Russian marinist artists. The most famous paintings about the sea painting with the sea shore

Russian marinist artists. The most famous paintings about the sea painting with the sea shore
Russian marinist artists. The most famous paintings about the sea painting with the sea shore

A huge picture has its own plot an agitated sea surface, actually, the canvas is called - "among the waves." The expression of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist is not only color and composition, but also the most plot: the sea, the sea as an alien and dangerous human element.

The work of painting, not the next canons of nature, becomes grotesque.
John Dryden

In this tragic picture Aivazovsky With paints guess. The magnificent combinations of grayish-blue, emerald green and gray sky are not the fact that dark clouds. This storm is even festive. Partly.

A bad thing to try to describe pictures of surrealists, but no impressions - why not? However, in the case of "constancy of memory" Dali It is interesting not only the plot of the paintings, but also the history of its creation.

I-van Con-Stan-Ti-HIV Ai-Vasy-Sky-ri-co-tree O-Chen Length Kar-Ti-Well "from Cherd to Hurricane", and it turned out well I'm talking to you! Impression It carries some associations with panoramas, but not finding such a variety of marine elements in the photo palporamic, and if you find - you are exactly kayuk :)

How many from Aivazovsky paintings called "Sea" from at least seven thousand, mostly depicting the very sea? In this case, Marina is more personalized: Sea view during the lunar light. This is "kind" - usually not a storm, but something more calm.

Ninth Val. - This is a wave, which is greater, above and stronger. From him there are trouble. IK Aivazovsky depicted these most troubles with all the power of potatoes of his talent and with all skill, brought up in Italian coastal waters.

Sea element - an inexhaustible source of inspiration for artists and creative people. We picked up 20 paintings that have hyperealism and infectious love for the sea. This list is a small selection of exciting maritime paintings, which, in our opinion, deserve your attention. Especially since all images are available for printing on canvas in our online store.

IK Aivazovsky "Ninth Val", "Brig" Mercury ", attacked by two Turkish ships," "Sunrise in Feodosia"

Perhaps the most famous marine not only in our country, but in the whole world. His works are real masterpieces, and he is a genius not only the technical performance of the element, but also to display its fine nature.

M.A. Alisov "Seascape"

Our talented compatriot is considered the best student of Aivazovsky, wrote many works of maritime subjects, his work is in the artistic museums of Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov and other cities.

A.P. Bogolyubov "The last minutes of the Imperial Yacht Livadia", "shore near Sorrento"

His works are considered academic, and he himself was a professor of painting and a rather influential person of his time. Grandson of the writer A.N. Radishcheva was the artist of the Main Maritime Staff, was engaged in charity in favor of widows and orphans of artists.

Claude Joseph is right "shipwreck during a storm", "Storm at the Rocky Shore"

The French painter has become famous as a wizard of the sea storms. His paintings were decorated with palaces, and today are in the collections of the largest museums of Europe.

L.A. Afrem Nautical Topics

Our contemporary artist-impressionist is not a typical mariny, but his sea landscapes, as, however, all his works are striking with color and technology. You can find the exciting works of the artist in on our website.

American artist, whose philosophy "To hell with the rules ... Draw what you like" exactly characterizes the style of his paintings. It perfectly connects various parts of the compositions, uses unusual images and colors, it is impossible to break away from his paintings!

Zaria Forman "Greenland No.54", "Maldives No.1", "Greenland No.50"

No, these are not real photos and not even Photoshop, but the deep and hyperealistic works of the American artist Zarad Forman, which creates paintings without any artistic instruments, but only with the help of fingertips. Its masterpieces, the artist strives to draw the attention of the public to the problems of ecology.

Katsusik Hokusai "Big Wave in Canhanwa", "Wave"

The Great Japanese artist worked in many technicians, was recognized as one of the most famous Japanese engravers in the West. "A big wave in Canhanwa" is made in the style of Ukiyo-E and is one of the works of the famous series of artist "Thirty-six types Fuji".

Artem Chemboh (Rhads) Digital Marinism

A young artist creates his works not on canvas, but in Photoshop, and instead of paints uses pixels, but his work is difficult to distinguish from traditional painting. Fantastic plots are so realistic that, it seems, it is about to revive.


Dehong He is a freelancer and free illustrator from Singapore and his fantastic reality, in our opinion, deservedly occupy a place in this top. His works are definitely interesting and deserve attention.

I want something not thematic seasonal, not about light bulbs and garlands with balls, but on the contrary, about the fact that not to see people, do not hear people and lie, do nothing. In short, the most famous sea landscapes in world art.

Kaspar David Friedrich. "Wanderer over the sea fog." 1818.

This is one of the sign paintings of the era of romanticism, where the mustache was about proud alone, privacy, powerful elements.

Claude Lorren. "Zakanitsa Savskaya landing". 1648.

In that era, it was not yet fashionable to write independent landscapes, the painters were forced to "scold" to them some biblical or mythical plot for justifying the chosen topic.

I. Aivazovsky. "Ninth Val". 1850.

Claude Monet. "Impression. Sunrise." 1872.

This picture depicting the port of Havre gave rise to impressionism.

Rembrandt. "Storm in the Galilee Lake." 1633.

The picture, famous not only by the fact that this is the only landscape of Rembrandt, but also with his theft in 1990.

Hokusai. "Big wave in Kaganava." 1823-31

True, it's not a "picture", but engraving, but still great, and let it be here.

I generally infuriates the wrong word, especially in journalism, for which words, in theory, this is the main and only building material.

Here, see the recent news on the "Evening Moscow" website: "During cleaning in the Vatican, there were two pictures of Raphael" and there the first phrase "the foundes found were considered lost within five hundred years."
What words are unsalued? " Pictures"And" loves".

Because with a careful study of the topic, for example, on the TASS website, it turned out that the story is such.
It was found that it was known that painting the walls of the Vatican frescoes in the composition of the huge brigade of the Malyarov, Rafael wrote two figures not normally, standard materials for plaster, and oil paints.
But no one knew what kind of figures and where they were.
And recently, the restorers put in order a huge wall painted with a colossal fresco with an insane number of figures, and found that two aunts in the whole crowd were written there by oil.
Consequently - these two figures wrote Rafael. (At my beloved Nikolay Podosokorsky).

Here in this Bardaka identified two aunts.

Correctly speaking in this case "identified two fragments of frescoes", and not "paintings".

Picture - This thing is mobile, consider furniture, antiques to decorate the apartment, you can take the armpit and carry it (verification question). If the drawn artwork can not be poked at a time - this is not a "picture".
With "canvas" - it is even easier, it is stupid something painted on the canvas, on canvas. On the rag! If the picture is written not on the canvas, but on the tree, then it is no longer possible to say "the canvas" - for example, Joconda is written on the topolate \u003d\u003e not a canvas.

Okay, smoky, sorry.

Bruegel. "Drop Ikara". OK. 1558.

The only picture of the Bruegel on the ancient plot. However, now it is assumed that the author is still not him.

Arkady Flylov. "In the blue spacious." 1918.

Claude Joseph is right. "Entrance to the Palerm port at the lunar light", 1769

Rare for the 18th century an example of a night landscape.

Claude Monet. Rocks in Etretat. 1885.

Well, let him be the second Monet, he is so good, and the other is completely.

Alexey Bogolyubov. "Athos Battle of June 19, 1807." 1853.

Ilya Repin. "Which space". 1903.

I want to go to Cocktubel. Only not at the current one, but in the one in which I was twenty with something.

Cantelto. Bacino di San Marco, 1738

However, Venice will also come down, even modern, well, wrap.

Whistler. "Symphony in gray and green. Ocean." 1866-72.

See in this landscape hobby Japanese engravings?
It is impossible to say that this is a straight "famous" marine landscape, but then I will put less popular things, but from famous artists.

Turner. "The last flight of the ship" Brazier ". 1739

Turner is difficult to choose something one, he is entirely genious, however, it is not aware of it at first glance, and at some effort, about the volume that is required to adapt to the verses of Brodsky.

Hans Hood. "Fjord in Sandwaken." 1879.

Van Gogh. "View of the sea near Le Saint-Marie de la Mer", 1888

Winslow Homer. Moonlight. 1875.

Homer is generally a very good artist, look at him.
Okay, here's another one.

Winslow Homer. On the beach. 1869.

Nikolay Dubovskaya. "Pretty". 1890.

This is the Baltic seaside.

Archka Queenji. "Sea Coast with Rock" 1898-1908.

This is the Crimea. The resorts of the Krasnodar Region for some reason no one draws ...

Valentin Serov. "Odyssey and Navykaya." 1910.

It is drawn by a gouache, which means "drawing". Watercolor - also "drawing". The picture is only oil or tempera. In English they say Watercolour Painting, it is impossible in Russian.

Let one Quinji be let it be. "Sea". 1898-1908.

Joaquin Sword. "Children on the beach." 1910.

Happy New Year! I hope I made it more colorful for you, told you a lot of new things and how you should entertain!
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The sea landscape can calm down and calm in any situation, because water is one of three things to which you can watch infinitely. The picture with the sea can be hung in any room, it will look harmonious everywhere. The history of the sea landscape has a more seven years for which he managed to become fundamental. Oil painting exclusively transfers the surface of the water and its shine in the sun.

"Morning at sea", Ivan Aivazovsky

  1. Emergence and formation;
  2. Famous representatives;
  3. Characteristic of the genre;
  4. Order paintings on marine topics.

Seascape as an independent genre

In the pictures of early artists, it was rare to meet maritime topics, not to mention the full story on this topic. But in the middle of the seventeenth century Everything changed due to just one picture, which Rembranta himself wrote. This is the only marine landscape of the Great Artist, with his help he marked the development of a whole genre.

"Christ during the storm at the Sea of \u200b\u200bGalilee"

The picture gave the most powerful impetus for the development of the sea landscape in Holland, and then throughout Europe. By the way, it was kidnapped in 1990 from the Isabella Museum of Stuart Gardner in the United States, and still nothing is not known about the location of the only sea landscape of Rembrant's brush.

Famous artists marinist

  • Lyudolf Bucheizen. (1631 - 1708, Amsterdam)
  • Kantelta (1697 - 1768, Venice)
  • Francesco Guard (1712 - 1793, Venice)
  • William Turner (1775 - 1851, London)
  • Ivan Aivazovsky (1817 - 1990, Feodosia)

All these artists worked in the genre of the sea landscape, but with a different bias. Some of them focused on the battle scenes on the water, someone did a bias on romanticism. William Turner went on, and completely revised the image and sending the sea landscape to the viewer. He had little image of the visual part, and he began to portray the impression and emotions that he had at the time of contemplation.

"Last ship of the ship", William Turner.

A dozen years after the success of Torner, already in France, artists began to use this letterpress letters - and journalists called them impressionists. Monet and Renoir She picked up the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch an image of the sea landscape, and created dozens of masterpieces.

"Dusk. Venice ", Claude Monet.

In addition to impressionists, Russian artists advanced on a wide level - Aivazovsky and Quinji. Ivan Aivazovsky created more than 6,000 clouel on the theme of the marine landscape, which is an absolute record and a huge feat. He made a huge contribution to art, and to this day is the most famous artist of marine scenes.

"Night in the Crimea. View of Ayudag ", Ivan Aivazovsky.

Characteristic of the genre

The sea landscape is often confused with Marina, essentially it is the same, but there is one exception. Marina is a picture where only water and any actions that can occur only there are depicted. That is, the view of the beach against which there is a sea is not suitable for this term, as water and phenomena on it are not the main motive of the landscape. These and other subtleties are not always important to the viewer, but it will never be exempted in the field of knowledge in the field of art. Also, artists believed that maritime paintings are among them the most difficult in technical terms. The main difficulty is to properly display the waves and glare on them, because the light passes through the water and there are completely unpredictable colors and shades. Exceptionally, with proper flow of water and its glare, the viewer will be able to see the whole depth and distance paintings. The saturation of the color should also transmit the depth of the landscape, but when the work goes only with homogeneous shades, it becomes difficult to balancing them. A similar situation occurs when drawing winter landscapes, because everything is covered with snow, and it is necessary to show it beautifully and naturally show. This task is difficult to embody this when the whole picture of white and gray shades. But now the topic is not about winter landscapes, although these two genres are really close in spirit.

Sea sunset in modern style.

In addition to the piggy banks of interesting facts: almost all artists marinists lived near the rivers, seas, oceans, etc. It is with this that their love for water and addiction to drawing of this kind of cavities are connected. Aivazovsky was born in the Crimea, to draw water studied on the shores of Feodosia. Edward Mana Before going to a long-term sailing for an internship, took paints and canvases with him, and a lot was practiced right on the water. Van Gogh and Gauguen, when they lived in Arles, also constantly went to the Ron River, and practiced there. Such examples mass, so the geographic location of the artist is clearly displayed by creativity.

Buy picture of the sea

To buy or order a picture of the maritime subject, go to the section, there you can familiarize yourself with all the details that it is important to know during the acquisition of an oil painting. Also, important will be the page with where you can learn about the pricing for painting. Sea landscapes most often buy for a gift, because such plots are bright and like everyone.

Seascape, Marina - A completely special genre of painting. It is impossible to draw the rolling sea without possessing the ability to imagination. According to the great Russian artist Marinist I.K. Ayvazovsky, "... the movement of living elements is unpacked for the brush: to write zipper, impulse wind, a wave splash is unthinkable with nature". That is the surprising of the skill of the painter, able to capture all the beauty of the marine element. With the advent of marine landscapes made by skillful photo artists, the paintings - Marina did not leave the scene. On the contrary, a collective image of a wave written by a talented artist, causing a person even more. The sea has always been interested and fascinated by a person, causing admiration and fear at the same time. The greatness and beauty of the waves, the reflection of the moon and the peaceful sunset - what could be better! The maritime theme in the work of modern artists has undergone significant changes. Not only the marine element, but also people have become important characters of paintings of modern marinist artists. Beautiful sea landscapes written by oil on canvas are still extremely popular. In the ArtRussia gallery you can always buy a seascape a picture of a famous modern artist written by oil or watercolor. Presents pictures of sea landscapes in various styles of painting.