Nyusha: "The state of harmony, when you completely arrange yourself, does not exist. Nyusha: "It is now I live in absolute agreement with my body and some new features in yourself opened

Nyusha: "The state of harmony, when you completely arrange yourself, does not exist. Nyusha: "It is now I live in absolute agreement with my body and some new features in yourself opened

Operability and energy Nyushi. (26) may even be envied. Still would! She is not only a singer and composer. Now - also producer. Recently launched a social project # Nyusha99zhiza. This is nine nineteen, which are united by one idea. Small rollers overlook the official channel Nyushi. in YouTube. once a week and announce its concert, which will take place on November 2 in Crocus City Hall. Relatives and close friends took part in the shooting Nyushi..
About success, love for profession and family Nyusha Told in our exclusive interview.

Nyusha It is knocking at the door of the room where we meet for an interview and photo shoot, a minute per minute. He greets everyone, smiles and immediately explains that this is a miraculous remedy on her face - patches for the eyes against fatigue. "I'm a girl," she explains. But here you no longer need any explanations, and so everything is clear - the immediacy Nyche Very to face. No, she does not impress the girls from the neighboring yard, but also you won't call it a typical celebrity. Nyusha It may be sparkled to joke, and to think, and suddenly become incredibly feminine and serious.

About plans and dreams

The image of a mysterious girl was entrusted to me. I used to live in this way: first to do, and then talk. Dreams must first be fulfilled, and only then they need to tell about them.

I do not like when people are not responsible for their words, and I myself try not to make it up. Of course, plans for 2016 a lot. I am preparing a new album, a large solo concert will take place in MoscowBut I can't call the exact dates yet.

During this year, a lot of things happened not only in the career, but also in personal life ... I rethought a lot, came new ideas and dreams that you already want to start incarnate more.

About self-development and creativity

To understand yourself and choose your way, it is not necessary to close at home for three days and hide from everyone. If you ask some questions, it is sooner or later you get answers on them. The main thing here is patience. You just at some point you start learning to find answers in everything that surrounds you. So happened to me.

Everyone must develop, go ahead. And a man creative is doubly difficult to stop in place. So I really like to experiment in different areas and try yourself in different roles. Despite the fact that the music always ranks first in my life, there are other spheres where I would like to try myself. It seems to me that now is the time for this.

The experiment was the fairy tale "New Year's History of the Future". Many children with parents come to my concerts, and we decided to make a gift to them. The result was a musical show that became a small breakthrough for me. I used to do anything like that.

Jumper, 7ka; Briefs, Tezenis

About complexes and work on oneself

With the complexes you can fight all my life. And this is not only what is laid in us since childhood. There are such days when you just said something wrong, and you screw yourself and invent the problem. One complex leaves, another appears. But they help us overcome themselves and thereby become stronger and better.

But not to compare yourself with someone will not work. Those who say that they do not compare themselves with anyone, it seems to me, just shuffle. Because, if a person wants to give himself a sober assessment, he needs to see something else in the contrast. This is also a lot of work on yourself.

It is sad that people because of the plastic surgery are converted into the army of some completely identical creatures. Of course, if in life some serious flaw and you have the opportunity to fix it. Why not? Man after that perceives himself completely differently. But you always need to remain personality, and outwardly, and internally not to lose your individuality and more work on yourself.


About career

I did not have to disappoint in the profession. My dad is a musician and composer ( Vladimir Shurochkin (49). - approx. ed.), Mom graduated from music school. Since my childhood, I watched this, asked many questions to my parents and wanted to have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I would have to face. Of course, they warned about difficulties, so I was ready for this. Probably, this is my purpose, because I do not remember that ever dreamed of another life. And if I met now a little nyushka, I would tell her that everything should be.

My profession involves no free time, an indefinite schedule.But the meeting with relatives always gives strength.

About professionalism

Each person has a scale of professionalism and self-esteem. We are constantly improving and learning. At the moment I have a certain experience, and it is not small.I feel much more confident than before, and I do my job at 100%.

I think you need to either do well or not do at all. But this is not connected with ambitions, but rather, with attitude towards him. And in work, and in life I try to behave as I would like people to come with me.

When I started to get behind the scenes and meet artists who had previously seen only on TV, the opinions about them were different. Sometimes expectations were justified, sometimes no, but I can say that a good person is not a profession. Conversely, a person can be an excellent artist, a professional, but in life he is completely different - insincere and appreciated, and it often disappoints. There are such cases when you get acquainted with the artist, you understand what incredible heights this person achieved, but at the same time he is real, attentive and polite in communication - it is impressive. I think that in any case a person must remain a person.

Jumper, 7KA; Briefs, Women "Secret; Socks, Calzedonia

About success

I went to success for a long time. Before you get acquainted with your audience, I had to work a lot, but no one seen this period. Therefore, people seemed to have won the contest and immediately woke up the famous. Just once came the moment when I started learning, and it was honestly, it was somewhat unexpected.

The concept of "show" is always associated with the holiday. A beautiful picture is a fairy tale. People always see a bright life, happy people who earn good money, which are constantly holidays, outfits, hairstyles. I agree, it is, it looks like the life of the princess. But no one knows the other side: how much you need to work to achieve certain things.

"Class \u003d" Images-Share-Box__icon-mail "\u003e

Nyusha's month was rich in the day before she presented her clip to the Goalie Goalie song, where Arash and Pitbull also starred. The other day declassified her pregnancy. In addition, it introduced its clothing line. The site could not pass by these events and asked the singer a few questions.

Nyusha, the premiere of your new clip took place. Tell about him?

This is a terrific international project with the Swedish Iranian singer Arash and the American Pitbull Rapper. We recorded the song in the spring, and now, finally, the long-awaited video comes out, which we shot in Los Angeles. The director of the video performed Fred Khoshtinat. The main problem was to collect all the artists together, because everyone has a dense touring schedule. Despite this, we still managed to make a bright, colorful clip, which was performed in the genre of hyperealism.

How do you rate your show "Nine Lives"? When they say "nine lives", then associations with a cat immediately arise. Do you associate yourself with what animals?

We visited the show in many cities of Russia, and I got a bunch of positive emotions, positive feedback from fans. And so I also associate myself with a cat, yes. But "9 lives" this show is not called therefore. The promise is completely different and my fans know about it.

Nyusha on the shooting of the video "Goalie Goalie"
Photo: Instagram.

I certainly worry. But the need for such radical measures has not yet arisen. And this excitement for so many years of concert activity has become already pleasant and desirable.

You recently admitted that you wish the car perfectly, "not for female." What is in your understanding "Beautiful"?

I am quickly barking, feeling dimensions and not "stupid" on the road. To be driving to me, unfortunately, it is extremely rare. I am for safe driving, so I have a German car and in order not to create emergency situations due to permanent calls and messages, you have to use the driver's services.

On the stage you are all such a clockwork, bright, emotional, but you say to yourself: "I'm not hysterical." And what else can you withdraw from yourself? When was the last time you screamed, swear, revealed?

I, like all people, experiencing negative emotions. However, I do not think that you need to show them in public.

I wanted to ask about your dance school. How often do you often appear there, give master classes and work with students?

I appear there quite often - rehearsing my rooms. If possible, I communicate with students. My master class with school has not yet taken place, this event is still ahead. We have ambitious development plans, for example, every summer we spend a children's camp in Dagomis, where I try to come.

The question is often asked: "With whom from famous personalities would you like to talk?" And I would like to ask you otherwise: "With whom from famous people would you like to dance?"

For me it would be a great honor to dance with Michael Jackson. It is unique and immensely talented.

Recently, the Show "Bachelor" ended with Egor Crem. Would you watched him? How do you choose his chosen?

To be honest, I did not look. And I do not even know who he chose. It's not entirely right on my part to comment. I hope he is now truly happy.

Somehow said that fans not only give you gifts and sweets, but also actively write letters and share their stories, problems. Do you often answer them, give advice, try to help something?

I come a lot of letters with requests to help, support. I always try to somehow participate, but I would not want to somehow advertise it.

I understand that it is still premature to think about it, but would you like your children to go to your footsteps and become artists?

To be honest, I didn't think about it yet. I think everyone has to choose his way. Parents in this situation children should only support.

You recently got a line of clothes with a famous designer. Tell me about this project! Is it possible to wait for the opening of a fashion house from you?

Yes, I released a joint collection with Leka - Nyusha & Leka, about which very good reviews and excellent sales. Even for the World Cup and my joint football track with Arash and Pitbull, I am with a designer Igor Goulieev, Goalie Goalie t-shirts. I hope football fans from all over the world will appreciate design and quality.

Arash and Nyusha in T-shirts whose design has developed a singer
Photo: Nyushi press service

Interview: Mikhail Sadchikov Jr.

"What the hell is the opinion of your dad", "this dramatic phrase 21-year-old singer Egor Cred completed his performance on the Crocus City Hall stage on February 22. The musician performed the song of his ex-beloved "Only", adding a verse of his own essay. By this rebellion, the idol of Millions told his parting with the singer Nyusha.

A couple of years ago, the novel of the novice artist of Black Star and the top artist Nyusha discussed only in the sidelines of show business. A couple never advertised her tender feelings, but not because of the desire to isolate a personal life from the press, and because of the hard opinion of the father and producer Nyushi Vladimir Shurochkin, that Cre is just looking for a reason to earn points to their piggy bank of popularity. When the Counters under the Clips of the Young Pupil Black Star exceeded 50 million views, the relationship of the beloved has long over long. In a frank interview with Super Singer, Egor Creed for the first time shared the story of his novel with Nyusha and told why he decided to fulfill her song at a concert.

February 22 You had a concert in Crocus City Hall. Why did you fulfill the song Nyushi?

Everything was as part of the concert, I chose this song, because she is close to me.

Why is it so?

I just needed to speak, and in this song I expressed what I had been sitting inside for a long time. I did not want to hurt anyone or offend, it's just what was sore.

So you dedicated her nyashe?

To some extent yes. I took a step to completely release the whole situation.

Remember, please, the verse that you added to this song.

I really like the first line: "I am so often writing about the love that love, staring, will write a story about me. And we were betraying with her, I fought your name on my left hand. And at the same time flew weeks, you all told you: he has no money. What a hell of love, the opinion of your dad is stronger. You are lying a thousand times, throw a thousand phrases, then a thousand tears about where you are now. Strong in words, but everything in the collapse, you were the best, and now you are my fear. "

On your left hand packed name?

This is the tattoo, which no one could ever see. There is one letter.

Do you first told about your novel?

I would not say that for the first time. I have the whole album about it.

Why did you hide your romance and how it ended?

It is time to summarize, because too much rumors around is spinning. You need to answer once and forever. I would not say that I had a novel with a singer Nyusha. The novels with the singer Nyusha cool the guys who want to be with her as with the singer, and I had an affair with anne. And I perceived it exactly as a real girl, and not some kind of singer or image from the scene. We met her at the very beginning of my way when I almost did not earn money. She had everything, she was a superstar. She was already riding on expensive cars, and he hooked me in her that she began to meet with me, with a regular guy. So, there was sincerity.

I will not speak for all her family, because she has a wonderful mother, but the rest of her relatives did not really support the choice, since they did not consider me serious, and that I could give her - I had no money.

Did it somehow affected you?

I always spoke about us for many interviews, but always called her "she", but Nu is the best girl who was in my life. She was a motivator for me, gave me a kick when I lowered my hands. For three years I tried, wrote, but nothing worked. For all this, I want to say a lot thank you.

Why did you break up and how long ago all this was?

For more than a year has passed since we parted. I tried not to remember her, but since I had the opportunity to fulfill her song, I remembered the past and thought it was time to tell about it. The performance was as emotionally emotional. After him, I felt emptying.

Why didn't you tell about it before?

Her parents thought that I was meeting her, because I want a PR to move my career. That is why I so carefully hid this relationship. I have not said anywhere, I knew only the closest friends. Probably, ugly from them to deny it all to deny and say: "Yes, who is this. I do not know him. We barely communicate with him. " She was the first girl to which I was very serious. I wanted children and saw her as his bride. The song "The Samemaya" was written about her, then the "bride", in it phrases: "Your parents do not like me, chatting nonsense, they say, he will destroy you," this is our whole story. At the very end of the relationship, when we broke up, I realized that the men were crying. I arrived at the studio, wrote down the song that summed up the entire album "Bachelor", "the" shore ". This is the most personal, serious, adult my song, I wrote every line and flowed tears. At that moment I was worried every line as if I cut my heart and took from there on the line. Every time I sang her at concerts, I thought about her.

Is this story for you finished?

What was this song then? Cry of the soul?

This song was the result for me. I did not try to hurt her feelings, I did not try to insult someone, just said as it was. I am a man and a man must tell the truth.

During this time, Nyusha somehow reacted to your songs?

I do not know. We saw a little, they correspond little. After her, I had a short relationship with a girl. For my whole life, I had the strongest relationship with her.

The burden of glory that fell on you prevents the relationship?

In total there are its pros and cons. It's hard when you come to the cafe and you will know you, you feel uncomfortable. The relationship is very hard, especially when you are two public people. Most of all, I was destroyed in our relationship when it seems to love and very strong, and when you come to some kind of event, where there are other people, then you seem to be familiar. I did not understand how this could be. If we love each other, how can I hide it?

Can you meet a girl from show business?

No, not exactly.

Do you think that he felt after a relationship with Nyusha?

No, I just became more courageous. When we just started a relationship, I was quite a child, it prevented very much. I was wildly jealous, because of this, there was a quarrel all the time. This was my biggest jamb that I had myself like that. We can say, I grew up on this relationship, started them as a boy, finished like a man.

If you met her now, what would say?

The singer interrupted silence and dispel all the rumors around her novel and parting with a popular rapper.

- KP is one of the most popular young singers on our stage, herself does not want to be in an unpleasant story. Many have tried to confess in love with the help of a song, but to report on the break of relations and their reason, while only Rapper Egor Creed (our Justin Bieber) decided. "I naked your name on your left hand. But on the very last week, you all told you that he had no money. What the hell is Love - the opinion of your dad is stronger, "the lines that sounded at one of the prefabricated concerts became a small sensation. It turns out that Nyushi and Egor were relationships, and he broke up with the singer because she was Pappenkin's daughter! Then he gave an interview, where he told about their relationship, that he wanted children and all that. Nyusha was silent after the concert, was silent, reading the interview with Crea, but in a conversation with a correspondent "KP" decided to place all points.

"Papine daughter - for me a pleasant feedback"

"Kp" What did you feel when I heard the words of Egor Cre about you, and, "screwed" to your song, which I allowed to sing?

- It makes no sense to hide that I didn't really like it, as my composition sounded. I wrote this song for a long time and is dedicated to another person. Its meaning is repentance, regret. When I allowed to use this song, I thought it would be the original option, but performed by the artist of Egor Cre. And instead heard the composition with a completely different meaning. Plus I still became accused of something. This is disrespect, remake my song and not notify me. I have the full right to prohibit executing this version, which, in fact, happened.

- KP After the words of Egor, it may seem that you are a father's daughter, and it is because of this, your relationship ended ...

- My parents divorced when I was small, but Dad took an active part in my upbringing and development. And it seems to me that it is a big rarity when the Father cares so much about the child. In general, "Papine daughter" - for me a pleasant feedback, however, not in the context in which this expression has used this expression. I have a wonderful dad, which a lot in life achieved and whom I want to listen. He, being an adult and wise, never interferes with my relationship with young people. He can give me advice, but I always accept the decision on my own.

- KP you are from those actipers who do not make a PR on their personal life. Even when you had a relationship with Egor, no one knew about it. It is difficult to accept that a close person can reveal your secrets?

- Like any normal person, I have a personal life, but I do not see the need to make her public discussion! And if someone does it, the question arises: "For what purpose?" I work a lot and most of life - and so on the show.

- KP Well, what do you think for what purpose did it be done? Just in front of his large solo concert.

"I just don't know how to say softer ... Apparently, it was necessary to attract some interest in his person on the eve of a concert a. And this later, so much time after we practically stopped communicating with him ... it seems to me that it was not a very beautiful act.

- KP And he seriously spoke about children? You have a career in full swing. And then he was then 19 years ...

- Yes, well, all the same, we looked a little differently on this situation. What kind of children can talk about (smiles), if he is still a child himself. A man must take care and be support for a woman, and not the opposite. I think, for example, that a real man will never put his personal life on display. And already accusations against relatives and loved ones, which sounded from the scene and then in an interview, are generally unacceptable. And no money here is not with what. Never for my relatives, no such question for me in the foreground. Moreover, at that time, when our relations ended, Egor did not need any additional investments. And if my relatives doubted the sincerity of his relationship to me, then this is also a completely understandable situation. That they are relatives to protect and wish the best. I believe that the reason for our consumption was turned inside out and presented in accordance with the ideas of Egor ...

Our views on the future just stopped the coincidence

- KP Many your friends are unhappy: you did a lot for him - helped with the records of tracks, prescribed backing vocals ... And he did not even mention you on his disc.

- When we met, he had a search period. I really wanted to help him, support. I saw His potential. He is really a talented guy. And the fact that I tried to help, took part in musical produce - this was a confirmation of what I saw for him a perspective. And why did he not mention me - I do not know, I guess, I took it as proper.

- KP You probably helped him "not catch the star"?

- Much in his life was easy. Somehow he told me that he was successful in everything. Probably, it was one of the main trials after his arrival in Moscow - not to succumb to the Euphoria of the Big City and the first success, do not pick up the "star disease". We talked about what you need to be grateful for what you have. And do not forget about people who take part in your formation. Someone stretches to luxury, and someone wants to do a loved one. Our opinions about life values \u200b\u200bdiverged. I saw and see the meaning of life a little differently than he.

- KP Did you break up because of this?

- Yes, it served as the starting point. We perceived a lot in different ways. We have a different worldview. And at some point, our views have ceased to coincide.

- KP Why did you hide what we meet with Egor?

- When we just met, he was a novice artist. And if we came somewhere together, the situation would be unremarkable for him. He would say that he is trying to quickly achieve success and popularity. I cared about his reputation. In general, a public person needs time to figure out, love him as an artist - for fame, or as a person. Publicity, in my opinion, is a very serious test for a relationship.

"I want to say to men:" Be bolder! ""

- KP But you did not shit after this story - "Everything, no more people from show business"?

- I believed that in our sphere, people should better understand each other, but it turned out, it is not. But I know for sure what qualities should have a man who will be next to me: caring, with a sense of humor and self-irony, kind and sincere person.

- KP What will be the next song?

- It is called "Clear" and accurately convey my condition that, I'm sure, familiar to the majority of girls. It is no secret that men are becoming less decisive. And girlfriends complain that they cease to pay attention to them, commit serious actions. Perhaps this is because women have become more independent, more powerful. I am a strong person, but I, like every woman I want to sometimes feel the weak and defenseless. And the composition is a certain challenge. I want to say to men: Be bolder!

- KP You have a new show in November. Is there anybind?

- Yes, now we are working on this, we have many interesting ideas. Modern technologies make it possible not to clutter the scene with decorations, but to arrange the screens and the game of light a real story. But most importantly, I want the viewer to recognize myself in my songs, I empathized and left the Hall of Happy. In parallel, we record the album and part of the new songs the audience will hear in our new show.

- KP is no secret that because of the crisis in our country is not the most favorable setting for artists. Do you ride a lot - did the conditions, halls, people changed?

- Unfortunately, the crisis touched everyone. This affects both concerts and attendance. The viewer became more selective. At the same time, I am very glad that still collecting the full halls and always feel very warm welcome. I would even say that I feel at the concerts some union of people and their sincere love. I want to say to them thank you very much for it. I am happy that in this difficult time we are still together!

Elena Lapteva Special Correspondent of the Department of Culture and Slekh Chronicles