Published photos of Anastasia Volochkova in his youth. Look at the photo Volochkova in youth and try not to fall in love with her innocent beauty Anastasia Volochkova then and now

Published photos of Anastasia Volochkova in his youth. Look at the photo Volochkova in youth and try not to fall in love with her innocent beauty Anastasia Volochkova then and now
Published photos of Anastasia Volochkova in his youth. Look at the photo Volochkova in youth and try not to fall in love with her innocent beauty Anastasia Volochkova then and now

Anastasia does not need special performances. Each ball of ballerina - whether to leave the theater, wedding, divorce, friction with relatives and even a photo session in the Maldives - causes a turbulent social reaction.

Her pictures - branded smooth hairstyle, turn a head of three quarters - more than once appeared on the covers of glossy publications. We suggest you see photos that are mainly related to the "bullshit" period of life of the ballerina.

Altasia always lived in the heart of Anastasia, but the fiery passion - she dreams of a ballet scene. Despite the fact that teachers in one voice said that it would not work out, the girl stubbornly went to his goal. The main milestones of this path can be traced in pictures from the personal archive. On them, together with the Nastya, teachers from which she took an example is the legendary personalities of the Russian ballet Andris Liepa, Maya Plisetskaya. Early photos helped to find out who was the first love Volley, and also shed light on the relationship of people close to her.

I am with my dad Yuri Fedorovich. He is an athlete, the USSR champion in table tennis, trained children. In general, Dad was a man busy. When he took me out of kindergarten and we walked together, it was for me every time it was like a holiday. Dad has always been an authority for me. From him, I inherited resistance, willpower, the ability to resist difficulties. We specially made this photo in the photoabeel. I am five years old here. By the way, I do not like to be photographed, but I like to consider my successful pictures.

Dad takes us with mom from the maternity hospital. I was born in St. Petersburg, in the hospital on Tchaikovsky Street. Unfortunately, I do not know his number. Mom told that it was a bright sunny morning and I in the literal sense was born in a shirt (obstetrics know what it is). So I will be happy. Mom always dreamed of her daughter and even in advance to me the name of Nastya - in honor of the main character of the fairy tale "Scarlet flower".

This is 2002, I am in Vienna, in a dress from Yves Saint Laurent. It is one of my favorites, I keep it so far. After the tour in the UK, I received angazent in English National Ballet and lived in London a year and a half. There I had a fan, wonderful romantic meetings ... In general, this period of life I remember as one of the happiest. From London I made trips around the world. Good was the time.

I, my mother, a former husband Igor and the daughter of Arisha rest in the Maldives, fond of the sun. We went on vacation all this year. Interestingly, before Mom had a rather difficult relationship with Igor, she did not accept him in any way. But after our parting began to treat him much warmer. Now they do not break the water.

My favorite Arisha riding a pony. The photo is made in the Bitzo Park - there is a equestrian base. Here the daughter of the year is three, it is one of its first trips. Now she is even on big horses learned to ride and is not afraid at all! The initiator of the recruitment of the daughter to horseback riding was Igor. He recently acquired himself a rampant, his name is Zolkik. And now Igor and Arisha ride together on weekends.

This is a ballet school. I and my teacher Natalia Mikhailovna Dudinskaya. Natalia Mikhailovna is a legendary personality. She was the wife of the artistic director of the Ballet Academy named after Vaganova Konstantin Sergeyev and had the right to choose the best disciples. I am proud that she took me to his class and did everything to become a professional. It was Natalia Mikhailovna that brought me to the scene of the Mariinsky Theater. And the fact that I was accepted in the troupe a year before the end of the ballet school, he says a lot.

And this is Nina Zubkovskaya, the teacher is already in the Mariinsky Theater. Wonderful person, my friend and patron. Talented ballerina, possessing an article, excellent manners, and an unusually beautiful woman! Until recent days (she was seventy-eight years old, when she died) she came to a hall with ballet hairstyle, makeup, on high heels. Looking at her, I wanted to "straighten the wings and fly." She supported me in difficult moments when I was survived from the Bolshoi Theater. Very helped me with the creation of programs for touring in London. By the way, pay attention: in this photo I am a brunette. My real hair color is dark blond. But, it seems to me that bright shades go much more.

Legendary Plisetskaya! I became the first Russian ballerina, which Maya Mikhailovna gave her blessing to dance the party of Carmen, in which she once shone. And she personally rehearsed with me this ballet in the Bolshoi Theater. See, Maya Mikhailovna put her hand on my shoulder? She shows with what pride heroine should be lit on Jose. At the rehearsal Plisetskaya always came on high heels. And imagine: in such a shoe, she danced his whole game - from beginning to end! Nobody understood how this is possible ... Maya Mikhailovna is still ideal for me - both as a woman, both like a ballerina, and as a person. This is a person who has the power of will. She had to face his way with injustice, envy, hypocrisy, but she was withstanding the tests with dignity.

Another legend of the Russian ballet - Andris Liepa. He helped us with the head of Ruzimatov rehearse the ballet "Swan Lake". I liked to dance with Faruh - he has amazing plastic. He was not only my partner, but also the first man I loved. We were associated with sincere, tender feelings. Faruh - a man of amazing beauty. Such an open face and a friendly smile can belong only to a noble man.

I am in the role of Natalia Goncharova in the film "Black Prince" about Pushkin. The acting experience was very interesting for me. I got used to that on stage it is necessary to express emotions with plastic body, and here all attention was focused on facial expressions. The film won the Grand Prix at the Independent International Film Festival. And we have a good, warm relationship with my partner Levani Studed, this is a Hollywood actor. We communicate so far.

I'm in kindergarten. There is a photograph of Arishi, where she like two drops of water looks like a small one. It can be said that my life began at five years: I looked at the "Nutcracker" and fell ill with ballet. Unlike teachers who said that I could not become a ballerina, my parents believed in me. And they did everything possible so that my dream fell. We had not so much money, but Dad and Mom paid for private teachers and bought me pointes in the Mariinsky Theater.

Thailand. We celebrate our wedding for the third time with Igor. We had the first day in St. Petersburg, next - in Moscow. And six months later, when we went to a romantic journey, Igor decided to arrange a surprise to me. We woke up early in the morning, and he said: "Nastya, get together. We are going on the boat to the island." And there everything was decorated with flowers and ribbons, we were waiting for us. We held a wedding rite for Thai traditions. It was very beautiful.

Anastasia Volochkova is a famous ballerina, a public figure and a dancer. Volochkova began in his youth solely from the ballet, but today the popularity of her personal life has repeatedly outweigh its professional activities. What lies the secret of the interest of thousands of people to this multifaceted person?

Loved the ballet Anastasia Volochkova in his youth, according to her, for another 5 years. In childhood, she studied this art at the Russian Ballet Academy. Vaganova. Father, Yuri Volokhkov, Soviet Athlete, Country Tennis Champion and Athletic Coach in Sports School, supported daughter's aspirations. Professional career ballerina Anastasia Volochkova began at 18, and immediately - in one of the largest and most popular theaters - Mariinsky. Having worked there for 4 years, it goes to a large theater, and it was from this moment on the era of her fame, even among the people who are not visiting theater, can be considered open. Her first role in the largest Russian theater is also home. She perfectly performed the party of the princess-swan in the layout of the Swan Lake. Later she was entrusted with a few more roles that ballerina also performed excellent.

The actors of the Bolshoi Theater were often leaving towards tourists with other countries. At the beginning of 2000, Nastya Volochkova performed one of his parties in London, where he fascinated not only the audience, but also professionals. So, she received an Anguzent for the execution of the role in the "Sleeping Beauty". Already in March of the same year, Volochkova returns to the Big Theater.

A few months later, significant personnel permutations occur in the Bolshoi Theater, and from now on, its life ceases to be calm. A series of conflicts is already chronic. Preheat conflicts and its semi-professional activity on the side. Solo projects can be described as dance numbers with ballet elements in a modern style. Her popularity, albeit scandalous, went to her benefit.

However, these dances that are solved to put Volochkova independently are not approved by the administration of the theater. It is ambiguous about them and the public, but still buys tickets on her ideas to see the scandalous ballerina. She also tries her strength and advertising. So, she became the face of the famous jewelry house "Chopard". In the same period, it becomes a member of the United Russia party, from which she later emerged in 2011.

In 2004, the director considered that Volochkova does not fit into ideas about how the classic ballerina should look like, and the Bolshoi Theater may well do without it. He just fired a ballerina, but Volochkova was not a timid. She filed to court, proving that its weight and growth could not cause dismissal, because they do not worsen physical opportunities. All this ballerina was heated by numerous interviews, where he spoke about the wrongness of the director's decision. The process of Volochkova won, and it was restored at work, but it did not want to remain in the theater.

The lawsuit hardened the artist. From this point on, it becomes the main character of multiple articles in large magazines and newspapers. Scandalous ballerina from the Bolshoi Theater - What could be more tempting for the reader? At this time, few people perceive the Volley as a ballerina, because on stage in pointes it can be seen much less frequently than in a nightclub. In addition to the public, a quarrel with another scandalous famous person was known for the whole of the Sobchak Ksenia. In those years, the girls told a lot of words through the media, on the joy of the editors of the latter and readers. Not one of the ballerina did not cause such strong interest to themselves, and the photos of Anastasia flashes almost everywhere.

The family life of Anastasia Volochkova began with an acquaintance with a future husband in an airplane. The wedding of the ballerina played three days, and the celebration was very luxurious. In an interview, Ballerina told about how wonderful her husband, and how happy she was. Soon the daughter of Ariadne is born. After the birth of the daughter, the flattering words of ballerinas about the husband gradually go to no. Divorce and parting did not make himself wait. By the way, later it turned out that officially Volochkova was so married and not.

Volochkova remained with her daughter alone, however, neither the shade of sadness in its actions can not be noticed. On the contrary, she seemed to have known to everyone resting in the most distant hot countries. One of the photo sessions on the beach, which can be described as "NU", caused the widest public Dissonance. Photo in a swimsuit topless, where the ballerina has a hand covering his chest, became a real bomb. The company seemed to be divided into two camps, where the first group spoke about the inappropriateness of such behavior for a woman and mother, and the other, on the contrary, in every way supported the ballerina.

Later a photo session in a similar style continued. Provocative photos Anastasia lays out regularly. It can be said that the photo of the Volley in youth and now is completely different elements. Today, this woman is quite confident in itself, easily breaks stereotypes and called everyone expands the boundaries of what is considered permitted. In their personal lives, known names appear, however, no novel has reached the wedding.

Anastasia Volochkova was born in 1976 in Leningrad in the family of the Champion of the Soviet Union on Table Tennis Yury Volochkova and Guide-Tour Tamara Volochkova. Nastya's parents divorced when she was still a child, but retained a good relationship, so Volochkova always remembers childhood with warmth.

The girl firmly decided to become a ballerina after a hike at a five-year-old at the Nutcracker ballet in the Mariinsky Theater. Nastya fascinated what was happening on the stage, and she promised his mother to dance.

Parents supported her daughter and gave ballet at the classes. The grazing nastya decided to enter the Vaganova Ballet Academy. The arrival of the young Volochkova was not easy: she was taken with a trial period of six months, arguing that she had no talent. Ballet in the life of Anastasia Volochkova in his youth was always in the first place, and she decided to fight to the end. But the relationship with teachers and fellow students did not develop while her mentor was not the teacher Natalya Dudinskaya, who supported the young ballerina.

In 1994, young Volochkova graduated with honors from the Ballet Academy and was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater. For four years, the St. Petersburg Theater Anastasia performed the main parties in the classic ballets "Giselle", "Don Quixote", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker". But this period was extremely difficult for the Volochkova: she learned on his own experience what intrigues and betrayal in the world of ballet. Relationship between artists in the corpse of Mariins was far from the ideal. At some point they became so tense that Anastasia was removed from all the performances and fired from the theater.

In 1998, Vladimir Vasilyev invited Anastasia to a large theater to participate in the "Swan Lake". The debut on the Moscow stage turned out to be successful, and he followed the main parties in "Bayaderka" and "Sleeping Beauty". While working in the big talent, the young Volochkova saw the famous Yuri Grigorovich and invited the ballerina into his production. In 2000, Anastasia left the Bolshoi Theater. Regarding the two scandals with the largest theaters of Russia (Mariinsky and big) there are many legends. It is said that in the troupe of Big Volochkov, thanks to the patron, the patron of Hetsen's Anzori Aksentyev. Volochkova itself is a fact of acquaintance with Axtentov denies. The official version of the dismissal from greatly called the overweight ballerina.

After dismissal from Big Volochkova, he received a prestigious Golden Lion Award as the best ballerina in Europe, and then was invited to dance "sleeping beauty" in National English ballet.

In the early 2000s, she completed a professional career and turned into a secular lioness, in parallel leading their own concerts and removing clips.

What does Anastasia Volochkova look like now?

Photo Anastasia Volochkova in youth is still happy with the eye of fans on the net, but today the ballerina looks at all as at the end of a career of professional ballerina. Beauty Transfiguration began at the very moment when she left the scene. An explanation of the desire to change is pretty simple: the life of a secular heroine required to be very bright and noticeable. Anastasia Volochkova in the youth was the most beautiful ballerina of Russia, and its correct features of the face and chubby lips did the appearance of perfect and finished.

The first noticeable transformation of the ballerina is an increase in breast. On old photos, the Volochkova in the youth can be seen that it has a breast of the 1st size. It is not surprising, because the ballet world involves tough restrictions in volumes and dimensions of the figure, but immediately after the career completes, the bust has increased abruptly, Anastasia tries at every opportunity to demonstrate a deep neckline.

Comparison of photo Anastasia Volochkova in youth and now suggest on the thought of plastic. Ballerina also talks about the gossip of envious and considers plastic surgery dangerous to life. In an interview, she spoke sharply about women who come to correct appendage to plastic surgeons.

In her opinion, so youth and freshness fastened faster. According to the Volochkova, her breast rose from exercise, special exercises for breast muscles, proper nutrition and stable hormone background.

Anastasia Volochkova still fell in love with pearl shadows, sequins, pink lipsticks. If earlier it looked acceptable by virtue of youth and freshness of the skin, then with age, the face looks overloaded with cosmetics. After 30 years, she discovered the contouring for a face in brown tones, and all images have become even harder.

Such an aggressive makeup in combination with shocking behavior and ballerina's outfits made it frequent heroine of the secular chronicle. An eyebrow tattoo, which has become a ballerina's business card, has long been out of fashion, but Anastasia is not going to change something and is pleased with what it looks like.

Some skeptics suspect Anastasia in Botox injections. Nastya seriously changed the eyebrow line, and the contours of the face became more sharp (this is particularly visible on the changed line of the lower jaw), which says either about the face lifting, or on regular pains of beauty. Anastasia Volochkova all denies all this and believes that she has too many enemies who want to put it in an unsightly light and put the gossip.

Photo: google.image, @volochkova_art

The material is based on a comparative analysis of photos and does not contain approval of the fact of plastic operations.

Anastasia Volochkova is known not only to his work. Shooting, loud scandals, sensational novels and frank photo shoots accompany her name.

The girl brought love to art on the stage. From five years, she is passionate about the ballet, in the 18th she began to engage in this professionally in the famous Marinka. Diligence and talent helped to get to the main scene of the country- In the Big Theater. And here - incredible success. The role of the Tsarevna Swan in the Swan Lake, the admiration of the audience, foreign tour, the surgery in the "Sleeping Beauty" in London.

But a calm creative life lasted long. Personnel permutations and part-time on the side (it carried out solo projects) created a conflict situation, but at the same time bring wide fame. The artist is offered to be a face of a fashionable jewelry house.

All this was the cause of discontent of the administration and subsequent dismissal. The court overturned the illegal decision of theatrical bosses, but there was no desire to return to the team.

She herself managed by himself. But for society there is no longer there is no ballerina Volochkova. Now is a scandalous person, which, then enters the public overhang with Ksenia Sobchak, then laying provocative photos, it arranges quarrels because of the attention of rich potential grooms.

Surprisingly, no woman's personal life is also just a view. What was just worth a gorgeous wedding with a millionaire, which lasted three days, with changing several luxurious wedding dresses, as it turned out later, without official registration. Of the whole show, only the daughter of Ariadne turned out to be real.

With age, Nastya becomes not only more confident, but also more relaxed. She does not forget to remind himself to his admirers and enemies in the style of Nu, filmed on expensive resorts.

The name of Anastasia Volochkova is now hearing not only from the Public public, but also in foreign. A talented girl was born in St. Petersburg on January 20, 1976. She grew in the family athlete-tennis player and engineer of the design institute. Anastasia Volochkova dreamed of becoming a ballerina in his youth and did everything so that this dream would be implemented. Parents supported a daughter in all its endeavors, at the same time put it hardworking and perseverance.

Anastasia Volochkova in youth - photo

Nastya from children's years cherished the dream that he would grow and be sure to perform on a ballet scene. After receiving the secondary formation, Volochkova went to enter the ballet academy, but almost failed entrance exams. If it were not for Konstantin Sergeev, the admission committee would have rendered a disappointing verdict.

In the youth, Anastasia Volochkov, teachers, and classmates treated sympathy. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the future star to complete the university with honors, and its graduation exam and debut performance took place on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater.

In the photo: Anastasia Volochkova in childhood

A talented and pretty girl immediately became a sought-after ballerina. However, this was not only positive aspects for young Volochkova Anastasia. Immediately there was a mass of ill-wishers, dirty intrigues. The girl was practically crowded out of performances and even wanted to remove from work. Through the court, Anastasia tried to dismiss from the theater for the inconsistency of the parameters of professional ballerina, but it was loud, and representatives of the Western press intervened. The girl was hard for the outcome of the process, as the ballet occupied a very important place in her life. As a result, Volochkova won the court, but it was not able to stay in the Bolshoi Theater after what happened.

In the photo: Young Anastasia Volochkova

Young and prominent Nastya caused genuine interest among representatives of the opposite sex. As you know, youth is famous for its maximalism, because Volochkova dreamed of something elevated, beautiful. In the early 2000s, she twisted the romance with an oligarch and enjoyed two years of their relationship, but thundered in the Bolshoi theater scandal and discontent Rodney Groom led to the fact that the couple broke up. After that, in the life of Anastasia Volochkova there were still many novels, official marriages and even the birth of a daughter. Only here the main love of her life is still ballet.

In the photo: Anastasia Volochkova in young years