Piece in English Christmas History "To Meet Santa. Scenario of the Christmas tree in English for preschoolers

Piece in English Christmas History
Piece in English Christmas History "To Meet Santa. Scenario of the Christmas tree in English for preschoolers

The final concert in the form of Christmas history "To Meet Santa" was held on December 25 at 16:00 and became the end of the decade of the English language. The idea to collect together Santa Claus, Santa Claus, the Italian witch BEFAN, Hawaiians and Eskimos in order to show how people in different countries celebrate Christmas and New Year, was supported. The script was completely in English, with the exception of the Russian Santa Claus. The script was distinguished from all traditional New Year's fairy tales with a novelty and modern look and interpretation. Students with pleasure rehearsed and enjoyed the preparation process.


A Girl (Rayana) is sitting at the table at Writing A Letter to Santa: "Dear Santa, All Year I Was a Very Good Girl! I Was a Diligent Student at School. I Always Did My Homework. I ALWAYS OBEYED MOM MOM AND DAD. I Helped With The Housework! I Would Like to Ask You to Bring Joy and Happiness to My Family and All My Relatives. I Would Like All People in the World to Be Able to Ask About Help and To Get This Help. IT IS Very Important to Manage to Ask About What You Need. I Wish All People's Dreams Come True. I Wish Peace Stay On The Earth and We All Appreciate What We Have. But My Biggest Desire Is To MEET You Personally! I Am Sure We Will Be Very Good Friends!


What Are you doing? (Stas)

I am Writing a letter to santa. (Rayana)

Writing a letter? In the 21st Century? All People Have Computers and The Access to the Internet. Why not to Write An E-Mail to Him? (Stas)

E-mail? What's this? (Rayana)

An Electronic Letter. You Type It and Sent From Your Computer. The Letter Immediately Enters The Santa's Mailbox ... by The Way, Have You Known Before That Santa Has His Own Website? (Stas)
- Website? What Website? (Rayana)

Oh, my god! Check This Out, Rayana, You Type www.santaclaus.net and ... stop! What Santa Are You Writing To? (Stas)

What do you Mean "What Santa"? (Rayana)

Rayana, Do You Think There Is the Only Santa in The World? (Stas)

Why not? (Rayana)

You Still Don't Know So Many Things, Rayana! OK, I Will Tell You What I know Myself As Your Older Brother. People in Different Countries Celebrate Christmas and New Year in Different Ways. And by The Way They Have Their Own Santas. (Stas)

I CAN't Belive It! Who Are You Kidding? No, No, No, It's Totally Unacceptable! Santa IS Unique and Special! (Rayana)

Yes, he is but ... Stop, I know how to prove it. Look! With Help of Virtual Space We'll Travel Around The World and See How People Celebrate Christmas. (Stas)

Christmas in the Great Britain.

Santa (Ahmed) is sitting at the Desk Among The Piles of Letters from Children All Over The World. (As a background jingle bells sounds)

Everyday is the same! I Feel Like A Robot! I get up at 5 o'clock, Have Cookies and Milk for Breakfast, Go to My Christmas Workshop and Check What My Elfs Make for Kids All Over The World. Then I Have Cookies and Milk for Lunch, Sleep A Little Bit and Again At 5 O'Clock Pm Have Cookies and Milk ... I Am Fed Up With Milk and Cookies! I Wanna Meat, Coffee Without Milk, Bananas and Lemonade At Least.

What i have to listen every day? ME? Who Was The Most Talented Santa in The Class? Who Played in Rock Band? Jingle Bells? (He Sits at the Piano and Plays Warriors Imagine Dragons) SEE! That's What I Like. We Live in the 21st Century! By The Way, My Transport, Hower Move, by Reindeers, Ridiculous! (Ahmed)

Santa, Santa, Your Main Elf Is Late Because He Got Stuck In A Terrible Traffic Jam! (ELF)

Traffic jam? How Is That Possible? Are Sky Roads gridlocked? (Ahmed)

But, Santa, You Have Recently Turned All Your Reindeers INTO MERSEDESES. (ELF)

Oh, I Forgot! You Never Know What Is Better! I Need to Visit My Sister Befana, I Haven't Seen Her for AgeS! She Lives in Italy and I Will Eat Pizza, Cheese and Spaghetti! (Ahmed)

Who Are You and Why You Entered My House? Oh, No, Stop, IT Was from Another Play WHO Are You, My Little Child, and What do you need from me? (Ahmed)

Santa, IT Was My Dream to See How People Celebrate Christmas All over the World. Please, Take Me With You! (Rayana)

OK! NO PROBLEM! We Still Have No My Helper But i Have a Driving License! (Ahmed)

No, Santa, Let's Go By Reindeers! (Rayana)

Oh, I Am Too Kind Sometimes! OK, Lets! (Ahmed)

Christmas in Italy with the Witch Befana

Befana (ALUA) Wearing Bandana and shorts with a BROM Walking Along Her Room Back and Forth and Screaming: "Mama Mia, Tradizione IDIOTA! I Should Fly On A BROOM WHEREAS IL MIO FRATELLO SANTA CLAUS FLIES ON SLEIGH WITH FUNNY REINDEERS! I Should Eat Pizza and Spaghetti Whereas Il Mio Fratello Santa Claus Eats Cookies and Milk? I HATE IT! (Then She Sees Santa and Guests)


Molto Bene, Grazie, Mia Sorella! (Ahmed)

Stop! Let's Fence FIRST! (ALUA)

FENCE! Are you Kidding, BEFANA? (Ahmed)

Come on, Klaus, I Will Prick You!

They Are Fencing, AT Last Befana Wins.

You are losing your Shape, Carissimo! (ALUA)

That's What I am Talking Every Day, BEF! I am Eating Only Cookies and Milk! (Ahmed)

Then Befana Sees Alex and Stas:


Turisto, But Not Russo! (Ahmed)

Oh, Dear Lady Befana, I Am So Happy To Meet You! I Have Never Known About You! (Rayana)

You Haven't Known About Me? Questo E Impossibile! Questo E Koshmar! (ALUA)

Calm Down, Sorella! Let's Sing Our Favorite Song! (Ahmed)


Listen, I Have Never Known That Witches Can BE SO COOL! She is gorgeous! I Like Her So Much! (Rayana)

Yea! Pretty Cool Old Eternal Lady! But We Have to Visit Two More Countries and Now We Will Visit Hawaii. (Stas)

Hawaii? Stas, You Are Pulling Your Leg! People in Hawaii Cannot Have Christmas Because They Have No Snow! (Rayana)

Alex, You Will Be Really Surprised to See How They A Blast During This Holiday. Come On, Let's Go, You Will See Everything Yourself! (Stas)

Christmas in Hawaii!

I am Tired, Stas! We Have Just Visited Three Different Countries! What else? (Rayana)

What else? Let Me Think, Oh, I Know, Russia! (Stas)

Oh no! (Rayana)

Why? What's Wrong With Russia! (Stas)


Rayana, Cold Is Better That Rain At Christmas Eve! Come on! (Stas)

Christmas in Russia with Father Frost!

Santa Claus (Dima Macnets) walks on stage and raises snowflakes. Dima should play as a director, like: "I do not believe how many times you can repeat you, you did not convince me what kind of dancing, you gathered for children or on a disco? Well, once again in places, take their positions "Snowflakes with some kind of dancing their dance.

Ryan and Stas clap and scream "Bravo!", Santa Claus turns to them and says: "And this is what kind of wilderness, why did you please?"

We Would Like To See How You Live and People in Your Country! (Ryan and Stas)

Aliens What? I will send them to Africa, so there will be a laughter! (Dima Macnets)

But he himself gets into Africa!

There is faced by face to face with Papuas Santa Claus. Both yell: "AAAA"

Then dance and sing Eskim and Papuas)

Then Santa Claus asks for forgiveness from the guys and flies back with them back, the number of Russian Santa Claus!


I Have Changed My Mind, Stas! I WANNA SEE All Of Them One More Time! (Rayana)


You? You know what? You are the Greatest Show-Off I Have Ever Met In My Life! (Rayana)

ME? Show-off? Rayana, Don't Forget, We Live in the 21st Century and I Will Only Press The Button 'Enter' and Abracadabra ... (Stas)


Have You Alady Made Your New Year's Resolutions? (Ahmed)

Have I Made What? (Rayana)

Stop, Stop, May I Tell The World About This Great New Year's Tradition!

Before Clock Strikes 12 Times People All Over The World Make Their New Year's Resolutions and Decide to Do Something New At The Beginning of the New Year! Let's All Make Our New Year's Resolutions. I Am Sure New Year Will Bring All of US Happiness and New Productive and Efficient Life! (Stas)

People Take A Small Piece of Paper and Write Down Their New Year's Resolution Then Roll It Into The Small Rolls! Then We All Burn Candles.

Candles and Small Glasses and The Song "Last Christmas" of Wham.

Kalizhanova Anna Nikolaevna, ChSOU "Friendship", Karaganda, r. Kazakhstan, Deputy Director for the British Program

To download the material or!

Larisa Nikolaevna Chamianova
Scenario of the Christmas tree in English for preschoolers

Christmas tree

(for children 6-7 years old)


Mary Poppins

Santa Claus

Postman Pechkin

Snowy girl


Props: 2 drums, 2 whistle, 2 bags (for games, multicolored umbrella, ice cream (milying, letter from Santa Claus (in envelope, candles.

Music includes children to the hall and get up around the Christmas tree.

1 child: I Love Christmas for Many Things.

Trees, Candles, Angel Wings,


Snow Covered Hills,

Little Toy Trains,

Dolls in their frills.

2 baby: I Love Christmas, Ribbons of Gold,


Sweet Candy Canes, BRIGHT RED SLDS,

Little Ones Tucked Snug In Their Beds.

3 baby: I Love Christmas, But Most of All,


A Friendly Chat, A Cup of TEA,


Song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".


We wish you a merry christmas.

And a happy new year.


Let's All Do a Little Clapping.

Let's All Do a Little Clapping.

And Spread Christmas Cheer.



Mother Poppins enters the hall to the hall.

M. Poppins: Good afternoon, Children! GOOD AFTERNOON, Guests! Glad to See You! MY NAME'S MARY POPPINS. And What's Your Name? (Children call english your name) . Now, Look at the Christmas Tree! IT's SO Beautiful!

It includes a snowman.

Snowman: Christmas tree! My Christmas tree! Barely learned. Oh, hello guys? For a long time I was looking for her. Traces led me here. And why did she need it?

M. Poppins: Hello, Snowman! We are all very glad that you came to visit us.

Snowman (displeased): Is this another holiday?

M. Poppins: Christmas. One of the most favorite holidays around the world for the guys and adults. In every house, everyone is preparing to his arrival, dress up a Christmas tree, light on her lights, decorate with different toys ...

Snowman: Yeah! What is happening? Shot a Christmas tree in the forest without permission, and even having fun. But I'm not up to me.

M. Poppins: Why?

Snowman: I could not protect the Christmas tree in the forest. What now to tell me to grandma Winter? She appointed me to guard me in the forest and punished to guard the trees from cutting, sprinkle them with a soft snow, wrapped from the cold wind, to ensure that all the beasts were warm and not cold.

M. Poppins: Sorry, please. But let the Christmas tree stay here. We are very pleased. True guys? Well, think what Christmas without Christmas tree? Watch how many guests gathered here today. Guys, but, in my opinion, the guest was very upset. May be…

Snowman (interrupts): Let's do so: I will make riddles about animals. If you guess, your Christmas tree is yours, and if not - mine. Agreed?

M. Poppins: Well, guys? We accept the suggestions of the snowman? Well, snowman. We agree. Guess. (Kids). Listen carefully. Whoever rents - quickly raise your hand!


1. I am RED. I Go, Run and Jump. I Catch a Hare. (A FOX).

2. I am Small. I am Gray. I run. (A MOUSE).

3. I am Big. I am Gray. I run. I Catch a Hare. (A WOLF).

4. I am White. I Run and Jump. (a hare).

5. I am Big. I am Brown. I Go, Climb. (a bear).

6. I am Green. I Jump, Swim. (a frog).

Snowman praises children english, shakes his hand, strokes head.

Snowman (says leaving): Well, that, you guess all my riddles. The persuasion is a persuasion. Wood Your Christmas tree.

M. Poppins: Snowman! Or maybe you will stay with us? We will have fun. Oh, because of this story with the Christmas tree I forgot to tell you that Santa Claus should fly to us today. That's just something not yet. Well, what, the snowman will stay?

Snowman: If you ask so, I stay. After all, I love to dance, play.

M. Poppins: Wonderful! (Invites you to play). Let's Play!

The game: Who will quickly hang around the Christmas tree and play on the drum (Sweets in the whistle; eat orange and whistles in the whistle).

Knock on the door. The melody of the Russian folk song sounds. In the hall enters, dancing, Pechkin, the envelope carries in his hand.

Pechkin: Hello, guys, parents and everyone else! I brought you a letter and what! Only I will not give it to you.

M. Poppins: Why so?

Pechkin: Do you have documents? BUT? That's not! And without documents it is impossible.

Snowman: Tell me, dear postman Pechekin, and from whom this letter?

Pechkin: Yes, it's somehow written here ... (Trying to read). I do not figure out.

M. Poppins: Show me. (Goes to Pechkin).

Pechkin (hides envelope): You are what! Do not touch! (Shows).

M. Poppins (is reading): Santa Claus. Guys, this is a letter from Santa Claus! Pechkin, give it to us.

Pechkin: Why do you need it so much?

M. Poppins: Because we have a holiday today.

Pechkin: Holiday? Holidays I love. And what is the holiday, guys today?

M. Poppins: Children, Three, Four!

Children choir: Christmas!

Pechkin: What? (Refers to the child). And in Russian how?

Children: Christmas!

Pechkin: Christmas? (Thinks solving). Okay! Daish your letter!

Children perform the "The Hockey-Pookey" dance song.

Dance-song "The Hockey-Pokey"

Children form a circle. By fulfilling the first verse, they move in dance. Then the children depict the movements that are coming in the song.

1st Coupling:

You Put Your Right Foot In

You Put Your Right Foot Out

You Put Your Right Foot In

And Shake IT All About,

And Then You Do Hockey Poker

And You Turn Yourself ABOUT,

And That's What It's All ABOUT. Hey!

2nd verse:

You Put Your Left Foot ...

3rd verse:

You Put Your Right Hand ...

4th Coupling:

You Put Your Left Hand ...

5th Coupling:

You Put Your Right Shoulder ...

6th Coupling:

You Put Your Left Shoulder ...

7th Coupling:

You Put Your Whole Self ...

Pechkin: Keep your letter.

M. Poppins (opens the letter, reads, translates into Russian language) : I Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I Cannot Come To Your Party. I am in england now. Come to England. I Have Many Presents for You! Your Santa Claus.

Pechkin: Where is England?

M. Poppins: On the British islands.

Snowman: But how do we get there?

M. Poppins: We Have no Ship! NO Train! Oh! I know! I have a Magic Umbrella. So that the umbrella has a magic force, you need to correctly call colors. (Shows colors). What Color Is IT?

Children answer: IT IS GREEN, etc.

M. Poppins: GOOD FOR YOU! Thank you! Go on a trip. (Rotates an umbrella, says a calm soft voice)

Snowman: Where are we? (Frightened looking around).

In the center of the hall there is a snowy girl.

Snowy girl: GOOD AFTERNOON! You are on the island of dancing. I am snowgirl. Welcome, Dear Guests! These Are ... My Friends, SnowFlakes. Where Are you? Fly Here! I am Waiting for You!

Music sounds, in the hall, circling in the dance, snowflakes run.

M. Poppins: Snowy girl, we fly in England, Santa Claus. And on your island, we landed a little rest.

Snowy girl: Rested? But before you leave this island, you must dance with me. (Spinning in the waltz). If you dance well, you can continue the journey. If not, stay here until you learn to dance. Such is the law of the island.

M. Poppins: Guys, we need to try, if we want to get to Santa Claus. Let's show how we can dance.

Children perform a dance song "Act and Sing".

Dance-song "Act and Sing"

Children form a circle, sing and depict the movements, which comes in the song.

La La La La La

Lala La La Lalala La

La La La La La

Lala La La Lalala La

Standing Up, Standing Up

Everybody Standing Up.

Standing Up, Standing Up

Everybody Standing Up.





Be a Giraffe, Be a Giraffe

Be a Giraffe, Be a Giraffe

Stretch Up Tail Just Like A Giraffe




Performing a stopping Up couple, the children get up, Lala - dance in their places, in a circle - dance dance, Be a Giraffe - stretch up, Be a Mouse - squat.

Snowy girl: Very Good Children! I really liked how you dance. (Sad). I don't even want to part with you.

M. Poppins: Then flew with us! Guys, are you not against?

Children: No!

M. Poppins: Then all together continue our journey. (Rotates umbrella). Sleep! One, Two, Three. Fly Umbrella with Children and Me. CHILDREN, WAKE UP!

Pechkin (Businessly): We are already in England?

Snowman (Looking around): No, in my opinion, we are not in England.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga appears.

B. Yaga: My father! How many people! Boys and girls! (Suitable and touches). For lunch! (Covers her mouth with hand). I wanted to tell: Hello, animals! Bunny ... for dinner! Oh i wanted to tell: Welcome, guests are expensive. How glad I am glad to see you. What wind did you get here?

M. Poppins (confused): Actually, we fell here quite by chance. (Looking around everyone). And we are already time. True guys?

B. Yaga: What are all what cunning! You are on my island. And there is a law. (Strictly). From this island only the one who will sing a song can be flown. (Fucking). And, of course, if she likes it. And she can not like it. Ha ha ha! And then I will have a wonderful lunch! (Dreamily). I can't call my own friends: Less, Water, Witch. Do you know these? Well, soon you will get acquainted with them closer. Ha ha ha! They have in the stomach. Ha ha ha! (Calming down). Okay. It's all then. And now spoil your last song. Ha ha ha!

M. Poppins: Baba Yaga! Allow us to consult.

B. Yaga (incredulous): Consult? Okay. But not to long.

M. Poppins (collects everyone around him).

Everyone decide what song will sing. Baba Yaga is trying to overhear. Children do not give her to do it. Children sing the song "Oh, Christmas Tree!".

Song "Oh, Christmas Tree!"

I'm a Little Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree, We Love You SO,

Glittering, Glittering Merrily.

Live with us, play with us, do not go.

A Star At My Head and Gifts At My Feet

WE'LL Plant You Outdoors with Grass At Your Feet


ON ALL YOUR BRANCHES, Singing Birds Sweet.

Round Our Christmas Tree We Dance and Sing

Hand in Hand We Make A Ring.

Singing and Dancing AS Round We Go


Christmas Tree, WE LOVE YOU SO.

B. Yaga (continuing to hum): How I liked your song! (Climbing the head). Oh, what did I do? You have to let you go. (Pause). No, not time. I want to measure power with you.

Play with buckets. Who is faster with a bucket on the leg hang around the Christmas tree.

B. Yaga: U-gu-gu! I remained without lunch. But I heard a new song and played with you. Thanks to everyone. Happy Travel! (Steps and, singing a new song, going to leave).

M. Poppins: Guys, maybe I will call Babu Jagu with you? In my opinion, it changed. Agree? Snowman, stop Babu Yagu.

B. Yaga: Thank you. Thank you. Eh, Popovo, play ...

M. Poppins: Flew on! Sleep. I wonder where we are? Let's call Santa Claus. If he comes, then we hit the address, and if not, I do not know. Let's try! Repeat 3 times such the words: "One, Two, Three, Santa Claus, Come to Me!".

Under the music in the hall includes Santa Claus.

C-Claus: Here I am! GOOD AFTERNOON! Children, Mary, Guests! Merry Christmas! Glad to See You!

Children greet Santa Claus and regret him happy Christmas.

M. Poppins: Santa Claus, how long we traveled to you to play, have fun with you.

C-Claus: Let's Play!

M. Poppins: Let's play!


1. "The Snowballs". Participants of the game get into the circle, transmit one in a circle (or several - depending on the number of children) "Cold Snow" and sing:

Snowballs, Snowballs,

If You Touch A Snowball,

You Quickly Run Away!

A child who has at the end of the song will be "Snow"comes out of the game "Warm handles"But continues to sing the remaining players.

The game continues until one player remains, the most "Morozowy".

2. "The Present Hunt". Children sing song:

Presents, Presents in the sock,

Look In The Sock At Twelve O'Clock!

Then one child is offered to the touch to determine which toy lies in christmas wear, and call it english. The game resumes.

M. Poppins: Santa Claus, you probably are very tired. Relax, please, and the guys will read you poems.

Children read poems.

A happy new year

The Day Is So Clear,

The Snow Is So White,

The Sky IS SO Bright,

We Shout with At Night,

A Happy New Year.

The Christmas Tree

Oh, Christmas Tree! (2 times)

How Green Are Your Sweet Branches,

You Bloom Not Only WHEN IT's Warm

But Also in Winter Storm.

Oh, Christmas Tree! (2 times)

How Green Are Your Sweet Branches.

We Make a Snowman,

Big and Round. (3 times)


ON THE GROUND. (3 times)

At the christmas party

Christmas Day, Happy Day!


We all Dance and Sing and Say.

Welcome! Welcome, Christmas Day!

C-Claus: Thank You Very Much, Children! I'm Very Pleased With Your PoEms.

M. Poppins: It's time for us to go back, Santa Claus. Fly with us!

C-Claus: O'K!

M. Poppins: Sleep! One, Two, Three. Fly Umbrella with Children and Me. CHILDREN, WAKE UP! Here we are at home. And here is our Christmas tree. In the same place.

Pechkin: Something still lacks. And what, I do not understand. (Looks at the Christmas tree). Guys, what is missing? (Children say that the Christmas tree is not lit). And what are the magic words? Santa Claus, maybe you know?


M. Poppins: Guys, let's say together these words!

3 times the Christmas tree is lit.

Children sing a song.

Song Oh, Christmas

Christmas Is Here, Christmas Is Here!






And a happy new year.

C-Claus: Thank You for Your Party. Thank You for Your Games, Songs, PoEMS. Merry Christmas! Now, I Want to Make You A CHRISTMAS PRESENT - "THE OLD MAN'S MITTEN" ( "Mitten").

Authour: An Old Man WaS Walking Through The Forest One Day with His Dog. HE WALKED AND WALKED AND DROPPED HIS MITTEN. Just The Mouse Came Scuttling Up and When He Saw The Mitten He Stopped and Said:

Mouse: "This Is Whear I Am Going To Live".

Authour: After A While A Frog Came Hopping Up.

Frog: "Croak! Croak! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

Mouse: "I am the Mouse and Who Are you?"

Frog: "I Am The Frog! Let me in! "

Mouse: "All Right, Jump in!"

Authour: "So the frog jumped in and the mouse Moved Over. After A While A Rabbit Came Scurrying Up "

Rabbit: "Hello There! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

"WE ARE. And Who Are you? "

Rabbit: "I am the Rabbit.may I Join You?"

"All right.jump in!"

Authour: "So the rabbit jumped in and three of the made their home in the mitten. After A While A Fox Came Scampering Up. "

Fox: "You- Hoo! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

"WE ARE. And Who Are you? "

Fox: "I Am The Fox.won, T You Make Room for Me?"

Authour: "So the four of the made their home in the made. After A While A Wolf Came Stalking Up. "

Wolf: "Hello, Friends! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

"WE ARE. And Who Are you? "

Wolf: "I Am The Wolf. And I Mean to Get In! "

"Very Well.go Ahead!"

Authour: "So the wolf climbed in and the mouse, The FOG, The Rabbit, The Fox Made Their Home in the Mitten".

Authour: "After A While A Bear Came Lumbering Up"

Bear: "Hello, Good People! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

"WE ARE. And Who Are you? "

Bear: "Ho-Ho-Ho! I am the Bear. I know you Will Make Room for me. "

Authour: "So the be sgueezed in and now there Were Seven of Them Inside and the Mitten Was FitTe to Burst."

"Bow-Wow-Wow" Went The Dog. "

Authour: "And The Seven Friends Were So Frightened That Out The Jumped.then The Old Man Came Up and Picked Up His Mitten." M. Poppins: Let's thank Santa Claus for a Christmas gift. (Thank You Very Much, Santa Claus). And Santa Claus invites you to christmas dinnerwhere you are waiting for you christmas treats and gifts.

Scenario of the holiday in English "British Christmas"

Ivanova Irina Anatolyevna, teacher of English MBOU "Lyceum named after V.G. Sizova ", Montchegorsk, Murmansk region.
Work description: The dramatization has established itself as a comprehensive method of teaching a foreign language and culture, which activates the studied vocabulary and communicative child skills, attracts objects of a creative cycle, such as the theater, music, drawing, artistic work. Such scenarios are designed for a creative approach from the English teachers. In such scenarios, many poems, songs, mysteries, scenes from fairy tales, which can be supplemented, replaced with new or more suitable. Development data helps in conducting holidays in English, both beginners and experienced teachers!
The purpose of the holiday:
1. Expansion with the help of English presentation of students on the environment.
2. Development of speech culture of students.
3. Formation of readiness to perceive the culture of another people.
1. Formation of communicative culture.
2. Activation of the creative abilities of the child, the prolongation of taste for reading poems.

Event flow:

The scene overlook the actors who play the scene of the birth of Jesus. (Slides from the life of Jesus Christ are demonstrated on the screen)

Lead 1:Dear Children and Guests! On the 25th of December People Celebrate Christmas - A Beautiful Holiday, Which Is Loved by Children and Adults; WHEN EVERYTHING IS DECORED WITH LIGHTS AND TOYS; WHEN WE SEE CHRISTMAS TREES EVERYWHERE; WHEN PEOPLE BUY PRESENTS AND COOK SPECIAL FOOD, SEND CARDS AND HAVE PARTIES!

Lead 2: WELL, The Candles Are Lit, The Christmas Tree IS Glittering with Lights, The Fire In The Fire-Place Is Burning. It's Time to Begin The Festival. The Festival of Christmas.

Lead 3: Everybody of You Have His Own Mas, His Own Birthday Which Is Celebrated With A Light Pie and Tasty Lemonade. But This Occasion Is Something Special; This is Birthday of Jesus, Our Savior. He Was Born on the 25-Th of December, Nearly 2.000 Years Ago. Are you intended how it is it happy? SO LISTEN.

Lead 1: Long, Long Ago in the Town of Nazareth The Carpenter Joseph Lived. Joseph Had A Wife, Maria. The God's Angel OnCe Came to Her and Said:

Angel:I Come Down From The Heavens and Ask You to Listen Carefully. A Child Will Be Born This Evening. One Day He Will Be King. Follow That Star and You Will Find This Prince of Peace. The Child "S Name Will Be Jesus.

Magitia (together): We Will Follow The Star to Our Prince.

Scene voice: Mary Has Given Birth to a Baby Boy. She and Joseph Are Sitting with Their Newborn Child, Jesus. They Are Surrounded by Barnyard Animals. The Three Approach. The Star Is Visible in the Night Sky.

Maria: Joseph, We Have A Beautiful Baby Boy.

Joseph:YES MARY. Mary Darling, Look There. (Shows on the approaching Magi) Who Are These Men Approaching US?

Suitable Magi.

1. Greetings. I WANT TO WISH YOU GREAT HAPPINESS AND JOY. I Offer You, The Parents of this Child Jesus, My Gift of Gold. May This Child Have a Life Rich in Experience.
2. CONGRATULATIONS MARY AND JOSEPH. This Gist of Spices and Perfumes Is for You My New Prince. I Have Come Many Miles to Find You. WE Know You Are Special and Have Only The Best of Wishes for You.
3. Mary and Joseph (bow to) Thank You for this Wonderful Baby. I Have Come Many Miles to Bring You This Gift. You'll be Good parents and enjoy this child "S Life. Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

He Loves You Like a Father.
He Has You in His Hands.
HE Gives You Happy Chance.
Wherever You're Going.
He's Going Your Way.
Whatver You're Doing.
He's Making Your Fate.
He Leads You in the Darkness.
HE SAVES You Day and Night.

Lead 2: Our Festival Is Going ON. In The Centre of London At The Trafalgar Square Stands Enormous Green Tree, Gift From People of Oslo. In Every House There Stand Evergreen Trees, Because The Evergreen Trees Are The Symbols of Eternal Life. UNDER THE CHRISTMAS TREE THEY PUT A MANGER WITH CHRIST BABY.

Leaders tell about how the tradition appeared to celebrate Christmas and what traditions of the celebration exist.

Lead 3: The Germans Are Believed to Be The First to Use The Christmas Tree in their Celebrations, And Martin Luther Was The First to Place a Star On The Top of the Tree. This Star Represent The Star That Appeared Over The Stable in Which Christ Was Born.

Lead 1:The Well - Known Image of Santa Claus Was Invented by Coca - Cola. The PRODUCERS OF THIS SOFT DRINK WERE VERY UNHAPY BECAUSE THEIR SOFT DRINK WAS CONSIDERED A "SUMMER" DRINK. THEY WANTED TO SELL IT IN THE WINTER TOO. SO THEY HIRED A GUY CALLED HADDON SANDBLOM TO MAKE A NICE AD FOR THEM. Sundblom Immediately Thought Of Santa Claus. Actually, He Modeled Him More or Less On His Friendly Neighbor, Who Had A Round Face, A Short Beard And A Red Nose ... So Thanks to Coca Cola, Half The World IS Now Giving Each Other Expensive Gifts for Christmas.

Lead 2:The House IS Decorated with TWIGS OF Mistletoe and Holy. Holy, Because Before Death Jesus WaS Wearing The Garland of Holy, And Mistletoe Under Which A Boy May Kiss A Girl, Asking Pardon for the Girl Who Was Not Kissed Under It At Christmas Would Not Get Married That Year.

Lead 3:On Christmas We Must Forgive Each Others All Offnces and Ask Pardon for Everything. ON THE CHRISTMAS EVE THERE IS A FUSS IN TOWNS, EVERYBODY'S MAKING PREPARATIONS. Offices Are Closed At 1 O'Clock, But Shops Are Working. Postmen Hurry to Deliver Millions of Christmas Cards, Young People in the Streets Are Singing Christmas Songs, Collecting Money for Poor People.

Lead 1:But The Main Event of Christmas Is The Christmas Dinner with Traditional Turkey or Goose, and pudding. Every Young Woman in Each Household Helps to Stir The Christmas Pudding If She Wishes to Be Married That Year.
Christmas Is The Family Event, All Are Gathering At One Table, Act The Scene About Christ Birth, Play Games, Sing Christmas Songs. Carol Singing Is An Essential Part of Christmas. No Church or School Is Without Its Carol Service.

Quiz for holiday participants. Children answer questions leading and for the right answers get medals. Who at the end of the competition will be more medals, there will be 1.2 and 3 places on the "Best Cognot of English Traditions."

Lead 2: Now We Have A Contest "What do you know about cristmas?" Answer Our Questions, Please. The First Question: When Is Christmas Celebrated in EUROPE?

Lead3:Whose Birthday IS Celebrated on Christmas?


Lead 2: Where Does the Most Famous Christmas Tree Stand in London?

Lead 3: Whose present Is Christmas Tree in London?

Lead 1: What is Another Name of Father Christmas?

Lead 2: What do englishmen eat for lunch on christmas day?

Lead 3: What Day Is After Christmas Day?

Lead 1: What do we usually Give Each Other on Christmas DAY?

Lead 2: What do you usually put on the top of the christmas tree?

Lead 3: What Does Santa Claus Fill With Presents?


Lead 2: What do Englishmen Usually Send to the Friends at Christmas?

Lead 3:How Do People Call The Day Before Christmas?

Answers on questions:
2. J.Christ
3. Peter The Great
4. Trafalgar Square.
5. Norway
6. Santa Claus.
8. Boxing Day.
9. Presents.
10. A Star.
11. Stockings
12. December.
13. Postcards
14. The EVE

Quiz "Guess the country." Children guess the correct answer.
Lead 1: In This City A Lot of People Gather in Times Square and Watch The "Big Apple" Fall.the "Big Fall" isn't a Real Apple. It`s a Moving Picture of An Apple On The Side of One of the Big Buildings in Times Square. EVERY NEW YEAR'S EVE DURING THE LAST FEW SECONDS BEFORE MIDNIGHT IT STARTS TO "FALL" DOWN THE BUILDING, AND WHEN IT GETS TO THE BOTTOM IT'S THE START OF THE NEW YEAR.

Lead 2:In This Country Houswives Start Cooking Special Food for New Year's Day and All the Members of the Family Do a Big Cleaning Up. The Dirt Of The New Year without IT. The idea is to get Rid of the Dirt of the New Year. On the Television or Radio You Can Hear 108 Bells. The 108th Bell Rings Just A Second Before The Midnight. The PEOPLE SAY: "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" People Eat The Special Food and Drink Rice Wine During The Meal.

Lead 3: PEOPLE CALL THE NEW YEAR'S EVE "HOGMANAY" .They Visit Their Friend's Houses Just After Midnight On The New Year's Night. The First Person Who Comes to Your House Brings You Luck. At Midnight When The Head of the Family Goes to the Entrance Door, Opens It Wide And Holds It Until The Last Stroke. Then He Shuts The Door. He Has Let The New Year In and Let the New Year in.

Lead 1: This Country Is Sometimes Called "The Upside Down World". IT Lies in the Southern Hemisphere. During The Christmas Holidays People Often Sunbathe On The Beach or Swim and Surf in the Ocean. On the 31st of December Many People Go to the Country for the Picnic. In January 20 to 30 Degree Above Zero or Higher.

Lead 2: In This Country It Can Be Dangerous to Have A Walk At Night AT The End of Decept. PEOPLE USUALY THROW THE OLD THINGS FROM THE HOUSES THROUGH THE Windows: Broken Cups and Plates, Old Clothes and Boots and Sometimes Different Pieces of Furniture. People Believe That On The New Year's Eve The Magician Befaniya Comes to the houses Through the Chimney and Put The Presents for Children in their Stockings or Shoes.

1. b) New York
2. a) japan
3. b) Scotland
4. C) Australia
5. B) Italy

Task "Stop the letters and guess the word." Letters on the screen.

Lead 3: Look At The Board and Find The Words.
1. Tsomcu.
2. tecaredo.
4. Lolyh.


Winners are determined for the contests of the "best reader of poems in English" and "the best connoisseur of English traditions".
At the end of the holiday there is a popular song Auld Lang Syne.

Christmas is Christian Holiday That Celebrates The Birth of Jesus Christ. For Millions of Christians Throughout The World It Is The Happiest and The Busiest Time of the Year. No one KNOWS THE EXACT DATE OF CHRIST "S BIRTH But Most Christians Celebrate Christmas One Celebr 25. The Word Christmas Comes from Christes Masse, An Early English Phrase That Means Mass of Christ.

People of Different Countries Celebrate Christmas in Various Ways. People in the United States and Canada Decorate Their Homes with Christmas Trees, Wreaths and Ornaments. City Streets Are Filled With Coloured Lights; The Sound Of Bells and Christmas Carols Can Be Heard Everywhere.

Children Write Letters to Santa Claus and Tell Him What Presents The Would Like to Get. Many Department Stores Hire People to Wear A Santa Claus Costume and Listen to Children "S Requests. People Send Christmas Cards to Relative and Friends. Many Companies Give Presents to their Employees.

A Christmas Tree Is One of the Main Symbols of Christmas In Most Homes. Relative and Friends May Join in Trimming The Tree with Lights, Tinsel, and Colourful ornaments. Presents Are Placed Under the Tree. On Christmas Morning, Families Open Their Presents.

Many Children Believe That Santa Claus Arrives On Christmas Eve in A Sleigh Pulled by A Reindeer and Brings Presents. Some Children Hang Up Stockings So Santa Claus Can Fill Them with Candy, Fruit and Other Small Gifts.

In Many Parts of the United States and Canada Groups of People Walk From House to House and Sing Christmas Carols. Some People Give Singers Money or Small Gifts or Invite Them for a Warm Drink.

Many People Attend Church Services On Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning. They Listen to Readings from Bible and Singing Christmas Carols.

A Traditional Christmas Dinner Consists of Stuffed Turkey, L Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce and A Variety of Other Dishes. Some Families Have Ham Or Roast Goose Instead Of Turkey. Pumpkin Pie, Plum Pudding, and Fruitcake Are Favourite Desserts.


Christmas is a Christian holiday, which is celebrated by the birth of Jesus Christ. For millions of Christians around the world, this is the happiest and troublesome time in the year. No one knows the exact date of the birth of Christ, but most Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th. The word "Christmas" comes from the "Christes Masse", ancient English expression, which means "Mass of Christ".

People in different countries celebrate Christmas in different ways. People in the United States and Canada decorate their homes in Christmas trees, wreaths and various decorations. City streets are full of multicolored lights, bells and christmas hymns are heard everywhere.

Children write letters to Santa Claus and tell him what gifts they would like to get. Many department stores hire people so that they wore Santa Claus costumes and listened to children's requests. People send Christmas greeting cards to relatives and friends. Many companies give gifts to their employees.

Christmas tree is one of the main Christmas symbols in most houses. Relatives and friends can be gathered to decorate the Christmas tree with lights, tinsel, multicolored decorations. Gifts are put under the Christmas tree. On Christmas Eve or Morning for Christmas in families, gifts are opening.

Many children believe that Santa Claus comes to Christmas Eve on the Sanya, harvested by the North Deer. Some children are postponed for Santa Claus stockings to fill them with candy, fruit and other small gifts.

In many regions of the United States and Canada, a group of people go from home to home and sing christmas hymns. Some give singing money or small gifts or invite them inside to treat hot drinks.

Many people attend church services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning. They listen to excerpts from the Bible and sing christmas hymns.

Traditional Christmas dinner consists of stuffed turkey, potato mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and many other dishes. Some families eat ham or roasted goose instead of turkey. Favorite desserts are pumpkin pie, plum pudding and fruit cake.


Mary Poppins

Santa Claus

Postman Pechkin

Snowy girl

Baba Yaga


Props: 2 drums, 2 whistle, 2 bags (for games, multicolored umbrella, ice cream (milying, letter from Santa Claus (in envelope, candles.

Music includes children to the hall and get up around the Christmas tree.

1 child : I Love Christmas for Many Things.

Trees, Candles, Angel Wings,


Snow Covered Hills,

Little Toy Trains,

Dolls in their frills.

2 baby : I Love Christmas, Ribbons of Gold,


Sweet Candy Canes, BRIGHT RED SLDS,

Little Ones Tucked Snug In Their Beds.

3 baby : I Love Christmas, But Most of All,


A Friendly Chat, A Cup of TEA,


Song "We wish you a merry christmas."



We wish you a merry christmas.

And a happy new year.


Let's All Do a Little Clapping.

Let's All Do a Little Clapping.

And Spread Christmas Cheer.





Mother Poppins enters the hall to the hall.

M. Poppins : Good afternoon, Children! GOOD AFTERNOON, Guests! Glad to See You! MY NAME'S MARY POPPINS. And What's Your Name? (Children call in English their name ). Now, Look at the Christmas Tree!IT's SO Beautiful!

It includes a snowman.

Snowman: Christmas tree! My Christmas tree! Barely learned. Oh, hello guys? For a long time I was looking for her. Traces led me here. And why did she need it?

M. Poppins: Hello, Snowman! We are all very glad that you came to visit us.

Snowman (displeased): Is this another holiday?

M. Poppins: Christmas. One of the most favorite holidays around the world for the guys and adults. In every house to his arrival, everyone is preparing, dressing up a Christmas tree, light on her lights, decorate with different toys

Snowman: Yeah! What is happening? Shot a Christmas tree in the forest without permission, and even having fun. But I'm not up to me.

M. Poppins: Why?

Snowman: I could not protect the Christmas tree in the forest. What now to tell me to grandma Winter? She appointed me to guard me in the forest and punished to guard the trees from cutting, sprinkle them with a soft snow, wrapped from the cold wind, to ensure that all the beasts were warm and not cold.

M. Poppins: Sorry, please. But let the Christmas tree stay here. We are very pleased. True guys? Well, think what kind of christmas without a Christmas tree? Watch how many guests gathered here today. Guys, but, in my opinion, the guest was very upset. May be

Snowman (interrupts): Let's do this: I will make riddles about animals. If you guess, your Christmas tree is yours, and if not - mine. Agreed?

M. Poppins: Well, guys? We accept the suggestions of the snowman? Well, snowman. We agree. Guess. (Kids). Listen carefully. Whoever rents - quickly raise your hand!


1. I am RED. I Go, Run and Jump. I Catch a Hare. (A FOX).

2. I am Small. I am Gray. I run. (a mouse).

3. I am Big. I am Gray. I run. I Catch a Hare. (A WOLF).

4. I am White. I Run and Jump. (A HARE).

5. I am Big. I am Brown. I Go, Climb. (a bear).

6. I am Green. I Jump, Swim. (a frog).

Snowman praises children in English, shakes her hand, strokes head.

Snowman (says, leaving): Well, that, you guess all my riddles. The persuasion is a persuasion. Wood Your Christmas tree.

M. Poppins: Snowman! Or maybe you will stay with us? We will have fun. Oh, because of this story with the Christmas tree I forgot to tell you that Santa Claus should fly to us today. That's just something not yet. Well, what, the snowman will stay?

Snowman: If you ask so, I stay. After all, I love to dance, play.

M. Poppins: Wonderful! (Invites you to play). Let's Play!

Game: who will quickly hang around the Christmas tree and play on the drum (whispel in the whistle; eat orange and whistles in the whistle).

Knock on the door. The melody of the Russian folk song sounds. In the hall enters, dancing, Pechkin, the envelope carries in his hand.

Pechkin: Hello, guys, parents and everyone else! I brought you a letter and what! Only I will not give it to you.

M. Poppins: This is why?

Pechkin: Do you have documents? BUT? That's not! And without documents it is impossible.

Snowman: Tell me, dear postman Pechekin, and from whom this letter?

Pechkin: Yes, it is somehow written here ... (trying to read). I do not figure out.

M. Poppins: Show me. (Goes to Pechkin).

Pechkin (hide the envelope): you are what! Do not touch! (Shows).

M. Poppins (reads): Santa Claus. Guys, this is a letter from Santa Claus! Pechkin, give it to us.

Pechkin: Why do you need it so much?

M. Poppins: Because we have a holiday today.

Pechkin: Holiday? Holidays I love. And what is the holiday, guys today?

M. Poppins: Children, Three, Four!

Children choir: Christmas!

Pechkin: What, what? (Refers to the child). And in Russian how?

Children: Christmas!

Pechkin: Christmas? (Thinks solving). Okay! Daish your letter!

Children perform the "The Hockey-Pookey" dance song.

Dance - Song "The Hockey-Poker"

Children form a circle. By fulfilling the first verse, they move in dance. Then the children depict the movements that are coming in the song.

1st Coupling:

You Put Your Right Foot in

You Put Your Right Foot Out

You Put Your Right Foot in

And Shake IT All About,

And Then You Do Hockey Poker

And You Turn Yourself ABOUT,

And That's What It's All ABOUT. Hey!

2nd verse:

You Put Your Left Foot

3rd verse:

You Put Your Right Hand

4th Coupling:

You Put Your Left Hand

5th Coupling:

You Put Your Right SHOULDER

6th Coupling:

You Put Your Left Shoulder

7th Coupling:

You Put Your Whole Self

Pechkin: Keep your letter.

M. Poppins (opens the letter, reads, translates into Russian): I Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!I Cannot Come To Your Party. I am in england now. Come to England. I Have Many Presents for You! Your Santa Claus.

Pechkin: Where is England?

M. Poppins: in the British Islands.

Snowman: But how do we get there?

M. Poppins : We Have no Ship! NO Train! Oh! I know! I have a Magic Umbrella.So that the umbrella has a magic force, you need to correctly call colors.(Shows colors). What Color Is IT?

Children answer: IT IS GREEN, etc. d.

M. Poppins: Good for You! Thank you! Go on a trip. (Rotates an umbrella, says a calm soft voice). Sleep! One, Two, Three.Fly Umbrella with Children and Me. CHILDREN, WAKE UP!

Snowman: Where are we? (Frightened to look around).

In the center of the hall there is a snowy girl.

Snowy girl: good afternoon! You are on the island of dancing.I am snowgirl. Welcome, Dear Guests! These Are ... My Friends, SnowFlakes. Where Are you? Fly Here!I am Waiting for You!

Music sounds, in the hall, circling in the dance, snowflakes run.

M. Poppins: Snowy girl, we fly to England, to Santa Claus. And on your island, we landed a little rest.

Snowy girl: rested? But before you leave this island, you must dance with me. (Spins in the waltz). If you dance well, you can continue the journey. If not, stay here until you learn to dance. Such is the law of the island.

M. Poppins: Guys, we need to try, if we want to get to Santa Claus. Let's show how we can dance.

Children perform the dance song "Act and Sing".

Dance - Song "Act and Sing"

Children form a circle, sing and depict the movements, which comes in the song.

La La La La La

Lala La La Lalala La

La La La La La

Lala La La Lalala La

Standing Up, Standing Up

Everybody Standing Up.

Standing Up, Standing Up

Everybody Standing Up.

La La





La La

Be a Giraffe, Be a Giraffe

Be a Giraffe, Be a Giraffe

Stretch Up Tail Just Like A Giraffe

La La




Performing a stopping Up couple, the children get up, Lala - dance in their places, in a circle - dance dance, Be a Giraffe - stretch up, Be a Mouse - squat.

Snow Girl: Very Good Children! I really liked how you dance. (Sad). I don't even want to part with you.

M. Poppins: Then flew with us! Guys, are you not against?

Children: No!

M. Poppins: Then all together continue our journey.(Rotates umbrella ). Sleep! One, Two, Three. Fly Umbrella with Children and Me. CHILDREN, WAKE UP!

Pechkin (businesswit): Are we already in England?

Snowman (looking back): No, in my opinion, we are not in England.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga appears.

B. Yaga: My father! How many people! Boys and girls! (Suitable and touches). For lunch! (Covers your mouth with hand). I wanted to say: Hello, animals! Bunny ... for dinner! Oh, I wanted to say: Welcome, guests are expensive. How glad I am glad to see you. What wind did you get here?

M. Poppins (confused): Actually, we got here quite by chance. (Looking around everyone). And we are already time. True guys?

B. Yaga: What are everyone who is cunning! You are on my island. And there is a law. (Strictly). From this island only the one who will sing a song can be flown. (Fucking). And, of course, if she likes it. And she can not like it. Ha ha ha! And then I will have a wonderful lunch! (Dreamily). I call my friends: led, water, witches. Do you know these? Well, soon you will get acquainted with them closer. Ha ha ha! They have in the stomach. Ha ha ha! (Calming down). Okay. It's all then. And now spoil your last song. Ha ha ha!

M. Poppins: Baba Yaga! Allow us to consult.

B. Yaga (incredulous): consult? Okay. But not to long.

M. Poppins (collects everyone around him).

Everyone decide what song will sing. Baba Yaga is trying to overhear. Children do not give her to do it. Childrensing the song "Oh, Christmas Tree! "

Song "Oh, Christmas Tree! "

I'm a Little Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree, We Love You SO,

Glittering, Glittering Merrily.

Live with us, play with us, do not go.

A Star At My Head and Gifts At My Feet

WE'LL Plant You Outdoors with Grass At Your Feet


ON ALL YOUR BRANCHES, Singing Birds Sweet.

Round Our Christmas Tree We Dance and Sing

Hand in Hand We Make A Ring.

Singing and Dancing AS Round We Go


Christmas Tree, WE LOVE YOU SO.

B. Yaga (continuing to hum): How I liked your song! (Climbing the head). Oh, what did I do? You have to let you go. (Pause). No, not time. I want to measure power with you.

Play with buckets. Who is faster with a bucket on the leg hang around the Christmas tree.

B. Yaga: U-gu-gu! I remained without lunch. But I heard a new song and played with you. Thanks to everyone. Happy Travel! (Knit and, singing a new song, going to leave).

M. Poppins: Guys, maybe I will call Babu Yagu with you? In my opinion, it changed. Agree? Snowman, stop Babu Yagu.

B. Yaga: Thank you. Thank you. Eh, Popoy, play

M. Poppins: flew on! Sleep. I wonder where we are? Let's call Santa Claus. If he comes, then we hit the address, and if not, I do not know. Let's try! We repeat 3 times these words: "One, Two, Three, Santa Claus, Come to Me! "

Under the music in the hall includes Santa Claus.

C - Klaus : Here I am! GOOD AFTERNOON! Children, Mary, Guests! Merry Christmas! Glad to See You!

Children greet Santa Claus and regret his merry christmas.

M. Poppins: Santa Claus, how long we traveled to you to play, have fun with you.

C-Claus: Let's Play!

M. Poppins: Let's play!


1. "The Snowballs". The participants of the game get into the circle, transmit one (or several - depending on the number of children) "Cold Snow" and sing:

Snowballs, Snowballs,

Round Go They.

If You Touch A Snowball,

You Quickly Run Away!

A child who, at the end of the song, will be "snowball", comes out of the game "Warm hands", but continues to sing the remaining players.

The game continues until one player remains, the most "frost-resistant".

2. "The Present Hunt". Children sing a song:

Presents, Presents in the sock,

In the sock,

In the sock,

Look In The Sock At Twelve O'Clock!

Then one child is offered to the touch to determine which toy lies in the Christmas sock, and call it in English. The game resumes.

M. Poppins: Santa Claus, you probably are very tired. Relax, please, and the guys will read you poems.

Children read poems.

A happy new year

The Day Is So Clear,

The Snow Is So White,

The Sky IS SO Bright,

We Shout with At Night,

A Happy New Year.

The Christmas Tree

How Green Are Your Sweet Branches,

You Bloom Not Only WHEN IT's Warm

But Also in Winter Storm.

Oh, Christmas Tree! (2 times )

How Green Are Your Sweet Branches.

The Snowman.

We Make a Snowman,

Big and Round. (3 times )


ON THE GROUND. (3 times )

At the christmas party

Christmas Day, Happy Day!


We all Dance and Sing and Say.

Welcome! Welcome, Christmas Day!

C - Klaus : Thank You Very Much, Children! I'm Very Pleased With Your PoEms.

M. Poppins: It's time for us to go back, Santa Claus. Fly with us!

C-Claus: O'K!

M. Poppins : Sleep! One, Two, Three. Fly Umbrella with Children and Me.CHILDREN, WAKE UP! Here we are at home. And here is our Christmas tree. In the same place.

Pechkin: something still lacks. And what, I do not understand. (Looks at the Christmas tree). Guys, what is missing? (Children say that the Christmas tree is not lit). And what are the magic words? Santa Claus, maybe you know?

C - Klaus : Yes, I Know. ONE, TWO, THREE! SHINE, OUR FIR-TREE!

M. Poppins: Guys, let's say together these words!

3 times the Christmas tree is lit.

Children sing a song.

Song "Oh, Christmas"

Christmas Is Here, Christmas Is Here!






And a happy new year.

C - Klaus : Thank You for Your Party. Thank You for Your Games, Songs, PoEMS. Merry Christmas! Now, I Want to Make You A CHRISTMAS PRESENT - "THE OLD MAN'S MITTEN" ("Mitten ").

Authour: An Old Man WaS Walking Through The Forest One Day with His Dog. HE WALKED AND WALKED AND DROPPED HIS MITTEN. Just The Mouse Came Scuttling Up and When He Saw The Mitten He Stopped and Said:

Mouse: "This Is Whear I Am Going To Live."

Authour: After A While A Frog Came Hopping Up.

Frog: "Croak! Croak! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

Mouse: "I Am The Mouse and Who Are you? "

Frog: "I Am The Frog! Let Me In! "

Mouse: "All Right, Jump in! "

Authour: "So the frog jumped in and the mouse Moved Over. After A While A Rabbit Came Scurrying Up "

Rabbit: "Hello There! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

"WE ARE. And Who Are You? "

Rabbit: "I am the Rabbit.may I Join You? "

"All right.jump in! "

Authour: "So the rabbit jumped in and three of the made their home in the mitten. After A While A Fox Came Scampering Up. "

Fox: "You- Hoo! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

"WE ARE. And Who Are You? "

Fox: "I am the fox.won, t you make room for me? "

Authour: "So the four of the made their home in the made. After A While A Wolf Came Stalking Up. "

Wolf: "Hello, Friends! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

"WE ARE. And Who Are You? "

Wolf: "I Am The Wolf. And I Mean to Get In! "

"Very Well.go Ahead! "

Authour: "So the wolf climbed in and the mouse, The FOG, The Rabbit, The Fox Made Their Home in the Mitten".

Authour: "After A While A Bear Came Lumbering Up"

Bear: "Hello, Good People! Who is Living in this Mitten? "

"WE ARE. And Who Are You? "

Bear: "HO-HO-HO! I am the Bear. I know you Will Make Room for me. "

Authour: "So the be sgueezed in and now there Were Seven of Them Inside and the Mitten Was FitTe to Burst."

"Bow-Wow-Wow" Went The Dog. "

Authour: "And The Seven Friends Were So Frightened That Out The Jumped.then The Old Man Came Up and Picked Up His Mitten."M. Poppins: Let's thank Santa Claus for Christmas present. (Thank You Very Much, Santa Claus). And Santa Claus invites you to Christmas dinner, where Christmas treats and gifts are waiting for you.

M. V. Bulganin, MBOU "OOSH", p. Znamenka Staroscolsky District, Belgorod region