On whom married Roma Beast? The history of love Roma Beast and Marina Queen. The wife of Roma Beast thought about the divorce after his "drunk" antics of the family's life now

On whom married Roma Beast? The history of love Roma Beast and Marina Queen. The wife of Roma Beast thought about the divorce after his
On whom married Roma Beast? The history of love Roma Beast and Marina Queen. The wife of Roma Beast thought about the divorce after his "drunk" antics of the family's life now

Roma Beast has long kept his marital status secret from the public. He did not want to harm his family, and kept secret. But quite recently, the fact that the soloist of the "Beasts" group has long been married and has a daughter.

Roma Beast with his wife

Roma had many fans who literally ruined the singer into pieces. He was very afraid that his popularity could harm the prosperity of his loved ones. The wife of the beast is the name of Marina Queen, she, too, was once for the novel only a fan.

Roma with wife Marina

So, once the girl decided to go to the concert of the group "Beasts", but unfortunately all the tickets were bought. It turned out that the group is very popular. But Marina did not give up, she clearly decided to see the frontman of the group alive.

The queen was a friend-journalist, who agreed to interview with Roma, his future wife could not miss the chance. She pretended to be photographer. Everything was not in vain: the beast invited Marina on a date. Between them, a novel that led to serious and long-term relationships.

Marina and Roma

By the way, the novel is not officially married, it is only in civil marriage. The couple rarely appears together at events, and rarely walks at the husband's concerts. They rarely discuss the creativity of the group, at home they are an ordinary family with their problems and concerns.

Roma with his wife in 2004

The fans of the "Beasts" group could not believe that her leader had already acquired his wife and a child. They still send loving letters and gifts soluist. Marina has always supported her husband in all endeavors. She helped him with the release of the clothing line and writing his own book.

The 37-year-old soloist of the "Beasts" group again became the Father. The other day of the second child, Roma Zver presented his wife Marina Queen. Wife - Marina Korolev, former model. Marina Queen, model from St. Petersburg?

Roma Cool and his wife is beautiful, well done that so many years together and dirt do not piano as some. Roma is very talented and charismatic! In the life of the soloist of the group "Beasts" there was a joyful event - Roma Bilyk became a father for the second time. With his feelings from what is happening, the singer shared with his fans in "Instagram".

So, for example, Roma explains the daughter of the concept of evil and injustice with the help of games. Also, the singer tries not to use such words as "no", "not", "no time." Roma makes "Round Eyes" and shakes his head blankly.

The soloist of the "Beasts" group reported a joyful event in microblogging. Roman Bielik admitted that he is incredibly happy.

So the sketches are lying, and some samples I already wear. And Marina also - we have more women's clothing. Although I do not work together with my wife: the development of models is nervous, and we are not discussing it. Therefore, I watch only European matches. Including, of course, with the participation of Shakhtar. Dear Marina, but I have long been occupied by such a question: what is the appearance of such words as "defense", "Social_ka", "Communal_ka", "Federal_ka", "Humanitar_ka".

In other projects

Now, I am happy, what and you wish you "(the spelling and punctuation of the authors here and further preserved, - approx. Woman.ru)," the musician wrote in his microblog. Rocker is not a rocker, but I found a beautiful woman. Not that they married their own women, always feminine and modest girls notice them!

Hooray! Happiness and health kid and parents. Very happy for rum! Congratulations! His songs are cool. Maybe it will inspire him to new works. Opinions of the authors may not coincide with the editorial board. The artist admitted that he was incredibly happy and feels unusually. It is necessary to be tolerant and make aware that, on the one hand, children are the same as you, your projection, and on the other - live in a completely different world: fairy tales, magic.

All headings section

The girl did not stop the lack of tickets - she, manifesting the smelter and perseverance, stared up to the star into the dressing room and called the novel on a date. 25 kg and 3 sizes for six months! He graduated from the Don Interregional College of Construction and Economics. In 2001 he came to Moscow and created the "Beasts" group. Daughter Olga (born in February 2008). In early July 2015, Bielik became a father for the second time.

Having made a sensational statement about his family status in a conversation with journalists "Donbass", the frontman of the "Beasts" group told about changes in his work. My fans grew up with me, and I worry that a new generation does not have such an idol, which once I was, - revealed the main "beast" in the dressing room of youth before the concert.

The most discussed

Therefore, the impression was that the group disappeared somewhere. But in fact, we were engaged in creating interesting songs, copied strength and reflected over what we want to be next. Yes, there was an extension in creativity, in my music there was more than some kind of lyrics. Depending on where and what. The changes affected my backstage life, personal. I just began to read other books, watch other cinema - more thoughtful, which can satisfy my needs as a viewer, as a screenwriter and even as a director.

You do not know? It is called "not to sleep", you mentioned there as an actor and as a composer - it is written on several cinema sites. Of course, I have long been dreaming of a movie, maybe someone from the fans has ceased? All "brutal" forums are filled with confessions in love and requests for a meeting addressed to the leader of the Group. Beast. - Well, what do you say? But the person himself is not a boss and she too. Do not love when they are shown with your finger.

Can't Queen without politics. Marina, seeing rum on TV, decided by anything to get to him to speak. I can come with Marina anywhere. Marina and now rarely appears in the public with her husband, as it does not like unnecessary attention.

For a long time, the personal life of the frontman of the group "Beasts" remained under the cover of the mystery, until he himself admitted that he had long been married and even was the father of a little daughter. Such mystery is explained by the fact that Roma was afraid, no matter how his fans did not bring his family of any trouble. Wife roma beast In the past model Marina Queen, Right from St. Petersburg and first saw his future spouse on TV. Deciding to listen to the speech of the group live, Marina went for tickets to the concert. She did not assume that the group is so popular, and all the tickets will be bought.

In the photo - wife Roma Beast

Marina did not get to the concert Roma, but he, apparently, liked the girl so much that she decided, by all means, to meet the musician. Together with his girlfriend, a journalist, the future wife of Roma Beast went to him on an interview, introducing himself to the photographer. The persistence of Marina was rewarded, and Roma invited her on a date to a restaurant. From this point on, a romantic relationship between the soloist of the "Beasts" and the Marina Queen, and very soon they began to live together.

In the photo - Roma with his wife

But there is another version of their acquaintance, according to which Marina Queen was a long-standing fan of Roma and after the concert, it snuck into his dressing room to get acquainted closer. But the essence remains the same thing - the girl showed the initiative and received what was achieved.

Marina is the civilian wife Roma Beast, it sometimes happens at some major concerts and events in which her husband participates. He considers it his most loyal fan, but not sure that Marina has a favorite song of his group, because they never discuss the work of Roma. Fans still refuse to believe in the fact that their idol is married, and that he has a five-year-old daughter. They recognize Roma in love and prescribe a date. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the wife of Roma Beast is not very often with him in public.

Marina supported the idea of \u200b\u200bher husband to engage in the development of clothing models, and, to some extent, helped him in this. However, this business burned, and Roma scored him. And a few years ago, Roma surprised her fans by writing a book about how he came from his native Taganrog to conquer Moscow. Today, he is a rare guest in his homeland and happens there only with concerts, because, according to him, a long stay in Taganrog acts in oppressing - he already feels a metropolitan man, and in Moscow he is much more comfortable than in his hometown. Now the popularity of the "Beasts" group and its soloist is not so great, as it was before, but many fans still remember them and come to their concerts.
Also read.

Roman Bilyk became a star in the early 2000s, when his group "Beasts" gained the popular popularity and love of fans. Roma Beast and Marina Queen tried not to advertise the relationship because of the annoying fans, but sooner or later all the secret becomes obvious.

Start of love story

Marina Queen is a model and public figure, the girl is definitely attractive and smart. For a long time, she was a fan of the creativity of the novel, understanding how deep his texts are interesting. Since it was not easy to achieve a meeting with the star, Marina decided to manifest the initiative.

After the speech of the novel, she penetrated his dressing room and prescribed a date herself. Of course, in the life of the artist there was a lot of romantic hobbies and annoying fans, but Marina attracted him. That is why the artist agreed on a date, and after that he did not regret it.

During the first few meetings, the pair managed to realize that they have a lot in common. The novel was once met with the model, but then the relationship did not end with nothing good. The girl dedicated too much time to her career, ignoring the interests of the beloved. Marina, from the very beginning it was ready to leave the model business for the time to make the famous artist happy.

Their acquaintance occurred in the mid-2000s, and then the novel understood that it was with this girl that he was destined to spend his whole life. Parents approved the choice of the Son, and Roma decided not to tighten with marriage. Since the artist fans are sometimes too obsessive and inadequate, the soloist of the famous group tried to hide their relations until the latter. Even not everyone knew about the wedding of the artist, and only the closest relatives received invitations to the celebration.

Despite the fact that Roma and Marina were already married and met for quite some time, the fans did not even realize their connection. The press circulated rumors that the enviable bachelor was not longer for a long time, but all these gossip had no evidence. Roman continued to hide his personal life from prying eyes and reported on his marriage only after his daughter was born.

Roma Beast has repeatedly confessed in an interview that his love stories rarely end well. So, after the next novel with the tragic final, Roma wrote the song "rains-pistols", which instantly became a hit. Despite all past disappointments, the artist was able to gain personal happiness.

Family life now

Marina Korolev - a model, even if it is, and it is necessary to appear in the public herself. After her tummy became rounded, rumors of the girl with Roma Zverem began to appear in the press. To prevent the development of rumors, the novel decided to make an open statement in which he noted that they were married to Marina.

For the public, this statement has become shocking, but a couple of things tried little. The artist and his beloved was preparing for the appearance of the firstborn, and this event came to the fore.

In 2008, a couple had a daughter called Olga. This happy event was reflected in the work of the novel himself, his music began to be softer, and the texts are more gentle and multifaceted.

Now the madness in the group of beasts gradually sued no. This allows the novel to no longer worry about the safety of his own family. He continues to write songs, performs with concerts, and even filmed in the cinema. The spouse tries to help his beloved in every way, engaged in charity and raising the child.

Since Roma Beast does not like to advertise the details of his personal life, in public with his wife, he appears infrequently. However, if the spouses appear together, the fans immediately notice what touching and delicate relations are associated. Roman is trying to spend a maximum of time with his wife and his beloved daughter. In September 2015, the girl should go to the first class, and the whole family is actively preparing for this important event.

Journalists are quite often asked Roma questions regarding the appearance of another child in their family. The artist tries not to comment on the continuation of the genus, but the fans do not doubt that this event will occur. The relationship between Roma and Marina is so touching that the couple clearly won't be by one child.

Despite the fact that Roma Beast is almost never talking about personal life, the legends in the world show business go about his love adventures. They say that the artist is very loving. In particular, he likes to enter close relations with fans, and a lot of novels have a lot.

Roma Beast and Marina Queen on his personal example prove that it is possible to have a strong family even under the sight of the camera. Their relationship was tested for strength, and so far the marriage of the famous artist is distinguished by calm and harmony.

The famous Musician Roma Beast is happy with Marina Queen for 12 years. The couple tells little about living together and tries to protect children from increased public attention. Roman with the elected singer hid several years. Signed lovers too secretly - in 2004. At the celebration there were only relatives and the closest friends. Fans are well known that the soloist of the "Beasts" group is pleased with the status of an exemplary husband and father. But, as it turned out, in relations with his beloved he did not always have everything went smoothly.

In the new book "The Sun For us", the novel opened the curtain of the mystery and spoke about the turning point, which he had to survive with his wife.

"Marina suffered a lot. It happened, we drove out of the tour, felt that they did not finish the train and, together with Cyril and Martynov, they fired to continue to go home. And here is the situation: Marina opens the door, this drunk closure palls. Limitting alcohol, songs, disputes, swearing flying from the guitar window. I threw out why I won't say: drunk was. This thrust for destruction, aggression. Silhoxium, the fool must be frightened into something. Plus, the fact that we are famous: I'm a star, go to the bath, if someone does not like it. Marina was tired and said at one fine moment: "I'm leaving." She was going, but did not have time. I changed ... "- remembers the artist on the pages of the book.

Since then, Roman Bielik looked different in a different family. In 2015, he first removed his wife in the video on the song "Walking", and not so long ago, on his personal photo exhibition, he presented several pictures with her image.

Roma Beast gained popularity after met by composer and clipmaker Alexander Litagesky. In 2001, they created the "Beasts" group. Already in 2004, the musicians collected the "Luzhniki" concert platform, and a year later, they even entered the list of richest Russian stars.

"We took" Luzhniki. " Small sports arena. Mandrage began closer to the concert due to the fact that we may not have time to rehearse something, I will not have time to come up with clothes for myself. I always think what I will go to the scene, I can't put on a concert an old T-shirt in which I was on the Soundchek. Only if some kind of star, I forgot, I did not find it, I did not have time, "the artist remembers. - For "Luzhniki" I had a suit four cooked. In the losses between music blocks I changed. Two hours to play in the death of a grinded T-shirt, when the person flows, in the eyes floods - you do not see anything, it's unpleasant. And before so much people! It does not care that the guy to the girl will come on a date in the dirty things. We all painted: the sequence of songs, which will take place in pauses so that there are no defunctions and provisions. We have never played two albums at once before. I needed to distribute my strength so that it remains on the last song. "

It would seem that to conquer the fame and recognition of the public to the musician and his team was achieved in a short time, but few people know that I had to survive the future star to the take-off career.

It turns out to make money on life, the novel worked at a construction site, parallel with his favorite business - music. Because of the launcher, one day he had to go to the girl outside the city on foot. Such stories without censorship has accumulated in the life of a musician so much that he dedicated them to the second book. The edition will be on sale at the end of August. The first book "rain-pistols" Roman Bielik wrote in 2006. She was devoted to his life before moving to Moscow from his native Taganrog.