Pablo Picasso Walking Woman Description. Exhibition in Metropolitan Museum

Pablo Picasso Walking Woman Description. Exhibition in Metropolitan Museum
Pablo Picasso Walking Woman Description. Exhibition in Metropolitan Museum



Alexander, Belgorod
March 31
Amazing, wonderful picture. Outdoor beauty and deep emptiness and pain inside. How modern is how many such women are now!



Roman, St. Petersburg
December 17th
The picture is very very beautiful! My house hangs an absolutely identical copy (oil) as the original exactly in size too. Made this picture a very good artist. I am pleased with this picture at home, not as I can't look.
Offered 120t.r., but something not really, I want to sell it too good copy))

May 29
Amazing painting, unusual gamma colors. It is worth seeing live, the storm of feelings.

Milan, Sochi
March 27.
I like this picture !! The artist transmits its feelings and emotionality. So as artists always leave a particle of themselves at least a little but leave. And the artist clearly handed his pain, as he was bad and dragously. Picasso has betrayed the term geometric figures, apparently he wanted to pass When we plan that we have inside. I am very sorry for this girl.

Kirill, Kovrov
March 03.
With a picture of the bottomless full of sadness and pain our eyes look at us. In her hands, she has a handkerchief that she firmly squeezes in the teeth, as if it suffers from unbearably pain. This pain is not bodily, but spiritual. Cartina transmits a very strong feeling of sadness and longing that very unusual because The picture is written by bright and rich paints. The back of a woman's back is yellow wall, symbolizing a happy surrounding world, which does not share her grief. On the cheeks of a woman's tears, but there are no them in the eyes. It turns out that the grief passes. Treats.


Olya-la, Krasnoyarsk
November 01
In this picture I see not just a grief of a woman, I see more of her internal experiences

June 10th
Understanding requires zeal. NATO it and the art that in nature you will not see! After the 1000th picture, the essence begins to hide deeper into the details.

Five-year-old, Khabarovsk
May 27.
As a child, this picture frightened me in the magazine "Science and Life". Plus, poisonous comment made, they say, it is found that some patients see the world exactly like Picasso. Igdes Conclusion: he was not sick ...
Over the years, however, I realized that everything is much deeper and better. And newspapers should be believed not in matters of art.

Dima, Zaporizhia
January 15
Some strange. (Idiotism of some kind of (comment of another person))



Marusya, Barnaul
December 28th
I am most surprised by how the artist was able to transfer the mountain of a woman with the help of clean, bright and juicy paints.

Tatiana, Volgodonsk
September 06.
It's grief - it is impossible to convey more accurate ...

Valentina, St. Petersburg
September 04
Present grief! You can cry yourself!

Nastya, Moscow
August 02.
By the way, this picture is the most expressive Pablo Picasso. It can be seen that the grief is such that there is no place worse.

20 April
Probably himself was sad when he painted ...


Natali, Moskow
November 07
and in my opinion very precisely transmitted the temperament

Evgeny, Samara
28 of October
I feel sorry for a woman, an artist dismissed her strongly. That's roars.

kohl, Lutsk
February 03
picture of Dіysoto ethnic. Wsi's absolutely abstract, allee, Zhinka is registered Dіysno Realistically. super.

Pablo Picasso 1920s
Pablo Picasso. "Sitting Woman" (Portrait of Fernanda) 1909, 81 × 65 cm, oil, canvas

All the Pablo Picasso is known - a brilliant artist, but few know him from the side, which he turned to women. It can be bolded to call the destroyer - almost all he loved, went crazy or ended with him. He said that women prolong life, and if he was fond of someone, he created a whole series of works. Exactly 45 years ago, at the age of 91, Picasso left life - we suggest remembering the seven Muses of the artist.

Fernanda Olivier

Sportsman Fernandu Olivier - the first big love - Picasso met in Paris in 1904. It is with the appearance of Fernanda a gloom painting Picasso acquired paints. They were young, quickly got together and passed together through poverty and the unwindiness of the first decade of the artist in Paris. When his paintings began to buy, their relationship was already on the outcome. Picasso without regret broke with former beloved: so it turned out with Fernanda, when the artist met Marsell Umbert, who became his attachment for a three-year period of cubism. Portrait of Fernanda "Woman with pears" is one of the first experiments during the early cubic period.

Pablo Picasso, "Woman with pears (Fernanda)", 1909
Fernanda Olivier, circa 1909

Olga Khokhlova

Olga Khokhlov ballerina is the first wife and mother of the first child - Picasso met in Italy in 1917 while working on "Russian seasons". Dyagille warned Picasso that they don't joke with Russian women, they marry them. Olga Khokhlova did not just become his wife Picasso - he was married to her on the Orthodox rite. After 17 years of contradictory family life after 17 years, they did not divorce - Picasso did not want to divide the property equally, which was required under the terms of the marriage contract.

Cooling to his wife came along with cooling to the bourgeois life, which Khokhlov loved so much. The stretched relationship was reflected in the paintings - if at the beginning of their love story, Olga portraits are realistic, then by the time of the breakdown of Marriage Picasso writes it only in the stylistry of surrealism. "Woman in a hat" was created in 1935 - a year when Olga learned that Picasso had a child from Mary Teresa Walter's mistress. She left himself, but for many years he pursued Picasso - in 1955 she brought the artist only relief.

Pablo Picasso, "Woman in a Hat (Olga)", 1935
Olga Khokhlova, circa 1917

Maria Teresa Walter

Maria Teresa Walter appeared in the life of Picasso in 1927. She was only 17, he is already 45. To meet with the artist, she did not even hear his name. In 1935, Walter gave him a daughter Maya, which he continued to visit even after parting with her mother. Maria-Teresa wrote for many years to the former beloved tender letters who read the new girlfriends. She committed suicide four years after the death of Picasso. Usually the artist depicted her blonde with a short haircut, but in the portrait of 1937 a bright makeup appear and painted nails - a sign that Picasso Roman with Doro Mahar.

Pablo Picasso, "Portrait of Mary Teresa", 1937
Maria Teresa Walter, circa 1928

Dora Mahar.

Mahar - the same "crying woman" Picasso. This plot reflects not only the perception by the artist's character of this woman, but also pre-war moods in Europe. At the time of their acquaintance in 1935, the Dora was already a formed by the artist and the photographer - their relationship was most likely intellectual character than romantic. The gap with Picasso after the nine-year-old novel brought the Dora to a psychiatric clinic, and last years she led a novel life. Before you is one of the most famous pictures from the series of "crying women."

Pablo Picasso, "Crying Woman (Dora Mahar)", 1937
Mahar Dora, around 1955

Francoise residential

Francoise lived - the only woman who managed to get out of the water after a ten-year novel with Picasso. The artist got acquainted with him in his granddaughter by Francoise in a restaurant in 1943 - she was an excellent interlocutor and with time Picasso began to need her. Francoise gave birth to him two children, the son of Claude and daughter to Palom, and in 1953, with them left, becoming the only woman who managed to get out of the influence of Picasso without psychological problems - she took place as an artist, got married twice, wrote a book about Picasso, which formed the basis of the film "Crash Life with Picasso" with Anthony Hopkins in the lead role. The image of a "female flower" appeared in the spring of 1946, when the artist finally persuaded Franção to move to him.

Pablo Picasso, "Flower Flower (Francoise Located)", 1946
Francoise lived, 1973

Silvett David.

Silvette David, with whom Picasso never had close relationship, became the artist's muse in the 1950s - she posed him several times in 1954, which resulted in a whole series of work - they can easily guess the magnificent tail of light hair. The novel with Silvette did not happen - the girl always accompanied the groom, and she herself felt uncomfortable next to the celebrity, but the acquaintance with the great artist played her to her hand - Picasso gave her one of his portraits, and she was able to buy accommodation in Paris from his sale. .

Pablo Picasso, "Portrait of Silvette David in a green chair", 1954
Silvett David, 1954

Jacqueline Rock

Jacqueline Rock is the last love Picasso and the second official wife - became the main character of his paintings in the last 20 years. At the time of their acquaintance in 1953 she was 27, he was 73. Jacqueline demolished his difficult character and called the Monsignor - he lived with her until his death. The care of Picasso, she was experiencing hard, balancing on the verge of madness, and after 13 years on the eve of the retrospectives of his works shot himself. "Jacqueline with arms crossed" is one of the most famous portraits of the last music Picasso.

Pablo Picasso, "Jacqueline with arms crossed", 1954
Jacqueline Rock, 1955

Picture of the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso * "Watching woman"

Year of creation: 1936

Technique: canvas oil

Dimensions: 61 x 50 cm

Collection: London, Tate Gallery

Creative period: War years

Topics: Crying Woman

Description Pablo Picket Picasso "Crying Woman"

Pablo Picasso always hit the people with their skill to draw pictures. His canvas invariably became masterpieces. Of course, Salvador Dali was more extravagant, but Picasso also differed a kind of vision of the surrounding world. The proof serves, for example, the picture "Crying woman".

Despite the bright paints used by the artist, the picture is very sad. And each, looking at the crying woman, understands this, feels an indescribable grief, standing in her eyes. Looking at it only once, you begin to ask questions about what happened to it. Such flour is reflected in the eyes of a woman, which involuntarily starts to sympathize with it. Perhaps she lost his beloved and her heart rushes into parts. It remains only to guess, which has become the true cause of such deep grief and the unfortunate expression.

The author, as if shutting down a bright mask, shows the audience real emotions of a woman. He depicts this truth with gray, pale paints: how a woman holds a handkerchief, pressing him to her face, as his teeth grumbled, trying to keep his tears with all his might. But they roll on the cheeks, without asking permission.

Mountain and despair distorted the face of a woman depicted on the canvas. It is so impossible to know, thanks to the manner of Pablo Picasso. Many women admitted that it was they who picked up a talented artist, but it was not possible to prove it. And how was it to check the authenticity of words? The author did not leave any opportunity. He triggered the image of a woman beyond recognition. And maybe the lady and herself wished to remain unknown. Maybe her grief was so great that she wanted to be unrecognized by anyone. Everyone remains only to guess who became a picasso in a simulator and admire the skillful work of the master to transfer emotions.

Pablo Picasso "Watching Woman" (1937).
Canvas, oil. 61 x 50 cm
Tate Gallery, London

The painting is captured by Dor Mahar - a professional photographer, the daughter of the Croatian architect, with which the artist tied a close relationship for nine years (1936-45). The dora removed the cakes, blind, Klosharov, connecting beauty and urgency, luxury and poverty to the mysteriously-creepy surrealism. Creativity Dara was brave, avant-garde, criticism called her style "tragic baroque" and "aesthetics of a catastrophe". Mahar became an intellectual outlet for Picasso, which at the time of dating it was worried about the creative crisis. She pushed him to the avant-garde movement and political topics.

Mahar taught the artist to photograph, and herself under his influence engaged in painting. Together they made on the glass of a kind of "Photographs", from which, as with huge negatives, made prints on the photo paper. Dora for many years has become the main model Picasso. In the canvas "Crying woman", he literally revealed the face of his beloved face, exposing the deadly-pale nutroot of true grief: mouth is distorted by suffering, teeth convulsively tear the crumpled scarf. On this white "inner essence" are visible traces of hands. Crying, we almost always squeeze the face with palms, rub the tears - the master constantly stretched to face the master portrayed very reliably. The eyes are similar to two buttons, the crusted cross-cross, - dead plastic crossbars instead of pupils cross the life in the look of crying. The "crying woman" is a collective way of all flavored women who have lost their husbands and sons in the war.

From the book "Picasso" Henri Limel:
In the man's husband, Pablo writes portraits - Lee Miller, Nyush, Dara, Vollar ... Probably, under the influence of Hens, he writes many tragic persons. These are sobbing women, most of them are endowed with Dara's features. The next year, women's faces on portraits are becoming more excited, shocked, distorted, as, for example, in his famous portrait of a crying woman. Working on the gernie, Pablo drew female female sheds with Dari. And he continues to do it, and the correct features of the face of a young woman often distorts so much that they cause horror.
Unlike Fernanda, who was outraged when her face distorted, or Olga, who frankly despised the attempts of Pablo to ugly female faces, Dor Mahar was the most patient. She sees in such "modifications" only plastic experiments, for which, in her opinion, the artist has the right. In addition, it is so confident in its own beauty, which considers himself invulnerable. And Picasso repeatedly repeated that he sees her no other than in tears. Such a manner of the Dara's image is not at all dictated by his desire to displease it, and an artistic necessity that subordinates him, for, as he said more than once, his painting is stronger than his will.

Pink dress 1864g - Frederick Basil Pictured Teresu on the terrace
At the far end of the garden. She is dressed in a simple dress with vertical
Pink and silvery gray stripes, and black apron. Theresa
Sits back to the viewer, and looks toward the village ... -

At the stage "Synthetic cubism" (1912-1917)picasso works are taken decorative and contrast. Pictures depict mostly still lifes with various objects: musical instruments, notes, bottles of wine, smoking tubes, cutlery, posters, and so on. Also, Picasso and marriage used real items in their work: wallpaper, sand, rope, etc.
Their first works were collages "Still life with a wicker chair" (1912)

AND "Guitar (metal)" (1914).

Inspiring the work of Picasso, was created millennium Bridge (Millennium Bridge) in London.

But the First World War interrupts Cubic experiments of Picasso and George Marriage, marking a new stage in the life of the artist - "Period of classicism" (1917-1925). It is at this time that he falls in love with a Russian dancer Olga Khokhlov From the ballet troupe Sergei Dyagilev, for the performances of which Picasso made scenery and costumes. Soon they marry and their son Paulo is born.

Picasso and Olga Khokhlov on the background of Ballet Ballet Parade, 1917

Pablo Picasso and Olga Khokhlov in Biaritz, 1918

Olga Khokhlova in the chair, 1917

Picasso from the avant-garde bohemian environment of Paris enters the atmosphere of classic ballet and ancient Rome. Brand new people, new experience in creativity in the sphere of theatrical scenography. The whole environment appeals to realism, figurativeness of the drawing, and Picasso responds to these changes in his life. From this time, an antique classic, but in his manner, determines the style of his work. In addition, the artist leads a new way of life - revolves in a respectable secular environment, to which his Russian wife is becoming. They support close ties in the ballet world, get a rich house, visit secular rounds, dance on costume balas. Olga and Son become the main characters living inside his paintings.

Portrait of Olga in the chair, 1917

Source, 1921.

Olga in thought, 1923

Maternity, 1921.

Olga, 1923.

Son of the artist in the costume of Harlequin (Portrait Paulo), 1924

And then there was this picture "Dance, three dancers, three dancers" (1925).

Broken lines, cradled figures, clamped by vice in close space, wild, bright color, deformation of proportions, grotesque - so can be described, what we see in this picture. But Olga was no longer his beloved wife, she was annoyed, strained with his secular decenings and love of visible dinners, you only look at the female figure in the center - she is as if crucified on the cross with a special cruelty, and their face, their two, if looking straight and The second with an evil grinding can be seen if you lower your head on the right shoulder.
His next passion became Maria Teresa WalterWhich during their accidental dating on the street was only 17 years old, and Picasso - 45.

Maria Teresa Walter, 1927

Maria Teresa Walter with his mother's dog, 1930

Their love coincided with surrealistic experiments Pablo (1925-1937). She inspired him in search of new plastics, in the paintings of this period, a completely special, smooth and elastic line - the captive young body Marie-Terez dictated a special aesthetics. It recognizes in all paintings - blondes with blond eyes, a Roman profile and smooth outlines of the body.

Portrait of Mary Teresa, 1937

Bright flavor, tender coloring, softness, sexuality - Picasso was able to catch the essence of this girl, passing through the pictures of its soft temper and ease.
And also repeats on all canvases, wherever it is depicted, only the essence.

Woman in Orange Beret and Fur Collar (Maria Teresa), 1937

Woman at the window (Maria Teresa), 1936

Son, 1932.

And even such a picture.

Crying woman, 1937

Picasso captured his new love Dora Maar.which was with him for 1935-1945.

The artist and professional photographer, she rotated in the circle of surrealists, there he met with him. Her nervousness and vary captured in a series of portraits called "Crying woman".

Crying woman, 1937

Crying woman with scarf, 1937

The most significant web 20th century has become "Gernik (1937), written literally for the month, after the terrible news about the bombing of the Spanish city of Gernik, who bombed several hours in a row, dropping several thousand shells, completely erased from the face of the earth.

Picasso One of the first with pain responded to these terrible events, drawing a picture in the style of cubism in black and white gamme.

We see suffering people, animals, and buildings transformed under the influence of violence and chaos. Almost realistically shows the scenes of death, violence, atrocities, suffering and helplessness, without specifying their direct reasons, and the choice of black and white palette reflects the lifeless nature of the war. Look at the woman to the left with a horror, squeezing in the hands of a dead child, and an inhuman cry of pain and deep suffering occurs from her mouth with a drown language, somewhere the bomb is exploded at the top, and on the right - the figure with his hands raised by the horror a trap from the heat from above and below, in the center - a horse falling in agony, pierced by a spear, under her a dead, dismembered soldier, whose chopped hand still squeezes the swallow of the sword from which the flower grows, to the right below, full of reverent fear. Woman fed to The center, her indifferent look directed to the sparkling light bulb, on the right at the top of the horse we see an antique mask, which seems to witness in front of it scenes, as if pooping into the room through a window with a burning lamp in the hands. All this creates an oppressive, tense, emotionally strong impact and there is from what! This grand canvas was shown at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937. However, not all critics accepted "Grannik": some refused the picture in the artistic, calling the canvas "propaganda document", others tried to limit the picture content only by the framework of a particular event and saw in it only the image of the Basque people tragedy. And the Madrid magazine "Sabado Schetko" even wrote: "Gernik - a cloth of huge sizes is terrible. Perhaps this is the worst that I created Pablo Picasso for my life. ".
The image of a pigeon, as the symbol of the world was created by Picasso in 1949. However, it is wondering that he did not choose this bird, and his friend Louis Aragon, who was looking for a symbol for the congress bills of the World Congress. His choice fell on one of the picasso engravings with the image of a pigeon. It was not an abstract pigeon, but a "portrait" of a completely specific bird, which Picasso presented Matisse.

This dove became the first famous "The Blue World". Picasso did not consider this drawing of the top of his creativity, but did not object to the choice of Aragon. Only sarcastically noticed in his address:

"Poor! He does not know the pigeons at all! Tenderness of a dove, what nonsense! They are very cruel. I had pigeons that stuck to death one unhappy dwarf, which they did not like ... They turned her eyes and broke into part, this is a terrible sight! Good symbol of the world! "
(Quote on the book Henri Laying Picasso)

Later he recycled this image in the graphic option.

The pigeon theme was close to him as a nobody else. Pigeons have always been present in his life, because his father was a fan of these birds and kept the pigeon.

Picasso and Pigeon, Paris, 1945

Picasso and Pigeons, Cannes, 1955

This topic is often found in his work.

Pigeons, 1957.

Pigeons, 1957.

Child with dove, 1901

In his 60 years, Picasso begins to be interested. ceramics, He creates a huge collection of skillfully glued dishes, clay jugs, similar to Greek vases.

Ceramics is filled with fun and unusually talented. It seems that the artist was able to create his drawer on the canvas and in working with clay.
In each product there are broad mischievous strokes, funny parts, merry strokes of the cutter. It seems that the clay is not swallowed with his hands, but painted with a brush. At the same time, the forms themselves incredibly accurately pass the fun mood of the Creator and his ambiguous talent. Some work is close to antique genres, and others are made in the Spanish palette of 16-17 centuries.
All ceramic creativity Picasso can be divided into two types - flat ceramics and volumetric.
Flat include numerous plates, bowls, flat plates. Basically, you can meet his favorite stories: Corrida, mythology, artist and model, female images, animals, abstract topics. Favorite owls with a human face (the Counter and the goat were Master's pets at that time) dominated among the characters.

Some work rather resemble a sketch.

A volumetric ceramics is represented by vases and bowls, which are enchanting with their incorrectness and get closer to sculpture.

Picasso interested fun with the "crossing" of such an ordinary subject as a vase with the most different objects. A kind of walls appear: vase Bird, Vase-Face, Vase Woman, Vase Bull.

Wood-owl woman, 1951

Woman, 1955.

All his life, Picasso was inspired by women, they live in his paintings and inspire other artists.

Francoise residential

Portrait of a woman in a green hat, 1947

Woman with hair mesh, 1949

Jacqueline Rock

His second legitimate and beloved wife, who simply adored him, was idle, having brought to the pedestal, the bad character of Picasso. Jacqueline Rock was a very beautiful woman, miniature, slender and black-haired, with an amazing profile, in which Picasso has always seen similarity with the characters of Eastern harem, not yet depicted Delacroys and Matisse, and then he himself captured Jacqueline in the form of Eastern Beauty. For almost 20 years she was, almost his only model, he wrote about 400 of her portraits.

Sitting woman in a Turkish costume (Jacqueline), 1955

Woman in a Turkish suit in the chair, 1955

Woman in Studio, 1956

Portrait of a woman in a green dress, 1956

Women's head, 1960

Women's head, 1963

Jacqueline sitting in the chair, 1964

During the period of life and work in Valoris, Picasso met a young girl, his fan, which was briefly carried away. She inspired him to stormy artistic activity - for three months he painted about 40 of her portraits. They are easily identified by the characteristic detail - the playful "horse tail".

Portrait of Silvet David, 1954

By the way, Brick Barddo He took over the Silvette her style.

Loves of the public, a brilliant and world-famous artist, was incredibly artistic, which was reflected in his free style.

The famous Telnyshka is present at every second picture of Picasso, and personifies in itself - style and character. Telnyashka - As a sign of the strength of the Spirit, adventurism and eternal love for the sea. The artist added her some artistism.

He impulsed Andy Warhole

and Jean-Paul Gauthier.

Picasso made a huge contribution to contemporary art, standing at its origins, inspiring other artists, such as Jackson Pollock. (American artist, ideologue and leader of abstract expressionism, which has had a significant impact on the art of the second half of the XX century).

Its influence can be seen in everything, in addition - it is an indisputable brandwhich immediately attracts attention.



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Picasso left behind 43 thousand works, having a huge effect on art and becoming one of the most recognizable masters of the 20th century.