nor to domestic feminism, nor to nuclear families.
"The incomprehensible freedom of the hoop squeezed his chest
And it is unclear what to do: or sail, or sink. "
So alone sailed into the "world of this fall" leaving only the decor - Nikolaevsk only from the Old Believers. Others decided to shock, but at a small depth, so that it was possible to flash if you wish. Therefore, even the renewal, who escaped into remote kachek, in a couple of years, wrapped there an excellent and difficult road.

So America (which is not), apparently, has the real possibilities of destroying the rest other than itself. It is a powerful civilization pressure, rubbing in dust all alternatives to yourself. We are not talking about external confrontation - we, the same gray Russians it is difficult to understand. Externally, you can be anything, to create what I want, have any orientation (in all the senses of this sense). But you do not have the right to pass by the supermarket. You must take loans and buy, buy, buy. And you still have to work, be always "on a platoon", but not as we (hysterically), but cheerfully, joyful, friendly.
Semichevsky wonderedly noticed that our rims of Witzrarows stupidly suppress us, and American - robust. In American "to be in the system" means to maintain deep binding to capitalism. (And in us - to the king and his boyars.) Old Believers for their beards and molded books won the very essence of the American spirituality, who stood all their vague identity.
What this can all mean for us in our Mordore, which is imperatively depicting independence and dismissed the opposing "mandatory" west (for oil money only and survive). For Orthodoxy, in general, for Russia, in particular, and for modern Russia, a poorly disguised imitation of the lifestyle of their opponent is especially characteristic. The enemy, in the media of dirty by mud on the most popushki, and in fact, the leafy-oil governors who do not even feel the soul of the country, but what the soul was, the people himself. Everything that is implanted with us is invented, mastering and developing, - pathetic Chinese fakes under the true owners of modern life. Someone likes on this ashes to cry, playing in originality - therefore they say that patriotism is the last refuge for the scoundrel. But what to do the rest, who does not want to be a pathetic semblance of an American, hammering unbearable loans, entangling with wires, shutting up the synthetic, renewing against the ancestors, corrupting children and deducting the nature of women? The likeness is always disgusting, because according to Heon, spoiled - worse than unfinished.
If everything is in American, is there any cultural alternatives to the American lifestyle in the age of America? What can we learn or at least look at what? If the Old Believers are not alternative, we will look around for American Orthodoxy and to the life of the Russian (non-old supplied) diaspora. And if the Alaskians, when they are most important to the Americans, they like to repeat: "Alaska Is Not America. Alaska is a laska ", here and look at her features. In the following essays of this series.

  • October 5th, 2016, 04:01 pm

The Old Believers of Alaska differ from other American Old Believers in that they live remotely from the cities in Silch. Such an opportunity attracted them to escape from Oregon and Brazil - the desire for isolation, to build its "Russian world", where every man himself Mr. So they did in all places of their nesting: in Austria, and in Turkey, and in China. Did they get closer to Alaska? Let's figure out.

From Anchorage to town Homer.we traveled at such an aeromarshot:

We are interested in the Russian world? Or is no longer?

During the flight there was a feeling that all passengers are familiar with each other. They felt tightly above us, but good-naturedly. The flight passed 40 minutes. In Khomer, we already waited for us Nina FefelovaWith which we have rewritten for 15 years. It was then, 15 years ago, when I just started to correspond with her, I had an idea of \u200b\u200bthis experiment. 15 years I got it out. And when she gave birth, it turned out that both the Old Believers, and Nina itself became completely different. Nikaevsk Nina took us for a fee - it was the first symbolic characteristic of the object. But let's understand in order.

Historical and religious reference
The first point of our journey was the village NikolaevskFounded in 1968 by Oregon's immigrants. With the assistance of the Tolstov Foundation (from the 19th century, actively resetting in America any religious sprawers such as whiskers or Pentecostals) and the Alaskan authorities (interested in the years in the development of the region), the Old Believers allocated a large piece of land, helped hold the road, electricity, issued increased quotas for fishing. Fishing in the Old Believers has proved traditional agriculture - perhaps it was the cause of their future spiritual degradation. They tasted the possibilities of rapid and easy earnings, acquiring the benefits of the American lifestyle ("American"), mobility and freedom. No one limited them in rights, did not force not to raise her eyes from Sokh, did not interfere in their diligently saved vintage worship services. So they relax ... perhaps it was the refusal of a tremendous agricultural lifestyle that became the root cause of further modernization of the anodeshertic community.
All Orthodox Old Believers are divided into two categories: popovtsy and shipovtsy . The loanovtsy are the largest and ideological group - at the time of updating the church service by the Patriarch Nikon in the XVII century, it considered that all Orthodoxy collapsed, because According to the Deraskol Rusich, the true Orthodoxy was maintained only in Russia, and all Maloros, the Greeks, Serbs and Bulgarians have long been drunk in heresy. And now, the last bastion of true Orthodoxy begins to be forced to modernize the Patriarch and King, becoming one with the "recent" facilities of the East. This is the replacement of initial bourneral dupex, and many other symbolic changes in the worship of the worships that have been higher meaning for the Orthodox time: either silent or dedicated. And what will happen after the last stronghold of true faith falls, the last Rome? That's right, the coming antichrist. And in antichrist times, the whole reality is discussed in the threshold of the last old-supplied ("anodide") churches and houses. From here - the famous Old Believer Zezbins about the breakdown of glasses, of which they were given to drink a stranger, about the sweeping of the threshold after the care of an uninvited guest, about the "deposit" of products purchased on the market. The Antichrist reigned - it means there can no longer be real priests. Therefore, there can be no communion, nor confession, no wedding. Survive how can you. The main thing is not "Walking up": since the shrines and the sacraments no longer, nothing can clear you from the storm, sin and vice. Therefore, it is necessary as a fire to take care of and communicating with the wrong, and everything that they are produced - in particular, food (we all knows the enormous role of gastronomic regulations and restrictions in Orthodoxy). Only a total prayer on the old (creamy) rank and the complete closure of the community will allow themselves to somehow survive in the Antichrist world. So reflected and arrived shipovtsy.
Second category - popovtsy - were ideologically more liberal. After the Patriarch Nikon and Tsar, Alexey Mikhailovich destroyed the entire old-handed clergy (including the famous Avvakuma), the church did not disappear - she just moved to a certain "suspended" state. Antichrist did not come, holiness continues to remain in the world - it is only necessary to find it. And Popovtsy were looking for a "pious priesthood" everywhere, taking expeditions to Egypt, Japan, in the Caucasus. And, naturally, they tried to induce the priests from Nikonian, using both the admission, and quite mercantile worst. There were also attempts to lure the "Nikonian" bishop to themselves, so that he could ordain for the Old Believers of exclusive priests and their successors - "their" bishops. One of these attempts was crowned with success in 1846, when in the Austrian Empire from the Orthodox Church of Constantinople Patriarchate, Bosno Sarajevsky joined the Starbers metropolitan Amvrosiy (Popovich). Ambrose put for the old workers of his own priests and its successor-bishop; There was a private old-supplied church structure - "Anodle Rod Church of Christ". The case was in the village of Belaya Crynitsa, so this community has become magnificent - belokrinicians. Not all Popovtsy joined them, some created an alternative church in the twentieth century - Novozybkovskaya. So, today in the world there are two Popovsky Old Believes Church Structures: Belokrinitsky and NovozybSokvsky. Naturally, like all sorts of decent old workers, they are convinced of each other's full-purpose and in the limitations of all world Orthodoxy by the framework of their own jurisdiction. That they are Old Believers. Well, the free opponents for Popovtsians are generally the worst opponents, as well as the opposite. Worse - only "Pogatan Niconian", "who pervere the faith of Christ."
Thus, it was about loyalty to the meaning of the word "Orthodoxy". Orthodoxy (Greek - "Orthodox" - "thoroughness", "exclusiveness") initially implies a monopoly on the completeness of the truth and the correctness of Christianity. And if in Catholicity, this monopolism is expressed in the figure of the Roman Pope, then in Orthodoxy - in the creed itself. And since the creed - the thing is rational (by the words of the Father of the Church of the Trurtullian, "I believe, for absurdly"), for the crystallization of faith, it is not enough for everyone to meet everyone together to gather for some universal cathedral - the enemies also collect their cathedral. Therefore, you need the one who will protect, - Tsar-Batyushka. On the first universal council, Emperor Konstantin was presided by, formally being also a pagan. Hence the servant attitude of the Orthodox to state power at all times.
But at the time of the church split of the XVII century, the "Nikonian" renovated the traditionalist "Raskolniki" from the royal body, competing for eternal expansion and unpromising attempts in their habitats to build "the right Russia". Old Believers have repeatedly tried to intercept power, but in the end, they convex farther and farther from the hidden places, colonizing Siberia and the Far East. And with the coming to power of the municipalities-communists, they moved away even further - to China and Mongolia. But in the 1950s, the maezzedovsky communists who captured power in the subway, forced the Russian Old Believers to get rivets from China. With the support of the set of "heretical" international organizations (as the Old Believers do not like to spread), they moved to many countries of Latin America, where in many lives and Dynam. And from there - to the Woven North America (Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington).

It is important to note that North American Old Believers were loan, but special - "Chapel" consent. They were not fundamental, but "unspeaked" loan. They did not believed that the invisible Antichrist reigned in the world, the declared sky and the land. They just had old priests, and the new failed to get new. Although attempts continued; Even with Alaska, the correspondent and visa routes were searched for an anticipation of the priesthood across the Orthodox world. And in 1983 found - they decided to join the "Belokrinitski" hierarchy, a hand-made in Romania Nikolayevets Kondrat Fefelova In the priest. This was the most important event in the life of the Alaskan Old Believers. Two large groups of Old Believers - Popovtsy and Pleepovtsy - are in themselves countless distinguishing groups - accord. As it should be in Orthodox traditionalists, every consent (covering sometimes only Polerevni) misses itself the completeness of the Church of Christ, and all the rest are heretics. Well, between Popovtsy and Plemptovts, there are insurmountable mental obstacles in general, due to the question: did the Antichrist reigned in the world? Is everything desecrated or there is another possibility of calm and pious life? Is the terrible court close, or still be shifted?
And then some of the inhabitants of Nikolaevsk become Popoves, and the rest (about 70%) remain in the free position. Moreover, the Popov minority belonged to a rich tip of the Nikolaev Community. Can you imagine the reader that the beginning occurs in this village? Given that all of them were descendants of four families, three of whom are Rai. They did not just stop communicating and greeting - the former civil war began!
As a result, many loanovtsy decided to move south peninsula Kenai., in the vicinity of the town Homer. . Popovtsy prevailed in Nikolaevsk. It so happened that Nikolaevsk is almost completely the Popovsky village, and the villages of South Kena are free. And then the most interesting began. But we will be thrown into the pictures, in order to the romantic defenders of the Old Believers did not blame us in the clutter detachment of their recent hopes.

Nikolaev Old Believers and Old Believers of American
First snapshot - houses at Fefelatov, where we lived on hotel conditions. The symbolic combination of the ancillary cross and a typical collection of baseball caps, which is available at any decent amerikoshos:

Alaskan Autumn Nature:

It should be noted that winter nature is a little different from the autumn. Kenay Peninsulais under the influence of the so-called. "Alaskan phenomena": despite the northern latitudes, it is relatively warm, because the mountains protect against the Northern Cold and do not let the heat of the oceanic flow. The number of sunny days a year is more than on Sakhalin. So farming is quite possible. It would be possible.

View of Nikolaevsk from the cemetery - the highest point:

Dionysius and Nina Fefelov:

Next will be presented at home and streets of Nikolaevsk. Let the prudent reader himself make cultural and religious conclusions:

The only place where we saw a pitiful semblance of animal husbandry, and the poorest house in the village:

The consequences of the intersubs of Popovtsy and the Pinkness:

One of the owners of such a housing, we later met the working seller in the supermarket in Homer. With a beard and in uniform apron and cap.

Deacon was the first of two who invited us to visit. I fed and drove away. With us, his spouse gathered and went to work - naturally, on its own car.

Next - one of the attractions of the village - "Cafe" Nina Fefelatova:

The main local way to kill Estet - "Cafe" Khabarovsk Nina Fefelova, daughter-in-law of the first Nikolaev priest. When, from nostalgic motivations, some nikolayevets humanitally helped build an old-supplied temple in Khabarovsk, Nina married Popovich Denis Kondratyevich and moved to Alaska. Here it began to teach Russian in school, bringing this subject, according to local residents, until complete ruin. Along the way, she took up the fussy activities to collect and sell Russian exotic. In its store there is everything at all (as in the Sakhalin stalls "Ata" in the 1990s), which at least some sideways can stand next to the Russian culture. Everything is in huge numbers and at fabulous prices. Even with us who celebrated her and who knew her in many years of correspondence, she managed to contempt a lot of money for unnecessary books and Donaishn, and would have come even more if we did not go to a direct conflict.
Sorry for the reader, we place quite a few pictures of this purely contemporary-Russian kingdom Durunkusia: Mother Irina:

Here she pleased us with an old Russian speech, although not without the realization - for example, she calls the "Baby" ...

With the spouse - the future pop question:

The furnishings of the house of the priestly widow-old woman:

For what (not "who"!) Starbers of Nikolaevsk-on-Alaska live:

Popovets Nikolaevsk remained alone, because Not only Alaskans, but also almost all the Old Believers of North and South America "have shone in the free-selling ignorance" (typical old-procurement jargon). Where to take the grooms and brides? Do not ride them in Romania or Russia. True: It is necessary to come to terms, take the egocentric ambitions and make marriage with "external". Naturally, "external" - white Americans and aborigines - formally paid in old co-investment. But they are especially white - they remained first of all by the Americans, with their idea of \u200b\u200bthe rights of a woman and a child, with a rejection of her husband centers and patriarchalness, separateness and total religiosity. Thus, the husbands and wives taken "outside" are, of course, worse, because Orthodoxy is hidden by matriarchnially - dragged the Starbers of Nikolaevsk in the "Peace of this". A municipal secular school was opened, in which teaching was conducted in English, and the number of hours on the study of the Russian language was reduced every year. The families spoke in the language of the winning tribe - that is, in English. American culture was vaccinated. The angle of the "sinfulness" and "repulsions" of the "Peace of this" decreased. And in the end, Nikolaevsk turned into a typical American suburb. There are no fences, nor gardens with sunflowers, nor the grunts of pigs and catcakers of roosters, nor wells with a creaking gate, nor the jaw takes under the arc horse, nor the sound of harmony, nor girls, husking seeds on Zavalinka.
The prevailing industry was fishing; Agriculture completely shuddered. And since Nikolaevsk is not a seaside village, for earnings I had to move to other places. And for this - to receive education, incl. and higher. Here is the end of old-handedness! It was degenerated into situational worships, which, although they are underway on a misunderstanding church Slavonic language, the sermon is already read in English. It's funny that in the Nikolaev temple, all the singing and reading young people, young people do not understand Russian, they just got off the pronunciation. Therefore, instead of "Lord, nice us" they read "Lord, ame nais" It is even pleasant in its own way.
We were in service in one of the main Orthodox holidays - the Pokrov of the Virgin Mary. The small temple was filled with a third; Almost all those present noticeably did not understand what was happening during worship. One of the Latin American Starovra (something new husband) from under the gate of the velochep was the brutal tattoo on the whole neck. After the service is completed, the room was empty in the twitched minutes - no one was delayed to communicate or drink tea.
In families they do not speak Russian, the relationship with Russian culture is completely lost. Only respected attributes of an external style attributes remained in America: beards, shirts, sundresses yes nickname - mandatory with a married woman with a hat. Everything else is Totally American: and externally, and internally. Nobody "disgusts" products that bearded and their feminized wives are purchased in supermarkets. Not only rural, but even the household economy went to zero. Location, layout, view and furnishing of houses; Excellent huge cars for each family member; All clothing that can be combined with spacewosses and sundresses (eg, jeans and bologna "parks"); Master of communication and the lack of children of children in front of adults and women in front of men; Attitude towards money and the fact that they are purchased as a method of self-realization - everything, everything is American!
BUT! Still preserved deep hostility to the Russians. In supermarkets and other public places, we have repeatedly observed how compulsory for an American benevolently smily-behavior instantly turned into the usual chloros erects in the sounds of our Russian speech. With the modern Emigrant Russian Diaspora Alaska, the Old Believers do not communicate.
So Nikolaevsk is a typical chiring American village, who has nothing to do with Indian reservation - is not what the Russian village. Excellent roads and power lines, firepress columns and electrics, post office and modern school, fire plot and police drives, expensive pickups and siding houses - Also all American. The features of Nikolayevsk include only the Nikolsky Temple, Cafe Nina Fefelova, the only decorated in Russian house and a large number of abandoned and collapsed housing. Here you and the Old Believers! All children learn at school and intend to subsequently enter the college or at least move to Anchorage to secular work. In homes - American decor and modern image of leisure (TV, computer games). Sometimes all men are locked in one of the houses to drink - this is called "betting". Despite the fact that we prayed in the temple, they were not invited to the cup. They were probably afraid that they painted something scab. For such - and drug addicts, and domestic violence - in Nikolaevsk plenty.
Work and earnings and husbands and wives are different. Popula, for example, - the second and a half people in Nikolaevsk - leads the kindergarten in Homer. What can be secular? And her spouse - priest Nikola Yakunin - Owns several fishing boats, the biggest rich in the village.
Children are raised in school; Parents not only do not punish them, but are even afraid of talking about it - such strong juvenile justice in Nikolaevsk

Thus, Nikolaevsk is a real disgrace of old-believe and an indicative example of what is happening with a traditional culture in contact with secular American reality. Nothing Russian, nothing traditional, nothing orthodox - except for elements of style, habits and social inertia. As the Orthodox, they lost the chief verificant factor - Tsar-Batyushka. As the Old Believers, they lost the main factor of their identity - hatred and hostility to the whole surrounding. And the inner emptiness connected with the external one. And since the external emptiness has many ways to mask meaninglessness of their being - a showful high-cost wheelbarrow, houses and life, endless consumption of increasingly new and in more and more, incessant upgrade and repair so that everything is "no worse than those of people" - all this Activities and becomes the meaning of the so-called life of the so-called Old Believers from Nikolaev-on-Alaska. Fu!

Now it's about the nobles of the southern Kenai. What will they show us and tell? We are stolen that they will give up talking at all. Is it really preserved there? ..

It all started with the news that old goods from South America appeared in Primorye. This happened in 2009, when I was already sicking into the problems of Russian emigration. Old Believers also turned out to be emigrants, which means my heroes. In 2010, a proposal of colleagues from the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Nations of the Far East of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Professor Yulia Viktorovna Argudiaeva to participate in the expedition at the places of the current residence of the Old Believers in the United States.

We traveled several settlements in Oregon and in Alaska, collected the most valuable material. Now in Vladivostok, a joint work is coming out, where research is summed up: the life of the Old Believers in Primorye, their forced escape to China; Repressions and repatriation after 1945, the outcome of the balance of old-supplied communities in the mid-1950s through Hong Kong in South and North America, finally, the current position of the Old Believers.

The first of the Old Believers who came to Primorye from Uruguay were settled in the village of Dersu Krasnoarmeysky district. The following was a group of Bolivia related to the relatives with Uruguayan migrants. At first she stopped in the village of Korfovka, but soon he moved to the dertis.

We wanted to visit the migrants from South America. From Vladivostok went by train.

In Dalnerechchensk, I was met by the "conductor" Fedor Vladimirovich Kronikovsky. Running on the way with gasoline, we went to the road. When Roshchino passed, for about an hour, they dust up to a very exotic crossing, until a very exotic crossing: the Arma river will throw a cable to which the pontoon is attached. With the energy of the flow, it is 150 rubles
quickly transport cars from one shore to another. Here the cell phone was silent. We fell into another world.

Here, finally, and dertie. Ordinary Russian village, who used to be called Laoula. It is located in a beautiful place: in a huge cup, surrounded on all sides of the hills. Not far to the river. Today, 15 old-belt families live here. According to their elders, in Primorye, even 80 families can move - this is more than 500 people. Geographical location, nature and agricultural conditions of this area meet all the aspirations of those who came.

When moving, they promised comprehensive support. Old Believers recall President Putin's telephone conversation with their representative Alexei Kilin, when the head of the country's head supported the desire of the Old Believers to settle in Primorye. Alas, the support of local authorities leaves much to be desired. But everything is in order ...

There are once a good-free, but already smashing huts: they are without foundation, stand on a pebble pillow. The wretchedness of blackened houses is being built abundant greens. On the presence of new old-handed maternity owners says beveling along the main wide road grass. We immediately noticed the elegant clothes of old-desired girls and children.

The first thing was abandoned in the hotel - it contains a local deputy. The usual rustic hut, clean, with a set of all necessary for the guest. Then there was a meeting with the eldest - Fedor Silovich Kilin.

Demographic position of the villages of Primorye close to critical: they die everywhere. Here are mostly pensioners or drinks, which have nowhere to go. Often you can meet and frank drug addicts. There is a case when three local hooligans attacked the seven of the Old Believers. The host, Peter Fefelaov, severely beaten, so that he fell into the hospital. The house was led by the pogrom, chasing the juvenile daughters. For goodbye threatened with a new violence. As a result, Peter and his wife Agafia and children chose to leave the dert.

Never knew that Russian Old Believers live in the USA. Surprisingly strong and noble people. My acquaintance with them was, you can say random. On the road from Seattle in Sacramento, we were stopped by familiar for the night. The city is called Salem (Salem), the capital of Oregon. Sitting at breakfast, talked to the owner of the house. He said that the numerous community of Russian old workers lives in the vicinity of the city. In my heels played blogger blood - passion how I wanted to get acquainted with some of them. So it turned out the exclusive below.

Leaving the heavenly coffee on the table, we immediately went on a tour. Success smiled to us a real Hollywood smile. Although when we entered the street, on which the simple houses of the Old Believers are located and their neat churches, she was deserted. Nothing foreshadowed good luck.

The situation has not changed after we started a brave way to photograph local attractions ...

And even some church documents.

Suddenly, some Tetchka appeared on the street. But ... also unexpectedly disappeared. Just managed to make one frame. To talk was, apparently, not fate.

But we just do not take. We started even more frankly photograph everything that came across on the way. Anyone will come out and "induce the spirit."

No one was in a hurry to indulge in the spirit, despite the fact that we went to extreme measures - began to shoot icons on houses.

Already completely desperately, we plunged our mortal bodies in a patiently waiting for us a jeep and went towards the departure. But here, yes, yes, it was here, we slept success. On the side of the road we found this charm.

We stopped to make a couple of other frames, but here we strongly taped - out of the house I got a strict species of uncle and began to shout something across the road to girls. As we assumed, the dishep was the dad of these angels by name Stefan.

The man turned out to be a very sociable and cute man, easily introduced to us and express their consent to answer our questions. This man was born and grew up in the US, when he pronounced phrases in English, it was heard that he says in this language without an accent. But Russian Stephen owns, agree, quite nothing.

"You don't have a beard - should stand at the reason." Stefan does not consider himself a real station, for the simple reason that he has no beard. Therefore, he said that he was impossible to enter the video (church). If only the threshold stand, pray ...

Father and mother Stephen were born in Turkey. Her ancestors moved there from Russia. When the community has grown and young people were difficult to find a couple for the founding of the family, in order not to mix blood (and for Turkish sultans they could not marry themselves or marry) moved to the United States.

Father of our storytellor produced fish. I drove it with Alaska and sold in Seattle. Two years ago, he suddenly died. He loved to get into the bath. There he became bad. Did not save.

But Mother Stephen is alive and healthy. When he said that a woman gave birth to 12 children, we horror how I wanted to see her. Suddenly, easy for us, the owner invited us to the house. There we got acquainted with the mother-heroine named Akulin.

The house is equipped with a real stove - "bourgear" and heated, as it should be, firewood.

We caught a feature-old woman behind the shakes - she knew the dough on dumplings with potatoes. Simply, without Paphos, she told us Akulina about her difficult life, that all his life worships God and keeps his laws. Noboty allowed to take a picture of the iconostasis.

But daughters clearly and with pleasure praise. Actually, it was what. Boys and girls in the family were born exactly equally, six to six. Look, what beautiful, bright Russians. That's what means, do not drink vodka and keep offspring from blending blood.

The marriage of the maiden is issued early - from 14 years. They say, "while they did not start to be friends with local." And as you can see, very together live, supporting relationships in kinship.

And another one.

Upon goodbye, I could not resist and asked me to capture me with these flowers. Amazing children, I tell you. He comes from physically feeling humility and humility. Without telling me a word, they obediently posed until the photographer did several trial frames.

Having conceded the field, we stopped in one courtyard. The house stands on the knocker, and here from this red stall of the hosts sell vegetables that grow at her plantation.

The owner of the whole household named Athanasius was first not very talkative, but then, realizing that people we were not evil, began to be happy to talk about their lives.

He was born the same as Akulin, in Turkey, but his wife Efimia - in China. I got acquainted and got married already, having moved to America. And they were born - it is necessary to coincide - 12 children, six boys and six girls.

You probably noticed in the two previous my stories there are photos of women in long
dresses and precipitations. They will find them, let's say so a little unusual against the background of others
and the girls asked me more about telling me who they were and why so dressed.

So: in the photo Amishi-Mennonites.

To be honest, I know about the life of Amish only in stories, although I see them quite often, but I never encountered them closely.
Dozens of various sects live in different places around America, since one of the main principles of the country is freedom of religious.
While the sectarians do not violate the law, they do not touch them and they live for those customs that they have been accepted.
Amishi - the Christian course of Mennonite origin.
The founder of His- Jacob Amman, a priest from Switzerland, emigrated to Alsace (Germany) in the second half of the XVII century.

Those who today are called Amisha (by the name of the largest sect), in fact, consist of not very different Protestanian sects, of which the biggest is the most amicha of the old order (Old Order Amish, almost like "Russian Old Believers") Mennonites (mennonites) and brackets (BRETHREN).

Mennonites appeared first of them (from Menno Simons - the founder of the sect), back in 1530.
Unlike other Protestants, for example, only those who reached 18 years of age were baptized.
The amissi of the old order (named so in honor of Jacob Amman) separated from the mennonites in 1600 and went even further: they were already against any interference of the world around them in their lives.
At the end of the 17th century, most Amish were forced to escape from persecution, emigrate to America.

Now Amyshi live in 20 US states, there are many of them in our Wisconsin and hardly some of you know that tens of thousands of people who prefer the horse will live in the twenty of thousands of people who prefer the horse to the car and the tractor, practically non-electricity and telephone, mineral fertilizers and other achievements of civilization.
And these people live not only in the outback, their largest community is located in Pennsylvania, just a half hours drive from Philadelphia.

Externally, representatives of different sects of Amish almost do not differ from each other, as their vital philosophy is almost no different.
It is no coincidence that the Amishi themselves are called "Plain People", that is, simple people.
All of them wear very simple clothes: Women are necessarily long dresses, because the Bible teaches modesty.

The dresses are one-photon made of fine matter, similar to wool, but with a mandatory apron: in a married woman he is black, unmarried - white.
Simone of such a dress has been stable for the last two hundred years.

Even a wedding dress is sewn at a monophonic, without jewelry, the same style, so that tomorrow it was possible to put it on a job.
Strictly regulated external differences in idle, married and married.
This shape of hats and caps, the color of the dress and other insignificant little things.

So caps for married women in the form of a heart.
They cost without jewelry, do not use cosmetics and perfumes and do not wear short haircuts.

In memory of those sad times when, in the historical homeland, Prussian soldiers were pursued, dressed in a bright shape with wide belts and large buttons, men instead of belts wear only suspenders, and women try to avoid buttons in every way, replacing them with pins and hairpins.
Mennonites dress like amichas, but their traditions are less strict.

They have no divorces, but young people are allowed to communicate enough with girls to give out.
Free - it means to talk, joke, stroll together on Sunday day.
The appearance of female Amish on the streets with the onset of darkness without much reasons is considered to be a break.

Men wear straw or black felt hats.
Only married men have the right to wear a beard, but the mustache amisia is not worn, they are prohibited by law.
In the army usually do not serve Amishi, they never fought in their American history.
Amushevsky men's hats:

Right high hat - for the holiday, and on the left of the hats down, which have the right to wear young people who can already marry.

Pants support suspenders, buttons on pants no, they replaced the hook system, loops and ties, as sailors wore.

Interestingly, Amish in the family, as a rule, 7 children, so the amisose population is one of the fastest growing in the world.
If in 1920, Amish was only 5000, then in the past, 2011, already 261150.
Amishi is also distinguished by the reluctance to take some modern technologies and convenience, appreciate manual labor, a simple rural life, practically do not use modern technique.

Ride on the carts with horses, they do not fundamentally use cars, considering them too light and seductive way of moving into the world around.
The most common amiss carriages are rectangular booths that they call Buggy (from the word "Bug" - Beetle, and "Buggy", respectively, "bug").
For Amish, the horse has always been and still remains not luxurious, but a means of movement.

For individual movement, Amishi also often use scooters.
In addition to the guys and scooters, another significant difference between the life of the Amish from the life of the civilized part of humanity is almost a complete absence of electricity and telephones in their homes.
And they are not against electricity as such, the whole thing is, it turns out, in the wires that are summarized and, in their opinion, serve as one more path from the attendant external world.
The same applies to gas supply pipes.

It is forbidden to serve in the army, to be photographed, drive cars and fly on airplanes, have computers, televisions, radio receivers, wearing wristwatches and wedding rings.
But electrical devices and mobile phones without wires, using Amitse batteries.

Here, by the way, my photo taken in St. Louis Arc: Amish-Mennonitis in Mobile hands.

Amish schools are a special topic.
All students, as in Tolstoy's story, are sitting in the same room and learn for eight years.
Girls taught in these schools, recently who have recently completed and not married.
In schools, they are studying only those objects and only in the volume that they will come in handy on farms: botany, zoology, arithmetic, the basics of geometry, English and German.

Amishi believes that such education is enough for the traditional farmers life, however, if someone wants to give children a modern education, he can record them in the nearest ordinary school.
From books, not counting the children, they left themselves only the Bible.
From paintings - wall calendars and newspaper, which they themselves are printed about the weather, harvest, nadoys, sowing or harvest.

Of the simple biblical values, which they tried to return all the Protestants, Amisha mainly honored the family, honesty and work on Earth.
Considering the family of one of the three main life values, Amishi pay great attention and community life.
For example, if someone from Amish needs a new home (family was formed or a fire happened), build it with the whole community.
Dozens are going, if not hundreds of men and in one day (!) Early a large wooden house literally turnkey.
Women on this day are preparing at all food, and ends such a day with a joint dinner.

In 1985, a film was released on the screens of the country called "Witness" with Harrison Ford.
I can't find a better film about Amish, I looked at him in one breath.
Moreover, the director showed the community of Amish with tremendous respect and sympathy.

The film takes place in the Amish community, and there they just build a house collectively.
Amish houses, like most houses in America, wooden.
If in the pictures they look brick or even stone, then it is only a facing: a frame and all overlap from the tree.
Externally, the Amish houses do not differ from the houses of other Americans.

It gives them only drying on the Wash rope, since they do not have electric dryers, and standing in the courtyards and near the farms straightened buggies.

By the way, the big "Red Army" stars on Amish houses are an old sign that has the same meaning as Horseshoe: for good luck.
Horseshoes also sometimes come across, but the stars are more often.
An integral part of the interior of the Amish House is a blanket of loskutkov - called Quilt (Quilt), as well as wooden things - chests, chairs, beds, rocking chairs.

Unpainting children's toy.
Children's toys are simple, homemade: rag dolls, wooden steam rooms, cubes.
Amish has no homes for the elderly.
If there is an elderly person in whose home, who can not care for me, the list of duty is installed and the entire community helps.

Among the Amish are not very poor, even on American standards, people.
This is explained by their very low costs: they do not buy cars, do not pay for gasoline, they have no Morghey (mortgage) at home.
In addition, Amishi do not buy insurance.
Even for a visit to the doctor they pay in cash.
If some of them require a serious operation, the entire community is reset.
Amishi do not buy dear clothes, food, jewelry, cosmetics and perfumery, do not eat alcohol, and most importantly - work on their farms and in workshops from dawn to dawn.

According to official statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, Amusevian farms among the most productive in the country.

Agriculture amisia engaged in the old manner; The cows graze them on the meadows and their products are environmentally friendly and high-quality.
Always with pleasure I buy products in the Amish store: sellers are very smiling and attentive, however, in America, there is no one in America, and the sellers are also in strict dresses and caps.

In addition to the fact that Amishi is beautiful farmers, they are also famous for their crafts.
In their villages there are many shops of crafts and souvenirs made by their hands.

Amisha - famous joiners and carpenters, they make a good, slightly old-fashioned, but the real wooden furniture.
Furniture from amisia is made only from wood, without chipboard.
The furniture is pretty expensive, but very strong and reliable.
Lovers of such furniture come for her even from Philadelphia and New York.

Photographing Amish is not easy.
I have almost no photos of Amish, they do not like when they are photographing and they themselves never take pictures.
For this reason, the state specifically developed passports without photographs.
Look, most of these photos of Amish from the Internet from the back or are made by sneak.

Family photos in the houses of Amish will not find, but the so-called "family lists" hang on the walls.

Approximately such.
One list of parents, another - modern family - name, month and year of birth.

But do not try to find them even the most modest Amyshevsk Church - they simply do not have them.
Amishi and in this matter went even further by Mennonites: they generally canceled the church, literally following the Bible, because it is said in Scripture: "There is no Most High in the manual temples."
For reading the Bible, Amishi is collected weekly in their own homes.

Even in everyday life, they still manage to literally follow the Bible, preaching three commandments: modesty, simplicity and humility.
Amish can not be in the field of heart, they can only be born.
According to the rules of Amish, all community members once in life, in adolescence, provide a choice: or finally accept baptism, or refuse and leave the Amish community, go to the big world.
Before that, they are allowed to try to live in the world, see what and how.
It can see all aspects of the life of the world around, both positive and negative, and make a completely informed voluntary choice between life "in the world" and life in the religious community of Amish.

The most striking thing is that up to 95 percent of young people, looking at a worldly life, return back to the community.
Only in adulthood, they take a purified step - baptism.

Most of the "oddities" of the life of Amish is connected with their desire to protect their lives and the lives of their children from the internal influence of the outside world.
Actually, this is an old philosophical dispute, which is more progress: good or evil.
There is still no answer to it, because he and philosophical, but Amishi, still firmly believe that time can be stopped if not in a separate country, then at least in a separate community.
No one bothers them in this in America, and God for help them!

The text is compiled based on the materials of open sources of the Internet.