What is said by the story of Ashik Kerib. Review of the fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib

What is said by the story of Ashik Kerib. Review of the fairy tale
What is said by the story of Ashik Kerib. Review of the fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib

The popular fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib" was written by Lermontov in the link in the Caucasus in 1837. Any reader will be very interesting to know what the main thought of the Ashik-Kerib fairy tale. After all, in Eastern countries, the story about Ashika-Kerib was very common. The brilliant poet could not also not pay attention to her, since at that time it was very fond of folk tales, myths and legends. Soon he introduced it in his own folk treatment. And now, in order to deeper to understand what the fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib" teaches, let's start with a completely different one.

Eastern Tale

M. Yu. Lermontov, as a gifted by an extraordinary literary talent, a person has always been interested in heterogeneous linguistic flows and cultural traditions. And here's the example of the analysis of the poem "Demon" you can see what it is written in the "Eastern Store" genre, where the central character is a demon.

In Christianity, the demon is Satan, the devil or the fallen angel who takes the position of complete opposition to God (Allah). Therefore, the poem is focused on the dualistic perception of the world, where the human soul is represented by the arena for the struggle of good and evil. An considered romantic image of a demon by tradition has a philosophical compliance of the whole struggle in a Muslim sense, which has influenced, for its part, to the Russian and European literary culture.

In the Fairy Tale "Ashik-Kerib" one of the faces of tragic romanticism (struggle in verses) of the poet emerges. Lermontov, anticipating Dostoevsky, very deeply penetrated by the antithesis between a man's dream of happiness and misfortune in real conventions, between the beauty of life, elevated love and unity of people with the reality of the disgrace of the face of a cruel modern world.

Muslim motifs

Muslim motifs in the works of Mikhail Yurevich can be placed in a philosophical and symbolic complex, which manifests itself, on the one hand, a generalized ideological meaning, for example, in such supporting concepts as "East", "Book", "Fate", "Strong" . On the other hand, it is possible to observe specific elements of poetic allegory, characteristic of the entire creativity of the poet Lermontov. This is the sky, land, paths and games. Examples - Turkish fairy tale M. Yu. Lermontov "Ashik-Kerib", poems and poems "Dagger", "Spaniards", "Complaints of Turka", "Spore", "Haji Abrek", "Aul Bastji", "Two slaves".

Genre of the fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib"

On the example of this Turkish fairy tale, you can consider the Muslim components in detail. What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib"? In its compositional scheme, the motifs of the promises of eternal love and violation of their execution in connection with the tragic circumstances, as well as magic, travel, dressing, recognition, recognition, and disguise, disguise, recognition, and returns to the Middle East and Central Asia.

And therefore, in Russian literature, this work functions as one of the stylized works so to speak "Under East" with characteristic of the style, notation and names, for example, Ana - Mother, Yeah - Mr. Gururssez - learn, Saaz - Balalaika, or on an example of type exclamations "On Almighty Allah!" etc. In this case, the eastern elements do not form an independent system structure, with which you can go into the philosophical and symbolic space.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bAshik-Kerib's fairy tales is the love of Ashika-Keriba and Magul-Meghery, which unfolds with the narrative sequence inherent in the basics of the classical poetry of the peoples of the East. What is interesting, such composite schemes in Western literary criticism was perceived only as primitiveness. And all because they do not describe in detail love tomorrow and sufferings and do not focus on the conscious strengthening of the imagination, which acts animatingly on the images of the beloved. Such a look at this work makes a love story too simplified.

"Ashik-Kerib": the main thought of the fairy tales

The main character - Ashik-Kerib. Not wanting to be financially dependent, it is sent for seven years to the long-range edges to earn money and arrange a wedding with Magul-Magul - daughter of a rich Turkish merchant. It is immediately felt that love in the text seems to be a given, and there is no longer the dynamics to the very end.

In continuation of the plot, saying goodbye, the heroes are negotiated that if Ashik-Kerib will not return after seven years, Magul-Meghery marries the other. But after a while, the rich-up Ashik suddenly forgets about his promise, and only a reminder in the form of a gold dish, sent by his beloved through a familiar merchant, makes him move into the path, but there is no time. Miraculously get to the house and reunite with his beloved a mystical rider on a white horse.


In most cases, the folk plots of the Muslim world, regardless of the date and place of origin, possess their philosophical and religious codes, which and open the hidden meaning of the text. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Fairy Tale "Ashik-Kerib" is not in the description of the life and development of the love line, but in the mystical movement of the hero and the detailed description of its return.

When deciphering the text, the work it turns out that a person when born in this world is then going to the path. Thus, it breaks up with a single global soul. The world for a person in this case is the way with all his tests and obstacles.

And here is the most important and most difficult test, what teaches the "Ashik-Kerib" tale is, - once remember the world, for which the whole path was started, and where its beginning and the end.

And, of course, a person in this way is not left. "Higher Suddy" over the entire path puts its signs, which will contribute to the remembrance, this is the sending of the prophets, and the insight that gives poets and musicians. Remember everything, return to the soul and thereby get a new test and new miracles in award.

Love in the fairy tale is the main driving force. Everyone in Islam Garip is a stranger, who largely determines its moral cleanliness and compliance with religious requirements, and who kept the "covenant", to that and return will be with all the honors. Ashik-Kerib did not miss Namaz and dated all age-old Islamic traditions. Thanks to his cleanliness, he got wonders - a meeting with Haderyeria (George Victorious), healing from the blindness of his mother, which was implied as blindness spiritual.

Wisdom of world order

The main character of Ashik-Kerib turned out to be difficult. The main thought of the fairy tale lies in the fact that with the help of a collective image in the form of a koranic sage, the idea of \u200b\u200bdouble being (explicit and hidden) and the deep wisdom of the world order is emphasized. What can be evil at some stage for a person will then turn into a great blessing for him. So in the fairy tale, the forced wandering of Ashika-Keriba, the cunningness of Kursuud-Bek and the Mother's blindness later turned around the triumph of justice, which was realized through a happy confluence of the circumstances and the appearance of a wonderful envoy. The words of the enemy Kursuud-Bek, who stopped his brother, who quenched the dagger on the connected beloved was also. He said: "Calm down immediately and know that the person at a man at birth is already written what it does not afford ..."

D Avno ago, one rich Turk lived in Tifliz. Many Allah gave him gold, but the only daughter of Magul Magul Meghery was more expensive than gold. Good stars in the sky, but angels live behind the stars, and they are even better, and Magul-Magul Magul was the best of all girls of Tiflis.
It was also in Tifliz poor Ashik-Kerib. The Prophet did not give him anything but the high heart and the gift of songs; Playing on Saaz (Balalaika Turkish) and glorifying the ancient Vityazes of Turkestan, he walked on the weddings to enjoy the rich and happy. At one wedding, he saw Magul-Megahi, and they loved each other. There was little hope of the poor Ashik-Kerib to get her hand, - and he became sad, like a winter sky.
Once he was lying in the garden under the vineyard and finally fell asleep. At that time, Magul Magul Magull with her friends was walking; And one of them, seeing the sleeping Ashika (balalaretic), lagged behind and approached him.
"What do you sleep under the vineyard," she fell, "get up, crazy, your gazelle goes by."
He woke up - the girl flashed away, like a bird. Magul-Megai heard her song and began to scold her.
"If you knew," she answered, "to whom I sang this song, you would thank me: it's your Ashik-Kerib."
"Arrange me to him," Magul-Magul Magull.
And they went. Having seen his sad face, Magul-Megahi began to ask him and comfort.
"As I don't be sad," Ashik-Kerib answered, "I love you, and you will never ware."
- ask my hand from my father, "she said," and my father will play our wedding for his money and will reward me so much that you will get together.
"Well," he answered, "I will say, Ayak-Aga will not regret anything for his daughter; But who knows that after you you will not blame me that I did not have anything and everything is obliged to you. No, cute Magul Magul Magul, I put a jam on my soul: I promise seven years to be in the light and naigted myself richness or die in distant deserts; If you agree to this, then after the expiration you will be wiped.
She agreed, but he added that if he would not return to the appointed day, she would be made by the wife of Kursuud-Bek, who had long been watched for her.
Ashik-Kerib came to his mother; He took her blessing on the road, kissed a little sister, hung his bag over his shoulder, leaning the strange and left the city of Tiflis. And so cares to his rider, - he looks: This is Kurskud-Beck.
- Good way! - shouted to him Beck. - Wherever you go, Wanderer, I am your comrade.
I was not happy to Ashik my friend, but nothing to do. For a long time they went together, finally walked in front of his river. Neither the bridge nor the broth.
"Saw forward," said Kurshud-Beck - I will follow you.
Ashik dropped the top dress and swam. Crouching, looking back - about grief! About Almighty Allah! - Kurskud-Beck, taking his clothes, rowed back to Tifliz, only dust fell behind him Snake on the smooth field.
Cooking in Tifliz carries Beck Ashik-Keriba dress to his old mother.
"Your son drowned in a deep river," he says, "Here is his clothes."
In an inexpressible melancholy, the mother fell on the clothes of his beloved son and began to pour them with hot tears; Then he took them and incurred to the informed daughter-in-law of her, Magul-Maguli.
"My son drowned," she said to her. - Kurskud-Beck brought his clothes; you're free.
Magul-Meghery smiled and answered:
- Do not believe, these are all the fictions of Kurskud-Bek; Before the expiration of seven years, no one will be my husband.
She took her Saaz from the wall and quietly began singing the favorite song of the poor Ashik-Keriba.
Meanwhile, the wanderer came Bos and Nag in one village. Good people dressed him and fed; He sang wonderful songs for it. Thus, he passed from the village to the village, from the city to the city, and his glory was separated everywhere. He finally arrived in a halaf. As usual, asked the coffee house, asked Saaz and began to sing. At that time, he lived in Halaf Pasha, a big hunter to the spamns. They led many to him, "he did not like one. His chasi was angry, running around the city. Suddenly, passing by the coffee house, hear an amazing voice. They are there.
"Go with us to the great pass," they shouted, "or you answer us your head!"
- I am a free man, a wanderer from the city of Tiflis, "says Ashik-Kerib, I want to go, I want no; I sing, when you have to, - and your Pasha I am not the boss. However, despite the fact that it was grabbed and led to Pasha.
"Sing," Pasha said.
And he was singing. And in this song he picked his expensive Magul Magul-Meghery; And this song I liked the proud paste, that he left poor Ashik-Keriba.
Silver and gold fell on it, rich clothes broke out on it. Happily and cheerfully began to live Ashik-Kerib and became very rich. He forgot him his Magul-Magul or not, I do not know, only the term has expired. The last year soon had to end, and he did not prepare departure.
Beautiful Magul-Megai began to despair. At this time, one merchant was sent with a caravan of title from forty camels and eight-minded slaves. She encourages the merchant to himself and gives him a golden dish.
"Take it a dish," she says, "and in whatever city you come to do, exhibit this dish in your shop and announce everywhere that the one who confesses to my dish to the owner and prove it will receive him and in addition his weight is gold.
The merchant went, everywhere performed the commission of Magul-Maguli, but no one admitted to the master of the Golden Dish. He sold almost all his products and arrived with the rest in the chalaf. He announced everywhere the commission of Magul Magull. Hearing this, Ashik-Kerib resorts to the caravansery: And he sees a golden dish in a shop of the Tiflis merchant.
- It's mine! - He said, grabbing his hand.
"Exactly yours," said the merchant, "I recognized you, Ashik-Kerib. It is more likely to go to Tifliz, Your Magul-Magulieie told you to say that the term expires, and if you are not on the appointed day, it will come out for another.
In desperation, Ashik-Kerib grabbed himself over his head: there were only three days before the fateful hour. However, he sat down on the horse, took with him a souma with gold coins - and cried, without sorry the horse. Finally, the exhausted runner fell hopeless to Arzingan Mount, which is between Arzinyan and Arzerum. What he had to do: From Arzinyan to Tifle, two months drive, and only two days remained.
- Allah Almighty! - He exclaimed .- If you don't help me, I have nothing to do on Earth!
And he wants to rush from a high rock. Suddenly sees a person at the bottom of a white horse and hears a loud voice:
- Obel, what do you want to do?
"I want to die," Ashik answered.
- Peer here, if so, I will kill you.
Ashik descended something from the rock.
"Go for me," the rider said loudly.
"As I can follow you," Ashik answered, "your horse flies like a wind, and I am burdened by a hummock."
- Truth. Having a SUMA to his saddle and follow.
Ashik-Kerib lagged behind, no matter how hard it tried to run.
- Why are you behind? - asked the rider.
- How can I follow you, your horse is faster than thought, and I'm exhausted.
- Truth; Sit down to my horse and talk the whole truth: Where do you need to go?
"At least in Arzerum, it is forgiven now," Ashik answered.
- Close the same eye.
He closed.
- Now open.
Ashik looks: Before him, the walls are whiten and the minarets of Arzerum shook.
- It's guilty, yeah, "said Ashik," I was mistaken, I wanted to say that I needed in a kara.
"The same," the rider answered, "I warned you, so that you told me the truth." Close the same eyes again ... now open.
Ashik himself does not believe that this is a kara. He fell on his knees and said:
- It's guilty, yeah, your servant Ashik-Kerib is to blame for three times; But you yourself know that if a person decided to lie in the morning, he must lie until the end of the day: I really need to be in Tiflis.
- Ecca you are wrong! - said angrily rider. - But there is nothing to do, I forgive you: Close the same eye. Now open, - it added after a minute. Ashik screamed from joy: they were at the gate of Tiflis. Bringing sincere gratitude and taking his Suma from the saddle, Ashik-Kerib said the rider:
- Yeah, of course, the blessing is great, but do even more; If I now tell me that in one day I slept from Arzinyan to Tifliz, no one would believe me; Give me some kind of proof.
- illegal, - said he, smiling, - and take a horse of a lump of the earth from under the hoof and put him for the sinus; And then, if you don't believe the truth of your words, they walked to bring blind, which seven years already in this position, align her eyes - and she will see.
Ashik took a piece of land from under the hoove of the White Horse, but only he raised his head - the rider and the horse disappeared. Then he was convinced of the soul that his patron was not anyone else like Haderyliasis.
Only late in the evening, Ashik-Kerib found his house. He knocks his hand in the door, saying:
- Ana, Ana (Mother), Take: I am God's guest; and cold and hungry; Please, for the sake of the wandering son, let me fit. The weak voice of the old woman answered him:
- For the night of the travelers there are houses of rich and strong; Now there is a wedding in the city - go there! There you can spend the night in pleasure.
"Ana," he answered, "I don't have any acquaintances here and therefore I repeat my request: for the sake of the wandering son, let me let me!"
Then the sister says his mother:
"Mother, I will stand and reveal to him the doors."
- unfastened! - answered the old woman. "You're glad to take young people and treat them, because now for seven years, as I lost sight from the tears.
But the daughter, without looking at her to reproach, got up, replete the doors and let Ashik-Keriba. Having said an ordinary greeting, he sat down and began to look with secret excitement. And he sees, hanging on the wall, in a dusty case, his sweet Caaz. And he began to ask his mother:
- What hangs on your wall?
"You are a curious guest," she answered, "there will be what a piece of bread will give you and tomorrow will let you go with God.
"I told you," he objected, "that you are my native mother, and this is my sister, and therefore I ask to explain to me that it hangs on the wall?"
- This is Saaz, Saaz, - answered the old woman angrily, not believing him.
- What does cahaz mean?
- SAAZ means that songs are playing and singing.
And asks Ashik-Kerib to allow her sister to remove Caaz and show him.
"It is impossible," the old woman answered, is the Saaz of my unfortunate son; For the past seven years she is hanging on the wall, and a draw of a live hand before her did not touch.
But his sister got up, removed from the wall of CAAZ and gave him. Then he raised his eyes to the sky and created such a prayer:
- About Almighty Allah! If I have to achieve to the desired goal, my seven-time CAAZ will be the same slim as that day when I last played on it! - And he struck on copper strings, and the strings were talking according to; And he began singing:
- I am poor Kerib (beggar) - and my words are poor; But the great Haderyliaz helped me down from a steep cliff, although I was poor and my words are poor. Learn me, mother, his wanderer.
After that, his mother buried him and asks him:
- What's your name?
"Rashid (brave)," he answered.
- Once telling, the other times listen, Rashid, "she said," you cut my speeches with my slices in pieces. I saw this night in a dream that on my head my hair was afraid, but for seven years, I blinded from tears. Tell me you, who have his voice when my son comes?
And twice with tears she repeated him as a request. In vain, he called him her son, but she did not believe. And a few times asks him:
- Let me, Mother, take Caaz and go, I heard here there is a wedding: sister spends me; I will sing and play, and everything I get, I will bring here and divide with you.
"I won't let," the old woman answered, "since there is no my son, his Saaz did not come out of the house."
But he began to swear, which would not hurt any string.
"And if at least one string breaks," Ashik continued, "I answer my property."
The old woman fell his suma and, having learned that they were filled with coins, let him go. After conducting it to a rich house, where the wedding feast was noisy, the sister remained at the door to listen to what would happen.
Magul Meghery lived in this house, and on this night she had to deal with the wife of Kurskud-Bek. Kurskud-Beck drank with relatives and friends, and Magul-Magul Magull, sitting behind the rich Capra (curtain) with his friends, held a bowl with poison in one hand, and in another sharp dagger: she swore to die before the head down on the bed of Kursuud -Beky. And she hears because of Chapra, that the stranger came, who said:
- Sells Aleikum! You are here and treat, so let me, the poor wanderer, sit down with you, and for that I will sing a song for you.
"Why not," said Kurshud-Beck. - Springniks and dance should be visited here, because the wedding is here: I sleep something Ashik (singer), and I will let you go with the full handful of gold.
Then Kurshud-Beck asked him:
- What is your name, traveler?
- Shinda Gorursez (soon learn).
- What is this name! - exclaimed that with a laugh. - I first hear this for the first time.
- When my mother was pregnant with me and tormented by childbirth, many neighbors came to the doors to ask, her son or daughter gave her to her; They were answered - Shinda Gurursez (soon learn). And so, therefore, when I was born, I gave this name. "After that, he took Caaz and began to sing:" In the city of Halafe, I drank Misirskoe wine, but God gave me wings, and I flew here a day.
Brother Kurskud-Bek, a little bit man, snatched a dagger, exclaiming:
- You are lying! How can I come here from a halaf here?
- Why do you want to kill me? - said Ashik. - singers usually collected from all four sides in one place; And I do not take anything with you, believe me or do not believe.
"Let go continue," said the groom. And Ashik-Kerib soldered again:
- Morning Namaz worked in the Arzignan Valley, a meal Namaz in the city of Arzerum; A prevalence of the Sun worked Namaz in the city of Kareye, and Evening Namaz in Tifliz. Allah gave me wings, and I flew here; God forbid that I become the victim of a white horse, he grew quickly, like a dancer on a rope, from the mountain to the gorge, from the mountain gorge; Maulyam (Creator) gave Ashika wings, and he flew to the wedding of Magul-Meghery.
Then Magul-Megahi, having learned his voice, threw poison in one direction, and dagger to another.
"So you kept your oath," her girlfriends said. - It became, today at night you will be the wife of Kursuchd-Bek?
"You didn't know, and I learned a lot of my voice," Magul-Magul Maguli answered, and, taking the scissors, she cut through Chapru. When I looked and accurately recognized my Ashik-Keriba, I screamed, rushed to him on the neck, and both fell without feelings.
Brother Kurskud-Beck rushed to them with a dagger, intending to stabbed both, but Kurshud-Beck stopped him, saying:
- Calm down and know: what is written in a person on his forehead at birth, he does not pass.
Come to the feeling, Magul-Megahi blushed from shame, closed his face with his hand and hid behind Chapru.
"Now it is clear that you are Ashik-Kerib," said the groom, "but we told, how could you drive such a great space at such a short time?
- In the proof of truth, "Ashik answered, - My saber will reflect the stone; If I lie, then my neck is my thinner hairs. But it is best to bring me blind that seven years old have not seen the light of God, and I will return her eyesight.
Ashik-Kerib's sister, who stood at the door, having heard such a speech, ran to the mother.
- Mother! She screamed. "This is exactly brother, and exactly your son Ashik-Kerib," and, taking her at hand, led an old woman on a wedding feast.
Then Ashik took a lump of land because of the sinus, spread it with water and smeared his mother's eyes, saying:
- Know all the people like Might and Great Haderyliasis. And his mother was transparent. After that, no one dared to doubt the truth of his words, and Kurshud-Beck gave him a silently beautiful Magul Magul Magul.
Then, the joy of Ashik-Kerib told him:
- Listen, Kurskude Beck, I will comfort you: my sister is not worse than your former bride, I am rich: it will have no less silver and gold; So, take it for yourself - and be the same as happy as I am with my dear Magul Magul Megai.

The fairy tale was told by Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov at the time of his services in the Caucasus, one of the locals, perhaps Azerbaijanis by nationality.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Ashik Kerib"

All roads lead ... to the native threshold

The plot of fairy tales is not new, it has been used many times in world literature, and, both in the east and in the West. The heir of the family, rich or poor, goes on a journey around the world, what to return the winner, crowded, trying, partly a philosopher, owner of material and spiritual wealth. The threshold is waiting for his faithful wife or bride. The most famous stories on this topic were told by Homer and Heinrik Ibsen. Odyssey and Per Gunt, Penelope and Solveig became an impersonation of the turmoil to travel and sacrificial loyalty.

The basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale is that the intrinsicness of the person will be covered by the attitude towards him of a native environment, which is why at home. Wherever you are, wherever the fate threw you, what continents you would neither crossed, the path-road proceeded, you still have to keep the answer in the parent house, in the expensive heart places. What did I get what I stand? How did the father's feet? Can I be proud of me, do I preserve the homeland?

Not a boy but husband

In the fairy tale only one storyline, but a lot of subtext. Ashik goes on a campaign to earn money, because he is a wonderful musician on a saz (tool like balalaika). But there is no particular need for this departure. The bride is quite a secured girl, and her money is more than enough for future children and grandchildren, and on a comfortable life in a rich father's house. But the fact of the matter is that a boy, a young man, but not a man can reason so. It was not stuffed (in modern, such people are ironically called "Alphonsees") a representative of a strong half of humanity. It is impossible, this is unacceptable, not on male. And not in human. Ashik seems to learn the exam on maturity and masculinity. And he gives him with honor.

A very important part of the story is devoted to the return of the main character in native Tiflis. I was noticed, thought, did not follow the calendar (yet youth!) However, with the first reminder it goes back to the way back. Despair breaks down a guy. Is it possible to overcome the distance requiring several months in a couple of days, or even hours? It turns out, it is possible. But only if there is faith and a huge desire to fulfill the conceived. The fairy tale instills optimism in readers and listeners and gives a disappointed force. She seems to say: never despair, fight, go to the end. Magic and the help of heaven, of course, it is not lish. But if they need, they will not come to the one who commemorates complains. Magic or "earth" manifests the problems of the one who is looking for, fighting, strives for the goal, go ahead.

Gratitude to mother, confidence in beloved

Ashik leaves the city without a shadow of doubt that the bride for a long seven years will wait for him. This love does not require guesses or detective investigations, no oaths, no threats, no promises, no suspicion nor evidence. Love and lies, love and betrayal are simply incompatible. And if it is not so - then nothing to talk about. There was no love.

Mother's impression during the propellation of the people and all the wealth that the singer brought to the house, personify the refund of the sown duty. For the upbringing, for science, for raising and holly, cherished and shouted the son and daughter, Ana (mother) is gratitude. And even for that, the author emphasizes that he taught children the most important thing: not to be lazy, hope for their strength, respect and not to bring people, to go through the good name of the family.

And all the adults think about what luggage is released in a large swimming of their grieving offspring? After all, the time will come, and bring them, like Mother Ashik, reap the benefits of parental education.

Finally, the protagonist shows an example of a noble attitude towards the opponent. He did not help the cunning Kurshud-Beek maneuver with theft of clothing, did not bring the wedding day obsessive courtship for the main heroine. But now, when the enemy is defeated, and the heart of the beautiful Magul-Meghery is given to the triumphorator, it does not have to Kurskude Begg to come angry and hatred. Ashik extended a fraternal hand to him and offered to become a relative. Another victory of a wonderful musician, and what beautiful. The triumphant, intelligent, noble person does not humiliate the loser, will not gloat, he will not come to mind.

What teacher Ashik Kerib teaches

So, the main and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Ashik Kerib" is placed in three main conclusion-teachings:

  • take care of honor and dignity, go through life with a highly raised head, put the goal and scenario to seek them
  • remember the house where he was born where he received the first lessons, do not forget the father and mother, teachers, be grateful
  • if you meet love, do everything to keep this treasure, work for the benefit of the family, appreciate what you have, success and happiness in your hands.

Frequently asked Questions:

Ashik Keriba made a rich-rich Pasha, who lived in those places. Ashik Kerib and became actually rich, thanks to his beautiful voice. Pasha loved to listen to the songs of Ashik Keriba, although he did not like any singer. And when Ashik Kerib spoke in front of him, Pasha generously thanked him, making Ashik Kerib rich.

The first person who recognized Keriba Agika was his sister.

Municipal General Education

"Secondary school № 19 G.Noaltaisk Altai Territory"

Reading lesson in grade 4
M.Yu.lermonts. Turkish fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib."


primary school teacher

Chakhotkina Galina Petrovna



Reading lesson in 4th grade according to the traditional programTutorial author: Subject: Lermontov "Ashik-Kerib" - Turkish fairy tale. Objectives lesson: by anathered aspect
    Create conditions for familiarization of children with
Turkish culture: architecture, music
    Improving conscious reading
Developing aspect
    Develop skills: analyze, compare, prove, justify, summarize to express your opinion, work in a pair, to develop creative abilities
Educational aspect
    Briefing the need for the improvement of moral qualities: kindness, friendship, mutual assistance, patience to educate respect for people of another nationality
    Projector Screen Computer Disc with Lesson Presentation
Methodical support: Reading book for 4 lesson class: learning new material Planned performance:
    To achieve maximum sensual perception of the heard and read awaken the desire for independent reading and analyzing the work
Lesson I. Organizational Point.II. Check your homework. - What task was performed at home reading?

(Read expressively poem M.Yu.Lermontov "Gifts Terek") -What is it a poem? (About the Terek River.) - What was the river? (Fast, noisy, mountainous.)

Who wants to expressively read the poem? (Children at will come out and read the poem. After reading, classmates exchange opinions: what did you like, ask additional questions on the content.) III . Cognitive preparation -What inspired Lermontov to write this poem? (Beautiful nature, mountain river, love for the Caucasus ...) -When Lermontov visited the Caucasus for the first time? (In childhood.) "Why did he come there? (I came with my grandmother for treatment, because in childhood I was a very painful boy.) Slide number 1 What is such Lermontov, a little boy saw the Caucasus in childhood. -In that age he returned to the Caucasus, served and at the same time wrote poems, poems, engaged in creativity.
IV. Studying a new material 1. Work on the title.
- Today we will read another work of Lermontov written under the impression of the Caucasus. - do it, what is it called? ("Ashik-Kerib".) - What can you say about a fairy tale according to its name: what about it? (In terms of the name, it is difficult to determine. Children express different assumptions.) Slide number 2- And in terms of illustration of a fairy tale, you can assume what this fairy tale? (Children express different assumptions.)
2. Creating conditions for a favorable emotional mood for reading a fairy tale. -Lermonts was a Russian poet and writer. -Why tale is Turkish? (Children express their opinion ...)
- Lermontov lived in the Caucasus for many years, since childhood understood the language of local residents, he studied the Azerbaijani language itself - the main language for the eastern languages. Once he heard this fairy tale, I registered it as I remembered.
-If there was no subtitle that it was a tale of Turkish, you can guess that the action takes place in another country? (The opinions of children ...)
- View content 1 page fairy tale. - Where is the action? (In the city of Tifliz.)
- the city of Tifliz was in the Caucasus. Now at this place is the city of Tbilisi. The city is located between the mountains.

Today you will see how the old town of Tifliz looked. Pay attention to the city buildings, the nature of the Caucasus, to better feel the atmosphere of that time. Pay attention to musical accompaniment. All together: architecture, nature, and music and impressed Lermontov to record the fairy tale "Ashik-Kerib".
Slide number 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10- Children demonstrate the features of architecture, nature, music of the peoples of the East. (After viewing, the children express their opinion about what he saw and heard.) - Would you like to hear a fairy tale and why?
3 . Children's perception of text. 3.1. Installation on reading - I finally read the fairy tales:

    Feel the mood that transmits a fairy tale in the course of reading. Allocate incomprehensible words. How did you understand the task? (One student repeats the task that needs to be executed.)
3 .2. Tale (student from class)Physical Pause4. Work with text after reading. - Look, what feelings caused your excerpt a fairy tale? (Opinions of children) Whether we suggested that a fairy tale?

4.1 .. Superior work. Individual work - Patch words from the text that you are incomprehensible. (Children call the words of the Prophet, Vityaz, Gazelle, Ayanka Yeah, the Zadach, Blessing, Ashik-Kerib, the informed bride.)
Work in pairs are trying to find the value of these words themselves. (Children are distributed cards with incomprehensible words and separate cards with their meaning. To relate the word and its value) Check (frontal) Slide number 11 (the word is shown on the slide, the value of which must be explained, the children are verbally say that it means, then the slide is shown The exact value of this word4.2. The level of understanding of the text FRONTALLY - Name the actors in the fairy tale. - What events are there? -What of what the author described us these events? - Can it be valuable for you? - Was there Magul-Megahi and Ashik-Keriba love mutual? -What is caused by the sadness of Ashik-Keriba? -Well was it to do differently? Why? - Did you have been happy to help? 4.3 . Analysis of actions of heroes Work in groups- To better understand the actions of the heroes, we will make their verbal portrait. - To do this, you can use the plan (work in groups).

    What was the name of the hero? What did you do? Age. Poor or rich. Which family was brought up? Who is his friends? Traits.
Ashik-Kerib Magul-Megahi Kurshud-Beck
Young Young Rich Beautiful Rich Envious Poor Beautiful Brutal Musician Digestive Friendly Great Friendly

Check. The group 1 responds, 2 complements the 3 group responding, 4 complements, the group 5 responds, 6 complements.
-When girl learned about the death of Ashik-Keriba, why didn't she believe? (I knew Kurskude-Bek well) - Do you try to imagine what she sang on Saaz, and the music will help you (pictures appear pictures with the image of Ashik-Keriba and Magul-Magul Magul and Eastern Music) Slide number 12 - what Magul sang -MEGERI? (Opinions of children)
V. The result of the lesson is some of the heroes you would like to be like or take friends? Why? (Children's opinions) would you like to know what the fairy tale ended?
IV. Homework Slide number 13

    Take a fairy tale. Allocate incomprehensible words. To paint the excerpt to draw a drawing, and we will try to guess this passage from the fairy tale.

What does the Tale "Ashik - Kerib" teach?

    This fairy tale translated Lermontov is based on the real customs of the Muslim world. I will say more, I had to be in the Caucasus. And meets the customs of the local population. We will not hide that their customs, and fairy tales deserve more respect than Russian tales. First of all, in Russian fairy tales, they hope more. And here even in fairy tales honor customs. So for example, in Azerbaijan, before the young man marries should be earned on Kalym. And Kalym was not cheap, for example, the bride with the technical school cost 7,000 Soviet rubles. But this money went to the purchase of a gift of the future bride. Maybe therefore, there often tried to take into wives and Russian brides, as I was explained there, they should not pay for them. That's why they have a lot of wives. But on the first they certainly begin to earn money from children. Actually, about it and the fairy tale Ashik-Kerib. And teaches this fairy tale that it is tedious to keep customs and be faithful to its goal.

    Love has no obstacles, even if you are a distance of 20 days of the way - it will take you to another city, 10 times faster, as Ashik-Keriba moved to Magul Meghery.

    Another fairy tale teaches the honor - that you can never go to low actions. A person with a good heart is richer than a wealthy merchant with a stale soul!

    Lermontov, who, in the souls, were Caucasian stories, translated one of the fairy tales of the Transcaucasus, and so we had the story about Ashik-Keriba.

    A young man with a wonderful voice, without a penny for the soul, could not accept the fact that he had no money for a wedding with his rich welfare. The pride suffered him in other people's edges, look for big money so that in seven years to return to Magul Magul Magul.

    That's just he drank himself so much that he had forgotten his love. If it were not for the reminder of Magul Migeri, Ashik-Kerib continued to multiply his state due to his singery gift.

    Well, what can I say? Usually, in a fairy tale, we represent the hero, which is good without money: good, fair, faithful. The same fairy tale is clearly not of that row. She is about the fact that money spoil (or spoil even more) those who are not ready to possess them, because in essence, in humans and so there is everything for happiness, just for some reason many people think that happiness does not happen without money. So, in the case of Ashik, there is a clean love of the girl, the gift, this heaven, a living mother and sister. The fool also dreams of only wealth, having spoiled at the treasure that he already has.

    It is sad that the fairy tale ends for this scounding Happy Endom. Interestingly, in the Caucasian interpretation the same layout for the hero at the end? In my opinion, the events unfolded illogical and unfair.

    Fairy Tale Ashik - Kerib Posted by Lermontov. In this fairy tale, Lermontov describes the vital foundations of the Muslim people. Describes all the difficulties of their lives, which can be happiness. Lermontov in this fairy tale wanted to emphasize the fact that there was no man in a huge desire to achieve their goals (on the example of the main character). Everyone's happiness should have his own way to him too.

    This fairy tale actually contains the motives of the Muslim world, where Lermontov stressed that he was imbued with their lives, and understands what happiness is and what a thorny path in their lives can be.

    And the moral fairy tale is such that it is necessary to choose between dreams and reality, which is not always rainbow. And that the modern world is not always fair to man.

    This fairy tale teaches what if you want, you can always find your happiness, but only for this you need to attach an effort and be able to go fortunately the right way.

    The tale teaches and the financial independence of the main character who chose the path of deprivation, only to earn.

    My options:

    1) Do not make a family before you have a stable financial situation (Ashik-Kerib gave himself seven years to earnings)

    2) in show business, very large incomes (for 7 years, Ashik-Kerib earned not only for life, but also the sister to the dowry)

    3) Money spoil a man (Ashik-Kerib, while earned, managed to forget, why he does it)

    4) the world is not without good people (the help of a mysterious rider with teleportation)

    5) True love withstands years of testing (Magul-Magul Magul I honestly waited for seven years)

    6) gave the word - hold (Magul-Magul Maguli said that if Ashik-Kerib delays, she would come out for another - and really gathered to go out, although they die later)

    7) It is important to be able to forgive (Kurisha-Beck declared Ashik-Keriba dead, and he asked him and even his sister gave himself for him)

    The fairy tale about the young man Ashik-Keribu teaches to believe in himself and are not afraid of difficulties, because at home they are waiting for and support and need you. Each person remains a particle of his family forever, in distant wanderings or to acquire his family. And although you love and wait, the native estimated the path of their child can express their disapproval, make their son a bad act. An assessment of personal growth is given in their hometown, the main thing is how they are in their homeland, and the rumor goes far. It is impossible to be bad in the distant side and not be afraid of bad glory, which died until the house. Ashik-Kerib studied, fought and reached his goal.

    Fairy Tale Ashik-Kerib - Arrangement M.Yu. Lermontov Eastern folk fairy tale existing in different versions.

    She teaches good, patience. He teaches what promise gave - remember him, keep the word. Do not forget about your love. The power of love will help to overcome all the obstacle. And to the one who makes good for loved ones, God himself helps.