"Powers are the last sell, but after the baths of the ease." BUT

"Powers are the last sell, but after the baths of the ease." BUT

What Russian does not like a bathhouse?

Most Russian thinkers, among whom many writers, poets, statesmen, politicians and commander loved the Russian bath. An indelible impression of the Russian bath also produced on numerous foreigners who visited Russia. The Russian Vera website publishes the most vivid and memorable statements about the Russian bath.

Historian Ivan Egorovich Zabelin (1820-1908)

« The chronicler Nestor wrote that the Russians loved to bathe in the baths, referring to the times of the Apostolic».

« There is no doubt that Ibn-Dast heard of our northern baths, which, in the annals, told him in Rome yet. Apostle Andrey, bypassed around the European Mainland famous Varangi in the east and in the west».

Polovodik Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1730-1800)

« Powers last sell, but after the bath drink».

« On mineral waters send healthy rich, seaming players, intrigues and all sorts of bare. There, let them bathe in the mud. And I'm truly sick. And I need - prayer, rustic hut, sauna, porridge and kvass».

Writer Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky (1910-1971)

« In life, peaceful or bluff,
From any turn
Thank you caressing
Our body and soul

Russian poet Satirik Pavel Vasilyevich Schumacher (1817-1891)

« Devoid of sweet dreams
In powerless malice and longing,
I went to the Volkov bath
Spread the bones on the shelf.
And what? About joy! About the crate!
I am my cherished ideal -
Freedom, equality and fraternity -
In shopping baths found

Writer and journalist V.A. Gilyarovsky (1855-1935) in his famous book "Moscow and Muscovites":

« Moscow without bathing is not Moscow. The only place whom not a single Muscovite passed is a bath. Moreover<…> They all had a permanent population, their own, conscious of themselves with real Muscovites».

In the luxurious Sandun bans, the explorer, and Griboedovskaya, and Pushkinskaya Moscow, which was gathered in the cabin of the brilliant Zinaida Volkonskaya and in the prestigious English club. Leading a story about the baths, the writer leads the words of the old actor Ivan Grigorovsky: " And Pushkin saw ... Loved hot steam».

V.A. Gilyarovsky so describes the procedure for staying Pushkin in Ban: " The poet, young, strong, strong, "having evaporated on the shelf branches of young birches," rushed into a bath with ice, and then again on the shelves, where again "transparent couples is flowing on it", and there "in the clothes of the Niga" rests in the rich " The locker room ", decorated by the builder of Catherine Palaces, where" splatter the cold fountains "and" the luxurious carpet is dismissed ...».

« The only place that no Muscovite has passed, is a bath». « Moscow without bath - not Moscow».

« Baths in Moscow, as a rule, were built by the river to quickly plunge into the water, and then return to the hot steam room. In winter, for this specially made a hole».

Russian writer and historian Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (1766-1826)

« Dmitry Samozvana never walked into the bath: Moscow residents concluded from this that he is not Russian».

« The word of the bath and in our new covenant is used in the sense of baptism».

Opera singer Fedor Ivanovich Shalyapin (1873-1938)

« I loved to go to the bath with my father ... we were soaked and we were soared for hours; Before tired, to exhaustion. And then, when I left home, I remember: what kind of city I came to, first debt, if at least one penny was in my pocket, I walked into the bath and washed there, it washed, it washed, poured, steambed, feared - And again everything first».

« Cute our Moscow! Incoma! Our good cannot be compared with anything ... Tedishfully, hard, and I feel like in hard work ... about fun days you do not have to think, the only entertainment is a Turkish bath, of course, not our dear. I especially clearly remember how you were in Sandunov and how did you eat a sterling ear, remember?»

Spanish doctor Antonio Nuniz Riebero Sanchez (1699-1783)who has worked for a long time at the court of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, published a book in Europe " Respectful writings about Russian baths"Where writes:

« My sincere desire to extends only to the testimony of the superiority of the bany of Russian before the former sincerership in the Greeks and Romans and the Turks are now in use, both to preserve health and the cure of many diseases».

« Everything sees it clearly, how happily was a society, if it had an uneteced harmless and so actual way, so that he could not keep health, but also heal or tighten the diseases that so often happen. I, on my part, only one Russian bath, prepared properly, I reveal to bring such a great good to the person ...»

Historian Leonid Vasilyevich Milov (1929-2007)

« The diligent peasant woman's female children of his every week soaps two times and three, the linen every week was changed on them, and the pillows and perins were carried out in the air, dying. For the whole family had a weekly bath».

Professor of the Department of Medical Physical Culture and Rehabilitation Anatoly Andreyevich Biryukov (1930)

« At the beginning of the XVIII century, there were near the Kuznetsky row ... near the river Neglinnaya, wooden baths. There was a trading person in them - blacksmiths, movers, spots. And on the other side, the small, not far from the Okhotny series, the baths of Avdoti Lamakina were treated. Each visitor Bani himself delivered himself a water for washing, drawing it out of an unborn with the help of a crane».

Feridrich Berkholz Chamber-Junker (beginning of XVIII) in his notes writes about Russia:

« Almost at every house there is a bath, because most of the Russians resort to it, at least once, if not two, a week ...»

Writer Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1882-1945)

« Without St. Petersburg, yes without a bath we like a body without soul».

French Writer and Traveler Theophile Gauthier (1811-1872) in his book " Traveling in Russia", Speaking of the Russian bath, noted that" under its shirt, a Russian man's chick».

Kullyndsky Yakov Ratettfels Trader (XVII century), who lived in Moscow in 1670-1673, notes in the notes of Russia:

« Russians consider it impossible to conclude friendship, without inviting the bath and without having fallen off after one table».

German traveler Ayraman (XVIII century) writes:

« About the baths of Muscovites or their habits wash, I want to briefly remember, because we do not know ... In general, you will not find in any country to be so appreciated by washing, as in this Moscow. Women find the highest pleasure in this».

People have long been treated to visiting the baths with special attention and trepidation. Banya - brings a man peace of mind, joy, helps to restore the strength and relax muscles. Emotional climb and desire to create - another positive effect that gives a person to visit the bath. Quotes about the bath, witty statements of many famous personalities and funny proverbs are selected in this article.

Funny quotes about bath

Red Rygie flares fire!
Hair - end! Glazes like headlights!
This is not a thriller on the television screen ...
This is my cute returned from the bath!

"Powers are the last sell, but after the baths of the ease." Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

"On mineral waters send healthy rich, seaming players, intrigued and all sorts of bare. There, let them bathe in the mud. And I'm truly sick. And I need - prayer, rustic hut, sauna, porridge and kvass. " Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

In the bath everyone is equal, and the couple obey (Kostanay Karataev)

Bath is a joyful graduate torture. Georgy Alexandrov.

In winter, in frost, nudists can be found exclusively in the baths, and in the saunas, and only the most brave - in the hole. Vladimir Borisov.

Bath - mother second or mother native.

The soul is regularly asking for the sea, and her legs constantly carry it into the bath. The author of the proverb: Yuri Tatarkin.

In the bath everyone is equal, and the couple obey - Kostanay Karataev

I do not go to the bath. In feminine are not allowed, and in men you are not interested.

Only in the bath makes sense to change the timed on soap. Yuri Melikhov.

About one dirty bath Diogen asked: "And where to wash the one who was here?". According to the story of Diogen Lanertsky.

Mashed once in the bath, demonct could not decide to go into hot water. Someone began to reproach him in cowardice. "Tell me, for the sake of the Fatherland, what should I do it?" - objected Demonact. Lucian from self-sugar.

Who loves the people, he must bring him to the bath. Heinrich Heine.

A little in the world there are chagrins, which the hot bath does not treat. Sylvia boards.

All you need in the bank. + Good mood

The bath includes different, and come out happy. Vladimir Borisov.

"The only place that no Muscovite has passed is the bath." "Moscow without a bath is not Moscow." V. A. Gilyarovsky.

"Baths in Moscow, as a rule, were built by the river to quickly plunge into the water, and then return to the hot steam room. In winter, it was specially made a hole for this. " V. A. Gilyarovsky.

"Without St. Petersburg, yes, without a bath, we are like a body without soul." Alexey Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

"Russians consider it impossible to conclude friendship, not inviting me to the bath and without having fluttered after one table." Yakov Ratettfels.

Balca - All humor is assembled to the site

Bath without a couple that soup without Navar.

Bath all sins of sins.

Bath any disease from the body is driven.

Bath Parit, the bath rules.

If you like quotes about the bathFunny sayings, funny proverbs, selected in the article, share this page on social networks. Do you like a bathhouse?

— 01.05.2018
Do not drink on the holiday -
also what not to drink after the bath. And Suvorov used to say: steal, but drink!
The first of May in the Soviet country was considered the day of officially allowed drunken. In business days, the process still was somehow controlled, but the first of May alcohol was specially brought on demonstrations - so that the working people would not mow from the campaign in the columns along the streets of the hometown.
What drank? I remember badly, but I know for sure that we had in the city of Sverdlovsk favorite squirrel "Ryabinovaya on Cognac". Well, vodka, cognac, drying - was used by itself in a male company.
I remember that in a student hostel, where I sometimes came to visit classmates, someone always drank, in some room and something was celebrated. Drinks were very suspicious type "spoy" - I remember the name, but there is no taste. My girlfriends with girlfriends are more and more on brandy rowan ... Well, champagne is vague, hip and tasteless. How did we all survived after such drinks?

And there were times when in the weekly "interlocutor" (where the people drank somehow especially Lyuto), one time drank only the Polish vodka (in the early 90s there was nothing in the stores, a colleague from the newspaper "Soviet culture" was given alcohol The terrible blat ("culture" and "interlocutor" were in the same building) and shared with us. Then the time of the Amaretto liqueur came - since then no liqueurs can see.
What will drink today? Proskko, of course. Because my main subsidiary in this case is my girlfriend Lenka, we converge with her alcohol tastes.

Well, holiday, comrades!


Do not drink on the holiday - the same as not to drink after the bath. And Suvorov used to say: steal, but drink! The first of May in the Soviet country was considered the day of officially allowed drunken. In working days, the process still was somehow controlled, but the first ...

  • The boss is the best calm of the subordinates. The insignificancy of the misunderstanding.
  • Without virtue there are no glory or honor.
  • Without ambition, obedience and admonition there is no serviceable soldier.
  • Bey enemy, not sparing him nor himself, wins the one who regrets himself less.
  • Be comprehensively with your friends, moderate in your needs and unwind in your actions.
  • Polite is also the executioner.
  • Great adventures come from small reasons.
  • Try the happiness, the speed of Caesar, such a well-fastened to capture the surprise of enemies even during the day.
  • War is finished only when the last soldier is buried.
  • The war is primarily the art is simple, and the whole thing is to fulfill.
  • Time is more precious.
  • Any warrior must understand his maneuver.
  • There is no shift in battle, there is only support. Wide the enemy, then the service will end.
  • Where the deer goes, there will be a soldier.
  • The general must form himself with sciences.
  • The main pricing of the Great Man is to be able to elect, in their talents.
  • Hunger - the best medicine.
  • I am proud that I am Russian.
  • Two owners can not be in one house.
  • No empty money should not lie.
  • Money roads, human life is even more expensive, and time is more expensive.
  • Discipline is a victory mother.
  • Virtue is always gony.
  • Good to do rush should.
  • Peresnye that commander who leads war on newspapers. There are other things that need to be needed.
  • For scientific three unexplored.
  • Sincerity in relationships, the truth in communication is friendship.
  • Art cannot tolerate enslave.
  • True glory cannot be assessed: it is a consequence of donation by himself in favor of the common good.
  • And in the lower rank there are heroes.
  • How painfully indifference to yourself!
  • The peasant is not rich in money, but by children. From children to him and money.
  • Who is scared - half beats.
  • Who surprised, he won.
  • Who is good on the first role, is not suitable for the second.
  • Who brave is alive. Who rested - that intake.
  • Easy in teaching is hard in the campaign, it is hard in teaching - easily in the campaign.
  • Laziness is born from abundance. The closest reason to the laziness is invincible.
  • Flying looks like a cake: you need to bake, everyone needs to be stupid, not to reduce and not cross.
  • Llander is proud and unposted - the greatest villain.
  • Love true glory.
  • Mercy covers rigor. With rigor, grace is needed, and otherwise the rigor is thirant.
  • The wise and meek lord is not in the fortress fences, but in the hearts of their subjects makes their safety.
  • Wise does not fight inadvertently.
  • Mushroom feats are credible.
  • We are proceeding with an important and decisive. As Christians, how Russian people will pray to the Lord God for help and will be reconciled with each other. It will be good, it is in Russian, it is necessary.
  • We are Russian and therefore we will win.
  • We are Russians! What delight!
  • Reliability is the foundation of courage.
  • It is indelient that soldier that answers "I can not know."
  • Hate overshadows reason.
  • There is no land in the world, which would be so littered with fixes like Italy. And there is also no land that would have been so often conquered.
  • There is nothing worse than desperate.
  • Do not be afraid of death, then you will probably beat. There are no two deaths, but one not to power.
  • Do not fall to shine, but for consistency.
  • It should not think that blind courage gives the enemy victory. But the only mixed with it is military art.
  • Do not drag large weapons, the main speed and onslaught, your bread in the way and the worst enemies.
  • Do not use the "stop" commands. And in the battle: "attack", "Ruby", "Kolya", "Hurray", "Drums", "Music".
  • Nosca services are easy when they are familiar with many.
  • It is more necessary for the unpleasant news for overcoming, rather than pleasant - for consolation.
  • The necessary soldier is useful, and unnecessary introduces into the luxury - the mother of a time humanity.
  • Learning is needed, if only it is clear and briefly. Soldiers love him.
  • One minute solves the outcome of the battle; One hour is the success of the campaign; One day is the fate of the empire.
  • Danger is better to go to meet than to expect in place.
  • Motion is ambition from pride and kichliness.
  • Victory - the enemy of the war.
  • The winner is decent generosity.
  • Telling happiness, for one minute solves the victory.
  • Suspicion - mother of wisdom.
  • Powers last sell, but after the bath is drinking.
  • Obedience, training, discipline, cleanliness, health, tidy, cheerfulness, courage, courage - victory.
  • The idleness is the root of everything evil, especially military man.
  • Assumptions and prejudices are all frustrated.
  • Take up for tireless activities.
  • Once happiness, two times happiness - a lot of God! It is necessary sometime and a little skill.
  • Location to a person - wish him happiness.
  • Self-dying is immersing in his ignorance, however, it has desires.
  • Dyeing himself - comrade to help.
  • Speed \u200b\u200bis needed, and hasty is harmful.
  • Service and friendship are two parallel lines: do not converge.
  • Soldier road. Take care of health, clean the stomach, if clogged. Hunger - the best medicine.
  • Soldier is not a robber.
  • Shoot rarely, yes. Kolya Kolya firmly. The bullet will freeze, the bayonet will not raise: a bullet - a fool, a bayonet - well done.
  • Happiness depends on the rules, fortune - from accidents.
  • From the young age to take care of the shortcomings of the neighbor and never forgive their own.
  • The sacrament is one solid connection of decent friends - to be able to forgive misunderstandings and educate urgently in shortcomings.
  • The mystery is only an excuse, more harmful than useful. Boltun and without that will be punished.
  • Theory without practicing is dead.
  • Only panties are hard.
  • That is no longer cunning, everyone says that he is heter.
  • Three main advantages of the leader: courage, mind, health (physical and spiritual).
  • The hardworking shower should be occupied by its craft, and frequent exercises for it are as watered as ordinary body exercises.
  • Carefully teach the soldiers subordinate to you and give them an example.
  • Heavy in teaching, easy in campaign!
  • Surprise - to win.
  • Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. The master is afraid of the Master, and since the peasant does not know how to own the Self - bread is not born.
  • I do not have fast or slow marches. Forward! And the eagles flew!
  • The familiar appeal generates disregard.
  • Fortuna spins happiness as a wheel with the needles.
  • The more amenities, the less courage.
  • Clean - everything is clean.
  • I love the truth without decorations.

Note on the origin of some aphorisms.

The author of a number of assigned to Suvorov Aphorisms was actually a prince Potemkin-Tavricheic, who had a habit of merging their orders in the military board and the current army. The ideologists of the Stalinist era, fulfilling the installation on the "rehabilitation" of Russian military history, was ideologically inconvenient to mention Potemkin as their author, and they attributed to the authorship of Suvorov, which would easily be convinced by anyone, comparing the textually pre-revolutionary and Soviet editions of "Science to win". In addition, without any malicious intent, Suvorov used a part of His Potemkin Aphorisms memorable in his book, because I agreed with the principles set forth in them and wished to convey them to readers, but I could not refer directly on the authorship of Potemkin neither during the first favorite The Board of Paul I. The sake of fairness should be said that a number of other fragments of the text of this book are borrowed to them from other works without an indication of the authorship.

"Powers are the last sell, but after the baths of the ease." A. V. Suvorov.Deled years. Boat campaign on Vuoksa. Somewhere between Peter and Karelia. Instructors are preparing a hiking bath. Found a large flat granite platform, the granite boulders ran out, laid out firewood. Firewood burned out, dare corners with hot stones, pulled a ten-seater tent from above. The heat was enough for several goals, a cool river. Lepoty. Stones there are special. Instructors from Baikal how many times came to learn, they tried to repeat in themselves - it did not work, the stone is not the fact that the baths are sang down to dinner. And ... no one else has nothing more. In autonomy from a week, there are no settlements nearby, Finland and closer. Here I get out of the backpack a cherished bottle with 0.7 Roda. Sigh relief. Women were licking, but they themselves voluntarily refused to favor men. The covenant Suvorov was performed. In the midst of zero. Seliger. Also a boat campaign. Everyone - Nemelessly. Motorboats come across the lake, offer fresh and smoked eel. The call from the mobile at any time of the day and night will bring even vodka, even though beer. That bottle of vodka, that just in case, he threw back in the backpack, and returned back to Moscow. How raicine was like. "Let everything be, but let something not enough". When everything is there, I don't want it anything already. So I will do it while. It is better somehow I'm lacing here, poking.

Yes, am I unvive? Speed \u200b\u200bnative. Twist. :))
Only here it is not necessary to torment yourself.
(Oh, Jupiter! Who was so fought by the poor man? "Parastitis automata" - to think only! Or was it from childhood, from Babika?
Citizens adults. Do not frighten children with nonsense. Of these, then can grow darren-s)

Okay, Darren, tell me so I would understand. Here in the rashka steal, everything and everything. And the Counter of Debt in Nyorytka hangs and ticks.
Some incorrect turns out.
After all, from the position of deep philosophy - Matter is eternal and infinite.
If somewhere loss, it means somewhere arrived. Logical? ADNABLE!
But how to reduce increasing debt over the ocean with theft here?
It seems to me that you need to change the direction of the arrows - they steal there, they are transported here. And here they take a reasonable MZDU for the answer. Storage
And the audience is misled saying that they steal. Well, do not want to share and invent different excuses.

After all, if otherwise steal, they steal here - and then should somewhere, and even in Bangladesh, to inflate the bubble? And it is not visible. Stolen so much !! There is no bubble
Think brother. Think. Spin and think. Thinking is there anything? Then let's not steal Amrique. America created a global financial system that brings her profits. Also as the owner of the casino brings the trade in the tricks. And all its debts - within this system. There will be no system - there will be no debt.
a small part of these chips gets a rash in exchange for resources. At the same time, the chips are plundered and sent back to the West as an investment - with the fact that money is generally intended to escape from the place where they are easy to overeat. Even if they were already poured once. Here is such a simple mechanic.
"After all, if otherwise steal, they steal here - and then there must be somewhere, and even in Bangladesh, to inflate the bubble?"
the bubble is inflated not from theft - it's too much levakov heard. The bubble is inflated from the overpriced expectations in the place where it is just stealing. Because there where they steal a lot - there can be no overestimated expectations. As, for example, in Zimbabwe. There, for example, no bubbles! One poverty and thieves on Mercedes. I am not a supporter of America. But objectively she saves the world in the world including the force, the army. And to keep it, she created a dollar financial system, which gives her 10% of world GDP. That is, she controls the world and the world is paying for it. cynically? And how. But such is reality.
i believe that the world will not pay America. They have to manage China - as the most common and most effective state. In the end, you are in the end that the rashka is not suitable for anything. Nothing useful to other pathologically cannot do. Only rob someone to put someone a gun to the temple, while big boys see ..

Well, admit! Well, what should you? Well, admit. And how will he suddenly decide to come and find out? And he is not a fool of our Darren. He knows how to count. Fucks penis to the nose and will see:
1) Resources are cheap
2) Low Taxes
3) real market extensive
That is, if not a fool of pure water, then you can collect your business how to collect children Lego Designer
After all, if you consider in Darren-Ski, then there is nothing in Russia. And if so, then it's time to make money
It is more difficult to make money in your own medium like. There you are all a fence. From tax rates to trade unions. And there are also happy Americans that did not fit into a happy medium and mightnger to nourish for five bucks. Inadvertently, just inadvertently.

so I still do it. It is better somehow here I suffer, poking. "Powers last sell ..." - whose? Any granite phonite, because It has a small content of uranium and its decay products (thorium, radium, polonium, etc.) for those who do not know - Africand is in the Murmansk region, next to Karelia.

UV-f. Let go. Well, it is impossible to shock people so
Africananda - And immediately in the head, the next "won Russia" and the whole civilization suddenly moved away again and the mood attempted to spoil the author for long-range. Okay, in small doses, from granite is not scary. Tea, not in the RVSNMY and RVSN, do not be frightened, my father was in them from the moment of education. Almost slept at one time right on the warheads. In this case, Ntrasno. I saw her. Modest in size. And so, a year and a half on top of her sort. I also think that the force majeure did not happen - it's nothing "I am not afraid of RVSN, my father was in them from the moment of education. I almost slept at one time right on the warheads."
that's why you were so worried ... You had to go away from Sunchewy radiation sources, unacceptable:
Japanese physicians conducted a study of 27,000 children born from parents who received high (but not deadly) doses as a result of Hiroshima's nuclear bombardment and Nagasaki. Deviations caused by mutations were discovered in two children. At the same time, it was not proved that these deviations were caused by the action of radiation.
In children irradiated during the hatching in the womb, there may indeed emerge deviations (not mutations) that are not inherited.
Animals (and, unfortunately, children) were always born, long before the emergence and development of the nuclear industry - but it is unlikely that someone will think to find out, as a result of which it appeared, say, a two-headed calf, standing in Petersburg Kunstkamera with The XVIII century. In general, I speaking, I just joked. It is easier necessary to be, Sovkodroker. easier. I remember from Soviet times a poster. Brave policeman and uncomfortable hooligan. And the inscription:
"For such jokes
Get a day.
Or fine ". In the late USSR, it was argued that Karelian granite, phonite
According to this preference, he used from Ukraine from Ukraine in the late Union after Chernobyl that only not Fonilo..Antly the fact that in principle the foundation could not be .. excellent, only from the words "eyewitnesses" ... Strong all the scared Chernobyl Mercarelsky and in fact Font.
In recent news passed. The question of unfolding works on the titanium field in African is raised. In the 50s, they were cooled due to the fact that they could not find the technology of safe processing of weaklyactive titanium magnetite. Modern science gave new solutions. Karelian NC RAS \u200b\u200boffered its technology to separate radioactive elements from titanium dioxide. The separated product is a thorium concentrate, which is useful to Rosatom for works on the thorium nuclear cycle. The scientific base is, the justifications are preparing for production.
For those who do not know - Africand is in the Murmansk region, next to Karelia.

Who flies here that nothing is done in Russia, no one knows anything and does not know how to suck out of the Earth - it was even in Africa perfectly learned. And what about the way to do something to do something and for people - computers there, vacuum cleaners, cars, phone numbers, TVs, tomographs? not? it is better
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