In fact, passion in the house of Alexander and Aliana Gobozov (08.08.2017). Aliana Ustinenenko and Sasha Gobozov: the latest news, loud scandals in fact with Olga Vasilyevna Gobozova

In fact, passion in the house of Alexander and Aliana Gobozov (08.08.2017). Aliana Ustinenenko and Sasha Gobozov: the latest news, loud scandals in fact with Olga Vasilyevna Gobozova
In fact, passion in the house of Alexander and Aliana Gobozov (08.08.2017). Aliana Ustinenenko and Sasha Gobozov: the latest news, loud scandals in fact with Olga Vasilyevna Gobozova

The project "Dom-2" has a fame of a scandalous show. The special interest of viewers is concentrated on the loud scandals of the participants. For some "Domovtsy" fans continue to follow even after leaving the project. In this article, readers will learn the latest news Aliana Ustinenenko and Sasha Gobozov.

Photo by Aliana Ustineneko and Sasha Gobozov with Son

Cause of Ustinenenko and Gobozova

In June, the press appeared information about the divorce of the former stars of the TV project "Dom-2". The couple was remembered by the scandalous relationship between each other and Mother Alexander - Olga Vasilyevna. Couple recently got married the second time. Their divorce is like a thunder among a clear sky for fans.

Aliana told the press that she had no time to divorce. She entrusted the process of a lawyer. According to Sasha, the cause of their divorce and loud scandals in personal life is incompatibility of characters. Fans did not believe the stars, in their opinion, the reason sounds too implausible.

Ustinenko decided to tell the truth. According to the girl, the situation in the family has changed after the death of her mother. It is worth recalling that Mom Aliana died last year from the oncological disease. After the death of a loved one, the former participant "House-2" hit the religion. She began to visit the church often. Together with me Ustinenko took Son Robert.

Aliana went to the sacrament several times - she decided to abandon sins. Her husband did not understand why the spouse threatens himself in her habitual gaze of life for them. The girl understood - she freshes to the lover, and Sasha stopped talking to his wife compliments and affectionate words. He showed it a minimum of tenderness. The star told that they stopped sleeping with her husband in the same room, they lived like neighbors.

From the latest news in the life of Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozova - the reason for their divorce is revealed. Love killed life. Young people are often at home together, they work out of the house. In their lives there were no division to work and the house, life killed the relationship.

Sasha and his wife decided to calmly talk. They came to the conclusion that they would not be able to be together. Everyone told another, as he sees her future. Stars "House 2" decided that they would not be able to maintain a warm relationship as before.

Stock Foto Wedding Aliana Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozova

Sasha decided that he would make a former spouse "mentor" in the network business. So she can get more money. Sasha will not pay alimony for a child.

Aliana tells that she had fans. No man made a proper impression. The girl hopes to meet a life satellite in the future.

Photo 2018: Alian Ustinenko and Sasha Gobozov with son

What happened next?

Former participants of the show could not partitioned - the latest news about them only chilled loud scandals and fights. With them, there was something with other pairs of "House-2". They decided to make a divorce show to interest fans. Sasha and Aliane did not have anything left, how to divide the son of Robert.

Alexander's mother - Olga Vasilyevna - stated that they and her son do not want to leave the child on his mother. According to Olga, the former bride is not well educated by the boy. Olga Vasilyevna declared an open text, Aliana is a bad mother.

Aliana and son

Alexander appealed to the court to be able to take care of the child. Initially, these were rumors. The man refuted them. But after a while he really began to quarrel with a former wife because of Robert.

Ustinene wanted to fly to Turkey, and Robert had to fly with her. Alexander forbade a woman to export a child. Fans say that the behavior of Sasha has an excuse. Gobozov could not leave Robert in Lermontov. Ustinenko banned it. After the ban flying to Turkey, Mother Roberta banned the boy to see his father.

Old photos of Aliana Ustinenenko and Sasha Gobozova

However, Dad Robert against a trip solely from good motives. He met the abduction statistics in the country. A man came to the conclusion that rest in Turkey is not safe. He advised the former spouse to stay at home. The woman herself categorically refused to listen to him. Among the latest news about Aliana Ustinenenko and Sasha Gobozov were the accusations of an attempt to illegal exposure to the Son from the country.

Star Couple Fans did not believe Sasha. They decided, the guy does it so to harm Aliane. They believe that in fact Gobozova does not care at all the fate of his son.

Photo: Aliana and her mother-in-law on the program "In fact"

What did the former mother-in-law rather?

Ustinenko told how former mother-in-law did not give her personal life. Olga Vasilyevna often washed, because of which the pair had to lay out a decent amount for electricity. The old woman constantly demanded to buy her expensive household means - they stood without a case. Olga Vasilyevna did not use them.

Sasha's mother answered the family for cooking. But, except for kas, young people saw nothing on the table.

In addition, Aliana accuses mother-in-law and Sasha in indirect involvement in the Mother Mother, speaking that they did not hear on it.

Non-understanding, life, treason is the reason for divorce and loud scandals among the latest news of Aliana Ustinenenko and Sasha Gobozova.

Video transfer "In fact", where the pair of "House 2" says the truth about each other:

Alexander and Alian Gobozov are the most scandalous family in the history of the popular reality show. They became famous for drawing a senior generation into their public wars. The mother-in-law Aliana in front of the camera was trying to commit suicide, just to destroy the family of the Son. While women figured out relations, Alexander searched for comfort in other beds. Recently, Aliana said he leaves Alexander. In the program "In fact" for the first time, all three will be checked on the lie detector.

Dmitry # Shepelev survived the loss, returned to life and ready to help others. "In fact," this is a new revolutionary talk show, a full-time rate between people who were sometimes close. The lies donated these relationships, but could not break them to the end. Only the truth can change the course of this personal history and show how everything really was.

Alexander and Alian Gobozov. Actually 02.08.2017

I always wanted to keep a talk show on the "Channel One". Finally it's time for it to take place. I am going back home". website

August 2 in the program is actually Alexander and Alian Gobozov 2 08 2017 Watch online This most scandalous family in the entire history of the popular reality show. They became famous for drawing a senior generation into their public wars. In front of the telecons, the mother-in-law Aliana even tried to commit suicide, just to destroy the family of the Son. Passions were greeted seriously up to the manual design, in the expressions did not hesitate nor old nor young. And while women figured out relations, Alexander searched for consolation in other beds, and then fourthly swear in love and loyalty to Aliana.

A revolutionary talk show that helps people find out the relationship. He survived the loss. I experienced deception and betrayal. And now he knows exactly - the one who condemned the crowd will never judge others. He is ready to help his heroes to talk perfoiting, so that the truth becomes inevitably obvious.

I always wanted to keep a talk show on the first channel. Finally it's time for it to take place. I am going back home.

"In fact," this is a new revolutionary talk show. Full-time rate between people who were sometime close. The lies donated these relationships, but could not break them to the end. And only truth can change the course of this personal history. She can forever breed people, and maybe to connect them. Because even the participants in the events sometimes do not fully understand themselves, as everything was - in fact.

Channel One, Dmitry Shepelev, Russia

August 02, 2017.

In June of this year, the participant "House 2" announced a divorce with her husband. Today, Gobozov met in the talk show "in fact."

Alexander and Alian Gobozov met on the air Dmitry Shepelev / Photo: Social School

Even at the beginning of the summer, Alian Gobozova announced parting with her husband Alexander. One of the main reasons for breaking the spouses was incompatible with character. Today they met to find out the relationship and place all the points over "I".

The TV host tried to reconcile Aliana and Alexandra, but on the question of whether they could go again, Gobozova replied: "I can forgive me too, but I will not live with this person," I will no longer, "the former participant of" House 2 "concluded. In turn, Alexander said that the family conflict could begin due to the fact that Aliana considered her husband's mother to blame for the death of Svetlana Ustinenenko (the woman died in the summer of this year because of the brain tumor, -prim .red.).

Aliana and Alexander Gobozov met in the program Dmitry Shepelev "In fact" / Photo: Frame from transfer

"I don't know what your polygraph says, but I do not consider anyone to blame my mom. Everything happened as it happened, and I make no sense to arrange groundless conflicts, "Aliana said, Alas, experts in the studio admitted that the girl is lying. In the next episode, Alexander Gobozov's chair took His Mom Olga Vasilyevna, in order to find out the relationship with the former daughter-in-law.

"After leaving the project, I tried to establish relationships, but did not work out. At some point, these people have become strangers for me, "the ex-wife of Gobozova said. The familiar family of Irina Agibalova intervened in the situation. She admitted that Mom Aliana - Svetlana Ustinenko believed that Olga Vasilyevna went to the magicians and sorcerers to damage. The former participant of the "House 2" Andrei Chuev, on the contrary, said that Aliana cursed Mama Alexander. After these words, the girl left the studio with tears in his eyes.

Olga Mikhailovna found out the relationship with her daughter-in-law / Photo: Frame from transfer

In the final of Ether, Alexander Gobozov appealed to the mother and former wife, stating that they were both non-ideals. "All the nasty sentenced to each other, everything is to blame," the ex-participant has noticed a reality show. Transmission participants left the studio holding hands, but Dmitry Shepelev said that he did not believe in the reciphess of the family.

The main heroes of the release of the talk show "In fact" from August 2, 2017 were Aliana and Alexander Gobozov. The family broke up. Is it possible to revive the Union of two former project participants House 2? The answer to this question was tried to find the leading Dmitry Shepelev, a psychologist and anti-polygraph experts.

Aliana accused Alexander in treason, but it turned out that she herself was not true to her legitimate spouse. The youngest Ustinenko has not happened more than once. Lie detector showed her insincerity when Svetlana Mikhailovna was touched upon the theme. Aliana said he did not blame the mother-in-law in the ailment of his mother and never cursed Olga Vasilyevna. The verdict of experts is not true.

Talk show "In fact" for 2.08.2017 with the participation of Gobozovy video:

After the emotional statement, Andrei Chiuv Aliana Ustinenko left the studio of the talk show "In fact," nevertheless, she later found the strength to return. Unattended, Communication of Visavi Aliana and Olga Vasilyevna Gobozova turned out. Alexander Gobozov was measured to smooth out the long-time family conflict, partly his efforts were crowned with success.