The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale disappeared the conscience of Saltykov Shchedrin. The problem of attitudes towards the text M.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale disappeared the conscience of Saltykov Shchedrin. The problem of attitudes towards the text M.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale disappeared the conscience of Saltykov Shchedrin. The problem of attitudes towards the text M.

Pure conscience is the best pillow.


Among the huge heritage of Saltykov-Shchedrin, his fairy tales enjoy the greatest popularity. In them, fantasy is woven with reality, comic wakes up with tragic. The fairy tale "disappeared conscience" talks about how the life has changed when it disappeared from it, conscience disappeared. Everything seemed to be still, but "some kind of twin stopped playing in the life orchestra." It was easier to deceive, sick, to go off, reptile, the tracker began to substitute the melee, it is convenient to flatter her.

In a fairy tale, the conscience turned into a "unsuitable ragin", from which everyone sought to get rid of themselves. And Shchedrin called her an "annoying survival". "What happened to people?" - asks the author. And he answers his question: people "Oster-Venia". Robbery and scatter went, a universal ruin began.

The "unsuitable rag" was lying on the road, and anyone who was not too lazy to drop it away from herself, while this unnecessary thing did not raise some kind of designer in the hope of getting on the clock. Raised - and his head cleared him, and all life began to seem to be "solid ugly crime." But, alas, it became completely sick of. And he made this burden of Prohorech, who traded in the Pety Treasury. "Perfect to master the poor people," the conscience began to whisper to him. The distraught trainman began to prove the seeders that wine is the source of all of their misfortunes. Prokhorych has already gathered all the dishes and pour wine into the ditch, but his wife intervened, who did not touch such grace as a conscience. Having spoiled a conscience from her husband, she jumped the burdensome rag in the pocket of the quarterly warder on the name of the catcher. The catcher, according to the author's expression, was "small, it's not completely shameless, but he didn't love himself to shy himself and launched the paw rather freely." And then passed through the bazaar, I did not take anything, I returned home with empty hands. And everything repeated one phrase: "In front of my conscience, I testify to me ..." Catcher, handing out all the money, asked for forgiveness, led to himself to his yard and told me to feed.

Checking your husband's coat pockets, my wife found a dirty rag - conscience. Putting

her in the envelope, she sent a conscience "Financier and the Railway Inventor"

Břtsky. The "Financier" family was sitting at dinner when the owner received an envelope.

He found the way out quickly: I decided to make a donation. After feeding conscience with tweems,

Brzhtsky shifted it to another envelope, added a hundredthic and appreciation and took

light, and no one wanted to shelter her, everyone just thought to sell conscience with

hands. The conscience prayed and asked the poorest man who traded

dust in the passing yard, find a small child, maybe he then with conscience to people

it will come out ... so everything happened. Growing a small child, and with him grows in it

conscience. Shchedrin finishes a fairy tale with encouraging words: "And they will disappear ... all

invalid, cunning and violence, because the conscience will not be timid and wants to fall out to all herself. "

Such is the truth of life in the fairy tale Saltykov-Shchedrin "disappeared conscience." Unfortunately, everything that the author told, has a continuation in our lives. It is almost no funny in a fairy tale, but a tragic - in the name of the title. And we all would think about this fairy tale and understand: the conscience disappeared ... is a tragedy and for a person, and for society!

Why a person conscience? (Literature lesson in grade 7.m. Saltykov-

Shchedrin "disappeared conscience")


Educational .

Familiarity with the fairy tale M. E. Saltykova-generin "disappeared conscience."

Improve text analysis skills.

Identify the relevance of the concept of "conscience" in modern society.Developing.

Development of ability to analyze, systematize, summarize;

Develop the skills of independent work and work in groups.

Develop imagination, associative and logical thinking.

Continue the development of cognitive interest in literature.


Educate moral qualities, the ability to evaluate their actions, the surrounding reality, be able to sympathize, empathize, defend a moral position;

Lay the foundations of moral behavior, develop speech, expressive reading of the text.

1. Viewing the cartoon "Luntik-conscience".

A) conversation.

And what is conscience? Let's look at this word and throw it into parts.

(On the board. CO + MESS → Conscience).

We will continue to work with the word, try to "get to the very essence." To understand the value of the CO console, pick up words with a similar console. (Sympathy, compassion, connection, consent, cooperation, together, ...)

What do these words indicate? (Joint action).

With whom together? (Together with other people, with God)

And the word message? What is the news? (About the world, good, good deeds, honest life)

How do you understand the meaning of this word? (Prints with the definition of conscience from dictionaries). Select keywords and expressions and write down the definition of conscience.

B) Choose and write down one most likely proverb and explain the meaning in your own words.

For the conscience yes for the honor - at least to demolish

Without shame, faces are not wearing.

When the conscience was handed out, it was not at home.

You will lose money - you can get down, and you will lose conscience - you will find out.

Without hands, no legs - cripple, without conscience - Halfwell.

Without conscience and with a big mind you will not live.

The unclean conscience does not sleep.

Although Moshna is empty, and the conscience of Chista.

Rich conscience will not buy, but will destroy.

Where the money says, conscience is silent there.

Talk to the case, live on conscience

Conscience tortured, snaps, Tomit and kills.

2. Analysis fairy tales "disappeared conscience"

A) conversation:

And in the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin We met what name of conscience? (Annoying Surrivet, Pruluble, Igo, Blank, Screensy Disgliant, Unsuctive Ranger, etc.)

Therefore, I offer you an example of a fairy tale M.E. Saltovikov, generous "disappeared conscience" to decide for himself:does the "annoying survival" need? How to make the voice of the conscience not lost, was in each of us.

B) Let's turn to the text of the fairy tale. Read 1 and 2 paragraphs.

What has changed in the life of people when the conscience disappeared? (Many began to feel cheerful and freer. The bill of time was lost, the real and future was mixed, the movement was accelerated - there was no time, silence disappeared, harmony, "the human course was easier", "nothing grieved them ...")

What technique is used? (Irony.) The real sages of themselves were never sinless, but were people conscientious to the highest degree)

Sad start fairy tales. Empty, degrees, express, nobody unnecessary conscience goes out of hand to hand. As it takes that herself feel the heroes, the very, "wise world", now we will see.

C) work in groups. (Work associated with the "Travel" of the Hands of Hands).

Created 4 groups work with text.

Tasks to groups (on behalf of the hero to tell the story, which happened to him, relying on the proposed questions)

How does conscience get to drunk?

What changes do the drinker feel, having received a conscience?

What does he look like?

Who is Prokhorch?

What did Prokhorch feel, having received a conscience?

What does he look like?

How to part with conscience?

Who is a catcher?

What did the conscience with the overseer?

Is he changing?

How to part with conscience?

Who is Brzhotsky? Tell about his family.

What did Samuel Davydich felt, having received a conscience?

How to get rid of it?

What did you feel when got rid of the conscience?

Exemplary answers.

1 group examines the image of a drone.

How did the conscience come to him? (Got down with drunk eyes)

What changes feel, having received a conscience? (As if he pierced an electric jet, returning the bitter consciousness of reality, stupid fear, the premonition of threatening danger. Memory recovered the details of violence, change, cardiac fading, not, the past seems to be a solid ugly crime, he is depressed ... "The river the useless rapidaevy tears will be broken, finding his heart into parts.)

What does he look like? (Pathetic.)

How to get rid of conscience? (Hides in his pocket, looking around, suffocating, slowly, dishonestly puts the conscience in the hand of Prochorech).

2 The group considers the image of a circularity.

Who is Prokhorch? (Heads Kabaki, a pee, soldering people).

What did he feel when he received a conscience? (For some time stood with stolen eyes, large droplets of sweat performed on his forehead, poured with bitter tears ... shook and pale.)

What does he look like? (Does not see the future, and the present and the past is sad. It remains only to die)

How to part with conscience? (Wife gets rid of).

3 Group considers the image of the catcher.

Who is a catcher? (Overseer).

What did the conscience with the overseer? (Start charging. This is some kind of disease. Can not take someone else, such qualities appear as a timidity, shyness, asks for forgiveness, gives money, wants to feed the beggars)

Is he changing? (Yes, when removes the coat where the conscience lies in his pocket).

How to part with conscience? (Wife sends in the envelope Financist Brzhotsky).

The 4 group considers the image of Samuel Davydich Brzhotsky.

Who is the hero? Tell about his family.

What did the financier feel, having received a conscience? ("It was noticed in all directions, as if acrooked at coals," screamed, shaking with all the body, tested torment, the heroic suffered the most likely torture).

How to get rid of conscience? (Sacrificed to a charity institution for familiar general)

What did you feel, getting rid of the conscience? (Relief. "At the same evening ...").

This is the greatest type, in it conscience can not awaken anything. It can be said that about him the words of the ancient Greek philosopher of Plato: "I consider the lost one man who lost a feeling of shame"

M. E. Saltykov-Satiri-Satirik. With pain in the heart, he writes about his compatriots running from conscience. These are representatives of different layers of society, they have all the same attitude towards conscience.

What do these people look like? (Pitiful, insignificant, these are lost people, they have no feeling of shame, they do not even know what it is).

And if everyone lose conscience? How to live on earth? What to do? Live without conscience? The writer gives the answer to this question. Consider the last three tales paragraphs.

These words are full of not only love, but also hope, - covenant, left Saltykov-generous Russian people.

Conscience can not be lost, she must live with a man. It's never too late to remind a person about conscience if he broke up with her.

In a small, sinless, pure child found a conscience to themselves. This is such an ideal conscience draws M. E. Saltykov-generin.

E) What makes you associate conscience?

Work with a pattern.

If it is figuratively presenting a conscience thatocks in different people, then we will see the "dirty, fenced rag", "squeezed paper with torn edges", gray, approximately such.

Project protection.

This conscience saw the guys. (Yellow is a light, a red-heart, white-purity, wings - flight. This should be conscience from everyone, and not like a kind of gray, standing up the rag. In the heart of the child placed a conscience writer. "The little child grows, and together It grows with him and conscience ... ")


Write continue fairy tale. Finger: What will this child grow? And maybe the next person to whom the conscience will fall after the tradesman will be a schoolboy.

The plot composition of the fairy tales is built in the description of society, from the life of the members of which suddenly the flour of conscience suddenly disappear, while the heroes of the work do not regret the loss of the unsuitable rag and annoying survival in the form of conscience, since they began to feel more free, feeling permissiveness, generating aggressive angry and Public chaos.

The writer depicts a picture of the fall of a person, in which humanity disappears, the creation that prevents the destructive collapse in the souls of people substituting each other, which rolls out flattering, cruel, lingly, stinging the near slander and head.

The story of the fairy tale is permeated with copyright to the problem of a conscientious person, because in this manifestation the writer sees a living and the present that entails the feeling of fellow feelings in the form of satisfaction with his own actions and, accordingly, spiritual peace.

One of the heroes of the fairy tale, depicted by the author as a bitter designer, an alcoholic, first acquires conscience and, having freed himself from drunk Ugara, aware of the useless, worthless existence, reliefly remembering his own shameful acts. Another heroes who felt the flour of conscience becomes a alcoholic prokor, who experienced this feeling for the first time, feels his own relief, for the first time committing a degree of responsible person.

The writer brings his own look at the sense of conscience, which, in his opinion, is combined with the moral principles of public self-consciousness capable of understanding the positive and negative side of life, emphasizing the true essence of each person. This ability is developing since childhood, since the baby's soul is clean and immaculate, absorbing everything good, good that is invested in a small disinterested heart.

The final works clearly demonstrates the need from infancy to educate positive human qualities in children, consisting in good, love, compassion, mercy. Conscience as the main character of the fairy tale wishes to find himself in the soul of a baby who can take it in his heart and dissolve in it, feeling conscience in the form of a custodian of true humanity.

Option 2.

Before you, a fairy tale called "Missing conscience", which was written by the famous writer Saltykov-Shchedrin. Here he tells not only about his life, but also about the life of other people.

Many people live many years, but still do not know what conscience is. All heroes of this work belong to one category of people. Here you can not see peasants or workers.

Each of these heroes has not been conscientious for a long time and live well without it. Now she does not prevent them from living, and even live without it much better and easier. In this work, the conscience is shown as a non-annual rag, which no one wants to pick up and smear hands about her.

The writer tries to convey to the audience that conscience is a completely different feeling. With the help of conscience, a person can make much better than before. He will understand what is good, and what is bad. And try not to make a bad other person. Even if you are a zinic person, then it can also be found positive qualities. The drinker tries to persuade all who takes alcohol to refuse him forever. Vorishka no longer wants to steal, and tries to return all the looted in his place.

Each person who found conscience and picked it up, trying to almost immediately convey it further so that she could not delay them, because they do not need it at all. No one wants to live consistently, because it is the opposite of them at a loss. It is best to steal, deceive and make evil people.

But in order for people to appear conscience and sat down deeply in the soul, you need to change the world a little in which we now live. In addition, it is necessary to change the laws that say about the opposite. And you need to educate people from childhood so that they have it left.

And it all should make young guys who live in the country. And you need to start first of all, and then ask something from other people. They must be competent, kind, responsive, merciful and fair people. Every young man should have a conscience that sits in the heart and occupies the main and honorable place there. That's just after that, our life will change a little and after some time to change forever.

Idea, theme, meaning

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This article discusses the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin "Passed conscience". Summary and analysis will affect those special moral strings of the soul of man and society as a whole. The question of people who interests is not one century, which should first understand: "What is it - conscience?" Censor, controller, inner voice? Why is it needed if it gets so calm without it? This and many other things are told in the article on such a difficult topic, touched into the work of an outstanding Russian writer M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "disappeared conscience".

About writer

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the writer itself, the merits of which are significant and great, and works written by them throughout life put it in one row with the great minds of Russia: with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Chekhov.

So, Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in 1826 on January 27 (according to the old style 15) in the nobility family of an old genus. Gifold, mind, incredible hardworking were faithful satellites of the writer from orphanage. At the age of 10, he was given to the Moscow Kozhalyan Institute, two years later, for excellent studies was translated into the Tsarskoyel Lyceum. "For liberty" was exiled to a link to Vyatka for the past 8 years. In 1856, with the death of Nicholas I, the young writer returns back and renews writing activities. Participation in the peasant reform, the position of governor of the province and work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have become an integral part of life.

Having retired, he becomes the editor-in-chief of the contemporary magazine. Agree, an impressive list of achievements! A talented statesman, the artist left in the history of his country an unforgettable trace, the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin of topodnyne and did not lose relevance today.

The problem of own imperfection

The writer is more informed in his works to the topic of fairy tales. And now the reader is an unusual situation - conscience disappears from the life of society. What happened to people? They began to feel freely, but should not be mistaken and confused by a wonderful feeling of freedom with a sense of permissiveness, generating chaos, aggression and anger. The human disappears in the man itself, exactly what should distinguish the creature in him thinking, creative, alien to destruction and collapse.

What happened to conscience? Pay attention to how the author calls her: "Annoying Soldier", and it is not by chance. Thus, the author makes it possible to understand the reader that the conscience is similar to something living and real, in need of feeding and care, which in turn thanks its "owner" with a fellow feeling of peace and satisfaction itself. And without a person, she turns into that unnecessary appendage and becomes the "annoying survival".

Next, in the work of Saltykova-Shchedrin, as an example, you can observe the peaceful sleep of the Pitery owner, which, perhaps, for the first time in his life behaved as a responsible person for his actions. Or, let's say the very first "host" conscience - a drunkard, which was freed from the blowjob of the wine tower and realized all his worthlessness of existence, so he feels fear. But the bitter drunka is destroyed only by himself, he is only responsible for his actions, unlike the Prokhor - the owner of a peteen establishment that grips so much people. The conscience gives Prokhor to a sense of relief, as for the first time in his life it enters conscience. What does the author want to say to us?

The brief content "disappeared the conscience" Saltykov-Shchedrin, analyzed by us in this material, covers the important parties to the life of human society. There would be a conscience next, there would be no drunks in the world, and the owners of the beer would become a bunk bread and buns. Adults will definitely smile in this place, as each of them knows how much our world is not simple. But that's why she and a fairy tale - you think. The fairy tale "disappeared conscience" - a kind of reminder for adults and a lesson for children.

Own choice, or the power of one drop

Traveling conscience continues, but most likely it was Naparacy, which carries suffering, wandering. Conscience enters the catcher. The author does not give a name to his character, but is limited to the nickname, thereby emphasizes the essence of this person. What is his fault? Unlike the two first characters, one of which ruined himself, and the other - in this case, the sin of the catcher is great and heavy, he is a bribemer.

The next owner of the conscience is already a completely different person, the author paints a picture of a safe banker family, but extreme calcality - and there is a shock of the hero, who even conscience sells a soda. The fairy tale "disappeared the conscience" Saltykov-Shchedrin, the analysis of which makes it involuntarily think about the globality and depth of the question, whether there is a place in our world in our world? As simultaneously simply and it is difficult to act on the conscience, but how easy it becomes in the soul when she is clean. How to breathe how much lives in a new way!

Understanding the concept of conscience

Turning to the dictionaries, we find the definition of conscience. Conscience is a feeling and concept at the same time, a sense of responsibility for their actions is woven together with the awareness of the moral principles, which should hold the health of society. This ability to distinguish between good and bad should be taken from infant years. Parents are a kind of guide to the world who teach a child to love good and hate evil, and children in turn, afraid to lose the love and favor of their parents, clearly and quickly absorb and learn exactly the concepts that father and mother give.

Associated hopes

In the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin gives his voice to his main heroine - conscience. What is asking for what he wants? He asks her to find her a little Russian child, so that in his heart she could dissolve. "Why is the child's heart?" - you ask. The author thus wants to give to understand the reader, as it is important to place hopes for the younger generation, and it should be remembered that the children are innocent and clean, and only from adults will depend on what colors will be filled with their future peace, conscience, life. The problem "disappeared the conscience" Saltykov-Shchedrin concerns the side of the soul of a person, where the awareness of good and evil, truth and hope.


In conclusion, summing up the said, I would like to note that the author of the immortal work wanted to emphasize the importance of conscience in human life, show the reader to conscience as a keeper of all those human qualities on which the best part of civilization was built. The summary of the "disappeared" Saltykov-Shchedrin, analyzed in our article, we hope, will give food for the mind and will affect the strings of your soul, it will help to make the right choice, will give peace.

Literature lesson in grade 10

"M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and his fairy tales »




    Familiarity with the fairy tale M. E. Saltykova-generin "disappeared conscience."

    Improve text analysis skills.

    To identify the relevance of the concept of "conscience" in modern society and the reflection of this problem in the literature of the second half of the XIX


Development of ability to analyze, systematize, summarize;

    Develop the skills of independent work and work in groups.

    Develop imagination, associative and logical thinking.

    Continue the development of cognitive interest in literature.


    Educate moral qualities, the ability to evaluate their actions, the surrounding reality, be able to sympathize, empathize, defend a moral position;

    Lay the foundations of moral behavior, develop speech, expressive reading of the text.

Stage call 1. The introductory word of the teacher. A) dating with the story of A. I. Kaprina "Gigaten".The teacher of the gymnasium, who teaching the literature, Mr. Costka, changed the ideals of youth, becomes a soulless official. Once, offended by the whole world, he learned the exam for the great Russian writers. Their portraits "Acquired once a long time ago, in calf years of enthusiastic words, and preserved part of the miserism, part of the mechanical habit", hang in his office. As ill-faced disciples, he puts them twins Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol."But suddenly his eyes face angry, expanded, convex, almost colorless eyes with eyes, - the eyes of a man who, highly raising a majestic bearded head, looked at the costrid. [This is Shchedrin's eyes.]"Your Excellency ..." Zavented the crutch and all cold and finely trembled. And there was a hoarse, rude voice, which spoke slowly and sully: - slave, traitor and ... Burning mouth Shchedrin said another terrible word that a great man, if I says, then only in seconds of the greatest disgust. And this word hit the crutch in the face, blinded his eyes, hesitated his pupils with lightning ... "

B) questions for conversation

- Why did the crutch be afracted? (The writer was afraid everything, in whom there was a conscience of the unclean). - How do you see satiric from the pages of the Kurris? (Sees a person through)
    How to understand the meaning of the name of the story? (GIANT - Giant, Bogatyr. In a figurative sense, an outstanding figure in any area.C-Si outstanding writer in the field of satire).

I do not need. Someone knows how to get rid of her?
It is not strong, not the one who has a clear conscience, and who did not have it, who had it.
    Work on literary terms. Tired chains: Find compliance between the term and concept.

    Sarcasm is a caustic rider, with frankly accusatory, satirical meaning. Sarcasm is a kind of irony.

    Irony - a negative assessment of the subject or phenomenon through its ridicule. The comic effect is achieved by the fact that the true meaning of the event is disguised.

    Grotesque - an image of reality in an exaggerated, ugly-comic form, interlacing real and fantastic, scary with funny.

    The hyperbole is intentional exaggeration.

    Anaphris is a linguistic phenomenon in which the word is used in the opposite value.

5.Inoe-thematic originality of fairy tales. Tired chains: Find compliance between fairy tales and ideological-thematic concept. Lumping self-adjusting ("Bear on Voivodship", "Eagle-Macenate"). Satira on the dominant ("Wild landowner" "The story of how one man's two generals proceeded"). Lumping of lackless liberals and manual cowardice ("Promotud Piskar", "Liberal", "Karas- idealist"). Image of oppressed people ("Coneagi", "The story about how one man's two generals punished").Faithfulness ("Fool", "Christ's Eve") The impairment of moral deformations ("Drier Vobla", "RNIBATING FAILY", "Conscience fell")
Stage of understanding
A) conversation.

Conscience - clawing beast, scraping heart; Conscience - Uninvited guest, binding interlocutor, rude lender; This witch:
A. S. Pushkin. "Surround Knight"

- What is conscience? How do you understand the meaning of this word? (This is an inner voice that does not allow a person to do evil, causes a feeling of shame from the deed, this is the voice of God inside us).

Everyone is familiar with his inner voice, which will reproach him, it pleases. This is a subtle congenital feeling called conscience."Conscience is a kind of spiritual instinct that is faster and more clearly distinguished by good from evil than the mind. Whoever follows the voice of conscience, he will not regret his actions," it is written in the book of the novel of morality "- Have you ever experienced a feeling that can be called a remorse of conscience? Is it normal or not? - Why is the normal relationship between people are possible only until people have lost their conscience?It is not easy to earn an assessment to tell you that you are honest, conscientious, decent person. But one thing is clear! If a person does not learn to be ashamed of his bad actions, he will never be either honest nor conscientious or decent. Unfortunately, not everyone is familiar with the feeling of shame.

B) morphem analysis of the word

Let's look at this word and throw it into parts.

(On the board. CO + MESS → Conscience).

We will continue to work with the word, try to "get to the very essence." To understand the value of the CO console, pick up words with a similar console. (Sympathy, compassion, connection, consent, cooperation, together, ...)

-What are these words indicate? (Joint action).

- who together? (Together with other people, with God)

-And the word message? What is the news? (About the world, good, good deeds, honest life)

D) Choose and write down one most likely proverb and explain the meaning in your own words. For the conscience yes for the honor - at least to demolishWithout shame, faces are not wearing.When the conscience was handed out, it was not at home.You will lose money - you can get down, and you will lose conscience - you will find out.Without hands, no legs - cripple, without conscience - Halfwell.Without conscience and with a big mind you will not live.The unclean conscience does not sleep.Although Moshna is empty, and the conscience of Chista. Rich conscience will not buy, but will destroy.
Where the money says, conscience is silent there.Talk to the case, live on conscienceConscience tortured, snaps, Tomit and kills.

B) Let's turn to the text of the fairy tale. Read 1 and 2 paragraphs.

-What has changed in the life of people when the conscience disappeared? (Many began to feel cheerful and freer. The bill of time was lost, the real and future was mixed, the movement was accelerated - there was no time, silence disappeared, harmony, "the human course was easier", "nothing grieved them ...")

-What use is used? (Irony.) The real sages of themselves were never sinless, but were people conscientious to the highest degree)

Sad start fairy tales. Empty, degrees, express, nobody unnecessary conscience goes out of hand to hand. As it takes that herself feel the heroes, the very, "wise world", now we will see.

d) work in groups. (Work associated with the "Travel" of the Hands of Hands).

Created 5 groups: 4 groups work with text, 5- creative.

Job groups ..

How does conscience get to drunk?

What changes do the drinker feel, having received a conscience?

What does he look like?

Who is Prokhorch?

What did Prokhorch feel, having received a conscience?

What does he look like?

How to part with conscience?

Who is a catcher?

What did the conscience with the overseer?

Is he changing?

How to part with conscience?

Who is Brzhotsky? Tell about his family.

What did Samuel Davydich felt, having received a conscience?

How to get rid of it?

What did you feel when got rid of the conscience?

Try to portray the conscience of which it should be (shape, color). Protect your project. The guys give colored paper, glue, scissors, color pencils, markers.

Exemplary answers.

1 group Considers the image of a drone.

How did the conscience come to him? (Got down with drunk eyes)

What changes feel, having received a conscience? (As if he pierced an electric jet, returning the bitter consciousness of reality, stupid fear, the premonition of threatening danger. Memory recovered the details of violence, change, cardiac fading, not, the past seems to be a solid ugly crime, he is depressed ... "The river the useless rapidaevy tears will be broken, finding his heart into parts.)

What does he look like? (Pathetic.)

How to get rid of conscience? (Hides in his pocket, looking around, suffocating, slowly, dishonestly puts the conscience in the hand of Prochorech).

2 groups Considers the image of a circularity.

Who is Prokhorch? (Heads Kabaki, a pee, soldering people).

What did he feel when he received a conscience? (For some time stood with stolen eyes, large droplets of sweat performed on his forehead, poured with bitter tears ... shook and pale.)

What does he look like? (Does not see the future, and the present and the past is sad. It remains only to die)

How to part with conscience? (Wife gets rid of).

3 Group Considers the image of the catcher.

Who is a catcher? (Overseer).

What did the conscience with the overseer? (Start charging. This is some kind of disease. Can not take someone else, such qualities appear as a timidity, shyness, asks for forgiveness, gives money, wants to feed the beggars)

Is he changing? (Yes, when removes the coat where the conscience lies in his pocket).

How to part with conscience? (Wife sends in the envelope Financist Brzhotsky).

4 Group Considers the image of Samuel Davydich Brzhotsky.

Who is the hero? Tell about his family.

What did the financier feel, having received a conscience? ("It was noticed in all directions, as if acrooked at coals," screamed, shaking with all the body, tested torment, the heroic suffered the most likely torture).

How to get rid of conscience? (Sacrificed to a charity institution for familiar general)

What did you feel, getting rid of the conscience? (Relief. "At the same evening ...").

This is the greatest type, in it conscience can not awaken anything. It can be said that about him the words of the ancient Greek philosopher of Plato: "I consider the lost one man who lost a feeling of shame"

e) conversation.

And now, what do you think, have similar people? Give examples from the media

Sounds calm music. (A. Borodin "String Quartet No. 2. Nocturne.). Against the background of music Show photos from modern life.

So, this is an eternal problem. The path to your conscience is very difficult, of course, it is easier to go along the old road, which sometimes income brings. (Heroes of fairy tales).

And if everyone lose conscience? How to live on earth? What to do? Live without conscience? The writer gives the answer to this question. Consider the last three tales paragraphs.

These words, full of not only love, but also hope, - covenant, left Saltykov-generous Russian people .

How to live, so that a person is, not a drunkard, a catcher (appeal to the table)?

Conscience can not be lost, she must live with a man. It's never too late to remind a person about conscience if he broke up with her.

In a small, sinless, pure child found a conscience to themselves. This is such an ideal conscience draws M. E. Saltykov-generin.

Work with a pattern.

If it is figuratively presenting a conscience thatocks in different people, then we will see the "dirty, fenced rag", "squeezed paper with torn edges", gray, approximately such.

Project protection.

This conscience saw the guys. (Yellow is a light, a red-heart, white-purity, wings - flight. This should be conscience from everyone, and not like a kind of gray, standing up the rag. In the heart of the child placed a conscience writer. "The little child grows, and together It grows with him and conscience ... ")