Drawing sea skate with middle children. How to draw sea skates in various techniques

Drawing sea skate with middle children. How to draw sea skates in various techniques
Drawing sea skate with middle children. How to draw sea skates in various techniques

Sea horse is an interesting variety of fish. They have a bizarre form making them unlike any creature in the water. It is this uniqueness that attracts people. Sea skates often become inspiration for artists, and those draw the bizarre sea inhabitants with bright colors, which results in a colorful picture of sea skates? It is easy, the main thing in this matter is practice.

A bit of the story of sea skates

Before answering the question of how to draw sea skates, you need to learn a little about them. Seahorse appeared not so long ago, as scientists say, this is a mutating kind of fish-needle.

These creatures prefer to live surrounded by algae, as they have a unique property - mimicria. It is because of this fact, people think that a lot of sea skates are very much. In fact, it is not. They are only 32, but since each of them knows how to change the color, then the variety of color gamut of sea rods amazing imagination.

Many will be survived, but this kind of fish is selected. They are attached to their tail to algae and in such a state spend up to 10 hours, causing themselves food.

Pencil machinery

Anyone who at least once thought, how to draw a marine skate with a pencil, understands that you need to start with a sketch:

  • First you need to schedule a common form. The head in the first stage should be similar to a horsepower, and the body is on the base of the symbol of the violin key.
  • If the sea horse is drawn surrounded by algae, then it should be borne in mind that the size of this fish does not exceed 20 cm.
  • Sketching the first outlines, you need to move to the first drawing. At this stage, the head of the sea skate looks like a crocodile head, a large cranial box and a long foam-shaped nose.
  • To the body of this bizarre fish you need to draw thorce spikes. They start with head and continue up to the tail.
  • And, of course, at the base of the tail, on the back, you need to draw a small fin.
  • When the overall outline is ready, you need to move to detail.

  • Cut the thin strip from the back - this area does not need further elaboration. On the rest of the body evenly and, most importantly, the form you need to apply horizontal strips.
  • How to draw sea skates more realistic? To do this, we need a relatively fictional light source for each section to put light and shadow.

Draw in color with children

Drawing with children, many parents are asked about how to draw a marine skate step by step. Here is a simple scheme for drawing a unique sea fish with cams and fingers:

  • First you need to choose bright colors that are well harmonized with each other. You can look at the analogues of sea skates on the Internet, and you can choose your favorite combination.
  • Next, you need to take paints, ideally - gouache, and lay them on the palette or on a sheet of paper.

How to draw sea skates with hands? It's simple. We ask the baby to hit the cam on the palette, the thick layer of paint should remain on the back of the fist. Further, the child must put the imprint on a sheet for drawing. Sea horse is ready, now you need to work out the details.

And the final stage will be drawn by a finger with a needles along the body of the fish. Three smears on the back should be made longer than others, it will be a simulated fin. It remains only to add an eye, and the sea horse is ready!

Some animals look as strange that it is practically no way to describe them without marrying scientific words. This is especially true of marine animals, which in this regard is not lucky at all. The vocabulary stock of a person was enough only to call animals on land, and with the sea they decided not to make it difficult, and simply find the minimum similarity and call, for example, marine cow, elose or a skate, which we will draw today. Hippocampus is a rare animal with incarnations of intelligence, which provokes him to live in places distant from the person. It can achieve the size of ten meters, but does not want. The skate called him due to its similarity to the fishing hook, and the fishing hook, in turn, on a horse with cerebral paralysis. It was not tamed by a man like a chupacabra, sabersub and.

Due to its rarity, it is a very delicacy dish, and this is understood not only people, but also sharks. In fact, the sharks do not eat them, they eat crabs that hire sharks for large money. British scientists believe that in fact, sea skates are grown by mermaids for high-speed movement on the warm flows of the Pacific Ocean.

The life of the sea skate is not so simple, it is even easier:

  • Eggs lay no females, and males. The females like to fight for guys, to steal over the tail and notice the small needles on the body of the rival;
  • Perhaps he floats the letter of r, as in chess;
  • Try to imitate sea rods dangerous for life;
  • They still exist only because they give birth along a thousand individuals at times;
  • Sometimes it is called sea kangaroo due to the presence of the bag in which the offspring is hiding.

Draw this interesting creature is difficult, but perhaps, if you follow these steps:

How to draw a marine skate with a pencil phased

Step one. Highlight the square and try to draw the shape of the skate form in it.
Step second. When it turns out, draw a long tail, a face with a small crown and a small chest near (for piquancy).
Step Three. Circle contours more clear. Also draw a lot of protective spikes on the body.
Step fourth. Add shadows, and on the back background some more bubbles and algae.
I recommend that you try to syrove.

The world of the sea is multifaceted and unusual. Porody there are the most incredible inhabitants. For example, a sea horse, which is very similar to a small dragon or a chess piece. He can fit on the palm of palm, and on the surface of the skin he has spikes, grown. This disguise makes it imperceptible in algae. How to draw a sea skate to convey its fantastic shape?

Start the skate from the head, on which a long still is located, like a pipette. We carry the oblique line down, draw your ear, forehead and a long nose. The lower part of the head is drawn with 2 small outgrows. Since there are many spikes on the bodies of the sea inhabitant, the line should be not direct, but zigzag.

From the head go to the body. The sea skate has a characteristic rounded tummy, because there is a huge bubble in it. Due to the vertical location, the fish has the ability to move vertically and cling to the tail for algae. Therefore, we draw a filthy borgon.

The tail bent on the left side, and not right, as it sometimes draws those who have not seen his photo.

We draw a mirror image of the left. Fish from top to bottom expands and narrows again.

You need to draw a fin.

After that, Zigzag draw the rear half of the skate to the connection with the head. On the top it should have 2 growing. This is explained by the fact that bony fish is included in the neck of needle.

Now it is necessary to retreat 1 mm and draw all the bends.

Having reached the fin, it should be done in 2 horizontal lines in it, and at the bottom of the tail go through the dotted line.

The same drawn in the left half of the tail and the abdomen.

Go through the parallel line on the neck and head. Do not forget that in the nose you need to make a nostril, but on my head to draw the eye and necessarily pupil.

Now you need to make a seabed back. To do this, draw the ranks of small closed figures. The number of elements in each row increases to the middle.

Take the bone on the fin.

Thus, walk through the entire left side of the sea skate, finishing the drawing on the tail. Fish can change the color, adjusting to the environment. He hides from enemies.

This is a very interesting fish, because the exclusively responsible male in a special pocket is engaged in snacking. Almost every 4 weeks, his offspring appears, for which no one looks at. Young individuals are provided to themselves and float either remain.

If we are going to draw a colorful picture of the underwater world, then without a sea skate can not do. Let's learn to draw sea skate. While we will also train and develop coloring.

Sea rustle is a fish that is not similar to the fish or an animal. Some species in general one-in-one look like algae.

A typical sea robe resembles a chess figure horse.

We start drawing. The curved neck is the back of the back, which goes into a long spiral tail. Please note: we immediately think that the curl should be for the harmoniousness of the figure to be in the other direction, but there is no tail curls to the abdomen, and not to the back. This tail is clinging to

Draw a belly. It is attached to the ridge. The neck of the skate norhisto is deployed and a long-axis muzzle is banging on it. The stall at the sea skate with a tube and he pulls them in small cribs and grills ( note - in huge quantities). Eyes are quite big and tearful: hiding among the sea rusting can be wonderful to imitate the coloring environment. They float these fish slowly and at the same time the body is kept vertically. Type standing. ( Although we recognize that in many photos they are still somehow fixed forward ). Well, it is understandable, they move slowly, they have the most darling: sea skates make a bet not at the speed, but on the hardness of the bone plates covering their body and the collar and shape.

How much is interesting we learned.

But, as many articles about animals - about the amazing creatures inhabiting millions of millions of years, the stories about them report to us, and these creatures made a person with their activities at risk of disappearance. That sea skates are also listed in the Red Book. Alas. No matter how I wanted the children I teach, grew in the consciousness of our responsibility for life on our common planet.

So drew. I will apply a picture as a sample for coloring sea rustic. But I'm drawing coloring for my students from hand and it is better to practice - draw a one more sea skate.

How to draw sea skate 2

And here -pohaluista, another jacklan-second coloring sea rustic:

But simple copying is not so interesting, let's see what happens if you turn the fish:

Now I have a whole troika horses - at least in the carriage harness. However, I need not for travel, I will apply a marine rustic color painting so that the students have painted patterns, cut out the complex contour and how the motive draw beautiful thickets of algae, where they will hide and hunt skates. Such here are Napoleonic plans.