Why is the Apostle Foma call unbelievers? Good disbelief of the Apostle Thoma.

Why is the Apostle Foma call unbelievers? Good disbelief of the Apostle Thoma.
Why is the Apostle Foma call unbelievers? Good disbelief of the Apostle Thoma.


October 19 for the new style of the day of memory of the Holy Apostle Foma. Looking at his character, disclosed before us on the pages of the New Testament, I would like to say that now the Holy Apostles are for us a powerful foundation of the church built on the stone, which is Christ. But in earthly life it was people with their pains and joys, drops and inserts, with their struggle.

Holy Apostle Thoma was no exception. It was not in vain called "unbelievers". Thomas was one of the most skeptical students of Christ, believing earthly arguments and the fact that he himself could touch or see. It seems to me that the Apostle of Thomas was in something materialist, expressing the modern language, which even allowed himself to teach over the words of the Savior. Remember the words of Foma: "Let's go and we will die with him" (John 11:16). This phrase is filled with bitter irony and is told in response to the words of our Lord Jesus Christ. Savior, having learned about the death of Lazarus, decided to return to Judea to his family, despite the fact that the princes of Jewish and Pharisees have already searched for the chance to kill him.

At the end of the twentieth chapter of the Gospel of John, we read that Thomas could not believe in the resurrection of Christ, until he had his own wounds of the Savior. Then only in his soul was completed. His disbelief was broken by the hot and powerful stream of faith and love, which threatened from the mouth of the apostle Great words: "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28).

This event was based on the basis of the holiday of Antipasha, the first resurrection after Easter, when his own, so to speak, a detailed study of the scientist-materialist Holy Apostle Foma confirms the biologicality and physiology of the Resurrection of Christ.

Foma was able to escape from the captivity of the prison of the unbelief and took off to the endless and beautiful sky, where he connected with God. He served as a peculiar seal, a document, fixed and resurrection of Christ, and bodily taking to the sky of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

But how many people live today requiring evidence from Christianity, further evidence to evidence, then evidence to evidence of evidence? And so hundreds of times. Why is it so important to prove that Christ never existed? Because then the accusability of passion disappears and can be sweet and indulged to indulge in it, turning off the moral and ethical sensor. But what will a similar Christian will lead to such an externally, but unrestrained life-in-depth life?

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is replied on the pages of his story "Viy".

A few words about the work of Gogol

In the domestic literature, Gogol is a very mysterious and ambiguous figure, with which the emergence of many strong public stereotypes is connected, often false, not relevant to neither reality, nor Christ-centered aspiration to God Nikolai Vasilyevich. Unfortunately, these stereotypes influenced and continue to influence the culture of Eastern Slavs. One of them is the so-called demonology of Gogol. He is attributed to almost return to the pagan religion, which is particularly sharply and actively promoted now. The stereotype of the writer as a kind of "Druid" - the priests of the cult of paganism. Modern propaganda is trying to build with all his works.

Yes, Gogol had his own struggle with the demons, which he did not hide from the reader. But he never looked at these demons, passions as something positive. Not. Charming. Yes. Interactive. Yes. But not positive.

He unequivocally understood that behind all these mermaids, witches and sorcerers - hell.

The day of memory of the Holy Apostle Thoma gives us the opportunity to talk about one character of Gogol, who may be in something close to each of us - Khoma Brut - the hero of the story "Viy".

The works of Gogol (except the first who included in the cycle "Evenings on the farm near the Dikanka", where the youth of the writer, ferventness, search of the style, the desire to interest the reader with exotic bright images) is clearly built compositionally. Nothing and no one exists in them. And the test is only a key to something deeper - to an unexpected meaning, current inside the work as an underground river. And each character or event is a key symbol to the door, followed by (often from Gogol) spiritual revelation of almost space scale.

Each work of Nikolai Vasilyevich is the life of his inner man and at the same time an attempt to sort out public history. In his writings, the microcosm and macrocosm organically and wonderfully connect to one whole - in one life.

Homa Brut.

Kiev borsak seminarist. Optional, but maybe the future face of spiritual title, i.e., a person who tried to devote himself to God. But who did he get to verification? Hammer bruta. It turned out to be internally, cardiovascular. Homa is Thomas, Foma is unbeling. A person who pretends that he serves God, but does not believe in him. Horrible paradox. And who is such a brut? Caesar's killer. Menantic historical image of the traitor. Homa is not the minister of God, but his traitor. He puts it every day in himself, leading a drunk, cheerful, crown life. Recall one of his exclamations: "Eh, it is a pity that in the temple of God you can not smoke!"
And one more important circumstance ... He is an orphan, as he speaks of himself. Without genus, without a tribe. Without roots.

Journey Hama Bruta to farms and meeting with a witch

What is it? Exit from Kiev with golden domes of temples in fog and in darkness to the country of distance. Exit from holiness in sin. As Gogol himself writes: "... But everywhere there was the same game ... A little bit of a weak laundry similar to Wolf Wolf was heard a little later. And finally, sin is committed in this aspiration. Is it a sin of a fucking or something else? The question is allegorical, generalized. This is any passion. It is clothed in the image of the old woman, because - ancient. This passion saddles Bruta, i.e., takes over the top. Further describes a sweet to the sin and those mirage-illusion that it creates.

But the soul of Homa feels the hell's fatal danger of this passion. And he remembers God, begins to pray to him. Sin defeated. The witch falls off the hero, falls into the grass. And on the backdrop of the morning glow
Homa sees "The Golden Heads away by Kiev Churches".

This is the way to salvation.

He returns to the saving path - in Kiev, golden-headed, to the Spiritual Academy. As if to church, but the passion continues to live in it.

Sotnik, Four and Cossacks

Who is the centurion and the Cossacks? Why, by the way, the witch is called Pannachka? Because often the sin of "Panuє", "reigns" above the man. And if Pannachka is a sin, then who is such a centurion, and a hundred hundred of Legion? This is a devil, and its "Cossacks-servants", respectively, demons, which, with the help of a passion, again cause a bodie to the country of distant - to remote farms, where he enters the battle with sin - a complex and difficult, in which, unfortunately, tolerate defeat .

The image of the church is important. It is discharged Gogol very detailed and displays the inner temple of the brutal itself.


The vintage temple is almost abandoned. Here's how Gogol himself writes about him: "The church is wooden, the blackened, cleaned green moss, with three cone-shaped domes, sadly stood almost on the edge of the village. It was noticeable that no ministry was already sent in it for a long time. " That is, she was not needed by people. She was specifically built on the edge of the village, away from the eye. In order not to remind of God, so as not to annoy the conscience. The kitchen is also, on the contrary, in this village "there was something similar to the club, which was glad everything that was felt in the courtyard, considering this number and dogs, which came with the masculine tails to the door of the bones and hollows. Wherever who is sending and for any need for need, he always went to the kitchen to relax at least a minute on the bench and smoke the cradle. "
So, the temple in the launch, the kitchen flourishes. Sad and sad paradox of humanity. The soul is dying, whisper flourishes. By the way, in the story Gogol, the description of the kitchen places immediately after the description of the temple, creating a conflict explosive assembly-literary series.

War with sinch

It is in this temple, almost abandoned, trying to go to fight sin. Reveals the psalter, lights a lot of candles - the symbol of the effort and aspiration of the soul to God. Then draws the circle around itself. What is a circle? This is a will symbol. The act of human will, which is noted from sin, is trying to create his inner fortress, his monastery.

And the terrible war begins with sin and demons, the war that each of us leads. Homa sends as a result of this war. She inflicts him wounds, but also brings wisdom, experience and in something holiness in the fight against sin.

The result of the war - Khoma does not withstand. Dark forces lead Viya.

Who is such a visy? In the pagan demonology, this is a demon with huge eyelashes (in Ukrainian "VII"). He can't raise them, but when they raise them, Viy kills a look.

Nikolay Vasilyevich in explanation to the story is named Viya by the head of the gnomes. He describes it as a "squat, duplicate, a closure man. He was all in black earth. As a fatty, strong roots, his legs and hands were given out his flooded. And yet: he had a dead, iron face. As if frozen. This is a real almost dogmatic anatomy of sin. And the end result is its dead, fossil, the iron of the soul.
Viy is an original sin, a mighty sin. Head of all sins, i.e. the gnomes. Why so many symbols of the earth, landing, closure? Because it is original sin. The sin of the disgust of man from God and his love is in depletion, into matter, to the ground. This is a drop in man. In Vie, they would seek all the passions in one focus of evil. Satan through sin is looking for a person. But while the man did not look at him, he did not exist, he was free from sin; As soon as he was waiting for sin, he wasveling to turn his head to him, look at him and connect with him, the arrival penetrates into a person - and the path to death begins. This happens with the chime.

He turned his head and looked at Via. And died. His temple was in launch. He overgrown with wild trees. And the road to the temple is forgotten.


But Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol still gives a terrible and tragic note in his symphony. Friends of Homa Bruti Ritizen Tivieri Gorobets and theologian Halewa walk along the same way. And they are waiting for the same fate. Drunkenness, fornication and theft - here are their favorite classes.

Philosopher Homa Bruut lived without God. And all his philosophy, with visible religiosity, heavily for the enjoyment of debauchery. The same is seen in Ritivia Gorobzez, who, becoming a philosopher, is an image is still more disgusting than Khoma: "A young philosopher, who with the heat of the enthusiast began to enjoy his rights, so that on it and sharovari, and a furout, and even the hat responded Alcohol and tobacco roots, at the same moment expressed readiness. " Why Gorobets? A small bird that does not pary him highly, this is not an eagle of the Holy Apostle and the evangelist John the Bogoslov. Why do tivseli? It was during the time of the emperor Tiberia crucified Christ. It was this emperor that the Pontius Pilate was afraid and ordered orders about the execution of the Savior. Tiberius Gorobets - the crypt of Christ, who lives only material. Theologian Halyava and worse. He in the image of Gogol is already completely in some kind of gloomy pathology. His "Theology" is a complete emptiness, it is not, it's a freebie, something dirty, shoe, unclean. And he himself is already very deeply fell, living only for drunkenness yes in order to "drag the old sole from the boot, laying on the bench."

The last words of the story.

And in these sad, far from knightly images, an alarming bell sounds - a harbinger of the future disaster - Chaos of the Revolution, which Dostoevsky will already turn into anxious infinity of the confusion, which penetrated the disease, almost all spheres of society of the Russian Empire.

Conclusions for yourself

What condition is your Heart Temple? After all, each of us will have the struggle with their witch and with their Viim. And from this struggle we will not leave anywhere. We need to break out of a sweet captivity of sin, clear the path to the temple, light the candles in it and get up on the wrestling, long-term stubborn, long-term, weekly, with sin and devil. Fighting to death, to paradise. Your vius, we also do not avail. We will need to defeat their deep root central passion. With God's help. But for this you should find the road to the temple.

And be not a foma unbeliever traitor's killer, and the faith of the believer, who in all this sinful chaos-sonatice was able to consider the face of Christ, was kept most of all in the light of communication with the living God and exclaimed to all the creature: "My Lord and My God!" What will happen to us by the Holy Apostle Thomas.

Holy Apostle Fomo, moths of God about us!

The Holy Apostle Thoma was one of the 12 apostles (students) of Jesus Christ. We know a little about his life.

The Apostle Thomas, called the twin (according to legend, the Apostle of Thomas externally looked like Christ), was a birth from the Galilean city of Paneada (Northern Palestine) and was engaged in fisheries. Hearing the Divine Teaching of Christ and seeing the wonders of him, Thomas followed the Lord and was elected to the number of twelve apostles (MF. 10: 2-4, MK. 3: 14-19, Lux. 6: 13-16). At the next time, he became known as "Fomuless Thomas."

Holy Apostle Thomas.

He was little formed, but possessed a sharp and logical mind. Of all the apostles, only Thomas possessed a truly analytical warehouse of the mind, the best intellectual understanding of Jesus and the ability to appreciate his personality.

When Thomas joined the Apostles, he was inclined to Melancholy, but communication with Jesus and other apostles largely cured him from this painful immersion.

Thomas was one of the most loyal students of the Lord. Foma's devotion was the fruit of sincere love, cardiac attachment to the Lord. In the Gospel of John it tells that when Christ was going to go on his last journey to Jerusalem, where, as you know, I was going to grab the enemies, then Saint Thomas called for several Obokovy Apostles following the teacher to the end and if you need, then die along with Him.

Jesus really liked the Thomas, with whom he spent a lot of long conversations with an eye. His presence among the apostles was a huge consolation for all honest skeptics and helped many embarrassed minds to enter the kingdom, even if they could not fully understand all the spiritual and philosophical aspects of the teachings of Jesus. The Apostolism of Thomas was constant evidence that Jesus loves and honest skeptics.

However, Thomas had a very heavy and welcoming character. In addition, he was inherent in some suspicion and pessimism. But the better the comrades Foma learned him, the more he liked he. They were convinced of his absolute honesty and unshakable devotion. Thomas was highly sincere and truthful man, but he was from nature picky. Curse of his analytical mind was suspicious. He had already lost faith in people when he met the apostles and, thus, in touching with the noble person of Jesus. This connection with the teacher immediately began to transform the entire nature of the thoma, which led to a huge change in his relationship with other people.

Foma had very difficult days; At times, he became gloomy and dull. However, when the time came to act, it was Foma who always said: "Let's go!"

Thomas serves as an excellent example of a person who experiences doubts, comes with them in the fight and wins. It was a man of a logical warehouse of the mind, thinker.

Resurrection of Christ

Having a critical consciousness, the apostle of Thomas did not believe the stories of the apostles about the resurrection of Jesus Christ (he was not among the other ten apostles during the phenomenon of the Sunday teacher): " So far I will not see in his hands of the wounds from the nails and I will not put in these wounds - I will not believe!"(John 20:25).

And so exactly a week later, on the eighth day after the resurrection, the students of Christ and Thomas were again in the house with them. And the Lord appeared before them and showed his wounds and suggested Fome to put a finger (finger) in wounds: " Give your finger here and look at my hands; give your hand and put my fins in the rib; And do not be unbelieving, but believers"(John 20:27).

Unbelief of St. Thomas, Caravaggio. 1601-02.

After that, Thomas believed and exclaimed: " My Lord and my God! " (John 20:28).

Then Jesus noticed with the ukrorist: " You believed because I saw me, not seen and believing"(John 20:29).

The evangelical story leaves unclear whether Foma invested actually his finger in Christ's wounds or not. According to some theologians, Thomas refused to do this, others believe that Thomas touched the wounds of Christ.

The doubt of Thomas served as a final approval in the faith of students of Christ.

We see that faith of the Apostle Thomas was very strong and even more than many other apostles. Just the event itself, the Resurrection of Christ is so incredible, so happily, so transforms the whole world that it was even scary to believe it, believe that it really is true, is it really possible in this world?

Many commentators pay attention to the fact that the apostle of the Foma personifies the rational or intellectual possibility of self-confidence in God. An example of a pious skepticism that brings its unique fruits.

Thomas in many respects doubted and was incredulous, however, there is not a single place in the gospel, where Thomas would express his doubts by Christ or would doubt his opinion, or would argue with him. And in this case, Thomas did not believe Christ, but an apostolam! Moreover, they have repeatedly have already been their facilitates (Judas betrayed him with kissing; Peter boasts to be true to death and in the immediate night he renounced him; during the arrest of Jesus, in the Garden of Garden, all the disciples ran away). Moreover, it was rumored that the disciples want to steal the body of Christ from the cave coffin and simulate his resurrection. It is quite natural that Thomas did not believe the apostles.

Nobody trusts us. We can cost spiritual, orthodox, full of love, and we do not believe. It seems to us that we, students of Christ, broadcast the verbs of God, and no one, listening to these verbs, and is not going to become a Christian. At best, there are several people whom we somehow persuaded to come to the temple. And so our neighbor is indifferent to our words. Nobody believes only words. Faith without affairs is dead and absolutely not convincing.

The Lord could not help do not support the foma, so sipped to him and almost fallen. He not only appeared, but moreover, he allowed to see him. Let's pay attention that if before Easter Christ and students, as we read, could welcome Christ the blasting, could build oil to his head, or touch him, then after the resurrection there was some distance. As he said to Mary Magdaline having met him in the morning at Easter: "Jesus tells her: Do not touch me, for I have not yet gone to my father; And go to my brothers and tell them: I add to your father and your father, and to God to God and your God "

And here, on the contrary, it proposes to invest the fingers into the wounds of "navitens". This is a very high degree of trust and the sign of proximity, and the consequence of Foma faith. Touch as an argument that the resurrected Christ is not a ghost, but a reality.

"Thomas, a former once weaker than other apostles in faith," says St. John Zlatoust, "the grace of God has been courageous, jealous and tirelessness of all of them, so he walked around with his preaching almost all the land, not having wished to announce the Word of God's Wild People."

Sermon in India

After the ascension of Jesus Christ on the sky and the Descent of the Holy Spirit of the Apostles, they threw the lot between them, where to go to each of them for the preaching of the Word of God. Fome fell out lots to go to India to teach the true faith various peoples inhabited there - Parfyan and Midwy, Persians and Girkan, Bactrians and Brahmins and all the most distant inhabitants of India.

India In a modern geographical sense, the southern part of the Asian mainland is called the middle of the three southern mainland peninsulas and the neighboring part of the mainland to huge mountain chains separating it from Central Asia. But the ancient writers were often called the overall name of India all the southern rich countries of Asia, which only vague concepts had. Midyana Lived next to the Persia, in the western part of Iran, south of the Caspian Sea and were subsequently conquered by Persians. Parfian lived Also next to the Persians, in an extensive country from Euphrates to the Oxa and from the Caspian Sea to Indian; in the III century. to R. XP. were conquered by the Romans. Persians Delivered in the southern part of Iran. Girkane They lived on the banks of the Euphrate and Tiger and were conquered by Persians. Baktryan lived in the northeast of Iran. Brahmans - Residents of India itself, mainly Indian priests.

Thomas came to the horror that he needed to go to such wild countries; But he was in the vision of the Lord, strengthening him and the leader to be courageous and not fear, and promised himself to be with him.

And the Apostle Thomas began to preach in Palestine, Mesopotamia, Pyfia, Ethiopia and India, based on Christian churches there.

Sermon Apostle Foma in India

About the journey of the Apostle Thomas to India is told in non-canonic sources. This is the apocryon "Gospel of St. Thoma" and Indian collections by Marg Kali and Mapilla Patto.

Apostle St. Thomas sailed to Kerala and founded the Christian church there, the departments of local residents. Usually they are referred to as Syrian Christians. According to legend, St. Thoma lived in Kerala 12 years.

A lot of infants fell into the share of the apostle. Ancient legends have been preserved about it.

On the way to India, the Apostle Fome met a rich merchant Avan, who was sent from the Indian king Gundafor to Palestine to find a good architect for the construction of the Tsarist Palace like the Palaces of Roman Caesar. According to the suggestion of the Lord, St. Thomas gave himself for the architect and they went to India together. Upon arrival, Avan presented the Apostle Indian Raja (King Mahadevan) as a very skillful architect, and Raja commanded the fome to build a magnificent palace for him. Thomas said that he would build such a palace, and he would be even better than the king could imagine. For the construction of the apostle received a lot of gold, which distributed the poor and the poor. Two years have passed and Raja again invited the apostle to himself and asked what was done during this period. And the Apostle Thoma replied that the palace is almost ready, it remains only to finish the roof. The delighted king again gave the fome gold so that the roof corresponds to the magnificence and beauty of the palace. The apostle again distributed all this money to patients, poor and poor people.

Then they reported to Raja, that on the place where the palace should stand, nothing was built yet. The angry king invited Foma and asked if he built something or not, and Thoma replied that the palace was ready, but he built him in heaven. " When you go from this time life, -said Foma - then there, in the sky, you will find a beautiful palace in which you will be forever" Raja suspected a deception in this answer and decided that the apostle was openly embarrassed over him, and therefore ordered him to torment him.

At this time, Brother Raji died, whom he loved very much. In this grief, he mourned the death of his brother in this mountain. And the soul of this brother's brother was also ascended to heaven and she, like any other soul, were also shown by the paradise monastery, and hell. And when she examined the paradise, in one place he saw a magnificent structure, so beautiful that she wanted to stay in him forever. And then the soul asked Angel, who drove her by paradise, who belongs to this place. And the angel replied that this was the palace of his brother, for him these magnificent chambers were built. And then the soul began to ask for an angel that he would allow her to return to Earth in order to ask her brother permission to enter the chambers prepared him. And the angel allowed her to return to the damaged body.

And a miracle happened - the deceased Brother Raji was resurrected. What was the joy, what was the joy when the king heard that his brother came to life. When their first conversation took place, the brother began to tell him what happened to his soul after death. And he said: " Remember, you once promised to give me the juvenile, - I don't need this gift, but give permission to keep the palace that is vigorously in the kingdom of heaven, was and my palace" And I understood Raja that Thomas did not deceive him that the Lord had already prepared a place in the kingdom of heaven. Then repentable Raja not only released a foma from imprisonment, asking him for forgiveness, but he accepted baptism.

The Assumption of the Virgin

At the time when Foma enlightened the preaching of the Gospel of Indian countries, the time of honest praise of the Mother of God came. On the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary miraculously, in Jerusalem, almost all the apostles were collected for farewell to farewell, who were previously separated from various countries for the preaching of the Words of God. Later, the apostle Paul arrived with his disciples: Dionysius Areopagitis, Ierofefe, Timofey and other from among the 70 apostles. There was only the Apostle Thomas.

For the arrangement of God, only three days after the burial of the Virgin Mary, the Apostle Thoma returned to Jerusalem and was very saddened by the fact that he could not say goodbye and worship the Mother of God. Then, according to the general agreement of the Holy Apostles, for St. Thomas opened the tomb of the Blessed Virgin, to give him the opportunity to say goodbye to God's mother. But, to their amazement, the body of the Virgin in the cave was not, there were only funeral clothes. And from here, everything was firmly assured that the Mother of God, like his son, was resurrected on the third day and with the body was taken to heaven.

The Lord at a special discretion to his arrival of St. Thoma to the day of the presumption of the Major Virgin, so that the coffin was opened for him, and believers, thus, they believed that the Mother of God with the body was taken to heaven, just as before, through the disbelief of the same apostle Thomas, believed in the resurrection of Christ.

There is a legend that on the third day after the burial of the Virgin, the Apostle Fome was the apostle and threw him his belt from the sky.

The end of the apostle Foma

After this Thomas again returned to the Indian countries and preached Christ there, paying many to the faith of signs and wonders.

Then the apostle went even further into the Kalayidskaya country, and, preaching Christ here, turned to the faith of two women, one of whom was the wife of the Tsar Melight (ruler of the Indian city of Melipur). Both women were so believed that they abandoned the carnal cohabitation with their wicked husbands. It was very angry by the king and his approximate and holy apostle was concluded in the dungeon, where torture was undergone.

Malipur (Nowadays, the city of Madras) is a city on the East (Coromandel) coast of the Industan Peninsula. When the Portuguese for the first time in 1500 came to the shores of India, they found the settlement of Christians in Malipur, who said that they took faith from the Apostle Thomas, and this city at the end of the past century called the city of St. Thomas.

The preaching of the Gospel of the Holy Apostle finished the martyrdom: Thomas was pierced by five spears on the mountain during prayer in front of the cross, carved them personally from stone. He died, hugging this cross, and was buried on the place where the Catholic Basilica of St. Foma on the seashore in Chennai (Madras).

According to legend, the king of the Mondes believed in Christ after the death of the Apostle Thomas, and with all his nobles, he was baptized.

Mount where the foma was martyred, subsequently called him name.

The place of the martyrdom of the Apostle Foma point in Kalurmin - on one high rock, the distinguished versts in 6 from the Malipura, where Foma often walked for prayer.

About the martyr's death of the Apostle Foma in India reported that he accepted her either in 68, or in 72.

The relics of the Holy Apostle Foma

Parts of the relics of the Holy Apostle Thomas are in India, Hungary, Italyand on Athos.

The relics of the Holy Apostle were intact in India to the IV century.

India, Chennai (until 1996 - Madras). St. Foma Cathedral

Reliquarian with a particle of the relics of the Apostle Thomas in Chennai (India)

But in 385, part of the relics of the Apostle Thomas was transferred from India to Mesopotamia to the city Edessa (now ORFA). In the Edessa over the relics of the Holy Apostle, a gorgeous church was built, gadgets from remote countries. Subsequently, part of the relics of the Apostle Thomas was transferred to Konstantinopol.Where in the name of him was created by the temple under the Emperor Anastasiya (490-518) by the royal dignitarion asmanzi.

In 1143, as a result of the war with Muslims, the city of Edess fell. To preserve the holy power from the crop, the crusaders moved them to chios Island in the Aegean Sea.

In 1258, the battle for control over the main sea routes, leading to the East, occurred between the Genoese and Venetians. Victory in the battle won venetians who suffered the holy relics of the Apostle Foma from the Island of Chios to his city of Orton (Italy).

Transferring STB. The relics of the Apostle Foma in Ortona from the island of Chios

Since then, to this day, the relics of the Holy Apostle Foma are kept in the cathedral of the city of Ortona, which flows down numerous pilgrims from all over the world to worship the shrine.

The Cathedral Cathedral in the name of the Holy Apostle Foma (Basilica San Tommaso Apostolo) was erected on the spot of a pagan capital, as it often happened in Europe, in the sign of the celebration of Christianity over the paganism

Inside the cathedral

The relics of the Holy Apostle of God are stored in two cancers - in Kripte, in gold-plated copper cancer, on which the throne is arranged, and in the attack - in silver cancer-bust.

In 1566, the tomb of the apostle in the cathedral was desecrated by the Turks who captured the city, but the holy power were not injured. The Cathedral in which the Holy Power of the Apostle is stored Subsequently more than once subjected to attacks - in 1799 by the French and in 1943 he was trying to destroy the retreating Germans.

The memory of the Holy Apostle Thomas is celebrated by the Orthodox Church October 6/19,in Week 2 for Easter and on the day of the cathedral of the glorious and all-wing 12 apostles (June 30 / July 13).

The Apostle Fome is praying with a disadvantageous soul of disbelief, as the most severe condition.

Tropear of the Holy Apostle Fome, Glas 2nd:
The student of Christ's former, the Divine Cathedral of the Apostolskago Configure, infidency Boy Christ the Resurrection alone and the most extreme passion for tanging that, Fomo, Unwalled, and now we ask peace and grandie's mercy.

Kondak, voice 4th:
Wisdom of grace is fulfilled, Christ the Apostle and the servant are true in repentance of the question of you: You are my God and the Lord.

Prayer to the Holy Apostle Fome
Oh, Holy Apostle Fomo! MOLYMA: Save and observe us with your prayers from the temptations of the diabolian and falls of sinful and succeed to us over the assistance during the disbelief, but we will not protect about the stone temptation, but steadily by the saving path of the commandments of Christ, the Dongeys will achieve these blessed overlays.

To her, the apostle of rescas! Not to the minds of us, but let us a assistant and a patron, in all the lives of our and Pomoz, we are pious and giving the live of this temporary, the Christian death, and the DOGO Answer is to make a response to the Scary Court of Christ; Yes, we will glorify the magnificent name of the Father, and the Son, the Holy Spirit forever in the eyelids. Amen.

Documentary film "Relics of the Apostle Foma" (2007)

Information about the film
Name: Shrines of the Christian world. Power of the Apostle Foma
release year: 2007
Genre: Documentary
Production: Ltd. Producer Center "Neophyte"
Producer: Igor Kalyadin

About the film:
The holy remains of the "unbeliever" apostle were once in Greece (and even earlier - in India, where the Thomas preached). From the 1258th, they are in the Italian Orton. In 1983, doctors, archaeologists, historians conducted their full-scale studies, which allowed to establish the authenticity of the relic, revered by Christians. It is curious that the part of the belt of the Virgin, who, according to legend, the Apostle of Thomas got from the hands of the Major Virgin, is located in Italy (another - on Athos), in the town of Prato, where the shrine was brought by Crusaders from Konstantinovol ...

"Paradox: Thomas does not believe because it really wants to believe, not to" take the faith ", and learn the truth with all its being.
And Christ, probably, because it is Fome that he sees his thirst for faith.
The desire of a person to faith, assurance - can not be unanswered. God will always respond "
Vladimir Legobida

It is about this apostle that the church sings in warehouses per week Antipasha wonderful chants, revealing the commercial importance of his disbelief, serving through the confidence of the strengthening of faith in other Christians and sermons of the Resurrection of Christ:

"Student in doubts, / in an urgent day, Savior Savior, the idea of \u200b\u200bByhu Assembly, / and the world of giving, the Fome Rope: / Prime to the Apostle, / Ambassading Dlanni, in Ntiya Zvozosh. / O good unbelief of Fomino, / Faithful hearts in knowledge And with fear of rumbling: My Lord and my God, thank you. "

Apostle Thoma, called twin

The hottest of the apostles ... is it about the rubble? Yes. But can it be called the hottest one who doubted the resurrection of Christ and in history even got the nickname "Fomuless"? Nevertheless, this is so.

We will be transferred to two thousand years ago, to the shore of the Galilee Lake. One of the fishermen town of Pansada hears about Jesus and comes to look at him. This man is so delighted with the preaching of Christ that he relentlessly follow him and his students. Christ, seeing such jealousy, calls on a young man to follow him. So the fisherman becomes the apostle.

The young man, whose name is Judas (yes, that is how it was called), give the nickname "Thomas", that in translation from Aramaic means "twin".

Who did he look like two drops of water? It is impossible to say exactly, but by legend - on the Savior himself.

But we are well known for the character of the thoma. Gusty, decisive, brave ... Once Jesus said that he was going to go to Judea, where, as you know, he was going to grab the enemies. The apostles began to discourage teachers from a risky travel. Then Thomas, otherwise called the twin, told the disciples: let's go and we will die with him (Ying 11:16). This is not a "foma unbelingible", it is undoubtedly a believer thoma!

The gospel does not inform us about where Thomas were during the Passion of Christ. We do not know what he had on his heart, what he thought and felt when the whole point of life and all the hopes of him seemed to collapse with the death of the teacher ...

Having heard from others about the resurrection of Jesus, sober and reasonable Galilean did not trust the comrades: it was not necessary that they were chosen ... He told them: If I can't see his wounds from nails on the hands of his wounds, and I will not put my fingers into wounds from nails, and I will not put my hands in the rib, I will not believe (Ying 20:25).

And the Lord, knowing the character of Thomas, this sincere and faithful student comes to him.

After eight days, again, his student's students were in the house, and Thomas with them. Jesus came when the doors were locked, became in the midst of them and said: peace to you! Then says Fome: Drink your finger here and look at my hands; give your hand and put my fins in the rib; And do not be unbeliever, but believers. Thomas told him in response: My Lord and my God! (In 20: 26-27).

Important refinement: Thomas refused to put his fingers into the wounds of Christ. In horror from his audacity and in amazement, he only exclaims: My Lord and my God! And this is the only place in the Gospels, where Jesus Christ is directly named by God. Apostle Thomas, his doubt was special, it served as a final approval in faith of students of Christ from the Apostolic Century to the present day.

After the Ascension of Christ, the apostles threw the lot about who in which land to go to preach. Fome fell preaching in India. A lot of infants fell into the share of the apostle; Ancient legends have been preserved about this, nor to refute that is no longer possible.

Remembering the life and confidence of Thomas, the church determined celebrating his memory day on the second Sunday after Easter.


Hello, my dear readers! Let's talk about the Christian Fome unbelievers and about his meaning and importance for the church.

Even those who have not touched the Bible or the Gospel, however, are well acquainted with the name of the Foma, which became nominative. "Thomas unbeling" often say we are addressed to a skeptical incredulous interlocutor.

And some oddity comes out: it seems to be church, the biblical word should be directed to the appeal of a person to faith, confidence, obedience, and on the lips of all the name of the Thoma, and the Neborochier. But this seemingly misunderstanding, because, anyway, every believer goes away from "I will not believe until I see" before "I believe, Lord, help my disbelief."

Week about Fomehelps each of us to analyze your life path, remember how our appeal to God happened or reflect on why I still do not believe and how can I believe?

According to the Orthodox tradition, the Fomina Week or Antipasha is remembered in the first postaskal Sunday.

In 2014 - April 27. Antipasha This day is called because Thomas unbelieving on the message of the Apostles: "Christ is risen!" I could not answer the traditional Easter greeting: "Truly Rissed!".

Life and apprenticeship of Foma

The name of the Thomas comes from the Aramaic word Tauma - the twin. However, the Gospel points out that this is a nickname, Alexander Lopukhin Orthodox church writer and theologians in his interpretation of the biblical texts of Lopukhin are leaning towards this thought. He proposes to understand the nickname "twin" as "a man of two nature."

Obviously, such a tendency of his nature was apparent for others who gave him this nickname. In the event of a doubt on the resurrection of Christ, both its rationality and logic and cordiality are manifested with subsequent repentance.

The Gospel of John in 21 chapter 1-2 verses indirectly points to this when Jesus appeared to the students after his resurrection, during the fishing of the fish, thomas mentioned among them.

About the election of Thomas, by Christ reports all four evangelists, lifting his name among the names of the other apostles. Only the evangelist John informs us the story of the doubt of Thomas and his assurances.

Thomas touches the wound Jesus. Sculpture A.Verokko

The history of this event is such: after his resurrection, Jesus was his disciples, communicated with them, worked in front of them wonders.

But when Jesus came the disciples for the first time, the thomas were not among them. The disciples told him that they saw the Lord Risen, but he did not believe and said the famous: "Until I see, I will not believe."

He insisted that he could only believe after putting his fingers into wounds from nails, and her hand was in a wound from a spear on the side of Jesus.

And when Christ appeared to students the next time, he suggested a fome the opportunity to make sure and invest his fingers into wounds.

From further narration, it did not quite clearly did this foma or, having understood his disbelief, repent and confessed: "My Lord and My God!" Ev. John 20 ch. 28 tbsp.

Foma's assurance has become a theme of a plurality of artistic canvases and sculptures.

What does it have? What is the meaning of this story, why after Easter the church draws our view on the foma?

This is the appeal of the church to each person, as if saying: "So it is for you and about you written!".

The story of the Foma from the Gospel is not one value:

  • the most obvious from his meanings is that faith is fundamentally different from knowledge of rational, experience-based and facts.
  • on the other hand, is it unambiguously bad to look for arguments and evidence for your faith? Note that Christ did not condemn Christ in the Gospel and did not blame the foma for their search.
  • in this story, the story is given to the most important question of Thomas: "So believe me or not?" Christ replied: "Do not be unbelieving, but believers!" .

About faith

All Christianity, no doubt, is based on the faith in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without this faith, Christianity loses its own entity: "If Christ is not risen - says the apostle Paul, - then faith is your vain " 1Ex. Pavel Corinthians 15 ch. 17 tbsp.

Initially, being a Christian means to believe in an incredible, but really accomplished victory of Christ over death.

The search for arguments for your personal belief is good because we are looking for them that we reflect on God and our attitude towards him. However, it is important for rational reflections on the way that the empirical (coming from experience) knowledge is the lowest type of knowledge.

Spiritual knowledge is the highest form of knowledge, from all available to a person. But how to believe? After all, we will not be able to see the contemporaries of Jesus to see him risen, touch his hands and pierced ribs, or at least hear witness of eyewitnesses.

But we have a church, church doctrine, rich historical and literary heritage of Christian saints. The sacraments of the church, Sunday schools, conversations and instructions of priests. The decision to take into account the experience of other people, with its difficulties and details can help us very much.

Vera is the gift of God who is looking for and asks God for her. So, look for, ask, knock - and will be you!

There are people who are looking for certificates in the truth of Christianity, wanting to see wonders, signs, supernatural manifestations of God's strength. Augustine blissful in the third century said about such people in the third century: "Who is looking for miracles also now to believe, himself represents a great miracle, not believing when the whole world believes."

And Christ himself encourages us: "Happy those who have not seen me (resurrected), but believed" Ev. John 20 ch. 29 tbsp.

Apostle Thomas is unbeling Of course, it sounds extraordinary, but the Bible never grins the shortcomings of his heroes, on the contrary shows us as the power of God, the power of faith in the resurrection of Christ is transformed by a person, his life changes.

And how much God can make through a believer for other people, countries and even whole nations. It is about this that the foma believer "is already talking about this.

Sanctuary in India

The name of the Apostle Foma Church Tradition connects with the preaching of Christianity, in a distance from Palestine, India.

Until today, Indian Christians consider themselves the Christians of the Apostle Thomas, the foundation of their church they also attribute to him.

In 1293, Marco Polo in travel notes made during their stay in India reports that he visited the tomb of the Apostle Foma in the field of Malabar.

On the preaching of Christianity in India, the Apostle Foma also writes the fathers of the Church, and the early church historians, among them Grigory theologian, Jerome Streedonsky, Amvrosy Mediolsky, Peacock Nolansky.

Disbelief of Foma

(John, 20: 19-29)

(19) On the same day of the week in the evening, when the doors of the house, where his students were going, were locked from the fear of Jews, Jesus came, and became in the middle, and he says to them: peace to you! (20) Having said it, he showed them hands and legs and ribs. Pupils were delighted, seeing the Lord. (21) Jesus said to them again: peace to you! As my father sent me, so I send you. (22) Having said it, blowing, and tells them: Take the Spirit of the Holy Spirit. (23) who forgive sins, will be formed; On com, leave, there will remain on that. (24) Foma, one of the twelve, called the twin, was not here with them when Jesus came. (25) Other disciples told him: We saw the Lord. But he told them: if I don't see his wounds from nails on the hands of his wounds, and I will not put my fingers into wounds from nails, and I will not put my hands in the rib, I will not believe. (26) After eight days, the student of him, and Thomas with them were again in the house. Jesus came when the doors were locked, became in the midst of them and said: peace to you! (27) Then says Fome: give your finger here and look at my hands; give your hand and put my fins in the rib; And do not be unbeliever, but believers. (28) Thomas told him in response: My Lord and my God! (29) Jesus tells him: You believed, because I saw me; Blessed invisible and believed.

(John 20: 19-29)

In its Gospel, John traces, on the one hand, the development of disbelief, which has reached its climax in the crucifixions of Christ, and on the other hand, an increase in faith that reaches the apogee in confusion. Thomas did not believe that other students were told. He needed visible and tangible evidence of the resurrection of Christ. And these evidence was brought to him by Christ himself. At the same time, Christ revealed several miracles (besides the main thing that he was resurrected): He appeared among the apostles, despite the locked doors of the house where they gathered; He knew about the disbelief of the Thoma, as he knew earlier - in the episode with stir (see Miracle with Stir) - On the topic of the conversation of Peter with a collector of the church by the temple.

The expression "Thomas unbeling" became nominative in many languages. But was the foma really more unbelieving than other apostles? The apostles did not believe Maria Magdaline; When she came to tell them that Christ was alive and she saw him. They did not believe the Sv.zhenam, who came from the coffin and argued with them about the resurrection of Christ, - the words appeared to the apostles "empty", and they "did not believe them" (Lux 24:11). They did not believe two of those who were with him when they came from Emmaus and said they saw him. Christ himself reproached the apostles who took part with him in a secret evening, "(14) for disbelief and hard-witted, which we saw him risenshe did not believe "(MK 15:14). It is important to draw attention to the fact that if in other cases, evangelicals, as a rule, are specifically called those who announced the resurrection of Christ, but are not called those who believed, then in the case of the Foma, the opposite situation: do not say who exactly He told the young student about the Resurrection of Christ (simply: "Other students"), but the wrong name is Thomas. This, apparently, can be explained by the fact that Thomas became an impersonation at first disbelief, and then, by the way, faith especially strong. "The answer of Thomas:" My Lord and my God! " "There is no much equal in the gospel of emotional strength," said Professor John A. Bloom. - That was a person doubting, but, having received the proof of the Resurrection of Christ, he proclaimed that Galilean named Jesus is God who came to the land in the flesh "( Bloom J. A. Interpretation of the four Gospels ..., s. 363).

Aramaic "Thomas" means "twin". John has the Greek name "Didim", which also means "twin". The nickname "twin" gave rise to later interpretation, as if Thomas was a twin brother of Christ. In the early Christian art of Thomas depicted a young and without a beard. So he appears on the Palestinian ampoule from Jerusalem (stored in Monza): the resurrected Christ appeared to the Apostles, and Thomas put his fingers in his wound; The inscription reproduces the words of Foma: "My Lord and My God." The image of the thomas is found in the Renaissance Epoch. A vivid example is a sculptural group of Christ and Thomas (disbelief of Foma) Andrea Del Virrocko ( Verrocko.): Christ opens the wound on the chest, and Thomas intends to invest in her fingers.

Andrea Del Virrocko. Disbelief of Thomas (1476-1483).

Florence. Church of OR San Michele.

In the art of counterformation, Thomas, as a rule, appears a man of mature age and with a beard. Masterpiece of Western European art on this topic is the picture of Rembrandt ( Rembrandt.).

Rembrandt. Disbelief of Foma (1634). Moscow. GMI them. A.S. Pushkin

The striking gamut of shades of amazement reports the artist, depicting the reaction not only by the thomas, but also the other apostles to the evidence they presented by Christ. In the Moscow painting, there are illustrating words of the Gospel (for example, the man turned away from the prayerful hands to the right reminds us of those who have not seen the resurrected Savior, laptop). Nick and deviations from the evangelical text - so, the picture shows two women (obviously, Virgin Mary and Maria Magdalene), and in the foreground - the sleeping student is possible, the apostle John.