Why Daria Vosobochoe was among the best on the "battle of psychics. "Battle of Psychics" Daria Vosobobeva, how old, family, biography? Darius Vosobobeva Instagram

Why Daria Vosobochoe was among the best on the
Why Daria Vosobochoe was among the best on the "battle of psychics. "Battle of Psychics" Daria Vosobobeva, how old, family, biography? Darius Vosobobeva Instagram

According to the results of the next issue of the 17th season of the project "Battle of psychics", a 36-year-old Witch Darius Vosobobeva was recognized as a 36-year-old Witch. This time the rest of the participants were convinced that the chances of winning a woman were very great. With each new test, she confirms their extraordinary abilities that she, by the way, was transferred from the great-grandfather. The information is not exactly confirmed, but according to familiar psychics, when it was a completely child, she fell off the roof of a five-story building. At that moment, when the fall happened, she heard a voice inside him, who told her that everything would be fine. A miracle is or not, but an unexpectedly the girl changed the trajectory of the fall and was on the second floor. She could not come to himself for a long time, and the voice continued to firmly, that she was transferred to the unusual abilities that she should immediately start developing.

There is also the opinion that the Darius is owned by her future gift, together with whom he went to the field at the guys. He asked the granddaughter to catch the steppe bird. But in order for it to work out, it was important to merge with the ground and grass, stop being noticeable. When the girl managed to do this, her relative stated that she was special. After that, the life of the future witch changed dramatically. She began working a lot on themselves, to train and improve the ability in it. She had to be not easy, since most of her loved ones categorically refused to believe in her uniqueness. It gave rise to a lot of jokes and frills that Voskoboev hurt. But she found the strength to overcome this pressure and open a different reality.

It is known for certain that graduating from school, Darius entered the Pedagogical Institute named after A.I. Herzen. Already after his end, she was seriously engaged in psychic. Already in those young years, she could bring and remove damage, clean the apartment from the otherworldly forces, help people in their troubles. Over time, these skills just improved. She is called a "combat witch", and she herself positions itself as a medium, tracker, master of witchcraft of the East and the caster of animals and birds. In its work, it combines ancient rituals with modern methods. Darius admits that it addresses a sufficiently large number of people with one and the same problems. To many, she advises to start working on themselves to develop a magical beginning.

"Only the development of yourself, new knowledge and skills can radically change the life and remove the problems with which people most often appeal to me. And I often say about it that I can help one, twice, but go near all my life and put straws - no! "How to become a magician?" - This is perhaps the most correct appeal for the help I heard! " - Woskoboeva is recognized.

The witch considers its arrival at the "battle" of the witch. Favoriving in St. Petersburg, she met Natalia Banteva and joined her clan. That long and stubbornly coached it, and, in fact, she also insisted that Darius would try herself in the program. The winner of the ninth season probably suspected which risk goes, sending the ward. Voskoboeva accurately determined the car in which a man was hidden. However, the Safron's brothers seemed suspicious to the brothers, and they asked the clairvoyant to go through this task again. She could not specify a faithful car, but told everything about a girl who hid at this time in the trunk of the car. Then it was decided that if the medium rents for the third time, it will continue to participate in the competition. To the surprise of viewers, Daria coped perfectly.

During the latest tests, Vosobochoe managed to understand the tasks and help the characters of the program in their troubles. Her appearance on the set was accompanied by a long silence, and her answers were struck by the skeptics of the "battle of psychics". On one of the tests it was necessary to determine who stands behind the door and after finding out that this person worries. According to the result, the "combat witch" showed the best result.

At the same time, Voskoboeva continues to remain restrained and is not very sprayed about the well-deserved victory. She always tried to avoid excessive emotional flow, otherwise it, according to her, can negatively affect the future. Looking at the iron character of the wax, fans are wondering how things are in her personal life. Judging by the photographs on social networks, she has a husband, Sasha's son and the daughter of God. The medium managed to create a full-fledged and formed cell of society, but its inner world is in constant movement, it changes with it.

"We were all created in the image and likeness, but someone has a genetic predisposition and these people are easier to develop their abilities. Only knowledge and experience in research are true way to the development of extrasensory abilities! " - believes the participant "Battle".

Daria prefers not to spread about his loved ones, as it believes that this can lead to depressing consequences. One way or another, since the arrival of the program, it pleases subscribers with family pictures, judging by which the screen image, according to network users, does not seem so gloomy and mysterious. Darius admits that it tries to be near the children as often as possible. She is engaged in their upbringing, education, attending various sports sections with them so that thereby diversify the lives of their younger heirs. Folloviers believe that Voskoboeva looks good, despite the loaded schedule, and its powerful look will certainly bring it to the final.

"I follow you in the project, admire your work! I wish the victory! "," Waiting for every series of psychics with impatience! What you do is unrealistically cool! I have no doubt that you will be in the top three! "," Your abilities inspire me! I hope that you still can be able to show! " - They are divided by the opinion of Follovier in "Instagram".

    Darius Waxoboeva is one of the most powerful participants in the seventeenth battles of psychics. On the battle, she came to the company with the winner of the ninth battle - Natalia Banteva. What gives the assumption that they consist in the same Witch Cove. Where Tatyana Larina also consists.

    Darius Vosobobeva is black magic. Calls himself a witch.

    Darius Vosobobeva - a very bright person.

    Some facts from the biography:

    Hometown - St. Petersburg.

    It is known that Darius is married. Her husband is the name of Vlad.

    There are two children - Son and daughter.

    Vkontakte page.

    Instagram page.

    the next charlatanka is the same as Banteaeva, and the like by the cities give some not clear concerts, no real magician not one true witch will not go to the battle and all the more will not ride around the cities with concerts to row from the gullible Rosyan Money, do not believe these cheat.

    Darius Waxoboeva is another witch from Koven Banteva, which will apparently be represented by him in the next season of the battle of psychics. At least, on a qualifying round, she lit up with Larina and Bantean, and not even experiencing great respect for witches, it is necessary to recognize that very strong participants will always come to the project, so it was very easy to go through the screen for her.

    About this psychic is still known to be very small, it is quite possible that Darius Waxoboeva is a pseudonym. On the Vkontakte page you can read that it was born in St. Petersburg on May 6. The age of Diyria is difficult to determine, but for the appearance of 30-35 years, with constant makeup it is more difficult to say more precisely. Waskoboeva wedding a wide profile is a medium, and a specialist in combat magic, can change the time of time. So if she fell into the 17 season we can witness the most real wonders and real battles.

    About the personal life of Daria until nothing is known for sure. It often appears in the pictures with a small girl of God, apparently daughter, and a older boy - Sasha, in a person who also has similarities with Godia. But the husband could not be identified in the pictures.

    Psychic Darius Waxoboeva lives in St. Petersburg. 36 years. Birthday on May 6th. Received an education in the RGPU. Herzen. Positioning Say as a medium, witch, ritualger.

    Psychic Darius Vakobochoe VKontakte account.

    Page Instagram psychic Daria Vosoboboeva.

    Official group of VKontakte Psychic Daria Vosoboboeva

    Darius Vosobobeva - the participant of the seventeenth season of the battle of psychics and it seems to me, its possible winner, even the first series showed that it is incredibly strong and has supernatural abilities. Three times she had to look for a man in the trunk, the first and third time Daria successfully coped with the task, also a good test with Shirm and Mr. X was well.

    On battle, she came with Natalia Bontteeva, one might say, a famous witch made an advertisement to his girlfriend.

    Some information about it can be viewed on its Vkontakte page. Although something special and too frank you can not find there. I think that the following series a lot of new things about it should be revealed to us, and if Dasha gets to the final (I believe it), then we know the lot of all new and interesting things about the finalists.

    Daria appeared very effectively in the first issue of the battle, accompanied by Larina and Bantean. Banteaeva said Daria Best. It is known that it works together with Bantean, is the student. In addition, Daria herself conducts training, seminars, she herself is positioned with Eastern magic. In 1 release of the 17th season of the battle, she successfully coped with the test to find a person in the car, which is the test she passed three times, and she was able to find a person twice.

    On his page in contact, she exhibited photos by which you can understand that there is not a chosen one, and two children, a boy and a girl.

    On this site you can find contacts Daria.

    Daria Voskoboeva is one of the new participants of the 17th season of the show the battle of psychics. It was her that she prophesy fame and success, recalling the name Bantean, Rydos and Larina. In addition, Darutions have seen many times accompanied by all these strong psychics; Darius consists in the clan Natalia Banteva!

    Darius Waxoboeva Born on May 6 in the city of St. Petersburg (for the appearance of 30 years). She graduated from St. Petersburg gymnasium 192, as well as a university: Herzen RSPPU. At the moment, Daria is devoted to magic and psychic, teaches and studying in the clan Natalia Banteva.

    Personal life Daria Voskoboeva Slightly ajar (by the way amazing). Darius married her husband is named Vlad And, they constantly publish their joint photos on the Internet. They have daughter With a magnificent name Bozhen - Madly cute girl, if you judge the photo. As well as in many resources, in particular on its pages, there are photos boy Sasha (Sasha R'ID) ... but here whether he is their child or not - it is not clear.

    Darius Vakobobeva Vkontakte;

    Dariusos Vosobobeva in Instagram.

    Darius Waxoboeva is a fairly interesting participant of the 17th season of the battle of psychics. As I understood, she is there something with black magic a little connected.

    She is from St. Petersburg. It is known that the birthday celebrates on May 6th. There is a husband and two children of different floors.

    Darius from Coven Witch Natalia Banteva.

    Page in social networks can also help tell about the witch Darius Voskoboeva.

    In contact with.


    It seemed to me that she was an evil witch. And nevertheless should be in the final. Together with Swami Dasha.

    Darius Vosobobeva will participate in the 17th season of the battle, she owns the gift of foresight, the medium, specializes in rituals, has a secret combat magic. Born on May 6, he enters Coven Witch Natalia Banteva.

    Daria is married, there are two children, she loves active rest, also writes paintings and is fond of magical design.

    Darius Waxoboeva was born on May 6, the year of birth does not indicate, it looks like 28 years, thirty maximum. Darius married, two children, boy and girl. My husband is the name of Vlad Voskoboboev, see photos with my husband below, about the virgin surname of the psychic is unknown. Works in St. Petersburg, her colleagues Natalia Banteaeva and Tatyana Larina. Darius paints perfectly, herself creates magic attributes. Rides on motorcycles with her husband.

    Daria is considered to be strong psychics, according to the information in the network of information, Darius successfully coped with the task in the first issue, it passed trunk. She herself wrote the lines that the victory is not accidental.

    Vkontakte page here.


Martial Spirit, a combat atmosphere, that's what always distinguished Giving Vosaoboev from many of her rolling, and of course close. It is impossible to stop there on the achieved one, you can never retreat, one unlapeted mistake, one unauthorized action, and the army of enemies is already coming against you. The girl believes, around us are always a lot of enemies, from which you should protect yourself.

Dariusborn in 1980 in St. Petersburg. Little, even completely inconspicuous, actively tried to know what is outside of our world, which connects mortals and spirits, is there any connection between them? Parents first treated such issues of their girls with undisguised fear, they were afraid that the daughter would be taken away, they will stop in the clinic. Fortunately, but the closest understood that their baby, it's not just a child who carries non-existent things, it psychicwhich communicates with ghosts. Nevertheless, but the society was not yet ready to such statements, and Voskoboeva was supposed to finish school, university, while actively practicing the ability.
When, behind the shoulders of young beauties remained and RGPU them Herzen, then she met Natalia Banteva. This sorceress was a kind of mentor, she helped to open the Dasha, helped her to find her, a unique way. Witches began to work together, they were in one coven, and actively attracted other representatives of weak gender to their work. Among the things actively engaged in VoskoboevIt is worth noting her zeal to an incessant war. The lady can pick up the power of the opponent who she did not like. Combat Magic Helps to disclose the border, helps to see through the prism of years.
Speaking of personal life, Darius has two children, and his beloved spouse. The family has very big plans for the future, they work a lot, spend a lot of time together. Husband perfectly understands why his wife is so militant why she does not recognize defeat. The reason for this lies in its past, Kyrgyz roots, the spirit of eternal battles, he never left the blood of the knee nomads. All this, and not only, pushed the girl to take part in the seventeenth season The fight of extrasensories. The sorcerer got to the top three finals, she passed all the tests, and everything was fine, but she did not have enough voice spectators, and she lost. It was not a loss, it was an excellent application for further, more significant actions.

Episode with Daria Skulling:

The name of Darius Voskoboeva is already heard from the loyal viewers of the show "Battle of Psychics". Daria - It is precisely that the correct form of its name is that the famous Coven witches Natalia Banteva. So, many put on her in the upcoming "battle".

As it became known, Natalia Banteaeva came to the qualifying tests of the 17th season of the "battle of psychics", St. Petersburg Witch and the winner of the 9th season of this mystical project. She was not alone: \u200b\u200balong with her arrived and her cow.

Witches appeared to support their colleague - clairvoyant Daria Wajoboev.It was this time that this time will have to defend the honor of Koven and demonstrate its strength. And the fact that Darius will pass the qualifying, few people doubted. Energy of this girl has already noticed many. Like Koven himself; He came to the casting very extravagant on "modern brooms."

Biography Daria Vosoboquoeva

A little known about the life of Daria, a little, but some facts witch still reveals in a small interview. Witch's birthday celebrates May 6th. She says that she has two children that she loves the active rest and that it cannot call himself neither the owl or larkom - the Witches are worked at night, but in the morning the person has stronger energy. So the darium falls out for a very short time.

Darius is a witch who owns combat magic and the equipment of the East. Other directions in psychic, with which Darius works are providence and codes laid in a person. As can be seen, Banteeva's student have a tendency to generate programs. Extrasens Victoria Rydos, the winner of the 16th Battle Season, also worked with the power of the genus. And before participation in the show - collaborated with Natalia Banteva. Although now both of them recognize that their roads diverged.

Another participant from Koven was Energovampier Tatyana Larina. She ranked second, giving way to Julia Wang, however silver in the "Battle" - it is very worthy and very, very difficult. Larina also came to the casting to support a girlfriend. According to social networks, it is clear that Natalia Banteaeva, Tatyana Larina and Dariusos Vosobobeva, a close friend.

Darius owns foresight, is a medium and specializes in rituals. In her work, many expected to see Victoria Rydos techniques, but the show organizers love to amaze, so to predict in advance what Darius differs, it was difficult. The qualifying trials Daria stated that he knows how to steal the ability of other psychics.

Birthday Daria Voskobeva - May 6. According to the horoscope Darius Vosobobeva - Taurus.This is a strong strong and promising sign. In the Taurus, harmoniously combines stubbornness and perseverance, working capacity and the desire to build their fate with their own hands. If the zodiac constellation left in the nature of Darius, the waxing strong imprint - this opponent will be simply not on the teeth. Energy of its behalf is also considered strong enough, especially if it is supported close. And with Coven behind his back it is almost inevitable.

In addition to participating in Natalia Banteva projects, Darius implements their ideas. She writes pictures and is fond of magical design - creates an attribute for rituals.

A lot on the project remains a mystery. Although the possible participants of the 17th season of the "Battle of Psychics" are already known, everything can change, because they have "Shirma" and "trunk" in front. We wish the extrasens of good luck. See the premiere, 1 series of 17 seasons "Battle of Psychics" And do not forget to click on the buttons and

27.06.2016 02:49

Season 17 "The Battle of Psychics" has already shown its participants, and in the meantime we collected for you ...

Daria Voskoboeva - participant and finalist 17 season of the battle of psychics. A strong medium collecting magical rites of all nations of the world came out of Coven Natalia Banteva. Learn more about her abilities, personal life and causes of death.

In the article:

Daria Voskoboeva - Collector and Martial Witch

Psychic Daria Voskoboeva was engaged in Eastern and combat magic, but was not limited to this. According to her, she - collector of magical practices. The witch creates his own type of magical practitioner, and its spells are made up of deaf-and-dumb spells, Sigil and Wise is the mysterious passages with hands who see the audience. She calls himself a hunter for magic - the witch is capable of finding owners of supernatural abilities and take their strength to themselves. So she deprives his rivals of the forces. According to personal statements, Daria Waxoboeva practices magical theft and the battle of psychics.

In addition, Daria Voshoboeva had the ability of the medium, he knew how to prepare healing and affectionate drinks. She saw the dead souls and communicated with them. During the passage of tests on the battle of psychics, it accounted for her in order to obtain information about their death. In general, at the very stage of selection in the battle of psychics, the witch said so that he was capable of:

I can fall in love, I can enrich, I can destroy.

Daria Voskoboeva (vk.com)

Another genus Darya Voskoboeva, from which she probably began his career in the Center for the Development of the Personality of Natalia Banteva - Esoteric Fashion Designer. In other words, she created an image for famous magicians and psychics.

Biography and personal life Daria Voskoboeva

Darya's birth date - May 6, 1979. Although in the appearance of clairvoyant, her age did not exceed the mark at 33 years.

A little known about the personal life of psychics. On the set, she appeared in the company of two children - God and Alexander. The similarity with the witch cannot be noticed, her children are very similar to her. About their father and former husband Darya know extremely small. His name is Vlad Waxoboev, and he is an unemployed person. The witch broke up with his spouse during the shootings of the 17th season due to its treason. All of her attention was devoted to the "Battle", and the personal life of the forces did not remain. Darius did not affect the situation, Darius did not want, because love witchcraft would necessarily affect the children.

Vlad was not her first husband. The first spouse is the name of Denis, and Daria divorced with him after his lover. In recent years, it has become increasingly appeared in public in the company of producer Vladimir Meakishin. Although rumors about Romanos Vosobochoe denied, called Vladimir his business partner.

Daria paints well, mostly portraits. Relatively recently she wrote a portrait of her daughter. All the witchcraft attributes and tools are created in person personally. From all types of transport, the witch prefers motorcycles, and they influenced the second spouse for their passion - he is an avid motorcyclist. She prefers to active rest.

Many fans of the battle of psychics are interested in the nationality of Daria Voskobaeva. In her family there are Kyrgyz and Gypsies. Daria graduated from Gymnasium № 192 and received the Higher Education of the RGPU. Herzen. Now all his free time is devoting to esoterica and magic, work and teaching in the center of Bantean, developing an image for the well-known esotericists of modernity.

Daria does not like to issue his secrets. In the 11th issue of the battle of psychics, when the participants were asked to answer the questions of the fans of the show, she refused to talk about themselves, unlike Swami Dasha and Hope Shevchenko.

Official Page and Social Schools of Extrasens Wax

Official Page Daria Wax Vkontakte: https://vk.com/id49868698 . She has both a personal profile and an official public. Voskoboeva advised in Skype, but for this you need to be recorded for consultation on the status specified or in contacts on the phone. From her behalf, there are many scams, so do not believe people who do not show their face in Skype or require prepayment before a session.

Like all graduates of the Bantean Center, it has been active in social networks.

She often laid out new photos from their lives - personal and public, as well as events of Koven and from filming the battle of psychics.

On the site Natalia Banteva ( banteeva.ru/scecialistics/darya-voskoboeva/) Voskoboisa has a page on which its services and training programs for future magicians are painted. There is a witch and its own website, where interviews are laid out, reception reviews, as well as contacts and directions in which it works.

Daria Voskoboeva on the battle of psychics

The participant of the Battle of Psychics Daria Waxoboeva remembered the audience from the first minute of its presence on the screen. And it's not just that she is a witch from Coven known to almost every Natalia Bantean, who personally led Daria to the project and presented to all those present at the qualifying stage as a witch that there is no equal. It was planned to represent Coven, it would not initially planned to participate in the project. Natalia Banteaeva is not only a mentor and a colleague wax, but also her close friend to this day.

The test with the trunk, which is considered one of the most difficult tasks of the qualifying round of the battle of psychics, Daria passed less than 5 minutes. She did not give up additional check offered by the leading. It did not work for the second time a person in the trunk. Clairvoyant chose a car that belonged to a woman hidden in the trunk.

After the failure of Daria asked the lead to give her another chance. Safronov proposed an outrageous, in the opinion of observers, the decision is to reset the score of clairvoyant, and if it does not find a person for the third time, it will not fall into the project. Daria agreed, but if successfully demanded from Safronov to fulfill any desire. He agreed. Clairvoyant found a person in the trunk for the third time, but about how desire she falsify Sergey Safronov, while it is unknown.

I remember for a long time for her and parents of the dead 15-year-old girl, the death of which is known a little. Voskoboeva is convinced that the girl was killed, she even called a nickname man who can shed light on this crime. Her gift was useful and for the investigator, who worked on the business of the girl killed in the park, but the details are known only by police officers.

Coven Natalia Banteeva always represent quite strong participants, and most often it is witches. Such was, for example, Tatyana Larina. It is difficult to imagine that the representative of such a strong witch community may occupy less than second place in the battle of psychics. Darya has serious rivals, but there is a chance to win.

Receptions about reception and prices

At the receptions of Daria WaxoBeeva, not only extrasensory abilities, but also cards. For this there are their reasons that it does not want to open. In addition to techniques, the Eastern Witch was engaged in training in the center of Natalia Banteva. Conducted seminars on various topics, for example, runes as a dressing and magic tool, travel and other features of dreams, business magic, sexy magic, teaches diagnostics and execution of desires. In his work, Vosobochoe joins the ancient magical knowledge of the East with modern developments.

Voskoboeva was a teacher and the author of the course on combat magic, which comes within the framework of the center of Natalia Banteva. It includes training to attack imperceptibly to others, setting protection for yourself, the ability to work solely on personal power.

You can make an appointment or learn about the nearest seminars and training courses on the official pages of Daria Voskobaneva in social networks, its website, as well as on the site of the Center for the Development of the Personality of Natalia Banteva. On official pages, telephone numbers are indicated, there are announcements of the nearest witch events.