Persian carpets and torsion fields. Sufi and art of oriental carpets where to buy a Persian carpet

Persian carpets and torsion fields. Sufi and art of oriental carpets where to buy a Persian carpet
Persian carpets and torsion fields. Sufi and art of oriental carpets where to buy a Persian carpet

If you have been to South Africa, Namibia, or Botswana, then probably drew attention to strange facilities fixed on telegraph columns and single trees. You might think that such a strange way the locals dried the hay. But, as it turns out, the person does not have any relation to this building. This is not a stack of hay, but the nest of birds called public weaver. It so happened that for the construction of its nests, these feathers chose the power lines. You will ask why? Yes, everything is simple. They live in the conditions of the desert, where there are practically no trees. So the birds are forced to use the power lines pillars, which for their housing serve as a reliable support.

Your name, "public", birds received thanks to common nests. The construction is very solid. Its length can reach eight meters, with a height of two meters. In this house dwells up to 300 birds. His architecture is unique. Inside there is always a comfortable temperature. Even in the cold season, it is constant. With a scorching room inside is always cool. And this is despite the fact that the house from branches and dry grass is built. It does not matter that it is in an open place and visible from all sides. There are a lot of birds. Such a friendly family any predator is able to give a worthy repulse. At the first danger, they raise Gomon, and the enemy is immediately retreated.

For the arrangement of a separate chamber, wearage uses several hundred fresh blades. They are skillfully intertwined and attached to a pole or wood. The hanging ends of the edging are connected with each other by forming a frame. In the future, all this is intertwined by individual blades, before the formation of the nest.

Despite the huge number of birds living in a common house, discipline and order reigns there. The violator is strictly punished, right up to expulsion from the nest. Although, as in any team, there are lazy people who are trying to live at the expense of others. For example, they try to steal material for the construction of the nest in their relatives, and even at all try to take someone else's chamber. As a rule, such behavior causes displeasure other birds, and they drive out the violater from the common family. Sometimes thieves repent and returns back. Take it only if it works on a par with all.

Inside the nest presents a complex design consisting of individual cameras in which a pair of birds shave. There is also their offspring. The camera is equipped with a separate entrance, which is blocked by branches that prevent predator penetration, such as snakes. Often these cameras occupy other birds. To their number it is worth attributed to the Redogol Amadin and the ash blue.

Externally, public weaver is very similar to an ordinary sparrow. However, he belongs to the detachment of sparrows. Body body is covered with pale brown feathers. On wings there are white stripes. It is almost impossible to distinguish between females and males.

Communalists these birds deliver a lot of trouble. Their structures have a decent weight. Sometimes, the telegraph pillar simply does not withstand the load and falls. You have to restore everything. Birds are far from flying away, and try to restore the house in the same place. It is almost impossible to prevent them.

Dictionary of terms in location

Carpet Terminology - Carpet Glossary

Beijing carpets are needlewool carpets produced in Beijing, China, and its surroundings from the end of the XIX century. Older Beijing carpets often depict traditional dragon, medallions and symbolic motifs. Those carpets that have recently have different patterns and face rosary haircuts, as well as there are new production of thin carpets "for antique".

Beijing carpet

Pazeryk is a place where a group of seven large groups was discovered (the largest - diameter of 47 meters) and several smaller mounds (burials). They date back to the IV-III century BC. and are located approximately 70 km from the border with China in East Altai in the Russian Federation. Because of the climate, heights above sea level (1600 meters) and designs, a permissal formed in several burials, in which organic materials are well preserved. The tombs themselves are omitted and covered with wooden and rope chambers and hidden under the earthy embankment covered with a large mass of stones. North of each tomb found sacrificial horses with delicious discharges. The deceased themselves lay in log coffins that preserved the bodies. The burial was found in 1949 by the archaeologist S. I. Rudenko. There was also found one of the oldest pile carpets, which is now stored in Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

Panda (Panda) - Persian term meaning "tent". So in Persia they call medium-sized carpets (2.60 x 1.60 m) used in the tents of nomadic tribes as shirms and partitions.

Patina - the surface of the carpet with time or from use fades.

Palmetta (palm branch) - The term denoting the name of plant and flower motifs in oriental carpets.

Persian node (asymmetrical node, sennah) - Knot used in Iran, India, Turkey, Egypt and China. When forming this node, the yarn makes one turn around one of the filaments of the base, and under the second only passes (unlike the Turkish, or symmetric node).

Pakistani carpets - As in India, the art of making carpets in Pakistan began during the domination of Shah Akbar in the XVI century. In those days, Persian weaving brought a culture of weaving to Lahore, and since then the manufacture of carpets developed. Pakistani carpets mainly copy the Persian styles especially Kerman and Tabriz. Carpets called Mori. Copy the designs of Turkmen carpets (in general, which is not a carpet from Pakistan, then fake). Currently, Pakistan produces handmade carpets mainly for export.

Pakistani carpet

Carpet Mori.

Petag - Manufactory in Tabrize, built by the German company and, existed from the end of the XIX to the beginning of the 20th centuries. Petag carpets are an object of hunting handmade carpet collectors.

The field is the central part of the carpet framed by one or more borders. (Components of a typical handmade carpet).

Seal is a woven sofa pillow in Persia.

Fatima's hand - a stylized symbol, like a hand with five fingers, representing the "five poles of Islam" (prayer, post, faith, pilgrimage and mercy). This symbol appears as an amulet and sometimes as a motive in Iranian and Caucasian prayer carpets.

Raj - Persian word, meaning a finished row of nodules in handmade carpets.

Robust is the fourth part of a symmetric pattern that is applied to cardboard, and is used as a visual manual in the production of carpet.

The socket is a decorative element occurring from a vegetable or flower ornament and is interpreted in the forms of realistic or abstract geometric.

Rou-Corsi - a carpet that is usually covered with a fry, located in the middle of the residential premises.

Saryk is a large settlement in the vicinity of Araka in West Central Iran. An important and historical center of the region and with a respected, romantic name in the world of carpets. Patterns typically include vegetable vines with red and dark blue as dominant colors, usually made of very high quality wool.

Carpet Saryk

Sarab Carpets - Sarab - Little village in the province of Azerbaijan in the north-west of Iran. The surroundings are inhabited mainly by half-blooded tribes, mainly Shakhsavan and Turkish Persian roots. Sarab carpets typically have geometric structural patterns with very simple motifs. Typically, carpets and paths of small sizes are made.

Carpet Sarab.

Sabzewar is a city located in the northwestern part of Horacean province in Northeast Iran. In the patterns of carpets SabZevar is present curvature. The main feature of the SabZevar carpets is a rounded medallion that distinguishes them from other carpets of this region. The color scheme, as a rule, includes blue color of various tones and the color of burgundy wine or red.

Carpets SabZevar

Salor Göl - Gill Carpet, often used in the Turkmen Carpet Salor Tribe. It has an octagon shape with a toothed perimeter.

Saff Carpets - Card prayer carpets with a pattern of several Mihrab in a row. The pattern of strongly reduced Mihrab is most of all in Turkish or Pakistani carpets. Full-size Mihrab full size is mainly found in antique carpets from East Turkestan.

Carpet Saff

Safsage-Jadasi - in Turkey - the name of the Big Halya intended for prayer: there are several people at the same time on it. An image of mehraba is placed in the middle field composition. Samples of large "Safsage Jadasi" are currently stored in the Ayia Sophia mosque in Istanbul and in the tomb of Movlana Rumi to Konya.

Seyiarafian Isfahan - Tilt in the city of Isfahan in South-Western Persia. Teach Hajj Aga Reza Seyorafian began to weave the carpets in 1939 and stand out later by the fact that he used the services of only the best drawers of patterns, weales, dyeers and used the best materials. Thus, these carpets attract much attention due to their high quality. It is believed that these carpets are the best of all Persian carpets and have a very high nodal density and are excellent products. After his death, the craft remained alone thanks to many of his sons.

Salazhak - hexagonal weaving, the exact purpose of which is controversial. Michrab's design Many samples made many authors suggest that this is prayer mats, but some specialists in Turkmen weaving, including Siavos Azadi, argue that they were made as covered for cradle. Some samples have a cut at one end, which may mean that they were used as a back against the saddle. Most of the available samples do not seem particularly old.

Savonnery - Initially, Savonnery workshops were founded in Paris in 1628 and they produced carpets and tapestries to decorate royal palaces, as state gifts and important commissions. Savonnery carpet designs developed by court artists included floral compositions, military and heraldic references and architectural motifs. The filaments of the base were made of linen yarn, and a woolen pile of tifted using symmetric patterns. The most significant period of production of carpets Savonnery was between 1650 to 1783.

Carpet Savonnery.

Safavid - the Persian dynasty, which has ruled from 1502 to 1736 and created the United States. They are considered patrons of the design of Iranian oriental carpets.

Senna (Sennech) is a Kurdish city in northwestern Iran, known for his exquisite antique carpets and kilims. Most carpets have a cotton basis, use symmetric nodes and one ducks.

The filaments of the base are sometimes painted very bright colors. Carpet designs include full Bothech, full of Herati (Mahi) and others with a central medallion.

Carpet Sennech

Separy - a trading term used to designate a skilled antique carpet of the Heriz, which is at least 100 years old.

Sofres - means "tablecloth". A small faceless rectangular fabric, which is spread on Earth and on which food can be served and prepared.

Sivaz carpets are man-made carpets from the city of Sivaz in East Turkey and its surroundings. There are handmade carpets of good quality, often used Persian patterns and pale blue colors. Rural carpets are more original and primitive.

Carpet Sivas

Serangea carpets - an old name denoting highly appreciated carpets from Geeris made in the XIX century.

Carpet from Geeris

The strength of a special type, filled with the same technique as Vherech, but with decorative motifs in the form of the letter "S".

Synekli is a Turkish term for the designation of the ornament, in which the carpet field is littered with small and clear scarves of black. Another name for this ornament of Eastern Carpets - mushkush.

Suf - a carpet weaving technique, at which only the drawings of the carpet are performed using nodes, the rest of the field is simply shined, usually with the addition of precious threads in yard ( kilim Baft).

Suzani (Susan) - embroidered cotton panels stitched together to create wall-mounted drapery, curtains and cavity. Most of the Susani was made by cotton and silk threads. The best samples of tangled in the XIX century in Uzbek cities - Bukhara, Tashkent, Shahrisabze and Nurata.

Sumy is the type of Kilim, who received its name from the ancient Azerbaijani city of Shemach. Sumy, this is a lounge carpet. Its main difference from kilim, protruding threads on the reverse side, which are usually not cut. Maps of stylized colors, birds and symbols have the majority patterns. Caucasian Sumoshs are usually made of wool. In Iran, summa silk are made.


Sumy technique is a tissue technique, in which the filaments of the base are stretched to the sides and yarn is intertwined so that it passes over four nuts of the base, then under two threads, again over four and so on. There are several options for such equipment.

Dagestan carpets of Sumy are known and popular all over the world.

Sultanabad - a lot of rich quality rugs was woven in this city and provinces in Northwestern Iran. Most of the production of carpets took place at the end of the XIX century, when European companies ordered large decorative carpets for the European market. Carpet centers include Mahal, Sultanabad, Saryk, Lilichan, Ferachhan and Sarand.

Sultanabad carpets

Tabriz (Tabriz) Carpets - Tabriz is an ancient city in North-West Iran, one of the most prolific from all weaving centers. The quality of these carpets is usually exceptional, with most of the foundation made of cotton, but sometimes from pure silk. There are many unique designs, but, as a rule, the pattern in carkers Tabriz is tightly filled with vegetable motifs, with large palmettes, vases or bright hunting scenes or illustrations in the field. They may include a medallion "Afshan"And may not include, also visible geometric designs.

Tabriz carpets with floral ornament

Kovrov Tabriz also lit up. These include such styles as discreet and elegant. "Mahi" In coordinated borders of the muffled tones, which will suit any interior; "Nobsheh" With his abundance of pink on beige or, very rare, black; and wild but beautiful "Tabatabay"Always with the motives of orange, lemon-green and beige. The more sophisticated nights and Mahi are made for the most part of the valuable wool of the highest quality, coated with the chest and shoulders of the mountain ram, and also often used silk to generously allocate the most attractive parts of the carpet.

Tabriz carpets with Maha design

Tabasaran carpets - Tabasaran carpets are made in dozens of auls, in each of which two or three favorite drawings are dominated. Practically carpets of this type have an infinite number of ornamental patterns. Patterns "Topane" are widespread (large, diagonally arranged X-shaped figures), "Cher" (several central figures seek a variety of geometric shapes), etc.

Tabasaran carpet

Tuserkan carpets are carpets that are manufactured in the Kurdish nomadic areas of North-West Iran. Bright colors and geometric patterns are typical for breeding weaving of this area in Iran.

Tuserkan carpet

Tehran carpets are produced in the capital of Iran. Nowadays, no new production is conducted, so most of the existing Tehranov are about 50 years old. The carpets are tested by SENNE nodes, often dark red with blue elements and turquoise-white contrasts. Patterns are usually medallions and floral motifs, panels and niches. Animals or curly patterns are also available.

Tehran carpet

Starting carpets - Chinese carpets from the city of Startzhin in East China (today - the center of commercial carpetitions of China). Weaving, which began in the 20s of the last century, soon was adapted to Western requirements regarding colors and patterns.

Starting Rover

Tibetan carpets - in Tibet there is a long tradition of carpet; Some samples of Tibetan carpets are dated XVIII century. Chinese carpets and carpets from East Turkestan had the greatest influence on carpets from Tibet. Traditional designs include folk motifs, chess designs and tiger motives. Colors are associated with carpet function. Orange and gold carpets - for religious ceremonies. Red-brown - mainly for floor coatings in monasteries. Tiger carpets are valued by people in power and represent the symbols of power. Antique Tibetan carpets are all-haired and also in Tibetan nodal techniques. After joining China in 1959, many Tibetans fled to neighboring India, Nepal and Bhutan and now they continue to engage in the manufacture of carpets.

Tibetan carpet

Tiankatzha is large poppons, both pile so lounge. Many Soviet writers also described salashak as a poppone or saddle coating.

Tabbakha - wool of poor quality from an inferior rune mined from the already scored sheep.

Tauk Nuska Göl - Göl in Turkmen carpets in the form of an octagon. The ornament is decorated with a pattern in the form of arrows.

Turk Baft is a symmetrical, or a Turkish knot used for weaving woolen and silk carpets in West Asia.

Turkish knot (symmetrical node, Gerde, Gördes) - The assembly used in the carpet desire, when the veins of which yarn wraps from different sides, two neighboring bases of the base and both ends of the yarn goes on the surface of the carpet nearby.

Tibetan assembly is an characterized weaving technique used in other areas in addition to Tibet. The temporary rod regulating the height of the pile is placed before the basis. A single yarn turns around two filaments of the base and once around the rod. When a row of loops ends, they cut to create a pile. This method gives a slightly uneven surface.

Tirma is a view of a lounge carpet made by kirgiz on a horizontal machine installed without inclination. The tirma patterns are vertical stripes or strongly stylized images of claws, traces of hoofs, eyes, horns, horses, sheep, deer, tigers, mice and other animals.

Tirma is also called expensive tissue of complex weaving produced in India, Iran and Turkey. Tirma is usually twisted from soft thin wool.

Tevasi - the so-called multicolor large hales with a complex pattern called the Multicolor centuries.

Tinfas - the name given by the Arabs to all lobby to the carpets, which they received from the Turkic peoples as Dani.

Torch - a long rectangular Turkmen bag with pile weaving only on the front side. Tube is hanging in yurts and serve to storing small items.

Tunisian carpets - Tunisia - African country, where the carpet weaving was distributed since the Ottoman era. The city of Kairuan was one of the centers of the carpet. The largest part of Tunisian carpets Tkut in this city. Low quality local wool, which is a big barrier in the Tunisian carpet industry, causes the need to import wool from France, England and New Zealand. Chemical paints are used when staining wool for carpets. Tunisia carpets are usually made of small dimensions of no more than 3-4 sq.m.

Carpet from Tunisia

Ushak carpets - needlewool carpets from the city of Ushak in Western Turkey. Between the XVI and XIX centuries here, many famous carpet styles, such as a rug Ushak with birds, strict Ushak carpets, Lotto carpets with other medallion carpets made under Persian influence. These carpets are completely from red wool as a dominant. The decline began around the middle of the XIX century as carpets and today the production of Ushak carpet practically sued.

Carpet Ushak

Wilton carpets are pile carpets of machine production with patterns resembling Persian. The name comes from the city of Wilton in Wiltshire, England, which in the XVI century produced handmade carpets. Since the middle of the XIX century, all manufactured carpets were made using machines in almost any sizes.

Carpet Wilton

Uttabi is a view of a lounge, thin, gentle carpet fabric, like Zili. It comes from the name of one of the quarters of the city of Mosul, which is the north of the capital Iraq Baghdad, not far from the southeastern border of Turkey. In the XIV century, the carpets of Uttabi, produced in this quarter, won worldwide glory. Under this title, they spread in European markets. Researchers believe that the term "TEPPICH" used in Western Europe goes back to Uttabi.

Carpet Uttabi.

Uzbek carpets - carpets made in Uzbekistan are divided into 3 main types of carpets: gilyam (Uzbek carpets with a short pile), giulhir (Uzbek carpets with a long pile), and palaces (Uzbek lint-free carpets). The characteristic feature of the carpet with a short pile is their red-brown tint, illuminated by the harmony of the details of the light color of the main medallions that have a geometric shape often.

Uzbek carpet

Woven carpets - palaces are diverse in Uzbekistan: Kokhma - Fabric with uniform stripes in various colors and Gajari - The fabric that was woven in the sample with various methods of "intersecting overlapping" technique and decorated with rows of small geometric plant motifs. Prior to the beginning of the 20th century, the carpet was exclusively craft of women living in rural areas.

UK-Bash (Yuk-Bash) - bags in which nomads transport wooden parts of disassembled tents and yurt. The UK Bash is made mainly from the pile carpets.

Gallands - ornament, filling the corners of the main field of woolen or silk carpet. In the medallion compositions, the squares usually occupy an area equal to the size of a quarter of the central medallion.

Ducks - transverse threads of the carpet (as well as fabrics), located perpendicular to the threads of the foundation and intertwined with them. Depending on the type and place of origin of the carpet of handmade, the duck threads can be cotton, silk or woolen.

"You were legatious to me on carpets, and all the carpets were Persian," the hero of the story of Mikhail Bulgakov was outraged by Professor Preobrazhensky during a visit to him members of the house management. And it was why to worry. A decent carpet cost at the time of the approximately monthly fee shone medicine. Fashion on Persian carpets covered European capitals at the beginning of the 20th century. Time went, but the fashion did not pass, except for expensive products of handmade changed mass production lots.

King for memory

Carpets are known in many corners of the world, and this fishery developed independently in different places. For nomadic tribes woven from durable wool threads of the cloth - the thing is irreplaceable. In the parking lot, carpets turn into warm walls and the floor of the dwelling, and in the campaign, rolled into the pipe, occupy very little space. Over time and as we gain material well-being, people think about the beauty of carpets.
For a long time, the nomads were the Persians who, of course, used carpets. However, at the end of the 5th century BC, the Greek historian Xenophon mentions these products as an element of unprecedented luxury, which was surrounded by the Venels of the Ahemedidian Power (the state that existed in the VI-1V centuries BC in Asia).
The Iranian tradition attributes to the emergence of the custom of weave on carpets of complex patterns to the founder of the Persian Persian Power - Kiru II Great (born allegedly in 593 to our era). Allegedly, capturing Babylon and seeing his fabulous buildings, the young king wanted to have it all in his camp. But the only means to pick up a part of the beauty of Babylon began an attempt to reproduce patterns of temples and palaces on carpets. The legend argues that several hundreds of weavers have coped with this task, and returning home, continued to decorate their products to the tradition.

Soon, Persian carpets became known worldwide, from Europe and North Africa to China. They decorated the palaces of rulers and were considered great value, evidence of well-being and wealth.
For example, the first thing that the Byzantine Emperor Irakli I was taken care of (rules from 610 to 641), taking the capital of the Persian KTesyphone, the preservation of a unique carpet from Padishakh Palace. It was a woven specially for decorating the main hall of the Hoshrov I Aunushirvana (501-579). Probably, this carpet remains the largest of the famous stories: 140 by 27 meters. Silk gold, silver threads and precious stones on it was embroidered with an incredible beauty garden compared to the paradise. The product was called the "Spring Carpet" and became famous for the whole world. But in 637, KTesifon went to Arabs. And the Hoshrov carpet was too heavy, and it was cut to take into parts.

Gifts with meaning

Over time, the masters began to invest in patterns on carpets some meaning. The picturesque plots were still popular, but sometimes simple wishes, congratulations, farewell began to appear. With the arrival of Arabs, the patterns were filled with new content. Birds disappeared from carpets, camels, horses. The ornaments of the carpets spoke to the language of symbols and abstractions, turned into a woven expression of the Koran. Sometimes the Persian carpet for the dedicated is a book about the structure of the universe.
Especially famous woven canvas from Tabriz, Naina and Isfahan. The most skilled masters from these places could encrypt a whole message in their carpet. Since often the Persians wanted to write what conquerors could not like, they had to invent real ciphers. Even a similar semblance of patterns of patterns has developed. Simple messages were understandable to any curious person, and more complex - only dedicated.
Most often on the carpet, either quotes from the Qur'an, or wishes for many years, health, banal "world of your home" or "So that I lived" (that is, that the owner of the carpet lived so well in order to afford it is an expensive product).
At the end of the XI century, the followers of the Islamic sect of nizarites, well-known Cocassasins drew on carpets. They led the incessant wars with all who did not share their teachings. They made raids, robbed, destroyed those who could not sob in slavery. Nizarite's own death was contemptuously and lived only in order to destroy the world created by Allah, - of course, in the name of the salvation of mankind.

The attitude towards the adepts of this sect was appropriate, but with Hassan as-Sab-Bach (mid 1050s - 1124) she gained such power that the rulers of the Middle East and the Transcaucasus trembled from fear, fearing to see the killer in their rest. Capturing the inaccessible fortress of the Alamut in West Iran, Sabbach turned her into his capital. Sabbach himself nicknamed the old man of the mountain.
Of all the trips to Alamut delivered unmeasant wealth, books, they came here to different masters. Especially Sabbach became interested in the secret language of Isfahan tapes. Most of his subjects lived in ordinary cities - under the guise of ordinary Muslims or Christians. Soon they began to receive the orders of the elder of the mountain and send him reports using patterns on carpets. It was worth just some emir or sheikh to think about the campaign against Nizarites, as Sabbach recognized about it. And immediately the murderers joined the case.

What a luxurious death!

However, Sabbach people did not limit themselves alone with woven encrypses. It was believed that masters were working in Alamut, able to "charge" carpets by those or other commands that the addressee could not do not fulfill. So, for example, the Syrian fortress of Banias fell, whose neck was swore to commit to Sabbach. Once he received as a gift from a long-range relative, a carpet of extraordinary beauty. On the first night, after this, the unlucky emir, as if twisted, opened the gate of his citadel to the Horstis, who cut the entire garrison, and then cut off the head of the Banias.
The ruler of Schiraz, who covered the campaign against Sabbach, also received a carpet as a gift. Most likely, he was replaced by the made in Alamut, and the militant emir died of a heartbroken, barely visiting the pattern. Dozens of rulers who received such "gifts with meaning" went crazy, died from strike or in a dream, and even just forgot about the plans of the attack on Assassins. Gradually, Sabbach understood: no need to keep a large army to protect borders. It is enough with spies to penetrate the plans of neighbors, and then eliminate the most dangerous of them. By the way, many rulers were in a hurry to boot from the assassins, which served as a good source of treasury replenishment.
Almost 200 years old with Nizarites could not do anything while Mongols did not appear in Iran in 1256. The Lords of Assassinov did not fear anyone in their mountain castles, but the last of their imam hands hell-Dean Khurshah silent. He could beat the attack of warriors Hulaw not one year, but preferred to go for a trick: sent the rich gifts and opened the gate of Alamut. Surely was among the gifts and a carpet with some message for the Mongolian commander. But Hulagu ordered the gifts to throw in the abyss, and Khurshaha execute.

So I lived

There was no magic in the deadly gifts of assassins. They were generally very educated and practical people. For example, the fortresses were built so that fortification art reached such heights only in 500 years. The library of Alamut legends goes no less than about the meeting of the books of Ivan Grozny, the benefit she also disappeared without a trace.
The Russian inventor Alexander Lukovishnikov suggests that Iranian weaves worked with torsion fields (from Latin Torsio - "Crash"). Perhaps this phenomenon was openly completely accidental. And described his mathematician Eli Cartan in the XX century. The essence of the phenomenon is as follows: any clearance of space and matter creates a physical field that can independently affect the surrounding. And any Persian carpet is created precisely torsion, and manually, that, in the opinion of some researchers, repeatedly enhances the effect. The bulbs, for example, believes that torsion fields can be positively or negatively charged. If the pattern is spinning clockwise, it bears positive energy, against - negative.

Modern physics torsion fields considers as a hypothetical object, it is impossible to reliably to reliably. But in the USSR, for example, billions of rubles were spent on research in this area until 1991. In many countries of the world, successful commercial products are massively produced, whose effect is based on torsion fields.
By the way, not only Assassins used "charged" woven gifts. There are evidence that Ivan Grozny began to spill in nature when carpets sent in his palace sent as a gift to Persian Shah.
Left their trace of radiating torsion vortices, and in the USSR. In the mid-1980s, Armand Hummer, a large friend of Soviet governments (starting with Lenin and ending with Gorbachev) and an American businessman, put in Russia equipment for the mass production of carpets. At the same time, he sold factories and patterns several unpretentious patterns.
For some 3-4 years, the carpet has become the usual detail of the interior of each apartment. Only here the Persian masters invest a hidden message "So that I lived" in expensive carpets, and Hummer machines were given cheap consumer goods at best. It turned out not a blessing, but a curse. So the Soviet people became the beginning of the 1990s to live according to the wishes.
Wanted Hammer good or, on the contrary, performed a sophisticated villainance - unknown. But the writer of hundreds of inventions Alexander Lukovichnikov strongly advises people to get rid of Soviet carpets.

Persia was famous for its carpets for even more than two thousand years ago, therefore the popularity of Persian carpets is so high and currently. According to historical documents, the first carpets in Persia began to be touched in the 3rd century to our era. For centuries, the developed technology of manual production of carpets was inherited from generation to generation, because, as a rule, carpets were a family craft. If the father or mother has achieved high mastery in the rugs of carpets, they passed their art to children. Slava about high mastery of Persian weaves did not weaken at all times. Therefore, buy a Persian carpet, today means to buy a unique thing that can bring well-being in your home, peace, beauty and home comfort.

What is a good Persian carpet?

Persia in the representation of each person is associated with an amazing fabulous country with beautiful nature and wonderful animals. Whole this fabulous world is reflected in the ornament of Persian carpets, which are tank from delicate fine wool. The quality and beauty of the carpet directly depend on the density of weaving nodules. The more nodules, the more densely the vault of the carpet, which means above its quality. Currently, Persian handmade carpets are made according to tradition with a central medallion and a beautiful ornamental vegetable ornament. In the early Persian carpets, animals and amateur birds were often depicted, surrounded by magnificent blooming vegetation. However, in later times, in the ban of Islamic religion, living beings are causing living creatures. Therefore, modern Persian carpets have more often geometric or floral ornament. Modern carpet production is gradually moving towards machine, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the prices of this unique product. The best Persian carpets are currently producing in such provinces such as Mood, Keshan, Sagur, Bijar. Exclusive carpets today include handmade carpets, which are mainly placed to order. The best masters of weselves in the weaving of Persian carpets use two types of node - Turkish and Persian, which allow you to weave the unique patterns of Arabesque and Mahi.

How to choose a Persian carpet?

Modern Persian carpets are famous not only by the exquisite beauty of the ornament and natural environmentally friendly materials, but also a skillful work of the masters. Therefore, if you acquire a carpet of handmade, you may not doubt the high and even flawless quality of the carpet. However, before you buy it, you should pay attention to the wrong side of the product. The basis of the Persian carpet is usually made of cotton and wool, which ensures the density of the base. Such a carpet is not deformed, retains the perfect form. From the front side, check the pile density, for which it is enough to spend your hand on the surface of the carpet. Natural wool, from which the Persian carpets are made on the touch gentle and very soft, tightly adjacent. Typical oriental ornament have all Persian carpets. Prices for handmade carpets are high enough. At low prices, only industrial carpets made with machine mating can be purchased at low prices.

Where to buy a Persian carpet?

Modern Persian carpets, both industrial production and handmade, are imported into Russia and other CIS countries. Therefore, you can purchase a real Persian carpet in any specialized store, as well as on the website of the online store of carpets and carpets. On the website of the store you can easily choose the carpet you need, watch color illustrations for carpeting descriptions. After payment of the goods, it will be delivered at the specified address.

Handmade carpets are a divine luxury, which was such at all times. No palace in the East did without famous Persian carpets. Silk and wool Persian handmade carpets have always been and remain real works of art. In distant times, they were even presented as a gift to European lords. Being a master of weaving carpet art was not only profitable, but also very honorable, as well as prestigious. The art of making carpets in Iran has centuries, and the secrets of skill are transmitted in the families of masters from generation to generation.

The products of Iranian tapes of carpets as in ancient times and today are considered the highest quality and expensive goods. Manual carpets are delighted with the uniqueness of the pattern and the originality of the color scheme. But not only external carpet data lead people in delight. Does not leave indifferent and quality of carpets - weaving density and accurate execution of a complex ornament. The use of only natural dyes in the production of threads for weaving carpets makes a drawing resistant and almost eternal.

Nevertheless, Persian carpets did not immediately become works of art. In the ancient times, carpets, of course, were beautiful in their own way. However, more practical, rather than aesthetic meaning. The first carpets were heavy wool canvas and served as a floor in homes, and also used as interior partitions. On carpets slept, carpets were hidden. Each tribe had special distinctive signs, woven into the carpets. These signs were called "Guli". When one tribe was conquered by others, the "Gul" of the defeated tribe was crowded in the winner carpet. Very often, on ancient carpet, it was possible to draw on the glorious military heritage of men of this tribe.

Nowadays, very few ancient Persian carpets have been preserved. In Altai in the 50s of the last century, according to scientists, the most ancient carpet was found. He was found in permafrost, excavating the tomb, the age of which more than two thousand years. The tomb was partially destroyed. It fell into it and the carpet was completely opened with ice crust. What was the amazement of scientists, when it was found that the carpet after defrosting and drying was practically not affected. Now this carpet is one of the pearls of the Hermitage. But just think: for more than twenty centuries, the carpet lay in the eternal Merzlot and practically nothing happened to him! Yes, the quality of the work of the Persian masters of carpeted affairs speaks for itself.

In the countries of the East, the arts of weave the carpets were the main craft. Masters of Turkey and China, India and Pakistan, Central Asia, the Caucasus and North Africa competed in the art of making carpets. But they could not exceed the skill of Persian weavers. Until today, the Iranian carpet is the best in the world, and the real pride of its owner!

Now, too, really become the owner of the Iranian carpet. That's just need to be seriously spent. Persian carpets are not only the best in the world, but also the most expensive. And the silk carpets are much more expensive than woolen carpets. But they are worth it. First, handmade is always in price. Secondly, in the manufacture of such carpets, only natural materials and dyes are applied, which serves as a guarantee of high quality products and a long service life. And, of course, uniqueness is practically impossible to find two identical carpet (unless there was an order for the manufacture of two such). To create one carpet leaves from six months to several years. The time of work on one product depends on its size, the complexity of the ornament, the number of colors and shades. Carpets are made in the form of a circle, oval, rectangle. Sometimes orders are received on carpet tracks of different widths and lengths.

The color palette of carpet manufacturing is enormous, but there are also colors that are preferable to others. This is the color of bone milk and the color of the ivory, beige in all its manifestations, red, bordeaux, brown, indigo and emerald green.

In Iran, the weaving of carpets is a traditional and common craft in all regions of the country. And each region has its own unique patterns, according to which it is unmistakably you can learn the "homeland" of the carpet.

Time goes, but the carpets in the life of Iranians continue to occupy an honorable place. And at the twenty-first century it is impossible to present the house of Iranian without a carpet on the floor or on the wall. New or shabby old carpet will always find its place in the house.

Carpet production has both state importance. Every year, solid funds from the sale of Persian carpets are poured into the state budget. Since Iranian carpets are the most expensive in the world, the quality of carpets in Iran respond at the state level. There is a clear quality control and the naturalness of raw materials, which is a lot of evidence. For example, when an aniline dye was invented, the Persian Shah special decree banned the use of "chemistry" in the manufacture of carpets. In the punishment for disobedience cut off the right hand! But now, fortunately, they do not resort to such harsh measures. Carpet manufacturers are responsible for their craft. After all, the Persian carpet bears not only commercial value, this is also a business card of today's Persia.

Now the Persian carpet, thanks to its quality and unique beauty, it can become not only a long-term investment, but also a family relic, transmitted by inheritance. Each carpet has its own passport and quality certificate. Data in these documents are indicated in two languages \u200b\u200b- Arabic and English. The documents are called the State Manufacturer, Composition and quality of the product, the date and place of manufacture, the "name" of the carpet and the name of the master who performed it. These documents on the carpet must be preserved to the "death" of the product.


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