Records of birds. Birds with the most unusual beaks

Records of birds. Birds with the most unusual beaks
Records of birds. Birds with the most unusual beaks
The largest heartless birds
Ostrich It was recorded that the height of the males of the African Ostrich Ostrich (Struthio C. Camelus) can reach 2 m 74 cm.
The highest flying (kille) birds
Crane The highest of flying birds are cranes, gruidae swamp birds. The growth of some of them reaches almost 2 m.
The smallest
Hummingbird The males hummingpieces (Mellisuga Helenae), living in Cuba and on about. Pinos, weigh 1.6 g, and their length is 5.7 cm. Half lengths make up the tail and beak. Females are somewhat larger.

Falcon-crumb The smallest among predatory birds is a black-legged falcon-baby (Microhierax Fringillarius) from Southeast Asia and Belogruda Sorokoput (M. Latifrons) from the northwestern part about. Borneo. The average length of the body in both species is 14-15 cm, including a tail of 5 cm long, and the weight of about 35 g.

The largest prehistoric birds
Dromomis Stirtoni Judging by the fossil bones of the legs found in 1974 near Alice - Springs, the blatant Dromomis Stirtoni, a giant, resembling an ostrich bird that dwells in the central part of Australia from about 15 million and up to 25,000 years ago, reached in height 3 M and weighed about 500 kg.
Mo. The Giant Bird of Moa (Dinornis Maximus), who was inhabited in New Zealand, had probably even more growth - 3.7 m, and weighed about 230 kg.
Terator The most major of prehistoric flying birds is considered a giant terator (Argentavis Magnificens), which lived in the territory of modern Argentina about 6-8 million years ago. Fossil remnants found in 1979 show that this huge, similar to the poultry blemish wings exceeded 6 m, the growth reached 7.6 m, and the weight is 80 kg.

(Perhaps, thanks to it, he appeared myths about bird ruh, whose wings were closed)

The most flying bird
Black Strizh Black string (APUS APUS) can be in the air of 2-4 years. Throughout this time he sleeps, drinks, eats and even pairing on the fly. Young haircut that got on the wing flies, probably 500,000 km before landing.
(Apparently because of this photographs it is almost not in the network, and which are - sufficiently inflating)
The longest flight
Ordinary colt Ordinary colt (Sterna Hirundo) left his nest on the lake in Finland around August 15, 1996 and was caught January 24, 1997. Near Lakes in Plasterland, pcs. Victoria, Australia. She flew 25,750 km.
Bird flying slower than all
Woodcock During the marriage games, the flight speed of American Valdshnepa (Scolopax Minor) and Valdshnepa S. Rusticola were recorded. They were held in the air at a speed of 8 km / h.
The most severe flying birds
Bustard The most severe flying birds are African Big Drofa (Ardeotis Kori), inhabiting in Northeast and South Africa, and Dudak (Otis Tarda), inhabiting Europe and Asia. Describes the drifs weighing 19 kg. There are reliable data on dudaks weighing 18 kg, although there are an unconfirmed information about the Dudakian's male weighing 21 kg, enclosed in Manchuria, which was too heavy to fly.

Condor The most severe predatory bird is the Andean Condor (Vultur Gryphus). Males on average weigh 9-12 kg with a wings of 3 m and more. Male Califormian (Gymnogyps Califomianus), which is stored in the California Academy of Sciences in Los Angeles, USA, as claimed, weighed at a lifetime of 14.1 kg.

The biggest scope of wings
Albatross The biggest scope of the wings is marked with the side albatross (Diomedea Exulas). On September 18, 1965, the team of the Antarctic Research vessel, Eltanin, who belonged to the US Navy, in Tasmann Sea was caught a very old male with a scope of the wings of 3.63 m.

Birds flying above all
Sip On November 29, 1973, Abidjan, Côte d "Ivoire, Sip (Gyps Ruepellii) encountered a passenger aircraft at an altitude of 11,277 m. The feathers remaining from the bird, so that in the American Museum of Natural History could firmly determine the species of birds.

Swan-Clikun On December 9, 1967, about 30 clikunov swans were noticed at a height, slightly exceeding 8230 m. They flew from Iceland to wintering to the bay of Loch Foil, on the border between Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. The pilot of the aircraft discovered them above the external hebrides, and the height of their flight was confirmed by the radar.
(I am proud of swans)
The fastest runner
Ostrich The fastest fluttering bird is recognized by African ostrich, which, despite the greater mass, may if necessary, to develop speed up to 72 km / h.
The fastest fellow
Sapsan Observations seem to confirm that Sapsan (Fales Peregrinus) is able to develop the maximum speed of up to 200 km / h, when it rushes down a high height, protecting its territory or hunting birds in the air.

Bird, waving wings more often than all
Kholib Horiactin Cornuta, inhabiting in the tropics of South America, waves with wings with a frequency of 90 crawls per second.
The fastest swimmer
PenguinPapuan Penguin (Pygoscelis Papua) can be saved at a speed of up to 27 km / h.
The deepest immersion
Penguin The greatest immersion depth among birds was recorded in 1990 in the Sea of \u200b\u200bRoss, off the coast of Antarctica. One of the imperial penguins (Aptenodytes Forsteri) dived at the depth of 483 m.
Birth and life
The oldest bird
Crane Siberian White Crane (Crus Leucogeranus) Nick Wolfe, held in the International Cranes Protection Fund, located in the Barabow, Piece. Wisconsin, USA, lived, as reported to 82 years. Bird died at the end of 1988 after who drives out the visitor, broke the beak. (No comments)
Cockatoo Over 80 years old has lived the male of a large yellow kakada (Cacatua Galerita) by nicknamed Coki, who died in the London Zoo in 1982. This is the maximum age among birds established with absolute confidence.
Goose In addition to ostrich, which sometimes live to 68 years old, the long-liver among domestic birds is a goose (Anser a. Domesticus), which is usually usually up to 25 years. In 1976, the hussak was kicked by Jorge, who lived to 49 years old and 8 months.
The biggest nest
Hen The incubation hills, built by the Australian Glazchable Chicken (Leipoa Ocellata), reach 4.57 m in height and 10.6 m wide. It is estimated that 250 m3 of building material weighing 300t took place to build such a nest.

Orlan The socket of 2.9 m wide and a depth of 6 m built a pair of white-headed Orlans (Haliaeyus Leucocephalus) and, possibly, their descendants near St. Petersburg, pcs. Florida, USA. It was studied in 1963 and weighed, estimated, more than 2t.
Golden eagle Berkut (Aquila Chrysaetos) also builds huge nests. They report that in 1954, a nest was found in Scotland with a depth of 4.57 m.

The smallest nest
Kholib The nest of dwarf hummingbird (Mellisuga Minima) is about 2 times less than the walnut shell. The nest of the humming bee (M. Helenae) is less than diameter, but deeper. In size it is no more thimble.
The smallest egg
Kholib Dwarf Hummingbird (Mellisuga Minima), who dwells on Jamaica, postpones the smallest eggs. The length of the smallest of them does not reach 1 cm, and the weight is only 0.365.
The biggest egg
Ostrich An African Ostrich Egg Length is usually 15-20 cm, a diameter is 10-15 cm, and the weight of 1-1.78 kg (by volume it approximately corresponds to 2 dozens of chicken eggs). And although the shell thickness is only 1.5 mm, it can withstand human weight.
Hybrid Ostrich The biggest egg was demolished in Israel, in Kibetsa Hanon, June 28, 1988. Two-year-old hybrid between the two subspecies of the ostrich (Struthio C. Camelus X S.C. Australis). It weighed 2.3 kg.
Elephant bird Extincting elephant bird (AEPYOMIS MAXIMUS) laid eggs with a length of 33 cm and with a capacity of 8.5 liters, which is equal to the container of 7 ostrich eggs.

Bird's beaks are of different shapes and lengths. Most often, they are direct, however, there are beaks of a completely unique form - intersecting, beaks with a bag, etc. In many ways, the beak shape is explained by the lifestyle of the feathery, habitat, and most importantly - in the excessive way. We know what birds are the most unusual and the longest beaks .

The most unusual beaks

Bird's titles with the most unusual beak are worthy of several applicants. Of the ten thousand species of birds, we consider those whose beaks are the most peculiar.

Asian Rhino Bird

A severe massive beak was given the nature of a rhino bird. To hold such gravity, her neck is equipped with powerful muscles. Through the beak, the males attract females, it helps feathers in the fight and catching mining. Another feature of the rhino bird is his hollow horn over the beak. It enhances the sounds published, helps in battle.

Curly pelican

These large birds with bags under the beak can everyone can see in the zoo. Pelican catches his throat bag. On the top of his beak there is a hook. Through the hook, the bird, before you eat the fish, captures and throws it into the air.


Blood is unique in that combines the features of reptiles, fish, birds and mammals. The presence of beak on his body looks ridiculous. It should be noted that the device of the beak differs significantly from the device of the beak birds. On the surface of its beak there are sensitive receptors, catching weak electric fields, it helps the wall-building to find moving mining.


One of the most unusual birds is the royal heron, the second name - Kitwall. Its beak is very unusual - it is a huge size with a crochet at the end. Due to the similarity of the head and massive beak with a vested shoe, the British of Kit'moga is called "BashmaClut".

The longest beaks

The beaks of birds are almost always long. Some of the feathers have the beak that make up about a third of the length of the body, and there are those whose beak significantly exceeds the body's body length.


Storks - owners of large beak and long neck. The beak has a conical shape and painted in red. This device allows the birds to eat frogs, rainworms, lizards, fish, mice, crots and insects.

For Aist, the beak is like a tweezers, which he can pull food from the swamp. Remains a mystery why his beak red?

Australian Pelican.

It was this pelican that is called the Guinness Book of Records Bird with the longest beak, which reaches forty - fifty centimeters. The length of the body of an adult individual varies from a meter of sixty centimeters to a meter ninety centimeters.

With the help of your beak, the Australian Pelican is able to catch a rather large fish. On the other hand, due to the severity of the beak, the bird is hard to fly with a straightened neck, Pelican flies bent bent.

Musicless hummingbird

If you compare the length of the beak with the length of the body, it turns out that the sword-haired hummingbird has the longest beak. The bird lives in highland Andes from Bolivia to Venezuela.

Ten centimeters are two millimeters - such is the length of the beak. The length of the body without taking the tail is four times less than the length of the beak. Using such a long beak, the hummingbirds can feed on the nectar of the tubular colors of the Parenic.

Hummingbird, though small, but very bold bird and is able to attack larger feathered. The site site has about the largest birds.

Bird with the most huge beak

Ornithologists believe that the owner of the most huge beak is a big toucan. In Tukanans, the beak is a large, amounting to about a third of the bird length. There are individuals with a beak that make up fifty-five percent of body length. With this bright beak, he collects and cleans the fruit, attracts females, scares predators and protects the territory.

Toucan is a close relative of Dyatla. The habitat of this bright bird is the tropical forests of Mexico and America. The beak is the fleet temperature regulator, it was found during the study of several Universities of Brazil and Canada. It turned out that the beak, permeated with the smallest blood vessels, with an increase in air temperature, "takes over" the temperature of the body of Tukanan and "gives" it into the air. The bird limits or increases blood flow, thereby keeping the heat or cooling body.
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Birds are very interesting creatures, they are straightened from all other animals, and even from each other. Some birds are almost all life in the air, the second is generally devoid of wings and feathers and know how to run around the ground, and the third preference is preferred from the water element ...

The biggest bird

It `s naturally, . The growth of the largest individuals of the African Ostrich reaches 2.80 meters, with a weight of 170 kilograms.

The smallest bird

This record belongs. The smallest hummingbird weighs only 1.5 grams with a body length of about 5 centimeters.

The fastest flying bird

Among flying birds are simply not. On a straight distance, the Sapsan is able to accelerate to 200 km / h, and in the so-called, picing fall during the hunt, the feathered predator develops speed up to 325 km / h. By the way, Sapsan is not only the fastest bird, but also the fastest animal on the planet.

The fastest running bird

It is probably no secret to anyone that are the best runners among all the feathers. They are able to run at a speed of 80 km / h. With this run, the pitch of the ostrich can reach up to 8 meters in length.

The most severe flying bird

Here, the first place is divided by a large African and dudak. Surprisingly, these birds weigh 18-20 kg.

The longest-lived bird

Large rolling Cockada In captivity lives for about 80 years. However, it is believed that in natural conditions the life expectancy of this parrot can be 100 years or more.

The most acute vision

The second record. This bird has so good vision that it is capable of recognizing the mouse from a distance of 8 kilometers.

The biggest scope of wings

W. warenting Albatros This indicator is 3.6 meters. Slightly less scope of wings andean Condora - Predator family of falconry - 3 meters of 20 centimeters.

The longest beak

The longest beak relative to the size of the body has musicless hummingbird. The length of the beak of this small bird can reach 10 cm, with a total length of 15 cm, i.e. The beak is 2 times longer than the body.

The highest flight

It is actually very difficult to determine who is a real record holder on this parameter. By truly known cases, the first place belongs grifu RyuppelThis bird flew at an altitude of more than 11 kilometers.

The most voracious bird

Cuban Todi. The day eats several thousand insects, the total weight of which is about 60-65% of the weight of the bird itself.

The fastest bird or the maximum number of waves per minute

Sinekhvosta Amazila - Another record holder from the Hummingbird family, makes 80 crawled wings per second.

Best floating bird

Penguins are the best places in the world of birds. Stronger other species stand out imperial Penguin - It floats at a speed of 36 km / h, and that in general it can increasingly dive to a depth of almost 500 meters.

The most rustling bird

Polar duck It is capable of withstanding the temperature -110 degrees Celsius. This makes it not only the most endless representative of the Pernaya family, but also the rustling animals in general.

The loudest bird

Indian Pavlin Screams so loud (and besides ugly), which heard it in a few kilometers.

The greatest number of feathers

W. swan More than 25 thousand feathers.

The most poisonous bird

Yes, birds are also poisonous! The most dangerous are the representatives of the kind pitoowa. All body and feathers are impregnated with one of the most dangerous toxins in the world - homobatrahotoxin. This poison is deadly even for a person.

Birds live almost every centimeter of the planet, their homes can be found in the frozen expanses of Antarctica and in the wet tropical forests of South America. We see birds every day and usually do not pay attention to them. But these beautiful feathers are amazing and full of riddles. We present to you top 10 most interesting facts about birds.

In order to reduce the weight of the bird body nature deprived of his bladder. Instead of producing liquid urine, the birds produce a white pasty. However, ostrich, although it does not have a bladder, differs from all other birds in that there is a special separation for feces and urine in his body.

9. Feathers and dinosaurs

The main types of living beings can be distinguished from each other by such a criterion as skin cover: animals have a fur, fish have scales, arthropods have an exoskeleton, and birds have feathers. You might think that feathers are needed by birds to fly, but it is incorrect for two reasons: first, the feathers first appeared at the ancestors of birds, dinosaurs, and secondly, feathers were needed mainly as a means of conservation of the heat of the body, and only In the course of evolution allowed the birds to rise into the air.

8. Birds and Olympics

For thousands of years, pigeons delivered messages, including important military information, as well as the results of the first Olympic Games. The last time the pigeons were used as postal couriers during World War II.

7. Penguins coloring is camouflage

Under water, black and white painting penguins helps them to stay hidden and from predators and from victims. When the penguins float their black spins merge with dark water under them so that they are difficult to discover from above. And the white areas in the meantime help them to merge with the brightest surface of the water, so they are almost invisible from below. But on land, black backs of penguins can stand out sharply against the background of a snowy landscape, but they have fewer enemies on Earth than under water.

6. Who has the biggest beak

Australian Pelican has the longest beak, its length is almost 0.5 meters. But the tiny bird-hummingbird is only 10 cm, but this is the only bird with a beak longer than the body.

5. Kiwi with nostrils, but without wings

The only bird with nostrils at the end of the beak is Kiwi. Such a location of the nostril helps her sniffing on Earth food - worms and insects. She often snorts to clean the nostrils. It is also the only bird in the world that does not have wings.

4. Boltun - Nakhodka for the Ornithologist

The fifth number of our bird ranking is the most chatting bird in the world - African gray parrot. This is one of . One parrot of this species could say more than 800 words. And most types of parrots can only pronounce 50 words.

3. Nearest relatives of birds - crocodiles

As creatures, vertebrates are associated with all other vertebrate animals that live, or ever lived on the planet. But you may be surprised by learning that the family of vertebrate animals with which modern birds are most closely related - these are crocodiles. They, like dinosaurs, developed from the group of reptiles called "Arhozavra" at the end of a triad period. Dinosaurs, Pterosaurians and sea shoes are extinct, but crocodiles somehow managed to survive. Despite the relationship with the birds, they gladly eat any close relatives who will risk landed near their muzzles.

2. Parrots yaw together

Wavy parrots are the only one of the famous species of birds, which is susceptible to the infection of the sowing. People, dogs, chimpanzees, laboratory rats, and a number of other creatures can "pick up" the yawns from each other, but the wavy parrots are the first view of non-mammals, which demonstrates the exposure of behavior. Many scientists believe that the unconscious, instinctive response to the yawn can be a primitive way to show empathy. Or perhaps this is a sign of group combat readiness.

1. Who else is all

In the first place in the list of the most interesting facts about the birds there is an Argentine lake duck (she is the Argentine Savka). Its penis, twisted spiral, reaches a length of 45 cm - longer than all other famous birds (and many are at all costs without penis). The length of the duck itself is about 40-46 centimeters. The base of the penis is covered with rude spikes, and the tip is soft, like a brush. Perhaps it is necessary to remove the sperm of the previous "groom" from the genital paths of females. When the sealer's sexual organ is not used, he is drawn into his stomach.

It begins in the right nostril, then divided into two half, goes the whole head entirely, including the neck, passes through the hole of the beak, and then becomes one again - it sounds urgent, is not it? But it is the structure of a bird language that has the longest language in the world.

Exclusive language

We all, if not seen, then surely heard how the woodpecker merily tapping on the tree trunk. In an attempt to extract food, this bird has to expound the trunk of a tree, then hollow out a hole in the wood, and then use your long language, which, due to its unique structure, is able to get from the depths of the larvae and insects.

Thin and sticky tongue of woody will easily get a delicacy even from ants. Thanks to the nervous endings, located in the language, the woodpecker is not mistaken with the prey, which falls on the touch.

Most featured creatures have a tongue holds behind the back of the beak and is in the oral cavity. Dyatlah, pay attention to the picture, the language begins its growth from the right nostril! Dyatlas, when he does not do the extraction of food, the language is in the rolled form. It is located in the nostril and under the skin protecting the skull.

Evolution or reasonable intent?

Many people remember from the school course of biology about natural selection and mutation, during which they continue their life path and the development of those individuals who managed to adapt to the world around the world. But what an advantage takes on a bird if her tongue from her habitual place moves into the right nostril, and also begins to grow backwards? Further development of events would show that such a bird simply died with a hungry death.

The woodpecker gained the advantage when his tongue made a full circle around the head, and lay down on the usual place in the beak. Despite the fact that the woodpecker has a unique structure of the tongue, evolutionists do not doubt that this bird occurred from other birds with standard tongue. But they argue that the language of Dyatla is the result of a reasonable plan.

Dyatla food

The bird, which has the longest language in the world, has the finest hearing. The silent sound published by insect, eating wood, will not be ignored. Dyatli feed on what they will find in the crust, under the bark, inside the cortex, in the wood.

Some of the Dyatlov hunt not only in the wood, anthills are used for food search, stumps. Separate individuals are looking for larvae in the earth's thicker. Usually, the bird's diet consists of bugs, larvae, ants, worms and caterpies. The northern brothers do not mind to enjoy nuts.

Family Dyatlov

Dyatlah Montoganna, they are true to their partner the whole season. Birds breed a couple of times a year. Every year, the dyatlah hollow out a new dwelling, they do not use other people's buildings. Dyatli prefer to build housing to use trees with soft wood. It happens that the length of such a dwelling reaches half a meter. Wood sawdust uses as a litter of wood.

Dyatlah in nature

Dyatlov, for an active struggle with pests, called "Forest Sanitary". They bring obvious help in the forests that are worthy of not one year, where full of old trees. But in young people from Dyatlov, harm is harmful than the benefit. The abundance of the hollow spoil the structure of the young tree. If the same tree regularly dwells over three to four years, as they like to do the wood-and-sausage, it will die.

In zoos, these birds are rare, but they get used to people fast enough. We have a little dealt with the question, which bird has the longest language, it is time to pay attention to other representatives of the spine world.


In the world of mammals, the length of the language has become the recently discovered bat in Ecuador. The length of this organ 3.5 times exceeds the length of the body of the owner and is 8.5 cm. Measure the language of this charming, when it was treated with rapid water in a narrow and long test tube.

Australian Echidna

Mammal, laid eggs, has an elongated nose. At the end of which the nose and mouth are placed, inside is very thin and long tongue. If the animal dries his tongue, we will see 18 centimeters covered with sticky language liquid.


This lizard has a half-meter. The length of this organ depends on the size of chameleon, the larger the animal, the longer its language. It straightens this representative of the detachment of scaly for hundredths of seconds - the elusive movement can only be seen with slow motion.


The agent is a toothless animal, although if there are a 60-centimeter sticky tongue, no teeth are needed. Foods used ants and termites. For one minute, the game can be launched and pulling the tongue back more than one and a half hundred times.


The mammal, which has the highest growth on Earth, sometimes lacks its own height. Compensates for the animal this lack of its long tongue. With the help of a 45-centimeter language, the animal extracts itself to be satisfying consisting of trees and shrubs leaves.