"The authentic type of Russian folk nature in" Leftersh. Lefty - People's Hero What folk images were reflected in Lefters

"The authentic type of Russian folk nature in" Leftersh. Lefty - People's Hero What folk images were reflected in Lefters

The writing

1. The best features of the Russian people in Levershem.
2. The originality and talent of the hero.
3. Patriotism of Lefty.
4. The tragedy of the image.

Leskov - the most distinctive writer Russian, alien to all sorts of influences. Reading his books, better feel Rus ...
M. Gorky

The basis of his famous tale "Levsh" N. S. Leskov put a folk joke about how "the British from Steel Blokh did, and our tulaki fell her down, and they sent them back."

The art of art imagination writer created an image of a talented nuggetary hero. Left -sha is the embodiment of natural Russian talent, hard work, patience and merry good nature. The image of Levshi embodied the best features of the Russian people: resilight, modesty, identity. How many of those no one unknown folk craftsmen were in Russia!

The whole story will penetrate the feeling of deep patriotism. Undoubtedly, an important point is the fact that "Sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich in his Russian people was very confident, and did not love to give any foreigner." That's what he told the Cossack Platov, Velus to convey to Tula masters: "Tell them from me that my brother of this thing was surprised and strangers who did the infusority, praised everyone, and I hope that they were no worse. They will not be damaged to my words. "

Before the big and small business in Russia, God's blessing always asked. And the masters in the story of Leskov pray in front of the icon of St. Nicholas, the patron of commercial and military business. A strict secret under which they did their own business, says that Russian people have not loved to put themselves. The main thing for them was to do, the honor is not to be posted. They tried them to frighten, as if the house was burning in the neighborhood, but nothing took these cunning masters. Once, only Lefty leaned over his shoulders and shouted: "Lay yourself, and we have no time." Gorky is that many such nuggets of Russia lived in the terrible setting of meal human dignity. And unfortunately, many of them had the power of the "anarchist-hop element", aggravated by the already their ugly position. Any Samodor could be a lag in negligence, on indifference, yes, just to destroy the talent. The submission of Levshi, dishonored by unknown where from the native land without the "Tugament" sadly speaks about it. "The masters he only dared to say for his comrade, what about, they say, you take it from us so without tugament? He can not be back to follow! " But the answer to them was only a plaguing fist. And this humility, combined with a sense of self-esteem, with confidence in his skillful hands, with genuine modesty is brightly reflected in the leak character in the nature of the left.

His response of the board, when he does not understand him, hits him and Treplet for the hair, causes respect: "I have all my hair while studying, but I don't know what kind of need to be needed for me?" And confident in his work speaks further with dignity: "We are a lot of satisfied that you treated us for us, but we didn't spoil anything to us: take in the strongest small melkoscope."

Left -shest is not ashamed to appear before the sovereign itself in his "old Ogethouse", whose and the collar is broken. It does not have a rivalry, no as well. Natural simplicity with which he is not embarrassed by the sovereign leads to a surprise of nobles, but all their nodes and hints on what is needed with the state truck in court with flattery and cunning, do not lead to anything. The sovereign himself says: "Leave ..., let him answer how he knows." These Leskov once again emphasizes that the main thing in man is not an appearance and manners (anyone can be dressed and manners to teach), and his talent, his ability to bring people benefits and joy. After all, it was Lefty who was interested in the British, and not a courier, although he "and Chin had and various languages \u200b\u200bwere scientist."

Patriotism of left-handed even in its naive simplicity causes sincere sympathy and respect. He is constantly emphasized by the author: "We are all committed to our homeland", "I have parents at home," "our Russian faith is the right one, and how our forefathers believed, just need to believe and descendants." Even the British tea was poured out of respect "in Russian, in principle with sugar." And that, they did not offer left-handed, I appreciate his talent and inner dignity, but "His British could not knock him down, so that he was abandoned ...".

His longing in his homeland is stronger that no amenities, disadvantages could not keep the left-handers in a foreign land: "How to get out of the buffet to the tutorial, so the desire to Russia had it that it could not be soothered ...". And what could be annoying, crying and absurd of the behavior of the left master on the ship when returning from England? Anarchically-Cross Element played a tragic role in his fate.

The fate of the leisk hero is deeply tragic. What indifference he is met in his homeland! Left -shest dies meaninglessly and stupid, as often happened in Russian history, amazing talents, disseminated by contemporaries and bitterly plated descendants. "Levshu was brought so uncooch, yes, as from one cab driver, they will replant with another - everyone drops, and it will be raised to raise - the ears are torn to come into memory. They brought to one hospital - they do not take without a tugament, brought to another - and they do not take it there, and in the third, and in the fourth - until the very morning it was dragging it to all remote curvoputans and everything was transplanted, so it was all beating. " Being already at death, Leftre is not thinking about his life, but about his fatherland and asks to convey to the sovereign that the British struck him most: "Tell me the sovereign that the British guns are not brickly brick, let us not clean, and then keep the god of war, they shoot are not suitable. "

The Tale of Lefters, who hobbed Steel Bloch, soon after writing, he became a legend in Russia, and the hero himself was a symbol of the amazing art of folk craftsmen, the true type of Russian folk nature, his amazing spiritual simplicity, internal human dignity, talentedness, patientity and honesty. The writer himself agreed with the summary of the reviewer of the "New Time", which "where" left-handed "is, it is necessary to read the Russian people.

Other writings on this work

The author and narrator in the story of N.S.Leskova "Left -sha Pride for the people in the fairy tale N.S. Leskova "Left -sha Lefty is a folk hero. Love and pain for Russia in the story of N. Leskov "Levsh". Love and pain for Russia in the fairy tale N. S. Leskov "Levsh" Russian story in the story of N. S. Leskova "Levsh" The plot and the problematics of one of the works of N. S. Leskova ("Left -sha"). Tragic and comic in the tales of N. S. Leskov "Levsh" Folklore traditions in the work of one of the Russian writers of the XIX century (N.S. Klekzkov "Left -sha N.S.Leskov. "Lefty." The originality of the genre. Theme of the Motherland in the Judge of N. Leskov "Levsh" Lefty 1. Takes of images of a folk nature in the story of Leskova "Left -sha Lefty 2. Plot and problematics of one story Leskova "Left -sha Brief description of the work of the "Lefty" Leskova N.S. Leskov "Levshy" Lefty 3

The work of "Talk about the Tula Spirithe and Steel Blook" was written by the famous Russian writer of the XIX century N. S. Leskov in 1881, 20 years after the cancellation of serfdom. These difficult years were a difficult period in the history of our country and they found their reflection in the work of the prose.

"Lefty", as most of the author's works, is devoted to ordinary Russian people. Under the first publication, N. S. Leskov, N. S. Leskov, left the preface, in which he called his creation "specially gun legend" and "tale", but later removed him, since the criticism took his words literally and found the work of the record really existing Legends.

The work is a story stylized by the author under the tale, and its plot is written on the basis of both real and fictional events. Why did Leskov called his creation by a folk legend? Most likely, the writer tried to draw the attention of readers to the course of the development of the story canvas, to make his hero to be consonant with the characters of the old Russian epic. Perhaps the role was played by the fact that the leaks wanted to create the visibility of his innocence to the history of Lehshi to make his image more popular. Despite the fact that in the work there are fabulous motives, the story belongs to the genre of critical realism, since when it is created, the author put an emphasis on national problems: autocracy, the difficulties of life of a Russian person, the confrontation of our world in those years in civilized Western. The plexus of comic and tragic, fairy tales and reality is the distinctive features of Leskov's creations.

Master of the Leskov Letter Master makes his works by the real museum of Russian govors. In his style there are no elegant classic forms, which was rich in Pushkin or Turgenev's speech, but there is simplicity inherent in our people. The worker and sovereign speak completely differently, and this difference only emphasizes one of the one that the author denoted: the problem of social inequality, the split between the tops and the bottom, which was observed in Russia of that time.

After the leaks removed from the "Tula's Tula Spirithe and Steel Blook" Preface, the composition of the story lost its integrity, since initially the main story was framed by the preface and the final chapter.

The main compositional acceptance of the story is opposed. The author draws attention not so much on the differences between the English and Russian life, how much to the difference between ordinary employees and the top of the authorities, which the sovereign is in the work. The writer reveals his portrait, consistently showing the attitude of the emperor to his subordinate.

In the "Szap about the Tula Spirithe and Steel Blook", the main character is a skillful master, personifying the diligence and talent of the Russian people. Drawing an image of left-handers, fishing racks depicts his character as a righteous and a national hero. He is ready to sacrifice himself in the name of the Fatherland. The main features of this person are high morality, patrioticity, religiosity. He is not seduced by the wealth of England, being in another country, he constantly thinks of his homeland. Nevertheless, when Left -sha returns to Russia, he falls and dies, no one needs. The author deeply sympathizes his hero, in his rows you can see bitterness to a person, merit and whose name was forgotten.

But not one left master of fishing pays attention. The problem of a gifted person is not the only one raised by the author in this story. The opposition of a simple master emperor is read in many episodes of the work. The scene of the left-handed place is indicative of the sovereign, in which the latter demonstrately connects to an ordinary employee. Further, the author depicts a meeting of the main character with English masters belonging to Lefters without a share of arrogance. Leski's desire to show this antithesis to show the conflict not as many two states, how many different social layers.

An extensive list of problems raised by N. S. Leskov in the lead "Levsh" was reflected in the daily life of Russia of that time. The indifference of the authorities to their subjects, the uneducation of the Russian people, the cultural and economic backwardness of the country from the West - all this had an acute relevance at the end of the XIX century. It is in the inattention of the highest ranks to the fate of the real geniuses of the Leskov sees the reason for public unanswered in Russia.

Though from the day of publication, the work has passed more than a hundred years, many topics set by the author in the "Judge about Spirit Tula left-handed and a steel flea" are relevant in our modern life. N. S. Leskov created a narrow-minded story in which answers to exciting topical questions are given.

  • "Lefty", summary of the leaders of Leskov
  • "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County", analysis of the story of Leskov

Leskov N. S.

Writing on the product on the topic: Folklore traditions in the work of one of the Russian writers of the XIX century. (N. S. S.LESK. "Lefty".)

Few of the Writers of the nineteenth century so widely used folklore and folk traditions in their work. Deeply believing in the spiritual strength of the people, it is nevertheless far from his idealization, from the creation of idols, from the "idol liturgy man", using the expression of Gorky. The writer explained his position by the fact that he "studied the people not in conversations with St. Petersburg reclosers", but "grew up in the people" and that he "did not stick the people to the stilts, nor put him under his feet."
Confirmation of writing objectivity can serve as a "Tula Spool and Steel Blook", estimated at one time criticism as "a set of judovo expressions in the style of ugly scientific" (A. Volynsky). Unlike other fantastic works of Leskova, the narrator from the folk medium does not have specific features. This anonymous protrudes from the face of an indefinite set, as his kind of roar. The people always have a variety of senses transmitted from the mouth and convertible in the process of such transfer to all sorts of speculation, assumptions, new details. The legend is going on by the people, and such a freely created, embodying "People's Glory", and appears in Leftersha.
Interestingly, the Leskov in the first printed editors took the story of such a preface: "I recorded this legend in Sestroretsk on the Skazya Skhant, from the old gunsight, the Tula, who moved to his sister-river back to the reign of Emperor Alexander First. The narrator two years ago was still in good power and in fresh memory; He willingly recalled the old days, very honored the sovereign Nikolai Pavlovich, lived "on the old faith," he read the divine books and bred canary. " The abundance of "reliable" details did not leave the place for doubt, but everything turned out to be. The literary hoax, which by Soon the author himself was exposed soon: "I composed this story in May last month, and Left -sha has a face mine." On the question of the fiction of the left-handers of the fishing line will be returned, and in the lifetime collection of works will remove the "preface" finally. This hoax itself was needed to see the illusion of the author of the author to the content of the tale.
However, with all the external simplicity of the narrative and this story Leskova has a "double bottom". Improving folk ideas about Russian autocrats, military leaders, about people of another nation, about themselves, an innocent narrator knows nothing that he thinks about the same created by his author. But the Leskovskaya "Tynsopus" allows you to clearly hear the author's voice. And the voice of this will tell that the rulers are alienated from the people who will neglect their duty in front of him that these rulers are accustomed to power, which is not necessary to justify the presence of their own advantages, which is not the supreme power to be an honor and fate of the nation, but simple Tula men. They are caught by the honor and glory of Russia and make it hope.
However, the author will not hide that the Tula Masters, who managed to cut the English flea, in essence, spoiled a mechanical toy, because "they didn't go in sciences" that they, "deprived of the opportunity to do a story, created anecdotes."
England and Russia (Orlovshchina, Tula, Petersburg, Penza), Revel and Merrekchul, the Ukrainian village of Merchada - Such is the "geography" of the stories and the leader of the Leskov in the book alone. People of different nations come in the most unexpected relationships and relationships. "True-Russian man" will take the ingenians, it turns out to be depending on their "system". Finding universal in the lives of different peoples and seeking to emit the present and future of Russia in connection with the course of historical processes in Europe, Leskov at the same time clearly aware of the originality of his country. At the same time, he did not fall into the extremes of Westernity and the Slavophilia, and retained to the position of an objective artistic study. How did you manage to "try to the Russian" writer and a person who passionately to Russia and his people, to find a measure of such objectivity? The answer is in the work of Leskova.
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Zhirnova Sasha. Features of N.S. Leskova "Left -sham" and its adaptation

(Before the start of the report on the screen is displayed cartoon from the beginning to 00:25 seconds)


Many of us since childhood is familiar to this old Soviet cartoon for the leaders of Lefty. However, even those who carefully read the story of Leskov, are unlikely to think about how accurately in this, seemingly uncomplicated, the adaptation was transferred to the main features of not only the works of Leskov, but also the so-called "folk epic".

Features of the genre

To identify the characteristic features of the story "Left -sham", first of all should be referred to as a tale genre in which the story is written. The tale is a genre with installation on an oral word (that is, the recreation or imitation of speech), or a genre in which the narrator and the author do not coincide. Most likely, "Left -sha" refers to the second type of tale, which explains the need to publish the preface to the story: "Of course, the preface was an obvious literary reception, designed to substantiate the introduction of a personalized narrator, a special speech system carrier, that is, to motivate a fantastic narrative form of a story" (uh .L. Immunov, "" Tula's Tula lens ... "like folk epic" :).

In the cartoon, in contrast to the story, the separation of the author and the narrator is not so obvious, because, although they say different languages, the author's composite is not separated from the speech of the storyteller and starts almost immediately after her.

(Here you need to show the cartoon from 40:50 minutes to the end)

However, we should not forget that the tale is not the only genre to which the story "Left -sha" belongs. Leskov does not fit into the "mainstream" of Russian literature of his time - in his works there are no so-called "big ideas", he is interested in a joke, about whom he writes in his "literary explanation", printed after readers, reading the preface, in which it was said that the story of Lefters was heard from the old Tula master, Leskov began to reproach that his role in the narration was purely stenographic. "As for the very savvy tula, the English flea itself, then this is not a legend at all, but a short joke or a boom, like the" German monkey ", which" German was invented, but she could not sit down (everyone jumped), and the Moscow member took it to her tail sewed- she and sat down. " In this monkey, even the same idea and the same tone, in which the praise, maybe much less than a soft irony over his ability to improve all the overseas trick, "he writes.

So what is a joke? First of all, this is an intricate story that does not claim on truthfulness, which is clearly reflected in the story where there is a lot of implausible: from anachronism (the arrival of Platov to St. Petersburg, mentioned in the story, could not happen earlier than 1826, while the boards died already in 1818, about what Leskov, I certainly knew) to fabulous elements, which will be said later.

Lubric tradition

Speaking about a joke in the Russian literary tradition, it is impossible not to remember about the firm, or the cheating pictures, which have been very popular among the third class from the XVIII to the XIX century. A distinctive feature of such pictures was simplicity of drawing and compositions, as well as, depending on the genre, instructiveness or intricateness of the plot of the scene.

(Here you need to show a few examples of the cheating pictures, for example: "Cat mice bit", "Kulikovskaya battle" :).

The creators of the cartoon very accurately caught the spirit of the story, as if conceded from one of these inquiry, and shielded the "Levshi" in such a style.

(Here you can turn on the cartoon in some one place and compare the image with the luffic pictures)


But, in my opinion, the most important thing in the cartoon is not even reproducing the lobal tradition, but the preservation and correct feed will take the folk-epic genre, which are noticeable here is hardly more than in the original story.

This applies, for example, to the nature and image of heroes, what I wrote A.A. Gorelov: "The overturricity of the entire Russian historic world in the folk sphere gave the characteristics of Leskov's tale, those features that allow you to see in each owner of the real-historical name not a genuine history figure, and a certain oral-folk version of his activities, mean every name of some kind of deserved carrier In history, popular reputation, performance, adopted and distributed by universal molva. " First of all, you should remember the image of Ataman Platov, who "as he heard that such anxiety in the palace, now he has risen from the ukushchka and appeared to the sovereign in all orders."

(Here you need to show an episode of the cartoon, where the boards come to Petersburg, 13:10)

In the same article E.L. Immunition writes: "On the same kind of [supernatural] the abilities speak and incredibly long from the point of view of ordinary lasting laying plates on the" annoying ukuushkin "and as infinite smoking of the tube. This suggests that the story of the history of Lefthest tales it precisely into folklore forms, as if he was thinking with clisphanized folklore images. " These folklore images include the extraordinary image of the platform driving, also reflected in the cartoon.

(Episode with a trip to Tula, 14:30)

An idea of \u200b\u200ba jewelry stored in several spacing, which can be found in many folk tales and epics (for example, we all remember the fairy tale about the blasting-immortal).

(Episode with Blossi, 9:57)


All these and many other features of the story, which were reflected in the screening, serve as one goal, and this goal is not to humiliate the Russian people, as they thought alone, and not to flatter him, as others believed, but to explore (exactly explore) an amazing Russian character depicted Not even in an unnamed Master-Lefters, but in the epic character of the narration, which is created in the cartoon with the help of detail, general style and following Russian traditions.