Nurlan Saburov - Biography, Personal Life, Stand Up, Wife, Speeches. Nurlan Saburov: "If I am engaged in a stand-comedy, it does not mean that I'm joking everywhere and over all Nurlan Saburov open microphone

Nurlan Saburov - Biography, Personal Life, Stand Up, Wife, Speeches. Nurlan Saburov: "If I am engaged in a stand-comedy, it does not mean that I'm joking everywhere and over all Nurlan Saburov open microphone

Nurlan Saburov was born on December 22, 1991 in Kazakhstan. From the younger years, all without exception noted his incredible sense of humor. Nurlan liked to mix people that he and in the end and used to build his brilliant career. In school years, a beginner humorist began to compose all sorts of comic sketches and stories that enjoyed success among classmates, whom he regularly fun.

All this eventually led Nurlan Saburov to the local KVN team, in which the young man managed to fully reveal all his creative potential. He was almost immediately able to become one of the team leaders and the author of the majority miniature. Also, this allowed the hero of our article to gain the necessary experience of speeches on stage, which will allow him to become famous for the whole country.


High School Nurlan graduated without any special problems. The certificate allowed him to move from Kazakhstan to the Urals, where he eventually entered the local Ural Federal University at the Faculty of Physical Culture. A few years later, Nurlan graduated from learning with honors, receiving a specialty for organizing work with young people. At that time, Nurlan was on a permanent basis performed on the KVN stage, having loved the local audience.

And it was then that a humorist discovered a completely new kind of humor - Standap. Like many other local guys, he learned about this phenomenon thanks to foreign comedians, who at that time had already managed to become the classics of the genre. After reviewing many speeches of the classics, Nurlan Saburov finally made sure that it was exactly what he would like to do in life,

But, unfortunately, until recently, there was little about Standapa in Russia. And even more so in our country there were no successful comedians working in this genre. The reason for this was the later development of television and an abundance of censorship, which is practically no abroad.

Participation in the show Stand Up

Before you get to the popular domestic show of the TNT Standup channel, Nurlan, for a long time, gained experience with like-minded people with whom he periodically gave speeches in his hometown. The success was quite decent, so soon the producers of Russian television still turned their attention to Nurlan and offered that to participate in a new original project.

Initially, Saburov appeared on the show from time to time. But soon he still managed to become a permanent resident and appearing on television scans almost every week.

At the moment, the outstanding Kazakh comedian continues to conquer the hearts of millions of viewers with its jokes, which, in the overwhelming majority, remain relevant even after months.

  1. In his youth was fond of various sports. In particular, at 8 years old parents gave it to the local boxing section.
  2. For the first time appeared on television on the show "Open Microphone", which was able to impress experienced comedians with its original feed and material
  3. Nurlan has been married for a long time for Diana, with which he is familiar for several years. Also, the couple has a child.


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Nurlan Saburov Who is this?

Real name - Nurlan Saburov

Native city - Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan

Activity - Comedian, resident Stand-Up

Nationality - Kazakh

Family status - Married

Nurlan Saburov - comedian, resident "standup". Born on 12/22/1991 in Stepnogorsk, Kazakhstan.

Nurlan Saburov comic photo

Before fame

Nurlan grew in a small town. In childhood he was engaged in sports, in eight years he went to the box. His some relatives had a good sense of humor, and Nurlan himself won the glory of the joke, when he studied at school and played classmates. Since he was engaged in boxing, he often came to class with bruises. On this occasion, he came up with various comic stories and told them to classmates. Nordlan He played on stage when school events were held.

Saburov I liked to mix people, and he had talent in this matter. When he studied in high school, became a team member KVN from Karaganda. Then, he acted with participants from Kokshetau.

Since he was a student, he had his own family, it was necessary to earn. At that time, Nurlan, with a friend, Tesneko Nikolai went to the wedding, offering guests to see humorous miniatures.

When graduated from school, moved to Yekaterinburg, began to study in UrFU. He studied at the "Organization of work with youth" profile.

During the period of study, he continued work in KVN, speaking for the university team. In parallel, I got acquainted with the guys comedians and showmen. They began to perform in Yekaterinburg. First, the guys organized "microphones", then switched to full-fledged performances. So Nurlan discovered a new genre - stand upand he began the first performances. In one of the interviews, Saburov admitted that he felt a full-fledged stedap comic only after 3 performances.

Fame and manner of performances

The guys performed once every 2 weeks in Yekaterinburg, up to 300 spectators came to 300. For a year and a half, they have gained experience, and also collected their audience of fans. On one of the speeches Nordlan Meet comic Dmitry Romanovwhen he was "heated" with him. He advised him to record speeches on video and send to TNT. He stayed by this Council, since he had nothing to lose. Soon, Nurlan invited on « Open microphone"As an invited guest.

Saburov Stand Up.

Saburov's speeches liked the public. As a result, he was invited to " Stand Up.». He became a resident of the show, then one of the central artists in recent seasons.

Nurlan has its own performances, they are bright and memorable. He tells jokes, while his face remains serious. He has a unique facial expression, and many topics for monologues he takes from real life, while presents them to the public from another angle of view. The comedian often jokes about his nationality. Although he created his comic character, but exposes himself in the best light. And those surrounding, for example, relatives, on the contrary, slides, ridicules their shortcomings.

Saburov will use elements of improvisation on their speeches. He asks questions to the public to bring out any viewer to the dialogue. But it is not always possible, since the audience does not always go to this dialogue, but just laughs.

For Saburov there are no forbidden topics, therefore, to some extent, his speeches are scandalous. Many of their jokes he publishes in instagram. Some elements and manner of performances he borrow from standaperov from Western countries. His favorite comedians: Richard Pricaora, Patrice O'Neill, Louis Si Kay.

In 2014, the humorist graduated from the university, together with his family moved to Moscow.

After the debut in " Stand Up."Saburov had a large number of fans in Russia and abroad. Together with residents of the Show Stand Ap and Comedy Club Nurlan drives across the Russian Federation and the closest cities of abroad, where they give speeches.

Creative activity now

In 2016, Saburov in one of the interviews spoke, wishes his future life to be dedicated to standup. If he were not comic, it would not know what he did. The only solution would then play at weddings, where his Talander began to "bent".

In 2017, Nurlan became a member of the 2nd season " Open microphone" Performed in " Improvisation»In the 3 season.

In the future, Saburov plans to engage in a favorite thing, perhaps try to play in the cinema.

Nurlan Saburov and his wife

Saburov met Diana. They met a very long time. The girl said she was pregnant, then Nurlan made her an offer. They got married when he was still taught in Urf.By the way, the daughter of Nuralana is the name of Madina.

The comedian confesses that his wife acts as a muse, and his little daughter became a "participant" of his monologues. Nurlan has an official instagram account with a large number of subscribers.

Nurlan Saburov with his wife

Nurlan Saburov is an organization and order of performances on the official website of the Agency. According to the general issues of organizing performances with the participation of Nurlan Saburov, holding tour and speeches, solo concerts, as well as leading to private events, corporate holidays. Call by phone + 7-499-343-53-23, + 7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of Agent Nurlan Saburov. Nurlan - comedian, permanent participant of the show "Stand Up" on the TNT channel. The artist of the spoken genre was born on December 22, 1991 in Stepnogorsk. In the same place, in the north of Kazakhstan, his childhood passed. The comedy talent of Nurlan revealed early enough, and he played to KVN high school student. At first, Saburov was a member of the Karaganda team, then represented Kokshetau. After graduation, I tried to enter the university in Kazakhstan. After he did not hit the budget place, went to Russia.

Creative achievements

At 18, Nurlan was in Yekaterinburg. There he became a student of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of the Ural Federal University. In the student years, Saburov continued to actively participate in KVN, speaking in the national team of the university. In the same period, he met the new humorous genre - Standap. In Yekaterinburg, he was regulant of parties organized by the local and metropolitan "joker". Somehow, in one of these concerts, Nurlan was offered to warm up the public before the speech of Dmitry Romanov. The Moscow Standaper, which was at the time of the Saburov number behind the scenes, highly appreciated the work of Nurlan and advised him to try happiness in the capital.

After obedating the novel, the beginning of the artist in 2014 went to Moscow. For the first time on television, Nurlan made his debut as a guest heading "Open Microphone" show "Stand Up" on TNT. In November of the same year, the comedian presented the author's program "Checking the microphone". The first concert took place in the metropolitan restaurant "Cinema House". In parallel with performances, the artist worked on the documentary "Standap in Yekaterinburg". The film appeared on YouTube in January 15th.


Since Saburov's speeches were successful, he soon turned out to be among the permanent participants of the Stand Up team. Each video with the numbers of the talented Kazakh is collecting about two hundred thousand views. Many speeches of Nurlan are dedicated to Diana's beloved wife. In November 2016, the artist took part in the Mini-tournament "Who is here comedian?" At a party, complete improvisation, Nurlan competed in wit and Ilya Schvetov, Roman Kositsyynov, Slava Commissarenko. At the end of last year, the artist was tours in his native Kazakhstan, and on December 5, he spoke with the program "Checking Material" in the Hidden Bar Moscow Club. More information about the artist you will find on the official website of Nurlan Saburov.

Order Online

Nurlan Saburov - ordering the lead, contacts agent, organizing performances. According to the general and individual issues of organizing speeches and order concerts for your holiday with the participation of Nurlan Saburov, invitations to corporate events leading to a wedding, anniversary, speeches for birthday, party, you can call us phones in Moscow + 7-499-343- 53-23, + 7-964-647-20-40. The official website of the agent or write to the mail, in the Contacts section.

About family and childhood

Thanks to my grandfather, I have been surrounded by an excellent humor and jokes since childhood. He also led me to the box when I was 7 years old. I diligently practiced from the first to the eighth grade, but did not show outstanding success. Probably, subconsciously understood that I do not plan to work professionally, so I decided to leave the sport.

About KVN

My friend and I loved watching KVN and tried to write humorous sketch themselves. Once, they even organized their own concert at school, and paid. Naturally, all this happened without the knowledge of the director, and the money collected we planned to spend on the game in FIFA. In the 9th grade, we decided to develop our careers and began to go for weddings and anniversaries.

For example, we could calmly declare on someone's holiday and issue: "We will spend 10 minutes for your guests, and you pay us for it 3 thousand tenge." Once this way we managed to earn not even 3, and 4 thousand tenge!

Actually, this was my first fee as a humorist. However, thoughts that our amateur will turn into something more, I did not have. Perhaps in the depths of the soul I wanted to make a living by humor, but in fact I did not have the slightest idea how to do it.

The first thoughts on the possible prospects appeared only after a series of success of our KVN team.

When the question arose about the institute, my comrade suggested that I enroll in the Ural Federal University for the specialty "Organization of work with young people." In Yekaterinburg, in principle, the quality level of KVN (remember at least the "Ural Pelmeni"), and the opportunity to learn and pass through what I like, I finally transferred the scales in the direction of Urf. With a grief in half, I passed the entrance examinations and moved to Yekaterinburg, from which my acquaintance began with a genre of Standap-comedy.

The city had a lot of former KVNschikov and the participants of the show "Devolutionary League" on the TNT channel, who tried to engage in Standap. Then the project "Stand Up is alive" appeared, and I joined his team, began to help in organizational moments, and later I connected the creative component. I wrote a joke, performed on the stand-party parties that we organized every month, and for the year it was decently grew along with the project.

About getting on TNT

At the end of 2013, Dmitry Romanov arrived at Ekaterinburg, who celebrated my speech and suggested performing on TNT. In January 2014, I sent the guys from the Stand Up show your video, and then came to the heading "Open Microphone" several times. Then there were 3 more shooting, after which I was offered to become the official resident of the show.

I still remember my first broadcast. I was trembling knees, and somewhere on the fifth minute of the monologue I forgot the text. After the debut in the television version of Stand Up, I realized that with due discipline and disability, it is possible to regularly produce material. I started working on this scheme in Yekaterinburg, and then I was invited to move to Moscow.

About Stand Up.

First of all, I am engaged in a stand-comedy because I like it, although, of course, the reaction of people is also important. It's great when your jokes understand and accept, ideally, if they still bear an important promise. There are a joke for the instant effect. Shock people is also nice that I sometimes try to do in my monologues.

About jokes

Not all situations about which comedian tells in his speeches, in fact happen to him in life. Usually the monologue is 50% of the truth, and by 50% from the fiction. There are minimally true jokes, in which only the foundation is real, and everything else is the flight of the comic fantasy. Want to know why this happens? Stand Up is a story not about a person who came to the scene and telling a joke. This is a story about the attitude towards life, people, feelings, events, and so on. This is primarily a performance speech, not a man who came to mix people.

There is a single criterion for a joke rate - it is funny or not. There is no third. If we are talking about Stand Up, the context is very important here. Even the most scrupulous topics can be given the correct form. Sometimes during the speech, I can insult someone from the sitting in the hall, but it is a perflection, no more. And although everyone has their ethical norms, and everyone cannot please everything, for all the time I have never come across misunderstanding or aggression.

There was a couple of claims by email, but fortunately, usually the audience feels the most necessary context of the joke and belongs to it with humor.
If I do a stand-up comedy, it does not mean that I'm joking everywhere and above all. Yes, I can let go of jokes in everyday life, but my humor extends only to loved ones.

Even more strange when a person is waiting for eternal positive from me or thinks that I should certainly joke even in the most common conversation. Do not do that.

I often spend in Kazakhstan, already with concerts in Astana, Almaty, Karaganda, Baikonur, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Aktobe. Stand Up everywhere has its own viewer and its own features.

For example, the Kazakhstan viewer differs from Russian. We, Kazakhs, cheerful people, but the case does not concern us. We reluctantly jumped about ourselves. In Russia, with this it is possible: here it is equally laughing and above themselves, and above others.

About personal life

I married quite young age (now I am 25 years old). Cardinal changes since I began to professionally engaged a stand-comedy, did not happen. We were originally together, and we are moving together further, only location changes: Stepnogorsk, Ekaterinburg, Moscow. I also have a daughter and pug.

In my monologues, I often tell me that I did not have a stormy youth, but I do not regret this. I'm fine, and there is no feeling that something is global passed by me.

For jokes about themselves, the spouse relates quite adequately. Never there was never such a situation when we had a conflict on this topic. I check all my jokes on it: if she laughs over them, I leave them. Even if the wife is against. It seems to me that I have long passed all the features of jokes about personal life, but, thank God, her and other relatives does not offend it. You can joke "in black" about someone: about the close person, about a stranger and even the president. The main thing is the context.

In addition to Stand Up, I am fond of basketball. I don't have a lot of free time and I usually spend it with my family. By the way, we, though a young married couple, but do not love parties and prefer her home holiday.

About everyday work, inspiration and future plans

With the guys from the Stand Up show on TNT, we are not just colleagues. After all, we are engaged in one thing, so there is creative intimacy between us. It happens that even help to write jokes to each other, but not often. It happens that the joke in style does not fit into the monologue or it works better from another comic. In such cases, you just give him this idea to unwind it on my own way.

Stand Up is a job. I'm not sitting in take a scarf, I do not throw my humorous sketches on the canvas. Most often I spend time in the office, smoothly knocking on the keyboard under the quiet sketching of the light bulb. A comedian, like a sponge, absorbs the events in the world and in his family, adds past experience, the vision of the present and the future to them - and cooks all this in one boiler, from which ideas are born. So accumulate humorous baggage.

My favorite Standap-comedians: Louis Si Kay, Richard Praior, Patrice About Nile, Bill Berr, Dave Shapell.

I do not know where it will lead what I am doing now. I would like to create a series, a film or show in this direction, to fully participate in its production from start to the end. Where and when will it be? While hard to answer. Now thoughts in my head are a little foggy. Sometimes I think about the West, and about America, but time will tell. I think in the near future I will remain in Russia.