Singer Yuri Antonov. How old is Yuri Antonov

Singer Yuri Antonov. How old is Yuri Antonov
Singer Yuri Antonov. How old is Yuri Antonov
Yuri Antonov - Son of the Serviceman. His dad was an officer of the Soviet Army, he remained to serve in Berlin after the end of the Great Patriotic War. In Germany, by the way, the sister of singer Zhanna was born.

Yuri Antonov's youth

After the end of the service in Germany, Antonova-Sr. was transferred to Belorussia, where he served in different garrisons. For a while, the family settles in the small town of Molodechno. There, the musical career of Yuri Antonova begins. Mom led her son to a music school, after studying in which the future artist enters the Molodechno Music School in the class of folk instruments. In the student years, Antonov organized his first team - it was a pop orchestra who performed at the local culture house.

In 1963, Yuri Antonov graduated from the school and had fallen by the teacher to the Minsk Children's Music School. By the time his parents had already lived in the capital of Belarus. In Minsk, the artist began working as a soloist instrumentalist in the state philharmonic, but in 1964 Antonov was called into the army. After the service, he returned to the Philharmonic and began to lead the "Tonic" ensemble.

Home Career Yuri Antonova

In 1969, Antonov operates in the popular Leningrad team of VIA "singing guitars" by the keyboard player, and a little later comes to the scene and as a vocalist of the group. It was then, at the beginning of the 70s, the first song songs sounded: "Where is the courage?", "Airport", "Stay, do not shoot, soldiers!", "On good young and red girls", "If you love", but The popularity of the artist and the team brings the composition "No more beautiful", which was performed by Evgeny Bronjvitsky.

In 1970, Yuri Antonov moves to Moscow and goes to the scene along with VIA "Good Job", then the work in the contemporary orchestra, the leader of the ensemble at the metropolitan musical hall, and then the artist VIA "Magistral" with the regional philharmonic and the All-Union Firm gramzapsy "Melody".

The first success of Yuri Antonova

In 1973, the world's first Mignon Plate, Yuri Antonova and the "Contemporary", saw the light. There were songs "Third Day", "Well, what to do with it?", "Berez and Sosses", and three years later, the artist and VIA "Good Menthers" write down the album with the compositions of Antonov "No, not I", "Why "," Carries me the current. " The first compositions of Yuri Mikhailovich and the repertoire of VIA "Merry Guys" appear ("Well, what to do with it", "if you love", "Meeting", "Why").

Yuri Antonov - twenty years later

In the 70s, the songs of Antonov are gaining popularity, singers are performed by the singers of Valery Ozodzinsky and Lebchenko, as well as VIA "singing hearts", "Earthman", "Red Maks".

Star Success Yuri Antonova

In the late 70s of the early 80s, cooperation with the group "Araks" brings Yuri Antonov all-Union fame. Three Mignon plates recorded with the group, as well as several more - recorded with other teams, separated several tens of millions of copies.

In 82nd - 83 years old, Antonov is one of the most famous performers in the entire Soviet Union.

In 1980, a proposal from Odessa film studio is incorporated to include some songs in the film "Take care of women" (1981). In the picture you can hear the compositions of "Take care of women", "all your time", "life". Later, the tracks were written to the paintings "before parting" in 1984, the "beauty salon" in 1985, as well as to the "order" in 1987, "predators" in 1991 and music for the tape "Fools die on Fridays" In 1990.

Best songs Yuri Antonova

The first large album Yuri Antonov released in Yugoslavia in 1982. Later, the plates were also produced in the countries of the Social Security - Poland, GDR, Cuba, Czechoslovakia.

In 1982, Antonov organizes the Aerobus team and two years later releases two giant discs who received the names "Believe in the dream" and "long-awaited plane".

In 1983, Antonov became the soloist of Chechen-Ingush Philharmonic, where she worked for three years and made friends with Mahmoud Esambaev. Yuri collaborated with VIA "Blue Bird" and drove along with them on tour. As a result, a disk giant was released called "Blue Bird in the Sports Palace in Luzhniki" with compositions in the execution of the ensemble. Yuri Mikhailovich's merits were highlighted at a high level, he received the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR.

In 1983, the song "Wyry Circle" was represented in the TV shows. The composition performed by VIA "Blue Bird" for a long time became the capital song of the festival. At the same time, together with Mikhail Danzkovsky Antonov, he writes the first and second part of the musical for children's "Adventures of the Kuzu grasshopper".

In 1983, an Antonov Roof "Roof" Disc-giant is coming out, which includes songs from five minions of the composer with different instrumental ensembles. A little later, Yuri first becomes the finalist of the "Song of the Year" festival with the composition of the roof of your house.

In 1985, the album was recorded in Russian and English. It is noteworthy that Russian-speaking and English-speaking songs in meaning are not connected. For example, the roof of your house is called "Look At Their Faces", and "Vacation" - "I Send to You My Love".

Yuri Antonov - your roof of your house

In 1986, Yuri Antonov is a soloist in Moskoncert. On the closures of "Games of Good Will" in "Luzhniki" he sings the song "The world depends on us."
In 1987, the artist records the music tape "About You and About Me" - this is a collection of video on the songs, in the same year the disk "from sorrow to joy".

A year later, Yuri Antonov starred in the film of his friend and film director Alexander Kosarev called "before parting." He gets the role of Artist Ryzhikov. At the same time, the artist fell a second time in the final of the Festival "Song of the Year", this time with the composition "Snegiri".

Record Yuri Antonova

In the early 80s, the artist actively tours, giving concerts in different cities of the Union on the largest platforms. It was then that Yuri Antonov gave 28 concerts in Lenin CCM in Leningrad in 15 days. Each speech was 14 thousand people.

Yuri Antonov - I remember

Loud scandal with Yuri Antonov

At one of the speeches in Kuibyshev, the artist unfailed to responded to a high-ranking public, an injury in the media began on the artist. For two years, Yuri Antonova was removed from Ether.

Yuri Antonov - carries me the current

New century Yuri Antonova

In 1988, the artist returns to creativity. He writes two more parts of the musical about the grasshopper Kuze, together with Mikhail Danzkovsky, goes to the final of the "Song of the Year" - with the work of "do not flip flowers". After that, in the late 90s and early 2000s, the artist hits the festival with the songs of past years.

At the beginning of the new century, Antonov presented the album "No more beautiful." There were songs that were recorded back in 1995 together with the orchestra of Mikhail Finberg at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the creative activity of Yuri.K 2000, Antonov released almost 20 plates and discs, the total circulation amounted to 48 million copies.

At the turn of the centuries, the artist tried himself as a producer, trying to promote the girl named Svetlana Almazov. With the help of Antonova, the young singer released the album "Sweet Honey", but the new project was not successful, the compositions performed by the lights did not take on the radio, as they were very losing the previous songs of Antonov. As a result, the project was turned off, and the album Yuri tried to remove from sale to not discredit himself.

Personal life Yuri Antonova

Yuri Antonov was married three times. For the first time in 1976, on the girl who planned to move with his family to the West. The artist prepared her documents and his documents, bought tickets, but I did not dare to move to the States.

The former wife remained in New York. There is very little about the second spouse - only the fact that she lives in Croatian Zagreb. Third Wife - Russian Origin - Lives in Paris. Yuri Antonova has two children. Adult daughter also constantly lives abroad, but the youngest son (1996) is located in Moscow.

Yuri Antonov now

Lyrical and very musical songs of Yuri Antonov are still popular. At their concerts, he collects the full halls.

In 1997, Yuri Antonov was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. For merits in the development of domestic culture and many years of fruitful activities on December 10, 2015, he was awarded the Order of Friendship, who received from President Vladimir Putin's hands

Despite the honorable age, Yuri Antonov continues to speak with his romantic songs, which many music lovers are listening to him with pleasure. In addition, the composer consisted in the jury of the Main Scene Music Project, where he worked with young talented participants. However, in recent years, he sometimes cancels his speeches and concerts due to poor well-being. Antonov is not only a big sign of music, he also has his views on the family and the perfect lover. And this is not surprising, since the singer himself was a lot of novels, three marriages and two children.

Yuri was born in 1945 in Tashkent. His father was a servicemen, after the war, he served in Berlin, where the younger sister of the future singer appeared to the world. His musical career began in school years. At that time, the whole family moved to the Belarusian city of Molodechno, where the father was transferred by the family of service. After graduating from school, the young man entered the music school and at the same time created his pop team, which was invited to speak at concerts.

In the photo Yuri Antonov in childhood with parents

In 1970, Antonov moved to Moscow, where he first sang in Via "Good Movement", then played in the orchestra. At the same time, Yuri wrote music for songs that performed various groups and famous singers. Fame came to the artist in 1980, when he collaborated with the rock band "Araks". For his creative career, the singer recorded more than 20 albums and composed more than 300 songs, many of whom became hits: "The roof of your house", "I remember", "Anastasia", "Sea, the Sea" and many others.

Antonov does not like to answer questions about the personal lives of Antonov, so he was often attributed to novels with various women. However, it is known that the composer was married three times, becoming the father of two children. All three former wives live abroad. When the first wife was going to move to America, the singer also wanted to leave his homeland, but before the departure changed his mind and remained in his homeland. The second marriage of Yuri was also unsuccessful, and its former spouse settled in Croatia. The third wife also went abroad, settling in Paris. The composer has children: an adult daughter who lives with her mother, and son. The boy is still studying at school and lives in Moscow, so Antonov communicates with him more often.

Now the singer settled in a luxurious three-story mansion, located 15 km from Moscow. The artist has always surrounded numerous pets, which artist picked up on the street and found new owners to many. Love for four-legged friends has long replaced him with the lack of his wife and children. Yuri lives for many years without a family, as it can not find a woman who would become his faithful girlfriend. According to the singer, for his part, he does a lot for happiness and well-being of the family, so it dreams to meet a business woman who can cook. In addition, the future wife must respect him and ask anything or demand.

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Published on 01/17/2017

In the Soviet years, the singer Yuri Antonov adored millions of music lovers. The songs of the singer were simple and sincere, forced to think about life and our place in it. Popularity came to Yuri Antonov not immediately, but when it came, he made it recognizable and in demand for the entire Soviet Union.

Today Yuri Antonova has already been 73 years old, but it still goes to the scene and performs his old compositions that entered the musical history of the country. Singer to this day remains a favorite of the public and has his listener.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Yuri Antonov

In the 80s, the popularity of the singer was gaining momentum, while everyone wanted to know about the ascending star any details, including growth, weight, age. How many years Yuri Antonov can be found in any source of the network. Height of singer 178 cm, weight 67 kg. In February 2018, Yuri Antonov celebrated his 73 birthday.

Despite the fact that the peak of the popularity of the singer has long passed, often network users are looking for information on the topic: "Yuri Antonov, a photo in youth and now." By the way, he has not changed much from youth, still faithful to his haircut that bears from the young age.

Biography Yuri Antonova

Those interested in the biography of Yuri Antonov, can plunge into the world of memories of a person who was born in Tashkent, in distant and severe 1945. Father - Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, a soldier, a member of the Great Patriotic War, Mother - Natalia Mikhailovna Antonova, Sister - Antonova Zhanna Mikhailovna.

After the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops, Yuri Antonov's father continued to serve for the benefit of the Motherland, where the whole family moved. At this time, the younger sister of singer Jeanne appeared. After Germany, the Antonov family moved to Belorussia.

It was in Belarus that young Yuri Antonov began his creative way from a music school where he went to learn at the insistence of his mother.

Having received secondary education, and after graduating from a music school, Yuri Antonov gives entrance exams into a music school in a class of folk instruments. Here the singer first organized his musical team, speaking in the House of Culture.

The first profession of Yuri Antonov after the end of the university is teaching in the Music School of Minsk. Then the whole family of the singer already lived in the capital of Belarus. Next, the singer began working in the state philharmonic as a soloist of the instrumentalist. In 1964, Yuri Antonov was called up for service in the army.

After serving in the ranks of the Soviet Army, the singer returns to the previous place of work and heads the musical team of Tonic.

Then, Yuri Antonov will create more than one music group, where his own songs will also sing.

All-Union fame comes to Yuri Antonov in the 70s, when he begins to cooperate with the group "Araks". The new records that came out then all records on sales. But the peak of the singer's glory fell in 1982-1983, when such famous songs were recorded as "take care of a woman", "all their time", "life". At this time, the singer produces an album in Yugoslavia with a large number of songs that have been separated by countries such as Czechoslovakia, GDR, Cuba.

For a while, the place of work of the singer becomes the Chechen-Ingush Republic, where he became a soloist of philharmonic.

One of the most popular songs Yuri Antonova is the "roof of my house" instantly became a hit and also brought the singer in the final "Song of the Year."

Some singer compositions were translated into English for a wider audience, but, as it turned out, their meaning is very different from Russian originals.

1988 brought into the life of Yuri Antonov a small novelty, thanks to the shooting of the singer in the film, where his songs also sounded. One of them "Snegiri" again received attention to the song of the Year.

In one of the cities of Russia, a unpleasant incident occurred with the singer. He did not spoke in the address of the public, including rich and influential listeners, it entailed the consequences, or rather a 2-year ban on the singer's air on television.

Although the last songs of Yuri Antonov were released for a long time, but many and today they collect the full halls of the fans of the singer.

21 years ago, the singer received a national artist of the Russian Federation, and three years ago by President Vladimir Putin, Yuri Antonov was awarded the Order of Friendship.

Personal life Yuri Antonova

Many fans of the singer are interested in the personal life of Yuri Antonov. On this subject, he rarely speaks with the press and does not like to talk about any details. It is known that a popular singer was married three times, but today, he is officially divorced and remains a convinced bachelor.

It so happened that all three spouses Yuri Antonov wanted to live abroad, the singer's true fan of Russia himself, and did not want to leave her. Anna's last wife gave him two children - a son and daughter, with whom the father strongly supports relations.

Family Yuri Antonov

If you take into account all wives from three marriages and children, then the family of Yuri Antonov is quite large: the first wife Anastasia, the second - Miroslav, the third - Anna, and the children Mikhail and Lyudmila.

The daughter of the singer lives in Paris, sometimes comes to Russia, the Son lives in Moscow.

In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that a man who contains a family, a wife is obliged to obey and put his opinion above all, perhaps it is a peculiar look at the family life of Yuri Antonov and caused his three unsuccessful marriages.

Grandchildren and children Yuri Antonov

Much attention of the public attract the grandchildren and children of Yuri Antonov. On the network you can find only a couple of lines about it. It is known that both children singer were born from the third spouse Yuri Antonov - Anna, which today constantly lives in France. Lyudmila's daughter also lives in the French capital, and the son of Mikhail lives in the Russian Federation.

It is the son who is the closest relative of the singer, with whom he regularly supports relations. There are no information about the grandchildren of Yuri Antonov, perhaps they exist, but it is not known anyone about this.

Son Yuri Antonova - Mikhail

Son Yuri Antonova - Mikhail, lives in Russia. There are almost no data about the fate of the man. With his mother, the third wife, Anna, the singer did not take care of the permanent place of residence. According to the singer, it can be understood that he is a domineering man who loves to keep everything under his control and does not tolerate characteristic women.

With his son Mikhail, the popular singer supports warm relationships, helps him. More information public and media do not possess. Well, everyone has the right to keep the details about the personal life in secret from outsiders.

Daughter Yuri Antonova - Lyudmila

Yuri Antonova's daughter - Lyudmila also appeared in the third marriage of the singer. She together with his mother lives in France. As their fate, the singer silent is silent, and always without a hunting gives comments on his ex-spouse and children.

It is possible that the singer drives abroad to sometimes visit his daughter, because it is his bloodstream, and, no matter what, they didn't give Lyudmila with the mother and could not save the family, blood bonds take their own. Lyudmila comes here, it is also reliably unknown. It is only reported that the singer of all members of his family is the Son Mikhail.

Former wife Yuri Antonova - Anastasia

The first and former wife of Yuri Antonov - Anastasia, before the marriage warned the singer on what plans to leave after marriage in the United States. Yuri Antonov not only knew about it, but also actively prepared for departure: bought tickets, prepared documents. But, on the day of departure, changed his mind and remained in Russia. Life elder did not leave the chance of marriage, which shortly after the relocation of Anastasia, was terminated.

It is not known that the singer pushed to such a step, but he predicted the fate of marriage, who may have been successful. But this is neither the singer himself nor the rest will never know.

Former wife Yuri Antonova - Miroslav

The second and also the former wife Yuri Antonova is Miroslav. Personality of the second spouse singer is unknown. It is reported only about her place of residence - Croatia, Zagreb. Apparently, Yuri Antonov first married the second choices, and then he learned about her plans for living abroad.

In any case, there are no more information about Miroslava, and the singer himself speaks without enthusiasm about it, because nothing good from the second marriage with a kind of woman named Miroslav, did not come out. Is this fate, or the usual step in the life of Yuri Antonov, which he stepped out, remains a mystery.

Former wife Yuri Antonova - Anna

Yuri Antonova's former wife - Anna, brought the greatest joy of singer from all three marriages, as he gave birth to him two children - the son of Mikhail and daughter Lyudmila.

Yuri Antonov has always believed that there can be two chapters in the family, two owners, someone one must fulfill this role. Apparently, the third spouse Anna claimed a major role in the family. The firm character of Yuri Antonova took the top of the family integrity.

Anna moved to France's permanent accommodation a few years ago, the senior daughter of singer Lyudmila also followed her.

Wikipedia Yuri Antonova

One of the most accurate and informative sources of the biography of the singer is Wikipedia Yuri Antonova. All data on the start of the song activity of Yuri Antonov, about its takeoff, peak of popularity, awards, works as a composer is available.

Personal life here is almost not covered, as in any other network sources, which directly depends on the desire of a popular performer.

Today, Yuri Antonova is 73 years old and he is still a bodra and full of love for the scene. About this person you can say for sure that he dedicated his life to music. The same was found on

The most popular pop singer and composer of recent years of the Soviet period became the author of dozens of hits, which millions of fans over the whole country listened to the heart of the heart. The creative biography of Yuri Antonov can be traced in dozens of superpopular albums, each of which left a noticeable trace in the musical life of the country.

early years

The future famous singer was born on February 19, 1945 in Sunny Tashkent, where his mother was in evacuation. Father Mikhail Vasilyevich Antonov, bravely fought in a separate brigade of marines, in the summer of 1944 received a well-deserved vacation. The combat officer came from the front to the mother to the first place, and the son of Yuri was born through the nine months laid nine months.

After the end of the war, Mikhail Vasilyevich was left to serve in Germany in the Berlin Comfane. In 1948, Yuri's younger sister appeared in 1948. After the family reunited, the father was sent to serve in Belarus, had to walked around various garrisons.

Closer to the end of the father's service is translated to serve in the military enlistment office of a small Belarusian town Molodechno. Here Yuri went to a secondary school and began to engage in music. He was given to learn to play the accordion to the local music school. He tried himself in dancing in a school circle.

In childhood, Yuri was a painful child, at seven years he even suffered poliomyelitis, and he was paralyzed, but with the disease managed to cope. Despite this, the future famous singer Yuri Antonov was a baulian boy, and he often had to prove his righteousness in children's sweatshirts.

First steps in the profession

At the age of 14, he graduated from 8 classes and entered the Molodechno Music School. At the same time, the labor biography of Yuri Antonova began, he became the head of the choir of the railway depot workers, he also played the accordion. The first salary was 60 rubles, which is very good for a young guy for those times.

Since the club was 20 kilometers from the house, then the next four years he had to be not easy: public transport did not go, to work, the young man made it on foot, then on passing machines. His musical addictions were formed under the influence of very popular jazz music and the Beatles group. The first ensemble in his life Yuri Antonov organized still learning to the school. Since a saxophone or even a bass guitar in the Belarusian outfice was impossible to get it, the young man with a purely Soviet smeared replaced them with folk instruments. He played with the team jazz compositions in the local house of culture, and he traveled to Vilnius.

Beginning of professional career

For creative searches and work, the study went fast. In 1963, a young specialist was distributed to a music school in the Belarusian capital, teach the game on the accordion. However, the work of the music teacher did not care at all. Already then he was a good musician and sought to improve exactly as the performer. The talented young man has managed to pass the audition as a soloist toolsalist to the Belarusian state philharmonium.

In this concentration of the musical life of the republic, he had many opportunities for creative self-realization. However, the start of a successful musical career in the biography of Yuri Antonov will begin only in two years. In 1964 he was called on an urgent military service.

On the way to big glory

From the army of Antonov returned to the Belarusian Philharmonic, soon becoming the head of the "Tonic" ensemble, after two years of work in which he was invited to Leningrad to the popular group of "singing guitars." He began to work as a keyboard player tool, later began to write songs and sometimes performed. At the beginning of the 70s, the first of his compositions, including the "Airport", "Stave, do not shoot, soldiers!", "If you love". At the same time, Yevgeny Armorovitsky, the first hit Yuri Antonova "No more beautiful," who made the famous 25-year-old composer and a musical team made you.

In 1970, he moved to the capital to protrude in another famous vocal-instrumental ensemble "Good Movement", then goes to the Orchestra "Contemporary" under the control of A. Krol. At this time, in the creative biography of Yuri Antonov, the first its own ensemble "Magistral" with which he began to tour with the solo program appeared. All-Union Glory brought collaboration with the group "Araks", with which three minion plates were released, almost instantly separated by tens of millions, which entered the famous songs of Yuri Antonov: "Life", "Road to the Sea", "Golden Staircase" and many others.

Most Popular Performer Country

At the same time, the song of the composer appears in the repertoire of the most popular Soviet performers, including Lion Leschenko, Valery Ozodisokgo, VIA "Singing Hearts", VIA "Earthman". His songs know the whole country, but Antonov's television is not allowed on a formal reason - he is not a member of the Union of Composers. Many songs are not skipped by an idiotovet of the recording company "Melody".

In 1982, Yuri Antonov's albums were released - "long-awaited plane" and "Believe in the dream", which became the result of a two-year work of the team "Airbus". His albums with hits "On Katanovaya Street", "Mirror" and the "Roof of Your House" were sold by 20 million edition.

In the 1980s, after he was not awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist, he leaving to Grozny, at the invitation of his friend, the famous Chechen dancer Mahmud Esambaeva. In the local philharmonic, Yuri Antonov worked for three years along with the Blue Bird group, according to the results of the work he was assigned the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR.

At the turn of centuries

During the tour in Kuybyshev, he sharply spoke about the regional elite, the trace of artist began, and he was not released for two years to television ether. Again, in front of the general audience, Yuri Antonov appears in 1988 with the musical about the grasshopper Kuze, written together with the poet Mikhail Pleakkovsky. The third time goes to the final of the All-Union Competition "Song of the Year" with the composition "Do not rotate flowers."

In the late 1990s, he decided to try himself in a new role - producer, trying to unwind the singer Svetlana Diamond. However, further release of the debut album did not go. The title of People's Artist of Russia was assigned to him only in 1997.

In the new millennium

In the 21st century in the creative biography of Yuri Antonov, there were already about 20 albums with a total circulation of about 48 million copies. In 2001, it turned 30 years since the beginning of his musical activity, the 70th anniversary of the legendary singer and the composer was celebrated in 2015. To this date was released and the album "No more beautiful" with selected songs of the mid-90s. The author and the performer continued to give concerts, however, now he spent more at festivals and a new format appeared - corporate parties. At the same time, the first music clips Yuri Antonov and the most popular songs appear.

Since 2009, he took part in the jury of the International Music Competition "New Wave", until recently held in Latvian Jurmala. Constantly participates in various television projects: in 2014, the executive skill of the Music Show of the Music Show "Five Stars", next year, was one of the significant persons in a large-scale project "Home Scene". The most memorable event of the last show was the performance of Antonov together with the singer Gregory Leps. They sang the composition "Berez and Pines", which many called the best in the history of this song.

In 2016, the singer was hospitalized with a suspicion of a heart attack, which was just food poisoning. The creative biography of Yuri Antonov continued, though more in anniversary and festive concerts.

Harsh but fair

About the harsh and not easy character of the Honored Artist are composed of legends, in recent decades it has more than once became the hero of various scandals.

Many colleagues note that he does not like pirates, fighting the results of his hard work. He had a tradition to go on Saturdays to the market of electronic goods "Gorbushka", where they sell a lot of counterfeit products, and throat shops of merchants. Since the methods of struggle of the singer are well known here, illegal discs are hiding when it appears. Therefore, he takes with him familiar girls who commit "control purchases." And when sellers show the buyers of pirated copies of Yuri Anton's albums, he comes up, selects and immediately breaks them.

Personal life

In numerous interviews, the legendary singer always frankly says that he loves women, but information about the personal life Yuri Antonov is not divided. As he said in one of the interviews, he understands that everyone is interested, with whom he meets who deceived, but he is still still acting composer ...

It is known that he was officially married three times, and all former wives live abroad. Every time, according to the singer, he married love. The first spouse Anastasia emigrated to America, actually they had to go together. Antonov helped to collect the girl all the necessary documents, bought tickets. However, at the last moment changed his mind and remained in the Soviet Union.

Subsequent relations

The second wife Miroslav lives in Croatia, in Zagreb. The third spouse Anna lives in Paris, in France, there is also their joint children with Yuri Antonov - daughter Lyudmila and son Mikhail. In one of the interview, the singer said he had an adult daughter who lives with her mother abroad, with whom he did not communicate, and the teenager son studies in Moscow, he sees him more often.

In recent years, the press could see the photo of Yuri Antonov with a pretty blonde Irina, which is younger than a singer for thirty years. The girl works by the administrator in the theater of Konstantin Raikina, where they met. A few years ago, a couple were often seen at various secular events. However, then they stopped seeing them together, most likely, Antonov is again free from relationships.

First millionaire showbiz

Some friends of the singer consider it the first Soviet millionaire in show business, he always earned very well. In the first guests, Yuri Mikhailovich received 400 rubles, very good at the time of earnings - the base rate of academician. And already in the 70s, its earnings amounted to about 15,000 rubles.

When he married a girl from Yugoslavia Mile Bobanovich, then left there. And I began to ride the West, where I bought a good musical instrument, then I sold it to my colleagues who were not able to go abroad. Soon he returned to the country, but still continued to trade excellent equipment. In addition, he has already become a popular performer, Hits Yury Antonov brought good money.

According to the memories of friends, he had bags with money everywhere in the apartment, under the bed also stacks of banknotes. His friend Yuri Nikolaev recalled: The famous singer says that he does not know where to spend so much money. By 1991, he had about a million Soviet rubles on his savings book. According to Antonov, he managed to convert all the money into dollars. Currently, for the performance of this successful singer, approximately 60 thousand US dollars must be paid.


Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov was born on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent. His father, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was an officer of the Soviet Army, mother, Natalia Mikhailovna - a housewife. The first years of his life, Little Yuri spent in Uzbekistan, where his family went to evacuation. Father he saw not often: after the end of the war, Mikhail Vasilyevich was forced to serve in Germany, while his wife and son remained in Tashkent. In 1948, Yuri is born sister Zhanna, and his parents make a decision to move to Belarus, to the tiny town of Molodechno. It was there that all the childhood of Antonova passed.

In addition to the usual comprehensive school, the boy went to the music: he studied to play the accordion. Also tried his talents in the dance circle. The child of Antonov was very painful, in seven years it was even paralyzed, but with polio, Yura's parents managed to cope. Despite the diseases in childhood, the singer was a fairly hooligan, like most local boys, learned to defend their rightness in fistful battles.

The yard fights stopped passing Antonov at 14, when music was his passion. In that year he graduated from school, he entered the Molodene Music School and received his first job - the head of the Choir of Railway workers in the local depot, which was 25 kilometers from the house of Yuri. The next four years, the teenager literally burst between studies and work. His musical taste was formed under the influence of the jazz classics and the group The Beatles, so the Antonov attempts soon to create his first ensemble. Only here saxophones or bass guitars in Molodechno did not see the eyes in the eyes, I had to portray jazz melodies on folk instruments, and Antonov went to Vilnius for notes.

So the study was unnoticed for creative quest. In 1963, the young accordionist was distributed to Minsk music school. Antonov's teacher's prospect clearly did not impose, Yuri was a good musician and sought to make a career. Therefore, soon Antonov achieved an invitation to the Belarusian state philharmonium as a soloist-instrumentalist. Here, in the center of the musical life of Minsk, a lot of prospects opened before him. True, creative plans had to be postponed for 2 years. In 1964, the Motherland called on Yuri to fulfill his military debt. Big quarry waited for him after.


Demobilizing from the army, Antonov returns to the Belarusian philharmonic. Soon he becomes the musical leader of the "Tonic" ensemble, which accompanied the once popular singer Viktor Vyuchich. The accompaniment turned out to be very successful, and after two years a 24-year-old musician was invited to Leningrad, to the legendary team of "singing guitars". For his new ensemble, Antonov writes songs that sometimes even performed. Soon the first composer hat appears "For me there is no more beautiful," in 1969, this song sounded almost from every iron. Only in 25 years, Antonov gained the All-Union Glory of the composer.

All doors opened before a young musician, in 1971 he chooses Moscow, where he joined the team "Good Movement". The Metropolitan Career Antonova was stormy and contradictory. He flatly refused to enter into an alliance of composers, and at the concerts of "good young people" certainly wanted to execute the songs of "Bitles". Easy to communicate with the authorities, of course, did not add, but Antonova saved talent. He wrote several hits for "fun guys," and soon he was invited to become a soloist vocalist in the ensemble of Anatoly Roll. After some time, Antonov took the first step to the "star", he organized his own "Magistral" ensemble and already as a vocalist began to tour with the solo program.

In 1973, Antonov produces its first record, but the entrance to television was still closed. Too uncompromising and proud temper had a young artist. True, on the popularity of Yuri Mikhailovich, his absence on the blue screen did not affect. He changed the ensembles: first "aerobus", then "Araks". He recorded hits: "On the street by Chestnut", the roof of your house, "mirror". His albums diverged the circles of 20 million copies, and the party stubbornly refused to recognize the talent of Antonov. At the beginning of the 80s, he did not give a "deserved", and the solemn singer at the invitation of his friend Mahmoud Esambaeva unexpectedly left for Grozny. In the local philharmonic, Yuri Mikhailovich worked for 3 years, for which he deservedly became a deserved artist of Chechen-Ingush ASSR.

The People's Artist of Russia Antonov became only in 1997, while in 1991 his talents admitted the Paul McCari himself. Yury Mikhailovich released his last solo album in 2001, according to his own confession, he is completely not interested in modern pop and spend most of the time in his music studio at home.

Antonov has always frankly recognized that he loved women, loves and love, and, in large quantities. But he always added that his information on his personal life would be able to fill even Gestapo. Still, some information is known to journalists. The first passion of the composer was the young student of the Polytechnic Technical School of Rita, with which Yuri met in his native youth. This love was tragic: the girl fell in love with a older boy and threw the future composer. Many years later, repentant and pretty, the reckless Margarita came to the already star Antonov for the scenes, but was adopted very cool. By that time, Yuri Mikhailovich loses his youthful romance and realized that "I could not love one woman all my life." That is why married Antonov was three times. The first stamp in the passport he set the calculation. The girl was going to emigrate in the US, and the composer agreed to help her arrange documents. The Master himself was also going to leave for the ocean, but at the last moment I changed my mind. Only one thing is known about the two other wives of Antonov - both live abroad. One in Croatia, the other - in Paris.

One of the last serious hobbies of the composer was the pretty blonde Irina, which was younger than Antonov for 30 years. Irina worked as an administrator at the Theater of Konstantin Raykin, where I met Yuri Mikhailovich. A few years ago, the couple often appeared together at secular events, but then, apparently, Antonov struck out his mistress from his life, however, like all other women.

Children at Yuri Mikhailovich Two, and the composer thoroughly hides both his offspring and their mothers. Senior daughter is already adult and lives abroad. Her Anton sees very rarely. Son Mikhail is studying at the Moscow school, but the father's attention is also not spoiled.


About the harsh and intolerant nature of Yuri Antonov added legends. Extremely reverent attitude towards himself and their creativity has once provoked awkward, and sometimes just indecent situations. There were a lot of scandals in the life of Antonov. Here are just a few of them.

The freshest scandal occurred in November 2011, when the singer at the gas station quarreled with a biker. As a result, Antonov remained with an impressive bruise under the eye, and the motorcyclist disappeared from the scene without consequences. As the musician told, an unknown villain blocked his car, and he himself went to a snack in a cafe, without reacting to Antonov signals calling for a motorcycle. As a result, when the motorcyclist still came out, the verbal sword quickly turned into a fight.

"I did not expect the first blow to the face," Antonov told in an interview. "But it was necessary to defend themselves. Moved on him. Range two outsiders. We wanted to remove the helmet from him to see the face. You could not! He's such a guy strongly, probably. In the gym. The next blow of the motorcyclist fell into my right eye. I burst the eyelid. The blood is grooming. Horror. I immediately ran to the car. Such an attack of anger found ... grabbed that the first caught hand to fight back. I, unlike His, without a helmet. Then I already understood that I pulled out a plastic case from the machine from the emergency stop sign. Somewhere I wrote, they say, I jumped up with a baseball bat. Laughty! I didn't have any baseball bits. Yes, I didn't have it The essence, and did not hit this cover. An unequal fight, if it can be called a fight at all. We did not fight, we rather fought. " An unknown attacker so still not found, and Antonov had to be imposed on the damaged eyelids in the hospital.

The most loud scandal with the participation of the singer occurred in January last year, when at the track in Barvieu car Antonov stopped the DPS inspector Alexander Navrhota. According to Yuri Mikhailovich, the minister of law enforcement in gross form demanded documents, which then threw on the front seat, at the same time hitting the singer on the ear. According to neurotes, the singer refused to present documents on demand, jumping out of the car and hitting the police officer. Whatever it was, Antonov was taken to the neldest ATS, and the journalists who lived about everything made the scandal public. Yuri Mikhailovich filed a lawsuit that was safely rejected. Neurota was removed from work, on what this incident was exhausted.

In 2003, Samsung Corporation invited Antonov to "Jury" organized by her karaoke contest. Korean businessmen were hardly expected that the famous composer would arrange a grand scandal. Rising to the scene, Yuri Mikhailovich began to accuse the corporation in plagiarism and threaten to them by the court. The angry Philippik of the singer was able to stop Bari Alibasov, who reminded Antonov about another genius composer Mozart, who did not think about copyright rights.

In 2004, Yuri Mikhailovich still reached the court. He filed a lawsuit on the TV channel "Russia", which "cut out" a few songs from the broadcast of his concert. Representatives of the television company explained that at this very time it became known about the death of the President of Chechnya Ahmad Kadyrov, so the program was reduced due to the emergency release of "Westa". But Antonov to the excuses of "Russia" remained deaf and demanded 7 million rubles. The court he lost.

In 2007, on tour in Saransk, Yuri Mikhailovich tried to repeat the feat of Philip Kirkorov. Several outbreaks of the camera of the local journalist led Marat to rabies. With the help of the guards, he attacked the girl with his mother swear and took the camera from her. On the same day, the Saransque media decided to teach the singer, putting out the concert hall, where he performed, a lively shield from the photographs, ready to blind Antonov outbreaks. Yuri Mikhailovich left nothing, how to play through a black entrance.

In the same year, Antonov distinguished himself in Penza. After half an hour after the start of the concert, Yuri Mikhailovich stopped and angrily asked one of the audience not to take it on a mobile phone. When a young man refused to obey the will of the stars, Antonov from the scene "Sita" on him guards. Local journalists argue that after the concert behind the scenes, everyone received their portion of obscene Brass: from the director to the cleaner. Such antics, the composer threw back in Soviet times. In 1987, in Samara Antonov, having heard the exclamation of one of the audience, turned around and left the scene. After that, for unworthy behavior, Moskoncert declared an artist's strict reprimand with removal from participation in overseas tour for six months.


Yuri Mikhailovich, as a creative person, has some very strange hobbies and inclinations. The main one is incomprehensible to pets. In the country house of the composer, about 40 dogs and cats live, most of them are Antonov picked up on the street. Yuri Mikhailovich not only knows the nickname of each of his pets, but also can easily talk about the character and moral of one or another pet. Antonova even has a special refrigerator, where food for animals is stored. Every five days the composer carefully replenishes it.

The second passion of Antonov can be called the fairness of justice. The composer adheres to monarchical and nationalist glances. In the mid-90s, he was going to join LDPR and even put forward his candidacy for elections to the Cursk's Pub. After the party suddenly decided to remove Antonov from the elections, Yuri Mikhailovich went into politics changed his mind. But became the vice-president of the Russian author's society and the Chairman of the Board of the Council to the moral education of the Main Directorate for the Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. What Antonov is engaged in this position, it is difficult to guess.

Another weakness of the composer is shopping. Antonov very easily breaks up with money, but a special passion nourishes his jackets. They have an incredible amount from Yuri Mikhailovich, and in different colors and styles. The strangest thing is Antonov's jackets almost not wearing, but acquires to just admire them on the hanger. Also limitless, the love of the composer to perfumery. Yuri Mikhailovich buys all the toilet water, which finds in stores.


Most of the life of Antonov lived in a two-bedroom apartment on the street of Academician Chelymaya. In the summer of 1997, Antonov completed a long construction of a three-story mansion in Peredelkin. But after a few years it was tired of this house, and he assimary to build a "the best house in the Russian show business." The composer's project was self: in a mansion area of \u200b\u200bmore than 1000 square meters there is a swimming pool, a cinema, gaming chairs, a recording studio and a concert area.


The first money of Antonov began to earn in 14 years, in the choir of railway workers. The salary for those times was big - 60 rubles, which he gave the parents. From the first guests, Yuri Mikhailovich brought 400 rubles. And in the mid-70s earned 15 thousand rubles per month. According to the singer himself, it has plastic bags with money right under the bed, since there was no place to be. In 1991, Yuri Mikhailovich lay on a book about 1 million rubles. According to Antonova, he touched "very tricky operation" in time and managed to translate all the money into dollars. Now for one speech on the corporate part of the composer asks about 60 thousand dollars.


Antonov always told about his collection of expensive cars, whose pearl was Bentley Arnage of black. This car acquired this car in 2001. In the same year, the fleet of Yury Mikhailovich replenished the black jeep of Tyota Land Cruiser, and a year later, again, the black Mercedes SL50 with a folded riding.

Dear Antonov cars began to buy back in Soviet times. In 1983, he became the first owner of Volvo 244 in the country, which cost him 14 thousand rubles. In 1994, the composer traveled in Moscow at the popular Mercedes Benz, and in 1995 on Taja Ran-4.