Abstract "Natural School" in the history of the Russian literary language. "Natural school

Abstract "Natural School" in the history of the Russian literary language. "Natural school

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Training Center LLC


Abstract for discipline:

"Theory and History of the Russian Literary Language" "

On this topic:

"Natural School" in the history of the Russian literary language "


Nikolaevna Tatyana Vladimirovna

Moscow 2016.

Introduction ..... ................................. ................................ .... 3

    Style and criteria for the classification to "Genuine School" ................... 4

    The philosophical and aesthetic foundations of "Natural School" ... ... 7

    Disintegration and value .... ......... .................................................... ....nine

Conclusion ............................................................... .......................................eleven

List of used literature ............................................................. 13


The natural school is the conditional name of the initial stage of the development of critical realism in the Russian literature of the 1840s, which arose under the influence of the creativity of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. It was not a literary association with a clearly designed program and membership, it was an informal association of young prosecutors who gathered under the ideological influence of Vissarion Belinsky in the journal "Patriotic Notes". Turgenev and Dostoevsky, Grigorovich, Herzen, Goncharov, Nekrasov, Panayev, Dalya, Chernyshevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin and other 3 ranks.

Determining the composition of the participants, we proceed from the fact that the decisive are not personal contacts of artists, not a circle proximity, developing around Belinsky, and loyalty to certain creative principles that have arisen under the influence of the weatrical situation and ideologically - artistic needs of time.

Researcher Yu. Mann indicated that "Natural School" - strictly speaking, not a school (school, from the point of view of manna, is the common style, subjects, that is, a high degree of community). Interestingly, grapes, defining the concept of "natural school", united not writers, but works, considering that "the poetic personality itself is extracurricular, it does not fit into the framework of a particular school.

It is interesting to explore the origin and development of the principles of "Natural School" in the work of its individual representatives.

In this paper, let's try to reveal the concept of "genuine school" and prove that it was a cultural phenomenon and took aesthetic position in Russian literature.

Style and criteria for the classification to "Genuine School"

The natural school in the expanded application of the term, as it was used in the 1840s, does not indicate a single direction, but is a concept largely conditional. The most common signs, on the basis of which the writer was considered belonging to a natural school, were the following: social and significant topics, who captured a wider circle than even a circle of social observations (often in the "low" layers of society), a critical attitude to social reality, the realism of artistic Expressions that fought against the embellishment of reality, self-astate, romantic rhetoric. Since no membership lists at the "Natural School" did not exist, the assignment of this or that writer to it was given to the refuse of literary critics and historians of literature 5 .

Belinsky distinguishes the realism of the "Genuine School", claiming the most important feature of the "Truth", and not the "lies" of the image; He pointed out that "our literature ... from rhetorical sought to become natural, natural." Belinsky emphasized the social orientation of this realism as its peculiarity and the task, when, protesting against the use of "art for art", argued that "in our time, art and literature more than ever, and the expression of public issues." The realism of the genuine school in the interpretation of Belinsky is democratic. The natural school is not drawn to the ideal, fictional heroes - "pleasant exceptions from the rules", but to the "crowd", to the "mass", to people ordinary and most often to the people of "low title". Common in the 1840s, all sorts of "physiological" essays satisfied this need for a reflection of other, short-lived life, at least just in the reflection of externally domestic, superficial. Chernyshevsky especially sharply emphasizes as a material and main feature of the "literature of the Gogolian period", its critical, "negative" attitude to reality - "Literature of the Gogolian period" is here another name of the same genuine school: it is to Gogol 2 - the author of the "dead shower", "Auditor", "Schineli" - as a generic team was erected by genuine school Belinsky and a number of other critics. Indeed, many writers ranked in a genuine school experienced a powerful influence of various sides of Gogol's creativity. Such is his satire, the sharpness of the production of the problem of the "small man" problem, his gift to portray the "prosaic substantial debrity of life." In addition to Gogol, such representatives of Western European literature, like Dickens, Balzac, George Sand, had an impact on natural school writers.

"Natural School" aroused the criticism of representatives of different directions: she was accused of the addictions "to low people", in the "dirt film", in political unrealiousness (Bulgarin), unilaterally negative approach to life, in imitating the latest French literature. "Natural School" was criticized by Shevyrian, accused of young fiction in the lack of artistic taste and love for the Russian people. The "Natural School" was subjected to a "Natural School" Petr Karautygina (1847). After the death of Belinsky and tightening censorship in 1848, the name "Natural School" itself was prohibited by censorship. In the 1850s, the term "Gogol Direction" was used (the name of the work of N. G. Chernyshevsky "Essays of the Gogolian period of Russian literature") was used. Later, the term "Gogol Direction" began to be wider than the actual "Natural School", applying it as a designation of critical realism.

In the presentation of the modern criticism, the natural school was, thus, was a single group combined by the above-mentioned shafts. However, a specific social and artistic expression of these features, which means the degree of sequence and relief of their manifestation were so different that the natural school as a whole is conventional. Among the writers, they were numbered, in the literary encyclopedia there were three currents according to their degree of revolutionism 6 .

Philosophical and aesthetic foundations of "Natural School"

Differently seen the unity of the "genuine school" of grapes, Kuleshov, Mann. Obviously, the work of specific writers and critics can never fully meet the framework of any artistic - philosophical doctrine.

For Belinsky "Natural School" was exactly a school, direction, albeit in the artistic plan - "wide type". The word "school" suggests something that arises not arbitrarily, and the created consciously, meaning some kind of in advance these goals.

In the worldview plan, this is a certain system of views on reality, its maintenance, leading trends, opportunities and ways of its development. The generality of the worldview is an important condition for the formation of a literary school. Meanwhile, the literary school is united, first of all, structurally - poetic moments. So, young writers of the 40s perceived Gogol techniques, but not Gogol's worldview 4 .

According to Belinsky, the genius is creating that and when he wants, his activity cannot be predicted and directed. His works are inexhaustible by the number of possible interpretations. One of the tasks of fiction, believed Belinsky, - propaganda of advanced scientific ideas.

The origins of the "Natural School" are Belinsky and Herzen, largely brought up on the ideas of Hegel. Even afterwards, arguing with him, this generation retained the hegelev structure of thinking, the commitment of rationalism, such categories as historicism, primacy of objective reality on subjective perception.

However, it is worth noting that Gegelian historicism and the "Russian idea" derived on its basis is not a monopoly heritage of Belinsky and a circle of writers who united around "domestic notes" at the beginning of the 40s.

So, Moscow Slavophiles based on the same historical - philosophical parcels, as Belinsky, made opposite conclusions: Yes, the Russian nation reached worldwide - historical frontiers; Yes, the story is the key to modernity, but the complete exercise of the "spirit" of the nation and the coming Great Glory - not so much in the success of civilization and Western enlightenment, as Belinsky and Herzen believed, and above all in the manifestation of Orthodoxy - Byzantine began.

So, although Gegelian ideas were based on the "genuine school", but they did not define its originality on the literary background of the era of the 40s.

For the first time, the name "Natural School" was used by Bulgarine in the Nordic Bee Fakele from January 26, 1846. Under the pen Bulgarine - this word was blooming. In the mouth of Belinsky - the banner of Russian realistic literature. And the defenders, and the enemies, and later - researchers of "Natural School", attributed the work of young writers who entered into literature after Pushkin and Lermontov, directly following Gogol, Goncharov and Dostoevsky, Nekrasov, etc.

Belinsky in the annual review "View to Russian literature of 1847" wrote: "Natural School" stands in the foreground of Russian literature. Belinsky referred the first steps of the "Natural School" by the beginning of the 40s. Its finite chronological frontier was later determined by the beginning of the 50s. Thus, the "Natural School" is a decade of Russian literature.

According to Mann, one of the brightest decades, when all those who in the second half of the 19th century were destined to be the basis of Russian literature 1 .

Now the concept of "Natural School" belongs to the generally accepted and most common.

Researchers of good, bursa, Pospelov, Sokolov turned to the problem of "Natural School".

Disintegration and value

In the 1840s, the disagreements between the authors ranged to the "Natural School" have not yet sharpened to the limit. While also the writers themselves, united under the name of the natural school, were not aware of the clearly all depth of their contradictions. Therefore, for example, in the collection "Physiology of St. Petersburg", one of the characteristic documents of the genuine school, the names of Nekrasov, Ivan Panayev, Grigorovich, Dalya stand nearby. From here it is rapprochement in the consciousness of contemporaries of urban essays and the associates of Nekrasov with the officials of Dostoevsky.

In the 1850s, the sizing between writers ranked in a natural school will sharply exacerbate. Turgenev will take an irreconcilable position in relation to the "contemporary" of Nekrasov and Chernyshevsky and will determine as an ideological artist "Prussian" path of development of capitalism. Dostoevsky will remain in the camp supporting the dominant order (although the democratic protest was also characteristic of the Dostoevsky 1840s, in the "poor people" for example, and in this regard he had binding threads with Nekrasov). And, finally, Nekrasov, Saltykov, Herzen, the works of which will put the path of the wide literary products of the revolutionary part of the allocations of the 1860s, will affect the interests of the "peasant democracy" fighting for the "American" path of the development of Russian capitalism, for the "peasant revolution".

In recent years, aspects of the consideration of a natural school as a particular analysis, full of internal dynamics and contradictions, who have given many great writers, who have remembered their relatives, who have remembered their relatives, their own cradle of realism, has become increasingly enriched in a specific analysis. 3 .

As part of a natural school - a variety of writers united by some common goals, techniques of creativity, genre and style features. There are problems of "teachers" and "students", "traditions" I "innovation", the ratio of "individual" and "general" in creativity, "artistic practice" and "theoretical program" within the "school" and the entire realistic direction. Learning a genuine school - grateful: It allows you to form a wide profile philologist, with good theoretical preparation, since the natural school occupies a nodal place in the literary process.

The study of the natural school has a general standard, it should contribute to a better understanding of the typology of Russian realism and the literary process of the XIX century.


Since the time of Belinsky, the term "Natural School" it is customary to determine one of the most important transitional stages in the history of Russian literature, falling at the 40s of the XIX century, when, under the direct influence of Gogol, as well as Pushkin, Lermontov, Belinsky's criticism was formed and took a steady position in Russian Literature realism. This stage was precisely a school for many young writers (Nekrasov, Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Herzen, Grigorovich), who realized their close creative unity, who supported friendly communications among themselves and grouping around the "domestic notes" and "contemporary", headed by Belinsky. The term "realism" then has not yet appeared in Russian literature, but the concept of naturalness, the "naturalness" image of life has already existed, enshrined by the artistic practice of natural school writers; Belinsky understood him in his critical articles. The definition of "Natural School" firmly entered all university courses in Russian literature. In recent years, the aspects of the consideration of a natural school as a particular analysis of the internal speaker and contradictions, who have given many great writers of the second half of the XIX century, who remembered their relatives, their own kalibl of realism, has become increasingly enriched in a specific analysis.

The "Natural School" in the history of the Russian literary language took aesthetic position and was a cultural phenomenon.

Belinsky argued that the "Natural School" stands in the foreground of Russian literature. Under the motto of "Gogol Direction", "Natural School" united the best writers of the time, although various in the worldview. These writers have expanded the area of \u200b\u200bRussian life, which has eligible for an image in art. They turned to the reproduction of the lower layers of society, denied the serfdom, the destructive power of money and officials, vices of a social system, the unformed human personality.

In some writers, the denial of public injustice has turned into an image of the growing protest of the most disadvantaged ("poor people" of Dostoevsky, "confusing business" Saltykov, verses of Nekrasov and his essay "Petersburg corners", "Anton Gorryka" Grigorovich).

List of used literature

    Esin AB Principles and techniques for analyzing a literary work: a training manual. - 12th ed. -M.: Flint: Science. - 2015 - 248 p.

    Vinogradov V.V. Gogol and genuine school,L., 1925. - 76 p.

    Kuleshov V.I., Natural School in Russian literature of the 19th century, M., 1982 - 224c.

    Pospelov G.N., History of Russian literature of the 19th century, T.2, Part 1, M., 1962 - 480s.

    FESENKO E.YU .. Theory of literature: Tutorial for universities / E.I. Fesenko. - ed. 3rd, extra. and rear. - M.: Academic Project; Foundation "Peace". - 2008 - 780 p.

    CD literary encyclopedia at 12 tt., Series "Library of dictionaries" ETS vocabulary publishing house, vol. Number 5.

The term was first used by Faddey Bulgarineas a disregarding characteristic of the creativity of young followers of Nikolai Gogol in Northern Pchele, 1846, but was refined Belinsky In the article "A look at Russian literature of 1847": " natural "- truthful Image of reality.

This idea of \u200b\u200bGogol's "School" - the movement of Russian literature to realizum-Belinsky developed earlier: in the article "On the Russian story and the posterior of Gogol" 1835.

The main doctrine of the school: the literature should be imitated reality. The formation of "Natural School" refers to 1842-1845, when a group of writers (Nikolai Nekrasov, Dmitry Grigorovich, Ivan Turgenev, Alexander Herzen, Vladimir Dal) united under the ideological influence of Belinsky in the journal "Domestic Notes". Later, Fedor Dostoevsky and Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin were published there. These writers also performed in the collections "Physiology of St. Petersburg" (1845), "Petersburg Collection" (1846), which became software for "genuine school".

The most common features, on the basis of which the writer was considered belonging to the school:

1) social and significant topics,

2) Critical attitude to social reality,

3) the realism of the artistic expression, against the embellishment of reality.

Belinsky emphasized that art and literature more than ever, and the expression of public issues.

4) Appeal to the "crowd", to "mass", to people ordinary and to the people of "low title". Completed in the 1840s "physiological" essays satisfied this need.

Gogol's effect:

1) satire on "vile reality",

2) his sharpness of the problem of "small person"

In addition to Gogol, there were influence on the Writers of the Genuine School, such representatives of Western European literature as Dickens, Balzac, Georges Sand.

Criticized school:

1) Bulgarian - for the addiction "to low people", in "dirt film", in political unreliability.

2) Subjected to the "Natural School" Peter Karautygina (1847). After the death of Belinsky, the name "N.Sh." It was forbidden to censorship. In the 1850s, the term "Gogol Direction" was used

Among the writers, three currents were allocated in the literary encyclopedia:

1) presented liberal nobility - Surface and careful criticism of reality. Turgenev, Grigorovich, I. I. Panayev depict the estate and its inhabitants with the intonations of light mockery, then in the poem ("landowner", "Parasha" Turgenev, etc.) then in the psychological story (works of I. I. Panayev). Essays occupied a special place and a story from peasant life ("Village" and "Anton Gorryka" Grigorovich, "Hunter's Notes" Turgenev). This is noble realism.

2) relied on urban bureaucracy of the 1840s. A certain role here belonged to Fedor Dostoevsky ("Poor People", "Double", etc.). Novelty social issues. Decitment of individuals of social reality.

But instead of an image of the essential parties to social life - deepening in chaos and confusion of the human psyche.

3) represented "The differences", Ideologists of" revolutionary peasant democracy ". Brighter the traits of the school appeared. In a fuller and sharply, they showed themselves in Nekrasov (urban stories, essays - "Petersburg corners", anti-refrete poems). Protest against serfs, dark angles of urban reality, merciless exposure of the expansion of reality. To the same group, the Herzen should be attributed ("Who is to blame?"), Saltykov ("confusing business"), although the trend typical for a group is expressed less sharply than in Nekrasov.

By the 1860s, the sizing between writers, ranked in a genuine school, sharply worsen.

Pr .: Turgenev will take an irreconcilable position in relation to the "contemporary" of Nekrasov and Chernyshevsky.


"A look at Russian literature 1847" (48) Consists of 2 st:

"Total assessment and origins of" NAT.SHK ";

"On specific works of writers" NAT.SHK ".

The first stage says that the school stands at the head of modern Russian lit-ry. At the head of the school Gogol. The origins are Satiren Cantemir, and then Chemnitzer, Fonvizin, Krylov. Another line of Lomonosov. These lines come closer to the Derzhavin, merge in Pushkin. Modern school writers went on Gogol, strengthened democratic ideas, their heroes were the differences and peasants.

In the second station, Herzen, Goncharov, Turgenev, Grigorovich, Dal, Druzhinin, Dostoevsky are considered. The comparative analysis of the "ordinary story" Goncharov and "Who is to blame?" Herzena (Herzen-thinker, Goncharov-artist; Another image of a woman is not scene-sentimental; Much ADUVUU-ML. -Y-like Verner-Romantic, unable to friendship, love). "Turgenev was looking for his way to Lit-re and found Its in the "Hunter's Notes". Especially b notes "Chorine and Kalinich", where Turgenev highly raised images of ordinary men. Turgenev-master landscapes.

3. Futurism as a literary course. Early creativity V. Mayakovsky.

The beginning of the 20th century - the time of the unprecedented rise in Russian poetry, the time characterized by the emergence of many art directions is both the continuing traditions of domestic classics and modernist. The latter, undoubtedly, also relates futurism (from Latin Futurum; literally means "future").

Initially, futurism originated in Italy. His first theorist and practice was the writer F. Marinetti. The "Manifesto futurism" published in 1909 became programmeal statement of the aesthetic principles of the new direction. New art should be fixed in the future, it is him that belongs to tomorrow. His supporters ratified for the refusal to achieve the culture of the past, for the search for new artistic means, language techniques, futurism are characterized by sharply pronounced formalistic features: concern for the increase in the "dictionary in its volume", "lyrics", creating a new syntax. But at the same time, he is not alien to the social content, the revolutionary pathos, protest against those "abominations of life", which carried the reality contemporary to them.

From dissatisfaction with traditional art, according to Mayakovsky, Russian futurism was born. He developed his own, independent of European, through. The Russian futurists did not have a single creative organization, but they still had one artistic and aesthetic platform. Their ideological manifesto can be called the collection "Society to public taste", published in 1912. Its main provisions: first, reset "Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and so on. from a steamhouse of modernity "; Secondly, to recognize the right of the poet to "an increase in the dictionary in its volume by arbitrary and derivative words."

Futurists argued the priority of the form on the content; The main thing in artistic work is the search for new formal techniques, the purpose of poetry is self-valued, the "self-" word.

The new course took over the role of revolutionary art. As such, it proposed the following principles: anti -esthetism, the poetry of the ugly and ugly, the headup of the public, demonstrative cynicism and nihilism. These principles of futurists developed not only in their work, but also in the lifestyle. From here - extravagant costumes (for example, the yellow jacket of Mayakovsky), painted persons, ridiculous accessories, deliberately rudeness in handling the public. Causeing was the design of their collections, ranging from headlines and ending with a dirty gray cheap paper. To bring the bourgeois public from the state of equilibrium - such a goal was set by Futurists.

The work of young Mayakovsky is inextricably linked with futurism. Together with D. Burluk, V. Klebnikov, A. Klychey, he participated in the creation of a collection of "Social Society", performed on futuristic-nights-disputes, wrote critical articles, published in futuristic publications of the time. The experimental search of Mayakovsky was largely determined by the artistic plants of futurism; This concerns the main topics, poetic funds, the language of its works.

At one of the poetic evenings, the author so determined the beauty: "This is a living life of urban masses, it is the streets for which trams run, cars, reflecting in mirror windows and signs." And it is such a beauty that the poet is chasing. For him, there is only one landscape - urban. In this regard, especially the eloquent headlines of his poems: "Port", "Street", "Signs", "Theaters", "Adash City". At the same time, paintings of urban life amazed with frank naturalism, rudeness: "The street failed, like the nose of syphilicism" or: "And some kind of rubbish looked from the sky." And so, in Mayakovsky, looks like a night landscape:

There will be a moon.

Already have

a little bit.

But the full hung in the air.

This is God must be

willing silver spoon

run to ear stars.

The primitive-poetic description of the first part of the author is opposed to a prepassed-prosaic explanation.

In these and other lines - demonstrative anti-sourceism, the desire to hit the reader, so characteristic of futuristic art. The poet defends the right to look at the world in his own way. He's writing:

And the streets of the streets sowed somewhere

no one needed, a flabby moon.

Night lights of the city are called the Sun, while the genuine shine is declared unnecessary and - "flabby". Apply such an epitiety to the shoe in the moon - is it not the challenge of the entire preceding poetry?

In the poem "And could you?" The hero appeals to readers:

nocturne play

we could

on the flute of drain pipes?

He is a poet, he is "the right has" to create in his laws. And "they" - they "do not understand anything":



"They" addresses the poet its sharp "nat":

And if today I, Rough Hun,

you do not want to cry in front of you - and now

i wanted and joyfully plush,

i spit in your face.

For the works of Mayakovsky, the acute social sound is characteristic - anti-war, revolutionary. "Down with your love, art, religion, system!" - proclaims the poet in four parts of the poem "Cloud in Pants".


After lines of fox - points.

This poem Mayakovsky could not call the "exhaustive picture of spring". So the author with the help of futuristic verbal painting draws spring landscape. Mayakovsky, dealing with the formal search, arbitrarily divides the words to the syllables, violates the usual design of the poetic string. It often resorts to various techniques of sound survey ("And from the north-Snow-Snow"; "I will poison the blood of the Water of the Rhine"; "" Verses to exist to exist "). It breaks the rules of grammar:

Where is the rose is more tender and tea? Or:

I pull out the soul, the trash, so that big!

A kind of business card of Mayakovsky can be considered neologisms. The wordness of the poet, undoubtedly, has its source poetics of futurists. In his verses - "Adash City", "The Earth of the Lonce", "December Evening".

If you have to be tonasky,

like Dante

or Petrarch!

Soul to alone!

The paradoxicity of the first part is "removed" in the second: the talent and love of the hero is so great that ordinary earthworks are not applicable to them.

Evaluating the work of Mayakovsky, should not deny the influence of futurism on the auto aesthetics. It was this direction that the future "Lyrics and the Tribune" has formed in many respects. Paphos of the revolutionary update, the poetry of the industrial city, the challenge of the bourgeois house, on the one hand, and the active search for new artistic forms - on the other, is the fact that he inherited in his work the poet from ideas and methods of futurism. Years, during which he was associated with this direction, they became the years for him, the formation of poetic skills, literary creed, according to the laws of which his further creativity developed.

N. V. Gogol was the head and founder of the "Natu-rally school", which became the cradle of the whole of the Great Russian Writers: A, I. Herzen, I. S. Turgeneva, N. A. Nekrasova, I. A. Goncharova, M. E.-Saltykov-Shchedrin and others. F. M. Dostoevsky wrote: "We all came out of the" Sineli "of Gogol," driving this leading role of the writer in Natural School. The author of the "dead souls" was the successor to A. S. Pushkin, continued to be launched by the "stingy caretaker" and the "copper rider" the topic of the "small" man. It can be said that throughout its creative path N. V. Gogol followed, but revealed two topics: love for the "small" che-lobster and the case of vulgarity of a vulgar person.

An example of the reflection of the first of these, the famous "Shinel" may be served. In this work, which was completed in 1842. GO-GOL has shown the entire tragedy of the position of the poor to the middle, the "small" person, for whom the tassel of life, the only dream becomes the purchase of things. In the "Sineli" sounds an angry protest against the humiliation of a "small" person, against injustice. Akaki Akakievich Bashmushkin - a man silent and unnoticed, roar-weak worker, he tolerates constant humiliation and resentment from various "significant persons", younger and successful colleagues. A new chinel for this minor official is unattained-May Dream and hard care. Refusing to themselves in everything, Bashmachin acquires a sequel. But the joy was short, he was robbed. The hero was shocked, he was sick and died. The author emphasizes the typic character, at the beginning of the work he writes: "So, in, one official served in one department." The story of N. V. Gogol was built on the contrast between the demon-human medium and her victim, to which the author is from being with love and sympathy. When Bashmach-Kin asks young officials not to laugh at him, other words rang in his "penetrating words: I am your brother." It seems to me that this phrase Gogol not only expresses his own life position, but also trying to show the inner world of the character. In addition, this is a reminder reading about the need for a human attitude towards others. Akaki Akakiyevich is not able to fight with injustice, only in infamousism, almost in delusion he was able to show dissatisfaction with people, so rudely degraded him, poured his dignity. In defense of an offended "small" person the author is. The final of the story is fantastic, although it also has real motivations: "The meaningful face" goes on an unlitted street after drunk champagne, and he could be seized anything. The final of this work made an indelible impression on readers. For example, S. P. Stroganov said: "What a terrible story of Gogolev" Shinel ", because this ghost on the bridge drags simply from each of us with a shine from the shoulders." The ghost, tearing on the bridge of the Sineli, is a symbol of a humiliated person who is propesty in the reality of protest.

The topic of the "small" person is revealed in the "notes of the crazy." In this work, a typical story of a modest official PRACTRYA, spiritually crippled life, in which "everything that is the best in the world is also getting out, everything is getting or cameras, or generals. You will find yourself poor wealth, you think to get it handwheel - you have a chair-junker or general. " The hero was not of the injustice, endless humiliation and went crazy. The title Advisor Parcins is aware of his own insignificance, suffers from it. Unlike the main character of the "Schineli", he is a man of Ca-Molubyvy, even ambitious, he wants to be noticed, play any prominent role in society. The sharper of his torment, the stronger the progress of humiliation, the freer from the power of the Once-Ma becomes his dream. In the story of "notes of the Summer-Sadesh," thereby presented, thus, the horrific disorder between the real reality and the sword-one, which leads the hero to the madness, the death of the personality .. Akaki Bashmachkin and the sacrifice of the system that existed at the time in Russia. But we can say that such people always turn out to be victims of any bureaucratic car. , The second theme of creativity N. V. Gogol is reflected in his works such as "Starlavetsky in the course", "How Ivan Ivanovich was quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich," in the wonderful poem "Dead Souls" and in many others.

Started in the "Petersburg Hands" The delegation of public vulgarity was later continuing, but in the collection "Mirgorod" and in the "Dead Souls". For all these works, such a technique is characterized as a sharp opposition of external dispersion and internal disgrace of Hero-EB. It is enough to remember the image of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikova or Ivan Ivanovich. In his creations, N. V. Gogol sought to make fun of everything bad, the surrounding it. He wrote that "even the one who is not afraid of anything is afraid." At the same time, he tried to show the influence of the medium on the formation of a man, his formation as a person.

It can be said that N. V. Gogol was a moralist writer, believing that literature should help people to understand life, determine their place in it. He sought to show readers that in the surrounding Yus of the world, he was arranged unfair, as well as A. S. Pushkin encouraged in people "Goodness".

The topics started by N. V. Gogol, were later continued by the writers of "Natural Schools".

Option 1

1. What is the literary direction dominated in the literature of the second half of the 19th century?

A) romanticism c) sentimentalism

B) classicism d) realism

2. Here, the founders of the "Genuine School".

A) V.G. Belinsky, I.Sturgenev c) M.Yu.lermontov, F.I. Tyutchev

B) A.S. Pushkin, N.V.Gogol d) V.G. Belinsky, N.V.Gogol

3. Called from Russian writers called "Zamoskvorechye Columbus"?

A) I.S.Turgenev c) L.N. Tolstoy

B) A.N.ostrovsky d) F.M.Dostoevsky

4. The play of the Pieces of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", Kabani, called:

A) Anna Petrovna c) Katerina Lvovna

B) Marfa Ignatievna d) Anastasia Semenovna

5. Here, what artistic technique is using A.A.Fet in the highlighted phrases:

"Birds again fly from afar // To the shores, terminating ice, //The sun is warm goes high // and fragrant valley Waiting for. "

A) personification c) epithet

B) inversion d) allegory

6. The ring of which work at birth was promised to God, "died many times and did not die"?

A) L.N. Tolstoy, "War and Peace", Prince Andrei B) I.S.Turgenov, "Fathers and Children", Bazarov

B) A.N.Ostrovsky, "Thunderstorm", Katerina Kabanova d) N.S. S.Leskov, "Enchanted Wanderer." Flagin

7. In what product of Russian literature appears a nihylist?

A) A.N.Ostrovsky "Forest" c) F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

B) I.S.Turgennev "Fathers and Children" d) I.A. Balov "Oblomov"

8. Katerina Izmailova is a heroine:

A) Essay N.S.Leskova "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"

B) Pieces A.N.ostrovsky "Nonmenvian"

C) Roman F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

D) Romana I.A. Thomsharov "Oblomov"

A) A.N. Ostrovsky c) M. Saltykov-Shchedrin

B) F.M.Dostoevsky d) L.N. Tolstoy

10.Who from the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" suggested M.Kutuzov the plan of the partisan war?

A) share c) Bolkonsky

B) Denisov d) Drubetskaya

11. As a hero of "War and Peace" belongs to the statement "Chess placed. Will the game start tomorrow "?

A) Prince Andrei c) Napoleon

B) Emperor Alexander 1 g) M.I. Kutuzova

12. What the hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment" of Raumihin characterizes the following words: "Ugryum, gloomy, noted and proud"?

A) Petrophry Petrovich c) Skolnikova

B) Zosimova d) Svidrigaylova

13. Here, which of the heroes of the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace" passes the way of quest.

A) Plato Karataev c) Pierre Duchevov

B) Fyodor Dolohov d) Anatole Kuragin

14. What about Russian poets belong to the words "Poet can you not be, but a citizen must be"?

A) A.S. Pushkin c) F.I. Tyutchev

B) N.A.Nekrasov d) M.Yu.lermontov

15. What kind of literature should include the genres of the novel, story, story?

A) lyrics c) epos

B) drama d) lyry-epic

16. Name the main feature of the character of Sony Marmaladeova (F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment")

A) sacrifice c) hypocrisy

B) frivolity d) freedom

17. Specify who from Russian writers is the author of the Fregat Pallada cycle?

A) L.N. Tolstoy c) I.A.Gongcharov

18. Here, who from Russian critics called the heroine of Drama A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom."

A) V.G. Belinsky c) N.G. Chernyshevsky

B) N.A. D. Probraubov d) D.I. Pisarev

19. Name the name of the poet, which was a supporter of "pure art".

A) A.S. Pushkin c) N.A.Nekrasov

B) A.A.Fet D) M.Yu.Lermontov

20. Specify the correct name of the Kirsanov's estate (I.S.Turgenev "fathers and children")

A) berry c) marino

B) Zamanyovka d) Otradnaya

21. How was Shakhov (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace") was punished for a joke with a quarter?

A) expelled from St. Petersburg) was not punished, because he gave a bribe

B) was demolished in ordinary d) was not punished, as he had support among the power of

22.Teorya Skolnikova (F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment") is

A) Strict scientific justification of the division of people to discharge

B) the division of people to discharge depending on their social affiliation, education

C) separation of people to discharge: material and actually people

23.Ivan Flight (N.S. S. S. "Enchanted Wanderer") in his life was not

A) nyanka breast child c) soldier

B) gardener d) artist

24. Name works in which the motive of the wanders plays an important role in organizing the plot:

A) "Thunderstorm", "Enchanted Wanderer"

C) "Who lives well in Russia", "man in a case"

D) "thunderstorm", "man in a case"

Final Test for Course Grade 10Option - 2.

1. Support writers of the second half of the 19th century, in the name of the works of which there is opposition.

A) A.N. Ostrovsky, I.S.Turgenev, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

B) I.S. Romegenev, F.M.Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy

C) I.A.Gongcharov, F.M.Dostoevsky, A.P.chekhov

D) L.N. Tolstoy, N.S.Leskov, I.S.Turgen

2. In the work of which poet for the first time an impressionistic image manner was applied?

A) N.A.Nekrasov c) A.A.Fet

B) F.I. Tyutchev d) A.K. Tolstoy

A) A.N.Sostrovsky "Thunderstorm" c) L.N. Tolstoy "Living Corpse"

B) F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" d) N.S. S. Lady Macbeth ... "

4. How the artistic technique was used by the author in this passage: "Blessed is a kindly bile, // in whom little bile, a lot of feelings:

A) allegory c) antithesis

B) metaphor d) hyperbole

5. Name the main criteria for assessing the person in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

A) pride and pride c) naturalness and morality

B) nobility and kindness d) generosity and courage

6.Who from Russian writers was convicted of hard work?

A) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin c) F.M.Dostoevsky

B) A.I.German d) N.A.Nekrasov

7. What is the literary type depicted in the image of Wild (A.N. Sostrovsky "Thunderstorm")?

A) type of "little man" c) Samodor

B) the type of "excess person" d) romantic hero

A) I.A.Gongcharov c) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

B) N.A.Nekrasov d) A.P.chekhov

9. Here, what position it takes in the novel -EPOPE "War and Peace" author.

A) participant in the events

B) a person deeply experiencing and commenting on the described events

C) impassive observer

D) narrator interrupting the story to tell the reader about myself

10. Tell the name of the regiment, in which Nikolai Rostov served (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace").

A) Preobrazhensky c) Izmailovsky

B) Pavlogradsky d) Semenovsky

11. What kind of literature became dominant in the second half of the 19th century?

A) lyrics c) epos

B) drama d) lyry-epic

12. Here, who from Russian writers spoke about the need to "drop out a slave from themselves."

A) I.A.Gongcharov c) L.N. Tolstoy

B) A.P.chekhov d) F.M.Dostoevsky

13. In the work of which writer, the type of "small person" is shown for the first time?

A) Samson Vyrin in the "Stanna Core" A.S. Pushkin

B) Akaki Akakievich in "Sineli" N.V.Gogol

C) Maxim Maximych in the "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu.Lermontova

D) Captain Tushin in "War and World" L.N. Tolstoy

14. Agafia Pshenitsyn is a heroine:

A) Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

B) Roman F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

C) Romana I.A.Gongcharov "Oblomov"

D) novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

A) A.S. Pushkin c) F.I. Tyutchev

B) N.A.Nekrasov d) A.A.Fet

16.Who, from the heroes of Roman F.M.Dostoevsky asked the question "Creature Is I trembling or right"?

A) Sonya Marmeladov c) R. Raskolnikov

B) Peter Lugin d) Lebesyatnikov

17. Specify who from Russian poets belongs the poem "I met you - and all the past ..."

A) N.A.Nekrasov c) F.I. Tyutchev

B) A.S. Pushkin d) A.A.Fet

18. Name the "happy" person in the poem N.A.Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia."

A) Savely c) Matrena Korchagin

B) Grigory Dobrozlonov d) Ermil Girin

19. To discuss that the Belikov teacher taught, the character of the story "Man in the case" A.P. Chekhov.

A) geography c) literature

B) Greek Language d) Law of God

20. In the novel "War and Peace" there are positive heroes who have reached the peaks of moral and spiritual development. One of them - Kutuzov, the other is

A) Pierre Duhov c) Andrei Bolkonsky

B) Plato Karataev d) Vasily Denisov

21. What accomplishments made Raskolnikov (F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment") during the murder of the old woman?

A) I forgot to close the door of the apartment c) left a hat on the crime scene

B) I forgot to take an instrument of crime d) dirty in blood

22.Zhonna definition "Roman-epic" means:

A) Roman on the ideological and moral searches of the identity associated with the fate of the nation

B) a novel, in which not one, and several central heroes, and among other characters there are historical persons

C) novel dedicated to the historical event affecting the destiny of the country

23. Purchase moment in the life of Ivan Flyagin (N.S. S. S. "Enchanted Wanderer") comes when

A) he is aware of himself a great sinner and wants to redeem the guilt by suffering

B) he refuses faith and ceases to pray

C) his fault dies man

24. Not related to the story "Man in the case" A.P.hekhov is the following character

A) Gurov c) Kovalenko

B) Burkin d) Belikov

Final Test for Course Grade 10Option - 3.

1. Support, with which the changes are associated in the character of D.I. Startseva (A.P.chekhov "Ionch").

A) the influence of his bride c) the effect of the environment

B) the impact of parents d) Profession of the doctor

2. Here, to which literary direction should include Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

A) romanticism c) classicism

B) sentimentalism d) realism

3. Here, the work of A.P. Chekhov, which is a lyrical comedy.

A) "Man in a case" c) "Bear"

B) "Seagull" d) "Lady with a dog"

4. Here, who from the writers belongs to the statement "there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth."

A) M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin c) L.N. Tolstoy

B) F.M.Dostoevsky d) A.P.chekhov

5. Here, where the main action of the Roman I.A. Thrycharov "Oblomov" occurs.

A) Petersburg c) city nn

B) Moscow d) Tula estate Oblomov

6. What is from the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment" anxious dreams?

A) Lebestechikov c) Luzhin

B) Sonya d) Svidrigaylov

7. As a character of the Chekhov story belongs to the next replica "Malorosiysk language, its tenderness and pleasant sonicity resembles an ancient Greek"

A) Belikov ("man in a case") c) crazy ("chameleon")

B) Turkin ("Ionch") d) IPPOLITY IPPOLITYCH ("Teacher of Literature")

8. Name the name of the writer who was an artillery officer and participated in the defense of Sevastopol in 1854.

A) I.A.Gongcharov c) F.M.Dostoevsky

B) L.N. Tolstoy d) I.S.Turgen

9. Here, the second name of the Gogol direction in the literature.

A) pure art c) decadency

B) Natural School D) Socialist Realism

10. Here, which of the listed composite parts is not mandatory.

A) prologue c) climax

B) tie d) junction

11. How did the development of the action characteristic of Czechi theater named in the art theater?

A) "Storm stream" c) "Scuba

B) "The flow of consciousness" d) "Invisible life"

12. What topic is the predominant in the work of N.A. Nekrasov?

A) the topic of the city c) love

B) loneliness d) citizenship

13. Here, who from Russian writers belongs to the words that "the beauty will save the world."

A) F.M.Dostoevsky c) I.A. Bunin

B) L.N. Tolstoy d) A.P.hehhov

14. How does the vice denounced A.P.chekhov in the story "Ionch"?

A) soulful emptiness c) opera

B) sinovation d) hypocrisy

A) N.A.Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" c) N.S.Lonzkov "Enchanted Wanderer"

B) A.N.Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" d) I.A. Thomshares "Oblomov"

16. In what of the listed works action proceeds against the background of the Panorama of the Volga?

A) "Cherry Garden" c) "Dead Souls"

B) "Thunderstorm" d) "Gooseberry"

17. Specify who are devoted to the following lines from the poem of N.A.Nekrasov: "Naive and passionate soul, // in the comments of beautiful boils, // Persay, worrying and hurry, // You honestly went to one, high goal ...

A) N.G. Chernyshevsky in) V.G. Belinsky

B) N.V.Gogol g) M.Yu.Lermontov

18. Here, to which literary direction can be attributed to Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

A) classicism c) romanticism

B) realism d) sentimentalism

19. Here, what is the social status of Martha Ignatievna Kabanova (A.N.Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm")

A) Meshchanka c) peasant

B) noble ditch ditching

20. As a literary reception was used by the author in this passage: "Neva swollen and roared // Boiler bubop and sebble ..."

A) grotesque c) allegory

B) personification d) comparison

21.Son Oblomov (I.A. Blugov "Oblomov") is

A) the history of the kind of broken

B) realistic image of the Russian village time of serfdom

C) Poetic picture of Russian life, where they mixed out and fairy tale

22. Conducting an actual error (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace").

A) Freillina A.P. Sheer Tolstoy compares with the mistress of a spinning workshop

B) the heroic act of Prince Andrei determined the outcome of the Austerlitsky battle

C) Danilo Kapor is a dance that is dancing in the names of growth

23.The Ivan Flyagin (N.S. S.Lazkov "Enchanted Wanderer") is characterized by the following of these qualities

A) the silent c) is simple

B) indifference d) arrogance

24. Name works in which there are heroes, the images of which go back to the images of the epic warders

A) "Enchanted Wanderer", "On Love"

B) "Enchanted Wanderer", "Who lives well in Russia"

C) "Who lives well in Russia", "Thunderstorm"

D) "Thunderstorm", "On Love"

Final Test for Course Grade 10Option - 4.

1.Well, A.P.hehhov called his play "Cherry Garden" comedy?

A) funny plot c) farce situations

B) comical finals d) claims of characters contradict their capabilities

2. Here, who from Russian writers belongs to the words "the mind of Russia do not understand, the archer does not measure ..."

A) A.K. Tolstoy c) A.A.Fet

B) A.S. Pushkin d) F.I. Tyutchev

3. Here, who from Russian writers participated in the defense of Sevastopol.

A) F.M.Dostoevsky c) F.I. Tyutchev

B) L.N. Tolstoy d) I.A.Gongcharov

4. Here, to whom from Russian poets belong to the words "Poet can not be, but to a citizen to be."

A) A.A.Fet c) N.A.Nekrasov

B) F.I. Tyutchev d) A.K. Tolstoy

5. Here, which of the names of the works is not included in the "Notes of the Hunter" cycle by I.Turgenev.

A) "Malinovaya Water" c) "Singers"

B) "Mum" d) "Biryuk"

6. For someone who was dedicated to Roman I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children".

A) N.G. Chernyshevsky in) V.G. Belinsky

B) N.A.Nekrasov d) A.A. Grigoriev

7.Who from Russian writers I left the catguard in Omsk Ostrog?

A) N.G. Chernyshevsky in) F.M.Dostoevsky

B) M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin d) N.Anekrasov

8. Name the writer who made a world tour on board the Fregat "Pallada"

A) I.S.Turgenev c) L.N. Tolstoy

B) I.A.Gongcharov d) A.P.chekhov

9. Tell the name of the writer, who traveled to Sakhalin Island.

A) L.N. Tolstoy c) A.P.chekhov

B) I.A.Gongcharov d) M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

10. Name the name of the writer who is not a native of Moscow.

A) A.S. Pushkin c) F.M.Dostoevsky

B) M.Yu.lermontov d) A.P.chekhov

11. Select the correct sequence of changing one literary direction to others.

A) sentimentalism, romanticism, classicism, realism, modernism

B) modernism, romanticism, realism, sentimentalism, classicism

C) Classicism, Sentimentalism, Romanticism, Realism, Modernism

D) realism, classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, modernism

12. Lovely genre of poetry N.A.Nekrasov is:

A) Oddle C) Elegy

B) ballad d) message

13. Name the poet, in whose work is not found poem "Prophet"

A) A.S. Pushkin c) N.A.Nekrasov

B) M.Yu.Lermontov d) F.I. Tyutchev

14. What implies L.N. Tolstoy under the concept of "people"?

A) all workers creating material values

B) Fortress peasants working on Earth

C) a set of representatives of all social groups and classes showing spirituality, patriotism

D) craftsmen, artisans

15.Come of the heroes of the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and the World! Belong the words "need to live, you need to love, you need to believe"?

A) Andrei Bolkonsky c) Pierre Bezuhov

B) Nikolay Rostov d) Plato Karataev

16. How is the highest point in the development of the plot of the literary work?

A) hyperbole c) exposure

B) grotesque d) climax

17. Here, what determines the activity of the leopard in the comedy A.P.hekhov "Cherry Garden".

A) the desire to ruin Ranevskaya and assign her condition

B) the desire to take revenge on the owners in poverty

C) an attempt to help Ranevskaya to fix his financial situation

D) a dream to destroy the cherry garden, reminding him of a serious childhood

18. For the work, in the plot of which there is no episode of the duel.

A) A.S. Pushkin "Shot" c) A.S.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

B) L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" d) M.Yu.Lermontov "Hero of our time"

19. The authority of the author and the work on the final words: "Whatever passionate, sinful, the riotless heart disappeared into the grave, the flowers growing on it, serenely look at us with their innocent eyes; not about one eternal tranquility of the "indifferent" nature; They also speak about eternal reconciliation and about the life of the infinite "

A) M.Yu.Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" c) F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment

B) L.N. Tolstoy "War and World" d) I.S.Turegen "Fathers and Children"

20. What artistic technique uses A.A.Fet in the following passage: "This morning, this joy, // this power and day and light, // this blue arch, // this cry and string, // these flocks, these Birds, // this voice ... "

A) personification c) anaphor

B) antithesis d) epithet

21. Bazarov (I.S.Turgennev "Fathers and Children) tells Arkady about his father:" The same eccentric, like yours, only in another way. " Fathers are similar in that they

A) close by age and social status

B) love nature, music and poetry

C) love their sons and seek to keep up with the century

22. In the poem N.A.Nekrasov "Who in Russia live is good" there are the following characters:

A) Yermil Girin, Kuligin, Yakim Nagya c) Yermil Girin, Uttatin, Jaughty Naked

B) Jaim Nagya, Kudryash, Uttatin d) Feklush, Ulyatin, Kuligin

23. In the concept of Leskova, the following part of the concept of "righteous" is not considered.

A) the ability to be content with small, but never compete against conscience

B) religious extension from earthly passions, serving to God

C) the ability of an ordinary person to self-sacrifice.

24. Not rises in the story "Gojberry" A.P.chekhova Next problem

A) human and nature relationships

B) identity degradation

C) personal responsibility for what is happening in the world

D) Russian intelligentsia

Natural school is The designation of the species of Russian realism that has existed in the 19th century, which is successful associated with the work of N.V. Gogol and developing its artistic principles. An early work of I.A. Balrova, N.A.Nekrasov, I.S. Romegenev, F.M.Dostoevsky, A.I. Hercene, DV Grigorovich, V.I. Daly, N. Ostrovsky, I.I. Panayeva, Ya.P. Butkova, etc. The main ideologist of the natural school was VG Belinsky, the development of its theoretical principles was also assisted by V.N. Maikov, A.N. Platishev, and others. Representatives The genuine school was grouped around the "domestic notes" and later "contemporary". The collections "Physiology Petersburg" (part 12,1845) and the Petersburg Collection (1846) were programmed for her. In connection with the last edition, the name of the Natural School arose: F.V. Bulgarin (Northern Bee. 1846. No 22) used him to discredit writers of a new direction; Belinsky, Mikey, etc. took this definition by filling it with positive content.

The most clearly novelty of the artistic principles of the genuine school was expressed in "physiological essays" - works that make iteming extremely accurate fixation of certain social types ("physiology" of the landlord, peasant, official), their species differences ("Physiology" of the St. Petersburg official, Moscow official), Social, professional and household peculiarities, habits, attractions, etc. The desire for documencies, to the exact part, using statistical and ethnographic data, and sometimes the introduction of biological accents to the typology of the characters "Phiological Essay" expressed the tendency of a well-known approach of the figurative and scientific consciousness at this time and, as in French literature ("Physiology" . Balzac, Jules Jenen, etc.), promoted the expansion of realism positions. At the same time, it is unlawful to the formation of a genuine school to "physiology", since the other genres of them rummaged over them - the novel, the story. It is in the novels and the titles of the Genuine School that there was an expression of the conflict between the "Romantic" and "Realist" ("Ordinary History", 1847, Goncharov; partly "Who is to blame?", 1845-46, Herzen; "Contradictions", 1847 and "Conference ", 1848, M. Saltykova-Shchedrin), was revealed by the evolution of a character experiencing an irresistible effect of the social environment. His interest in the hidden reasons for the behavior of the character, the laws of functioning of society as a social whole genuine school also turned out to be close to Western European realism of the 1840s, which was noted by Belinsky when comparing Gogol's novels and Ch.Dikkens: "The content of the novel is an artistic analysis of modern society, the disclosure of those Invisible foundations of him who are hidden from him habit and unconsciousness "(Belinsky V.G. Full Collected Works: in 13 volumes, Volume 10. Page 106).

The natural school, strictly speaking, does not constitute such unity, which is suggested by this concept - "School" - and how it seemed sometimes to contemporaries. Under the school it is implied, as a rule, a number of literary phenomena with a high degree of community - up to the commonality of the subject, style, language. Such a community of natural school writers find hardly possible. However, illegally refuse to the concept of "Natural School" in generalSo it corresponds to an objective number of phenomena. The natural school may be understood only in the future of the literary evolution as a development and sometimes straightening the achievements and discoveries of the first Russian realists. Overcoming the philosophy and poetics of a genuine school, first of all, at Dostoevsky and later from the sixties writers began with the criticism of her main provisions and in connection with the deepening of human psychology, with refutation of the attempts of the fatal chart of the character, the full emphasis of the role of human activity and self-consciousness .