The problem of arrogance arguments. EGE Russian

The problem of arrogance arguments. EGE Russian
The problem of arrogance arguments. EGE Russian
  • Russian is our common property that you need to protect
  • Most people forgot about the value of the native language
  • Internet communication - a serious test for Russian language
  • Love for his language is manifested in a cautious handling with the words, studying the rules of the language and the characteristics of their use
  • The distortion of words adversely affects the development of the Russian language and the preservation of its charms
  • You can say a lot about a person by how he himself relates to his language


T. Fat "Cas". People inflicted a huge damage to his irresponsibility. His old beauty and singer lost, because everything is only "thrown by" words without thinking about the consequences. Incorrect pronunciation of words destroys the beauty of the language. The work encourages to think about the consequences of this attitude towards the language. After reading the book, I want to protect, preserve the native language, excluding slang and jargon.

D.S. Likhachev "Letters of good and beautiful." Reflecting on the richness of the Russian language and the attitude towards him, Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev says that the language allows you to appreciate the person at the first meeting with him. The language makes it possible to learn about the attitude of anyone to the world and yourself. Smart, brought up, intelligent person will not need to speak too loudly, emotionally, to use inappropriate and ugly words. Learn the beautiful, intelligent, competent speech is not easy. It is necessary to learn to speak, because the question is the basis of human behavior, then what can be judged by him in the first place. These thoughts of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev are very accurate. They are relevant now and will be just as true after many years.

I.S. Turgenev "Russian language". The lines of this poem in prose are known to everyone from school. It's amazing how exactly the writer appreciated the power and power of the Russian language in several lines. For I.S. Turgenev native language is "support and support". All poem, let it and small, filled with a sense of pride. The writer evaluates Russian to dignity.

V.G. Korolenko "without language." The author claims that without language each of us "as a blind or small child." People who do not know how to write well and speak and speak, clog speech, thus causing the language irreparable damage. Native speech is needed not only to evaluate the dignity, but also take care of, and try to keep. The future of the Russian language depends only on person.

  • True and false patriotism is one of the central problems of the novel. Favorite Heroes of Tolstoy do not speak high words about love to their homeland, they are in the name of her actions. Natasha Rostov persuades the mother to give the supply to the wounded under Borodino, Prince Bolkonsky was mortally wounded on the Borodino field. Genuine patriotism, according to Tolstoy, in ordinary Russian people, soldiers who per minute of mortal danger give life for their homeland.
  • In the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" some heroes scribe themselves with patriots and scream loudly about love for Fatherland. Others give life in the name of the common victory. These are ordinary Russian men in Soldier's soldiers, battery fighters Tushina, fighting without cover. True patriots do not think about their benefits. They feel the need to simply protect the Earth from the enemy invasion. They have a genuine holy feeling of love for their homeland.

N.S. Leskov "Enchanted Wanderer"

Russian person belongs to the definition of N.S. Leskova, "racial", patriotic, consciousness. They are imbued with all the actions of the hero of the story "Enchanted Wanderer", Ivan Flyagin. Staying in captivity of the Tatar, he does not forget for a minute that he is Russian, and the whole soul is committed to his homeland. I granted unfortunate old people, Ivan voluntarily goes to recruits. The soul of the hero is inexhaustible, disbelief. He comes out of all life tests with honor.

V.P. Astafyev
In one of his journalistic articles writer V.P. Astafyev told about how he rested in the southern sanatorium. In Primorsky Park, plants grew, collected from all sides of the world. But suddenly he saw three birks, which miraculously arrived in someone else's land. The author looked at these trees and recalled his rustic street. Love for his small homeland is the manifestation of true patriotism.

Legend about the drawer Pandora.
A woman discovered some strange drawer in her husband's house. She knew that this subject would pay terrible danger in himself, but curiosity was so strong that she could not stand and opened the lid. From the box flew all sorts of troubles and scattered around the world. In this myth, the warnie will sound like all mankind: rapid actions on the path of knowledge can lead to a disastrous final.

M. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart"
In the story of M. Bulgakov, Professor Preobrazhensky turns the PSA into man. Scientists drive thirst for knowledge, stringing to change nature. But sometimes the progress turns on terrible consequences: a bite creature with a "dog heart" is not yet a person, because there is no soul in it, there is no love, honor, nobility.

N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace".
The problem is disclosed on the pride of Kutuzov's images, Napoleon, Alexander I. A person who is responsible to the birthplace, people who knows how to understand them at the right moment, is truly great. These are Kutuzov, such are ordinary people in the novel that without high phrases perform their duty.

A. Kuprin. "Wonderful Doctor."
A man exhausted by poverty is ready to endorse the life of suicide in despair, but the famous doctor of pirogov speaks with him. He helps the unfortunate, and from now on the life of the hero and his family changes the happiest way. This story eloquently suggests that the act of one person can affect the fate of other people.

And S. Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons".
A classic work that shows the problem of misunderstanding between older and younger generations. Evgeny Bazarov feels strangers and senior Kirsanov, and their parents. And, although on their own admission, loves them, his attitude brings them to grief.

L. N. Tolstoy. Trilogy "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth".
In an effort to know the world, becoming an adult, Nikolek Irtenev will gradually know the world, understands that much in it is imperfect, faces a misunderstanding of the elders, sometimes it offends them (the chapters "classes", "Natalia Savishna")

K. G. Powesty "Telegram".
The girl Nastya, living in Leningrad, receives a telegram that her mother is sick, but things that seem important to her do not allow her to go to the mother. When she, realizing the magnitude of the possible loss, comes to the village, it turns out too late: the mother is no longer ...

V.G Rasputin "French Lessons".
Teacher Lidia Mihai-Lovna from the story V. G. Rasputin teach a hero not tool-to the lessons of French, but also the lessons of kindness, sympathy, compassion. She showed her hero, as it is important to be able to divide someone else's pain with a person, as it is important to understand the other.

Example from history.

The teacher of the great emperor Alexander II was the famous poet Vzhukovsky. It was he who cleaned the future ruler a sense of justice, the desire to benefit to his people, the desire to hold the necessary reforms necessary.

V.P. Astafiev. "Horse with a pink mane."
Difficult prewaging years of the Siberian village. The formation of the personality of the hero under the influence of the kindness of grandmother and grandfather.

V.G Rasputin "French Lessons"

  • At the formation of the personality of the main character in the difficult war years, the teacher influenced. Her spiritual generosity is infinite. She gras him moral resistance, self-esteem.

L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood", "Defense", "Youth"
In the autobiographical trilogy, the main character, Nicholenka Irtenyev, comprehends the world of adults, is trying to analyze his and other people's actions.

Fazil Iskander "Thirteenth Gerkla feat"

A clever and competent teacher has a huge impact on the formation of a childhood.

And A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
The atmosphere of laziness, unwillingness to learn, think urgent soul of little Ilya. In adulthood, these flaws prevented him in gaining meaning of life.

The lack of goal in life, habits to work formed an "excess person", "Egoist unwitting."

The lack of goal in life, habits to work formed an "excess person", "Egoist unwitting." Pechorin admits that everyone brings misfortune. Incorrect education urges a human person.

A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"
Education and training are the main aspects of human life. His attitude to them expressed in monologues Chatsky, the main character of the comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit". He criticized the nobles who were gaining "teachers of the regiment" for their children, but as a result of the diplomas, no one knew and did not study. " Chatsky himself had the mind, "Higher Poznan", therefore, it turned out to be unnecessary in the society of Moscow nobles. These are flaws of improper education.

B. Vasilyev "Fly my horses"
Dr. Yansen died, saving children failing to sewer. The man who and during his lifetime was read as Saint, Bang the whole city.

Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"
The self-sacrifice of Margarita for his beloved.

V.P. Astafiev "Lyudochka"
In the episode with a dying person, when everything was moved away from him, only his manifold regretted him. And after his death, everyone just did the form that it is sorry for him, all except for the man. The sentence of society in which people are deprived of human heat.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"
The story tells about the tragic fate of the soldier, who lost all relatives during the war. Once he met the Sirota boy and decided to turn his father. This act suggests that love and desire to do good give a person to life for life, forces in order to confront fate.

V. Hugo "Rejected"
The writer in the novel tells the story of the thief. Having spent over the bishop in the house, in the morning this thief stole a silver dishes from him. But after an hour, the police detained the criminal and delivered it to the house where he was given overnight. The priest said that this man did not stole anything that he took all things with the permission of the owner. The thief, struck by heard, survived genuine rebirth in one minutes, and after that he became an honest person.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince"
There is an example of fair power: "But he was very kind, and therefore I only gave reasonable orders." If I behave my General to turn around with maritime seagull, he said, "and if the general does not fulfill the order, it will not be his fault, and mine" .

A. I. Kookin. "Garnet bracelet"
The author claims that there is nothing permanent, everything is temporary, everything passes and goes away. Only music and love approve true values \u200b\u200bon earth.

Fonvizin "Nepalm"
It is said that many noble children, having learned themselves in the form of a slacker Mitrofanushki, survived genuine rebirth: began to diligently learn, read a lot and grew by decent sisons.

L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"

  • What is the greatness of man? It is where good, simplicity and justice. It was this that created L.N. The thick image of Kutuzov in the novel "War and Peace". His writer and calls a truly great man. Tolstoy will lead their favorite heroes from the "Napoleonic" principles and puts them on the path of rapprochement with the people. "The greatness is not where there is no simplicity, good and truth," the writer argued. This famous phrase has a modern sound.
  • One of the central problems of the novel is the role of personality in history. This problem is revealed in the images of Kutuzov and Napoleon. The writer believes that there is no greatness where there is no good and simplicity. According to Tolstoy, the personality of which the interests of which coincide with the interests of the people can affect the course of history. Kutuzov understood the mood, the wishes of the masses, so it was great. Napoleon thinks only about his magnitia, therefore is doomed to defeat.

I. Turgenev. "Hunter's Notes"
People who read the bright, bright stories about the peasants, realized that they were immorally owning people as a cattle. Father began a wide movement for the abolition of serfdom.

Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"
After the war, many Soviet soldiers who fell into enemy captivity, convicted as traitors of the Motherland. The story M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man", in which the bitter share of the soldier is shown, forced society in a different way to a tragic fate of prisoners of war. The law was adopted about their rehabilitation.

A.S. Pushkin
Speaking about the role of a person in history, it is possible to recall the poetry of the great A. Pushkin. He did not affect his gift for one generation. He saw, I heard what I did not notice and did not understand the ordinary person. About the problems of spirituality in art, and his high appointment, the poet spoke in the poems of the "Prophet", "Poet", "I am a monument to myself erecting." Reading these works, you know: talent is not only a gift, but also a heavy burden, a big responsibility. The poet himself was an example of civilian behavior for subsequent generations.

V.M. Shukshin "Freak"
"Chudik" - a man scattered, may seem unpretentious. And the fact that it encourages it to make strange actions is the motives are positive, non-stammer. Chudik reflects on problems that are exciting humanity at all times: what is the meaning of life? What is good and evil? Who is in this life "right, who is smarter"? And all actions prove that he is right, and not those who consider

I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
This is an image of a person who just wanted. He wanted to change his life, wanted to rebuild the life of the estate, wanted to grow children ... But he had no strength, so that these desires would bring to life, so his dreams remained with dreams.

M. Gorky in the play "On the bottom".
She showed the drama of "former people", which have lost their strength to fight for themselves. They hope for something good, understand that it is necessary to live better, but nothing is done in order to change your fate. It is not by chance that the play of the play begins at the night and ends there.

From the history

  • Ancient historians say that one day a stranger came to the Roman emperor, who brought a shiny like silver as a gift, but extremely soft metal. The master told that this metal he was mined from clay-stand. The emperor, frightener, that the new metal is obliged to appreciate his treasures, ordered to cut off the inventor head.
  • Archimed, knowing that a person suffers from drought, from hunger, proposed new ways of irrigation of land. Thank you, his discovery has sharply increased yields, people stopped being afraid of hunger.
  • An outstanding scientist Fleming opened Penicillin. This drug saved the lives of millions of people who had previously died from blood infection.
  • One English engineer in the middle of the 19th century offered an improved cartridge. But officials from the military department arrogantly told him: "We are without that strong, only weak need to improve weapons."
  • The famous scientist Jenner, who defeated OPU with the help of vaccinations, the words of the ordinary peasant were pushed into a brilliant thought. The doctor told her that she was sick. The woman answered calmly on this: "It can not be, because I have already sick with a cow." The doctor did not consider these words by the result of dark ignorance, and began to conduct observations, which led to a brilliant discovery.
  • Early Middle Ages is customary called "dark vessels". Rapida of barbarians, the destruction of the ancient civilization led to deep decline in culture. The competent person was difficult to find not only among commoners, but also among the people of the highest estate. So, for example, the founder of Franx-whom Karl Great state could not write. However, the thirst for knowledge is originally characteristic of a person. The same Karl Veli-Kius, during the trips, always wore wax suit for writing, at which, under the guidance of teachers, he diligently took the letters.
  • Millennies from the trees fell ripe apples, but no one attached to this ordinary phenomenon. It was necessary to be born Great Newton to look at new, more perceptive eyes to look at the usual fact and open the universal law of movement.
  • It is impossible to calculate how much disaster people at the time of their ignorance. In the Middle Ages, any misfortune: Boot of a child, the death of homemade cattle, rain, drought, non-harvest, the loss of any thing - everything was explained by the unclean power. The cruel witch hunt began, firebed fires. Instead of treating diseases, perfect agriculture, help each other, people huge forces spent on a meaningless struggle with the mythical "servants of Satan," without understanding that they are just a devil on their dark ignorance.
  • It is difficult to overestimate the role of the mentor in the formation of a person. Curious legend about the meeting of Socrates with Xenophone, a future historian. Somehow taking up with an unfamiliar young man, Socrates asked him where to go beyond flour and oil. Young Xenophon Boyko replied: "On Rho-Nok." Socrates asked: "And for wisdom and virtue?" The young man was surprised. "Go for me, I'll show you!" - promised Socrates. And the long-term path to the truth tied a strong friendship of the famous teacher and his student.
  • The desire to know the new live in each of us, and sometimes this feeling is so mastered by a man that makes him change his life path. Today, few people know that Joule, who discovered the law of conservation of energy, was a cook. Ingenious Faraday began his path of the difference in the shop. And the pendant worked by an engineer in serfs of co-guns and physics gave only free time. For these people, the search has become the meaning of life.
  • New ideas make their way in severe struggle with old views, established opinions. So, one of the professors, he read lectures in physics, called the theo-rhyme of the relativity of Einstein "annoying scientific feasibility" -
  • At one time, the Joule took advantage of the voltage battery to launch the electric motor assembled from it. But the battery charge is soon dried, and the new cost is very expensive. Joule decided that the horse would never be supplanted by an electro-family, as it was much cheaper to feed the horse than changing zinc in the battery. Today, when electricity is useful everywhere, it seems to us the naive opinion of an outstanding scientist. This example shows that it is very difficult to obscure the future, it is difficult to interview those opportunities that will open in front of a person.
  • In the middle of the 17th century, from Paris on the island of Martinique, Captain De Klya was carried in a pot with a stalk of coffee. Swimming was very difficult: the ship survived the brutal battle with pirates, the terrible storm barely did not break it on the rock. The masts were not broken, broken tackle. Gradually began to dry out the stocks of fresh water. It was given strictly measured portions. The captain, barely holding his feet from the thirst, the last drops of precious moisture gave green sprout-ku ... For several years, and coffee trees were covered by Martinique's ends.

I. Bunin in the story "Mr. from San Francisco."
Showed the fate of a man who served as false values. The wealth was his God, and he worshiped this God. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that genuine happiness passed by man: he died, and without learning what life was.

Yesenin. "Black man".
The poem "Black Man" - the cry of the dying soul of Yesenin, this is a requiem for the left behind his life. Yesenin, like no one else to tell that with a person makes life.

Mayakovsky. "Listen."
The inner conviction of the right of their moral ideals was separated from Mayakovsky from other poets, from the usual flow of life. This isorality gave birth to a mental protest against the philistical environment, where there were no high spiritual ideals. Poem-cry of the soul of the poet.

Zamyatin "Cave".
The hero enters the conflict with himself, in his soul it is split. His spiritual values \u200b\u200bdie. He violates the commandment "Do not steal."

V. Astafiev "King - Fish".

  • In the story of V. Astafieva "King - Fish", the main character, Fisherman of Masturbin, caught a huge fish on the hook, cannot cope with her. For something to avoid death, he is forced to let go on his bodice. Meeting with fish, symbol-lysiting moral ones in nature, forces this poacher to reconsider his ideas about life. In minutes of the desperate struggle with the fish, he suddenly remembers his whole life, realizing that as he did little for other people. This meeting morally changes the hero.
  • The nature of alive and spiritualized, endowed with moral-punishing force, it is capable of not only to defend, but also without retribution. The Fate of Goha Herzeva, the hero of the story of Astafieva "King - Fish" is served by the illustration of the punishment force. This hero is non-set. Punishment for arrogant cynicism towards people and to nature. The punishing force spreads not only on individual heroes. The violation of equilibrium carries the threat to all mankind if it does not understand in his intentional or forced cruelty.

I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children".

  • People forget that nature is their native and only home that requires a careful attitude towards themselves, which finds confirmation in the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children". The main character, Evgeny Bazarov, is known for its categorical position: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker." It was this author who sees the "new" person in it: it is indifferent to the accumulated previous generations of values, lives real and uses everything that he needs, without thinking about what consequences it can lead.
  • In the novel, I.Turgenev "fathers and children" rises the actual theme of the relationship between nature and man. Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic pleasure of nature, perceives it as a workshop, and man - as an employee. Arkady, friend of Bazarov, on the contrary, belongs to her with all inherent young soul admiration. In the novel, each hero is inspected by nature. Arkady Communication with the surrounding world helps to heal spiritual wounds, for him this unity is natural and nice. Bazarov, on the contrary, does not seek to contact her - when Bazarov was bad, he "walked into the forest and broke the branches." She does not give him no desired calmness or spiritual equilibrium. Thus, Turgenev emphasizes the need for fruitful and bilateral dialogue with nature.

M. Bulgakov. "Dog's heart".
Professor Preobrazhensky replants the dog to the ball part of the human brain, turning quite a pretty PSA in the disgusting polygraph of Polygraphovich Sharicikov. It is impossible to intervene in nature!

A. Blok.
The problem of a thoughtless, cruel person to the world of nature is reflected in many literary works. To fight her, you need to realize and see the harmony and beauty that reigns around us. This will help the works of A. Blok. What love he describes Russian nature in his verses! The immense gave, endless roads, full-flowed rivers, blizzards and gray huts. Such is the Blokovskaya Russia in the poems "Rus", "Autumn Day". True, the son's son's love is transferred to the reader. You come to the idea that nature is distinctive, is beautiful and needs to be protected.

B. Vasiliev "Do not shoot in white swans"

  • Now, when the nuclear power plants explode, when oil flows around the rivers and seas, whole forest arrays disappear, the person is obliged to stop and think about the question: what will remain on our planet? In the novel B. Vasilyev "Do not shoot in the White Swans" also sounds the thought of the author about the person responsible for nature. The main hero of the novel, Egor Polushkina, worries the behavior of the visitors of "tourists", devastating the lake from the hands of poachers. The novel is perceived as a call to all take care of our land and each other.
  • The main hero, Egor Polushkin, infectiously loves nature, always works for conscience, lives, live, but always turns out to be guilty. The reason for this is that he could not disrupt the harmony of nature, was afraid to invade the living world. But people did not understand him, considered not adapted to life. He said that there is no king of nature, but her eldest son. In the end, he dies from the hands of those who do not understand the beauty of nature, who is used to only conquer it. But the Son will grow up. Which will be able to replace the father, will respect and take care of his native land.

V.Astafiev "Belogrudka"
In the story of "Belogrudka", the children threw the brood of the Belogruda Cubanitsa, and she, distraught from grief, takes out all the surrounding light, disturbing a poultry in two neighboring villages until herself dies from a rifle charge

Ch. Atmatov "Floch"
Man with his own hands whether the multicast and multi-depleted world of nature. The writer warns that the meaningless extermination of animals is a threat to earthly prosperity. The position of the "king" in relation to animals is fraught by the tragedy.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

In Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" The protagonist could not gain peace of mind, cope with Russian Handrea, including because he was indifferent to nature. And the "cute ideal" of the author Tatyana felt part of the nature ("she loved to warn the dawn on the balcony ...") And therefore showed themselves in a difficult life situation, man is spiritually strong.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Forest in autumn"
Reading the poem of the Tvardovsky Forest in autumn, penetrate the pristine beauty of the surrounding world, nature. You hear the noise of the bright yellow foliage, the crackle of the closed bitch. See a light leap squirrel. I want not just admire, but try to keep all this beauty as long as possible.

L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
Natasha Rostov, admiring the beauty of the night in Otradnaya, go-Good to fly like a bird: it covers it seen. She enthusiastically tells Sona about the beautiful night, about those feelings that overflow her soul. Andrei Bolkonsky also knows how to finely feel the beauty of the surrounding nature. During a trip to Otradnaya, seeing a hundred oak, he compares himself with him, indulging in sad reflections that life for him was already over. But the changes that subsequently occurred in the hero's doos are associated with the beauty and magnitude of the mighty tree, blooming under the rays of the sun.

V. I. Yurovskiy Vasily Ivanovich Yurov
The writer Vasily Ivanovich Yurovsky, in his stories tells about the unique beauty and wealth of the Zauralye, about the natural relationship of a rustic person with the world of nature, so his story "Ivanov Memory" is so touching. In this small work, Yurovsky raises an important problem: the influence of a person on the environment. Ivan, the main hero of the story, planted on a swamp, which scarecrowed people and animals, several bushes of the talnik. Many years later. The nature has changed around: Ptahi all sorts began to settle in the shrub, forty every year began a jack to twist, raidate output. No one wandered over the forest, because the guest became a reference, how to find the road correctly. It is possible to hide from the heat from the heat, and water to drink, and just give away. Good memory left Ivan about himself among the people, and the surrounding nature was pleased.

M.Yu Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"
The close emotional relationship of man and nature can be traced to the story of Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". The events of the Life of the Chief Character, Grigory Pechorin, are accompanied by the banner of the state of nature according to the changes of its mood. So, considering the scene of the duel, the gradation of the states of the surrounding world and feelings of Pecherin is obvious. If the duel of the sky seems to him "fresh and blue", and the sun "bright shining" after a duel, looking at the corpse of Grushnitsky, the heavenly luminaries seemed to Gregory "dim", and his rays "did not get raged." Nature is not only experiencing heroes, but is one of the actors. Thunderstorm is the cause of a long date of Pecherin and Faith, and in one of the records of the diary preceding the meeting with Prince Mary, Gregory notes that "the air of Kislovodsk and has a love." Lermontov's allegory is not only more deeply and fully reflects the inner state of heroes, but indicates its own, the author's presence by entering nature as a character.

E. Ramyatina "We"
Turning to the classic literature, I would like to lead in the example Roman-Antiutopia E. Ramyatin "We". Refusing a natural start, residents of a single state become numbers, whose life is determined by the framework of the clockwork. The beauty of the native nature is replaced by ideally proportional glass facilities, and love is possible only to publish a pink card. The main character, d-503, is doomed to mathematically verified happiness, which is gained, however, after removing fantasy. As it seems to me, the Jamytin, such as Allegoria, tried to express the continuity of the relationship between nature and man.

S.Senin "Goy You, Rus, my native"
One of the central those lyrics of the brightest poet of the 20th century S.Senin is the nature of the native land. In the poem "Goy You, Rus, my native" the poet refuses paradise for the sake of the Motherland, a pack of her above the Eternal Bliss, which he, judging by another lyricist, acquires only in Russian land. Thus, the feelings of patriotism and love for nature are closely intertwined. The awareness of the gradual weakening of them is the first step towards the natural, present world, enriching the soul and body.

M. Privina "Zhen Shen"
This topic is caused to life morally - ethical motifs. Many writers and poets appealed to it. In the story of M. Privina "Zhen-Shen" Heroes know how to be silent and listen to silence. For the author, nature is life itself. Therefore, he has a rock crying, the stone has a heart. It is a person who must do everything in order to exist and did not slander nature. Nowadays it is very important.

I.S. Turgenev "Notes of the Hunter"
Deep and gentle love for nature expressed I. S. Turgenev in the "Hunter's Notes". He did it with penetrated observation. The hero of the story "Kasyan" with a beautiful mosque fell half of the country, happily recognized and studied new places. This person felt his inextricable connection with Mother - Nature and dreamed to live "every person" in contentment and justice. I would not hurt us to learn.

M. Bulgakov. "Fat Eggs"
Professor of peaches Randomly instead of large chickens, withdraws giant reptiles, who threaten civilizations. There may be thoughtless interference with nature in such consequences.

Ch. Aitmatov "Floch"
Ch. Aitmatov in the novel "Floch" showed that the destruction of the natural world leads to a dangerous deformation of a person. And this happens everywhere. What is happening in Moshunkum Savanna is a problem of global, not local importance.

A closed model of the world in the Roman E.I. Zamina "We".
1) the appearance and principles of a single state. 2) Narrator, Numer D - 503, and his spiritual disease. 3) "The Resistance of Human Nature." In anti-nightopia, based on the same prerequisites, the world is given by the eyes of his inhabitant, a private citizen, from the inside, in order to trace and show a sense of a person who has undergoing the laws of the ideal state. The personality conflict and the totalitarian system becomes the driving force of any anti -topia, allowing you to identify the anti-dura features in a wide variety of works ... The society depicted in the novel has reached material perfection and stopped in its development, immersed in the state of spiritual and social entropy.

A.P.Chekhov in the story "Death of the official"

B.Vasiliev "Noted in the lists"
Works are forced to think about the questions that everyone seeks to answer themselves: what is behind a high moral choice - what are the forces of the human mind, the soul, fate, that helps a person to resist, show an amazing, affecting the resistance, helps to live and die "in human"?

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"
Despite the difficulties and tests that have fallen into the share of Andrei Sokolov's chief character, he always remained faithful to himself and his homeland. Nothing broke in it spiritual power and did not eradicate in it a sense of duty.

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter".

Peter Grinev is a person of honor, in any life situation, it comes as he tells him the honor. The nobility of the hero was able to appreciate even his ideological enemy - Pugachev. That is why he has repeatedly helped Grinevo.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Bolkonsky family - the personification of honor and nobility. Prince Andrei always in the first place put the laws of honor, followed by them, even if it demanded incredible efforts, suffering, pain.

Loss of spiritual values

B. Vasilyev "Germaman"
The events of the story of Boris Vasilyeva "Germaman" allow you to see how in today's life the so-called "new Russians" seek to get rich at any cost. Spiritual valuities are lost because the Kul-Tour has left our lives. The society split, a bank account was a bank account in it. The moral coat began to grow in the souls of people who have lost faith in good and justice.

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter"
Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich, Hero Tale A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", -dvorinan, but he is dishonorable: he woven Mironovaya Mironova and having received a refusal, revenge on her, responding about her; During the duel with Grinev, he puts a duel in the back. A complete loss of ideas about honor predetermines and social treason: as soon as the Belogorsk Fortress goes to Pugachev, Schvabrin goes to the side of the rebellion.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Hehlen Kurabina deceit his Pierre on himself, then lying all the time to him, being his wife, disgraces him, makes unhappy. The heroine uses a lie to get rich, take a good position in society.

N.V.Gogol "Auditor".

Khlestakov deceives officials, gives himself to the auditor. Trying to impress, he composes many stories about his life in St. Petersburg. Moreover, he is lying so much that he himself begins to believe his stories, feels important and significant.

D.S. Likhachev in the "letters of good and beautiful"
D.S. Likhachev in the "letters of good and beautiful" tells what kind of danging he was experiencing when he learned that a cast-iron monument was blown up on the Borodino field in 1932 on the grave of Bagag-Tion. At the same time, someone left a giant inscription on the wall of the monastery built on the site of the death of another hero - Tuchkov: "Pretty storing OS-Tuts of the slave past!" In the late 60s, a travel palace was demolished in Leningrad, which, even during the war, our battle-tsi tried to save, not once-hand. Likhachev believes that "the loss of any monument to Kul-tours is unbelievable: they are always individual."

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

  • In the family of growth, everything was built on sincerity and kindness, respect for each other and understanding, therefore children - Natasha, nor-Kolay, Petya - became truly good people they are responsive to someone else's pain, able to understand experiences and suffering Others. It is enough to remember the episode when Natasha gives an order to free the carts loaded by their family values \u200b\u200bto give them to the wounded soldiers.
  • And in the family of Kuragin, where the career and money decided everything, and Helen, and Anatol - immoral egoist. Both are looking for only benefits in life. They do not know what real love is and are ready to exchange their feelings for wealth.

A. S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter"
In the story of the "Captain's daughter", the instructions of the father helped Peter Grinevo, even in the most critical moments to remain an honest person, loyal and debt. Therefore, the hero causes respect for his behavior.

N. V. Gogol "Dead Souls"
Following the Testament of the Father "Scroll Ko-Peika", Chicchiki devoted all their lives to the accumulator, turning into a person without shame and conscience. He from school years appreciated only money, so in his life there was never faithful friends, the family, about which hero dreamed.

L. Ulitskaya "Daughter Bukhara"
Bukhara, the heroine of the story of L. Ulitskaya "Daughter Bukhara", co-peaked the maternal feat, all himself giving up the upbringing of the pre-Cherie Mila, who had a Sin-Drome Down. Even being a sickly sick, the mother thought out his daughter's long life: arranged to work, found her a new family, her husband, and only after that allowed themselves from life.

V. Mother V. A. "Human Mother"
Maria, the heroine of the story of the spun "Mother of Human", during the war, losing his son and her husband, took over his ownness for his, who had just born the child and for other people's children, saved them, became a mother for them. And when the first Soviet soldiers entered the burned farm, Maria seemed that she gave birth to the light not only her son, but of all the disadvantaged war children in the world. That is why she is a man's mother.

K.i Chukovsky "Live as life"
K.i Chukovsky in the book "Live as life" analyzes the state of the Russian language, our speech and at a time of disappointing conclusions: we ourselves are distorting and we are ugly our great and mighty language.

I.S. Turgenev
- Take care of our tongue, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this is the wealth, transferred to us by our predecessors, among whom again Pushkin shines! Contact respectfully with this powerful tool: in the hands of the skillful it is able to make wonders ... Take care of the purity of the tongue as the shrine!

K.G. Powesty
- You can work wonders with Russian. There is nothing in life in our consciousness, which could not be conveyed by the Russian word ... There are no such sounds, paints, images and thoughts - complex and simple, - for which there would be no accurate expression in our language.

A. P. Chekhov "Death of the Official"
Worry official in the story of A. P. Chekhov "Death of the official" in the wrong degree infected with the spirit of the composure: sneezing and rhods Lysin ahead of the Sitage General Sktzlovova (and he did not pay attention to it), hero is so afraid, What, after repeated humiliated requests to forgive him, died of fear.

A. P. Chekhov "Fat and Thin"
The story of the story of Chekhov "Fat and Thin", official Porfiry, met at the train station of the Ni-Kolaev railway of the school friend and learned that he was a secret adviser, i.e. The service has advanced knowledgeably higher. In one moment "thin" turns into a work-impetuous being, ready to humiliate and labee.

A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"
Molchanin, Negative Per-Songeg of Comedy, I am sure that it seems to please not only "all people without rewriting", but even "the dog of the janitor, so that Lasco-Wa was." The need to not-tire to please the birth and his novel with Sofia, his daughter Mr. and the benefactor of Famusov. Maxim Petrovich, "Character" of a historic joke, which Pharmuses says in the on-riding Chapskom, in order to earn the arrangement of the Empress, turned into a jester that is fun to be fun in ridiculous drops.

I. S. Turgenev. "Mu Mu"
The fate of a dumb serf Gerasima, Tatiana solves a lady. Human has no right. What could be awful?

I. S. Turgenev. "Hunter's Notes"
In the story "Biryuk", the main character, the forestry, on nicknamed Biryuk, lives slaughter, despite the conscientious performance of his duties. The social structure of life is unfair.

N. A. Nekrasov "Railway"
The poem says who built the railway. These are workers who have subjected to merciless exploitation. The device of life, where arbitrariness reigns, worthy of condemnation. In the poem "Reflections from the Paradinary Porch": the peasants came from the distant villages with the past to the noble, but they were not accepted, they were driven. Power is not considered with the situation of the people.

L. N. Tolstoy "After Bala"
The separation of Russia into two parts, rich and poor is shown. The social world is arranged unfairly in relation to weak.

N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
Nothing saint can not be in the world, which is ruled by Samoram, wild and insane.

V.V. Mayakovsky

  • In the play "Klop" Pierre Skripkin dreamed that his house would be a "full bowl". Another hero, a former worker, claims: "Who fought, has the right to rest in a quiet river." Such a position was alien Mayakovsky. He dreamed of the spiritual growth of contemporaries.

I. S. Turgenev "Notes of the Hunter"
The identity of each is important for the development of the state, but not always talented people can develop their abilities with the benefit of society. For example, in the "Notes of the Hunter" I.S. Turgenev has people whose talents are not needed by the country. Yakov ("singers") drinks in the cab. The lawmaker of the Mitya ("Ovsyannikov Ovsyannikov") stands for the fortress. Lester Biryuk responsibly carries service, but lives in poverty. Such people turned out to be unnecessary. Above them even laugh. It is unfair.

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich"
Despite the terrible details of the camp life and the unfair structure of society, the works of Solzhenitsyn optimically in spirit. The writer proved that in the last degree of humiliation it is possible to preserve a person in itself.

A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin"
A person who is not accustomed to work does not find a worthy place in the life of society.

M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"
Pechorin says he felt the strength in his soul, but did not know what to attach them. The company is such that there is no worthy place of an outstanding person in it.

And A. Goncharov. "Oblomov"
Ilya Oblomov, a kind and talented person, could not overcome himself and reveal his best features. The reason is the lack of high goals in society.

AM Gorky
Many heroes of the stories M. Gorky reason about the sense of life. Old Tsygan Makar Miranda was surprised why people work. In the same impasse, the characters of the story "on salt" were also. Around them - cars, hydrochloric dust, eating eyes. However, no one bothered. In the soul, even such oppressed people are born good feelings. The meaning of life, in bitter, in labor. Starting in good faith work everyone - you look, and we will become all richer together and better. After all, "the wisdom of life is always deeper and extensive to the wisdom of people."

M. I. Weller "Roman Education"
There is a meaning of life who himself devotes their activities for the sake of the case, which considers it necessary. This makes thinking about the "Roman of Education" M. I. Weller, one of the most published modern Russian writers. Indeed, always targeted people were quite a lot, and now they live among us.

L. N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"

  • The meaning of life The best heroes of the novel - Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duhov saw in the desire for moral self-improvement. Each of them wanted to "be quite good, to bring good people."
  • All the favorite heroes of L. N. Tolstoy were engaged in a stressful spiritual search. Reading the novel "War and Peace", it is difficult not to take a sympathy for the prince of Bolkonsky, thinking looking for a person. He read a lot, I had a concept. The meaning of his own life hero found in the defense of the Fatherland. Not for the sake of ambitious desire for glory, but because of love for the Motherland.
  • In search of the meaning of life, a person must choose his direction. In the Romana L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", the fate of Andrei Bolkonsky- Complex path of moral losses and discoveries. It is important that, going through this thorny road, he retained true human dignity. Not by chance, M. I. Kutuzov will say the hero: "Your road is the road of honor." I also like people inordinated, trying to live is not useless.

I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"
Even the failures and disappointment of an outstanding talented person are significant for society. For example, in the novel "Fathers and children" Evgeny Bazarov, a fighter for democracy, called himself unnecessary to Russia. However, his views anticipate the emergence of people capable of more great things and noble deeds.

V. Bykov "Sotnikov"
The problem of moral choices: what is better - to save your life at the price of betrayal (as it makes the hero of the story of the fisherman) or die no hero (no one will know about the heroic death of Sotnikov), but to die with dignity. Sotnikov makes a difficult moral choice: dies, retaining the human appearance.

M. M. Svavin "Storeroom Sun"
Mitrash and Nastya during the Great Patriotic War remained without parents. But hard work helped young children not only survive, but also earn respect for fellow villagers.

And P. Platonov "In the beautiful and violent world"
The driver of the Maltsev is entirely devoted to work, her beloved profession. During the thunderstorm, the blind, but the devotion of a friend, the love of the chosen profession make a miracle: he, hitting his favorite locomotive, again gains vision.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn Matrinin Dvor
The main heroine is accustomed to work all his life, to help other people and although there was no benefit, remains a pure soul, righteous.

Ch. Aitmatov Roman "Motherland"
The leitmotif of the novel is the spiritual responsiveness of the hardworking rural women. Aliman, which is not happening, from dawn it works on the farm, on Bakhch, in a greenhouse. She feeds the country, the people! And the writer does not see anything higher than this share, this honor.

A.P. Chekhov. Story "Ionch"

  • Dmitry Ionchych Elders chose an excellent profession. He became a doctor. However, the lack of perseverance and perseverance made the once of a good doctor with a simple man in the man, for which the mainstream and their own well-being. So, not enough to choose a future profession, it is necessary to preserve yourself morally and morally.
  • Time comes when each of us is facing the choice of profession. Honestly serve people dreamed of the hero of the story A.P. Chekhov "Ionch", Dmitry Elders. The profession chosen by him is the most humane. However, settling in the city where the most educated people turned out to be small and limited, elders did not find strength to resist stagnation, cosiness. The doctor turned into a simple manual, little thinking about his patients. So, the most valuable condition in order not to live a boring life - honest creative work, which profession has chosen a person.

N. Tolstoy. "War and Peace"
A person who is aware of the responsibility in front of the homeland, people who knows how to understand them at the right moment, is truly great. These are Kutuzov, such are ordinary people in the novel that without high phrases perform their duty.

F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment"
Rodion Raskolnikov creates its theory: the world is divided into those "who has the right", and the "trees of trembling". According to his theory, the personality is capable of creating a story like Magomet, Napoleon. They are in the name of "Great Goals" commit atrocities. The theory of Raskolnikova suffers the collapse. In fact, true freedom is to submit their aspirations of the interests of society, in the ability to make the right moral choice.

V. Bykov "Obelisk"
Especially brightly, the problem of freedom can be traced in the story V. Bykov "Obelisk". Teacher Moroz, had a choice to stay alive or die along with students. He always taught them good and justice. He had to choose death, but he remained morally a free man.

A.M. Bitter "On the bottom"
Is there a way to break free from the vicious circle of life worries and desires? This question was trying to answer M. Gorky in the play "On the bottom". In addition, the writer put another pressing question: and is it possible to be considered a free person who resigned. Thus, the contradictions between the truth slave and the freedom of personality are an eternal problem.

A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
The opposition of evil, tyranny attracted the special attention of Russian writers of the 19th century. The oppressive power of the evil is shown in the play of A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". Young, gifted woman, Katerina, - Strong Nature. She found the strength to challenge the tyranny. The conflict between the setting of the "Dark Kingdom" and a bright sincere world, unfortunately, ended tragically.

A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Archipelag Gulag"
Pictures of bullying, brutal attitude to political prisoners.

A.A. Akhmatova Poem "Requiem"
This is a work of repeated arrests of a husband and son, the poem is written under the influence of numerous meetings with mothers, native prisoners in the Cross, St. Petersburg prison.

N. Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad"
In the story of Nekrasov, there is a terrible truth about the heroism of those people whom in the totalitarian state was always considered "cogs" in the huge corps of the state car. The writer mercilessly condemned those who calmly sent people to death, who shot for a lost sapper shovel, who held people in fear.

The secret to comprehend beauty, according to the famous publicist V. Soloukhina, is in love with life, nature. Spilled beauty in the world will enrich us spiritually if we learn to contemplate it. The author is sure to stop in front of her, "without thinking about time", only then she will "invite you to the interlocutors."

K. Pouustovsky
The great Russian writer K. Pouustovsky wrote that "in nature you need to plunge, as if you were immersed in a pile of wet from the rain of leaves and felt their luxurious coolness, their smell, their breath. Simply put, nature needs to love, and this love will find faithful ways to express themselves with the greatest force. "

Modern publicist, writer Y. Gribov argued that "beauty lives in the heart of every person and it is very important to wake it up, not to give her to die without waking up."

V.Resputin "Last Deadline"
The bed of the dying mother gathered children who came from the city. Before death, the mother seems to go to the vessel. She sees that there is no former understanding between her and children, children are separated, forgot about morality lessons received in childhood. Anna leaves life, difficult and simple, worthy, and her children still live and live. The story ends tragically. Hurry for some kind of your business, the children leave the mother to die one. Not transferred to such a terrible strike, she dies at the same night. Rasputin reproaches the children of the collective farmers for insincerity, moral coldness, forgetfulness and fumes.

K. G. Powesty "Telegram"
The story of K. G. Powesty "Telegram" is not a banal narrative of a lonely old woman and an inattentive daughter. Powesta shows that Nastya is not soulless: she sympathizes Timofeev, spends a lot of time on the device of his exhibition. How could it happen that caring about others Nastya shows the inattention to his mother's mother? It turns out that one thing is to get involved in the work, to make it from the bottom of my heart, to give it all the strength, physical and spiritual, and the other - to remember his loved ones, about the mother - the very holy creature in the world, not limited to monetary translations and short notes. Harmony between concerns about the "distant" and love for the closest person of the Nastya could not achieve. In this tragedy of its position, this is the reason for the feeling of irreparable guilt, unbearable gravity, which visits her after the death of the mother and who will settle in her soul forever.

F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
The main character of the work - Rodion Raskolnikov made many good deeds. He is good by nature a person who is hard to experience someone else's pain and always helps people. So the splits save the children from the fire, his latest money gives Marmeladov, trying to protect the drunk girl from the men who stick to her, worried about the sister of the Dunny, seeks to prevent her marriage with a nuddle to protect themselves from humiliation, loves and regrets her mother, tries not to disturb her problems. But the trouble Raskolnikova is that it has chosen such a global goal to fulfill such global purposes. Unlike Skolnikov, truly beautiful actions make Sonya. She sacrifices for loved ones, because he loves them. Yes, Sonya is the harmnica, but she had no opportunity to quickly earn money honestly, and the family died from hunger. This woman ruins himself, but her soul remains clean, because she believes in God and everyone tries to do good, loving and compassion in Christian.
The most beautiful act of Sony - Salvation Skolnikova ..
The whole life of Sony Marmaladova is self-sacrifice. She raises the power of his love to himself, helps him overcome his sin and resurrect. In the actions of Sony Marmaladova, all the beauty of the human act is expressed.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
Pierre Duhov is one of the favorite heroes of the writer. Being in a disaster with his wife, feeling disgusting to the life in the light they lead, surviving after their duel with Doolokhov, Pierre unwittingly ask the eternal, but such important issues for him: "What is bad? What well? Why live, and what is me? " And when one of the most famous Masonic figures calls him to change his life and clear himself with the service of good, to benefit his neighbor, Pierre said sincerely "in the possibility of the brotherhood of people, connected to support each other in the path of virtue." And to achieve this goal, Pierre does everything. What considers it necessary: \u200b\u200bsacrifices money to the brotherhood, suits schools, hospitals and shelters, trying to ease the life of peasants with small children. His actions are always in Lada with his conscience, and the feeling of the rightness gives him confidence in life.

Pontius Pilate sent to the execution of innocent Yeshua. The past the remaining life of the procurator tormented conscience, he could not forgive his cowardice. The hero was calmed, only when Jeshua forgave him himself and said that there was no execution.

F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".

Raskolnikov killed the old woman to prove to himself that he was "Higher" creature. But after the crime, he suffers from conscience, the mania of persecution develops, the hero is removed from close and relatives. In the final of the novel, he repents in murder, rises on the path of spiritual healing.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"
M. Sholokhov has a wonderful story "The Fate of Man". It is told about the tragic fate of the soldier, who during the war
litted all relatives. Once he met the Sirota boy and decided to turn his father. This act suggests that love and desire
do good give a person to life for life, forces in order to confront fate.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

Curagin family - greedy, mercenary, vile people. In pursuit of money and power, they are capable of any immoral deeds. So, for example, Hehlen's deceit marries Pierre and enjoys his wealth, bringing him a lot of suffering and humiliation.

N.V.Gogol "Dead Souls".

Plushin subdued all his life to the accumulation. And if at first it was dictated by crudeness, then his desire to save all the boundaries, he saved on the most necessary, lived, restricting himself in all, and even broke the relationship with his daughter, fearing that she claims his "wealth."

Role of flowers

I.A.Gongcharov "Oblomov".

In Love, Bakery presented Olga Ilinskaya Lilac branch. Lilac became a symbol of the spiritual transformation of the hero: he became active, cheerful, cheerful when I loved Olga.

M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

Thanks to bright yellow colors in the hands of Margarita, the master saw her in a gray crowd. Heroes loved each other at first glance and carried their feeling through a lot of tests.


The writer recalled that he learned a lot from books. He did not have the opportunity to get an education, so it was in the books of the knowledge of knowledge, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, knowledge of the laws of literature.

A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin".

Tatyana Larina rose on love novels. Books made her dreamy, romantic. She created for himself the ideal of his beloved, the hero of his novel, whom he dreamed of meeting in real life.

When passing the exam (Russian), students can be different. This is predominantly due to difficulties in justifying those or other aspects of those proposed for writing. Next, the article will consider the correct use of various arguments.


Different difficulties on the exam are caused not so much a lack of a schoolboy any information on the topic. Most likely, the student cannot apply the information that has its own properly. For this reason, the necessary statements are not fully justified or not as needed to successfully cope with the task. First, approval should be formed, and then the corresponding justifications for them are problems and arguments. Russian language is very multifaceted. All statements and justification must bear a certain semantic load. Further, the article will consider various topics and arguments.

The problem of Russian language

The preservation of vocabulary is the task of each person. The problems of the Russian language are disclosed in various works. The arguments on this topic can be found both in classical and in modern prose. In the works, the authors push the arguments. The problem of the Russian language, for example, is disclosed in the work of Knyshev. In it, the author in humorous form speaks of lovers of borrowed words. His work "On the Great and Mighty Russian Relightness of Speech Oversitable by these Elements. A close topic reveals M. Krongauz. According to the author, the problems of the modern Russian language are the oversaturation of speech in words related to the Internet, fashion, youth flows. In his book, he expresses His point of view. The name of the work speaks for itself: "Russian on the verge of a nervous breakdown."

It is not necessary to read all the works from the school program to write a good writing within the framework of a single state career in the Russian language. In the texts offered by developers, "Eternal problems" are raised, questions related to human behavior in war, as well as with the depletion of the native language. There are books that, with careful reading, will free you from the need to study dozens of creations. Life amounted to a list of "saving" literature.

If you really seriously read all 10 books that we will talk about, then the exam you will surrender - the arguments will pick up any problem, but you can also read only a few works from the list, if you have an associative thinking, and any fact from the work you can "unscrew" in your favor. For example, it is worth choosing who is closer to you: Sholokhov or Tolstoy? It is not necessary to read both Roman-epic (that is, "Quiet Don" and "War and Peace"), since problems in them are echoing. It is really really good to know the storylines of one of the books.

At the same time, do not forget that the arguments should be two, which means examples from one work can not do.

1. "War and Peace" Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

On the example of the stories of three families against the background of war with Napoleon, many eternal problems are shown - this is a manifestation of the best (or worst) qualities of a person in critical moments (Pierre Duzhov, Andrei Bolkonsky), the inexperience of a young soul (Natasha Rostov) and the influence of the entity on the formation of a person (anatole And Henen Kuragin, Andrei and Marya Bolkonsky, Natasha, Nikolai, Peter and Vera Rostov), \u200b\u200bthe choice of a way or the search for the meaning of life (Pierre Lyuhov, Andrei Bolkonsky). Also, Tolstoy speaks of mercy in his face, for example, Natasha Rostova, about the debt - in the face of Bolkonsky, about windiness and smallness - Anatole Kuragin, Natasha Rostov. The author does not forget about the problem of social bundle, the thirst for power is the two opposing world of families of Curagin and Rostic.

In almost every chapter of the novel, in each episode you can find an argument to a particular problem in the examination text.

2. "Silent Don" Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov

In the Roman-epic dedicated to the life of the Cossacks during the period of the Civil War, one of the central themes - women's love and its depth (Natalia and Aksinha). Also the most important problem raised by Sholokhov - the choice of the path of the man. This torment Grigory Melekhov (both in war and in personal life). The classic speaks of an infinite desire for happiness, contrary to any obstacles (the history of the love of the main characters), as well as about human lust, the influence of instincts on human life (the wife of the older brother Gregory). Through all the work traced the theme of rock, inevitability, redemption of sins. Sholokhov, telling about the family of Melekhov, says about the debt to parents, confrontation of various generations and betrayal.

3. Any book from the Cycle "Song of Ice and Flame" George Martin

Regardless of whether the fan of you series or a series of fiction works, created by the American writer, reality is so global, which embodies all the joys and vices of human life, or, as Balzac said, "Human Comedy". The history of the confrontation of houses (influential families) for the throne reveals the most terrible parties of the human soul - Martin speaks of the rules of honest and dishonest war, about the problem of injustice, hatred and rudeness in society, about insests, greed and mercy, about the problem of debt to family and the state, About dishonorable, regardless of social wealth, about cvc, about the presence of a competitive spirit between family members. There is no point to list everything and indicate specific heroes - there are many of them, and the vices and dignity is in each of the characters of the cycle. The argument is almost any problem you will find in Westeros history. Even the oppression of the progress and the rejection of the new one can be told on the example of history about experiments over the mountain.

4. "Crime and Punishment" Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

One of the most important works of the school program is the story of "small people", "trees trembling". A wide range of questions also rises in the novel - the twist of the soul, the presence of two poles in each person - good and evil, the atonement of sins, the choice of the road (again the main characters, marmalands), the vital priorities and the formation of the person, the role of religion in the life of a person, greed and cynicism (old-year-older, Svidrigaylov), a change in the perception of the world, depending on the internal experiences of a person (St. Petersburg), the feeling of guilt, the inevitability of punishment, extremism, etc. Most of the problems of the novel are shown through the personalities of the main characters - Rodion Skolnikov and Sony Marmaladeova.

5. "Thunderstorm" Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Piece dedicated to social and domestic issues (as well as "idleness")Shows a dark world in which there is no place for light emotions. They simply die under the onslaught of human "simplicity", hatred, conservatism and ignorance. In the work, you can find arguments on the topics of betrayal (Katerina's treason), the alarms of the human soul, the constant search for the new (also Katerina), social bundle, following the traditions of the traditions and rejection of the youth to the old generation (Kabaniha and Katerina, Tikhon), Rock (Countess and the Benemnation of Death ), Feelings of guilt, the heart of the word of mind, lie in a circle of close, adolescent maximalism, theft among rich class (wild), the authorities, the vicissitudes of love, the relationship between fathers and children, and so on.

6. "Abroad" Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin

Classical arguments from satyric works can be on the topics of patriotism (love for the Motherland, the rejection of someone else's, though better), confrontation of the West and East, Russia and Europe, the poor and rich (conversation of the Russian and German boy), the feelings of the crowd, consumer society, oblivion traditions, human factor in relations, professional debt, features of mentality of different nations and so on.

7. "Captain's Daughter" Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

It is important and read a small work of our shining, because this story (by the way, such an argument can be taken from the novel "War and Peace") raises the problem about the role of personality in history (Emelyan Pugachev and Catherine II). Also, it is also impossible not to say about mercy (again the empress), the behavior of a person in a critical situation, a debt to the state, parental rigor (represented by Peter Greenyov), betrayal (Swabrin and Grinyov), a sense of ownership (Schvabrin), social inequality and, of course, About love - Captain's daughter and Greenyowa.

8. "Russian on the verge of nervous breakdown" Maxim Anisimovich Krongauus

As with the "Game of Thrones" (first part), it is not necessary to read - you can watch a movie. "The Great Gatsby" love not all - for someone, it is too dynamic, however, the film was very dynamic (especially since some moments from the novel were not on the screen - for example, the life of Gatsby in his youth, episode with his family). The classic of the jazz era raises the problems of intolerance of the rich problems of people of low "class", the differences between love from love, thirst for power and money, a "little man." The author also talks about true friendship, dreams and hopes. The latter, according to Fitzgerald, are often empty.

10. "On the Western Front without Change" Erich Mary Remark

About humility, military debt, despair of lost close, inevitability of death, equality before the war and the death of all people (regardless of wealth, pedigree and kind of activity), friendship and indifference in war to things, important in peacetime, tells the remark. In a small work, you can find arguments for almost any military problem.

Language - mirror of the people of the people. What an important role is he playing! Without it, it is impossible to do in any field of human activity: everywhere is obvious to his great importance. Each people have their own language, and the Russian language is one of the most remarkable, which will confirm the words of many classics of our literature. However, under the influence of life, the language changes with it, moreover, not always for the better.

In his text, Taisiya Vasilyevna Zharova raises the problem of preserving the Russian language. Reflecting on her, it draws attention to the fact that "in a short time they managed to divide" and "sample" the words belonging to only a certain environment. Also, the author notes that our language is an interesting phenomenon for observing linguists and writers, but he is shot not only by foreign words, but also criminal vocabulary, and the words used by classics from it "left temporary" and "waiting for bright days."

With this idea it is impossible to disagree, its confirmation can be found in various articles about the language or analyzing the works of Russian classics.

So, remembering the Roman-epic of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace", most readers are aware of what the reading process itself gives, not to mention the interesting plot and heroes that became loved ones. Reading the work, you know how beautiful is the native language and how much you can tell you, describe what masterfully and makes L.N. Tolstoy. With Russian words, he describes the era of that time, and we see all her features and sides without illustrations, just reading in words. And how the beauty is accurately transmitted and with it the vanity of Helen with the help of our tongue! What beautiful we present the summer night in the apologist and blooming oak, meeting Andrei Bolkonsky! The Russian language, which was written and told classics, is great, he can convey everything, he is truly rich without unnecessary borrowing.

We need to take care of our great language and distant in time from classics writers in their articles. For example, the Soviet translator Nora Gal in the article "Word of Living and Dead" or Russian Linguist Maxim Krongauz in the article "Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown." Both authors are disturbing the fate of the Russian language, as everyone should be disturbed and every Russian person. Nora Gal suggests that often in everyday life is unreasonably and uniformly used by the Office and borrowing from other languages, that our great language should sound adequately. Maxim Krongauz writes that the language should change with life and it changes, but some changes to him only in harm, and the language needs to be preserved and protected.

So, our language is great, and "there are no such sounds, paints, images and thoughts - complex and simple, - for which there would be no accurate expression in our language," as K.G.Pautovsky wrote. We need to take care of the Russian language, keeping its greatness for future generations.

Updated: 2017-06-20

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