One day with Philip Kirkorov and his children in Bulgaria: an excursion to native places. One day with Philip Kirkorov and his children in Bulgaria: Tour of native places Personal life of Pobros Kirkorov

One day with Philip Kirkorov and his children in Bulgaria: an excursion to native places. One day with Philip Kirkorov and his children in Bulgaria: Tour of native places Personal life of Pobros Kirkorov
One day with Philip Kirkorov and his children in Bulgaria: an excursion to native places. One day with Philip Kirkorov and his children in Bulgaria: Tour of native places Personal life of Pobros Kirkorov

Pobros Filippovich Kirkorov (Bulg. Pobros Philips of Kirkorov; Cherkikan; Passport - Pedros Pilibos Kirkorov). Born on June 2, 1932 in Varna (Bulgaria). Bulgarian, Soviet and Russian singer of Armenian origin. Folk artist of Bulgaria. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2012). Father Philip Kirkorov.

Father - Philip Krikarian (1901-1968), worked as a shoemaker.

Mother - Sofia Critan (1901-1984).

Brother - Harry Kirkorov (1937), businessman.

Sister - Marie Kirkorov (1945), opera singer, works in the United States.

His ancestors are Turkish Armenians. In one of the interviews, Pobros told: "In general, Armenians and Bulgarians have a common story: both people were under the oppression of the Turks. In general, Armenia means a lot for me. I am a purebred Armenian. I speak well in Armenian. From the oldest age, in Varna, we are constantly They spoke on Armenian, I insisted my grandfather. The Armenian speech from our ITS should have had to be heard. We did not live in a large high-rise building. We had a house, or rather a few houses in the yard (like old Armenian courtyards). Once from the street Went to the courtyard, Bulgarian speech should not have been heard - all in Armenian! Grandfather Our was so fundamental and strict, that if I accidentally heard a Bulgarian speech, beat us with a vine with the words "Inch asira?" ("What did you say?")".

Parents sang in the city chore and took a little feast with them. In childhood, Pobros wanted to participate in the dance team, but all the places were busy. And Pobros got into the choir. There, because of his named among other voices, his name was "tube.

As a child, he was engaged in artistic amateur in one of the Armenian clubs in the community in Bulgaria called "Yerevan". This club was, except for dance and choral, also theatrical group. They came to the famous artists from Yerevan, they rested Varna and rehearsed in performances that were placed there. He was also taken to the theater troupe, he played in the play "Mozzapital Murazkanner".

By 17 years old graduated from a vocational school in the specialty shoemaker-fashion designer.

He graduated from a music school.

During service in the Army, Pobros sang in a military ensemble.

In Bulgaria, Kirkorov heard the composer Arno Babajanyan and invited him to Moscow so that he could get a musical education. Pobros recalled: "I arrived in the Russian capital in 1962, thanks to the composers A. Khacaturian and A. Babajanhan. I performed in concerts-Balahs, which were given when the percentage of holidaymakers was completed. It happened in the international home of journalists in Varna ... In addition Press representatives were resting there and artists: T.Makarov with S.Gerasimov, M. Glisetskaya with R. Stainnin, M.Zharov, Mr. Yulanova and many others. "

Pobros Kirkorov - Guarda Che Luna

In 1962 he entered the 2nd course of Gityis to the class of Professor B. A. Pokrovsky.

Over the years of study in Moscow, Kirkorov sang with Orchestras Y. Silantyev, V. Fedoseeva, E. Rosner and. After the end of the music school was enrolled in the troupe of the Varna Opera. The first Kirkorov Party prepared by Aria Alfred in Opere J. Verdi "Traviata".

Leonid Utesov first suggested Kirkorov to sing a cycle of songs about Bulgarian-Soviet friendship and wrote the introductory text to the new artist program. Meeting with rocks and work under his leadership largely determined the creative way of the young singer.

In the forefront of Soviet artists began to tour with the orchestral phonogram. He performed with the program "Moscow - Sofia, Sofia - Moscow", the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich was to strengthen the friendship of the two countries: the USSR and Bulgaria (director of the program - L. O. Rockov). The most famous song of the program is "Alyosha".

I recorded about 50 songs on the radio, the studio of gramzaping "melody" released a large disc from 12 songs and 10 small plates.

Laureate of international competitions in Paris, Bucharest and Warsaw.

In 1992, for the first time, a foreign citizen - Pobros Kirkorov - was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, he received a reward "For a personal contribution to the development of culture and art of Russia" and the Order "For the honor and dignity".

In 2012, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

After organizing 40 charitable touring concerts to collect funds to the Foundation for the construction of the monument on a Poklonnaya Mount was dismissed from the Moscow Philharmonic and went to work in Novgorod.

Perfects folk, patriotic songs. During the speeches, there is a lot about the meaning of family and love to their homeland. He spoke in a duet with Philip Kirkorov, Marie Kikorovoy, Tamara Gverdziteli, Joseph Kobzon, Lily Ivanova, Beaded Kirov, "Balagan Limited".

On June 6, 2002, the Bedros Pobrova Kirkorov in honor of his 70th anniversary of the anniversary in the circle of friends took place in Moscow.

In 2007, he gave an anniversary concert with a symphony orchestra "from heart to heart."

Together with the second wife, Lyudmila owns a farm in the Novgorod region. Often accompanies on the tours of the son. Tours solo, regularly performs before Novgorod, participates in social activities, is engaged in charity.

Personal activities of Pobros Kirkorov

He is a member of the Board of the Union of Friends of Bulgaria.

During work in the Moscow Philharmonic, in connection with the 40th anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria, there were 40 touring charitable concerts for the construction of a monument on a positive grief.

During the tour in each city, it turned out about the presence of a holiday home for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and organized the chefs there.

On August 4, 2007, on the initiative and on the funds of Pobros Kirkorov, a monument to the Bulgarian hero Paul Kalitina was opened in the city of Novgorod region.

With the participation of Pobros Kirkorov in Bulgaria, a monument to General Ushakov was delivered.

In 2011, he organized the concert program "From the Heart to Heart" as part of the opening of the Novgorod regional charitable marathon "Christmas Gift". He worked on holding charitable marathons in other cities.

On September 2, 2011, Pobros Kirkorov visited Nagorno-Karabakh and spoke at the concert "In honor of the 20th anniversary of the Independence of the NKR", for which he was incorporated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the list of persons Non Grata for violating the "State Border Law" of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which considers The territory of Nagorno-Karabakh "Occupied territories of Azerbaijan".

In 2014, he was Chairman of the 4th Festival of Integration Creative Collees of Moscow Kosmofest 2014.

In 2015, he was a member of the jury of the 5th Festival of Integration Creative Teams of Regions of Russia Kosmofest 2015 on the "vocal" nomination.

Pob's height of Kirkorov: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Pobros Kirkorov:

Twice was married.

The first wife is Victoria Markovna Likhacheva, according to the nationality of the Jewish. 19 August 1964 met in Sochi at a concert in the summer theater. Victoria and Mother were sitting in the hall on 8 row, where the singer was noticed. As it turned out, they lived in one hotel. Victoria approached Pobros for an autograph and on the same day he made Victoria offer. They were married in 1964-1994, to the death of his wife.

On April 30, 1967, the Son, Soviet and Russian pop singer, actor, composer, producer born the pair.

After the death of Victoria's wife in 1994, Pobros fell into depression for three years, stopped touring activities.

Second wife - Lyudmila Alexandrovna Smirnova, Doctor of Economics, Lecturer at the Institute. I got acquainted in 1992 in the Kholm district of the Novgorod region, during the tour. Lyudmila was the director of the advanced state farm "Lokovik" and showed the Pobros Local Museum. Before meeting with the Kirkorov-Senior Lyudmila, he was married twice.

In March 1997, they marked in order of exception in the Cathedral of the Novgorod Kremlin in the Cathedral of the Novgorod Kremlin. According to rumors, the son of Philip is very offended by his father, considering this wedding with betrayal. For some time, they did not even communicate, and Pobros moved to his wife.

On September 1, 2002, the pair had a daughter of Ksenia, who lived only two weeks. According to the parents, the baby died due to a medical error.

In November 2015, rumors have appeared about the breakdown of Pobros with the second wife. He began to go out into the light with a blonde named Tatiana. "Meet Tatiana! She has been working at the Agency for Organizing Parties," Pobros submitted to journalists at one of the events. At the same time, an artist answered the question of legitimate wife: "She lives in another city."

In March 2018, a musician, an ex-participant of the "EX-BB" group. He reported that he was born after the stormy short novel of his mother and Pobros Kirkorov in Sochi. In confirmation of his words, he expressed his readiness to pass the DNA test. "My mom told me that I was born after her stormy novel, which happened many years ago in Sochi, with the father of Philip Kirkorov Pobros. So I think: maybe I already have to go to TV and tell your story? I'm even a DNA test ready to do To test your assumptions! From childhood I feel that people with Philip - people in the blood. For some reason, I wanted to be with him next to him and look like him. Somehow, at a personal meeting, asked what his footage he had. It turned out As with me, the 44th. And the growth, as it turned out, with Phil the same - meter ninety-two! "," said Matveyev.

In response: "First, I don't know this person. Secondly, in Sochi I met my wife Victoria, there was no other novels in this city ... I loved one woman. I did not change my wife to left I didn't go. I think this guy wants to make PR on a famous last name. Today I called a lot from television, offered to go to the program, make a DNA test. Similar conversations insult my wife's memory. "

Figios of Pobros Kirkorov:

2009 - save yourself. Larisa Mondrus (documentary)
2010 - New Year's Shats

Pobros Kirkorov songs:

Alyosha (in a duet with Philip Kirkorov)
Spring snow (in a duet with Lyudmila Baklanov)
Unlocking crickets
Loek-Lyuk (in a duet with Balagan Limited)
The world without you
My peers (Orchestra of Sofia Radio running T. Rusheva)
My Bulgaria (Bulgarian Yaz.)
My love
My country
Not a bush currant me the symbol of the Motherland
One wife
Song about father
Love song
Help me, neighbor
Russian eye
Old tango
Fate Majaka.
Suliko (in a duet from Tamara Gverdcitel)
Mysterious ticket
Thorn (Italian Yaz.)
Traviatta (in a duet with Marie Kirkorov, Italian Yaz.)
You are my song
Horo (Bulgarian Yaz.)
I was looking for a loved one
I love you, Russia!
Flowers (Armenian Yaz.)
Guarda Che Luna! (Italian Yaz.)
Love Song (Italian Yaz.)
L'Immensita (Italian Yaz.)
Mamma (in a duet with Philip Kirkorov, Italian Yaz.)

Last Sunday Philip Kirkorov Arrived in Bulgaria on a private plane. The singer is scheduled for the tour of the five cities of the country: Ruse, Varna, Plovdiv, Burgas and Sofia.

Together with the artist, 85-year-old Father Kirkorov Pobros Filippovich, 72-year-old aunt Marie, as well as five-year-old children, Alla Victoria and Martin, went on the trip.

The king of the Russian pop does not forget his second homeland. Philip was born in Varna, and in numerous interviews, Bulgarian editions stressed more than once that she was trying to come with concerts in Bulgaria every 2-3 years.

The artist has published a video from an airplane in Instagram, in which children are still transplanted from place to place, unable to decide what they want. First, the star dad offers Martin to decide on his desires. Then Philip is briefly finishes the discussion: "deal with yourself".

Many fans criticized the behavior of Kirkorov, who is watching his smartphone all the time: "Philip is sitting in Inste ...", "Dad not to children. The phone is more important, "" Philip Kids is better than the phone ... will grow scatter "," Pape is once, dad in Instagram "," I hope he is not constantly indifferent to children "(spelling and punctuation of authors here and further saved. - Note Ed. ).

However, most subscribers approved the upbringing of children and the style of communication with them Kirkorov: "You can watch infinitely, the perfect family", "such a cute dad and children treats how well the dad must be like that", "correctly said, let them decide among themselves." , "Filipp decent father and artist! And the children are the indicator of this! Well done! This shows that the upbringing of children depends primarily from the education of parents, "what obedient kids. Super upbringing well done Filip. Super dad. "

Alla Victoria and Martin

Upon arrival in Sofia Alla Victoria and Martin, together with the star dope, took part in the first in their lives of a press conference at his second homeland.

Philip Kirkorov told reporters that it is planning to show the children a monument to Alya in Plovdiv.

Also, the artist was cordially thanked Bulgaria and its inhabitants for a warm welcome and promised to highlight the concerts as much as possible.

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Alla Victoria, Martin and Philip Kirkorov at a press conference. Gallery out of 10 photos

In addition to the colorful show "I", the artist brought three new female fragrances to Bulgaria: "Revelation", "Passion" and "patience", issued under the brand "I - Philip Kirkorov".

Author's perfume, specially published for the anniversary tour photo album, a collection of two CDs and lyrics, as well as the exclusive collection of all Kirkorov show programs will be offered to the audience at the singer's concerts.

In the Bulgarian press of Kirkorov called "Growling Bunter" (Bunny Buntar), remembering its non-standard costumes and bright concert programs.

Video report of Kirkorov from the first concert in Ruse

Yesterday, the artist with his family arrived in Varna, where he was born 50 years ago. Philippe walked with Martin and Alla Victoria in the Primorsky Park, drove them on the carousel, entertained by other children's attractions, and also showed the heirs to the central part of the hometown.

At this concert in the sea capital it is planned to be awarded to Kirkorov's diplomas "Honorary Citizen Varna". The title is assigned to the artist on July 21 with the wording: "For an indisputable contribution to the popularization of Varna and Bulgaria in the world."

In one of the previous visits to Bulgaria, the artist confessed that she tries to be in his homeland no more than two or three years. "I would not like to become weekdays, I want to feel and perceived as a holiday. A holiday cannot happen every day. "

Philip Kirkorov, being an honorary guest of the contest of young performers "New Wave" in Sochi, in one of the interviews let the tear and told that the father's house in the private sector of the Bulgarian Varna, where the singer had a happy childhood, demolished. And on this place, they were nimbled by new buildings, the portal said.

Philip Kirkorov. Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / Global Look

Just the other day, he will go on a tour of several cities of Bulgaria. The final will be a concert in Sofia, where "Countrymen will give me this high award," said the singer and added that it was for him "

Philip Kirkorov, being an honorary guest of the contest of young performers "New Wave" in Sochi, in one of the interviews let the tear and told that the father's house in the private sector of the Bulgarian Varna, where the singer had a happy childhood, demolished. And on this place, they were nimbled by new buildings, the portal

Philip Kirkorov. Photo: Global Look Press / Komsomolskaya Pravda

"I dream of our little rustic house on the outskirts of Varna. The garden, chickens - all this was in my life. True, the house of my childhood, to great regret, no longer - he was demolished and in his place built an elite high-rise building. Yes, and the area, For which I ran a boy, is no longer the outskirts of Varna, "Kirkorov complained, adding that his childhood city had grown in recent years.

To the question of journalists that, maybe on this newest building, place a sign with words, they say, "the popular Russian and Bulgarian pop singer Philip Kirkorov was born and grown and grew up," the king of pop music was displeased.

"I went crazy? I'm still alive!" - cut off Kirkorov. At the same time, it did not fail to praise that quite recently he was awarded the title "Honorary Resident of Varna".

Just the other day, he will go on a tour of several cities of Bulgaria. And "at the final concert in Sofia Countrymen, I will give me this high award," said the singer.

This year, pop king marks the 50th anniversary. For the anniversary year, Philip managed not only to bring children's 5-year-old Allo-Victoria and Martin to the scene - and give a series of concerts throughout Russia, but also to bring the show "I" to my native Bulgaria. Heirs accompany dad on a trip. Praise behind them helps aunt singer Marie and Pope Pobros. Starkit spent a day with Kirkorov's family in Varna.


Philip with natives stopped in a residential complex on the coast - there at the artist, a two-story penthouse with a view of the sea. "We wake up early," says Kirkorov "Starkit". - I go to the kids - Alla Victoria and Martin's own rooms. Marie rises before everyone, prepares breakfast, then helps the kids to dress, clean the teeth, together with nanny covers on the table. It is surely fresh fruits, vegetables - straight with beds, fragrant, without nitrates. We love cereal, cheese with children. To the sea on foot and three minutes.

"There is a beautiful golden sand beach, - continues Philip. - But this time we almost did not bathe. Alla Victoria has bothered, and Martin from solidarity and sister did not ask for water. "

Instead, the children rode on the embankment on scooters, collected seashells. "They argued who would find more, so they brought a whole bag home," the singer smiles. - crushed close to me, grandfather, tet Marie, nanny. They are good for me, please all around. "


The concerts of Philip in Bulgaria take place every two days. Children also drive with dad at rehearsals - get used to the new hall.

"Alla-Victoria and Martin prepared their own room - they perform a" bunny "," says Philip. - And I can't make them, I do not persuade, I just ask: "Do you want to go to the stage today or not?" In Varna Alla-Victoria said that very much. And Martin sister supported. "

After the rehearsal, the singer with his daughter and her son rolled on the ferris wheel, cars, train, shot in a dash. "The kids always ask me to be with them," the artist smiles. "So I also fall into childhood." On the road from one entertainment to another Alla-Victoria and Martin treated ice cream, sweet cotton and corn. The park everyone left satisfied and painted from positive emotions. Before the concert, Philip allows himself a little rest - to build half an hour - an hour, children put on a longer - kids sleep two hours.


On the speech, the family goes in full. Kirkorov always carries with them about 10 suitcases, and without taking into account concert costumes: they ride separately five wagons with decorations and equipment. Alla Victoria also does not lag behind, sometimes going to the event longer than Pope.

"The daughter as a true lady took five suitcases of dresses with him," the singer laughs. "She is a real princess - loves to try out the outfits in front of the mirror, trying different hairstyles, I let her make a little makeup. Martin, I understand, looking at my sister, also fashionable, but it can be seen that it is not so interesting for him. "

20:00 - 23:15

Alla Victoria and Martin and Martin concert were looking at the hall - along with the grandfather and aunt Marie. The singer talked a lot with the audience in Bulgarian, told stories about his hometown, as he grew up here, which knows all the streets ... In one day he even went to the one where he used to be a father. I remembered how once ran in the courtyard with friends, rode a bike. Duet with dad povero and in his honor Philip fulfilled the legendary Guarda Che Luna in Varna.

Naturally, by the end of the show, the scene was drowning in the colors, and the packed lounge was exploded with ovations. "All bouquets I take with me," says Philip. - Part I give girls from the team, the rest are placed around the apartment in the vases. Children fans also make gifts: paintings, toys, outfits that sew their own hands. "

After the singer, together with the heirs went for a walk along the sea coast.

"It's so that emotions have a little smaller," confess to Kirkorov. - Before bedtime, I always whole children, sometimes I read a fairy tale - usually makes Aunt Marie. If they ask, let me allow for a short time to watch cartoons on Ipad - "Well, wait!", "Tom and Jerry", "Beauty and the Beast", "Aladdin". Self in the night I love to extract news on the Internet, spend on social networks or include some easy movie on TV. "

Philip Kirkorov was born in Bulgaria. But since childhood he lived with his parents in Moscow.

His parents are creative people. Father Pobros Kirkorov - Bulgarian singer, lives in Bulgaria. Mother Philip - Victoria Kirkorov was leading concerts. Sister of Father - Aunt Marie - Opera Singer.

Path to glory and recognition of viewers

Philip always studied well, he studied music at a music school, and then he entered the music school of the name of Gnesins to the Music Comedy Department and in 1988 he successfully graduated from him.

Sings Philip Kirkorov

But already in 1985, Philip was a member of the program "Shiry Circle". In 1987, he met Ilya Rubnik-poet songwriter. I.Sernik rendered Philip Kirkorov support and help one of the first.

Philip Kirkorov at the concert

And in 1988, Kirkorov meets Alla Pugacheva and receives an invitation to participate in the "Christmas evenings". In the same year, he meets with the poet Leonid Derbenhev, who writes for him the songs that have become His Hangs: "You, you, you", "Antlantida" and many others.

Philip sings on Bulgarian

Every year Philip participated in the festival "Song of the Year". He is filmed in the cinema, participates in the musicals, writes music, is producer. It has a huge variety of awards in contests, the "song of the year", the "best singer of the year", the "Ovation" premium for the best program and many more well-deserved awards and recognition signs.

Kumir viewers

He has the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, the Ingush and Chechen Republic, the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Kirkorov is recognized as the most popular performer in the Russian Federation.

Kirkorov and ballet group

Today, Philip Kirkorov speaks with its concert programs and is engaged in producing.

In Bulgaria with concerts, Philip Kirkorov was in 2012. And now he is again in his native Bulgaria with his new program. Here he has four concerts: in Burgas (June 28), in Varna (June 30), in Veliko Tarnovoy (July 3), in Sofia (5yul).

Speech by Philip Kirkorov in Varna

In Varna, the tickets of Philip Kirkorov were bought tickets for a month and a half before the concert. We considered the days and anticipate pleasant moments, because in Russia there are far from everyone to listen to the songs of Kirkorov could get to his concerts, especially if you live in Moscow, but, say in Krasnoyarsk, like me.

Kirkorov in Varna

The concert took place in the Varna Summer, an open theater that did not fit all those wishing to visit the concert, they listened to him outside the theater, and the most clever of them, climbed onto the lattice and reported to everyone what was happening on the scene.

Speech 2014.

The 2014 concert program was created by Kirkorov himself. Everything is thought out here, new technologies are used, a magnificent design selection, a video demonstration on huge screens, wonderful reception, various special effects. Everything changed on the stage quickly and brightly.

It is impossible not to celebrate the ballet group of beautiful young guys and girls! Their work caused special attention and admiration. Everything is great and beautiful!

According to experts - this program is the best of the Kirkorov programs created by Philipp.

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