Flying is free. Ballerina Alla Osipenko: biography, personal life Alla Osipenko and her son

Flying is free. Ballerina Alla Osipenko: biography, personal life Alla Osipenko and her son

"One of the most significant figures in my generation", "adorable lines, the saturation of the image", "actress and a person of outstanding qualities", - in such words ballet critics, directors and even the ballerinas expressed admiration for the art of Alla Osipenko.

Motherland Alla Evgenievna - Leningrad. The mother of the future ballerina came from a family rich in art traditions: her ancestor was the artist Vladimir Borovikovsky, she was related to the poet Alexander Borovikovsky and Pianist. The music in the family was loved, the mother played the piano, and the little Alla adored to dance under her performance. Guests died, looking at her children's dances, and regret that the girl would not be able to become a ballerina due to curved feet. True, this physical disadvantage comes out to no, but the parents nor she herself did not think about the ballet career for Alla. In choreographic art, she came almost by chance.

Alla was brought up in the traditions of the intelligentsia of the old times, heavily protecting from "bad influences", and after all, the girl - like all children - I wanted to communicate with the peers, so when I saw the announcement of the announcement on a record in a kind of circle once, she hurried to sign up there, not even Having understood what they will be learned there. As it turned out, the circle was choreographic. Accident turned out to be a fateful: the mentor saw the talent in the girl and after a year of classes advised Alla's parents to show it specialists. Parents followed the Council, and the girl was enrolled in the Leningrad Choreographic School. This happened on the eve of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Pupils of the School, among them Alla Osipenko, were sent to evacuation - first in Kostroma, then to the Urals. Classes took place in terrifying conditions, in the premises, completely not adapted for this, in the building of the Church, then in the barrack. In winter, it was necessary to engage in unheated premises - the students were taken for the crossbars, putting the mittens, and even forced to wear a coat. Remembering these hard days later, Alla Evgenievna said that the love of ballet, cultivated in such conditions, inevitably had to become eternal and all-consuming.

The school returned to Leningrad in 1944. The study continues, and very successfully. In 1948, he set the "Meditation" miniature for the young student to music - and about Alla Osipenko spoke outside the educational institution.

Osipenko was one of the last student. After the completion of studies - in 1950 - she was taken to the theater troupe. S.M. Kirova. At first it all folds perfectly, at rehearsals and performances, young artist is experiencing a tide of genuine inspiration, but it was exactly the cause of a serious test: Once upon return from the rehearsal "" emotions were so overwhelmed with the ballerina, that it did not come out of the trolleybus, and he jumped out - and damaged the leg . Due to the injury, she did not dance for one and a half years, but thanks to his persecution, he was able to return to the scene.

Among the roles of Osipenko in the Kirov Theater - Masha in "", Maria in "", Queen Bala in "", Fairy of Lilac in "Sleeping Beauty", Gamzatti in "" and many other parties. But a truly "star hour" became the role of the hostess of the copper mountain in the "Stone Flower", performed in 1957. This role was remarkable not only by the fact that the performer went to the stage in tightly, without a traditional ballet pack (which was very atypically For domestic arts of those times) - the choreography itself was unusual, so much so that the ballerina heard more than once from colleagues: "If you dance, as you dance" stone flower ", you can no longer do anything - nor" ", nor" . Next to this party, the ballerina puts only the main role in the ballet "Anthony and Cleopatra", which she performed in 1968 in the Small Theater.

The fate of the ballerina had a negative impact of emigration - after all, Osipenko was not just his partner, but the last Soviet ballerina who danced with him. It was the reason for the delayed attitude towards her - would she follow the example of a partner? On tour of it, it was extremely rare, only in socialist countries and even there were locked in a hotel room. Such strict measures were superfluous - at least Osipenko did not condemn Nuriyev, she herself was not going to emigrate ... Such an unhealthy atmosphere around the ballerina, as well as the fact that after success in the "Stone Flower" looked at her as a "actress of one amplua", steel The reason for the care of Osipenko from the theater. In a statement about the dismissal, she pointed out as the cause of "creative and moral dissatisfaction."

Together with her theater left John Markovsky - spouse and partner. Their duet was called the "century duet", in the dance with him the ballerina felt complete unity. For spouses who have become the troupe soloists, the balletmaster put the choreographic miniatures that did not always find an understanding of contemporaries and even caused dissatisfaction with the authorities. Thus, in the miniature of "Minotaur and Nimpta", obscenity saw obscenity, and the famous ballerina had to personally visit the Leningrad Board, so that its execution was allowed.

Osipenko had to leave the troupe in 1973 - the balletmaster did not want to wait when she would restore after the injury. Together with Markovsky, she acts in prefabricated concerts and even rural clubs, and in 1977-1982. - As part of the "New Ballet" troupe. One of the best parties in this troupe was the role of Nastasya Filippovna in the ballet "Idiot", put on music.

From the late 1980s. Osipenko conducts teaching activities in various troupes - American, French, Italian, Russian.

Alla Osipenko is headed by the International Foundation "Terraticor".

Music seasons

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One of the last student of the most Agrippina Vaganova, Alla Osipenko - The sophisticated, aristocratic and extraordinary actress, performed on the best scenes of the world. Her life is full of dramatic events and turns, but despite all the tests she was able to preserve the inner freedom and the love of art, which is engaged in all his life.

Family to which belongs Alla Osipenko , has rich cultural traditions. Her ancestors were the artist Vladimir Borovikovsky and Poet Alexander Borovikovsky, grandfather - one of the first photographers of St. Petersburg Alexander Alexandrovich Borovikovsky, and Uncle - Pianist Vladimir Sofronitsky.

The day before the start of the war, Alla became a student of the Leningrad choreographic school. All school moved to Perm. It was there, while doing in the cold room of the former church in the mittens and top clothes, she felt that "". After graduation, Alla began to work at the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater.

This success came to her in 1957 after the execution of the role of the hostess of the copper mountain in the ballet Y. Grigorovich "Stone Flower". In addition to the fact that this role was so distinguished by a kind of choreography, for greater similarity with Lizard, Alla refused to have a familiar pack and performed in Triko. However, success also had the opposite direction: the actress gave the role of only one plan, and it was not easy to change the situation. And after escape to the West, which was a partner of the ballerina in several performances, including those of the ill-fated tours in Paris, Osipenko for many years were not allowed to participate in the theater overseas tour.

Ballerina danced the leading parties in all performances, which then amounted to the repertoire of the Kirov Theater. However, in 1971 Alla Osipenko It leaves the troupe due to conflicts with the manual and the suffocating atmosphere inside. Together with her and her partner, young talented artist John Markovsky left. For several years, they have worked together in the L. Jacobson Theater "Choreographic Miniatures".

Very many performances of the director Novator had to pierce from the highest bosses, proving far from art officials that they had neither anti-sovereign nor pornography. Because of the injury, she had to leave the theater. During this period, the actress was filmed into a cinema of A. Sokurov and I. Maslennikov. In 1977, returned to the scene. Especially for her, the play "Idiot" on the novel of Dostoevsky to Tchaikovsky's music.

After the end of his dance career, Alla Osipenko worked as a teacher in the West, and then returned to his hometown. She continues to work now and even participates in theatrical performances.

The famous ballerina celebrates the anniversary of creative activity

"I don't like when they call me great, because it's strange and ridiculous to hear such about yourself," said Osipenko at a meeting with journalists, but Ulyana Lopatkin objected: "You deserve it!"
Because when it comes to Alla Osipenko, it is impossible to avoid high-tech words and epithets. Because today, when almost every artist is a star, but the legends almost did not remain, it is really the legend of the Leningrad ballet.
On the eve of the anniversary festive evening, the correspondent "VP" met with Alla Evgenaya.

Gone from Mariins when I was transferred to Miman
- Probably, for ballerinas, severe injury - early care from the theater. How can this be survived and do not break?
- Yes, probably it is very hard and painful, but the fact is that I was delayed in the ballet and bleed up to 54 years. When I was invited for the last time, I was in perfect thin, and physically it was possible for me. Of course, I no longer danced the Swan Lake, but they set on me the performances in which I could dance, despite age. I managed to hold out for a long time.
- You yourself left the Mariinsky Theater, it was a brave act ...
"I left Mariinsky, not the victims that at 39 years old, after I ran there twenty years and enjoyed success, I suddenly put me in Mimans and I began to go to the" ladies ". Then the audience wrote a note to the administration of the theater: "This is a catastrophe of the Leningrad ballet - what Osipenko stands in Mimans." For me it was a great insult, and therefore I left - to Leonid Jacobson, on the bench salary of 70 rubles, but I knew what came there. And he could shout at me, beat me, to make everything that was done by the twenty-year-old students, "I didn't mind, because I knew why I was here, and it was the main thing.
Life is a fight!
- Once in the magazine, passages from your diary were published. Do you still lead it?
- No, I do not lead it, it was such a period.
- Why did the need to write a diary?
- I had a son, and I wrote for him and him. When the son did not, then this need is gone.
- But you have a grandson of Lanya ...
- Grandson is not interested in ballet, he has other interests.
- What are the same?
"He is now twenty years old, I don't really know what exactly he is fond of, because Danya is a closed boy: the tragedy with his father, which he survived, left a trace in his character. But he is good, kind, beautiful and similar to his father.
- And did you have any desire to write a book?
- Now such a thought appears, sometimes I think: Well, I sit without a case, rehearsals have become a little, there is free time, maybe, really, write a book? We can tell our disciples more than they know about ballet, and about life, about how to overcome difficulties. For example, in the fifth grade I wrote for myself the thought of Balzak: "Life is a struggle in which you should always threaten." And now I'm already laughing at it, although the fact that life is a struggle, I learned very well, but what I need to threaten, I did not understand. I'm talking to my students now that you have to be very persistent in the struggle for your existence.
In the ballet comes
some kind of failure
- How do you think, did St. Petersburg and Petersburgers changed?
- I'm from the Borovikovsky and Sofronitsky family, so those people among whom I grew up were completely different - other than those who I meet now. And the city becomes more beautiful than after the war, as I saw him in childhood. But it fell snow, and unfortunately, again dirty, and in the West it does not happen. There the snow falls, and the sidewalks and roads remain clean. We need to learn to adhere to the order and purity, as they have learned to ballet.
- Did the audience changed?
- Previously there were more permanent spectators - ballet lovers, lovers of certain names, now there are fewer them. Because there are a lot of tourists, they all want to get into the theater, so sometimes at the performance there is no knowledge and not understanding the ballet. Ballet, unfortunately, ceases to be elite art.
- Alla Evgenievna, as you think, in what condition is the modern Russian ballet?
- I can no longer go anywhere, so I can tell the truth and do not criticize the soul. It seems to me that in our country now is not only an economic crisis, but also a crisis in ballet. I am my student who ended with the Academy. Vaganova, I say: "How so, we learned to school better than you at the Academy!" I do not know what it depends on whether the talented disciples are rarely born, or from teachers. Previously, they said that our ballet "ahead of the planet is all", now this phrase is no longer pronounced, some kind of failure has come in the ballet. But maybe it is necessary to wait, the time will come and some new wave will break up ...
I was thick and weighed 57 kilograms!
- Probably, like each ballerina, you have your own secret, how to keep the shape and keep a slender figure?
- I think that there are such ballerins who do not need to do anything for this, they just were born thin. I, unfortunately, not that when I finished school, it was thick and weighed 57 kilograms, and when I completed the ballerina's career, then weighed 45. For this I needed to give up food, I do not sit on diets, but limit yourself in nutrition, do not eat sweet, flour, oily.
I can not imagine that the teacher allowed himself to grow out: since he demands from the student to support the form, then he must keep it.

Conducted Victoria Aminova, photos of Natalia Seagulls

Alla Evgenievna Osipenko was born on June 16, 1932 in Leningrad.
June 21, 1944 was enrolled in the Leningrad Choreographic School. After the end, it was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater. Kirov (today is Mariinsky). From 1954 to 1971 - Prima-Ballerina Theater. From 1971 to 1973 - the soloist of the ballet troupe "choreographic miniatures" under the direction of Leonid Jacobson. Many parties danced in these years with their partner in life and on stage John Markovsky. Since 1973 he worked in Lenconcert. Speakers in performances of the Leningrad Small Theater Opera and Ballet (today - Mikhailovsky). From 1977 to 1982 - a soloist of the Leningrad Ballet ensemble under the guidance of Boris Eifman.
People's Artist of Russia (since 1960). Prize winner. Anna Pavlova Paris Academy of Dance.
Four times was married. Son - Ivan Voropayev (1963 - 1997) - tragically died. Grandson Daniel was born in 1990.

On December 4, at the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater of the St. Petersburg State Conservatory will be held the evening ballet "Claviers of the Russian Scene".
As the producer of the project Gregory Tanhilevsky told reporters, the speech was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the scenic activity of the legendary ballerina. Famous dancers will present numbers that once performed the famous artist. For a long time not executable numbers restored specifically for this project will be shown.
"See these numbers in today's performance will be interesting. And those who have seen me on stage will be able to compare, "said Osipenko.
In passages from the performances "Swan Lake", "Legend of Love", "Spartak", "Valpurgiyeva Night" The audience will see a unique starprom - Ulyana Lopatkin, Irma Niojidze and Igor Flask, Valeria Mikhailovsky, Anastasia Kolhegan and Evgenia Ivanchenko, Elizavet Cheprases, Konstantin Zvereva and Grigory Popova, Olesya Gapienko and Peter Bazaarone. Ulyana Lopatkina will perform the number "Dying Swan". "We are lacking today that brightness that has been peculiar to the Leningrad ballet. We must learn from the experience, and not remember our legacy sometimes, on the occasion of some date, "the shovel noted.
Evening organizers prepare the exposition of the kindly provided ballerina of unique photos and documents from her personal archive, which captured many great art figures. These exhibits have never been published in open access.
The project is prepared for a single show and will not repeat.

Ballet is my whole life.
Alla Osipenko

Alla Evgenievna was born on June 16, 1932 in Leningrad. Her relatives were the artist Borovikovsky (his work was exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery), the poet of Borovikovsky was popular at one time, Pianist Sofronitsky. The family adhered to the old traditions - took guests, went to relatives to the tea party, together sat down to dinner, strictly brought up children ...

Two grandmothers, nanny and mother vigorously watched Alla, protected from all the misfortunes and did not let her walk alone so that the girl was not attempting to the street. Therefore, most of the time Alla spent at home with adults. And she so wanted to the company, to the peers! And when she, returning from school, accidentally saw an announcement of the record in some kind of circle, then stunned her grandmother to stay there - it was a chance to escape from four walls and get into the team.

The circle was choreographic. And after a year, the teacher's classes strongly advised to show Alla to specialists from the ballet school, as he found the "data" girl.

On June 21, 1941, the result of viewing was known - Alla was taken to the first class of the Leningrad choreographic school, where Vaganov taught (now this is the Russian Ballet Academy. Vaganova).

The next day the war began. And Alla, together with other children and teachers, the school urgently went to evacuation first to Kostroma, and then under Perm, where Mom and Grandma came to her.
Classes were conducted in Spartan conditions. The rehearsal hall served a freeze vegetable store, equipped in the church. To hold onto the metal crossbar of a ballet machine, the children put on the arm of the mittens - she was so cold. But it is there, according to A.E. Osipenko, she woke up by all-consuming love for the profession, and she understood, "that ballet is for life." After removing the blockade, the school and his pupils returned to Leningrad.

Alla Osipenko's choreographic school finished in 1950 and was immediately adopted in the troupe of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater them. Kirov.
All at first was well enough, but when she, after the general rehearsal of the first large play, "Sleeping Beauty" - 20-year-old, inspired - went home on trolleybus, did not come out in a rush, and jumped out of it. As a result, heavily treatment of a damaged leg, a year and a half without a scene ... And only perseverance and the power of the will helped her again stand up for pointes. Then, when it became very bad with his feet, she paid her friend, a wonderful ballerina, Natalia Makarova, the operation abroad.

In the Kirov ballet in his best years, everyone was given to the ministry of profession and creativity. Rehearse the artists and ballersters could even at night. And one of the productions of Yuri Grigorovich with the participation of Alla Osipenko was generally born in the bathroom of the communal apartment of one of the ballerinas.

A peculiar crown of creativity A. Osipenko is the hostess of the copper mountain in the ballet "Stone Flower" to the music of Prokofiev. In the Kirov Theater, Grigorovich put him in 1957, and after the premiere of Osipenko became famous. This role made a kind of revolution in the ballet of the Soviet Union: not only that the party of the keeper of underground treasures is unusual in itself, so even to strengthen the accuracy of the image and similarity with a lizard, the ballerina first came out not in the usual pack, but in the tight trite.

But after a while, unprecedented success in the "Stone Flower" turned against the ballerina - they began to consider the actress of a certain role. In addition, after the escape of Nureyev to the West in 1961 Alla Evgenievna was a long time for a long time - on touring, it was released only in some soutraces, in the Middle East and their native Soviet expanses. There were moments when Alla Evgenievna was locked in the room so that it does not follow the example of unreliable comrades abroad and did not remain in the capitalist world. But "throw out the Forter" and before the introduction of Dragon Murals, Alla Osipenko was not going - she always loved the Motherland, gone to St. Petersburg and could not leave relatives. At the same time, Osipenko believed that the Nureyev was forced to run out, and she did not rush with him.

Hiding the true reason for the inaccessibility of an amazing ballerina to the Western public, "Responsible Comrades" referred to the fact that she allegedly gives birth. And when, in Leningrad, she was looking for meticulous foreign colleagues - masters of world ballet, then they found out how many children had children, as the next birth of Osipenko ballerina was reported in their press.
The repertoire of Alla Evgenyevna is large and varied: "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty" and "Swan Lake" Tchaikovsky, "Bakhchisarai Fountain" Asafieva, "Raymond" Glazunov, "Giselle" Adana, "Don Quixote", "Bayaderk" Ministry ofkusa, "Cinderella" "," Romeo and Juliet "Prokofiev," Spartak "Khachaturian," Othello "Machavariani," Legend of love "Melikov ... In the Small Opera and Ballet Theater, she performed Cleopatra in the play" Anthony and Cleopatra "on the tragedy of Shakespeare ...

After 21 years of work in the Kirov Theater Osipenko was forced to leave him. Its care was difficult - everything merged together: creative causes, conflict with leadership, a humiliating atmosphere around ... In a statement, she wrote: "I ask me to dismiss me from the theater on creative and moral dissatisfaction."

Alla Evgenievna was married several times. And neither about whom from the former husbands did not say a bad word. The father of Voropayev became the father of her sole and tragically deceased son (many remember him - sports and state in the film "Vertical")

Alla Evgenievna's spouse and a faithful partner of Alla Evgenyevna was a dancer John Markovsky. Beautiful, high, athletically folded and unusually gifted, he involuntarily attracted the attention of women, and many, if not all ballerins, danced with him. But, despite the noticeable difference in age, Markovsky preferred Osipenko. And when she left the Kirov Theater, went with her. Their duet that existed for 15 years, called the "century duet".

Markovsky spoke about Osipenko that she had perfect proportions of the body and therefore dancing with her easily and conveniently. And Alla Evgenievna recognized that it was John who was the best of her partner, and with anyone else she could achieve in the dance of such a complete bodily merger and spiritual unity.
After dismissal from the Kirov Theater Osipenko and Markovsky became soloists of the choreographic miniatures troupe under the guidance of Jacobson, who specifically set the rooms and ballets.As you know, unusual and new at all times is understood not immediately and breaks through difficulty. Jacobson trembled, not wanting to perceive his unusually expressive choreographic language and inexhaustible creative fantasy. And although his Ballets "Shuraile" and "Spartak" walked on stage, but they were forced to repaint them. With his other works, it was even worse - officials of different instances were constantly looking for signs of anti-Sovetric and immoral signs in dancing and not allowed to show.

When the Party-Komsomolsk Commission, the Party-Komsomol Commission coal in the art of the MINOTAVR and Nymph, supplied by Jacobson, "Erotic and Pornography" and the performance of the ballet was categorically prohibited, then from the despair and hopelessness of Alla Evgenievna, together with the choreographer, rushed to the chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee Sizov.
"I am ballerina Osipenko, help!" she exhaled. "What do you need - an apartment or a car?", Asked the big boss. "No, only" Minotaur and Nimifu "... And already when she, joyful, with a signed resolution, went out, Sizov called her:" Osipenko, and maybe still an apartment or a car? "" No, only "Minotaur and Nimifu" - she answered again.

Jacobson is a talented innovator - possessed a rash, sharp and rigid character. He could embody any music in choreography, and inventing movements, creating plastic forms and building poses, demanded that the artists of complete returns and sometimes even inhuman efforts in the rehearsal process. But Alla Evgenievna, she said, was ready for everything, if only this brilliant artist worked with her and for her. So-bird was born "Firebird" (Stravinsky, 1971), "Swan" (K. Saint-Sans, 1972) , "EXTERSIS-XX" (BACH), "Brilliant Divertiment" (Glinka) ... and Alla Evgenievna began to see other horizons and opportunities in ballet.
In 1973. Osipenko again received a serious injury and could not rehearse for some time. I wanted to wait for the balletmaster, saying that he was not needed to cripples. And again Osipenko gone, and behind it and Markovsky. They participated in the prefabricated concerts of Lenconcert, and when the work for them was quite a little, went to speak at the remote rural clubs, where it was sometimes so cold that it was good to dance in the boots. In 1977, cooperation began with a talented choreographer - Eifman, in whose troupe called "New Ballet" they became leading artists.

Eifman made a play for Osipenko on "Idiot" Dostoevsky, putting an action to the music of the sixth symphony of Tchaikovsky. Nastasya Filippovna Alla Osipenko - " this is a woman of passionate love, which all ages are submissive"Actress refused lush hats and dresses, choosing for the role of Triko, as it was confident that this is" an image for all times and for all ages that does not need any framing. "However, according to her recognition, she is in the performance Played yourself.

There were also other parties. But again, unexpected and fresher came out to bureaucratic obstacles. So, the miniature "double-ride" to the music of the "Pink Floyd" group, filmed to the film, was destroyed.
Alla Evgenievna believes that choreography and scenic suffering should have a plot, but at the same time, repeating the words Y. Grigorovich, adds that it is not necessary to "tear passions and bite the scenes", and it is necessary to maintain their dignity and be restrained. And she got it. Spectators and colleagues noticed her special performance manner - outwardly somewhat static, and internally passionate. Her execution was deeply dramatic, and the movements are extremely expressive. It was not by chance that they were talking about it: "Only seeing how the Osipenko dances, you realize that Plisetskaya technique is not safe."
With Eufman Osipenko worked until 1982. Among its partners there were ladies, Nureyev, Nisnevich, Dolgushin, Chabukyani, Liepa ...

Osipenko was never afraid of film chambers. On film is captured not only by ballet games A. Osipenko, but also its role in the artistic cinema. The debut of her role was the episode in the film Averbach "Voice". And most often she starred in Sokurov films. The first of them was the film "Sorrowless Effectiveness," where she plays the role of Ariadna and appears to the audience half-subsided. Due to the indignation of the streets of the morality, this film-parable based on the play show "The house where the hearts are broken down on the screens only in 1987, a few years climbed on the shelf. Sokurov admired the actress, arguing that he did not meet people of such a scale as Alla Osipenko.

The ballerina is invariably warm and with a deep sense of gratitude recalls his teachers and those who somehow helped her in the profession. These people taught her devotion of profession, hard work, persistence, interest in literature, painting, architecture, music and brought up a person who can fantasize, reason and defend their own opinion. Osipenko has a ring Anna Pavlova, which she was handed over as a creative heiress of the Great Ballerina.

With the arrival of restructuring to live on the facial pension Alla Evgenievna - People's Artist of the RSFSR, the winner of the premium. Anna Pavlova Paris Academy of Dance, a diploma for whose assignment in 1956 she was presented by Serge Blinder, as well as the Golden Sophyte Prize with the wording for creative longevity and a unique contribution to the theater culture of St. Petersburg "and the owner of many other awards - it became simply unbearable She needed earnings. For more than 10 years she worked as a teacher in France, Italy, USA, Canada and other countries.

Today, Alla Evgenievna continues to active activity - works by a teacher-tutor and maintains the continuity of generations in the ballet, heads the charity foundation, participates in various theatrical productions, filmed in the cinema and for television ...
She is always elegant, slim and tirelessly supports the form, although he has gave ballet and the stage for more than 60 years of his life. Osipenko says that in the real ballerina there should be magic, as she was in Dudinskaya, Ulannova, Plisetskaya ... This magic is undoubtedly there.

15 years old existed her unique duet with John Markovsky. Osipenko taught in Italy and the United States, now she is a teacher-tutor in the theater of Konstantin Takachna, so that the profession was sent for more than half a century. As the ballerina relies, Alla Evgenievna is tightened, slim, elegant. Without any discounts on age.

Money does not go to the one who cannot manage them

- You successfully worked abroad, why have you come back?

When I was offered a job in Italy, I went for a while, but stayed for five years. I left because of the circumstances: it was impossible to be retired in two thousand rubles, the son was married, and how to live in the same apartment? But he felt there such is loneliness that all the money went to telephone conversations. I did not learn an Italian nor English, because I thought - everything, tomorrow I was leaving, I can no longer. Well, and the fact that the teacher can earn - it's all fairy tales. Another thing, if you dance and get ten thousand dollars for the performance. And I paid one and a half thousand dollars salary, but only the apartment cost seven hundred. In addition, in America, I got into the most expensive staff - Connecticut that I could scat! In general, I am not very lucky with money (laughs). Not only I don't know how to dispose of them - they don't go to me.

- Did you communicate abroad with friends - Nureyev, Baryshnikov, Makarova?

Rudik very much wanted me to escape to him when Margo Fontein stopped dancing. We kept a connection through His sister - she was a teacher in kindergarten, in which my son walked. But they talked secretly when she wanted to come, called: Alla, do you need sausages? If I answered: you need, it means you can come. It calls it once, I refuse from sausages, and she insists: I really bought a kilogram. Rudika, I secretly delivered notes for Bayaderki, he invited me to the Grand Opera, well, and personally we met in Florence in 28 years after his escape, and then I saw a wonderful play of the sequel. The duet of Rudik with a new chinel still can not forget.

With Misha Baryshnikov in America, they were convened, somehow he asked: Alla, you probably boring? - boring. - Well, I will introduce you to Yuz Aleshkovsky. And I read his works, where there was a mat on Mate, and decided not to get acquainted (laughs). I am not from the breed of people. From Misha also saw in Florence, where he was on tour: I came to him in the dressing room, and he had shock.

With Natasha Makarova, we grew together, and when we meet, we do not understand how many years we have, remembering all sorts of bikes from the past. The only thing if I start talking about men, she sighs: God, and you are not tired of you! But when she came to me on the 70th anniversary, gave the underwear of red! And after that she wants to say that we have changed very much!

I could not throw a person with whom I lived 15 years

- Your duet with John Markovsky called the duet of the century, however, like your novel:

I saw John for the first time in 1965 - flew home after the rehearsal, mom watches TV, see, there someone dancing, mom says: see what a good boy, at that moment the boy falls, I say: good, especially in fall. And John came from Riga to the improvement class. We all drew attention to a good boy and wondered who would come. Somehow I went on tour to Perm, I had to dance with Vikulov, but for some reason he was replaced by Markovsky. And now there has been our unforgivable novel, because I was older for 12 years. Well, then we went away from the Kirov Theater together, danced in choreographic miniatures, in Eifman. John was one of those who amounted to the glory of these teams, but he did not even give the title of deserved. When I came to ask Eifman to climb about the title for John, he replied that if you need, you and cotton. After leaving a tiny pension, John taught somewhere in clubs, but in principle it remained not at the affairs, no one needs. Although we broke up, but knew each other, and then I left. Two and a half years ago, John appeared, asked for a debt and called to go to them. I saw his wife - the hardest disabled person, John said they sell an apartment and leaving their homeland of his wife to Nikolaev. And again disappeared. And I suddenly hear these terrible stories on TV on TV, how to sell apartments, and people kill people. I asked my friends in the relevant authorities to search John. It turned out that he was registered in the village under the meadow. I wrote a letter: John, where are you? - In response: I received a letter, and some kind of stitch, instead of his signature. John there was not. Then they searched all Nikolaev and the county - nowhere is not registered. In the alarm left with the Tachchpan theater on tour in England, and on the day of my return - well, just mysticism is John, the real homeless thing, I did not recognize him. It turns out that the wife died, he really homeless, frosting his legs. Arranged him in a paid hospital, and after - making huge money - in the house of veterans scene. Then half the amount returned to me - John still turned out to be money in the account. I am glad that I managed to help him, but John's psyche was admored, he is inadequate.

Women are stronger than men

- It turns out, women are stronger than men. You still can't relax, work. How were the Tuccan in the theater?

Returning from the abroad, some time taught in the club's club, and then they are called me to the former Petrograd district, and some lady says: this is a club of military-patriotic education, your choreography is not needed. - But children should grow cultural. - You can't dictate your conditions, it was before you were a celebrity, and now you are nobody, and they kicked me out. I stayed without work, gave private lessons, and somehow Tucks invited to the performance. I saw luxurious scenery, and then Iru Kolesnikov, who fascinated me with his gift.

As for the fact that I can not relax, so I have a pension of 2219 rubles, one apartment is 950, and a 14-year-old grandson, which, if you have dinner, there will be no one potatoes. He is far from ballet - fond of football. I also had to get carried away, I even learned one name - Beckham, and I support Zenit.