The reasons for the breakdown. Oblomov - passive protest against the ambient evil (on the novel and

The reasons for the breakdown. Oblomov - passive protest against the ambient evil (on the novel and

All this is the dead. Sleeping people

worse than me, these members of light and society!

I. Goncharov. Oblomov

Creative Individuality of Goncharova manifested in all works written by him, she flashed with a special force in the novel "Oblomov": "... I wrote only what was worried that I thought, I felt that I saw and knew that I wrote myself Life, and the fact that there is a nais-tall to her. " In the novel of "Oblomov" Goncharov, with the help of the original hero, whose name has become nominated today, managed not only to reflect the real life in its rich manifestations, but also to encourage readers to reflections, help him understand the complex interlacing of reality.

From the first pages we have a certain Hero-Chat. Oblomov - "A man of thirty-two-three people from the genus, an average growth, pleasant outfacie, with the short-gray eyes, but with the lack of any definite idea ... from his face carelessness passed into the poses of the whole body. Sometimes the look was poured by an expression as if tired or boredom; But neither fatigue, nor boredom could drive softness from the face ... "Thanks to this, the portrait you can prevent yourself and the inner essence of Oblomov - the Human Ka good, soft, but lazy, apathetic, haired. Further in the novel, we find confirmation by these Cape: Starting in the inability and unwillingness to bring order in our room and ending with a mess in his personal life when in a universal chaos, even the need for re-suits of ordinary questions causes helpless growing rolling.

How did a person with wonderful deposits in the pro-shower and a wonderful pure soul and rich heart in the standing fell into this dusty and sticky captivity of self-help, egoism, closedness from real life?

From the very childhood, the main character became the involuntary Zhere-your all-consuming and practically unbeatable Javing - Oblomovshchina. All the motives of the child to the sa-migration and knowledge of the surrounding world, the desire for independence was pretended not only by loving parents, but also the whole environment in which the boy was grew. They were afraid of everything that helps a person to develop its best internal qualities: labor, initiatives, strong feelings, all new and unknown. Attempts by Oblomov to fight with the "deep sleep" surrounding it, not having time to grow into actions, actions. Nevertheless, the bugs managed to rise above the crumpler, he retained moral purity and the gullibility, received an education, even served once. However, often the feeling of inner freedom made from the depths of childhood and adolescence, did not find support in real life: "I began to go out over the Scriptures of Paper in the Office; then squeezed, reading the truth in the books, with whom I did not know what to do in life, gone with buddies, listening to the senses, gossip, messenger ... or I did not understand this life, or she is not good anywhere, but I knew nothing better , I did not see, no one pointed me this ... I was locked in me ... But just burned my prison, I did not break out on the will and UGAS. " We see that obcomments are extremely honest and frank before him. What caused the circumstances to develop such self-criticism in it?

In the service of brooms, it was pretty quickly understood that everyone here was occupied by not the performance of official duties, not honest serving, but the "game of bad passions", "interrupt each other's road", with stupid shocking of papers. The service deprived of human understanding was meaningless for Oblomov because he did not need money. The surrounding business people who pursue only selfish goals, who do not choose decent means to achieve them, alien to choose the ideals of Oblomov, as well as life, devoid of profit and unprincipled rise on the service staircase: "Will be in people It will overcome the affairs and ranks in time. And how little man here is needed: his mind, will, feelings, - why is it? " Material from site.

In women who are able to love for money, friends, sword only about career, you can see all the same Oblomovans, only living according to the laws of higher world: "All this is the dead. Sleeping people worse than me, these members of the world and society! " A thin, good, good and disinterested hero of the novel is looking for perfection in this world, "norms, ideas of life, which indicated nature to man goal," and does not find it.

That is why it is possible to consider Lenz and the apathy of Oblomov, his turning from the real life of a passive protest against all the evil surrounding it in action. And yet he becomes a victim, a slave of this evil, because it cannot already receive volitional solutions, independently dispose of its own life. It sails for a course, observes, and not acts.

I believe that the problems affected by Goncharov in Ro-Mana "Oblomov", and today do this work a act of actual and interesting, and this certainly speaks both the genius of the writer and about the multi-facetedness of the Denia.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • oblomov Hero Service in the Office
  • creative Individuality Goncharov
  • the author and brooms "I wrote only what worried"
  • problems affected by the author in the novel of brooms
  • oblomeness Writing good or evil
Roman Goncharov "Oblomov".

XXI Century. Experience reading.

Still will remain at least one Russian

until then, "Oblomov" will be remembered.

I. S. Turgenev.

The Russian writer can not be a patriot. However, the patriotism of the writer, the person of thinking, prone to analysis is usually aimed at solving the eternal "patient" question: "How do we have to equip Russia?"

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, whose 195th anniversary we celebrate this year, was thinking about this topic throughout the writer and human life. A wonderful reason to turn to the creative heritage of the Grand Compatriot.

The concept of "patriotism" did not turn in Goncharov in "kvass patriotism".

He, like V. G. Belinsky, could argue that "True love for Fatherland does not spare his flaws." Sincerely and selflessly love his homeland, Goncharov could not not notice some of the national characteristics, overcoming which Russia will be able to live well and abolishly, and no "fools and roads" will not interfere with her prosperity. What did the goncharov seen the problems and their solution?

Having been in the most exotic corners of the globe and returning home, Goncharov creates "Oblomov" - the most "Russian" Roman from all written in the "Golden Age". Nobody to Goncharov could not so brilliantly and scrupulously explore the Russian national character and identify its main features. The writer intently examines the immortal type of the Russian Barin with his laziness and badness, with its crystal clear heart and noble, but defenseless in front of everyday storms soul, with his short-minded intelligence and careless, contemplative existence. "The thought walked with a free bird in the face, fluttered in his eyes, sat down on the half-eyed lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared, and then in the whole face there was a smooth light of carelessness." And further: "Lena in Ilya Ilyich was not needed, like a patient or like a person who wants to sleep, nor the accident, like that who was tired, nor enjoyed, like a lazy person: it was his normal state."

Why does Oblomov, the person of the non-real mind and comprehensive education, the normal state was "lying", and not what other action? Rather, complete inaction, sometimes smoothly flowing into a lazy dream. Any external stimulus, be it unpaid bills from meat shop, the need for a speedy move to another apartment or disorder in their own estate instantly brings it from the usual state, but only in order to be once again discharged from gently intact life.

Of course, the bugs were not born so soft and apathetic. In his youth, he studied, read, then he served. However, the concept of labor was, to put it mildly, incorrect. "Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of difficulty and boredom - it had synonyms; Another is from peace and peaceful fun. " Our hero was lazy to learn - "Further the line under which the teacher, asking a lesson, conducted a denouncement, he did not look at him, did not make any questions and did not require an explanation." Not wanting to be thrilled in school, he was afraid to be thrilled in the service: "... he believed ... that a visit to the first-place place is not a mandatory habit, which must be adhered to daily, and that sludge, heat and just reliance can always serve as sufficient and legitimate pretexts to fail. To office. " The idea of \u200b\u200blife as a solid festival and Nege, about careless contemplation and free creativity was rooted at Oblomov Most likely because being a landowner, he had everything you need for life. I was contentted exclusively what I had. When applying with his old friend, the Sudbinsky, rejoicing his official successes and material promotions, Ilya Ilyich is not held with sincere Parkhal: "- Well done!" But immediately hesitates: "- just work with eight hours to twelve, from twelve to five. Yes, houses still - oh, oh! ". Such an exorbitant long working day for Oblomov is an unjustified feat.

Oblomov left the service due to the extraordinary sensitivity of nature, unable to transfer that, on its inconsistency, a certain document was sent instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk. "Looking at the others, Ilya Ilyich and he himself, though he, and others knew that the head would limit himself to the remark; But my own conscience was much more stricter than the prisoner. " Oblomov left the service, and gladly watered his favorite sofa - the only place in the world where he was comfortable. What do we see after a few years of his "disability"? "If it is not ... a plate, but not leaning to bed, just a repurchased tube, or not the master himself lying on it, it would be possible to think that no one lives here, so everything was dreamed, polished and generally devoid of living traces of human Presence ... From the inkwell, if the feather swollen into it, would have broken a frightened fly with Zhuzhuhan. "

Barly bored dreamer Ilya Ilyich in the novel is opposed to an absolutely positive character Andrei Ivanovich Stolz - Natura is strong, active and creative. "... from Father's Forty made thousands of three hundred capital, and in the service for the survival, and a scientist ... Now there is still traveling!" - So speaks about the galley of the buddy of Oblomov.

Half Stolz's life success was obliged to his father's education and his personal will and energy. While the bugs lies on the sofa and does not know how to survive "two misfortunes", that is, moving to another apartment and gradually rotting the generic estate, Stolz works, learns, travels. Being friends back from ornament, the main characters carried the touching and disinterested attachment to each other. Stolz constantly takes a helpless in life Ilya Ilyich, trying to squander it, give him the joy of life and taste to her. "- at least Stalz soon came! - Dreams of bugs. "- writes that it will be soon, and the hell knows where it is walking! He would have walked. " Stolz arrives, everything "stands up," everything suits and saves both the Ozloma himself and his crushing from the final ruin. What prevents Ilya Ilyich to solve your problems yourself? The mind God gave him enough, education and abilities analytically thinking too. What is the reason for the inability to live and survive yourself, without the help of a nurse-gallery? The reason is one - "Oblomovshchina". The unwillingness is constantly and work a lot, the lack of habits to constant effort of will, self-control, self-discipline. It is not only and not so much banal laziness, how much the habit of living well and exclusively in his pleasure.

Oblomov is presented in the novel as an absolutely positive character, a clean and honest person who can wake up from his apathy and entered the honor of the woman, for the good name of his best friend Andrei Stolz and for his own (they are universal) ideals. Recall his fiery speech in the dialogue with the fashionable writer Pencois, easily condemning the "fallen" people:

"- ... Showing a thief, a fallen woman, inflated fool. Yes, and the person immediately do not forget. Where is humanity? You want to write one head! - Almost spiked bugs. - Do you think you don't need heart for thought? No, she fertilizes love. Stretch a hand to a fallen person to raise it, or bitterly cry over him if he dies, not mock. Love him, remember himself yourself and contact him, with yourself, "then I will read you and linked your head in front of you ...". Here's how Stolz responds about your best friend: "For the fact that it is more expensive than any mind: honest, faithful heart! This is its natural gold; He fails to carry him through life ... Not a single fake note made his heart, he did not stick to him. It will not seduce his elegant lies, and nothing will cope with the fake path; Let him be worried about him the whole ocean of rubbish, evil, let the whole world poison poison and goes the opposite - never bugs will not bow the idol of lies, in his soul it will always be clean, light, honest ... it is a crystal, transparent soul; There are few such people; they are rare; These are pearls in the crowd! "

Lask and the accruitance of the Oblomovsky family sealed in the soul of Spartansky raised gallery. Throughout his life, Andrei Ivanovich remembered how he was obliged to the family of broken, without measures and the account of a crowding caress, love and hearty warmth on someone else's, in essence, the boy. The character of the gallery was formed under the influence of two branches of upbringing - Western Rationalism and Russian perfection. The "Landscape of the Russian Soul" with its invaluable properties - inevitable, generosity, a tendency to the elevated contemplation and poetic softness in combination with the characteristic Western way of life of rationality, calculating and habit to everyday work - this is the power that can "equip Russia". When peculiar to our people, spirituality is safely combined with Western activities and pragmatism, we can "catch up and overtake" Europe and America and in terms of living, and in terms of the level of common culture and culture of life, and of course in terms of the development of "free art" (remember Peter First).

In the meantime ... we read Goncharov together and think together, "how to equip Russia."

Test on Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" (grade 10)

    "He was one man in his heart ... He loved the news, and light, and science, and all his life, but somehow deeper, sincerely ... He believed him to one may be, because Ros, he studied and lived with him together . "

A) the attitude of the gallery to the broom;

B) the relationship of Oblomov to the gallery;

C) Tarantyev's attitude towards Oblomov.

2. "Brought up in the depths of the province, among the meek and dark morals and the customs of the Motherland, moving over twenty years from the announcements in the arms of relatives, friends and acquaintances, he was imbued with the family began, as the future service seemed to him in the form of which - - then family lesson

A) gallery

B) Oblomov

C) Tarantyev

3. "No, I feel ... not music ... and ... love":

A) Olga bugs;

B) gallez Olga;

C) Olga Oblomov

4. "Life - duty, duty, therefore, love is also debt":

A) the words gallets

B) Olga's words

C) the words of Oblomov

5. "I kidnap someone else's! I am a thief! "

A) the word gallets, revealing his attitude to Olga;

B) the words of Oblomov, revealing his attitude to Olga

C) the words of Oblomov, revealing his attitude to Agafier Matveyevna

6. "It was some kind of all-consuming, no winning dream, a true selection of death":

A) about the inhabitants of the crushing;

B) about broom

C) about the inhabitants of the house of broken.

7. "He has already been thirty years old. He served, resigned, engaged in his business and in fact he had gone home and money. He participates in some kind of company, sending goods abroad. He is inconspicuous in motion ":

A) tarantyev;

B) bugs;

C) gallez.

8. "Literacy is harmful to the peasant":

A) the words gallets

B) the words of Ilinskaya

C) Oblomov's words.

9. "Some consider it a simple, short, shallow, because they did not fall down from the language either wise years of life about life, love, no fast, unexpected and bold replicas, nor read or overheard judgments about music and literature":

A) Agafia Matveyevna

B) Olga

C) Marya Mikhailovna.

10. Name of Son Oblomov:

A) Ilya

B) Andrey

C) Mikhail

11. "Sometimes the look was glanced by an expression as if fatigue or boredom; But neither fatigue nor boredom could not move the softness from his face, which was the dominant and the main expression not the face only, and the whole soul ":

A) Zakhar.

B) Stolz

C) Oblomov

12. The actual reason for the care of the Oblomov from the service:

A) dismissal

B) personal request for resignation

C) no return to work after the disease

13. Who first in the novel utters the word "Oblomovshchyna"

A) gallery

B) Oblomov

C) Olga

14. "It was a man of thirty-two-three years old from the genus, medium height, pleasant outdoor, with dark gray eyes, but with the lack of any definite idea, any concentration in the face of the face":

A) gallery

B) Oblomov

C) Tarantyev

15. "The room entered the room ... A man, in the gray suntuk, with a spherical under the arm, where the shirt shirt was stuck, in the gray vest, with copper buttons":

A) Alekseev

B) Tarantyev

C) Zakhar.

16. What I asked the bugs of the gallery at their last meeting:

A) take care of Agafier Matveevna

B) do not forget his son

C) do not leave his estate unattended

17. "You will notice that life itself and work is a goal of life, not a woman":

A) Tarantyev's words

B) Oblomov's words

C) the word gallets

    Tell us about the life of the gallery.

Part 4.

Questions and tasks for Roman I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

    Tell us about the life of the gallery.

    How does gallez applies to a dream?

    Why were the friendly bug and gallery? (Chapter 2)

    What advice gives gallery grocery? (Chapter 8)

    Why didn't the bums go abroad? (Chapter 5)

    What kind of relationships are between broach and Olga?

    Why do you like broom to Tarantyev?

    Like Olga Oblomov, and Olga's brooms?

    Ideal Oblomov. Ideal galley. What do you feel more?

Part 4.

1. Oblomov lives on the election side, in the house of Widow of Wheat. Did missiles changed? (Chapter 1)

2. Attempts by galler to save Oblomov? (Chapter 2)

3. Oblomov signs a borrowed letter. What is the position of his cases? (Chapter 5)

4. Meeting gallery and broom. What am the gallets amazed? (Chapter 6)

5. How did things go from Oblomov, thanks to the gallery? (Chapter 9)

6. The fate of Zakhar. (Chapter 11). What is a breakdown?

Roman I.A. Thomsharyov "Oblomov" appeared when the serf system has increasingly discovered its inconsistency, and the struggle of the advanced layers of Russian society has become more energetic and irreconcilable.

According to his genre "Oblomov" - this is a novel socio-psychological, giving a broad generalization in the concept of "Oblomovshchyna", depicting the disadvantaged effect of the nobility-landing medium for a human person.

The image of Oblomov is the greatest artistic generalization of world literature, embodying typical features of the character generated by the Russian patriarchal landlord life. One of the merit of Goncharova is that it reveals the socio-historical causes of such a character like bugs. Therefore, in the novel, an important place is the image of those conditions and the environment in which his hero's formation took place.

All these plans remained only in words. Oblomov got used to others for him. And therefore, his whole life is a gradual fading in it of valuable human qualities. He himself is aware of this and says gallery: "My life began with a redemption ... From the first minute, when I was aware of myself, I felt that I was already Gasna." In order to even more underlinesip Inertia in the fresh hero, Goncharov shows those who fought for Oblomov and tried to return him to an effective existence. Stolz tried to bring Oblomov from the state of a dead peace, to include him in life, but nothing happened, because Ilya Ilyich, Ilya Ilyaich, too firmly. Even Olga Ilinskaya cannot revive the Oblomov and return to life. Olga's love captured and raised him, but very briefly. Laziness, fear of trouble and affairs associated with marriage, turn out to be stronger than love, pushed him to the rupture and forever plunge into half a life of the Pshenitsa House, which he himself calls the pit.

Oblomov's spiritual drama is the stronger that he understands his spiritual fall. "He painfully felt that he was buried, as in the grave, some good, a bright beginning, maybe now the dead, or it lies like gold in the depths of the mountain ... But the treasure tremble, apparent, is deeply littered Sorrow. " Oblomov understands the causes of their spiritual death, and when Olga asked him: "Why did everything died? .. Who cursed you, Ilya? .. What thugs you? There is no name to this evil ... "-" There is, "he said a little heard ... - Oblastovshchyna!"

Showing the vital failure of Oblomov, Goncharov opposes him smart and active Andrei Stolz, Olga Ilinskaya with its independent strong and decisive nature.

But nor gallez, nor Olga could not revive Oblomov to life. It is his name that is closely related to the concept of "broomstation". N.A. Dobrobraubov in the article "What is a breakdown?" Gave a brilliant and still unsurpassed analysis of the novel. He notes that the social importance of the "Oblomov" novel is that it shows Russian life, created the "modern Russian type" and one word defined the characteristic phenomenon of noble-serfdom. "The word is a breakdown; It serves as a key to the rays of many phenomena of Russian life. " Dobrolyzov showed that the image of Oblomov is a socio-psychological type that embodies the features of the landlord of the pre-reform period. The state of the Barcel creates moral slavery in it: "... The vile habit of receiving the satisfaction of their desires is not from his own effort, but from others, the apathetic immobility developed in it and revealed it into a pitiful state of moral slavery. Slavery is intertwined with Barly Oblomov, so they mutually penetrate each other and one is determined. " Oblomov are all those who have the Word to disperse with the case, who in words only wishes the best and is not able to move their desire.

Dobrolyubov expanded the concept of "Oblomovshchina". This socio-psychological phenomenon does not disappear with the destruction of a serfdom. Her remittances are inertia, cosiness, egoism, parasitism, laziness, rambanity, sludge - continue to live. The breakdown is terrible because it ruins capable, talented people and turns into an inert something in miserable losers. Oblomov did not disappear at the end of the XX century. Alive she is today.