Oshiban - paintings from flowers with their own hands, photos. Pictures of leaves: Best ideas with photos

Oshiban - paintings from flowers with their own hands, photos. Pictures of leaves: Best ideas with photos
Oshiban - paintings from flowers with their own hands, photos. Pictures of leaves: Best ideas with photos

Oshiban - the ancient art of Japan. Affordable master classes allows you to quickly master this technique, and you can create picturesque paintings from colors.

What is Oshiban?

This word came to us from Japan, where this type of art was originated for the first time more than six hundred years ago. Askiban is called flat floristry. As the main material use pressed natural materials. It can be:
  • dried flowers;
  • dried leaves;
  • grass;
  • branches of trees;
  • seeds;
  • fruit;
  • poplar fluff;
  • sometimes dried fruits and vegetables.
This natural material is dried, putting the cargo from above. At first, plywood is put on the sheet, and they are painted plants. Then, on top they put paper, and on her - Phaneur. To which you need to put the load and dry Herbarium during the week.

Daily change the paper for fresh so that the plants are dried. And removed - remove.

When natural material dry, blame it with an iron through a double layer of gauze. Prepared materials are glued with a dense tissue or paper.

A distinctive feature of the assistant is that plant materials practically retain their original color, they do not fade. This is achieved by the fact that the air is pumped out between work and glass covering it. In such a vacuum, the material is better preserved. Now we can also buy various fixtures in the form of mini pumps to apply such a technique and make your work durable.

You may first come up with the topic of work, choose the material under it or create a composition of what already has you. When you prepare everything you need, you can start.

Oshiban - master class on painting flowers

To create a picturesque picture, you will need:
  • dried pansies flowers;
  • dried leaves;
  • pVA glue;
  • tassels;
  • tweezers;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • white paper.
If you have a white cardboard, leave it in this form if gray, then you need to glue a sheet of white paper from above. Apply on it the features of the future landscape, taking a simple pencil.

Very neatly, using tweezers and a thin brush, you will shift the eyes glued by glue to the prepared place. Surplus glue Water with a napkin.

In this case, the flowers occupy an angular part of the space. Larger glipe closer to the corner, then flowes smaller sizes. Decorate them with thin leaves or under dried grass.

In another part of the composition there is a butterfly. Make her wings from the reddish leaves of the aspen, and paint the body with black gouache. With the help of the same composition, make an edging for the wings.

When glue dries, you can framing the picture. If you want, you can pre-cover it with varnish.

In the technique of Oshiban, you can create not only paintings, but also decorations. See how the following is formed.

How to make a decoration of flowers with your own hands - appliances

That's what you will use for this:
  • epoxy resin;
  • dried plant;
  • accessories.
Store the following actions:
  1. You can use stencil or take a blank for a medallion, in which you will pour the resin. First prepare this substance as it is written in the instructions for this material.
  2. If you use stencil, then put it on a smooth clean surface, covering the file from above. After that, it is possible to pour here epoxy resin in small portions and distribute it with the help of toothpicks. It is now very important to prevent dust and dirt from entering the unwinding surface. To do this, it is covered with a lid from above.
  3. When the resin serves a little, put in it prepared drummer and pour it with a resin from above. Then this semi-finished product should also be covered with a lid to exclude dust entering.
  4. When the medallion is dry, but it will be more plastic, make an opening hole at the top to insert fittings here. Attach her chain to wear such beauty on the neck.

If you decide to seriously make the creation of decorations from flowers and resins, then you can buy special molds, which will make it easier for work.

But back to the classic Oshiban. Check out master classes that will help beginners to master the interesting art of Japanese masters.

Pictures of Oshiban flowers: Light master classes for beginners

To create canvases, it is not necessary to use only alone flowers and leaves. With these decorative elements, you can decorate, for example, photographs of a loved one and give him such an author's portrait.

To work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • photograph of man;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • dried flowers and leaves;
  • tinsel;
  • color pencils or paints;
  • cardboard sheet;
  • frame.
Master class of manufacture:
  1. If you want to wear a portrait heroine at its discretion, for example, that the dress is old, then it will be necessary to cut it out of the paper of the desired color. But first draw its outlines.
  2. On the upper part of the painting, glue the portrait, and below the dress. Dried fine flowers. Look in a bouquet, glue its elements so that the heroine of the composition keeps this beauty.
  3. Oshiban allows you to create and details of the outfit, for example, that's such a hat. It consists of one large sheet, small colors and stalks. You can decorate the headdress by a piece of fur or feathers.
  4. Beautiful skirt you will also create colors. You can take tulips for this. Make a trim from tinsel. Glue various decorations from flowers or paper on the panel.

Another beautiful, created in the Oshiban technique, will be able to use flowers.

  1. To accomplish this work, you will need to pre-dry the petals of the iris, pansies and various other small flowers. Draw on the cardboard the outlines of the future beauty on the cardboard a simple pencil.
  2. Taking the leaves of the Iris, stick them to the appropriate place. Also from iris you can cut the back for the top of the dress. Sleeves are created from lighter petals, you can even use roses.
  3. Decoration for the head Make from the pansy eyes. In put in the hands of a girl smaller flowers so that they make up a bouquet. You can use the same idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition as in the photo. Where the girl seems to look in the mirror, therefore illuminated from two angles.

Also in Oshiban technique you can create a magic fairy. It almost all consists of flowers, even her butterfly. Features Draw a colored pencil, also with a brown pencil depict an insect body.

Type with children in the fall of different leaves, so that in winter you can make beautiful compositions. From large, you will make picturesque hills, and small turns into the leaves of various trees. In the foreground, you can glue small flowers that will become a picturesque meadow.

If you have many colors, then dry them in the shade on a flat surface as it was described at the beginning of the article. See what they should work out.

As you can see, this vegetable material must keep their paints. Now you can do, for example, a vase with flowers. Such a drawing is perfect for beginners.

Create from colored paper itself. Jump the flowers in the top so that they formed a bouquet, and the cardboard almost did not shine through them.

The art of Oshiban is the use of other materials. For example, you can take a birch bark, remove the top layer from it and apply it. Look, what beautiful roofs of the houses will turn out.

If you want to make winter songs, then the roof will look like a snow-covered, if you use a birch bark. But you can create an autumn landscape from these materials. At the same time, large leaves will become the outlines of the bushes, and small will turn on the trees.

Picture of Oshiban from natural materials

At first glance, it is difficult to guess what this picture was created. See which natural materials used to work in the Oshiban technique. Check out what kind of work paints can be obtained from certain plants:
  1. White - from the leaves of thin corn cobs.
  2. Gray - from silver poplar leaves.
  3. Light gray - from cyclery.
  4. Dark gray - from the leaves of the sources that lay on the ground and darkened.
  5. Yellow - from the leaves of a young willow or autumn leaves of various trees.
  6. Redhead - from the leaves of the flavory.
  7. Red - from the autumn leaves of maple, viburnum or other trees and shrubs.
  8. Brown - from oak leaves.
  9. Green - from dried currant leaves.
  10. Blue is dolphinium petals.
  11. Sea water can be created in the picture, if you use the leaves of a young silver willow, and the river is from poplar leaves.

To get a dark brown color, scrip the flesh from the side of the banana, completely dry the remaining skin.

But what auxiliary materials and equipment will be needed to create a picturesque composition of leaves. It:
  • pVA glue, but not stationery, but to work with a tree;
  • cardboard;
  • tweezers;
  • scalpel;
  • brush;
  • scissors.

Using a subtle simple pencil, take on the cardboard the outlines of the future picture. Swipe the horizon line, indicate where the house will be located, the mountain, wood.

Now start filling in the background and the largest objects first. Take a piece of tweezers, lubricate with glue from one side and apply to the desired location.

When you perform this part of the work, go to smaller items. Also glue them to the designated place. If you need to create the smallest details, such as glare, shadow, then cut the leaflets of the desired color with scissors and glue them.

Look, is everything satisfied? Perhaps somewhere you need to add more vegetable material. Do it.

When the paintings from natural materials are fully created, put it at night under the press. When it dries, it's time to framing it into a glass frame. She will not give to the work of dust and make the material more durable.

Floral painting - appliances

In the spring, trees and shrubs will bloom. Do not miss this time. Hurry up to collect the shredded flowers to use them in picturesque works.

See how the flowers of Cherry wonderfully look wonderfully. It will only be enough to dry them and you can create such a floristic composition in the Oshiban technique. Pre-take cardboard more dark, for example, blue. Then white petals are clearly visible on this background.

You will make even unacceptable buds from the petals to be trimmed by the form of this part of the plant or take real buds.

If you have an apricot or an apple tree that blooms with pink flowers, then use this natural material. It turns out a tender picture that will decorate any room. And the bird can be made of feathers and glue it on a twig.

You can take the flowers of Pelargonium, which long retain the original color. But dry them as soon as possible, in order to avoid loss of a bright shade.

Oshiban implies the use of a variety of natural materials. See what interesting work will work if you apply them.

Picture "Mill" from natural materials with their own hands

So that you have this composition, you need to take:
  • tweezers;
  • scissors;
  • medical syringe without a needle;
  • sharp knives, like a scalpel;
  • gouache;
  • watermelon bones;
  • slices of apple tree bark, cherry;
  • bamboo sticks for frame;
  • small pebbles, sea sand, crushed stone;
  • thin twigs of trees;
  • small vegetable grid.
First you need to print the outlines of the mill on the sheet of paper.

Mix the blue gouache and glue in the proportion of 1:10 and apply this solution using a sponge to the base. Use a burlap as the basis by sticking it into cardboard.

Circle moss on the walls, using PVA.

Mill blades Make from thin wigs of viburnum. To do this, type the glue into a medical syringe without a needle, squeeze this substance to the place designated on the canvas and attach the twigs.

Watermelon bones cut in half across, in order to designate their white inner part. Data "Bricks" will help create the front wall of the mill. Do this masonry, having a natural material in a checker order.

And the side wall you will create from seeds, untouched part of which you need to position to the audience. In this case, the cut edge will be on the canvas.

Vegetable grid Transform into a fishing net, as if it was hanging on her sunshine.

Clouds Draw a white gouache or glue a poplar fluff.

You can cut the focus on the frame using bamboo stems or other natural materials for this.

That's what she is a Oshibana, allowing to make amazing paintings from flowers and other natural materials. It is interesting to observe the creation of such works.

We offer to see how the painting is created in the Oshiban technique.

Samples of work and useful tips await you in the second plot.

Nowadays, the room decoration has become possible in completely diverse variations. You can use a huge number of purchased jewelry. But very often, the craftsmen prefer to make them with their own hands, as in this case they are obtained not only beautiful, but also exclusive. Now there are a lot of products in the style that are increasingly appreciated by others. Some of them are pictures from.

Main features

Oshiban is one of the types of floristics, which implies that from different floral materials (flowers, leaves, etc.), unique illustrations, whole masterpieces are created. This is a kind of painting, where they are not paint, but flowers. They are glued on cardboard, paper or wooden bases. This type of art was invented in Japan six centuries ago, now the Oshiban is reborn in a new way.

Naturally, before the start of any work, it is necessary to take care of the preparation of raw materials, first of all it needs to be collected. Here, fantasy and the range is not limited, you can choose absolutely any natural resource you like.

And the next action will be drying them. There are only five simple ways to do it. But it is important to understand that when conducting this procedure, the flower may lose its former shade. To save it, thermal processing is applied. It is necessary to decide in advance, at what time the time to collect. Consider - to do it better in clear weather, otherwise the petals will be wet, which will seriously prevent the drying process.

Walking methods

As already mentioned, there are several methods of preparation:

  • Between the pages of the book.

Perhaps this is the easiest and most common way. But it happens that after him the flowers look like expected - can buy a brownish tint, be sluggish. But I want the picture to be bright, fresh. Two most frequent errors - you can not use magazines with glossy pages, because the item simply sticks to them. It is also necessary to follow that the flowers did not begin to hide the flowers due to the accumulated moisture. A day later, you will need to shift them into another, dry book.

  • Using an iron.

Quite a quick method, you just need to carefully monitor that the leaves do not burn and do not be cooked under the downhill. Therefore, the resource is placed on paper, covered with a napkin and another sheet of paper. The iron is heated and applied a couple of times, the napkin changes between each of each. It is impossible to use a newspaper, because the warming up printing paint adversely affects the organism by entering the atmosphere of malicious lead vapors.

  • In the microwave.

Here everything is also very easy. The exact same press, as in the previous embodiment, is placed in the microwave. It is worth pressing, you can a bowl or a plate so that the material is pressed. And after that the microwave turns on. As a result, the flowers are very bright and beautiful.

  • With the help of a homemade oven.

Anyone can acquire a specialized oven, but much more economically independently create its prototype. The flower is placed between the napkins and is closed from two sides by two ceramic tiles, it turns out a certain "sandwich". Then such an unusual press is installed on the gas burner and heated. After time, the napkins change, and the procedure is repeated. Thanks to ceramics, the finished element will be breathable.

  • In Glycerin.

Glycerin is easy to buy in any pharmacy. It is diluted with water in a 1: 3 ratio and poured into the dishes, which reaches at least six centimeters in depth. Plants are inserted and remain in a vertical position for a certain number of days. Soon you can observe how they begin to darken, at this moment they must be obtained and dry.

  1. With the right process, the tops of a full-fledged plant with leaves and stalks should not be lowered down.
  2. For greater density, they can be placed briefly in a mixture of glue with water.
  3. And whole buds can be dried in a cardboard box, covered with sand.
  4. To preserve the shade, they are placed in a denatured alcohol.

They should be stored in airtight tanks, away from the sun, liquids and insects. Finished decorations are also better to put in the frame, under the glass, in place where direct rays of the sun is excluded.

Volumetric Appliques

This is perhaps the simplest decoration. For manufacture required:

  • dry plants without the use of the press;
  • collect bouquets;
  • place in a glazed frame. It is important to choose it to pick it up - the thickness should be so that the glass does not press the composition.

To put the flower without presses, you will need to hang down in a dry room for a few days. Either put in a box filled with semolina, and without closing, leave in the sun. Groats will absorb excessive moisture, thanks to which the resources will be dried, retaining the volume.

Moss or poplar fluff, seeds, small stones, thin branches and many other natural materials are added to the autumn composition.

Creating masterpieces from pressed dried dryers

Applications of this kind are often made in schools - remember several options that were shown by teachers. They taught that in the process it is necessary to exercise fantasy, try to create an interesting, artistic product of handmade, observing certain proportions and picking up details in color. And for the background, various master classes are offered to use the usual, or corrugated cardboard.

In modern society, handmade pictures of floral buds in vases became interesting. The container itself is also performed from petals, but different colors. The process of creating such an original project is:

  • on the paper sheet, you should draw the outline of the future vase;
  • then cut and enclose petals;
  • glue on cardboard;
  • with the help of PVA glue, the flower arrangement begins on top of the top. Rather, the bouquet is laid out last time, first it is necessary to outline the location of branches, stems;
  • share for fitting without glue and then glue.

For the background there will be absolutely any color, from bright tones, to neutral white and gray.


Pictures created from dried flowers - an unusual and creative decor element. Their manufacture will not bring special trouble, if you accurately comply with all the rules and follow the advice. And then enjoy the autumn motives year-round.

You can also be interested.

What is herbarium, you know, probably, everyone who has ever studied at school. We collected leaflets and twigs, diligently arched them, shifting with old newspapers and magazines, and then neatly pasted into the albums and sign the names of the plants. But natural materials can be used not only in cognitive purposes. In skillful hands, they turn into bouquets and decorative compositions for decorating the interior, in postcards and paintings

By the way, if you do not have time to stock dryweight from autumn, not all is lost. Especially where the snow has not yet fell. Look around: Here you are silent in the wind of "Bills" of field cereals, here the seeds remained on the ash ... someone maybe there is a bouquet in a vase, someone has a houseplants in someone ... And also, having passed on weekends to the cottage, you can To walk behind and branches in the nearest forest ... In general, there would be a desire - and there is a material! Let's see how the "treasures" collected can be ordered ...

Bouquets and compositions from dried flowers

Some plants, hidden, perfectly retain natural shape and even color - exactly they are most often becoming a material for winter bouquets and decorative compositions. These flowers and cereals usually do not even require any special efforts - they are enough just to put in a vase (without water!) Or suspend somewhere in a dry room.

Some plants, hidden, retain natural shape and even color

The most popular, perhaps, the delight-dryer - helichrumwhich is often called immorterry. But there are many other annual and perennial plants that can be used for winter bouquets: limonium (he is Kremers or statza); ; gypsophila; Blood inflorescences and seed boxes look well ( allyium); Gorgeous in compositions - quaking grass, zaytiechvost., grivacy barley And many, many others.

On the healing herbs that can be used to create various winter songs will tell the article. Workshop on the manufacture of a stylish interior element you will find in publication.

It is not always possible to preserve the natural color of the plants - many of them even with the right drying are discolored. What to do with it? Depends on your flavors, preferences and creative designs. You can admire the texture, picking up the appropriate framing for fading colors. Such compositions are perfectly combined with ceramics, uncoated linen web, wooden interior objects.

Love bright? There are no problems either - you can dry those plants that do not lose their color, but you can paint leaves and dry inflorescences Those paints that seem to you most suitable for the planned composition. With its advice on, as with the help of which materials it is better to do, our readers are divided into the discussion of the issue.

So that the composition was durable and looked well in the interior, it is important to choose to choose for her vase or other suitable capacity. And here it is worth considering everything: both the flower range of bouquet, and the texture of plants, and the features of the situation where it is planned to place it. Do not be afraid of original, bright, non-standard solutions - use unexpected combinations and materials to implement your creative fantasies.

It is important to choose to choose for the composition of the vase or other suitable container

Drawing up the interior with dried flowers, do not limit yourself to dried plants. Corses, twigs of trees and shrubs, bright bunches of rowan or viburnum, the fruits of decorative pumpkin, even beautiful stones - much of what gave us nature can be used for such still lifes and arrangements. Do you know that even from vegetables Can I make a luxurious winter bouquet? Surprised? See the publication - and surprise even more!

For winter bouquets and arrangements, a wide variety of natural materials can be used.

By the way, in anticipation of the approaching New Year holidays, it is worth remembering the traditional - this is where drieds and other natural materials will be more than appropriate! And use such a wreath in the decor you can the most in different ways: hang on the entrance door or on the wall; make the basis of the composition of candles or fruits; Small wreaths - wonderful decor for festive table

Details about how to make a spectacular autumn composition of dried flowers, what materials for this choose which professional techniques should be used, will tell in the next video Florist Irina Vorobyeva

Compositions from dried flowers in the interior

A little to make a beautiful bouquet - it is important to pick up for him successful place in the house. And this is also an exciting creative process that is able to make us look at the usual interiors in a new way. Perhaps it even wants to remake something, change, supplement the situation with new details ...

Little to make a beautiful bouquet - it is important to pick up for him a suitable place in the house

For example, how do you like this outdoor vase with drieds? A huge bouquet revives monophonic gray walls; Its color scheme "echoes" with color, which painted the back of a garden bench, and bright colors of the welded rug

Or this is a cute and tender flower arrangement in a wicker basket - an elegant addition to a water tap of an unusual shape made "under ancient"

By the way, in the bathroom, dried flowers can become a good alternative to live plants that will suffer from lack of lighting. It is worth remembering: increased humidity for dry compositions is destructiveTherefore, it is possible to use a similar decor only under the condition of good ventilation.

Take a look like strict, laconic lines of bouquets from cereals and the Lunarium (well) can become an elegant addition to the festive table setting

Choosing a place for the flower arrangement, it is very important to successfully pick up the background. It must harmoniously combine with it, not competing in brightness and expressiveness, and also advantageously emphasize the texture of natural material

Choosing a place for the flower arrangement, it is very important to correctly pick up the background

And you can give the will of fantasy, present yourself with a painter and make up the compilation of still lifes, decent masters brushes. Do not own painting? Try to photograph your masterpieces!

See how the same vase with Lunaria can look different. Complementing the arrangement by various elements, changing the background, combining all sorts of interior items, accessories and natural materials, you can get an infinite number of images, each of which is characterized by its own character and mood

The same vase with Lunaria may look different

Those who at least once tried to draw up such compositions will certainly confirm: it is very interesting, creative occupation. Just for long winter evenings.

And the interesting selection of diverse ideas of the use of dried flowers and natural materials in the interior decor can be found in the next short video:

Paintings from dry leaves and colors

Gentle flowers and leaves, carefully straightened and dried under the yoke, can become a wonderful material for creating real paintings made in appliqué techniques. The easiest option is images of bouquets or stylized flower beds. For such pictures, it is better to select small plants and combine them so as to achieve the most natural composition, "similar to the real"

Another option is the composition in the spirit of an old herbarium. This is an exquisite interior decoration or an original gift to a plants amateur. For this kind of paintings it is better to choose nonsense plants - wild herbs, cereals. And if you want brighter colors, place plants on a contrasting black background.

Floral painting, or oshibana - The type of art in which instead of brushes and paints uses dried herbs and flowers. You can use parts of dried plants, and other natural materials - Beresto, Soloma, Moss, and so on. And here already fantasy florist is practically no limited - natural material obeys the will of the artist, transforming in accordance with his intentions

Oshiban - a type of art in which instead of brushes and paints are used dried plants

This is a very interesting technique that allows you to create unique works that will decorate your interior or become an original creative gift. Detailed master class on creating pictures from plants - in the next video

Those who are interested in this type of creativity can see another master class. In our eyes, a picture is born, and watching the work of the florist is a fascinating and cognitive occupation. Each Master has its own techniques, secrets and tricks, so you can definite something important and useful for yourself. And let it be confused that this lesson consists of two parts: time to view both will be required no more than for the previous plot

In the second part - the completion of the picture, as well as important subtleties of the preparation and storage of natural materials for creativity

Well, in order to fully present the capabilities of the Oshiban, it is worth a selection of works presented in the next small video. Looking at some pictures, it is impossible to believe that they are not written with brush and paints, but petals and leaves. Amazing, fascinating, fantastic creations of the skillful hands of florist artists - see, admire, charge inspiration

Do together with children

Natural materials are perfectly suitable for children's creativity. The ability to see a flower or a bird in scattered twigs, cones and seeds is a manifestation of creative abilities that preferably identify and develop from early age. The older the child becomes, the more difficult ideas that he can come up with and embody. The smallest, of course, it will be necessary to help adults - and in the preparation of materials, and in the embodiment of designs.

Bouquet of natural materials and plasticine

Such crafts of kids learn from kindergarten. This lesson is very useful for the development of the child, and from the compositions created by his hands you can make a whole exhibition at home or in the country. An interesting and intelligible video tutorial will help you if your own childhood has already been forgotten.

Postcard with dried sets

Older child can make a panel or a postcard with elements of natural materials. Here uses the technique of appliqué, which kids are also sewn enough. The larger the details of the future product, the easier it is to cope with them a novice florist. Well, those children who already have skills like this creativity can use for decor and small flowers, thin twigs and leaves.

It is necessary to immediately warn the child that this material is very fragile, and working with it requires patience, prettiness, accuracy. But how nice your own hands make a beautiful gift to mom, grandmother or your favorite teacher!

Preparation of material

But the embodiment of any of these wonderful ideas is impossible, if not assembled and properly necessary natural materials are not prepared. Therefore, let's talk a little about how to properly approach this issue.

As we remember, floristic compositions are there volume (for example, bouquets) or flat (panel, postcards, paintings). Accordingly, the material for them will require different. In any case, of course, you need to take care that our plants save their charm, have not lost the form, nor color when drying. But methods can be different

Plants for bulk floral compositions More often dried, hooking "down head" in a dry, well-ventilated room. It is important to remember that the sun's rays should not fall on stems and inflorescences, otherwise they will lose their color. Be sure to follow the humidity of the air: in the raw room, the grass will be routine, can be covered with mold, their decorative qualities will be hopelessly lost.

well and for Oshiban Plants are most convenient to dry the same way as dried at a school for herbarium: shift the workpiece sheets of paper (insert the pages of magazines, newspapers, old books, and so on) and leave under the press in a dry room. Drying time depends on the plant itself.

How to properly prepare drunks for crafts and shove herbarium, described in detail in the following video

There are also ideas for crafts and decor from natural materials. Fascinating you creativity!

The use of natural materials in crafts and visual arts every year is gaining increasing popularity. Pressed floristry (Oshiban) is an ancient Japanese technique for creating paintings from dried flowers. Using various dried plants, decorators create unique pictures and plots, and the whole process occurs without the use of any paints.

In order to create an image of dry colors, special devices are required. In fact, all the working raw materials can be collected in the field, nearby park, forest or grow on the windowsill. By turning on the fantasy, the materials can be found anywhere: dried by the casing of a banana or eggplant, open tea bags with a carcade or other tea, as well as to dry the mandarine peel, cucumber or remove it from the bow.

Leaves, flowers, fluff, peel and other materials are dried in different ways, including standard drying with the press, vacuum drying and drying with irons. Usually after processing the plant, the plants lose their natural color and pale or darken into several shades. Such materials such as banana become dark brown after drying, so before starting work, it is necessary to approximately submit what result the author wants to achieve, and then choose the plants of the desired color scheme.
After selecting materials, dried plants are attached to a tissue or paper canvas, forming a unique composition.
As a visual example, we recommend tracing the process of creating a picture of the "lady with a bouquet" of the executive, using the equipment of the Oshiban.

1. Getting Started, in addition to dry materials, you must prepare the following tools:
Colorless glue (PVA);
Small scissors;
Acute subject;
Glue-gun (for gluing large plants);
White cardboard (if necessary - color)

2. To create a picture, the following materials are needed:
Dried petals of roses or bells;
Petals of violets;
Any yellow leaves;
Dry banana peel;
Dry corn storks (otherwise - hair from corn);
Other decoration materials that will be at hand.

3. Before starting work, you should make a small sketch of the future picture on paper;

4. On the finished sketch we apply several rose petals. Put the leaves to each other so that the result is a skirt, at least a little repetitively drawn silhouette;

5. We apply for the entire length of the skirt glue and with the help of tweezers stick the petals;

6. Go to the sleeves. Cut them from the lonely shade petals and glued in the same way. Pre-on the petals can draw sleeves, and then cut them. As a result, it should be like this.

7. We draw the zone with the neckline. From the banana peel cut out the required bust shape and glued to the drawing;

9. From the yellow sheet, cut your hands and glue them to the lady;

10. From small floral particles, we make a face with the help of a gun on the head of the glue with a pistol. Fix the bunch of corn hair, holding it with a sharp item for a while so that the hair is well glued. Immediately decorate dry violet;

Beautiful paintings made of dry leaves and colors, created with their own hands, are well suited for decoration on the subject of autumn cabinets at school and kindergarten. Therefore, for the smallest artists, we picked up the best photos with examples and master classes for the manufacture of such children's crafts. Simple instructions will suit both for 1-3 class schools and for children from 3 years old, as well as the middle and older garden group. Be sure to make your own hands or hands of children thematic paintings and panels of dried colors and leaves.

Funny pictures of leaves and flowers with hands of children - a selection of photos with examples

Choose good ideas for making paintings from dried colors and leaves you can among our photo examples. We selected the best options for combining dry natural materials and creating full-fledged images, drawings with a plot. Repeat such pictures under the power and students of the older garden of the kindergarten, and schoolchildren.

Selection of photos of paintings from dried leaves and colors made with your own hands

In our photo examples, the guys will find a lot of funny images from dry flowers and leaves. Pictures made with their own hands, in the form of animals and birds, natural landscapes are perfect for decorating schools and kindergartens.

Beautiful paintings from the leaves with their own hands on the topic "Autumn" for children - master classes

In the fall, changes in the world in nature are especially noticeable, because during this period insects are hiding, and some animals fall into hibernation. Therefore, to a school competition or a garden exhibition, children can make a picture of the leaves on the topic of autumn with one of the animals or insects. With the help of our next master class, the guys will learn to make cute ladybugs and butterflies.

Materials for making with their own hands of a beautiful autumn picture of leaves

  • sheet of paper A4;
  • dry leaves of different sizes and colors;
  • dried flower petals;
  • pVA glue;
  • wax chalk and pencils;
  • brush;
  • scissors.

Master class with photos of making children of a beautiful picture from dry leaves on the topic "Autumn"

Video lesson for children in making with your own hands autumn pictures of dried leaves

Another interesting picture can be made according to the next workshop. Simple video will tell children from kindergarten and schools, as correctly to portray with the help of natural dried materials of a beautiful hedgehog.

Bright paintings from leaves and flowers in kindergarten - Master classes for senior and medium group

The kids from kindergarten will surely like a beautiful picture in the form of a postcard from leaves and colors, made on our next master class. Simple handicraft can be used as a gift.

Materials for making with your own hands in the senior garden group paintings from flowers and leaves

  • dried flowers with long legs;
  • tight cardboard (ideally - a small canvas on the subframe);
  • brush;
  • pencil;
  • acrylic paint;
  • sponge;
  • glue for decoupage.

Master class with photos of creating paintings from flowers and leaves in the senior group of kindergarten

Video lesson for making hands Pictures of leaves and flowers for the middle group of kindergarten

Create another cool picture with your own hands from dried colors and leaves of students of the medium or older group of kindergarten can according to the next video lesson. With it, children to curb beautiful animals and birds.

Simple paintings from the leaves with your own hands for children 3 years old - step-by-step master classes

From ordinary leaves, children are 3 years old can create paintings with their own hands not only with insects, but also with birds. Our master class will tell them how to make a cool turkey from natural materials.

Materials for the manufacture of a simple painting by children for 3 years with their own hands from leaves

  • multicolored leaves of the same size (you can even be dried);
  • brown cardboard;
  • self-adhesive eyes for toys;
  • pencil;
  • a piece of white cardboard;
  • yellow paper;
  • scissors.

Master class with photo of making hand paintings from dry leaves for children 3 years

Video lesson on a simple painting of dried leaves for children 3 years

For ease of children, you can use maple leaves of different sizes. Name they are the main material for creating cool images in the next master class.

Our master classes with photos and videos will tell you how easy it is possible to make paintings from the leaves with your own hands. Simple instructions are suitable for the senior and middle group of kindergarten, as well as 1-3 grade elementary school. Original paintings made of dry leaves and colors can be used to participate in autumn competitions and exhibitions.