Orthodoxy about the game of the card. About blasphemous symbols of playing cards

Orthodoxy about the game of the card. About blasphemous symbols of playing cards
Orthodoxy about the game of the card. About blasphemous symbols of playing cards

Why is it impossible to play cards for sure there are no few people who love to play cards just like this, for the sake of entertainment, when there is nothing to do. And many Christians do it without even thinking about whether it is possible to play the map Orthodox? At first glance, this is a harmless game that does not bear any negative consequences. But in fact it is far away. And in Orthodox religion there are certain prohibitions for card games, even if you play not for the sake of profit. Moreover, it is considered to be a great sin that should be taken into account in the list of sins before confession. Maps and faith first of all, why it is impossible to play the card by Orthodox, it is believed that the card game is an excitement, which in turn generates an inevitable dependence of the acquisition of sinfulness. Orthodox people in no case should not be attracted to the cards and play various games in them. Since the devales only one goal is - to tempt all those who are closer to God. Having played in one game and at the same time losing, a person will also want to play until he won. Even being already addicted, everyone can say that it can stop at any time. But actually it is not. In addition to excitement, the ban on pastime in the card games has a different interpretation, which carries a deeper meaning than excitement. It's all about the pictures of the masters themselves who imply the image of the Cross of Christ along with other revered objects of Christians. These are subjects such as spear, sponge and nails. After all, it was they who became an instrument of execution that brought incredible suffering to Jesus Christ. The meanings of the masters in Orthodoxy as mentioned above, all four masts of maps carry a certain secret meaning: - the cross means the cross on which Christ was crucified. - Peaks are a peak whom the ribs pierced him. - The tambourines mean nails. - Chervi symbolizes a sponge with vinegar, which the tormentors were specially given to Christ instead of water. For example, a player takes the map with the image of the Cross of Christ, who worships the floor of the world and throws at the same time, exclaiming "Trefa". Few people think about the fact that in translation from the Jewish language, it means evil spirits, bad. In the Bible, this word is interpreted as meat, torn in a field that cannot be eaten. It should be noted that each of the masters is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures and the Bible. The unskilled robber who was crucified with Christ like a gambler, hoolitis of the Son of God, without sincere repentance went to hell. The robber filed to everyone and repented on the cross, thanks to which he inherited eternal life with God. Maps are demonic revelations, so in no case they can not be kept in the house and play or guess them.

Playing cards are associated with the cropping of Christianity and are a direct manual of human communication with demons. All four cartoon suit implies nothing more than the Cross of Christ, together with other Christians, the sacred objects. Having overlooked "in fool" and casually thumping playing cards on the table, many people, without understanding, defile the Christian shrines.

The "Trefa" suit (tribal) is the hula of the fracturing gamblers on the cross of Christ. In the Judean tradition of trephous food - unclean. Accordingly, the "Cross" suit, a blasphemous symbolizing cross of the Lord, is denoted by the Word, testifying to the Jewish Rush of the Cross.

The suites of "peaks" of hoolitis gospel peak. As the Lord predicted about his runner, the lips of the Prophet Zechariah, which "led on the one they pierced", and happened: "One of the warriors (Longin) pierced him to his ribs."

The wash "Chervi" hoolit is a gospel sponge (for canes), which touched the liabilities of the Savior. As Christ warned about his poisoning, the mouth of the Rasporota David, that the warriors "gave me in the food bile and drank me with vinegar", and came true: "One of them took a sponge, he dreamed of vinegar and, imposing a cane, gave him to drink."

The suit "Bubne" hoolitis gospel forged quadrogenic jagged nails, who were nailed their hands and feet of the Savior to the Tree of the Cross. As the Lord prophesied about his cloves, the mouths of the Psalm operator David, which "pierced my hands and my feet," and turned out. Apostle Thomas, who said "if I can't see his wounds from nails, and I will not put my fingers into wounds from nails, and I will not imagine my hands in the rib, I will not believe," and "believed, because I saw."

How did playing cards come to Russia?

According to the writer S.S. In Moscow, at Ivan, Grozny appeared in Moscow someone Cherchell, whom Moskvatians (not without reason) were renamed to the hello and both of these behairs were connected in the records of the Embassy Order. He brought to Moscow a chest wrapped in a shawl, black with red divorces, which as it were to fit the masters - black and red. But some Muscovites found them in the colors of the hellish flame.

In the West, there was already a special form of the cartoon business - printing of cards. Cherchell wanted to involve Ivan Fedorov in such a lesson. Naturally, the first primer refused.

An anti-care campaign began. The Introduction of 1649 prescribed to eradicate playing cards completely. However, in the XVIII century, the attitude towards this game in our country strongly softened. At the same time, it was unlikely to know the gamblers, why exactly these figures are depicted on cardboard rectangles and who is this ace? On the last question, the modern explanatory dictionary of Ushakov is responsible: "TUZ" - the word of Polish origin from the German DAUS and denotes a playing card into one point. The same dictionary also indicates another meaning: DAUS - Devil, then a list of typical German crops with the mention of unclean. Probably, DAUS is a variant of the distortion of the Greek "Diabole" - the scatter slander.

The structure of the card deck is a typical hierarchical staircase from higher to the lower. At the top of this pyramid is not a monarch, but the most DAUS, from which it is possible to be accessed only by the congestion and prayer. Thus, the hierarchy in the card deck is subject to the prince of this world, and it does not symbolize one point, but the first number.

So the card games are not at all harmless, they are a mockery of the suffering of Christ. Everyone, who has playing cards at home, is better free from them - burn. The fire should also send various maps for divination, which bears a huge harm. Recognize your destiny with any ways, including maps, to go against the will of the Lord.

What about fortune tells the holy fathers?

Rev. Efrem Sirin: "Beware of making anxiety, burning, guessing, making storage (talismans) or worn by others: it is not storage, but bonds."

St. John Zlatoust: "As traders with slaves, offering small children to piers, sweet fruits and the like, often catch them with such bars and deprive freedoms and even life itself, so accurately and magicians, promising to cure the disease, deprive the human salvation person."

Saint Vasily Great: "Do not curiose about the future, but with the benefit of the present. For what kind of benefit do you have to anticipate? If the future bring you something good, then it will come, although you did not know in advance. And if it mournful, why is it taking sorrow until the deadline? Want to make sure in the future? Perform prescribed by the Evangelical law and expect pleasure to enjoy the benefits. "

from the book "Invincible Weapons: History of Development of the Cross Form";
from the article by V. Prilutsky "Who is above the king?".

Hello, Father Vyacheslav. My name is Vladimir. You wrote in one of the answers that the game is to the map of sin. You are a computer user, so you know the games embedded in the computer. Answer, fire, sin whether to lay the Solitaire "Spider" or play "Kosynka"? Thank you.

Hello Vladimir! Why you can not play cards, lay solitaire, use card symbolism and even more so guess, no matter how on physical table or computer monitor? Symbols, images, hieroglyphs are not always harmless pictures. These are the same words presented in the form of graphic images. Some words cannot be pronounced without harm to the soul. There are concepts that should not even be present in thoughts. For the same reasons, you can not paint the wicked plots for the sake of the plot themselves in any way: naturalistic, symbolic or iconic (taboo), including cards. Card symbolism - blasphemous. Card characters are borrowed from church. "Trefa" or "Cross" - a map depicting the Cross "Trilisnik", the Cross of Christ, who is collaborated by Polimir. Translated from Yiddish "Trefa" means "bad" or "evil". Whether they think that they are wispped by the cards, what kind of moral on the Lord turns around their "innocent" lesson! The cartoon suit "Vini", or otherwise, the "peaks" symbolizes the gospel peak, that is, the spear of the Holy Martyr Longgin Sotnik. As the Lord predicted in his providence, the tires of the Prophet Zechariah, "which is led by the one that was pierced" (ZAU.12; 10), and happened: "One of the warriors (Longin) pierced him the ribs" (Ying.19,34 ).
The Celli's Cell Maste implies a gospel sponge on canes. As the Lord said, the mouths of David, that the warriors "gave me in the food bile, and in my thirst I got me in vinegar" (Ps.68; 22). So "one of them came true, took a sponge, filled with vinegar and, imposing a cane, gave him to drink" (MF.27; 48). The latch of the "Bubne" is a graphic image of gospel forged quadrogenous serrated nails, which were nailed by the arms and feet of the Savior to the Tree of the Cross. As the Lord prophesied, the mouths of the Psalmist David that "pierced my hands and my feet" (Ps.22; 17), and turned out. In addition, on any MAP of the Neckline is depicted in two versions - direct and inverted, that is, in any position of the card with a cross, part of the crosses will always be turned over (and this is a symbol of satanism). The Ushakov Dictionary is responsible: "TUZ" - the word of Polish origin from the German Daus and denotes a playing card into one point. The German-Russian dictionary also indicates another meaning of the word: Daus - Devil. It is possible that DAUS is a variant of the distortion of the Greek "DOLBOS" - the scatter slander. The structure of the card deck is known to everyone: the king, lady, currency (from the French "servant"), even lower than dozens, nines, and so on to the sixth or to twokers in a complete deck - a typical hierarchical staircase from higher to the lower. Sometimes another map is added to the deck - Joker. The frivolous figure in the Triko, the Schutskaya Cap, the Bubakers ... And in the hands - a scepter with a head of a man, who is now with humane artists replaced with musical "plates". In pre-revolutionary stage values, a similar character was called Fradyavolo. Map "Joker" above all, it does not have a suit and in the game is considered the strongest. At the top of the pyramid, in any scenario, is not a monarch, but that the most DAUS, from which only with the congestion and prayer can be accessed. Thus, the hierarchy in the card deck is subject to the prince of this world, he also, the prince dominant in the air, is not symbolized by one point, but the first number. The "trump" cards, their very name, have their own special purpose. "Kosher" i.e. "Clean" called Talmudists ritual sacrifices, so the true meaning of the card games is to humiliate our shrines, because the crossing the "trump shock" players believe that Sixer is higher and stronger than the life-giving cross. If a person is at least some respects the church, he will not dare to take cards into the hands or spread the solitaire on the monitor, knowing the origin of their symbolism. So, playing cards - by no means a kind of simple game, compromised by an element of excitement. This is the model of the domination of the prince of this world over his free and unwitting subjects. This meaning of the card symbolism, and the characters do not joke. There is a strictest ban of the church: under no circumstances touch the so-called "Satanic depths" (Rev..2.24), so when someone will offer to play cards or your thoughts hints, and not to spread the solitaire from nothing to do , remember: who is above the card king.

It happens often with a player:
Sat down rich
rose poor.
Who took the cards,
pretty progress
Not to know the game
Gambling Game:
She is not God's God, -
Satan came up with her!

Sebastian Brand. 1494

Do not forget about your goal. Look at the sky, on the beauty that awaits us. What is the present? Isn't the dust, dust and sleep? Is that what we see is not subject to the damage and corruption of the mind? Heavenly forever. The kingdom of God is endless, and the whims of God who will arrange in it, because it will see the glory of the people of God! God bless you!

Remember Zhukovsky in Svetlana?

Once in the baptisman evening
Gadli girls

And Pushkin in "Onegin:

The shitty came. That's joy!
Wraps windy
Whom nothing sorry
In front of which the life of the distance
Lies light, unaware;
Gave old age through glasses
At the coffin of his board
All lost irreparable;
And anyway: Hope them
Lies baby bastard his

Maybe unconsciously, but Alexander Sergeevich caught the main thing - a false childhood of fortunes. And the image of old age, all the lost, but still gadgets from the coffin of its board, reminds the loser player at the roulette, which puts the last golden on the "Zero", and, of course, loses.

Why not guess? The question is children and ridiculous for a believer, but, alas, relevant, for the seducing or non-believers in general. But why. Many, probably, remember the story of MA Bulgakova "Dog's Heart" and a wonderful phrase of Professor Preobrazhensky: "Here, the doctor, that it turns out when a researcher, instead of going in parallel and feel with nature, forces the question and prompts the veil: on, get Sharikov and eat it with porridge." The same in every person's life, when he, instead of going parallel and touch with the fishing of God (or for not understanding this language - with his fate), prompts the veil over the future: then he gets his man-dog, his anubis In the form of his insight, mutilated fate - the feasible fears and realized phantoms or opposite - the fragments of their unfulfilled hopes.

And for a believer, everything is clear. Dental of the eighth Circle of Dante ADA - separation of "rapists over the deity" (although, it is clear, the deity is not subject to no violence and pressure). These are people who want to eat his mystery from God, to steal some secret knowledge from him. They again repeat the sin of Adam and Eve and will be brought by the cunning whisper of Zmia: "And you will be like Gods, know good and evil" (Gen. 3: 5). But, of course, God does not open anything, despite all their sweat. After all, "the wicked does not seek the glory of God." And divine knowledge - especially. Then the question is - from whom you have knowledge of knowledge, if not from God? The answer is clear: from the monkey of God, i.e. from the devil. The gadels will be introduced to the spirituals, the spirits of the Evil Primbesta, ultimately - their owner, the father of lies, and in more easier, the main scam, all the pleasure of which is to deceive, destroy, kill. It is not by chance that many fathers of the church interpret the famous place in the Bible (Gen. 6: 1) about the Union of "Sons of God" with the "daughters of human" in the context of the spiritual relationship of women, fortunes and demons who have learned their fortune and witchcraft. And the tough, but the justified Old Testament norm is becoming aware: "Godii do not leave alive" (Ex L22: 18). Because their profession is a lie and communicating with demons. And the fate of the one who risks them to contact them is to become a demonic toy, obedient ball in the hands of the main dimatch and die. The fate of the Israeli king Saul, who appealed to the Andor fortuneteller: under the guise of Samuel, she called a demon, which, apparently, predicted to the fate of Saul and his troops, but thereby demoralized them, disarmed, morally and did everything to come true his ominous And the destructive prophecy.

And not only in essence, but in the form of divination they carry anti-Christian meanings. Take, for example, cards, as a divination tool. They are not so harmless in their own way. Of all the three hypotheses of the emergence of maps (Chinese, Egypt and European), the European-occult looks most convincingly, according to which the cards appeared in Europe in the second half of the XIV century and are associated with the Jewish Kabbalistic medium. In this case, everything becomes in place. It is no coincidence that the "cross" is called the word "treph", while in the Jewish tradition of trephous food called the food is unclean. Accordingly, the "Cross" suit, a blasphemous symbolizing cross of the Lord, is denoted by the Word, testifying to the Jewish Rush of the Cross. Peaks symbolize Longin's spear, piercing the edge of Christ (In.19: 34), what the name "peak" hints and the name of the "peak", that is, a spear. "Chervi" implies a gospel sponge for canes: "One of the warriors, took a sponge, filled with vinegar and, imposing a cane, gave him to drink" (MF.27: 48). Another interpretation is also associated with passions - this is the pierced heart of Christ. Finally, the "tambourines" symbolize the nails, which were crucified by Christ. It would seem that the general diamond "Bubnov" with nails? The answer is clear for those who saw the hats of old pre-revolutionary nails: they are square, and not round, like modern. There were also medieval nails. The Jewish trail is present in the name "Trump", which is a distorted word "Kosher", which is denoted by "clean", ritually acceptable for the Jews of food.

Turn to the names of the cards. The most significant card is Joker (literally "the jester"). But in the Italian version, he is called the Devil and initially on his rod, he carried ... a human head. The word "TUZ" - Polish origin, from Nizhnenenetsky "Chort". It is significant that on the ace map in the XVI century. Often painted ... a pig - an animal, to put it mildly, not kosher from a Jewish point of view. It is possible that the "lady" is a blasphemous image of Madonna, the fact remains that often as the ladies painted biblical heroines - Rachel, Judith and so on. Finally, David and Solomon were often depicted among the "kings". According to the contrast among the "Valts" (the word "currency" means literally "servant, the cooler") was depicted Knight La Gir on the nicknamed "Satan".

It is no coincidence that soon the cards began to be prohibited and prosecuting due to their explicit connection with blasphemy and unclean power. The occultists themselves are recognized as an occult character. Tarot cards, or Egyptian cards and communication with them are ordinary. Here are just some eloquent quotes from the occult sites:

"The history of the origin of playing cards is often considered along with the history of the Tarot deck (or Tyrot).

Tarot is a deck of 78 cards with a variety of drawings on them. The deck is divided into 2 parts, b abouttheorest of which consists of 56 cards, called small maps, and the other part is from 22 cards called the main (or older) cards, as well as arkans.

Small cards in the amount of 56 are divided into four masters, each of which consists of 14 cards, very similar to modern playing cards.

Four suites - scepters (sticks, wands), swords, bowls and pentacles (coins, dinaria). Tarologists are common to the following compliance with these masters of playing maps. Skipetra - Cross, swords - peaks, bowls - worms, coins - tambourines.

Each suit consists of ten cards from a unit (ace) to dozen, as well as four role-playing cards - king, queen, knight and a group.

Arkana consist of 21 numbered cards and usually go in that order: 1 - Magician, 2 - Papest (Priestess), 3 - Empress, 4 - Emperor, 5 - Dad (Priest), 6 - Lovers, 7 - Chariot, 8 - Justice , 9 - Hermit, 10 - Wheel Fortune, 11 - Strength, 12 - Hanging, 13 - Death, 14 - Moderation, 15 - Devil, 16 - Tower (Lightning), 17 - Star, 18 - Moon, 19 - Sun, 20 - Court, 21 - World. The non-measured card is called Jester (fool).

"Playing cards, as well as role-playing cards can be found in G.I. Gurdjieff's theories. It is noteworthy that the most mysterious researcher of the East (mainly the Sufi traditions, the religious-mystical flow of Islam), which brought many of the mystery of East wisdom to the West, uses playing cards to describe their system, which he called the "Fate Model". According to G.Gurdzhiev, a person consists of three centers. This is an intellectual center (mind, intelligence, thinking) - does it correspond to the suit of the tambourine, the emotional center (emotions, mood, heart) - does it correspond to the wash of worms, the physical center (body) - does it correspond to the suit of peaks (body movement) and the nearest , body reflexes).

In comparison with the Tarot cards, modern playing cards are a smaller tarot deck, from which the Page or Knight is removed, as a result of which 13 cards remained in each suit. Even in such a truncated form of a card, there are tremendous symbolic importance, since the adopted division corresponds to the number of seasons. Two colors - red and black - represent the two main seasons of the year, when the sun is in the north of the equator and when it is in south of the equator. Four suits represent four years of year. Twelve role-playing cards (kings, ladies and currencies in each of the four masters) represent the signs of the zodiac built on the triads. "

I think it is enough for the reader to understand: playing cards are inextricably linked with and every demon.

From the Russian legislative monuments about the maps for the first time mentions the Code of 1649, which prescribes with players to enter the cards, "As written about Tatya" (thieves), i.e. Be a little, cut off your fingers and hands. By decree of 1696, it was introduced to search all suspected in the desire to play cards, "and from whom the card will be removed, beat the whip." In 1717, the game of cards is prohibited by threat of money fine. In 1733, prison or baute was defined for recidivists. Unfortunately, with Catherine ιι cards almost arrived in Russia. With the corresponding consequences - countless subsidiaries in relation to serfs (loss in the cards of living people and whole families), ruin and suicide.

Therefore, dear readers, if you are offered to repay the cards, stop and think: with whom you are with Christ or Satan.

Chatto V.. Origin and History of Playing Cards. London, 1848.

J. IN. Thiers.. Traité des jeux. Paris, 1686.

Senger. Researchs Into The History of Playing Cards. London, 1848.

Lehrs. A, 1885.. Die Ältesten Deutschen Spielkarten Des Königlichen Kupferstichkabinetts Zu Dresden. Leipzig

We have everywhere in the cards. But few know what devastating power they have for the soul of man. For Christians, they represent a special danger.

Maps were invented in 1392 for the king of France Karl 6, who was a mad man. The deck of cards was called the "Devil Bible". In the 17th century it was called the "Devil Book". And indeed, each card in the deck has its own. As the knowledgeable people say, maps have a secret tongue.

At first, it was tolerated for classes with the maps of power, but then they began to persecute for them, because the intervention of unclean strength was seeing. From the legislative monuments about the maps for the first time mentions the Code of 1649, which prescribes with the players to act "as written about Tatya" (thieves), i.e. Be a little, cut off your fingers and hands.

Decree 1696 It was introduced to search all those suspected in the desire to play cards "and someone will be removed, beat the whip." In 1717 The game is prohibited at the threat of money fine. In 1733 For recidivists, prison is defined, or baute.

So what do the masters and the values \u200b\u200bof the cards mean?

The structure of the card decks everyone is known: Ace, the king, lady, the currency is even lower than dozens, nines, and so before the sixth or to the bobbies in a complete deck - a typical hierarchical staircase from higher to the lower.

Joker - a frivolous figure in the trico, a jodovskaya cap, bubber.

In pre-revolutionary stage values, a similar character was called Fradyavolo. "Joker" above all, it does not have a suit and in the game is considered the strongest.

Ace - the word of Polish origin from German Daus. The German-Russian dictionary indicates the meaning of the word: Daus - Devil.

Maps are so impregnated with negative, At the beginning, the servant of Satan was laid at the beginning that today only gaders are guessing on the maps. They do not use chess, domino, lotto or other divination games, but use cards. Because In the maps enclosed bad energy.

Maps with their destructive power are used in the casino and in other cereal establishments, destroying whole families.

As for the occult principles, the essence of them is as follows:
1. "Cross" (Trefa) is a map with the image of a cross, on which Jesus was crucified and whom the polio is twisted. Translated from Yiddish "Trefa" means "bad" or "evil"

2. "Vini" (peaks) - symbolizes the gospel peak, that is, Spear of the Holy Martyr Longgin Centnik, who he pierced the belly of Jesus

3. "Worms" - implies a gospel sponge on the canes: "One of the warriors, took a sponge, filled with vinegar and, imposing a cane, gave him to drink"

4. "Bubnes" - a graphic image of evangelical forged quadrogenous serrated nails, which were nailed by the hands and legs of Jesus to a wooden cross.

So, a Christian playing or keeping cards (as well as the services of fortuneteller) becomes the enemy of God.