Relationship of Faina Ranevskaya and Paul Wulf. Faina Ranevskaya all his life regretted that I did not become a mother

Relationship of Faina Ranevskaya and Paul Wulf. Faina Ranevskaya all his life regretted that I did not become a mother
Relationship of Faina Ranevskaya and Paul Wulf. Faina Ranevskaya all his life regretted that I did not become a mother

Faina Ranevskaya idolized everything. With the general love of the actress, there was a lifetime alone, and the lack of a life satellite gave rise to a rapid discussion of her sexual orientation: allegedly Men Faine Grigorievna and did not like at all. Now there are many rumors and speculations about her life.

"Queen of the cinema", "the genius actress of his time", "the most accelerated language", - what only flattering epithets flew to her address from contemporaries. However, the acting talent of women also causes any doubts from many unfriendliers: is it so deservedly praised it?

I propose to figure out where the truth, and where is only the conservatives speculation.

A cheeky nineteen-year-old girl with surprised erased eyebrows broke into the Cabinet of Director of one of the theaters of the Moscow region in 1915. Having barely having swollen, she slapped on the table with a letter of recommendatory letter of the authorship of the entrepreneur Sokolovsky, a close friend of the director.

Dear Vanyusha, sending you this lady to just get out of it. You yourself somehow delicately, the hint, in brackets, explain to her that there is nothing to do on stage that it does not have any prospects. I myself, the right, to do it is inconvenient for a number of reasons, so you, my friend, somehow dissuade her from the acting career - it will be better for her, and for the theater. This is a perfect gentle, all the roles she plays absolutely the same, the surname of her Ranevskaya ...

It would seem that the editors could have collaborated on this article, but the director of the theater saw something in this little worried girl. He once again looked at the young actress attentively and ... ripped the letter. In this tiny office, the Great Ranevskaya was born in the God of the Forgotten Theater.

After a couple of weeks after his bright appearance, Ranevskaya first came to the scene. The few visitors to the Malakhovsky Dacha Theater applauded the young actress, no one could think that this awkward, but a very talented girl did not give a single hour of his life to the attitudes!

Charlotte in the "Vishnevian Garden", Zmeukin in the "Wedding", Dunka in "Lyubov Yarova" - It seemed that the role of the second plan became the main ones when Ranevskaya played. Soon, the actress began to notice more eminent theaters: first the Moscow chamber, and then the theater of the Red Army and theater them. Mossovet. In all his life, Ranevskaya did not play any major role. Actress with bitter irony noted:

"I like eggs: participating, but not invented"

Everyone who has ever met with Ranevskaya live, noted a mad energy emanating from the actress. Her charm and charisma envied each, and the sharp tongue was introduced into a stupor of anyone. Rate themselves:

Ranevskaya stood in their grim patrons completely naked and smoked. Suddenly, the director of the theater manager was entered without a knock. Mossoveta Valentin schoolchildren. And dumbfounded. Faina Georgievna quietly asked:
- You do not shock that I smoke?

But despite such a bright character and success in the career, the personal life of the actress was not at all. It seemed that she never started the novels. But many semispotes rumored that Ranevskaya prefers women.

Alexey Shcheglov, the grandson of the Russian actress Paul Wolfe, told about how one day he became an invalid witness to the extremely close communication of Faina and his grandmother, which could be called friendly with a very large stretch. Casting with a small child, Ranevskaya immediately found that answer: "We are charged with your grandmother".

In the fire of lesbity, the actress poured the oil journalist Gleb Sglornov, which was a close friend of Faina. She treated him with great love, often joking her son. For a long time they spent in a conversation, which swore later recorded in a notebook.

So, according to the journalist, Ranevskaya did not tell him without constraint about his love for the representatives of a beautiful sex. Soon the book was born from these recorded dialogs. Ranevskaya found out about the manuscript and immediately broke the relationship with the chain. The book was published only after the death of the actress.

The great Ranevskaya all her life felt quite alone in this huge world. Covering his spiritual torments with bare sarcasm, she was insanely afraid not only to live, but also die alone. She brought the dog, whom the boy called himself - in honor of her beloved Stanislavsky. The housekeeper, in which the actress tried to find girlfriends, raised the property of the aged actress, and familiar more frequently and less often visited.

What was so afraid of Ranevskaya: she died alone. But, perhaps, truly great people and should leave so quietly, almost silently?

Pavel Leontievna Wolf (1878-1961) - Russian actress, deserved artist of the republic (1927).


From the noble family.

Actress decided to become after saw on stage V. F. Commissioner. According to the Council, the Commissionerzhevskaya, to which he applied to the letter, entered the Dramatic School Pollak, after a year he moved to dramatic courses in the Imperial Ballet School under the Alexandrinsky Theater.

Debuted on stage a student in the role of Laura in the play of Zudmanan "Butterfly fight".

Upon completion of studies on the advice of his teacher V. Danilina tried to enter the Moscow Art Theater, but was not adopted. Since 1901, he worked in the Nizhny Novgorod theater in the Nellobin entrepreneur.

In 1902-1904 actress of the Riga City Theater.

After the revolution, I lived in Rostov-on-Don. There I got acquainted with Fainen Ranevskaya. Became her friend and teacher.

Left memoirs.

Recognition and awards

  • "Honored Artist of the Republic" (1927)

Roles P. L. Wulf

  • "Nobor's nest" I. Turgenev - Lisa
  • "Chaika" A. P. Chekhov - Nina Zarechnaya
  • "Cherry Garden" A. P. Chekhov - Anya.
  • Ivanov A. P. Chekhov - Sasha
  • "Tsar Feodor John" - Irina
  • "Woe from the mind" A. S. Griboyedov - Sophia


Poetess Sofia Garnech (1885 - 1933) was the most frank lesbian figure Russian literature "Silver Century". As a lesbian, the guy lived in full force, and her long novels with women, very different - in age, profession and character, entered the creativity of poetess, she spoke in the language of poetry from his many silent sisters.

The first poems are written Sofia Garnik at a six-year-old age. Later, studying in the Mariinsky gymnasium of Taganrog, she will lead her first poetic notebooks. It must be said that in the teachings of Sofia was very capable and in 1904 completed a gymnasium formation with a gold medal.

With Taganrog, the seventeenth-year-old guy, without thinking, broke up and "fled" after some kind of actress like her in his first of the three European journey. She takes an attempt to enter the Geneva Conservatory, but throws music and returns to St. Petersburg, where it goes to legal courses, which, however, also not ends.

Nadezhda Polyakova

Twenty-year-old guinea is experiencing a novel with Hope Pavlovna Polyakova. Their connection lasted for more than five years. N.P.P. I became the main addressee of poems even in the student notebooks of the game.

Marina Tsvetaeva

In 1914, Sophia Glaknov meets Marina Tsvetaev...
Sofia Gamenka was 29, she was 7 years older than Marina Tsvetaeva, which was rapidly fascinated by a confident and outwardly a somewhat aggressive woman. Their relations were on the verge of permitted: Marina completely obeyed his Sonechka, and she "repelled, forced him to begging, trampled her legs ...", but - and Marina believed to believe it - "loved ..."

Greenhouse for Tsvetaeva - her "rocking woman." Rock will enter and in the poetics of the texts of the color, addressed to the game. In them, the main thing will be the motive of heavily humility and worship before the beloved, which is not expecting reciprocity, but which is guardious. To a large extent, this novel, underlined coldness to the "Seruogrozza Girlfriend", the feeling of power over the submissive girl who threw the sake of a husband and family, transformed the inner sensations of the player itself. She first took love, allowed to love himself and, as it often happens, as if he was revenge on the fact that once in his youth herself became a victim of such blind love for the Polyakova disappointing ("... And this is what I am five years old Life gave ").

After Tsvetaeva in Sofia's life there were many women.

Lyudmila Erairia

A notable footprint left a new love - the actress of the theater of the Nellobin Lyudmila Vladimirovna Erairian. Their attachment to each other falls on black revolutionary years. In the summer of 1917, when everyone's mood was "murderous", and there was a "almost impossible" to live, together they will go to the Crimea, where they lived together.

Olga Zuberbiller

In the early 1920s, Sofia Glaknov met with Professor of Mathematics Olga Nikolaevna Zuberbiller, who became the main support of the player "in the most terrible" years. The "invaluable" and "blessed" friend Olga took Sofia, as she put it in one of the letters, "on dependency." The game finally settled in one of the Moscow communal. Being under a kind of domestic patronage of the girlfriend, it does not leave attempts to establish their literary life.

In the personal life of the game At the end of 1929, a short passion for the singer will unexpectedly flashed Maria MaksakovaBut that, however, will not understand the "strange" desires of aging poetess.

Rejected and incomprehensible Maksakova, the guinea, which in the literature could only hope for the work of the black-worker-translator, approaching the sunset of his life.

Nina Vedeneeva

Half the penultimate year of life Sofia Garnech spent in the city of Kashina with his random girlfriend physician Nina Evgenaya Vedeneeva. Both were under 50 ...

Vedeneeva became the last love of the player - Sofia before his death, as if he received a reward from God ... By the way, born in the family who confessed Judaism, Sofiaconsciously baptized, adopted Orthodoxy and Christian culture. On the threshold of the death of the guy in full measure, felt the power of love and again gained creative freedom, which was breathed in her feelings to the "gray mound" - Vedeneeva.

Oh, on this night, the last on earth,
As long as the heat has not yet cooled in the ash,
Jammed mouth, all thirst for you fall,
My gray, my rock passion!

After staying in Kashina, the cycle of poems remained - the last poets. Kashinsky cycle - by a general opinion, the highest achievement of the lyrics of the game.

The next summer in the midst of his unusual late novel and a bright creative take-off "detented", the feelings of the guinea died in a small Russian village not far from Moscow.

Faina Ranevskaya

There are a photo in an embrace two drafts, two taganroins, Sophia Garnech and Faina Ranevskaya.Unlike his older girlfriend, Faina was a monochombus. Through her life, it was red, or rather pink thread, love for actress Pavel Wulf..

Fainy's childhood has passed in a large two-story family house in the center of Taganrog. From the smallest age, she felt a passion for the game. In the spring of 1911, on the stage of the Taganrog theater of Faina for the first time, Paul Leontievna Wulf will see ... But four years will be held before, graduating from the gymnasium, Fain will throw everything and, despite the wishes of the parents, will go to Moscow, dreaming to become an actress.

Having spent its savings by losing money sent by the Father, desperate to send the daughter to the true path, extending from frost, Fainait will be helpless to stand in the Colonnade of the Bolshoi Theater. Pattle view of her will attract the attention of the famous ballerina Catherine Vasilievna Gelser. She will lead the extended girl to her house, then - to MCAT; will take on cast meetings, in the salons. There Fain will meet with Marina Tsvetaeva , a little later, probably with Sofia Garnik . Marina called her her hairdresser: Fainacrucified to her bangs ...

In the spring of 1917, Ranevskaya found out that her family fled to Turkey on his own steamer "Saint Nicholas". She remained in the country alone - until the mid-1960s, when she returns sister Bal from emigration.

From blood family loneliness saved Faina Ranevskaya Pavel Leontievna Wolf. A new meeting with her happened in Rostov-on-Don just in those days when the "Saint Nicholas" stuck to the Turkish coast. Almost forty years of life began Faina Ranevskaya near, together with Pavel Wulf..

It must be said that there are no direct instructions on the lesbian nature of the relationship between Fainia and Paul, there are only indirect. Yes, they were close as they are close to the best girlfriends. Yes, the artistic party can not remember not a single Roman Ranevskaya with men, well, except to remember its incomprehensible short friendship with Tolbukhin, which broke off with the death of Marshal in 1949.

Add here to the sparkling humor of Fainy Georgievna, who loved to joke on his lesbity. She often told the story as when in his youth experienced a terrible insult inflicted by her man:
"Once a young man came to me, - I carefully prepared for his visit: I removed the apartment, made a table from scanties, - and said:" I want to ask you, please give me your room today, I have nowhere to meet with a girl". This story writes in the book" Russian Amazons ... "art historian Olga Zhuk, Ranevskaya usually completed with the words" Since then I became a lesbian ... "

On the slope of years, 1980s

Marina Tsvetaeau Sophia Gamenk

The end of the 1960s

1929th, 33 years

She died in my hands.

Mark Russia, 2001

"... never found out what's what." Faina Ranevskaya

On the slope of years, 1980s

"In one of our Saturday, I corrected ffin sliding upper mattress on the ottoman. Entering the bedroom, Fufa watched me, stopping in the middle of the room. Then it was quietly said:" You will say that we were with a lesbian grandmother. "And defenselessly added:" Leshka, do not believe! "... We never talked about it anymore." Fuffeos were called Faina Georgievna Ranenevskaya, and Leshka, Alexey Scheglov, is the grandson of her friend Paulla Wulf, who became for the Ranevian family for more than forty years. The conversation occurs at the very end of the 1970s. Just noted the 80th anniversary of the People's Artist of the USSR Faina Ranevskaya. And Pavel Leontievna Wulf (1878-1961) - "My first friend, my friend is invaluable," the Fainains of Georgievna died on his hands as twenty years ago. Ranevskaya hard worried this death. "Only P. L. loved me in my life, she wrote on the" shreds "of his famous diary in December 1966. "Mommy", "Mommy is my dear", "Golden" - all this about Pavel Wulf, which Fifteen-year-old Fain Feldman saw on the stage of the Taganrog theater in the spring of 1911 ...
Ranevskaya loved to reason and in a joke, and seriously on his "lesbianism". And his theatrical criticism called "Amazons in Klimaks". Among them was Raisa Moses Benyash (she did not hide her "lesbian-alternative lifestyle"), the author of creative portraits of female actresses, including Ranevskaya ...

"As a solo tragicomic number" is known and the story of one of her farewell dates is known for this repeated actress. "Once a young man came to the actress, she was carefully preparing for his visit: she removed the apartment, from scanty drugs staged a table, - and said:" I want to ask you, please give me your room today, I have nowhere to meet with the girl " . This story writes in the book "Russian Amazons ..." art historian Olga Zhuk, Ranevskaya usually completed with the words "Since then I became a lesbian ...". Including Ranevskaya in your "... Lesbian subculture story in Russia", Beetle Indicates the "bonds of friendship-love" Faina Ranevskaya and Paul Wolfe, as well as on her quite likely affair with Anna Andreevna Akhmatova.

Faina Georgievna was born in Taganrog in the rich and prosperous Jewish family of Feldmans ("... in the family was unloved"). "My father is a poor oilman," Ironized the actress over the possible principle of the book of our memoirs. Girshi Feldman was one of the richest people of southern Russia. A large family went to rest over the border several times a year - Austria, France, Switzerland.

Fainy's childhood has passed in a large two-story family house in the center of Taganrog. From the smallest age, she felt a passion for the game. It is noticeable and in the habit of tightened from Fain "to repeat everything that they say and make" colorful figures around.

In 1908, a kiss on the screen in the painted film "Romeo and Juliet" was a real shock for a teenager. "In a state of intoxication from art" she broke the piggy bank and distributed money to neighboring children to all of them experienced love in the cinema.

In the spring of 1911, on the stage of the Taganrog Theater, Fain will first see Paul Leontievna Wulf ...

But it will be four years old before, after graduating from the gymnasium, Fain will throw everything and, contrary to the desire of the parents, will go to Moscow, dreaming to become an actress. Having spent its savings by losing money sent by the Father, desperate to send the daughter to the true path, extending from Frost, Faine will be helplessly stand in the Colonnade of the Bolshoi Theater. A miserable view of it will attract the attention of the famous Ballerina Catherine Vasilyevna Gelzer. She will lead the extended girl to her house, then - to MCAT; will take on cast meetings, in the salons. There, Fain will get acquainted with Marina Tsvetaeva (1892 - 1941), a little later, probably with Sofia Gamenka (1885 - 1933) (even their joint photo has been preserved). Marina called her with his hairdresser: Fain sipped her bangs ...

At this time, the artistic pseudonym Faine Fainman - Ranevskaya will appear. He came from the "Cherry Garden" Anton Chekhov. The money sent by the Father, the borne of the wind on the steps of the telegraph, reminded Fainy's buddies attitude to Ranevskaya's money, and someone said a replica from the play: "Well, fell apart ..."

Geltzer arranged Ranevskaya for weekends in a summer Malakhovsky Theater 25 kilometers from Moscow. So began her stage fate.

The end of the 1960s

In the spring of 1917, Ranevskaya found out that her family fled to Turkey on his own steamer "Saint Nicholas". She remained in the country alone - until the mid-1960s, when she returns sister Bal from emigration.

From the blood family loneliness, Faina Ranevskaya Pavel Leontievna Wulf was delivering. A new meeting with her happened in Rostov-on-Don just in those days when the "Saint Nicholas" stuck to the Turkish coast. The almost forty years of Fayan Ranevskaya's life began, along with Paul Wolf.

The incredible degree of intimacy of Wulf and Ranevskaya is visible through jealousy to grandmother Alexei Scheglov, the author of the book about the life of Fainia Georgievna, written on the basis of personal memories and notes Ranevskaya. "Native daughter Wulf," seems to Shcheglov (it comes to His Mother - Irina Wolfe), "the feeling of jealousy and irritation was caused by Fainain ...". She, Irina, "went into the shadows, did not find the heat in his house." But still, in the Crimea, it was still a family of four - Paul with daughter, Faina and Tata (Natalia Aleksandrovna Ivanova - Portnikha and Kostyumusha Wulf). There in the early years of the revolution they survived due to the care of the poet Voloshin.

Everything has changed in 1923, when everyone returned to Moscow from Crimea: "It was already completely unlike two families - the Mkatov students of Irina Wolfe and the other - Pavel Leontievna, Faini and Tatsi."

In 1925, Wulf and Ranenevskaya together entered the service in the mobile theater of the Moscow Department of People's Education - Mono. He, following his name, wandered around the country - Artemovsk, Baku, Gomel, Smolensk, Arkhangelsk, Stalingrad ... Seven years of joint life in the "Theatrical Weight."

From 1931, after returning to Moscow, Wulf took up pedagogical work at the theater of working youth - tram. Ranevskaya played her first role in the cinema - "Push" Mikhail Romma. In 1936, Paul and Fain will break out for a long time. The Theater of Yuri Zavadsky, in which Paul served as the Honored Artist of the RSFSR will be transferred to Rostov-on-Don. "Women's Colony", according to Ranevskaya, will meet again in evacuation in Tashkent. Anna Andreyevna Akhmatova will become a frequent guest of the house of Wolf-Ranevskaya. Interestingly, the Akhmatov will compare his connection with Boris Pasternak with the relations of Ranenevskaya and Paul Wolfe: "She says that Boris Pasternak refers to her like me to P.L..

Ranevskaya in general, after death, Wulf somehow he was needed to explain their long joint life. And I did not find anything else how to relate their union with the most successful creative heterosexual couples. Watching polite and tremendous thanks between Gregory Aleksandrov and Love Orlova, Ranenevskaya once "I cried with joy, so close, so clearly sees the happiness of two talents created for each other." "Very, very rarely it happens. Well, who still happened to this? Is that Tairov and Alice Choonen, Elena Kuzmin and Mikhail Romm. Who else fell like this? .. I can say about myself that I would not be known to you Ranevskaya if At the beginning of my way I did not find a friend - a wonderful actress and theatrical teacher Pavel Leontievna Wulf. "

After returning from evacuation in 1943, Ranenevskaya "was afraid to be separated from Wulf for a long time, worried about her health, missed." Although since 1947, Faina and Paul began to live separately, they met and spent a lot of time with each other. Together rested together: "... the third hour of the night ... I know, I do not fall asleep, I will think where to get money to rest during the vacation to me, and not one, and with P. L." - Recording "On Blocks" 1948.

In a short time of the parting, they were indispensable, they wrote to each other tender messages: "All my thoughts, the whole soul with you, and I will be by the body by July 1 ... Do not be sad, do not come to despair." This is from the correspondence of the summer of 1950 ... Obiim was already over 50 years old.

1929th, 33 years

The departure of Paul Leontievna became for Fainan Georgievna of the irrevocable loss, which for several years stopped all her life. It was a deafening blow, he dreamed everything and did not leave hope for the future: "... died in the flour of Pavel Leontievna, and I am still alive, I suffer as in hell ..." "like I am still in my good clever man Leontievna. How nauseous me without you, as I do not need life without you, how sorry you, unfortunate my sister. "

At the end of the life of Faina Ranevskaya, thinking about the question, did anyone love her, answered: "In this life, I was loved by only P.L. "As I was always afraid of what happened: I was afraid to survive her." But this happened, and Ranevskaya gradually came to himself and restored friendly relations with Anna Andreevna Akhmatova, which was called in Tashkent with his Madame de Lambaille.

But Paul still remained in the heart. On the back of the photograph Wulf Ranevskaya somewhere in the late 1960s wrote: "My native, my native, you are all my life. How hard to me without you, what should I do? Days and nights I think about you and I do not understand How I will not die from grief, what should I do now without you? "

About fifteen years, judging by the memorization of Ranevskaya, the thoughts about the irradiated loss after the death of Paul Wulf do not leave it. Paul is constantly dreaming to her, "calls from the next world," asks to cover the legs cold in the coffin. And on the slope of life, going through the most important thing in memory, the Ranevskaya will record: "Now, at the end of life, I understood what happiness was for me to meet with my unforgettable pavot Leontyevny. I would not become an actress without her help. She destroyed everything in me What could prevent what I became ...

She died in my hands.

Now it seems to me that I remained alone on the entire planet. "

"On the slope of years: I miss three of my: Paul Leontievna, Anna Akhmatova, Kachalova. But most of all P.L.

Were there in the life of Fayan Ranevskoy Men? We can not call any. Yes, she fell in love with his partners on stage - for one play, for the time of filming - in the directors. But it was love in their talent, in their soul of the gift. Does the Ranevskaya loved someone else - with the passion of a heavenly heart, blindly moving towards a man's dear to you? No, there were no such. Failed and unsuccessful of her dates ("... Not so much I received invitations for a date") - a permanent point of acting irony, through which the Ranevskaya life drama is characteristic of the Ranevskaya Talant. Well, except that it is possible to remember her incomprehensible short friendship with Tolbukhin, which broke off with the death of Marshal in 1949.

Mark Russia, 2001

Recent years Ranevskaya spent in the Yuzhzhsky Lane in Moscow in a brick sixteen-storey tower, closer to the theater. I lived alone with a dog nicknamed boy.

"Ecstasy I have not been experiencing a long time. The life is over, and I never found out what's what."

In the cinema and on stage, as if ironizing on the themes of their "lesbianism", Ranevskaya left pretty ambiguous jokes. What is at least her "Lev Margaritovich" (so calls himself the heroine, who lost the "psychological balance" because of a cunning lover) in the film George Alexandrova "Spring". This replica came up with Ranevskaya itself. And the role in the layout of Liliana Helman "Fox" in the Moscow Drama Theater in 1945 she just played, believes Olga Beetle, as a "complex drama of lesbian experiences."

Marianna Elizarovna recalled that Ranevskaya at meetings repeatedly asked her to exchange the poem of Sofia "I don't know my ancestors - who are they?". She's immediately in memory, confrontation, read this wonderful poem. Later, I learned that it was written in 1915, at that time, when Fain lived in Taganrog:

I do not know my ancestors - who are they?

Where did you go out of the desert?

Only the heart beats excitedness,

A little conversation will go about Madrid.

To these Dlasses oatmeal and clover,

My great-grandfather, what did you come from?

All colors with my northern eyes

Inxianship black and yellow.

My great-grandchildren, with our blood, old,

Will blush, pale,

How to envy the singer with guitar

Or a woman with a red carnation?

Marianna Elizarovna continued: "She dreamed of if not written, then at least someone from the" trusted "listeners to tell about Sophia Glaknov - after all, the acquaintance with her led Ranevskaya and Marina Tsvetaeva, and perhaps A. Akhmatova ... I think that In his personal life, familiarity with the game played an important role. Games Sofia Yakovlevna in some of the letters (M. F. Gnesin. - M. G.) wrote: "I never, unfortunately, was not in love with a man." Sofia Yakovlevna was so in love was in Marina Tsvetaeva that they both didn't even find it necessary to hide it. Of course, Faina never told me about it, but talk about the game, and not only about her, Vitali all his life ... "

However, evidence of the poems of the color of the Sophia of the Girlfriend itself, dedicated to Sofia's cycle:

Can I not remember me

That smell of white-rose and tea

And Sevrian figures

Over Wrought Camels ...

We were: I am in a lush dress

From a little golden fi

You are in a knitted black jacket

With a winged collar ...

And although the relations of Tsvetaeva and the gamen caused undisguised condemnation of those who knew their people (E. O. Kiriyenko-Voloshina, the mother of the poet, even turned to the game on this person), for a long time it did not lead to anything. In one of the letters, Tsvetaeva A. Efron is written: "Sonya loves me very much, and I love her - and that's forever."

Knowing about the acquaintance of Ranenevskaya and with the Tsvetaeva, and from the game, you can not doubt that the details of this novel were not for Fainain a secret, although by the time of their acquaintance (mid-1910s), he had already passed into the past. About its attitude to the personal life of the Russian Safo, as was often called the Sophia of the game, we don't know anything - Faina Georgievna never spread publicly about such things. Its close, although there is a short communication with the guinea, like a long-term tender friendship with E. V. Gelzer and P. L. Wulf can cause (and already cause) among the public of a certain kind of suspicion of the commitment of the Ranevskaya itself to the same-sex love, to which, As you know, many creative nature are prone. Only one thing can be said about: if the Faine Georgievna itself considered it necessary to not betray the publicity of the circumstances of his personal life, then to come to them - especially with the complete absence of facts - is clearly unethical.

Remembering Sophia Gamenka, I want to add a story about her talented brother Valentine Yakovlevich Parnais - especially since I also heard Moisevna from Elizabeth about him. Valentin Parns in 1909 graduated with honors from the Taganrog gymnasium, and in 1912, despite all sorts of interest standards, was adopted at the Faculty of Faculty of Faculty of St. Petersburg University. The comprehensive gifts of this young man aroused admiration: His musical classes were led by Mikhail Fabianovich Gnesin himself, his talent did not just notice, but also highly appreciated Meyerhold, he in his magazine "Love for Three Oranges" on the recommendation of Alexander Block himself printed a selection of Valentine Parnaches .

Elizabeth Moiseevna told me that many poems V. Parnach Ranevskaya quoted by memory. But her story about the last date of two fellow countrymen: "I will never forget the cold winter of 1951. Together with her were at Valentine Parnacha's funeral at the Novodevichy Cemetery. There were an Erenburg, Gnesin, Rocks, seems to be Shostakovich. On the way home, Fain suddenly said: "Give God so that we do not envy Valentina!" Why did she say that? The case of doctors has not yet begun, and Fain itself recently received the next Stalinist Prize. " Ranenevskaya helped Parnah in the years hard for him, addicting his brilliant in different publishers, but "ideologically dubious" translations of Spanish and Portuguese poets.

Unfortunately, E. M. Tavrog could not tell anything about the years of study Ranevskaya in the gymnasium. In part, this gap fills the letter of the actress with his Taganrog friend L. N. Prozorovskaya, written in September 1974: "She studied in the Mariinsky women's gymnasium of Taganrog ... Very bad ... I stayed for the second year (by the way, Chekhov was also a second year. - M. G.) ... The gymnasium hated ... There were no four arithmetic rules, the tasks decided, sobbing, without understanding them. In the task, the merchants sold cloth more expensive than purchased! It was uninteresting. It is possible that the lack of interest in the profit made me for eternal times very unshakable and pathologically impractical. I remember that I shook: "Just a person, take me from the gymnasium." Music high school gymnasists began to go to me, - these were tutors, followed by the teachers from the gymnasium abandoned by me. Subsequently, I studied myself by the sciences that fascinated me, and maybe I was to some extent competent if it were not for bad memory ... I write to you as a good acquaintance. I am very proud of my great countryman Chekhov. It was in good relationship with his widow. Olga Leonardovna with an excitement asked me about Taganrog ... "

This letter returns us to the topic of the Ranenevskaya and Chekhov coupling. A rather unexpected aspect of this connection concerns not the very Fainan Georgievna, but her father. Youth Chekhov was held in his father built by his father at the corner of Elizavetinskaya Street and the Don Lane. Before leaving Anton's departure to Moscow, Pavel Egorovich Chekhov, who needed money, laid this house to local rich Selivanov for 600 rubles. But the fate has developed that the Father Chekhov, bankrupt, went to Moscow, and without buying a house. Soon he bought a Jewish charitable society for five thousand rubles, whose chairman was Girsch Khaimovich Feldman. In the house placed the Jewish Raddle. This is what the famous revolutionary, poet and scientist Vladimir Tan-Bogoraz, Comrade Chekhov on the gymnasium: "I visited this Chekhov house in one sad autumn evening. The house was dark and dirty. Everywhere came across narrow beds, old, untidy people with gray beards, but the rooms remained without any changes. The same old semi-base entrance and near the wooden porch without a railing, similar to the palter staircase, the same unexpected windows under the most ceiling. "

Friendship Chekhov and Tan-Bograz passed through their entire life - Chekhov repeatedly mentioned him in their letters. Bogoraz was in the house of Girsha Feldman. Faina Georgievna once jokingly said Marshak: "You are still very young, and I have seen myself in my childhood, talking to the Father on Biblical Topics in Hebrew. I, of course, did not understand anything on this topic. Already when I lived in Moscow, I read his wonderful poems. "

Chekhov, Bogoraz, Gamenk - these names are organically connected with the Ranevskaya and its native city. And although Faina Georgievna did not often talk about his love for Taganrog, nevertheless, she sometimes remembered that in its city there were never representatives of the Union of the Russian People. Bogoraz wrote about this: "We have never had a Jewish pogrom." This happened not in many cities, but in the city of Chekhov, which created the masterpiece "Violin Rothschild", otherwise it simply could not. Remember this story? After the funeral of the wife to the Uvan Jacob, Matveyevich Ivanov, came Moses on the nicknamed Rothschild and handed over the invitation of the leader of the ensemble, in which Yakov often played, to come to the wedding: "Yakov seemed to disgust that he washed, blinks and that he had so many red freckles. And it was gadko to look at his green coat with dark lathes and on his whole fragile delicate figure.

The meeting of Ranevskaya and Wulf largely changed the life of each of them and both together. Without a meeting with Wulf, the biography of Faini Georgievna is unthinkable, or rather, she would be completely different. Meanwhile, Paul Wolfe more than once noted that she would also live a completely different life without Ranevskaya. At the sunset of the life of Faina Ranevskaya recalled: "Pavel Leontievna saved me from the street. She loved me very much, and I treated her prayerfully. Pavel Leontievna - the name is holy for me. Only I owe the actress. In a difficult moment I turned to her for help. She found me capable and began to work with me. He taught me that her great teacher Davydov taught her and very loved her commissionarzhevskaya. She made me and man and actress. If I began to understand how to behave on the stage, "I owe it only by Pavel Leontievna."

About your acquaintance with Paul Wulf Ranevskaya told: "In Rostov-on-Don in 1918, working in the Circus Massing, saw on the scene of the theater" noble nest "with Pavel Leontovaya Wulf as Lisa Kalitina. In fact, I have already seen this performance and it was from Wulf in Taganrog, was shocked by her Liza, but then I understood little. Now the impression was much stronger and deep. It decided everything. What circus when there are such people in the world?! She gained inexplicable incompleteness and went to Pavel Leontievna with a "modest" request - to teach me to play. That's so simple. " On that day, Paul Leontievna had a migraine attack, because of whom she did not want to see anyone. But Faina came the next day, she so passionately spoke to Pavel Leontyevna about his desire to become her student, that already on that day the friendship was tied between them, which lasted more than forty years.

Pavel Wolfe did a lot for theatrical career of his friend Faina. Already on the day of dating, she gave Faine Plays with a recommendation to choose any role and seem like her. Faina chose the role of Italian actress and prepared for her during the week. She found in the Rostov Italian, they turned out to be a bunker from Genoa. Under his leadership, Fain studied Italian, faithful, gesticulation, spending almost all the money earned in the Circus Mass. Appearing in front of Pavel Wulf very thinning, but prepared for the role, Faina produced a favorable impression on the actress. Later, Ranevskaya told: "they played a monologue from the role with fear, trying to copy Andreev. After listening to me and seeing my excitement, Pavel Leontievna said: "I think you are capable, I will deal with you." She worked with me above this role and arranged me in the theater, where I debuted in this role. Since then, I have become her student. "

Soon Paul Leontievna invited Faine to live to himself. It was impossible to refuse - the theater went to the Crimea, and to hope for a new random meeting with Wulf was unrealistic. In the future, Faina Georgievna and Pavel Leontievna did not prevent his life without a friend. Together with Paul Leontivnaya and her little daughter, Ranevskaya went to Crimea. In the Simferopol City Theater, who was previously called the noble, more precisely, the theater of the Tauride Nobility. Get to Simferopol with steamer, through Evpatoria. In his book, the memories of Pavel Wulf will write: "The Crimean period was the beginning of the creative success of the Ranevskaya ..."

After the war, Ranevskaya was afraid to be solved for a long time with Paul Leontivnaya, worried about her health, missed. From travel, with the filming of Faina Georgievna, I was in a hurry to write her a letter, a postcard - consult, complain, calm down: "Mommy, I will try to explain to you why I am in such a risky state and depressed ... When I got out with a raw, not made, not tested and Not a ready-made role, and besides, I am still a role that I am alone and nasty, I was confused, frightened, all shaking, I forgot the text, confused and eventually experienced something like a nervous shock, shocks. At the premiere, in view of the above, there was a complete failure, in the second play I drose and I was driving on the third, then I was warm up on performances, but I played and continue to play badly. Understand - I am not a household actress, it is not given to me to play, I do not know how - I transferred a role in the plan of realistic buffonts, but it is not true, but maybe the role is insignificant ... "" Mamon-golden ... All my Thoughts, the whole soul is with you, and I will be the body by the 1st of July. They let go of the teeth, on July 15, again shoot, redistribute and commencement, i.e. the continuation of the nightmare. Care has accumulated a lot ... I am glad that you will soon hug you, my native, dear. Do not lose, do not come to despair. Your Faina.

The friendship of Ranevskaya and Wulf continued until the end of the life of Pavel Leontievna, and after the death of her in 1961, Ranevskaya daily, hardly didn't care about her. Do I need to say, what blow to her death became for Fainan Georgievna? The place of Wulf in the heart of Ranevskaya and remained unoccupied, gaping as an open wound. For many years, mourning his loss, she did not cease to thanks to the fate for the fact that she was sent by such friendship, creative and human, what little to someone falls. It may be that this gave the Ranevskaya foundation to admit at the end of life: "I was lucky to friends."


Pavel Leontievna Wulf - Russian actress, deserved artist of the Republic (1927). Pavel Leontievna Wulf was from Porchov, from the Pskov landowners who took place from the genus of cornflowers who had many daughters. One of them was married to Graph Stroganov, the owner of the huge estate-Majorate of Wishyevo (near Porch), and the other for the son of the Russified German Baron Charles Wolf - Leonty Karlovich Wolfe, from marriage with whom Paul Leontievna was born.

Pavel Wolfe was born on July 19, 1878. Soon, her parents moved from Porchov to Pskov, and there was a misfortune to them - a severe father's disease, condemned him for inaction: "He suffered from an incurable disease and could move only in a chair, on wheels ... He never complained about Few clock when he was done better, joked. The father never punished us, did not raise the vote, but only was upset, and it was a worse punishment. " Pavlya Wulf's father played perfectly on the violin and did not part with her until the end of his days: "Suddenly the sounds cut off, the violin fell silent, I ran into the father's room - he was sitting in his chair, dropping the violin, and rushed softly. It was shortly before his death. "

In the estate of aunt in Volyshev Paul first participated in the play "Torvan" and "living pictures", probably pushing it to the thought of the theater career. Volyshevo has been preserved until now, however, in a deplorable state. Pavel Leontievna carefully hid his unpoleturian origin and only casually wrote about it in his book "In the Old and New Theater" as a festive dream.

Initial education received at home, where teachers of Moscow University were engaged in Paul, and then he entered the Institute of Noble Maiden in St. Petersburg, where he studied for several years, and then decided that he would become an actress. This decision she accepted after saw on stage V.F. Commissioner. According to the Council, the Commissionerzhevskaya, to which he applied to the letter, entered the Dramatic School Pollak, after a year he moved to dramatic courses in the Imperial Ballet School under the Alexandrinsky Theater.

Debuted on stage a student in the role of Laura in the play of Zudmanan "Butterfly fight". Upon completion of studies on the advice of his teacher V. Danilina tried to enter the Moscow Art Theater, but was not accepted. Since 1901, he worked in the Nizhny Novgorod theater in the Nellobin entrepreneur. In 1902-1904 he played in the Riga City Theater. On the tour in Odessa played together with MG Savina. In the 1905/1906 season, he worked at the Koracher Theater, played with V.I. Kachalov. In subsequent years spent on a provincial scene.

In 1909-1911, played in Moscow in the "New Theater" K.N. Nezlobin. In 1911, again returned to the provincial scene. Until 1917 he played in theaters of Rostov-on-Don, Kiev, in Kharkov N.N. Sinelnikova.

After the revolution of 1917 he entered a partnership, organized by V.A. Yermolov-Forozdin. At first, the partnership worked in Evpatoria. The troupes were: I.F. Skuratov, S.I. Dniprov, R.A. Karelin-Radich, N.I. Quarter. Among beginner artists in the troupe worked by D.N. Zhuravlev, E.I. Strahdskaya, F.G. Ranevskaya (subsequently Wulf became a close friend of Ranevskaya).

In 1918-1923, he was the leading actress of the Simferopol Theater. Began to teach in the theater school organized with the Simferopol Drama Theater. In 1923-1929, he worked in Smolensk, Rostov, Kazan, Svyatogorsk, Baku, Dnepropetrovsk. In the season of 1929/1930, Makhachkala was invited to Dagestan State Academic Theater as an actress and another director. Possed the play "Conspiracy of Sensities" Y. Oleshi, who received approving responses of criticism and viewers.

In 1930-1931, there was a teacher of the class of movement in the Azerbaijani section of the Baku Theater of working youth, in the Russian section - stage speech. Since 1931, he worked in Moscow, first as a teacher at the school of the chamber theater, in the agitollective of machine builders and a dramatic school with the theater of the Red Army.

In 1935, he returned to the scene - to the theater of the Red Army, where Nuren Surinus played ("I love you" Joseph Rod in the production of Yu.A. Zavadsky).

Together with Yuri Zavadsky moved to work (1936-1938) to the Rostov Theater named after Gorky. Returning to Moscow, to the theater. Lensovet, rehearsed the role of Agraphena in the play Leonid Leonova "Wolf". As a result of severe illness, it was forced to leave the stage in 1938. He wrote memoirs.