The feat of the young guards of the Ulyana Thunder. "I regret that we managed little."

The feat of the young guards of the Ulyana Thunder.
The feat of the young guards of the Ulyana Thunder. "I regret that we managed little."

Hero of the Soviet Union Ulyana Gromova - Member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard".

Ulyana Matveyevna Gromova was born on January 3, 1924 in Krasnodone (modern Lugansk People's Republic). By nationality is Russian. At school, Ulyana was the best student, he read a lot. He led a notebook where the expression he liked from just read books. For example, in its notebook there were such quotes:
"It is much easier to see how the heroes die than to listen to the screaming about the mercy of some kind of coward." (Jack London)
"The most expensive person is life. It is given to him once, and it is necessary to live it so that it does not painfully hurt for aimlessly lived years so as not to get a shame for a challenged and petty past, and to die, could say all life And all the forces were given to the most beautiful in the world - the struggle for the liberation of mankind. " (Nikolai Ostrovsky)
In March 1940, she joined the ranks of the VLKSM.
When the war began, Ulyana wrote in his notebook: "Our life, creative work, our future, our whole Soviet culture in danger. We must hate your enemies of our deception; hate the enemies of human happiness, to be heated by invincible to take revenge on the flour and death of fathers, Mothers, brothers, sisters, friends, the death and flour of every Soviet citizen. "
Ulyana Gromova was one of the leaders and organizers of the struggle of young people against the German-fascist occupiers in the miner's city of Krasnodone. Since September 1942, Gromova has been a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard".

Each participant of the "Young Guard" gave an oath: "I, entering into the ranks of the" Young Guard ", in the face of his friends on arms, in the face of his native, long-suffering land, in the face of all the people solemnly swear: unquestioning any task given to me by the elder Comrade, keep everything in the deepest secret, as for my work in the "Young Guard".
I swear to revenge mercilessly for the burned, ruined cities and villages, for the blood of our people, for the martyrdom of thirty miners-heroes. And if my life takes my life for this revenge, I will give it without a minute of hesitation.
If I break this sacred oath under torture or because of cowardice, then let my name, my relatives will be punched forever.
Blood for blood! Death for death! "
"Young Guard" with hundreds and thousands spreads leaflets - in the bazaars, in the cinema, in the club. Leaflets are found on the police building, even in the pockets of the police. Under the conditions of the underground, there is a receipt of new members in the ranks of the Komsomol, temporary certificates are issued, membership fees are taken. As the Soviet troops approaches, an armed uprising is being prepared and weapons are mined with the most different ways. At the same time, the percussion groups conducted sabotage and terrorist acts: killed polycessive, Nazis, they freed the prisoners of Soviet soldiers, burned the labor exchange together with all documents that are there, thereby saving several thousand Soviet people from the hijacking in fascist Germany ..
The organization was revealed by the police, the members of the "Young Guard" were captured. January 10, 1943 grabbed and Ulyana. The mother of Ulyana remembered his daughter's arrest:
"The door is sprinkled, and the Germans and police are pumped into the room.
- Are you Gromov? Said one of them, pointing out to Ilash.
She straightened, locked everyone and loudly said:
- I!
- Go! - Garked the policeman.
"Don't ... calmly answered Ulya."
No muscle fell on her face. She easily and confidently dressed the coat, tied her head with a handkerchief, put a piece of oat cakes in his pocket and, approaching me, kissed tightly. Raising her head, she was so gentle, I looked at me warmly, at the table, where the books were lying on my bed, on the children of the sisters, who fearfully peeking out of another room, as if silently said goodbye to everyone. Then she straightened and firmly said:
-I'm ready!
That's the same for me to me for all my life. "

Ulyana and the chamber convinced about the struggle: "The struggle is not such a simple thing, it is necessary in any conditions, in any atmosphere not to bend, but to find out and fight. We can also fight in these conditions, just need to be more decisive and more organizer. We can Arrange the escape and continue to continue your business. Think about it. " In the camera Ulyana read poems to his companions.
With dignity held herself Ulyana Gromov at interrogations, refusing to give any testimony about the activities of the underground workers.
"... Ulyana Gromov was suspended by the hair, cut out on his back a five-pointed star, cut off his chest, caught the body with rotable glands and the wounds sprinkled with salt, put on a hot plate. Torture continued for a long time and mercilessly, but she was silent. When, after the next beatings, the investigator Cherenkov asked Ulyan, why she keeps himself so defiant, the girl replied: "Not for that I entered the organization to then ask for forgiveness; I regret only one thing that we had little to do! But nothing, perhaps, we will still have time to rescue the Red Army! ... "(from the book A.F. Gordeyev" Feat in the name of life ").

Ulyana Gromova reads Lermontovsky "Demon" in the prison chamber

Before the death of Ulyana wrote a letter on the camera's wall to his relatives:
January 15, 1943
Goodbye, mom, goodbye, dad,
Goodbye, my whole relatives,
Goodbye, my brother is a favorite era,
You will no longer see me.
Your motors in a dream will dream,
Your mill in the eyes is always worth it.
My brother is a loved one, I die,
Muckly stand your homeland.
Hi Hi Gromova Ulya.

After brutal torture on January 16, 1943, 19-year-old Ulyana was shot and threw in the mine. She did not live to liberation by the Soviet troops of Krasnonon only 4 weeks. The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was assigned on September 13, 1943 (posthumously).

"But the dead we will live in a particle of your great happiness, because we have invested our lives ..."

From April 2014, the long-suffering Ukrainian Krasnodon is under the control of the Lugansk People's Republic. In the context of hostilities in Ukraine, the Russians know this city as a center for volunteer assistance to Donbass "Krasnodon". But 72 years ago there was a war here, which turned this place in the testimony of one of the most cruel disaggregated by the German fascists over the Soviet people. Krasnodon is the Motherland of the legendary "young guard", which struck the world by the disadvantaged power of the Spirit and the piercing heroism of his young participants.

They were 16-19 years old. They spread the anti-fascist leaflets, put the red flags, exploded the fascist objects, saved the prisoners of Soviet soldiers. They were killed with inhuman cruelty - "the eyes were played, breasts were cut out, the genitals and arrested beforecerants were beaten by a weavers" (from the special report of the Commissar of the Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR V.T. Sergienko Secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) N.S. Khrushchev from March 31 1943).
We do not know much from the fact that the fascists on the Ukrainian land have worked. Fadeev regretted the readers, and Gerasimov - the audience: neither in the novel, nor in the film are not shown all the torture that the young guards moved. What really happened in the winter of 1943 in Krasnodone, no paper, no film could be conveyed ... ... ...

The novel "Young Guard" (1946) was the second on the production of children's literature in the USSR for 1918-1986 (in the first place - "War and Peace"). The tragic and noble story of young guidance, described by Alexander Fadeev, shook the world. Soviet people dreamed of being similar to the brave Krasnodonians, swore revenge for their death. "In the images of young guidance, I wanted to show the heroism of all Soviet youth, her huge faith in the victory and the rightness of our business. Death itself is a brutal, terrible in torture and torment - could not shake the spirit, will, the courage of the young men and girls. They died, surprising and even scaring enemies, "the author of the novel" Young Guard "said.

The film "Young Guard", shot by the director Sergey Gerasimov on Roman Fadeeva, became the leader of the 1948 rental, and the leaders of the main roles - not well-known students of Vgika Vladimir Ivanov, Inna Makarova, Nonna Mordyukova, Sergey Gourzo et al. - Immediately got the titles of Waurea Stalin Prizes. The scene of the execution of young guards in the final of the film was shot in Krasnodone - at Shurf, where the real young underground workers were shot. Local residents gathered on the shooting of this scene, among which were those who personally knew the guys, and their surviving relatives. They say when Vladimir Ivanov, who played Oleg Koshevoy, pronounced his deathbed speech, with some parents of young guidance a faint. ...

At the Patriot created in 2004, Dmitry Shcherbinin Internet website "Young Guard: Krasnodon's heroes are dedicated" ( collected by a miracle that remained unique photos and documents related to the activities and execution of members of the underground Komsomol organization. When viewing the protocols of the testimony of police and translators who were present on the fascist interrogations, close the eyes from the impossibility of adopting information about inhuman suffering that the Krasnodonian guys suffered. ...

Ulyana Gromova, 19 years
"A five-pointed star is carved on the back, the right hand of tribe, a broken edge" (KGB archive at the Soviet of the USSR). "Ulyana Gromov was suspended by the hair, cut out a five-pointed star on his back, cut off his chest, caught the body with rotable glands and the wound sprinkled with salt, planted a hot plate. Torture continued for a long time and mercilessly, but she was silent ... "(from the book A.F. Gordeyev" Feat in the name of life ", Dnepropetrovsk, 2000)

Lyuba Shevtsova, 18 years
"The girl beat, then her threw her in a cold chamber. The volitional temper, the cheerfulness and composure of Luba was outlined by the fascists. Exhausted, she still found the strength to sing in a song chamber, encourage fellow comrades "(document from the archive of the Moscow School Museum number 312). "After a month, the torture is shot in the threatery forest near the city along with Oleg Koshev, Semen Ostapenko, Dmitry Ozurztsov and Viktor Saturotin." "A few stars were cut out on the body of Lyuba Shevtsova, the face of an urinary bursting bullet. At the Ostapenko's seeds, the skull was smashed, Viktor Subbotin was turned out limbs, Oleg Koshevoye Eyes, on the face - traces of strikes "(from the book of PF Dontsova" Memorial Museum "Memory of the Died": Guide ", Donetsk, 1987) .

Angelina Selflo, 18 years
"On the body of Angelina, traces of torture were discovered: the hands were unscrewed, the ears were cut off, a star was cut on the cheek" (RGASPI. F. M-1. OP. 53. D. 331).

Maya Peggivanova, 17 years
"The Corpse of Maya is disfigured: sliced \u200b\u200bchest, legged legs. All outerwear was removed "(RGASPI. F. M-1. OP. 53. D. 331). "In the coffin lay without lips, with twisted hands."

Seryozha Tuylanin, 17 years
"On January 27, 1943, Sergey was arrested. Soon the father, mother, confiscated all things. In the police, Sergey was strongly tortured in the presence of a mother, arranged a full-time stake with a member of the "Young Guard" Viktor Lukyanchenko, but they did not recognize each other. ... January 31, Sergey was tortured for the last time, and then His, half-dimensional, along with other comrades were lucky to Shurf Shakhty number 5 ... "" At the end of January 1943, Solikovsky and Zakharov led to the next interrogation of Sergey. According to the testimony of the former police investigator Cherenkova, "he was dismantled until unrecognizable, the face was covered with bruises and swollen, blood oozed out of open wounds. There were also three Germans and followed by Burgardt (translator) caused by Solikovsky. One German asked Solikovsky, what kind of person he was beaten. Solikovsky explained. The German, like an angry tiger, hit the fist, shot down Sergey with feet and forged German boots began to torment his body. He with a terrible force struck him in his stomach, back, face, stall and ripped into pieces of his clothes along with the body. At the beginning of this terrible execution, Tyulenin filed signs of life, but soon he is silent, and it will dramatically dragged out of the office. At the same time, Usachev attended the terrible side of the defenseless young man. The extraordinary resistance, fearlessness and excerpt of Tyulenina infused the Nazis and caused their feeling of impotence and confusion. The former head of the Krasnodon gendarm post Otto Shen on the investigation acknowledged that "Tyulenin kept himself at the interrogation with dignity, and we were wondering how you could still work out such a strong will. Apparently, contempt for death gave rise to hardness in it. During torture, he did not tend a word about mercy and did not give anyone from the young guidance "(from the book A.F. Gordeyev" Feat in the name of life ", Dnepropetrovsk, 2000).

Evgeny Shepelev, 19 years
"... Evgeny cut off the hands of the hands, snatched the belly, broke their head ..." (Rgaspi. F. M-1. Op. 53. D. 331)

Oleg Kosheva, 16 years
"My son Oleg," wrote in the "letter to youth", printed in the Rovensky district newspaper "Forward", Elena Nikolaevna Koshelevna, - the fascists broke the head, punctured the bayonet cheek, knocked out eyes. And the head of the 17-year-old young man from the horrors transferred to the Gestapo was white from the match "(from the book of PF Dontsova" Memorial Museum "Memory of the Died": Guide ", Donetsk, 1987).

Volodya Zhdanov, 17 years
"Removed with a torn wound in the left temporal area, the fingers are reversible and twisted, under the nails of the bruising, on the back two strips of three centimeters wide for twenty-five centimeters, painted eyes and cut off the ears" (Museum "Young Guard", f. 1, d . 36).

Klava Kovaleva, 17 years
"Extracted swollen, the right chest is cut off, the legs feet were burned, the left hand is cut off, the head is knitted, the traces of beatings are visible on the body. Found ten meters from the trunk, between the trolleys, probably was dropped by living "(Museum" Young Guard ", f. 1, d. 10).

Lida Androsova, 18 years
"Extracted without eyes, ear, hands, with a rope on the neck, which strongly crashed into the body. Baked blood is visible on the neck "(Museum" Young Guard ", f. 1, d. 16).

Ivan Zamnov, 19 years
"When I entered the Cabinet, Solikovsky sat at the table. In front of him lay a set of weaves: thick, thin, wide, belts with lead tips. The sofa stood dismantled to the unrecognizable earths Vanya. His eyes were red, eyelids are greatly inflamed. On the face of abrasions and bruises. All clothes at Vanya was in the blood, the shirt on his back stuck to the body, and blood was tagged through it "(from the memories of Mary Fighters, materials of the case No. 20056, the Archive of the FSB). "Trying to learn something from him, he was tortured: they were suspended for their feet to the ceiling and left, he lost consciousness. The shoal needles were drunk under the nails "(from the memories of Nina Zhunovova, the case materials No. 20056, the Archive of the FSB).

We publish these lines not to rinse your nerves. Many modern Russians are true about German fascism need a vaccine from indifference and connivance. This truth is relevant, especially now - against the background of the Nazism revived in neighboring Ukraine, frightening torches, slogans "Bandera - Hero!" And "Ukraine is above all," the burning of people alive in Odessa ... Almost today's 18-20-year-old Kiev Neofashists, the peers are brutally incended countrymen, read the "young guard" and heard the details of their cruel execution.
Alas, the famous words of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant: "Two things fill the soul always new and more strong surprise and reverence, the more often we reflect on them, - this is the starry sky you need and moral law in me" and "do that so that you always relate to humanity and in your face, and in the face of any other way as to the goal, and never believed to him only as to the medium "did not become a moral imperative for the German fascists of the last century, nor Especially for Neofashists of modern Europe.
On the monument to the young guards in the rattling forest in Rovenki, the famous words of Julius Fuccus were carved: "But the dead we will live in a particle of your great happiness, because we have invested our life ...". Do we preserve our great happiness in the restless and insidious XXI century?

Erbina Nikitina prepared.

"Sad demon, Exhalation spirit,
Flying over the sinful ground.
And the best days of remembrance
Before it was crowded by a crowd ... "

In January 1943, the arrests of undergrounders from the Anti-Fascist Organization "Young Guard" were held in Krasnodon's occupied by Fascists. Abandoned young guys and girls survived deep shock, although they prepared for the fact that their activities can end the failure.

Among those who not only managed to transfer arrest with dignity, but also reinforced the spiritual forces of their comrades, was Ulyana Gromova. The girl, who, just a week before the arrest, was 19 years old, I read the poems to friends - Lermontov "Demon" in the chamber.

Study at school, Ulyana read a lot. The girl was a passionate fan of Lermontov, Gorky, Jack London and Taras Shevchenko. Remembering expressions from books she entered into her diary. Among them was such a saying of Jack London: "It is much easier to see how the heroes die than to listen to the screaming about the mercy of some coward."

Ulyana remembered these words in the last days of his life - Molver about mercy did not fly away from her mouth.

Ulyana Gromova in 1940. Photo:

Exemplary student

Ulyana Gromova was born in the Donbas, in the village of Pervomayka, in the family family. Father Ulyana Matvey Maksimovich GromovThe participant of the Russian-Japanese war, at one time came to Krasnodon and worked at the pension itself at the mine. Mother Ulya, Matrena Savelievnawas a housewife and raised five children. Ulyana was a younger child in the family.

At school, Ulyana passed from class to class with commendable diplomas, was an active pioneer. The teachers noted not only the abilities of the girl, but also its ability to stubbornly and systematically work on solving the tasks.

In March 1940, Ulyana Gromova joined Komsomol. The first assignment was the work as a countertile with students of junior classes.

From the Diary of Ulyana Thunder:

« March 24. Fine several magazines with stress and poems, 9h. 30 minutes. I went to school by October. To my surprise, 6 people came. Waited to half 12, but no one else came. It grumbled me, and I let them go home ...

Komsomol Ticket Ulyana Gromova. Photo: Frame

Harmful boys, probably, Baidje, that I spend so much time ...

April 5. Today is my day from October, and on the other days, Vera Kharitonovna Zimin is engaged in them additionally. But again failure. Today goes throughout the school line. But still the guys are well done: the Red Banner is getting today. That's why they are well done. Now they are Redware. You have to envy them.

April 9.. He read the "frog-traveler", and listen not even equally and not carefully. For all the time of my arrival, I watch such a picture: the guys in the headers and dressed. I do not know what to explain the inattention of students. Probably I do not know how it is, and so, to interest all the guys. I have little familiar with them, and there is no experience to get off ".

In these rows, an increased demandingness is clearly visible. Those who knew Ulyana said that she coped with the responsibilities of the leader.


Peaceful dreams of the future interrupted the war, which Ulyana met the student of the 10th grade. Together with his peers, she worked on the collective farm fields, cared for wounded in the hospital, reading them newspapers and books, helped writing letters to their relatives.

In early June 1942, Ulyana Gromova graduated from high school at "good" and "excellent" with excellent behavior. And just a month and a half, her small birthplace was occupied by the Germans. Ulyana did not evacuated, deciding not to leave a sick mother.

In the first days of occupation in the house of thunder, the Germans settled. The owners themselves were actually evicted to the street, and before the late autumn, the family jutter in a small shed.

Occupation of Ulyana perceived as a personal insult. Carenting with the Germans, she did not hesitate to frankly express her contempt for those who went to cooperate with the Nazis. Close to be asked to be careful, but the girl did not pay attention to it. She was pretended by the thought of the submissive existence under the rule of "new order".

It is not surprising that it is Ulyana with May Peggivanovaand Anatoly Popov Organized in the village of Pervomayka, the patriotic group of young people, which in September 1942 entered the "Young Guard".

Postage stamp of the USSR, 1944: "Fame Heroes-Komsomolets of the Young Guard of Krasnodona!". Photo:

Red flag of hope

A month later, Ulyana was elected by a member of the headquarters of the organization. She took an active part in the preparation of combat operations, the preparation and distribution of anti-fascist leaflets, collecting medicines, conducting agitation among the population, calling for not to obey the enemy and disrupt its plans for the supply of products to the fascists, as well as recruitment of young people to work in Germany.

One of the most audacious shares of Ulyana spent on the night of November 7, 1942. In honor of the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution, she together with Anatoly Popov Waterwasted the Red Flag on the Mine Pipe No. 1-bis pipe in the Occupied Krasnodone.

Reproduction of portraits of leaders of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard". Photo: RIA Novosti

By the end of 1942, the situation at the front was so that over the Nazis hung the threat of retreat from the Donbass.

Under these conditions, German counterintelligence, Gestapo, the police and gendarmey have intensified efforts to defeat the Communist underground. Young guards, bold and initiative, were not outstanding conspirators, so the exposure of the organization was the matter of time. On January 1, 1943, the first arrests took place, on January 5, they took a massive character, and by January 11, the entire bones of the organization turned out to be in the hands of Hitlerists, including Ulyan Gromo.

Ulyana after the first arrests of his comrades hatched their liberation plans, but did not have time to translate them into life.

"My brother's favorite, I die"

Once in a prison chamber, she did not fell in spirit, encouraged others. At interrogations, her confidence in his own right moved German accomplices from themselves. "Not for that I entered the organization to then ask you for forgiveness; I regret only one thing that we have done a little! ", she threw in the face of the investigator.

The bold girl tried to break to torture. Dry lines of forensic examination made after the detection of the destruction of young guards, say: "Ulyana Gromova, 19 years old, a five-pointed star was carved on her back, the right hand of tribe, broken the ribs."

She had to survive terrible flour, but she did not give anyone and did not give any testimony. Incredible durability of Ulyana helped hold her comrades.

Understanding that it remains to live a few hours, Ulya scared on the camera's wall to a farewell note:

"Goodbye mom,
Goodbye dad
Goodbye my whole relatives,
Goodbye my brother's favorite era,
You will no longer see me.
Your motors in a dream will dream,
Your mill in the eyes is always worth it.
My brother is a loved one, I die,
Rightly stand for your homeland. "

Already after the liberation of Krasnodon, the inscription on the jail wall will find Vera Krotov - Girlfriend and distant relative of Ulyana. Leaf, to which Vera rewritten the farewell words of Ulyana, is now stored in the museum.

Matvey Maksimovich Gromov, Father Ulyana Gromovo, stands at his house where a memorial plaque hangs. 1972 year. Photo: RIA Novosti / Datsyuk

Life for which not ashamed

On January 16, 1943, Ulyanu Gromo and her comrades were taken to the Shurof Krasnodon Mine number 5, where they were executed, after which the bodies were reset in the mine. Some of the undergrounders threw down alive. Then the mine was thrown by grenades.

February 14, 1943, the city of Krasnodon was released by Soviet troops. The bodies of the dead young guards raised from the mine and on March 1, 1943 with the Military Humans, they burned in a brotherly grave in the Komsomol Park, in the very center of Krasnodon.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Ulyana Matveyevna Thunder posthumously awarded the honorary title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Among your favorite phrases from books that I wrote out to your diary Ulyana, there were words from the book Nikolai Ostrovsky "How Steel was tempered": "The most expensive person in a person is life. It is given to him once, and it is necessary to live it so that it is not painfully painful for aimlessly lived years so as not to get a shame for a gentle and petty past and so that, dying, could say: all life and all the forces were given to the most beautiful in the world - The struggle for the liberation of mankind. "

Ulyana Gromova managed to live his short life as they taught her favorite writers.

Ulyana Matveyevna Gromova (January 3, 1924, P. Pervomayka Krasnodonsky district of the Voroshilovgrad region - January 16, 1943, Krasnodon) - Member of the organization's headquarters Young guard

Ulyana Gromova in 1940 date of birth:

Place of Birth:

village Pervomayka, Lugansk district, Donetsk province, Ukrainian SSR, USSR


Date of death:

Place of death:

Krasnodon, Voroshilovgrad region

Awards and Prizes:

Ulyana Matveevna Gromova was born on January 3, 1924 in the village of Pervomayka Krasnodonsky district. The family had five children, Ulya - the youngest. In 1932, Ulyana went to the first class of May Day school number 6. He studied perfectly, passed from class to class with commendable certificates.

In March 1940, she joined the ranks of the VLKSM. He studied in the tenth grade, when the Great Patriotic War began. Together with his peers, Ulyana worked at the collective farm fields, cared for wounded in the hospital.

In 1942 he graduated from school.

He has awards: the hero of the Soviet Union, the Order of Lenin, the medal partisan of the Patriotic War of 1 degree.

During the occupation period, Anatoly Popov and Ulyana Gromov organized a patriotic group of young people in the village of Pervomayka, which entered the "Young Guard". Gromovo was elected by a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization. She took part in the preparation of combat operations, distributed leaflets, collecting medicines, led agitation among the population, calling to disrupt the plans of the occupiers for the supply of products to recruit youth to Germany. On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution, together with Anatoly Popov Ulyana hung a red flag on the mine pipe.

In January 1943, Gestapo was arrested. In the interrogations, refused to give any indications about the activities of the underground workers. After torture, on January 16, 1943, she was executed and threw mine in Shurf No. 5:

"Ulyana Gromova, 19 years old, a five-pointed star was carved on his back, the right hand was broken, broken ribs."

(Archive of the KGB at the Soviet of the USSR, d. 100-275, vol. 8).

He was buried in the mass grave of heroes on the central square of the city of city, where the memorial complex was built " Young guard».

  • Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Ulyana Matveyevna Gromova posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • the order of Lenin
  • medal "Partiz of Patriotic War" 1st degree
  • The feat of the "Young Guard" is devoted to Roman A. A. Fadeeva "Young Guard", where she became the prototype of the character of the same name.
  • In 1948, in the film "Young Guard" on the novel of the same name, the role of Ulyana Gromovoova played Nonna Mordyukova.
  • In honor of the Ulyana Thunder in many cities of the former Soviet Union, monuments were established, named with her name of the streets, a motor ship.

Heroes-Young Guard: Ulyana Gromova, Ivan Zhardhov, Oleg Koshevoy, Sergey Tyulenyn, Lyubov Shevtsova

Gromova Ulyana Matveyevna is the secondary sishes of my mother Ovchinnikova (Côte) Valentina Alekseevna and the cousin of my grandmother Kornienko Ulyana Fedorovna born in 1905 born of a natives of the Poltava region of Ukraine. Gromov Matvey Maksimovich Father Ulya is a cousin of my grandmother Kornienko Ulyana Fedorovna. Before departure from the Poltava region of my grandmother's parents with family, they were friends with thoroughly friends.

In February 1943, my grandmother received a letter from the thunder, in which Parents of the Uli reported her death from the hands of German occupiers and traitors-one-person who went to the service to the fascists. The whole family of my grandmother, all his life, mourn on a 19 year old niece brutal brutal and dead in terrible flour. While there were alive parents of Ulyana Gromovoy, they supported related ties with my grandmother's family until the mid-70s. After the death of Gromov, Matvey Maximovich, the connection was cut off.

We are holy honorable memory of the Ulyana Thunder and all our numerous relatives, participating in the Great Patriotic War in the battlefields and in the work in the rear during these years for the benefit of the victory of our people, including those who received state awards for participating in the Great Patriotic War and for the work in the rear.

We would like to find all the now living descendants of thunder.

Ulyana Matveyevna Gromova was born on January 3, 1924 in the village of Pervomayka Krasnodonsky District, the family had five children, Ulya - the youngest. Father, Matvey Maksimovich, formerly from the family of the Don Cossacks, often told the children about the glory of Russian weapons, about the famous commanders, about the past fights and campaigns, raising the pride in children for their people and their homeland. Mother, Matrena Savelievna, knew a lot of songs, epic, was a real popular focus.
In 1932, Ulyana went to the first class of May Day school number 6. He studied perfectly, passed from class to class with commendable certificates. "Gromova is considered to be the best student class and school," said the former director of School No. 6 I. A. Shkraba .- Of course, she has excellent abilities, high development, but the main role belongs to work - hard and systematic. It studies with soul, Interest. Thanks to this knowledge of thunder wider, the understanding of the phenomena deeper than many of her co-figures. "
Ulyana read a lot a lot was a passionate fan of M. Yu. Lermontov, and T. G. Shevchenko, A. M. Gorky and Jack London. He led the diary, where the expression he liked from the just read books was introduced.
In 1939, Gromov was elected a member of the Studenth. In March 1940, she joined the ranks of the VLKSM. With the first Komsomolsky order - the leader in the pioneer squad - she successfully coped. Carefully prepared for each collection, made cuts from newspapers and magazines, chose children's poems and stories.
Ulyana was a tenth-grader when the Great Patriotic War began. By this time, as I was recalled by I. A. Shkraba, "she has already developed solid concepts about the debt, honor, morality. This is a volitional nature." It was distinguished by a wonderful feeling of friendship, collectivism. Together with his peers, Olya worked on the collective farm fields, cared for wounded in the hospital. In 1942 he graduated from school.
During the occupation period, Anatoly Popov and Ulyana Gromov organized a patriotic group of young people in the village of Pervomayka, which entered the "Young Guard". Gromovo is elected by a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization. It takes an active part in the preparation of young guidance combat operations, distributes leaflets, collects medicines, keeps work among the population, campaigning Krasnodonians to disrupt the plans of the occupiers for the supply of products, to recruit youth to Germany.
On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Great October, together with Anatoly Popov Ulyana hung a red flag on the pipe mine No. 1- bis.
Ulyana Gromova was a decisive, brave underground, was distinguished by the hardness of belief, the ability to instill confidence in others. These qualities with particular force manifested themselves in the most tragic period of her life, when in January 1943 she fell into fascist dungeons. As the mother of Valeria Forers, Maria Andreevna, Ulyana, and in the chamber, convinced about the struggle: "It is necessary in any conditions, in any atmosphere not to bend, but to find a way out and fight. We can also fight in these conditions, just need to be more decisive and organized ".
With dignity held herself Ulyana Gromov at interrogations, refusing to give any testimony about the activities of the underground workers.
"... Ulyana Gromov was suspended by the hair, cut out on his back a five-pointed star, cut off his chest, caught the body with rotable glands and the wounds sprinkled with salt, put on a hot plate. Torture continued for a long time and mercilessly, but she was silent. When, after the next beatings, the investigator Cherenkov asked Ulyan, why she keeps himself so defiant, the girl replied: "Not for that I entered the organization to then ask for forgiveness; I regret only one thing that we had little to do! But nothing, perhaps, we will still have time to rescue the Red Army! ... "from the book A.F. Gordeyev" Feat in the name of life "
Ulyana Gromova died on January 15, 1943 at 9 pm in the prison cell, without preparing the most cruel sadistic torture. Only her body was dismissed most of all, which indicates that she resisted until the last minute of life, without giving any of his young guards. The fascist guards did not achieve any recognition from it. This is evidenced by the remaining young Guardians. On January 16, 1943, Ulyanu Gromoi, together with other young guards, threw mine guards in Shurf mine 5. After 3 weeks, Soviet troops entered Krasnodon ....
"Ulyana Gromova, 19 years old, a five-pointed star was carved on her back, the right hand was broken, broken the ribs" (Archive of the KGB with the Soviet of the USSR, d. 100-275, vol. 8).
He was buried in the brother grave of heroes on the central square of the city of Krasnodon.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of September 13, 1943, a member of the headquarters of the underground Komsomol organization "Young Guard" Ulyana Matveyevna Gromova posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.