The image and characteristic of Arthur Gray in the lead-extramonie "Scarlet Sails" A. Green: description of childhood, appearance, character (Arthur Gray)

The image and characteristic of Arthur Gray in the lead-extramonie "Scarlet Sails" A. Green: description of childhood, appearance, character (Arthur Gray)

Perhaps to no less than Gray, Assol inspires faith in success, bearing good luck. Two people were getting in the soul of Gray. And in the soul of Assol lived two associate, "mixed in wonderful wonderful misfortune." One was a daughter of a sailor, an artisan, a skiing toy toys, sewing diligently, shaking, wash the floors. Another one, that Green called the living poem "with all the wonders of his consonance and images," herself was the embodiment of poetry. Tremble and worried, lived asol waiting for a miracle. And in this reciprocity of shadows and light, in this beautiful misfortune was, like Graya, his own correctness, was inherent in both of the high art to transform the world, to inspire many amazing discoveries of "essential-thin", "inexpressible", "but important, As purity and warmth. " Everything that Assol has seen around himself, everything that lived, became "lace secrets in the image of everyday life." The most sound of her name, as strange and unusual for hearing, foreshadowed a meeting with a creature, not like others. What is the source of the charm of Assol? Green is not going to ask us mysteries to this matter. So much in her soul of purity, immediacy, naturalness, such a willingness to see the world through the eyes in which there is nothing adult, - the big eyes of a child, which, together with her, we penetrate the expectation of excellent unknown. To my friend, the coalsel of Philip, the Assol inspiredly promises that one day, when Philip will fill its carbon basket, it will turn into a fragrant bush. And Philip and really begins to see that the kidneys crawled out of the old rods and splashed the leaves on the basket. Through and worrying, surrounded by an associate ashore, tensely looking out on the horizon a white ship with a scarlet sail. And we, too, without believing that we believe, wait for his appearance. "These minutes were happiness for her," Green wrote about his heroine, "it's hard for us to go to a fairy tale, it would be no less difficult to get out of her power and charm." And what a celebration above prose, rude, one-dimensional, flat and philistine idea of \u200b\u200blife, deprived of any flight of fantasy, is experiencing with its heroes by the author of the book, when in front of shocked kaperna residents suddenly arises a ship with those sails whose name so far pore sounded like mockery. The heroine of "Scarlet sails" at one time seemed to some critics of the book of the character although poetic, but passive, lackless. This reprocess of Green was addressed more than once. Is he just true? Gayu is given forces, opportunities, a desire to bring to life the dream associate. But remember that no one else, as an associate and inspired Grahae on his act! Assol helped Gray to understand one unaccompanious truth. Understand it in it: it is necessary to make so-called miracles with their own hands. And maybe that's why Gray and did not want anyone else, except for the associate. The image and characteristic of the Assol The second main character in the story is presented by Artur Gray, who was born in a rich family, and he had her own dream - to become captain and he became. At the age of 15, he went to the ship with a simple sailor and during the time of swimming time captain of the ship taught Arthur to different maritime sciences. After four years of swimming, returning home, Arthur took the major amount of money from his parents to acquire his own ship. And from now on, he walked around the seas and the oceans captain. And once, during his next trip, Arthur was met by Assol, who he really liked. And having learned about her dream, he decided and fulfilled her.

Artur Gray is one of the main heroes of the work written by Alexander Green, "Scarlet Sails".

Throughout the work, the appearance of Gray changes. First, he appears in front of the reader Jung with small hands and a girlish appearance. Then he turns into a wide and muscular young man, and the pallor is replaced by a tan. Speech from shy, turns into a brief and accurate.

Born and lived Arthur in the castle. His parents were high. Father held the position of a noble official. Hey loved and all encouraged him. Wealth did not spoil the hero's soul of the story. He started friendship with the employees of the castle, not paying any attention to the amount. He does not like excessive mother's guard. He possessed a very persistent character, and it only went to him.

Gray is a purposeful and able to think the guy. In his eyes they reflected shine. It was some kind of mystery. He is very peculiar. Gray possessed a "flying" soul. He wanted a miracle and feats. Walked around the sea he is pleasure, and not for the sake of profit. His character was calm. Gray hid his experience for the mask of composure. He rises against cruelty. Another child, seeing the portrait of Christ, he paints wounds on the body of an elder. The hero is always in terms of plan, clearly and deliberately. Gray is the owner of an inexhaustible energy and a big fantasy.

The main character fell in love with the sea, the future is a completely child. The continents, ships, the ocean is his life. The dream to become captain took possession of them from eleven years. In fifteen years, running out of the house, he comes to Jung on the ship. Quite quickly, Gray mastered his business. He bought the ship and scored the team. Sailors respected him and understood literally with a half-clow.

On the evening fishing Gray noticed a girl. Called her asol. A young man, finding out that the girl dreams of a knight on scarlet sails, decided to fulfill a dream. Feel in love with asol, Gray wanted to marry her. Now he hurried ashore. A young man bought scarlet silk, ordered musicians, warned sailors. Everything came out as the asol dreamed. Such an act speaks about him as a romance. He became happy himself and agreed asol.

Option 2.

In the story "Scarlet Sails", the main character - Arthur, rich and notable, the only child in the family. Lives in a huge beautiful palace. But in his head there was his own world, his idea of \u200b\u200bsuch as he needs to live. He is alien to him all, he does not accept his position, his status. He loved to dream and already in eight years presented himself with a knight or an adventure crawler. And when I saw in the picture of Christ, he immediately painted the carnations and wounds on the hands of an endalist, because I thought it was all good.

The fate of the boy has changed dramatically at twelve years. Gray discovered a picture with a beautiful huge ship depicted on the sea. And from now on, he has a dream - to be a sailor. Over time, everything happened. For several years, he was at sea along with the captain Hop, who taught all the sea tricks, and bought his own Galiot and called him "secret." But the will was so given that Arthur sailed to the city of Liss, where the village of Kaperna was nearby. And in the evening, during fishing, inadvertently discovered a beautiful sleeping assoller and immediately loved her.

Having learned from the locals that his beloved became famous for how crazy, since he also, being a child, dreamed of a shyman Knight on a steamer from scarlet sails, the young man decided to hit the girl. I bought a lot of good, the right color, high-quality silk, hired an orchestra and reported on the suggestion of the alleged action by the sailors that were on his ship. He said that he wanted to marry that this is his life, and from his words turned to actions, which showed the whole young man brave and faithful. The girl was very glad when her desire came true. She did not think for a second that everything should be as it is. So, Arthur, having rejoicing his beloved, and himself acquired his happiness.

Writing characteristic Gray Grade 6

The very famous work of A. Green "Scarlet Sails". A very interesting work that simply fascinates with its plot and romanticity. It turns out that in spite of anyone, you need to be able to dream and believe in your dreams, then they may begin to come true. The main characters whom are Assol and Gray. Arthur Gray grew up in a rich family, was well brought up. He was very kind to everything. I knew how to stand on my own, very active and harmful. It was smart enough.

Since childhood, he grew up in the castle, in a good, loving family. His dream was captain. He was very fearless and decisive. He had a distinctive feature - a lively soul, he is very dreamable. Since childhood he did not like to sit in the walls of the castle. He did not want to be among the rules of etiquette and family values. The boy with all the souls seeks to get to the sea and fulfill a dream. Being quite another child, he still remains against cruelty.

When he saw a picture on which Jesus was depicted, he decided that it was wrong, and crushed nails in the picture. When he was fifteen years old, he fears with the captain on the ship in Dali Sea. The captain was able to teach him a lot during his departure. After, Gay's own Galiot appeared, called the secret. The guy was very bold, purposeful and sincere.

Gray wandered around the sea for a very long time. Once he abandoned him to the shore of a certain city. The city had a Liss name. There was a village nearby. And there he met a sleeping girl. She really liked Gray, his beauty and mystery. Called its associate. From the inhabitants, he learned that the girl is considered abnormal, because she always lived in dreams and dreamed of a knight, who sails on the ship from scarlet sails. She lived a legend about the ship and beautiful knight, some magic and a mystery came from her, she still believed in it.

Gray decided that he wanted to surprise this girl. And for this it was smart enough, I understood the hard truth that could be realized to a fairy tale. He was well prepared for their meeting, bought a lot of silk, red, called musicians. His ability to respond to the words spoke and embody them in reality very much came in handy in this. When the dream Assol was fulfilled, she was insanely happy. She always believed in her dream and knew what would happen exactly and in no way. Gray embodied the fairy tale, which she dreamed of a reality all his life. Thus, Gray found his happiness.

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If Caesar found that it was better to be the first in the village than the second in Rome, Arthur Gray could not envy Caesar with respect to his wise desire. He was born captain, wanted to be him and became him. A huge house in which Gray was born, was glooming inside and majestic outside. Flower bed and part of the park were adjacent to the front facade. The best varieties of tulips are silver-blue, purple and black with a pink shadow - wriggled in the lawn lines whimsally abandoned necklaces. The old trees of the park dreamed in a scattered sewer over the crew of a winding stream. Castle fence, as it was a real castle, consisted of twisted cast iron pillars connected by iron pattern. Each pillar ended at the top of the magnificent cast-iron lily; These bowls on solemn days were filled with oil, dusting in a night darkness with an extensive fiery building. Father and Gray's mother were the arrogant slaves of their position, wealth and laws of the society, in relation to which "we" could say. Part of their soul, engaged in the gallery ancestors, little worthy of the image, the other part - the imaginary continuation of the gallery - began to live a little bit like a well-known plan to live life and die so that his portrait could be hanged on the wall without prejudice to the family honor. In this regard, a small mistake was made: Arthur Gray was born with a living soul, a completely unclear continued the line of the family inscription. This liveliness, this perfect perversion of the boy began to affect the eighth year of his life; Type of a knight of bizarre impressions, seeker L Wonderworker, i.e., a man who took from countless diversity of life roles the most dangerous and touching - the role of Providence, came in Ghea, when, putting a stool to the stack to get a picture of the crucifix, he He took out nails from the bloody hands of Christ, that is, simply smeared their blue paint kidnapped by Malar. In this form, he found a more demolished picture. Personalized by a kind of occupation, he began to lure and feet crucified, but was caught by his father. The old man took off the boy from the chair behind the ears and asked: - Why did you spoil the picture? - I did not spoil. - This is the work of the famous artist. "I don't care," said Gray. "I can't allow me to stick out of the hands of nails and flowed blood, I don't want it." In response, Lionel Gray's son is answered, a smile under Usami, he learned himself and did not impose punishment. Gray tirelessly studied the castle, making amazing discoveries. So, in the attic, he found steel knightly trash, books intertwined in iron and skin, exilets and hordes of pigeons. In the cellar where wine was kept, he received interesting information about the Lafita, Maders, Herez. Here, in a muddy light of pointed windows, attached by oblique triangles of stone archives, stood small and large barrels; The biggest, in the form of a flat circle, occupied the entire transverse wall of the cellar, a centenary Dark Oak barrel glanced as polished. Among the barrels stood in a wicker baskets auboye bottles of green and blue glass. On the stones and on the earthly floor they grew gray mushrooms with thin legs; Everywhere - mold, moss, dampness, sour suffocating smell. A huge web was golden in the far corner, when, in the evening, the sun looked out for her last beam. In one place, two bodies of the best Alicante were buried, which existed during Cromwell, and the burial, pointing to Gay on an empty corner, did not miss the case to repeat the history of the famous grave, in which the dead man lay, more lively than a floccaster. Starting the story, the narrator did not forget to try whether the crane acts a big barrel, and left him, apparently, with a lightweight heart, since the involuntary tears are too strong joy glittered in his jourish eyes. "Well, that's what," said Faldishok Gray, sitting on an empty drawer and stuffing a sharp nose tobacco, "Do you see this place?" There is such a wine, for which not one drunkard would agree to cut his tongue if he had been allowed to suffice a small cup. In each barrel one hundred liters of a substance blowing the soul and converting the body into a fixed dough. Its color is darker cherry, and it will not flow from the bottle. It is thick, like good cream. It is concluded in the barrels of the black tree, strong, like iron. They have double wrap of red copper. On the hoops, Latin inscription: "I will drink Gray, when it will be in paradise." This inscription was interpreted so extensively and disseminated that your great-grandfather, Highway Simeon Gray, built a cottage, called her "paradise", and thus thought to agree on the mysteriousness with reality by innocent wit. But what do you think? He died, as soon as they began to knock off the hoops, from the heartbroken, "the tagged old man was worried. Since then, the barrel does not touch this. The conviction arose that the precious wine would bring misfortune. In fact, such a riddle did not ask the Egyptian Sphinx. True, he asked one sage: - "Did I eat you, how to eat everyone? Tell the truth, you will stay alive, "but also that, on a mature reflection ... - It seems that again drove from the crane, - interrupted himself to the Polandischok, indulging in the corner, where, strengthened the crane, returned with an open, bright face. - Yes. Well judge, and most importantly, not in a hurry, the sage could say the Sphinx: - "Let's go, the brother, let's drink, and you will forget about these nonsense." "I will drink Gray, when will be in paradise"! How to understand? Will drink when it dies, or what? Strange. Consequently, he is holy, therefore, it does not drink or wine or simple vodka. Suppose that "paradise" means happiness. But if the question is so raised, every happiness will lose half of his shiny feathers, when the Waithell will sincerely ask himself: Is it he paradise? That's the thing. To get a drink with a light heart from such a barrel and laugh, my boy, well laugh, you need to stand one foot on Earth, the other - in the sky. There is another third assumption: that someday Gray is added to the blissful-paradise state and boldly devastated her leg. But this, the boy would not be the fulfillment of the prediction, but the restaurant ride. Making sure once again in good condition of the crane of a big barrel, the Polandishok focused and grimitally ended: - These barrels brought in 1793 by your ancestor, John Gray, from Lisbon, on the Beagle ship; Two thousand gold piastra were paid for wine. The inscription on the barrels is made by the weapon master of Veniamin Ellyan from Pondichery. The barrels are immersed in a soil of six feet and covered with ashes of grape stems. No one drank this wine, did not try and will not try. "I will drink it," said Gray once, fusing his foot. - Here is a brave young man! - I noticed the Polandishok. - Do you drink it to heaven? - Sure. Here is a paradise! .. Does he see me? - Gray laughed softly, open his little hand. Gentle, but the solid outlines of the palm illuminated the sun, and the boy squeezed his fingers into the fist. - Here he is here! .. then, then there is no ... Saying this, he opened it, then he squeezed his hand and finally, satisfied with his joke, ran out, ahead of the Polandishok, along the gloomy staircase in the corridor of the lower floor. Visiting the kitchen was strictly revealed by Grahi, but once he discovered this amazing, the world of foci of the world of steam, soot, hissing, bubbles of boiling liquids, knocking knives and delicious smells, the boy diligently visited a huge room. In the harsh silence, like priests, moved the chef; Their white caps on the background of blackened walls gave work the nature of the solemn service; Cheerful, thick dishwasher at barrels with water soap dishes, ringing porcelain and silver; Boys, flexing under weight, made baskets, full fish, oysters, crayfish and fruit. There on a long table lay rainbow pheasants, gray ducks, motley chickens; there is a pork carcass with a short tail and infant eyes closed; There - turnip, cabbage, nuts, blue raisins, tanned peaches. In the kitchen Gray a little Roblast: it seemed to him that all the dark forces were moving here, the power of which is the main spring of the castle's life; The coolers sounded as a team and spell; Movement of working, thanks to a long skill, acquired that distinct, miser accuracy, which seems to be inspiration. Gray was not still so high to take a look at the largest pan, like Vesuvi's biggest, but felt special respect for her; He looked with a thrill, as two maids turn her; The smoky foam, and the couple rising from the sheep slab, splashed on the stove, filled with the kitchen. Since the fluid splashed so much that she scalked her hand with one girl. The skin was instantly blushed, even the nails became red from the tide of blood, and Betsy (so called the maid), crying, rubbed the injured places. Tears were uncontrollably rolled through her round frightened face. Gray froze. While other women were closed near Betsy, he experienced a feeling of acute alien suffering that could not experience himself. - Does it hurt you? - he asked. "Try, you find out," Betsey answered, covering his hand to the apron. Frowning eyebrows, the boy climbed into the stool, he threw a long spoonful of hot clasi (to say by the way, it was a soup with lamb) and splashed to the fold of the brush. The impression was not weak, but weakness from severe pain caused him to shaken. Pale like Gray flour approached Betsy, having laid a burning hand in a panties panties. "It seems to me that it hurts you," he said, silent about his experience. - Let's go, Betsy, to the doctor. Let's go! He diligently pulled her for a skirt, while supporters of home remedies handed the maid of saving recipes. But the girl, very tormented, went with Gray. The doctor softened the pain, imposing a dressing. Only after Betsy went away, the boy showed his hand. This insignificant episode made twenty-year-old Betsy and the Ten Grahae True Friends. She snapped his pockets with pies and apples, and he told her fairy tales and other stories consolidated in their books. Once he learned that Betsy could not marry Jim's groom, for they have no money to acquire the economy. Gray broke his porcelain piggy bank to the manpipes and looked out everything from there, which was about a hundred pounds. Having stuck early when the idleness retired to the kitchen, he sneaked into her room and, stuck a gift in the girl's chest, covered him with a short note: "Betsy, it's yours. The leader of the hammer robbers Robin Hood. " The stir, caused in the kitchen of this story, took such dimensions that Gray was supposed to confess in herbs. He did not take money back and did not want to talk more about it. His mother was one of those natures that life casts in the finished form. She lived in a half-hour security providing for every desire of the ordinary soul, so she did not have anything to do anything, to consult with the dressmakers, Dr. and Poleela. But passionate, almost religious attachment to his strange child was, it is necessary to assume that the only valve of those of her inconsistencies chlorized upbringing and fate, which no longer live, but vaguely roam, leaving the will inactive. A noble lady resembled Pava, surcedid a swan egg. She painfully felt the excellent saint's outcome; sadness, love and constituent filled it when she pressed the boy to his chest, where the heart spoken other than the language, habitually reflecting the conditional forms of relationships and mental. So the cloud effect, bizarily constructed by sunlight, penetrates the symmetric situation of the treated building, damping its banal advantages; The eye sees and does not recognize the premises: the mysterious shades of light among the poverty are creating a dazzling harmony. A noble lady, whose face and figure seemed to be answered only by ice silence with fiery voices of life, whose thin beauty rather repelled than attracted, because in it there was a passing effort of will, devoid of feminine attraction, - this Lilian Gray, staying alone with a boy , was made a simple mom who spoken by a loving, meek tone, the very heart trifles, which you do not pass on the paper - their power in the feeling, not in themselves. She could not resolutely in any way to deny the son. She said goodbye to him: stay in the kitchen, aversion to lessons, disobedience and numerous quirks. If he did not want to carry the trees, the trees remained intact, if he requested to forgive or reward anyone, the interested party knew that it would be so; He could ride any horse, take any dog \u200b\u200bin the castle; Running in the library, run barefoot and is that he will do. His father fought for some time with this, but lost - not the principle, but the desire of his wife. He limited himself to the remote from the castle of all children of employees, fearing that, thanks to the low society, the whim of the boy turns into a tendency, difficult to eradicate. In general, he was all-consuming engaged in countless birth processes, the beginning of which was lost in the era of the occurrence of paper factories, and the end - in the death of all klauseniks. In addition, public affairs, destination, dictation of memoirs, trips of the parade hunt, reading newspapers and a complex correspondence held it in some domestic distance from the family; Son he saw so rarely, which sometimes forgot how old he was. Thus, Gray lived in his world. He played one - usually on the rear courtyards of the castle that had a battle in the old days. These extensive waste, with the remnants of high RVs, with overgrown with moss stone cellars, were full of bungyan, nettle, reurenik, terns and modest-dye wild flowers. Grey climers remained here, exploring the holes of Krotov, fighting with the bungyan, having sleaking the butterflies and the building from the brick scrap of fortress, which bombarded with sticks and cobblestone. He was already the twelfth year, when all the hints of His soul, all the scattered features of the Spirit and the shades of secret gusts were connected in one strong moment and, having received a slender expression became an indomitable desire. Prior to that, he would only find individual parts of his garden - a lumen, shadow, flower, a dense and magnificent trunk - in a variety of gardens of others, and suddenly saw them clearly, everything is in a beautiful, affecting compliance. It happened in the library. Its high door with muddy glass above was usually locked, but the latch of the castle weakly held in the nest of the sash; A pressed hand, the door came out, satisted and revealed. When the spirit of the study made Gray penetrate the library, he was struck by the dusty light, all the power and feature of which was the color pattern of the upper part of the window glasses. The silence of abandonment was here as pond water. The dark rows of bookcases were adjacent to the windows, towing them halfway, between the closames were the passages dodged with piles of books. There is a disclosed album with slipped internal sheets, there are a scroll tied with a golden cord; feet of the book of the sullen view; Thick layers of manuscripts, a mound of miniature tomiks, who have risen as the bark, if they were revealed; Here - drawings and tables, ranks of new editions, cards; A variety of bindings, coarse, gentle, black, motley, blue, gray, thick, thin, rough and smooth. The cabinets were tightly naked with books. They seemed like the walls that entered into their lives in their most meters. In the reflections of the scale glasses, other cabinets were visible, covered with colorless shiny spots. A huge globe, enclosed in the copper spherical cross of the Equator and Meridian, stood on a round table. Wrapped to the exit, Gray saw a huge picture over the door, immediately keeping his filled stuffing library. The picture depicted a ship shutting on the crest of the marine shaft. Jet foam glasses on its slope. He was depicted in the last moment of take-off. The ship went straight to the viewer. Highly rising Bugshprit flashed the base of the mast. A shaft comb, melted by ship keel, reminded the wings of a giant bird. Foam rushed into the air. Sails, foggy visible due to the baboards and above the bugshprit, full of the storm's full strength, were hung all the huge back so that, going over the shaft, straighten, and then, leaning over the abyss, hurry the vessel to new avalanches. Torn clouds low tremble over the ocean. Dull light was doomed to fought with the impending darkness of the night. But the figure of a man standing on the tank with his back to the viewer was wonderful in this picture. She expressed all the position, even the nature of the moment. Pose of a man (he put his legs, waving his hands) nothing actually said that he was busy, but forced to assume extreme tensions of attention facing something on the deck, an invisible viewer. Wrapped floors of its caftan were treated by the wind; White braid and black sword stretched into the air; The richness of the costume showed a captain in it, the dancing position of the body - the shaft wave; Without a hat, he was, apparently, absorbed in a dangerous moment and shouted - but what? Did he see how the man falls over the board, did you order to turn on another a galks or, drowning the wind, called the Boatswain? Not thoughts, but the shadows of these thoughts grew up in the soul of Gray, while he looked at the picture. Suddenly it seemed to him that the left came, becoming near, unknown invisible; It was worth turning his head as a bizarre sensation would have disappeared without a trace. Gray knew it. But he did not pay off the imagination, but listened. A silent voice cried out several broken phrases, incomprehensible, like the Malay language; There was noise as if long collaps; Echo and the gloomy wind filled the library. All this Gray heard inside him. He looked around: instantly stuck silence scattered a sonorous fantasy web; Communication with a storm disappeared. Gray came to watch this picture several times. She became for him the right word in a conversation soul with life, without which it is difficult to understand yourself. A great sea gradually laid in a small boy. He burned with him, swearing the library, looking for and greedily reading those books for the golden door of which the blue radiance of the ocean was opened. There, sow for feed foam, ships moved. Part of them lured sails, masts and, choking the wave, descended in the darkness of the Puchin, where the phosphoric eyes of fish flashes. Others, captured by the Buruni, beat about the reef; The fading excitement is terrible to the housing; An impersonal ship with torn gears was worried about a long agony, until the new storm spread it into sins. Third safely loaded in one port and unloaded in the other; The crew, sitting at the restaurant table, lit swimming and saw a vodka. There were still ships-pirates, with a black flag and a terrible, waving the knives by the team; Ghost ships shining a shine blue illusion; War ships with soldiers, guns and music; ships of scientific expeditions, visiting volcanoes, plants and animals; ships with gloomy mystery and riots; Opening ships and adventure ships. In this world, naturally, rose over all the figure of the captain. He was fate, soul and mind of the ship. Its character determined leisure and teamwork. The team itself was selected personally and largely answered his inclinations. He knew habits and family affairs of every person. He had in the eyes of the subordinates of magical knowledge, thanks to which it was confidently, say, from Lisbon to Shanghai, according to unwarked spaces. He reflected a storm to oppose the system of complex effort, killing panic with short orders; Float and stayed where he wanted; disposed of sailing and load, repair and recreation; Large and most intelligible power in lively, full of continuous movement, it was difficult to imagine. This power is closed and completeness equal to the authorities of Orpheus. Such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe captain, such an image and such a true reality of his position was taken by the right of mental events, the main place in the glittering consciousness of Gray. No profession, besides this, could not so well to rush into one whole treasure of life, retaining an inviolable subtle pattern of each individual happiness. Danger, risk, power of nature, Light of a distant country, a wonderful unknown, flashering love, blooming and separation; fascinating boiling meetings, persons, events; The immense variety of life, while high in the sky, the southern cross, then a bear, and all the continents - in dicky eyes, although your cabin is full of non-touching homeland with her books, paintings, letters and dry flowers, cracked silky curls in Suede Laneank on a solid chest. In the fall, on the fifteenth year of life, Arthur Gray secretly left the house and penetrated the golden gate of the sea. In speed from the port, Dubelt went to Marseille Shkun "Anselm", leaving the jungle with small hands and appearance of a disguised girl. This Jung was Gray, the owner of elegant sacry, thin, like a glove, lacquered boots and baptine linen with disinanted crowns. During the year, while Anselm visited France, America and Spain, Gray slipped part of his property on the cake, giving it a tribute to the past, and the rest - for the present and the future - lost to the cards. He wanted to be a "devilish" sailor. He, choking, drank vodka, and on the bathing, with a fooling heart, jumped into the water head down from a duplex height. Little by little, he lost everything except the main thing - his strange flying soul; He lost her weakness, becoming widely and strong muscles, the pallor replaced the dark tan, the exquisite carelessness of movements gave for a confident accuracy of the working hand, and in his thinking eyes it was reflected in the shine, like a person looking at the fire. And his speech, having lost uneven, arrogantly shy fluidity, became brief and accurate, like a blow of seagulls into a jet for trembling silver fish. The captain of Anselma was a good man, but a harsh sailor who took a boy from a kind of gloating. In the desperate desire of Graha, he saw only an eccentric whim and triumphed in advance, representing how many months later he would tell him, I avoided looking into the eyes: - "Captain Gop, I rode my elbows, crawling on gearies; My sides and the back are sick, the fingers are not infringe on, the head is cracking, and the feet are shaking. All these wet ropes are two ways on the weight of the hands; All these Leera, guys, bragile, cables, walls and salings are created on the torment of my tender body. I want to mom. " After listening to this statement mentally, the captain of the GOP held, mentally, the following speech: - "Go where you want, my chick. If a resin is stuck to your sensitive wings, you can wash her house cologne "Rose Mimosa". " This cologne cologted by Hop most of all rejoiced the captain and, by completing the imaginary reward, he repeated out loud: "Yes." Go to the "rose-mimos". Meanwhile, the impressive dialogue came to the mind of the captain more and less often, since Gray went to the goal with the sacred teeth and the pale face. He endured a restless work with a decisive voltage of the will, feeling that he is becoming easier and easier for him as a harsh ship was watched in his body, and inability was replaced by a habit. It happened that the loop of an anchor chain signed up with his legs, hitting the deck that the rope was unshamed from the hands, driving the skin with his palms that the wind beat him to the face with a wet corner of the sail with an iron ring in him, and, in short, say, All the work was torture, requiring close attention, but, no matter how hard he breathed, with difficulty flexing his back, the smile of contempt did not leave his face. He silently demolished ridicule, bullying and inevitable brand, until he became in the new sphere "his own", but from that time he had consistently answered by boxing for any insult. Once the captain of the GOP, seeing how he was masterfully knitted the sail, said himself: "Winning your side, Plut." When Gray came down on the deck, Gop called him to the cabin and, open the book, said: - Listen carefully! Throw smoking! Begins the finish of the puppy under the captain. And he began to read - or rather, speak and shout - according to the book the ancient words of the sea. It was the first grade lesson. During the year, he met navigation, practice, shipbuilding, sea law, location and accounting. Captain Hop filed his hand and said: "We". In Vancouver Grahae caught a letter of mother, full of tears and fear. He replied: "I know. But if you saw me; Look at my eyes. If you heard me: make a saccine to ear: there is noise of eternal wave; If you loved like me - everything, in your letter, I would find, besides love and check, - a smile ... "And he continued to swim until" Anselm "did not arrive with the cargo in Dubelt, from where, using the stop, twenty-year Gray went to visit the castle. Everything was the same circle; It is also indisputable in detail and in general impressions, as five years ago, only the foliage of young elms; Her pattern on the facade of the building moved and scratched. The servants who escaped to him were delighted, were entrusted and froze in the same respect, with what, as if not further as yesterday, met this Graya. He was told where mother; He walked into a high premises and, quietly sticking the door, silently stopped, looking at the disinterested woman in a black dress. She stood before crucifixion: her passionate whisper was sounded like a full heartbeat. "" On floating, traveling, suffering, suffering and captured, "I heard, Breakly breathe, Gray. Then it was said: - "And my boy ..." Then he said: - "I ..." But no longer could say anything. Mother turned around. She lost weight: in the arrogance of her subtle face, a new expression was shining, similar to his returned adolescence. She rapidly approached his son; Short chest laughter, restrained exclamation and tears in the eyes - that's all. But at that moment she lived stronger and better than in life. - "I immediately recognized you, oh, my dear, my little!" And Gray really stopped being big. He listened to his father's death, then told about himself. She did not listen without reproaches and objections, but about himself - in all that he claimed as the truth of his life, he saw only toys that her boy amused. Such toys were continents, oceans and ships. Gray stayed in the castle seven days; On the eighth day, taking a large amount of money, he returned to the double and said the captain of RPU: "Thank you. You were a kind comrade. Goodbye, Senior Comrade, "Here he secured the true meaning of this word is terrible, like a vice, handshake," now I will swim separately, on your own ship. " Gop broke out, spat, snatched his hand and went away, but Gray, dodged, hugged him. And they sat down in the hotel, all together, twenty-four people with a team, and drank, and shouted, and sang, and drank and eaten everything that was on the buffet and in the kitchen. There was still little time, and in the port of Dubelt evening star flashed over the black line of a new mast. That was "secret", bought by Graha; Three-wave galiot in two hundred sixty tons. So, the captain and owner of the ship Arthur Gray was floating another four years, until fate brought him to Liss. But he has already remembered that short breast laughter, full of cardiac music, how they met his houses, and once two a year visited the castle, leaving a woman with silver hair with a rapid confidence that such a big boy will perhaps cope with his toys.
One of the main characters of Alexander Green's story - Arthur Gray. He is a romantic, a man who managed to fulfill the dream of a good girl. The image and characteristic of warming in the story "Scarlet Sails" becomes clear after acquaintance with his childhood, character and origin.

Hero appearance

Arthur is changing outwardly as agreed. First, it is a little Jung with appearance and a girl's figure. Then it becomes wide in the bone of a man with strong muscles. The female pallor of a little graph replaced a beautiful tan. The teenage carelessness passed, there were acknowledged and accurate movements of workers. Confident young man kept the county posture and appearance. Graya has an interesting speech. Arthur is a few. The author writes that Gray says as a sea jet, where silver shimmes and tremble fish. Thoughts are accurate and brief as shocks of chas over the waves in search of mining.

Family and upbringing

The boy grows in the present castle. The son of a rich noble family, inquisitively studies everything around. The striking discoveries for him are there, where others would not see anything usual. Father is an important official in public service, mother, a housewife, called Lilian. She loved her son, did not forbid anything to him, on the contrary, encouraged his quirks.

What could require a child:

  • ride any horse;
  • take into the house of different dogs;
  • awarded him who liked him;
  • rummage among books in the library;
  • run barefoot where you want.
Gray adopted the traits of mother and father. He regretted his servant, defended the poor, did not allocate himself and did not protect himself. The boy loves to read and tell stories, fictional and books. The child grows generous, he is not sorry to part with the accumulated coins for the sake of people close to him.


The young man with a lively and trembling soul did not lose his innate individuality. Luxury, wealth did not put his imprint on his soul. He was looking for wonders and opportunities for exploits. Thinking view torturedly studied people and things. Arthur does not look like peers.

What is his difference:

Originality. Gray surprised the team with the drops of his mood. He chose unexpected directions for flights, then did long stop.

Flying souls. A permanent bird lives in his heart, which does not give the owner to blame and stop. Strange flying soul, painted by dreams.

Romantic. The young captain does not think about the profit, he walks on the sea for fun.

Outdoor calm. Gray hides all the feelings and inner experiences for external crewing. It is despicable and calm. But his rest the author compares with a sail moving in the wind quickly and smoothly.

The captain lines mentally the entire upcoming course of events, as if ahead of him. Then moves to the goal, as if plays checkers.

Captainch features of the hero

Gray fell in love with the sea as a child when he saw a ship and captain on the picture. He set him a goal and fulfilled her. Toys for the boy became the mainland, oceans and ships. At the age of 14, a boy from a rich family runs away from home and becomes a sailor. The captain of his first ship hoped that a boyish passion would dissolve as a mirage in the first months, but Gray did not refuse his goal. He, grieving his teeth, comprehended the work of the harsh life of the sailors. Returned home no longer a boy, but a sailor held. He was 20 years old. Gray's own ship called "secret." Galiot combined the team of people who were passionate about the sea.

What features are characteristic of Gray - the captain:

Honesty. "The Secret" does not deal with smuggling, all team members against the transport of prohibited goods.

Friendliness. The relationship between members as in a large, but friendly family, where everyone respect and understand each other.

Business suit. Gray does everything thoughtlessly, not in a hurry, clearly according to plan.

Discipline. The captain demands from himself and team members of order, accuracy, discipline.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story - miracles need to do with their own hands. Gray embodies a children's fairy tale in reality, an associate dream. He reveals spirituality and kindness of his heart. The fairy tale instills hope for the love of many girls is not one century.

To tell about the most famous work of A. Green will be difficult without a description of hearing from "Scarlet sails". He, like Assol, the main character of this work. With the girl they are very similar: both are strangers in their surroundings, and both live waiting for a fairy tale, dreams. But if the associate is simply waiting, then Arthur himself the blacksmith of his future happiness.

Childhood Gray

The image of heating from the "scarlet sails" is ambiguous and unusual. The boy was born and rose in a notable rich family. But among the family values \u200b\u200band the shackles of the etiquette, it is terribly uncomfortable and boring. He seeks to nature, and there, as well as Assol, creates his fabulous world, full of adventures and mysteries. It does not find places in the world of adults, until once sees a picture with a ship and captain. From this point on, the boy with all the souls to strive for the sea, studying it in the old dusty books of the old library.

Young Buntar

From early childhood Arthur - Buntar. He rises against cruelty, against the boring walls of the castle, against excessive guardianship and mother and captain of the hop. But his brightest riot - against ordinaryness. In the fox, having learned about the prediction of the associate, decides to embody her a fairy tale in the life of Arthur Gray. Scarlet sails and his desire to surprise and charm the girl become a real uprising against the gray days of the town, in which they do not know how to tell fairy tales or dream.

Gray and Sea

Characteristic Gray from the work of "Scarlet Sails" is the main qualities: it is noble and dare, romanticized and purposeful, sincerely and faithful to his ideals. But there is another distinguishing feature of his character: a rule stand on your own. In his aspirations Arthur unshakable. This manifests itself when he is in the castle, he declares that he will drink wine with a strange inscription, which cares for several decades. The strength of the Spirit, a completely unusual fifteen-year-old worried boy, shows Gray on the ship of Captain Gopa, that he took it for fun and was stunned by its resistance and inner power. And finally, seeing the Assol and learning a strange prediction, he, by all means, decides to make it a Jaw.

Gray and Assol

In the story of "Scarlet Sails" hero Gray acts as a good wizard in the life of Assol, the first - Egle - gave her a dream. And the second - embodied it.

"I understood the hard truth. She is to make the so-called miracles with her own hands ... Do it a miracle, if you are able, the new soul will be with him and you have a new one. " Says Gray Surprised to his sailor Patienne. In this phrase, the entire Arthur is a real prince, with a wide heart and a fiery soul.

When fate leads Arthur to Kapern, he sees a sleeping associate. With his pure, sincere beauty, the girl fascinates him. But even more magic comes from the you are overpire, but still such a fabulous legend that surrounds the girl. Giving the dream of Assol, Gray and himself becomes lighter and sincere.

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  2. "Scarlet Sails" Alexander Green enchants the reader not only with his romantic and fabulous plot, but also the main characters. The image of the associate in the story embodies the bright faith in ...
  3. Alexander Stepanovich Green - Writer of an unusually beautiful and bright fantasy. His works written in the difficult twenties are striking the children's faith in the celebration of justice and good ....
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  5. I understood one unaccompaning truth. She is to make miracles with her own hands. A. Green "Tale is needed not only to children, but also adults," said ...
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