Roman War and the world covers. At what point of life Andrei Bolkonsky (l

Roman War and the world covers. At what point of life Andrei Bolkonsky (l

Test on the novel "War and Peace"

Part 1

    determine the time when L.N. Tolstoy worked on the novel.

A) 1898-1910 c) 1863-1869

B) 1854-1861) 1865-1867

A) Roman "Resurrection" b) the story "Decembrists"

C) story "Borodino Field" d) story "Cossacks"

3. What is the very first title of the novel?

A) "Everything is good, that well ends" b) "Troubles"

C) "1805" d) "three pores"

4. Seven years of "Invertible and Exceptional Labor, upon Best Conditions". Where did the author worked on the novel?

A) Clear Polyana b) Moscow

C) Petersburg d) Sevastopol

5. What character does not occur in the initial ideas of the novel?

A) Peter Ivanovich Labazov b) Earl of Nehludov

C) General Volkonsky d) Prince Peter Kirillovich B.

6. What journal at the beginning of 1865 printed the first chapters of the future Roman?

A) "Russian Bulletin" b) "Contemporary"

C) "Polar Star" d) "Literary Legacy"

7. What time period covers the novel "War and Peace"?

A) the time of the preparation period and holding the Decembrist uprising

B) the uprising of the Decembrists

C) 1812-1825g.g.

D) 1805-1820g.g.

8. The effect of the novel Tolstoy occurs during the reign

A) Alexander II b) Alexander I

C) Nicholas II d) Catherine II

9. What is the meaning of the title of the novel?

A) image of the scenes of war 1812 and peaceful life of heroes

B) reflects the multi-valued artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

C) "War" and "World" - Antonyms, reflecting the basic principle of building a system of images

D) a story about hostilities alternating victory and peace

E) war and peace - two opposite understanding of life

10. The product genre can be defined as:

A) philosophical novel b) historical novel

C) psychological novel

D) Roman-epic

Test on the novel "War and Peace"

Part 2

1. The novel image system is polarly split. What are the basic principles of the division of heroes on "favorite" and "unloved"?

A) role in history

B) simplicity and naturalness

C) the desire for self-improvement, to the awareness of their mistakes

D) desire for self-affirmation

E) true patriotism

2. What is the main principle of psychology of Tolstoy?

A) "The Principle of Iceberg" - secret psychologist

B) Image change. Peace of heroes in extreme situations

C) "Dialectics of the Soul", i.e. Image inside. Human world in development

D) image of the part as reflections internal. Peace of man

3. Characteristic features of the highest society in the novel are (finding more superfluous):

A) extreme selfishness, careerism, korestolyvy

B) patriotism, pain for the fate of the Motherland

C) intriguration, secular maliciousness

D) spiritual devastation, hypocrisy and pretense

4. Choose basic qualities characterizing the Kuragin family:

A) egoism and vain self-confidence

B) close connection with the people

C) openness and hospitality

D) the absence of moral principles and moral traditions

E) love for neighbor, patriotism

E) mind and education

G) lack of family well-being

5. Why Prince V. Kuragin arrives in the salon A.P. Sheer first?

A) strive to learn fresh news

B) wants to get acquainted with a vicont-emigrant

C) trying to profitably attach his sons

D) looking for a rich daughter's groom

6. Noin the children of Prince Vasily

A) Boris b) anatole c) julie d) helen e) hippolyt e) marie

7. What is the goal of Vasily comes to the house of the dying graph of the Bezuhova?

A) support Pierre

B) tries to observe the decency

C) trying to destroy the will

D) wants to take care of the three princesses living in the house

8. According to a brief description, identify the representatives of the family:

A) Restless fool

B) calm fool

C) soulless beauty

Light Flat Face Expression

9. For marriage with what character, Prince Vasily "Without a suggestion blessed" his daughter:

A) Pierre Duhov

B) Nikolai Rostov

C) Andrei Bolkonsky

D) Boris Drubetskaya

10. To whom the youngest son of Prince Vasily Kurakhina woven from the heroine?

A) Natasha Rostov

B) Maria Bolkonskaya

C) Julie Katarina

Task 2.

L. N. Tolstoy wrote an autobiographical trilogy:

1. "Childhood. Defense. Youth"

2. "Childhood. Youth. My universities. "

The task 3

What time period covers the novel "War and Peace":

  1. The time between the Great French Revolution and the Famil of Moscow in the war of 1912.
  2. The period of preparation and holding of the Decembrist uprising.
  3. War period 1805 - 1812.
  4. 1812 - 1825.

The task 4

The action of the novel L. N. Tolstoy occurs during the reign:

  1. Alexander II.
  2. Nicholas II.
  3. Alexander I.
  4. Catherine II.

Task 5.

1. On the ball

2. During the arrival of the army after the defeat of the invasion of Napoleon.

3. During a review in front of Austerlitsky battle.

Task 6.

The patriarchal Moscow nobility is represented in images (find superfluous):

  1. Countess beam.
  2. Darya Dmitrievna Ahrosimova.
  3. Family growth.

Task 7.

L. N. Tolstoy showed two poles in the novel "War and Peace" in the historical appearance of the peasantry of serfdom of Russia. Find compliance:

1. The philosophy of fatalism, humility, humility, the vocation of the legalization of its position.

2. The sense of debt in front of the birthplace, the rigging, awareness of its own significance.

 Lavrushka, Tikhon Shcherbat

 Viner Tikhon Viner, Plato Karatayev

Task 8.

What more reflects the dissatisfaction of the fortress peasants in the novel:

  1. Monotonous increase.
  2. Growing and decline, repaid to the previous level and stability of the position.

Task 9.

Brightly sounded in the novel Theme "Two Nations", which showed the reader of the true and "false" patriots of Russia. Find compliance:

1. A. Kuragin, B. Trubetskaya, A. P. Sherler, Countess of Bezuhova.

2. Tushin and Timokhin, A. Bolkonsky, Tikhon Scherbat.

 True patriots

 "False" patriots

Task 10.

The dramatic path of the spiritual development of which Hero of the novel was typical for the advanced youth of the era of the formation of the Decembrists:

1. Anatoly Kuragin.

2. Boris Drubetsky.

3. Nikolai Rostov.

4. Andrey Bolkonsky.

Task 11.

The struggle of spiritual with sensual is the basis of domestic development:

  1. Pierre Dunzhova.
  2. Anatoly Kuragin.
  3. Boris Drubetsky.

Task 12.

Which of the heroes of the novel. A typical representation of the first quarter of the XIX century, and Herzen called the "Necklands of Alexandrovsky Generation":

  1. A. Bolkonsky.
  2. B. Drubetsky.

Task 13.

Which of the events of 1812 did not appear by the episode of the People's War:

  1. Smolensk retreat.
  2. Battle of Borodino.
  3. Tarutinsky battle.
  4. 4. Partisan traffic.

Task 14.

Epilogue is:

  1. an additional element of the composition separated from the main story and next after its completion.
  2. Additional element of the composition preceding the string.
  3. Relatively short text placed by the author before the start of the work and designed to briefly express the main content or ideological meaning of the work following him.

Task 15.

After the war of 1812, much changed, and representatives of the Russian intelligentsia in 1825 were on different sides of the barricades. One of the heroes of the novel in the epilogue was so formulated by the tasks of society: "We are only for Pugachev not to infect my and your children and so that Araksheev did not send me to the military settlement." To whom these words belong:

  1. D. Dolokhov.
  2. Pierre Bezuhov.
  3. Nikolay Rostov.
  4. Denisov.

Task 16.

Who owns the following portrait characteristics:

  1. "... was clumsy, thick, above ordinary growth, wide, with huge red hands. He, as they say, did not know how to enter the salon and even less skilled out of it ... "
  2. "... there was a small growth, a very handsome young man with certain dry features ... with a tired, bored look."
  • Prince Andrey

The task 17

Who owns so contradictory. At first glance, statements about Napoleon:

  • Napoleon is great because he got up above the revolution, suppressed her abuse, holding all the good - and the equality of citizens, and the freedom of speech and press - and only because I had bought power.
  • As, what a connection was connected with the great event, which was predicted in the apocalypse, he did not know. But he did not doubt for a minute in this regard ... But he decided to put the animals of the beast ... to stop unhappiness of Europe. "
  1. A. Bolkonsky.
  2. Denisovu
  3. N. Rostov
  4. P. Bezuhov.

Task 18.

What kind of war is the statement of Pierre Proghova:

"If it was a war of freedom, I would understand, I would first entered military service, but ... against the greatest person in the world ... it's not good."

  1. War of 1805
  2. War of 1807
  3. War of 1812.
  4. War 1805-1807

Task 19.

What is happiness? The heroes of the novel understand him in their own way. Determine who owns the following statements:

  1. "The absence of suffering, satisfaction of needs and due to the freedom of choice of classes, that is, lifestyle."
  2. "... He came to the glove that he was exactly intended to bring the army from this provision that he, that toulon, which will bring unknown officers from the ranks and will open him the first way to glory."
  • Pierre Duchevov
  • Andrey Bolkonsky

Task 20.

Prince Andrei is excitedly thinking about his personal fame: "But where is she? How will my toulon be expressed? In which of the episodes, in your opinion, the hero is trying to realize his dreams of glory:

  1. He did not avoid danger, "walking through the body and under the terrible fire of the French," he helped forgotten captain Tushina and gave him due as the hero of the day.
  2. On the night before the general battle, he felt the approach of his tooth, in his dreams, they presented fantastic successes, the brilliant solutions that he accepts and who bring the rescue of the army, and he was glory ...

Task 21.

During which battle, Knyakhya Andrei and Napoleon was held, which was of great importance in the fate of the hero:

"He did not know that it was Napoleon - his hero, but at that moment it was half a small, an insignificant person in comparison with what happened now between his soul and this high, endless sky with the clouds along it."

  1. Austerlitsky Battle
  2. Shenagraben Battle
  3. battle of Borodino
  4. Krasnoye Battle

Task 22.

According to the portrait characteristics, determine who they belong:

  1. "The whole figure was round, head. . . The back, chest, shoulders, even the hands, which he wear, as always, going to hug something, were round, "he should have been in fifty years."
  2. "All the flexible, short figure with wide thick shoulders and an unwittingly put forward by the belly and breasts had that representative, the basic appearance that the people living in the hall in the hall."
    • Napoleon
    • Plato Karataev

Task 23.

Which of the heroes of the novel "War and the World" does not stop at the Senate Square, according to their convictions:

"The Secret Society is hostile and harmful, which can only give rise to evil. . . The debt is hinting above all. " "I led me now Arakcheev to go to you with a squadron and chopped - I won't think for a second and I will go."

  1. Pierre Duchevov
  2. N. Rostov
  3. A. Bolkonsky
  4. Denisov

Test on the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (1 volume) Option 1
1) Prince Nikolai Andreevich, Andrei, Marya, Nikolyka. Specify the surname of this family. 6) How many native children were in the family at the Graph Rostov?
a) two b) three c) four g) five
2) What historical era develops the action of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"?
a) Epoch of Catherine II c) of the era of Alexander I
b) The times of the Board of Nicholas II g) the era of Alexander II 7) Whose portrait? Write the name and surname of the hero.
"... a massive, a fat young man with a cut-off head, in glasses, light pantals on the mode, with high jabs and in a brown fruce."
3) What episode begins the action of the novel?
a) with copyright reflection on war
b) from the description of the evening from Freilina Empress
c) with the characteristics of the family growth
d) with the description of St. Petersburg 8) determine the climax of the 1st volume of the novel.
a) Austerlitsky battle
b) the meeting of emperors in Tilsit
c) named in the house of growth
d) Council in filients
4) Which of the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" for the first time appears in front of us:
"Black-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but a living girl, with his children's open her shoulders, who shrinkled, moved in their savage from rapid running, with their smashing back black curls, thin bare hands and small legs in lace pantalles and open shoes" ? 9) Find out the hero, write his name and surname.
"But why not marry, if she is very rich? It never interferes, "thought ______________.
He got out, he sacked with thoroughness and scope, made him habit, and with a born good-natured-winning expression, having a beautiful head, entered the room ...
5) Whose portrait is it? Write the name and surname of the hero.
"... there was a small growth, a very handsome young man with definite and dry features." 10) Who was Natasha Rostov in love at that moment when the author introduces readers with the heroes of the work?
Write the name and surname of the hero.
Test on the novel L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (1 volume) Option 2
1) Count Ilya Andreevich, Natasha, Nikolai, Peter ...
Specify the last name of this family. 6) Write, what was the name of Bolkon's estate called, where did the prince of Bolkonsky live with his daughter?
2) The action of the novel "War and Peace" initially had to cover a huge period of Russian history. Which date is not related to the conceived plot?
a) 1807 God) 1825 years old) 18566 g) 1863 year) Write what purpose to put the prince of Vasily Kuragin after Pierre Grojets.
3) the action of the novel "War and Peace" begins
a) in January 1812
b) in May 1807
c) in July 1805
d) in April 1801 8) Specify the name of the battle, after which the prince Andrei was disappointed in his idol - Napoleon.
a) Shenagrabenskoe c) Borodino
b) Friedland d) Austerlitsky4) Who is the M-Lle Bourienne (Mademoiselle of Brying)?
a) Girlfriend Julie Karaginab) Noleganiza Anna Pavlovna Sherler) companion Mary Bolkonskoy
d) Guest Gostovaya Family 9) Find out the hero of the novel "War and Peace" by signs and write the name and surname.
White shoulders, hair gloss and diamonds, unchanged smile, very open chest and back ...

5) Why did Prince Andrei go to serve in the army (1 volume)?
a) so his officer debt
b) due to the desire for glory
c) because of the desire to protect their homeland
d) at the insistence of the father
10) Find out the heroine and write her name and surname.
"She was so bad ... Not good was not a dress, but the face and the whole figure ... If you attach a blue ribbon to the hair, touched up, and pull the blue scarf with a brown dress, etc., then everything will be fine. ... frightened face and figure It was impossible to change, and ... the face itself remains sorry and ugly. "

Applied files

Roman "War and World" L.N. Tolstoy dedicated six years of intense and hard work. September 5, 1863 A.E. Bers, Father Sophia Andreevna, Tolstoy's wife, sent a letter from Moscow to a clear clearing letter with the following remark: "Yesterday we talked a lot about 1812 on the occasion of your intention to write a novel belonging to this era." It is this letter that researchers consider the "first accurate testimony" dating back to the work of Tolstoy over the "war and the world". In October of the same year, Tolstoy wrote his relative: "I never felt my mental and even moral forces so much free and so much capable of work. And I have this job. This work is a novel from time to the 1810 and 20th, which takes me quite from the autumn ... I am now a writer with all my soul, and I am writing and thinking about how I have never written and did not think. "

About how one of the world's largest creations was created, testify the manuscript "War and Peace": in the archive of the writer, over 5200 finely written sheets was preserved. According to them, you can trace the whole story of the creation of the novel.

Initially Tolstoy thought about the novel about the Decembrist, who returned after the 30-year-old Siberian reference. The effect of the novel began in 1856, shortly before the abolition of serfdom. But then the writer revised his plan and moved to 1825 - the epoch of the Decembrist uprising. Soon the writer left this start and decided to show the youth of his hero, which coincided with the Terrible and glorious sometimes of the Patriotic War of 1812. But he did not stop in this thickness, and since the war of 1812 was in an inseparable connection from 1805, then he began all the essay from that time. The beginning of the action of his novel in half a century deep into history, Tolstoy decided to spend through the most important events for Russia not one, but many heroes.

Its idea is to capture in the artistic form half a century of the country's history - Tolstoy called "three pores". The first time is the beginning of the century, its first and a half decades, the time of youth of the first Decembrists, who passed through the Patriotic War of 1812. The second time is the 20s with their main event - the uprising on December 14, 1825. The third time - the 50s, unsuccessful for the Russian army, the end of the Crimean War, the sudden death of Nicholas I, the amnesty of the Decembrists, their return from the reference and time of waiting for change in Russia's life. However, in the process of working on the work, the writer narrowed the framework of his initial design and focused on the first pore, touched only in the epilogue of the novel of the beginning of the second pore. But in this form, the design of the work remained global according to his scope and demanded the stress writer of all his might. At the beginning of the work, Tolstoy realized that the usual framework of the novel and the historical story would not be able to accommodate all the wealth of the content of them, and began to persistently look for a new art form, he wanted to create a literary work of a completely unusual type. And he succeeded. "War and World", according to L.N. Tolstoy, - not a novel, not a poem, not a historical chronicle, it is a novel-epic, a new genre of prose, who received widespread extent in Russian and world literature after thick.

"I love the thought of folk"

"To make the work well, you need to love the main basic idea in it. So in the "Anne Karenina" I loved the thought of the family, in the "war and the world" I love the idea of \u200b\u200bthe People's Astitis from the war of 1812 "(Tolstoy). The war, which resolved the issue of national independence, opened the source of the nation's force to the writer - the social and spiritual power of the people. The people are creating a story. This thought lit up all events and faces. "War and Peace" became a historic novel, received the magnificent form of the epic ...

The appearance of "war and the world" in the press caused the most disgraced criticism. Radical-democratic magazines of the 60s. They met the novel with fierce attacks. In the "spark" for 1869, "Literary and Drawing Plug" M. Znamensky appears [V. Kurochina] paroding novel. N. Shelgunov responds about him: "The APOLOGY OF THE RED BOARD". T. attack the idealization of the Bark medium, for the fact that it turned out to be covered by the position of the serf peasantry. But the novel did not receive recognition and in the reaction-noble camp. Some of his representatives agreed before accusing a thick in the antipatyotic direction (see P. Vyazemsky, A. Narova, etc.). The article N. Insurance is occupied by a special place, which emphasized the accuratory side of the "war and the world". It is very interesting to the article of the thick "a few words about the" war and the world "(1868). Tolstoy as it were justified in some accusations, when he wrote: "In those days, they also loved, envied, they were looking for truths, virtues, were fond of passions; The same was a difficult mentally moral life ... "

"War and Peace" from a military point of view

Roman c. Tolstoy is interesting for the military in a double sense: according to the description of the scenes of military and military life and the desire to make some conclusions regarding the theory of military affairs. The first, that is, the scenes, inimitable and, according to our extreme conviction, can make one of the most useful additions to any course of the theory of military art; The second, that is, the conclusions, do not stand the most indulgent criticism on its one-sidedness, although they are interesting as a transitional step in the development of the author's views on a military case.

Heroes about love

Andrey Bolkonsky: "I would not believe those who would tell me that I could love so much. This is not the feeling that I had before. The whole world is divided into two halves for me: one - she and there all happiness, hope, light; Another half is all where it is not, there is all the despondency and darkness ... I can't not love the light, I am not to blame for this. And I am very happy ... "

Pierre Duhov: "If God is there is a future life, that is, the truth is virtue; And the Higher happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. We must live, you need to love, you have to believe ... "


Already during the years of Soviet power, Lenin has repeatedly expressed his feeling of great pride of the genius of Tolstoy, he knew well and loved his works. Gorky recalled how in one of Lenin visits, he saw Tom "War and Peace" on his desk. Vladimir Ilyich immediately spoke about the thickness: "- What a lump, and? What a motley man! Here, it is, my friend, artist ... And, - Do you know what else is amazing? Before that, the graph of a genuine man in the literature was not.

Who in Europe can be put next to him?

Answered himself:

No one

"The Mirror of the Russian Revolution"

On the one hand, a brilliant artist who gave not only incomparable paintings of Russian life, but also the first-class works of world literature. On the other hand, a landowner who is unforgetable in Christ.

On the one hand, a wonderful strong, direct and sincere protest against public lies and falsehood, on the other hand, "Tolstov", that is, an articulated, hysterical lipik, called the Russian intellectual, who, publicly having herself in the chest, says: " I am a bad, I'm ugly, but I am engaged in moral self-improvement; I do not eat more meat and eat now rice cutlets. "

On the one hand, the merciless criticism of capitalist exploitation, exposing government violence, comedy of the court and government, the opening of the entire depth of the contradictions between the growth of wealth and the conquests of civilization and the growth of poverty, the wildness and torment of the working masses; On the other hand, - the obstruction of the "non-resistance of evil" by violence.


"In January 1871, Tolstoy sent a letter to Fetu:" As I am happy ... What to write a crowded lot like "war" I will never be more "

December 6, 1908 Tolstoy recorded in the diary: "People, love me for those trifles -" War and Peace ", etc., which they seem very important"

"In the summer of 1909, one of the visitors of the Casual Polyana expressed his delight and thanks for the creation of the" war and the world "and" Anna Karenina ". Tolstoy replied: "It's likely that someone came to Edison and would say:" I really respect you for the fact that you are well dancing Mazurka. " I attribute the importance to completely different my books. "

Tolstoy and Americans

The Americans declared the main novence of all the times and peoples four-volume work of the Lion of the Tolstoy "War and Peace". The NEWSWeek magazine experts drawn up a list of a hundred books announced by the publication of the best of all who have ever been written. As a result of the selection in the top ten, in addition to the novel of Leo Tolstoy, got: "1984" George Orwell, "Ulysses" James Joyce, "Lolita" Vladimir Nabokova, "Noise and Rage" William Falkner, "Invisible Man" Ralph Allison, " Lighthouse "Virginia Wulf," Iliad "and" Odyssey "of Homer," Pride and Prejudice "Jane Austin and" Divine Comedy "Dante Aligiery.

L. N. Tolstoy

Exercise 1.

Years of the writer:

Task 2.

so determined the genre of his work "without false modesty, is like" Iliad ". This genre:

1. Poem. 3. Epophey.

2.Rext. 4.The.

Task 3.

1. "Childhood. Defense. Youth".

2. "Childhood. Youth. My universities. "

Task 4.

What time period covers the novel "War and Peace":

1. Time between the Great French Revolution and the Famil of Moscow in the war of 1812.

2. The period of preparation and rebellion of the Decembrists.

3. The period of the war of the year.

Task 5.

Who meant D. Pisarev in the article "Old Barity":

1. Old prince Bolkonsky.

2. The old Count of Zuhova.

Task 6.

The reaction-fastened class appearance of the Moscow Aristocracy is relief revealed in the episode:

1. Meetings with the king in the Sloboda Palace in Moscow.

2. Watching troops with king in front of Shenagraben's battle.

3. Borodino battle.

Task 7.

Pseudo-patriotism. Full convergence from the folk medium inherent in visitors and owners of the living rooms:

one. . 2. Houses of growth. 3. Houses of the princes of Bolkonsky.

Task 8.

Characteristic features of the highest society are (find more superfluous):

1. Impellent selfishness, careerism, korestolubie.

2. Patriotism, pain for the fate of the Motherland.

3. Initiguration, secular maliciousness.

4. Sincere devastation, hypocrisy and pretense.

Task 9.

The effect of the novel occurs during the reign:

1. Alexander II. 3. Alexander I.

2. Nicholas II. 4. Catherine II.

Task 10.

1. On the ball.

2. During the arrival of the army after the defeat of the invasion of Napoleon.

3. During a review in front of Austerlitsky battle.

Task 11.

The patriarchal Moscow nobility is represented in images (find superfluous):

1. Countess Bezhova.

2. Daria Dmitrievna Ahrosimova.

3. Rostov family.

Task 12.

On the example of what family in the novel showed the atypicality, rare family relations:

1. Family of beans. 2. Block family. 3. Female growth.

Task 13.

he showed two poles in the historical appearance of the peasantry of serfthrough Russia in the novel "War and Peace". Find compliance:

1. Philosophy of fatalism, humility, humility, recognition of the legalization of its position.

2. Debt to the homeland, rebellion, awareness of its own significance. "width \u003d" 27 "height \u003d" 22 "\u003e Vince Vney Tikhon, Plato Karataev

Task 14.

What more reflects the dissatisfaction of the fortress peasants in the novel:

1. Monotonous increase.

2. Growing and recession, return to the previous level and stability of the position.

Task 15.

Brightly sounded in the novel Theme "Two Nations", which showed the reader of the true and "false" patriots of Russia. Find compliance:

1. A. Kuragin, B. Drubetskaya. , Countess Bezuhova.

2. Tushin and Timokhin, A. Bologkoe, Tikhon Shcherbat

True patriots. "False" patriots.

Task 16.

The dramatic path of the spiritual development of which Hero of the novel was typical for the advanced youth of the era of the formation of the Decembrists:

1. Anatoly Kuragin. 3. And Rostov.

2. Boris Drubetsky. 4. Andrey Bolkonsky

Task 17.

The struggle of spiritual with sensual is the basis of domestic development:

1. Pierre Zuhova 3. Boris Drubetsky.

2. Anatoly Kuragin.

Task 18.

Which of the heroes of the novel, a typical representative of the first quarter of the nineteenth century, A. Herzen called the "Necklands of Alexandrovsky Generation":

1.A. Bolkonsky. 3. D. DOLOHOVA.

2.B. Drubetsky.

Task 19.

Which of the events of 1812 was not an episode of the People's War:

1. Smolensk retreat.

2. Borodino battle.

3. Tarutinsky battle.

4. Partisan movement.

Task 20.

Epilogue is:

1. An additional element of the composition separated from the main story and next after its completion.

2. Additional element of the composition preceding the string.

3. Relatively short text placed by the author before the start of the work and designed to briefly express the main content or ideological meaning of the work following him.

Task 21.

After the war, 1812 has changed a lot, and representatives of the Russian intelligentsia in 1825 were on different sides of the barricades. One of the heroes of the novel in an epilogue so formulated the tasks of society: "We are only for Pugachev to come to slaughter and my and your children and that Arakcheev did not send me to the military settlement." To whom these words belong:

1. D. Dolokhov. 3. Nikolay Rostov.

2. Peru Bezuhov. 4. Denisov

Task 22.

Who owns the following portrait characteristics:

1. "... was clumsy, thick, above ordinary growth, wide, with huge red hands, he, as they say, did not know how to enter the salon and even less came out of it ..."

2. "... was a small growth, a very handsome young man with certain dry features ... With a tired, bored look." "width \u003d" 28 "height \u003d" 22 "\u003e Prince Bolkonsky Pierre

Task 23.

Who belongs to so contradictory, at first glance, statements about Napoleon:

"Napoleon is great because he got up above the revolution, suppressed her abuse, keeping everything good - and equality of citizens, and freedom of speech and press, - and only because it acquired power."

"As which communication was connected with the great event, which was predicted in the apocalypse, he did not know, but he did not doubt a minute in this regard ... But he decided to put the limit of the power of the beast ... to stop unhappiness of Europe."

1. A. Bolkonsky. 3. N. Rostov.

2. Denisov. 4.P. Bezuhov.

Task 24.

What kind of war is the statement of Pierre Proghova:

"If it was a war for freedom, I would understand, I would first enroll in military service, but ... against the greatest person in the world ... it's not good."

1. War of 1805. 3. War of 1812.

2. War of 1807 4. War of the Year.

Task 25.

The general characteristic of the hero is created by many ways, one of which is an opinion on the part. According to the above characteristics of the heroes of the novel, determine who they are all addressed.

: "I hope that no one will take it here, despite his wealth."

Princess Marya: "It seemed to me that he always had a wonderful heart."

Prince Andrei: "You are dear to me, precisely because you are one living person among all our light."

1. Peter Kirillovich Lyuhov. 3. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

2. Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky. 4. Nikolai Ilyich Rostov.

Task 26.

What is happiness? The heroes of the novel understand him in his own way. Determine who owns the following statements:

1. "Lack of suffering, customary satisfaction and due to the freedom to choose classes, that is, lifestyle."

2. "... He occurred to him that he was exactly intended to bring the Russian army from this provision that he was. That toulon. Which will bring out of the ranks of unknown officers and will open him the first way to glory. " "width \u003d" 28 "height \u003d" 22 "\u003e Pierre Duhov Prince Bolkonsky

Task 27.

Prince Andrei is excitedly thinking about his personal glory: "But where? How will my toulon express? " In which of the episodes, in your opinion, the hero is trying to realize his dreams of glory:

1. He did not avoid danger, "walking through the bodies and under the terrible fire of the French," he helped the cargo captain Tushina and gave him due as the hero of the day.

2. On the night before the general battle, he felt the approach of his Toulon, in his dreams he was presented with fantastic success, the brilliant decisions he accepts and who bring the rescue of the army, and he was fame ...

Task 28.

During which battle, Prince Andrei and Napoleon was held, which was of great importance in the fate of the hero:

"He knew that Napoleon was his hero, but at that moment Napoleon seemed to him such a small, insignificant person in comparison with what happened now between his soul and this high, endless sky with the clouds running on it."

1. Austerlitsky battle. 3. Borodino battle.

2. Shenagraben battle. 4. Krasnoye battle.

Task 29.

According to the portrait characteristics, determine who they belong:

1. "The whole figure was round, head ... back, chest, shoulders, even hands that he wore. As always, going to hug something, were round; A pleasant smile and big tender eyes were round, "he" should be in fifty years. "

2. "All the flexible, short figure with wide thick shoulders and unwittingly put forward by the belly and breasts had that representative, a precipitated view that people living in the Sorokalennik people." "width \u003d" 28 "height \u003d" 22 "\u003e Napoleon. Plato Karataev.

Task 30.

Which of the heroes of the novel "War and the World" does not stop at the Senate Square, according to their convictions:

"The Secret Society is hostile and harmful, which can only give rise to evil ... Debt and oath above all." "I led me now Arakcheev to go to you with a squadron and chopped - I won't think for a second and I will go."

1. Pierre Duhov. 3. A. Bolkonsky.

2. N. Rostov 4. Denisov.

Answers to the text:

1-chamener karataev

2- Lavrushka Shcherbatoy

1 - "false" p.

2 - True p.

1-a. Blåns

1 karataev


From the book "Literature: Tests. 9-11 cl. ".: Educational and Methodical

manual for teacher / Avto-Sost.